Chapter 8: The Masquerade!
Matt aka DeadPool was down in the lobby with Charlie along with Vaggie and the others who were doing show and tell in which Angel went up first to show everyone what he did and that was a sex tape that made the girls except Nifty want to vomit while Sir Pentious looked petrified and DeadPool well he was getting idea's to blow up the television.
Angel(Video): ~OOH YEA BABY!~
DeadPool(Matt): Are you fucking shitting me right now. This is your show and tell?
Angel: That's right big red and you wanna know something else this performance won me a sexx sex award.
Charlie: It's um...uh very honest....ehh......
DeadPool(Matt/Whisper): Vaggie can I blow up the television now and I will pay for a new one.
Vaggie: Just wait for....ew....argh.....on second thought I can't watch anymore of this.
Charlie: Oh my...ehhh...
DeadPool(Matt): Cover your eyes a pretty girl like you shouldn't be watching this.(DeadPool saids and covers Charlie's eyes)
Charlie: Thank you.
DeadPool(Matt): Don't mention it.
Vaggie: Ok enough of that, Angel what the fuck?!
Angel: What? You said it was show and tell day. I am showing you my best film and I'm telling you it scored me a win over that bitch Tiffany TitFucker.
Husker: Not a very convincing interrogation scene.
Angel: Ohoho all right dickhead. What makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fucking face.
Husker: You really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage.
Angel: GASP! This classy art!
DeadPool shoots the television after having enough of the stupid video that left everyone in silence except for Vaggie who smiled at her boyfriend's decision to destroy the tv.
DeadPool(Matt): IT'S.DEAD.NOW.
Vaggie(Whisper): Thank you.
Husker: Well they don't seem to like it. Angel you get drunk and bitch about it all the time. Everyone like the bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these mother-fuckers at this point well everyone except DeadPool here cause I got nothing on him besides him killing an entire angel army.
DeadPool(Matt): Right's you are my friend.
Angel: Oh really?
Husker: Yes really like the snake bum over there. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep.
Sir Pentious: Uhh...hehehehe....
DeadPool(Matt): Watch me sleep and you die. Or watch my girls sleep and I will skin you alive.
Sir Pentious: GULP....yes sir.
Husker: Princess is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone else's problems except her own.
Charlie: What?! No...I..pff..nooo.
DeadPool(Matt/Whisper): Uh you actually do that sometimes babe. I mean a lot.
Charlie: Do I?
DeadPool(Matt): Mhm.
Husker: Vaggie here, judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.
Vaggie: Argh...
Nifty: Hehehehehe.
Husker: And Nifty, yea you don't even want to know what her deal is.
Angel: Pfff...hahahahaha! Oh you weren't kidding. Wow, who knew kittens got claws, Meow~
Husker: And you! Tsk..don't get me started. I see right through you with all this bull-shit and how fake you are.
Angel: Ha oh ho! Me? Fake? Wow I had no idea. Guess that is why I am an actor, dumbass. And further more...
BUZZ! BUZZ!(Angel's Phone Ringing)
Angel: Hold that thought. Hello? Uh yea...I'm..I'm no no I just'm not but uh..yea I will be right there. Well looks like Val needs me for uh...for an emergency shoot.
DeadPool(Matt): Oh yea the dead-beep porn overlord.(DeadPool saids in thought)
Husker: Mhm sure.
Angel: You know what fuck you. I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks of me. So why don't you craw back to whatever cage you came from porn credit.(Angel saids and was about to leave until he was stopped by Charlie)
Charlie: Angel you can't leave yet! We haven't finished our exercises for the day.
Angel: I am sure you will managed without me.
Charlie: There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself.
Angel: Doll face, it's my job. I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss there is nothing you can't do.(Angel saids and leaves the hotel)
Charlie: Sigh....why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong?
Vaggie: Well I mean, you are the princess of hell.
Charlie: So?
Vaggie: So, you don't really use the power that comes with that which I love that about you. Well maybe you can oh I don't know command more authority.
DeadPool(Matt): She does have a point there. You could use some commanding authority it will make you a better and stronger person.
Charlie: But that's so meannnn....
Vaggie: It's not mean exactly. It's um aggressive kindness.
Charlie: Oh ok! I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss, that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel.
DeadPool(Matt): Something tells me that this is going to take a wrong turn and could possibly hurt Charlie and possibly Angel.(DeadPool saids in thought)
Vaggie: Sure, whatever gets you there babe.
Charlie with a big smile leaves the hotel while DeadPool decides to follow her which got Vaggie's attention.
Vaggie: Matt?
DeadPool(Matt): I'm going to follow her because something tells me things won't turn out that well and if things get intense or worse I am taking action.
Vaggie: I get the feeling that you are right. Just make sure Charlie is safe.
DeadPool(Matt): I will do anything to protect my girlfriend even you since you and Charlie confessed to me during SinsMas and I made it my vow that I won't let anything happen to either of you.
Vaggie: Thanks babe 💋.(Vaggie saids and kisses DeadPool on the cheek)
DeadPool(Matt): Damn I love these girls.(DeadPool saids in thought)
Meanwhile with Angel, after he left the hotel he arrived at V Tower where his boss Valentino or Val for short tasked Angel to perform for a whole new sex tape. Angel got ready and did his thing while Valentino watches from the side line.
Angel: Oh daddy! you really aspect me to memorize this whole script?
Val: Just improve it, do you think anyone watches for the dialog. Action!
Angel: Ooh noo! So many burglars and only one me.~Whatever should I do? I guess I will have to do, all of you.~So what you are going to do to me?
When the male actor porn star was about to do his thing with Angel, all of sudden Angel stopped acting and looked towards the door and couldn't believe who he was seeing and it was Charlie.
Angel: Charlie?!
Rocky: name is Rocky?
Angel: No one gives a shit.(Angel saids and stops acting to go over to Charlie)
Charlie: Oh so this is where the magic happens.
Charlie stops then blushes hard when she see's a purple hellhound strip off her bra exposing her nudness to Charlie.
Charlie: Oh wow that is......that is a lot......(Charlie saids then looks to se a bull getting greased)
Angel(Whisper): Charlie! What in the fuck are you doing here?!
Charlie: I am the princess of hell, Angel and I go wherever I please!
Angel: Huh?
Charlie(Whisper): I'm here to get you some time off for the hotel, now where is your boss?
Angel: Oh no no no no no no no are going nowhere near Val.
Val: Angel?! What is the fucking hold up?!
Angel: I'm coming!
Val: Not off camera you are not!
Angel: Please please just wait until I'm done working Charlie and we will talk about this I promise. But first you got to go!
Val: Ah~ Your majesty.
Angel(Whisper): Oh shit...
Val: Welcome to my humble sex dungeon. What can I do for such a...LICKING...
Charlie: thank you.....(Charlie saids while grossed out)
Val: Lovely specimen. You don't wanna roll do you? Because I can make you a star. Make us both richer and well your Papieto.
Charlie: FUCK NO! Uh...I'm sorry. I have come to aggressively kindly speak with you about Angel. Later of course. I wouldn't want to stand in your way of your work.
Val: Well then make your comfortable your majesty and enjoy the show. Well let's take this shit from the top!
Director: Hahahaha action!
Angel: ~Ooh wow mr.robbers!~ I sure hope you don't hurt me with those big guns of yours.~
Rocky: Don't move you spicy little uh...cocksleave? Oh else I will uh...
Everything stops when the camera turns to Charlie who was speaking to the microphone guy about the hotel and it made Valentino pissed.
Val: CUT! What the fuck is going on with this?!
Charlie: Ooh I'm sorry were we too loud? I was just telling him about the Hazbin Hotel.
Val: Not at all, princess! It doesn't bother me one bit.
Charlie: You know this scene awfully violent. If you want help with the script, maybe I can pitch in some ideas that are more.....whoah whoah!
Charlie then trips on the cable wires that causes a fire to the whole place. Charlie kept on apologizing none stop to try and put out the fire she made while Angel looks shocked and scared at the same time but not at Charlie but at Valentino who was glaring with anger. Valentino who had enough unfolded his wings and blew the fire away.
Val: Argh...
Angel: Fuck fuck fuck...
Charlie: Oh my gosh I am so so so sorry! I...I can clean this up..I...!
Val: Don't worry your pretty blonde head about it. We have people for that. Angel can I see you in your dressing room for a moment.
Now inside the dressing room alone with Valentino, Angel went on to try and explain everything to his boss.
Angel: Val I didn't know...
Angel: Val...I...
Val: You really think, you can have Lucifer's little bitch fight your own battles for you.
Angel: Val please...I'm sorry...
Val: You brought her here to protect fuck with me! You think she can gets you out of work.
Angel: No no no no..that is not what I am trying to do.
Val: You know she can't do anything. I own you or have you forgotten that. You signed a contract, and I own your soul. You didn't forget did you?(Val saids and shows Angel the contract with his name on it)
Angel: No...
Val: When I say come you say?
Angel: Yes Valentino..
Val: When they say you are fucking twenty five guys before lunch you say?
Angel: Yes Valentino...
Val: When I say you better get that fucking cunt out of my studio, you say?
Angel: I..I...
Angel: Look Val...she's just...gets involved with everything...I will tell her to leave..just don't hurt her.
Val: I HAVE KILLED BITCHES...for less than this attitude your giving me and your lucky you are making money. Now you gonna go get rid of her and then you are filming all night! Get me!
Angel: Y..yes Valentino.
Val: Good~.
Val drags Angel out of the dressing room and back to the shoot that caught Charlie's attention in which she saw her friend with a black eye and being dragged by his boss by force.
Val: All right! Get your asses back on set and we are taking this from the top!(Val saids and throws Angel to the bed)
Charlie: WHAT MAKES YOU can treat him like that?!
Angel: Charlie! Just stop!
Charlie: Angel...what are you talking....?
Angel: Charlie leave!
Charlie: But but...
Angel: I didn't want you to come here, I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen. You made things worse!
Charlie: I just wanted to help you...
Angel: Well you ain't?! You actually want me help me, get the fuck out of here! Right now and let me finish my work.
Charlie: I...I...I didn't...😢sniff mean too...😢sniff...I'm so sorry.(Charlie saids with tears and runs out of the studio)
Val: Hehehehe good boy. Now lets get this....
BOOM!(The wall of the studio explodes)
HE HAS RISEN BABY GIRL!(A voice saids that is coming from the whole in the wall)
Val:......Oh no.......
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Soon smoke appeared from the whole in the wall followed by laser lights that are forming into a shape or more like a face in which all the color in Valentino's face turned to pale at knowing who just burst into his studio. And then he appeared, wearing his red and black suit with his twin blades and pistols. He danced his way into the studio and gave everyone his pose. DeadPool has arrived.
Val: No no no no no no no no.......anything but him?!
Angel(Whisper): What's he doing here?
DeadPool(Matt): Oh don't mind me dipshit I let myself in. So this is the famous studio where all the porno takes place. Heh I seen better.
Val: Well you can take your leave because we are about too...
DeadPool(Matt): How dare you disrespect me!
Val: Why I alda...
Val: FUCK?!!
DeadPool(Matt): 🎶 I slap you I slap slap slap you I slap I slap because you disrespected me! 🎶
Valentino's whole face gets swollen by the many slaps that he took by DeadPool which made everyone even Angel gasped in shock of what the anti-hero did.
DeadPool(Matt): Ooh what a interesting contract you have here, Valentino.(DeadPool saids and holds Angel's contract)
Angel: the fuck did he?
DeadPool(Matt): Oh no no no Magicians such as myself never reveal their secrets. Hm lets see....yes yes everything looks in order...hmm ooh I got some bad news for you buddy. This contract expired five years ago.
Angel: What?
DeadPool(Matt): It saids it right here that Angel pledge to work for Valentino for five years until further notice and since five years have now passed this contract is useless. So bye bye contract and also Angel no longer works for you so you don't own his soul anymore.(DeadPool saids and rips the contract in half)
The chain on Angel's neck was lifted meaning he was free of Valentino for good.
DeadPool(Matt): You never knew that you only worked for this clown for five years and never knew the contract was expired? Word of advice Angel read the contract before signing it.
DeadPool(Matt): Go back to the fucking hotel.
Angel: What about...
DeadPool(Matt): GO.BACK.TO.THE.HOTEL.OR.I.WILL.FUCKING.PUT.A.BULLET.IN.YOUR.HEAD. I also know what you said to Charlie and no one and I mean no one yells at my gal like that. Do what I say Angel or else.
Angel without a word ran out of the studio as quickly as he can and doesn't want to piss off DeadPool and further. Now it just leaves DeadPool and Valentino in the studio.
Val: YOU...YOU.....
DeadPool(Matt): Oh I'm sorry did you say something I wasn't paying attention.
DeadPool(Matt): What needed to be done. Also I think I will have a little fun with you Valentino.
Val: Oh so you wanna...
DeadPool(Matt): Oh hell no! I am talking about this kind of fun.
Val: What...what are you doing?
DeadPool(Matt): I am going to make you into a fucking CHIMICHANGA.
Valentino didn't get to say a word or anything because with a quick attack DeadPool sliced off Valentino's head from his shoulders that made the porn stars looked upon DeadPool in fear and looked to see Valentino's head rolled over to the floor.
DeadPool(Matt): Assholes like you make me sick. But don't worry Val I won't let you die as a matter of fact I got something here that will make things all better. I'm gonna pull off a Futurama idea get ready folks because Val is about to get a whole new look.
DeadPool went to put his idea to work and after destroying Valentino's body with fire turning it into dust. DeadPool pulled a Futurama and put the head of Valentino into a jar followed by giving him something to sustain his life. DeadPool later put Valentino inside a crate along with a letter to Vox so that the overlord will get his package.
DeadPool(Matt): Excuse me what's you name?
Rocky: Uhhh...Rocky?
DeadPool(Matt): Well Rocky would you be so kind to deliver this package to Vox for me. I think he will know not to mess with someone like me nor his little friend here.
RoCky: Sure...sure of course if you don't kill me...
DeadPool(Matt): Oh I won't but if you come near my girls then I will.
DeadPool(Matt): Good ta ta yal!
After DeadPool left the V Tower he returned to the hotel where he looked to see Angel by the bar with Husker as well as Charlie who was writing apology letters as well as still upset for what has happened.
DeadPool(Matt): Hey Charlie.
Charlie: Hey....
DeadPool(Matt): Didn't work out didn't it.
Charlie: No..and I...made things worse for Angel....
DeadPool(Matt): Hey you did you thought was right and try to help him, you gave it your best shot.
Charlie: I just wanted to help him...
DeadPool(Matt): Angel is complicated and is going through some shit that nobody wants him to know about. Just give him some space and it blow all over soon.
Charlie: You think he hates me?
DeadPool(Matt): I am sure he will apologize for what he did, have faith Charlie.
Charlie: 😢sniff...Thanks, you being here really helps me calm down.
DeadPool(Matt): Anything for my beautiful girlfriend princess.
Charlie: Mind helping me with something.
DeadPool(Matt): Of course.
Charlie: I want to make some apology letters and I thought...
DeadPool(Matt): Charlie don't bother because Valentino doesn't own Angel anymore.
Charlie: What do you mean?
DeadPool(Matt): I destroyed Angel's contract with Valentino which happened to expire five years ago meaning Val hid the truth from Angel and just used him all he wanted. So I paid him a visit and he wont be bothering Angel ever again.
Charlie: You didn't kill him did you?
DeadPool(Matt): No but I did give him a new makeover. You don't have to worry about him Charlie everything is going to be ok. Trust me.
Charlie: If you say so.
Angel: You know what! You will be fucking lucky to fuck someone like me! You know how much I am worth?! How many people would have kill to have Angel Dust come on to them. Fuck you! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit!(Angel yells at Husker and was about to leave until he bumps into Vaggie)
DeadPool(Matt): And there he goes with the attitude of his.(DeadPool saids in thought)
Vaggie: Whoah, Angel where are you going?
Angel: OUT!
Vaggie: Husk, what did you do?
Husker: Made him a drink.
Charlie: Oh no...he looks really upset.
Husker: It's just Angel, he will be fine.
Charlie: I'm not so sure..I really messed up at studio today and he was it wasn't good.
DeadPool(Matt): Stop blaming yourself Charlie.
Vaggie: Looks like someone should go after him.
Husker: Hm?
Vaggie: Someone named Husk.
Husker: Oh you got to be fucking kidding me. Why don't you go if your so worried?
Vaggie: Cause I'm not the one who sent him storming out. You caused it, you drag him back!
Charlie: No no, don't force him back just make sure he's safe. Look he'll come back when he's ready, I just don't want anything to happen to him until then.
Husker: Sigh...fine. But I want something return.
DeadPool(Matt): Would these solid gold poker cards with real diamonds help?
Husker: Throw in a couple of wine as well as beer and you got yourself a deal.
DeadPool(Matt): Can do. Now go and find Angel and make sure he's not doing something stupid that could get him into trouble.
Husker: If I know the guy he's already doing it.(Husker saids then leaves the hotel)
DeadPool(Matt): Hey while Husker looks for Angel, hows about we continue with the show and tell. That would keep your mind off things, Charlie.
Charlie: I guess.
DeadPool(Matt): And to start it off, hows about I do my show and tell.
Vaggie: What do you have in mind?
DeadPool(Matt): You'll see just sit back and watch. Trust me you two will love it more than that video we saw. I also will get a new television to replace the other one.
The girls sat on the floor near the fire place and looked to see DeadPool bringing out an electric guitar and the two piece together of what their boyfriend was going to do for show and tell.
DeadPool(Matt): This song is one of my favorites. Hope you two like it.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Makes Me Wonder Wonder by: Maroon 5)
Wake up, blood-shot eye
Struggle to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs
Pleasure that made you cry
It feels so good to be bad
Not worth the aftermath
After that, after that
Try to get you back
Charlie(Whisper): I didn't know he could sing like that?
Vaggie(Whisper): Neither did I...
I still don't have a reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So, this is goodbye
The girls were in awe of seeing and listening to their boyfriend sing in front of them. They both were liking the song with every word that came out of DeadPool's mouth.
God damn my spinning head
Decisions that made my bed
Now I must lay in it
And deal with things I've left unsaid
I want to dive into you
Forget what you're going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth
I still don't have a reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference
It even makes a difference to try, yeah
Charlie and Vaggie were clapping to the song now even dancing a little to the rhyme.
And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
Oh no
So, this is goodbye
I've been here before
One day I'll wake up
And it won't hurt anymore
You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi
The words you say don't have a meaning
I still don't have a reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a fuck about you and I
And so, this is goodbye
Give me something to believe in
'Cause I don't believe in you anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference
It even makes a difference to try, yeah
And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true anymore, anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
Oh no
So, this is goodbye
Oh no
So, this is goodbye
Oh no
So, this is goodbye
Oh no
So, this is goodbye
Song ended.
DeadPool(Matt):'s been a while since I did that song. So what do you think girls?
Charlie: BRAVO! BRAVO! That was amazing, sweetie absolutely amazing!
Vaggie: Why didn't you tell us you could sing so beautifully.
DeadPool(Matt): You never asked me.
Vaggie: Point taken.
Charlie: Your singing voice is incredible! Oh we should definitely do a duet together.
DeadPool(Matt): I don't see why not. I do love your voice Charlie, it's very beautiful.
Charlie: (BA-DUMP!❤️)....Oh thank you honey.
Vaggie: think me and you could you know...
DeadPool(Matt): Of course my beautiful warrior, and I will let you pick the song.
Vaggie: Hehehe, that I can agree on.
Both Charlie and Vaggie went up to DeadPool and lifted his mask and the both of them kissed their boyfriend on the lips showing that they both loved the song and him at the same time.
DeadPool(Matt): I love you girls.
Charlie and Vaggie: We love you too baby.❤️
DeadPool(Matt): So whose up next for show and tell?
Soon Charlie went to do her show and tell which was doing some magic tricks that she did when she was younger where she asked DeadPool to help her perform. The one thing she did was the sword and the box trick where DeadPool got into the box and Charlie got some swords and pushed them into the box with DeadPool inside. Vaggie watched the scene and she looked little freaked out of what is happening until Charlie opened the box and saw DeadPool gone and only the swords there. Next when Charlie took the swords out and said some magic words, she opened the box again and out came DeadPool completely fine. Vaggie was impressed and clapped for the performance.
Vaggie didn't know what to do for show and tell, so she showed off her fighting stances to both Charlie and DeadPool who were both impressed with their lovers fighting techniques as well as poses that made Charlie blush and DeadPool want to see Vaggie in action against others and see if they would dare fight someone like his beautiful warrior. After she finished she was blessed with kisses from Charlie along with DeadPool giving her a wink followed by a big smooch that made heart shapes appear in Vaggie's eyes.
Hours past and the three had fun doing their show and tell until they all looked to see Husker and Angel coming back into the hotel laughing and smiling together. DeadPool can see that the two made up and are good for now.
DeadPool(Matt): Seems like you two had a fun night?
Angel: You might say that.
Charlie: I am soooo sorry Angel! I promise I wont ever ever ever ever ev....(Charlie saids and hugs Angel until he interrupted her)
Angel: Charlie, it's fine. I get it, thanks for caring about me. And I'm sorry for yelling at you, it was my own fault for saying those shitty ass things to you.
Charlie: 😢sniff....Wahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Angel: Uhh...I think this is yours?(Angel saids and hands Charlie over to Vaggie)
Vaggie: Ok little missy, lets get you to bed.
Charlie: He..he..said..he..he...for...😢sniff...forgave!!!!! 😢sniff...It was so beautiful Vaggie.
DeadPool(Matt): Awkward.....
Angel: Hey um DeadPool...thanks for what you did for me....I just...
DeadPool(Matt): It's fine Angel, just read the contract before signing and also I want you to have this.(DeadPool saids and hands Angel a credit card)
Angel: What's this?
DeadPool(Matt): Valentino's credit card, with all of his savings, don't tell anyone about it.
Angel: You stole his....damn that was clever but um is he?
DeadPool(Matt): He's fine more than that I gave him a warning and a new makeover. Hey Husk hows about we have some drinks.
Husker: Heh, you read my mind.
Meanwhile at V Tower, Vox was checking out his updates for his business when all of sudden he heard a knock on the door and he stopped what he was doing. He opened the door and looked to find one of Valentino's porn actors with a crate.
Vox: Can I help you with something?
Rocky: Uh package for Mr.Vox.
Vox: I didn't order anything?
Rocky: This one was said to be delivered to you sir and it has a note.
Vox: All right bring it inside.
Rocky brings in the crate and then leaves. Vox finds the note attached to the crate and begins to read it.
Dear FlapScreen,
This is a warning to you if you and your friend Valentino dare mess with me or my friends I will make sure to come after you next. Also to make sure you get this message I got you a little something to remember what I say in this note.
Sincerely, DeadPool
Vox: was from that guy. Well let's see what that guy has in this stupid thing.
Vox opens up the crate and when he did he looked to see what was inside and after he takes it out, his eyes widen like fucking dinner plates and all the emotion in his face turned pale. What he was seeing made him want to hide away and never leave V Tower. It was Valentino but only his head, his head in a jar.
Val: Argh...what the fuck happened? Vox? What happened? And what's with that look on your face?
Val: What do you....?
Val: What are you talking about?
Vox: THIS I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS!!!!(Vox saids in a panic and shows Val a mirror of himself)
Val:........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!!!!!.....WHERE IS MY BODY?!!!!
Val: I DON'T KNOW?!!!
Velvet: What the shit are you two yelling about?!(Velvet saids while coming into the room)
Velvet: What are you.....PFFF HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!
Val: Don't you laugh!!!
Velvet: Oh my fucking Satan this is probably the best thing that has ever happened!! You look like a fish in a bowl. Whoever did this has to be a genius.
Vox: I know who did it.
Velvet: He did that to you Val? Wow not only sexy and attractive but also very creative. I never thought of him doing something like this to you.
Val: When I find him I am going to...
Velvet: Your going to do what? You don't have any arms nor legs not even a dick.
Val: FUCK!!!!!
Velvet: Oh there's more on the note here. To sustain his life you must give him this special food, just pore some down the jar and let him eat it. Guess this must be the food, eat up Val.
Val: I am not a....mmm..mmm.....mmmm...have to say not half.....DAHHHH?!!! I'M A PORN CREATOR NOT A FUCKING FISH!!!
Velvet: Hashtag, Valentino, Head in the Bowl.
Val: This is so stupid....
Vox: Don't worry Val I will put a...
Ring! Ring!
Vox: Hello?
DeadPool(Matt/Phone): Put a bounty for my head and I'm gonna you turn into a old classic radio and give you to Alastor as a gift so he put you with his other collection of radios. Or I can just turn you into my personalize video game system and allow everyone to play on your stupid flat-ass screen you call head. Heed my warning I will end you. Because I'm The Sexy Mother Fucker, I am DeadPool! Later Loser!
Velvet: Now that's a man for me. Well see you later Vox and you as well fish head.
Vox: DEADPOOL!!!!!!!
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