Chapter 7: SinsMas!
DeadPool(Matt): Why hello there my friends, and what a joyful day this is here in Hell. You all may wonder why the decelerations around my room and me wearing a fancy Santa hat well todays marks the day of Christmas. The Holiday that I enjoy back when I was alive however here in hell it is quite different really. Here sinners and demons celebrate a holiday called SinsMas, I know it sounds strange but it's their tradition. Before I take my leave to help Charlie with the decorations downstairs for the hotel allow me to share with you all what SinsMas is all about. Cue the Pov.
DeadPool(Matt) Pov:
What is SinsMas? Some of you may think it is related to Christmas but in the words of hell and its people its quite the opposite sure the holiday itself shares similar to what Christmas has to offer like friends and family spending time together, exchanging or giving gifts to others well for SinsMas they actually do that however let me tell you all about SinsMas. SinsMas is a tradition for all all helleborns to celebrate their birth sin in other words they celebrate the sin they all committed back when they were alive before they ended up down. It's also for a way for sinners to have fun and do what ever the fuck they want and I mean anything.
For more details it's basically a holiday where the sinners come out and do the most craziest shit that is belong Christmas traditions and I know this because Vaggie and Charlie told me all about this holiday and let's say things can get out of hand but that won't stop me from celebrating the holiday with my dear friends in the hotel. I heard that Charlie has a surprise for everyone so lets go see what she wants but not before I help decorate because these lazy bums are hardly doing anything to help but just sit by the bar and drink however my good buddy Alastor is doing a SinsMas broadcast on the radio.
End of Pov
DeadPool was now downstairs putting the touches of the SinsMas tree after he finished the other decorations for the holiday. Charlie and Vaggie watch in joy that someone is willing to help decorate for SinsMas.
DeadPool(Matt): How's this looking so far?
Charlie: It's perfect! I should have you be the hotels decorator for the all the holidays. Not only you helped put the tree and put all the ornaments on but you also decorated the whole hotel and it only took you five minutes, amazing.
DeadPool(Matt): What can I say I'm a guy who enjoys the holidays and make people smile. Though I am surprise that you guys separate a holiday similar to the one on earth however it's called SinsMas.
Angel: Buddy you will have a blast with this holiday trust us we know how to chill.
Vaggie: You know you guys could have helped with the decorations instead of sitting by the bar, drinking.
Husker: I don't see why we have to do anything I mean DeadPool here practicing did our jobs for us so we just sat back and relax while he does the decorating. Got to say not half bad.
Angel: He did really outstanding job, I wonder if he can do party planning.
DeadPool(Matt): I can if I wanted to or not. I been too a lot of parties back when I was alive though some of them weren't that great.
Angel: Let me guess bad music and people who don't enjoy having fun?
DeadPool(Matt): All in the above. All right Charlie I think that would do.
Charlie: I really appreciated you helping me with this.
DeadPool(Matt): No problem! Just doing my duty, Princess.(DeadPool saids and gives Charlie a wink and a thumbs up)
Charlie: Hehehehe, all right now that everything is up and ready it is time for the special event that I have planned and it involves everyone here. Now can everyone gather around the fire place so we can start.
Everyone gathered around the fireplace and await for what Charlie is going to say next.
Sir Pentious(Whisper): Pardon me Mr.DeadPool but do you know what the Princess is going to tell us, because I am lost.
DeadPool(Matt): Just pay attention slimy and you will know.
Sir Pentious: Hmph I'm not that slimy. Am I?
DeadPool(Matt): No time, Charlie speaks.
Charlie: Ok now I know all of you are new arrivals to the hotel and cannot wait to celebrate your Sinsmas however you like in which this could be a perfect way for everyone here to bond with each other even more. For that we will be doing The Secret Satan.
DeadPool(Matt): The what now?
Vaggie(Whisper): It's like The Secret Santa exchange gifts thing back on earth though here in hell it's called The Secret Satan.
DeadPool(Matt): Ah, I see now.
Charlie: Here inside this box I wrote down all your names and I will have one of you stand up and pick out a name from the box and once you have that person's name you cannot tell anyone around you of who you are going to be that person's Secret Satan.
Husker: Wait is this that gift exchange sort of thing?
Charlie: YES! I thought it would be a great way to express and bond with those around you. Angel why don't you go first.
Angel: Eh what the hell.
Angel takes a paper with a name on it and smirks at who he has gotten and goes back to sit down.
DeadPool(Matt): By that smirk he has got on his face, he got someone to mess with.
Vaggie: Ehhh I hope it's not one of us.
DeadPool(Matt): No it might be someone who he likes to mess with besides you.
Charlie: Ok, Nifty your up next.
Nifty: YIPPEEE! Let's see who I got.
Nifty looked at the name she got and then gives out an evil devilish crazy look that made some of the guest in the hotel shiver at seeing the little maiden creepy face before she sat down while looking at Pentious.
Charlie: Husker your up.
Husker: Please don't let it be who I think it is.......argh fuck.(Husker saids while looking at the name he picked)
Pentious went next which he looked scared of who he is going to pick in which he grabbed a paper from the box and looked at who he has to get a gift for and it made his eye go wide like dinner plates until he looked to see Nifty giving him the crazy eyes. Pentious sat on the opposite side away from Nifty while also shaking in fear.
Charlie: Vaggie it's your turn.
Vaggie: All right babe.
Vaggie sticks her hand into the box and grabs the paper with a name on it and when she unfold it to reveal who she has to get a gift for well she didn't like what she was seeing.
Vaggie: Are you fucking kidding me right now! Argh...great just great.
Angel: What was that all about?
DeadPool(Matt): Best not to spoil.
Charlie: All right let's see whose nex......
Alastor appeared beside Charlie with his devilish smile on his face that got others startled except for DeadPool who knew that Alastor was going to be part of this as well.
Alastor: Don't mind if I do, dear. Hmm very interesting, I am sure I can come up with something for that certain someone.
Vaggie: Please please don't let it be my name please.(Vaggie saids in thought while begging that her name was not picked by Alastor)
Charlie: Oh of course Alastor, okay now that only leaves...
DeadPool(Matt): That would be me and you Charlie. Might as well see who I get.
DeadPool grabs a paper and unfolds it to reveal the person he has to get a gift for however it was not one person but two in which it was both Charlie and Vaggie.
DeadPool(Matt): I knew it. Well better get started getting the girls the perfect gift.(DeadPool saids thought)
Charlie: Great job everyone, you all know what to do next and speaking of which I should see who I am going to do since I will also be joining in on the Secret Satan.
Charlie takes the last paper and reads the name in her head in which she smiles big at who she got and was squealing with joy but only in her head cause she doesn't want to spoil the surprise.
Charlie: All right now lets get started!
Soon everyone went to do their shopping while some decided to do their own thing in which DeadPool thought of an idea of what to get Charlie and Vaggie. Though he would need the materials to make them so he left the hotel and headed towards the rings.
DeadPool(Matt): Hmmm...where can I get the materials I need? Better jet the map to see what places sell good materials to make my gifts for the girls.
While DeadPool was looking at the sections of each ring on his phone to find some stores that sale the materials he needs, though while walking down the streets he was being praised by his fans all around him who looked excited to see the sinner who killed the angel army and many sinners and demons all took out their phones and took pictures of him even though he wasn't looking.
DeadPool(Matt): No, no, no, hell no, double no, triple no, fuck no, I guess the only places that have the materials I need are somewhere located in Imp City. That's not too far from here. Though I been itching to test out my wheels that God gave me. Might as well drive instead of walking.
DeadPool using his wandless magic to allow him to teleport his ride to him that left sinners in awe as well as shock that DeadPool can also use sorcery that no sinner couldn't figure how he can do it. Once on board his ride, he drove towards the ring section where Imp City is located.
DeadPool(Matt): Hows about some tunes to get the mood going. Luckily I know the perfect song and good thing god aloud me to keep the songs that listen to on the phone before I died.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
DeadPool(Matt)🎶 No More Words no more words and no promises of love 🎶 Yea this is my jam, never gets old.
DeadPool then pulled over to have a look around to find the stores he is looking for in which he spotted the ones that have the materials he needs to make the gifts for Charlie and Vaggie cause even though he has magic on him he wants to make something by hand and not rely on his abilities to solve his problems. When he found the stores he was about to go to them when his thoughts get interrupted when he looks to see some demons ganging up on a female hellhound who was being surrounded and wasn't liking the way the demons were eyeing her.
DeadPool(Matt): Mother fucker, I just arrived and now there is trouble in the way. Great just great well at least they are not....
DeadPool(Matt): And they blew up the stores that I was planning on going into and get what I needed. I'm fucking killing them.
DeadPool exist out of his ride and headed towards the demons surrounding the hellhound in which one of them was moving towards her while the others held her down by force.
Demon: You're kind hot there girly, I think me and the boys are going to have some fun with you.
Hellhound: Grrrrr....Oh drop dead you piece of shit, if you think I am going to let you assholes have your way with me think again.
Demon 2: Ooh little doggy has some feisty attitude, don't you agree boss.
Demon: I like me a girl with feisty attitude. Hold her down while I give her a nice little treat.
Demon 3: Sure thing boss but later we want to have fun with her next, ain't that right boys.
The remaining demons which added up about twelve all node in agreement. The hellhound growled at them but started to move close to her in which she now started to feel frighten since she can't break free from their hold and their leader was moving towards her and ready to violate her.
Demon: Anything to say girly before we have your way with you?
Demon 2: Boss what happened?!
All the demons turned and looked to see who was whistling until their eyes landed on DeadPool who was on top of small store and was giving the demons the look saying that he was the one who shot their bosses dick off.
DeadPool(Matt): Bang. Now nobody would in their right mind wanna suck or fuck that dick of yours. How you fellas doing?
Demon 3: Who the fuck is that?
DeadPool(Matt): Let see what we got here. We got 1..2..3...4...5..6...7..8...9..10..11 demons and one dickless demon so that's twelve in total. Anyway you fellas ruined my day and now I am going to fucking destroy you now.
Demon 4: Hey fuck face we don't know who you are but in case you notice there are eleven of us and only one you.
DeadPool(Matt): Ooh I am so scared whatever should I do. Oh I know and since I have eleven bullets lets count them down shall we.
DeadPool(Matt): WHOO-HOO!!!(DeadPool saids and leaps off the building and shoots some of the demons)
DeadPool(Matt): 11..10..9..good triple kill.
DeadPool attacked the demons head on and cut down four more with his twin blades before beating the shit out of them then killing them.
DeadPool(Matt): I am on role right now.
Demon 4: I GOT YOU NOW.....huh? Where he go?
The fourth demon looked around and saw DeadPool gone until he felt a tap on the back on his shoulder in which he turned and saw DeadPool waving at him with a smile under his mask.
DeadPool(Matt): Hello!
Demon 4: HOW DID YOU?!!!
DeadPool(Matt): And goodbye, that's 4.
DeadPool(Matt): Hm?
DeadPool looks and see's the second demon pulled out his gun and fires a round at the red and black anti-hero in which DeadPool smirks under his mask and took out his swords and when the bullet came close he did something that left everyone speechless. He cut the bullet in half.
DeadPool(Matt): Hehehehe, nice try dipshit you gonna have to do better than that.
Hellhound: He....he cut the bullet in half?!
Demon 2: Whoah....that was insane....who is this guy?
DeadPool(Matt): And that's 2. Now it leaves only 1 left.
Demon: Wait wait....lets talk about this.....argh....I can make you wish man...if you let me live I can make you millions..think about....with someone like you on my team we could be unstoppable...what do you say?
DeadPool(Matt): Hmmm can you stand up so we can meet eye to eye.
Demon: Argh....okay pal listen here's the....
DeadPool(Matt): Sorry pal but I don't make deals with losers like you and besides I already work for someone else so no deal and this is your punishment since you and your bitches here ruined my day I just returned the favor.
Hellhound: Whoah......just whoah.....
DeadPool(Matt): Sigh hopefully I can savage what I can from the wreck of the places. Hey, you all right there?
Hellhound: Uh yea I'm good. What the fuck was that?
DeadPool(Matt): What? These shit heads blew up the stores that I was going to so I taught them a lesson in which killing them without mercy I mean basically all sinners and demons do this shit all the time.
Hellhound: I get that already I meant how the hell did you do those things? I never seen moves like that and you took them all down with such speed and agility.
DeadPool(Matt): Years of training and among other things.
Hellhound: Who are you? Never seen someone like you around here before?
DeadPool(Matt): Hmm I guess word never spread that much in the other rings of hell. The names Matt though in uniform I go by DeadPool. And I am quite known in the other rings.
Hellhound: DeadPool? I go to look you up, give me a second.(Hellhound saids and goes on her phone)
DeadPool(Matt): Yea you do that while I go get what I need from the wreckage.
DeadPool goes into the wreckage and looks to find the materials he needed to make his gifts for the girls and they were untouched and not destroyed which was good. Now that he has what he needs he can return back to the hotel.
Hellhound: Wait you mean your this guy? The one who killed the angels and I mean all of them?(Hellhound saids and shows DeadPool the video of him)
DeadPool(Matt): Yup that's me. Wow the views are still rising.
Hellhound: Um...thanks.
DeadPool(Matt): For what?
Hellhound: Saving my life. Even though I am strong enough to take care of myself but when those guys were cornering me I felt trapped.
DeadPool(Matt): No problem though why were out here by yourself?
Hellhound: Sigh...apparently my stupid boss who is also my adopted dad made me and two workers that I work with do this Secret Satan thing where we exchange gifts in which I have to get my boss a present since I pulled his name out of stupid box.
DeadPool(Matt): Join the club, I am doing the same thing. It's the reason why I was gonna go into those stores before they blew up thanks to these assholes.
Hellhound: Heh, guess we both had to do shopping for someone we work for. You do work for someone right?
DeadPool(Matt): I do, I needed a job since my arrival here. What does your boss like?
Hellhound: What doesn't he like? Sex, drinking, fucking around with his owl boyfriend who is also royalty and not to mention has an oppression with horses which I am not getting him that cause there is no way in hell I am getting him a horse.
DeadPool(Matt): Does he like weapons?
Hellhound: He does but there is no weapon he would like.
DeadPool(Matt): Not even these gold plated 50 caliber dessert eagle pistol arrows. Made of real gold even the bullets themselves are pure gold.(DeadPool and pulls out the guns behind his back in which he used magic to do it)
Hellhound: did you get those?
DeadPool(Matt): You wanna ask those questions or do you want to gives these to your daddy boss.
Hellhound: It's better than nothing, thanks. Oh I'm Loona by the way.
DeadPool(Matt): Loona, badass name for a stunning hellhound such as yourself.
Loona: Thanks but I think you probably say that to other hellhounds down here.
DeadPool(Matt): Actually your the first hellhound I met, sure I know there is a lot of them down here but I never seen or met one before. You're the first hellhound I have ever encountered.
Loona: R...really?
DeadPool(Matt): Mhmm. And I meant what I said you are a stunning hound.
Loona: (BA-DUMP!❤️)
DeadPool(Matt): It was nice meeting you, see you around. I got to get back home and work on my gifts.
Loona: Wait.
DeadPool(Matt): Yea?
Loona: Can...can I get your number, you know if you wanna text, call, or hangout sometime.
DeadPool(Matt): I already put my contact into your phone.
Loona: You did? I don't see......huh? How did?
DeadPool(Matt): Don't watch the eyes beautiful pup watch the hands. Catch you later, Loona.
DeadPool gets back into his call and drives away but not before waving to Loona who smiles and waves back.
Loona: I wonder if he would be interested in working for I.M.P. He would be perfect and I could get to know him more, he's cool to be around.
Loona: Yea?
DeadPool(Matt/Phone): Oh yea one last thing, Merry Sinsmas.
Short Call Ended
Loona: Hehehe, look forward to seeing him again.
DeadPool arrived back at the hotel along with the others and their gifts for the ones they have picked to be their Secret Satan. DeadPool goes into his room and gets to work on his creations for Charlie and Vaggie. For many hours he spent the whole day working and piecing together what he would look amazing for the girls until hours later he has finished and wrapped up the gifts and were ready to be presented. Soon it was time for gift exchange and DeadPool has finished his gift wrapping and was heading down stairs and looks to see the gift exchange already happening.
DeadPool(Matt): Hope I'm not late for the gift exchange.
Charlie: Yea about the gift exchange well apparently....
Vaggie: None of us couldn't figure out what to get the other person they wanted.
DeadPool(Matt): Wait none of you got anyone anything?
Angel: Don't blame me they I thought I could get something but there was nothing to get.
Husker: I just lost interest.
Sir Pentious: Uhhh....I couldn't thing of anything nor find what to get.
Alastor: I tried my friend I really did but I am someone who isn't a fan of shopping only radio.
DeadPool(Matt): Sigh...I knew something like this might happen so, Merry SinsMas guys.(DeadPool saids and gives gifts for Husker, Angel, Pentious, Alastor, and Nifty)
Angel: You, you got us gifts?
DeadPool(Matt): I may not have been any of your Secret Satan but I can't see those looks on your faces and feeling all bummed out so I took the liberty of getting you all something. Go ahead, and open them.
They all opened their gifts and they were in awe as well as shock of what they all got for SinsMas in which made DeadPool smile under his mask and Charlie smiling with joy seeing her friends opening gifts.
Husker: Are these new cards? With me on them?
DeadPool(Matt): Customized them myself, you always say you wanted to have your face on cards so I created a deck of cards with you on them.
Husker: I...thanks.
Angel: No fucking way?! I thought they were sold out of this Demon Seed?!
DeadPool(Matt): Did you check the lust ring, that's where all the best wine and alcohol are mostly found.
Angel: I knew I should have checked that ring. Thanks Poolguy.
DeadPool(Matt): My pleasure. Alastor since you love radio so much I took the liberty of getting you this classic 1950's radio which works the same way as your 1920's radio but better and they play the songs throughout the 20's to the 50's I am sure you will be thrilled to listen to some classic jazz.
Alastor: Hmmm, I might take you up on that my friend. I always wondered what 50's music sounds like. Could be interesting.
Nifty: Ooh what is this?
DeadPool(Matt): That my little maiden is a bug swatter gun, since you have trouble getting the bugs with your knife, this swatter with zap those little bastards in a second.
Nifty: Oh thank you thank you thank you! I am going to try it out right now! Here I come you little critters.
Sir Pentious: My word, what sort of weapon is this?
Vaggie: Did I say no weapons in the hotel.
DeadPool(Matt): It's not a killing weapon, it's a stun blaster. Basically you can paralyze your enemy if he tries to attack you or sneak up behind you.
Sir Pentious: Fascinating.
DeadPool(Matt/Whisper): Also it will help with the Nifty problem since she gives you those looks.
Sir Pentious: I except your gift with pride joy!
Charlie and Vaggie smiled that everyone loves their gifts however they didn't seem to get one until they looked at DeadPool who gestured them to meet him in their room in which they node to him and let their friends enjoy themselves. DeadPool changes out of his suit and decided to be Matt for the girls, he headed out of his room with the two gifts and arrived at Charlie and Vaggie's room.
Matt: Hey.
Charlie: Hi, Matt.
Vaggie: Listen we wanted to say thanks for what you did for them, it was the most sweetest thing anyone could have done no matter how much they acted like assholes.
Matt: Yea but they are our assholes and I would do it again.
Charlie: Matt...there's something I need to tell you.
Matt: Of course.
Charlie: And I want you to be honest with me.
Matt: Sure.
Charlie: Did..did you know Vaggie was an exorcist?
Matt: Wait you told her already?
Vaggie: I couldn't keep it in me any longer...she needed to know and I was brave enough to tell her.
Charlie: Did you know?
Matt: Sigh..yes I did know and Charlie it's not that hard to figure out what Vaggie is or used to be. She carries around an angel like weapon and has an X on her eye just like the exorcist all have. But despite of what she has done in the past, she turned a new leaf. She told me during extermination day she spared a sinner child and let the child go free knowing what she was doing wasn't right. But in the end it she lost her wings and her one eye when the angels saw what she has done.
Charlie: I know, she told me that part as well, I just needed to know it from you.
Matt: How you feel about this?
Charlie: I forgave her even though she kept it from me for years but she had a reason, she was scared that I would leave her but I wouldn't allow it.
Vaggie: Charlie.
Charlie: I care about you Vaggie and I don't want to separate from you, and you along with Matt still believe in my dream. I still love you and I always will. Whatever happened is in the past now.
Vaggie: I love you too, Charlie.
Matt: I am happy that you two made up and move past this now hows about I give you both your Sinsmas gifts after all I am your Secret Satan.
Charlie and Vaggie: Your our Secret Satan!
Matt: That's right.
Charlie: Oh no....
Matt: Something wrong?
Charlie: Um Matt, I am your Secret Satan in which I didn't get you anything...I didn't know what to get....
Matt: Hey hey, you didn't have to get me anything because I already have what I wanted. A place to live, good friends even though they are idiots and assholes, two girls who make me smile and showed me that I am never alone is the greatest gift I could ever asked for.
Vaggie: really mean that.
Matt: Of course I do. I care about those guys as well as you two. I am with you all the way.
Charlie and Vaggie: Matt..❤️
Matt: Sit down, so you can open your gifts and I made them myself. Took me hours to create them. Vaggie why don't you go first.
Vaggie opens up the gift in which reveals to be a beautiful ring with the star symbol that is showing from the skies of hell. Vaggie gasped of what she was seeing.
Vaggie: M..Matt..I....I....
Matt: Whenever you are in trouble, the ring will glow and I will be there to assist you. I will appear next to you and help you with whatever trouble you face out there. You will have my swords Vaggie.
Vaggie was now crying in tears but tears of happiness that this was the most beautiful gift she has ever been given and Matt made it just for her and it is something that will help her if she gets into trouble with anyone.
Charlie: Can I...can I open mine.
Matt: Absolutely, and like Vaggie's ring this one will do the same.
Charlie: GASP!
Charlie gasped at the site she was seeing and it was a lovely heart shaped demon necklace that left Charlie in awe as well as tears that were building up in her eyes. Matt saw this and smiles at the girls who were amazed at their gifts.
Matt: Merry SinsMas girls, I hope you like your gifts.
Charlie and Vaggie: WE LOVE THEM!
The girls got up and tackled Matt to the ground with happiness that made Matt laugh at seeing the girls hugging him with laughs and happy tears.
Matt: Hehehe I am glad that you girl...MPH?!
Matt didn't finished his sentence as he was kissed on the lips by Charlie then Vaggie of which left Matt in shock of what just happened. Both girls smiled sweetly at Matt and decided to tell him how they felt.
Charlie: You want to know why we did that well we talked it over and it turns out we both have feelings for you, Matt.
Vaggie: Like real feelings. You been nothing by kind to us ever since we first met you and your stay at the hotel. And the way you encourage me to confess my past to Charlie made me realize that you mean more to me than just a friend.
Charlie: We want to be with you Matt, that is if you would.....MPH?!
Vaggie: MPH?!
Both girls were kissed on the lips by Matt who came out of his shock and smiled at the girls who were blushing at what just happened.
Matt: Hehehe did that answer your question girls.
Charlie: So you except us.
Matt: I do, though am I going to have one of those harem relationships I mean I am going to be with you two.
Vaggie: Well if that is happening then we don't mind. As long as the girls except you for who you are and share the same love as we do.
Matt: Good enough for me.
Charlie: So I was your first kiss huh.
Matt: Uhhh...
Vaggie: You kissed a girl before us didn't you.
Matt: Yea I did and we're together though I cannot tell you two who she is not now cause I have my own secrets but these secrets I do not wish to share just yet.
Charlie: Sigh...more secrets but I will wait until you ready to tell us.
Matt: Thanks Charlie.
Charlie: I love you, Matt.
Matt: And I love you, Charlie.
Vaggie: Ahem.
Matt: And I love you too Vaggie, my fearsome warrior.
Vaggie: Hehe. Not only handsome but also a charmer.
Charlie: Matt can you sleep with us again like before.
Matt: Sure why not just don't squeeze my arms too hard.
Charlie: I will make no such promises.
Matt: Figures.
The three of them got into bed together, Vaggie along with Charlie cuddled close to Matt who held them both in his arms and gave both of them a kiss on the forehead before going to sleep.
Matt: Merry SinsMas girls.
Charlie and Vaggie: Merry SinsMas, Matt.
Meanwhile in Heaven, Lute was coming back from training when all of sudden she spots what appears to be a present along with a card attached to it. Lute took the card and read it.
Dear Lute,
I don't know if you guys celebrate Christmas up there in heaven but if you do I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I looked forward to seeing you again when I get the chance and to prove our love I made you something, please except it.
Love, your boyfriend Matthew Roberts aka DeadPool
Lute finishes reading the letter and opens up the present in which she gasped of what she was seeing and it was a beautiful crafted angel like necklace with a crystal in the center. Lute felt tears of joy coming down her face along with a smile that she loves her gift so much and plans to wear it when she see's Matt again.
Lute: Merry Christmas, Matt and thank you. I love you.
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