Chapter 6: A Date with Lute!

DeadPool(Matt): Oh what to do? What to do? Hm? Oh hell there, you all might be wondering what I am doing right now well lets just say I'm here in my room at the glorious Hazbin Hotel doing absolutely nothing...nothing at all.

DeadPool(Matt): Fucking Satan so god damn bored. Wish there was something to do to take my mind off things. I wonder what Shadow Angel is doing these days, its been a couple days since I last seen her, hope she liked the painting I did of her.

DeadPool(Matt): I might as well try out my wandless magic that God gave me, I wonder if I have like Doctor Strange or Harry Potter magic let give it shot.(DeadPool saids in thought)

DeadPool got up from the bed and went to test out his wandless magic where he discovered he can do the spells just like in the Harry Potter films where he tried out an disarm spell that Snape used against LockHart.

DeadPool(Matt): Seems like I have Harry Potter magic, sweet. Wait I wonder if I can open portals like Doctor Strange. You all better cross your fingers cause hell's knows I am. All right lets give this shit a try, okay I think it goes something like this with the fingers.(DeadPool saids and does the portal opening)

DeadPool(Matt): GASP! I got Doctor Strange magic....I GOT DOCTOR MOTHER FUCKING STRANGE MAGIC BABY WOOHOO!!!! This is so cool! I wonder if I can open a portal to heaven. Okay just do like Ned did in Spider-Man No Way Home. Find me heaven. Find me heaven. FIND ME HEAVEN!

DeadPool focuses on finding heaven and in a minute later another portal appeared and behind it was heaven itself that left DeadPool in shock that he was able to find heaven and see the golden gates itself.

DeadPool(Matt): GASP!!!!! I opened a portal to heaven. And you all kept your fingers crossed and believed in me. I am so touched. I am coming my love! Oh better wear a disguise to avoid detection and luckily A-DUM didn't see what I looked like after I showed Shadow Angel my handsome features. And thanks to my magic that God gave me I can easily to rip up some angel wings and a golden halo so I can blend in with the crowd. Wish me luck peeps!

DeadPool leaves through the portal and into the realm of heaven. He took off his suit and wore casual clothes while also using his magic to make himself some angel wings and a golden halo above his head. He walked down the golden path and came up to the golden gates of heaven. There he meets a angel waiting by the gates.

Male Angel: HIYAH! My name is St.Peter and welcome to heaven.

Matt: I like this guy, he seems nice.(Matt saids in thought)

St.Peter: May I get your name please.(St.Peter saids and pulls out a large book filled with names)

Ding!(Matt's phone receiving a text)

Matt: Hm?

God(Male/Text): I figured you were going to that version of heaven so I did you a favor and putted your name in the book of souls so you will be able to pass through the gates. Don't worry nobody will know.

Sincerely, God Father of Creations

PS: I also added my contact into your phone if you need something from me, have a nice day!

Matt: Thank you father of creations.(Matt saids in thought with a smile)

St.Peter: Excuse me sir, can I have your name.

Matt: Oh my deepest apologies kind sir, my name is Matthew Roberts.

St.Peter: Hm Matthew Robby...Matthew Ruby...Matthew Rabbits.....Oh here we are Matthew Roberts! Welcome to heaven Mr.Roberts.

Matt: Please call me Matthew or Matt. I don't mind.

St.Peter: Of course. So what brought you into heaven if you don't mind me asking.

Matt: Well I saved a innocent life who was being attacked by bad people in the end the girl got away safe but I ended up being killed in the crossfire. I was happy that the girl I saved was all right, thats all that matters.

St.Peter: A heroic act of courage I see. Please allow me to show you inside heaven. Here you will be greeted with warm welcomes.(St.Peter saids as the gates of heaven open)

Matt: Oooh that's bright? I'm gonna need some shades. Whoah....this is what heaven looks like?

St.Peter: I know isn't it amazing!

Matt: Well it's quite shinny and theres a verity of colors everywhere. This like something you see in a fantasy book.

St.Peter: Oh don't worry we get a lot souls coming up here and say the same thing. Here in heaven we have everything an innocent soul needs to adjust to their new lives here.

Matt: Interesting.

St.Peter: Would you care for a tour around heaven.

Matt: I don't see why not. Lead the way St.Peter.

St.Peter began to give Matt the tour around heaven where Matt was admiring every inch of the place and can tell how different it looks compared to heaven. While listening to St.Peter and his knowledge of heaven, many angels around the area were eyeing Matt mostly women who found Matt to be the most handsome angel they have ever seen.

Angel Girl1: Whose is that walking with St.Peter?

Angel Girl2: I don't know but he's absolutely gorgeous!

Angel Girl1: I know and check out those perfect features and that magnificent white hair.~

Angel Girl3: And those eyes...they're so beautiful.

Matt: Hm? Hey~(Matt saids with a charming smile at the angel girls)

(Pretend these are angel girls)

Angel Girls: SO SEXY AND SO COOL!~❤️(All said in thought with blushes and hearts in their eyes)

St.Peter: Wow only here for a few hours and you already made a good impression on the ladies.

Matt: I try not to show off too much of my charm. Too much of it can get out of hand.

The tour continued on and Matt was liking heaven though he still likes Hell and would need to go back to help Charlie with her protect to redeemed sinners. After the tour was finished St.Peter allowed Matt to roam around heaven and if he needed help he can asked the seraphim's to help me out. Matt knows about the seraphim's since his god told him all about them.

Matt: Not half of bad for another version of heaven, though I think it is about time I find my little shadow angel.

Matt looks around the area to find Lute until his eyes caught on a certain someone walking down the streets of heaven. She had short white eye, golden yellow eyes that strike like hawk, smooth pale skin while also wearing an exorcist uniform with no mask. Matt just found his shadow angel.

Matt: Hello my love.~ Looks like I found you at last.

Matt went to follow Lute who was going into a bar. Matt made his way in and looked to see Lute going to the counter to order something to drink and it would be Matt's chance to spend some time with his favorite exorcist.

Lute: Argh....why can't I not stop thinking about him?! For the past couple days I keep on seeing him even in my dreams. What is going on with me? I been to the doctors once or twice and they say I am perfectly fine but I am not. What is this feeling inside my chest? What is happening to me?

Matt: Seems like you are showing emotions, shadow angel.

Lute's eyes widen like dinner plates of hearing that voice, that same exact voice that she knew during the meeting with the princess of hell and the same voice during extermination day. Lute turned her head slowly and looked to see who she thought she couldn't believe who was sitting next to her made her stop what she was doing and stood still like a frozen statue. Because next to her was known other than Matt aka DeadPool but out of costume.

Matt: Hey Lute.~ Hows it going. Excuse me sir can I get a strawberry mango smoothie.

Bar Tender: Of course sir!


Matt: Yup still you still look as beautiful as always without that mask of yours.

Lute:(BA-DUMP!❤️)....oh no it's happening again. I'm loosing my mind I am seeing him wherever I go....I just want to wake up.

Bar Tender: Here's your drink sir.

Matt: Thank you my good man. So anyway Lute how you been doing these past couple days since the meeting?

Lute: A dream a dream...I am in a dream right now and soon I will wake up and forget all about this....yea thats right I must be dreaming hehehe.

Matt: Okay? She's acting weird.(Matt saids in thought)

Lute: I will just close my eyes and look to see that he is nothing but my imagination. Okay 3...2...1 I am awake!

Matt: Uh what are you doing?

Lute: 3.2.1 I AM AWAKE!!!

Matt: You done?

Lute: This..this isn't a dream isn't it?

Matt: Heh if this was dream then how could I do this.

Lute: MPH?!!!

Matt kisses Lute on the lips again that made her eyes go wide again as well as earned a huge blush on her face. When Matt released the kiss, she saw how cute Lute when she is blushing and lost for words.

Matt: Did that look like a dream to you. I'm actually here Lute in person, not a dream.


Matt: And things got awkward.

Hours later Lute dragged Matt to her place with a mean look on her face as well as a blush after being kissed again for the third time when Lute was going to shout at Matt but stopped when he kissed her again. When they arrived Lute locked the door to her room so nobody would bother her while Matt stood and await what happens next.

Matt: Nice place you got here. I see that you kept the...


Matt: Whoah whoah easy there. I came through the front gate obviously.

Lute: That's impossible no sinner has ever gotten pass the gate.

Matt: There's always a first time.

Lute: How did you get up here? Was it the Morningstar? Did she or her father ask you to get information about us?

Matt: First off no and second I never met Lucifer in person and also I came here on my own frill will. I take orders from no one.

Lute: I should just kill you right now.

Matt: Good luck with that shadow angel, because I can't die. I mean your weapons have no affect on me did you forget and I can simply regenerate anything that I lost even a body. So good luck trying.

Lute knew Matt was right no matter what she or Adam as well as the exorcist tried to do to Matt he wouldn't stay down and not even their weapons have any effect on him.

Lute: Then why did you come here? And also how did you get a halo and wings?

Matt: Would you believe me I have the ability to open portals to mostly anywhere meaning heaven and for the second question I used my magic to make myself some wings and this golden halo above my head so it would be easy for me to blend in with the crowd.

Lute: I don't believe you, not one bit.

Matt: Oh come on your not still upset that I killed your army and shot off Adam's dick are you not besides he's not much of a leader anyway.


Matt: Well it's true, he's a slob, a shithead, and he doesn't know anything about earth. He's a slacker and a pathetic fool. You on the other hand have what it tasks to be a leader, you trained for years to improve yourself and Adam doesn't seem to care what you do no matter how much you try to impress him. Tell me is that the truth? Does he not appreciate what you achieve to be the greatest.

Lute: Of course he...

Matt: Lute, look into my eye and tell me. Does he or does he not appreciate what you achieve in life and just sees you as a tool and not a person.

Lute thought it over and found the times where Adam hardly looks at her or appreciates her skills when becoming an exorcists nor watches her train to become the best. Adam just slacks off and does whatever he wants and hardly takes his job seriously. He even sometimes yells and tells Lute how dum she is as well as how she gets cursed at by the first man, it started to make sense to Lute that Adam doesn't think Lute is something special.


Matt: See you know I'm right. I don't know what you saw in that guy but's he's not good enough for you. I on other hand think you are something special.

Lute: What?

Matt: True you may be an exorcist but you show courage, strength, fearsomeness, able to take on anything that gets in your way, shows the insist of a true leader. You Lute are something special even if Adam or anyone else doesn't see it.

Lute blushes at the words that Matt said to her and in whole life she never felt this way nor knew someone like Matt would appreciate her even if she slaughtered and killed demons and sinners.

Matt: Also for my being here, well I came here to see you.

Lute: Me? Why would want to come and see me?

Matt: Things got boring in hell and there was nothing to do so I thought why not spend some time with my favorite angel aka you.

Lute: Heh, why would someone like you wanna spend time with someone like me? I kill sinners.

Matt: True but most of the sinners in hell are nut jobs and absolute fuck faces who don't give a shit about anything. And they practically kill each other anyway.

Lute: That didn't answer my question. Why me?

Matt: Why you? I mean whats wrong with you? True you kill sinners for a living but I know deep down behind all that fearsomeness is someone who cares even if nobody sees it not even Adam. Also I do enjoy seeing you acting like a leader as well as badass warrior.


Matt: I would never lie to someone like you and there are some things that nobody knows about me not even Charlie. I got my reasons.

Lute: And what would that be?

Matt: All will be revealed in due time. So hows about it. Would you like to spend some time together.

Lute: You mean like a date?

Matt: If you want it to be or we can just hangout normally. Your choice or you rather go back to Adam and listen to his boring and stupid life of being the original dick who is now the dickless master.

Lute: Sigh...fine it's not like I got anything else to do. But I swear if you...

Matt: My lips are sealed and no I will not cause a scene nor try anything foolish with you. I give you my word I will not do anything.

Lute: I am just....

Matt: I know I know your giving me a warning so lets not talk about any of that stuff right now, lets just enjoy our time together. Hand please.(Matt saids and sticks out his hand for Lute who blushes)

Lute: Your a sly one...

Matt: True but I always know how to respect women unlike a certain someone.

Lute: Should I at least wear something decent?

Matt: Nah you can wear your uniform I don't mind.

Lute: What is this feeling again in my chest?(Lute saids in thought)

Soon Lute and Matt went to spend time together where many girls in heaven were in shock that the lieutenant of the exorcist was holding hands with an attractive angel male with such charming features and grew jealous of seeing such a hot man with a fearsome exorcist but the two didn't pay no mind to the whispers or stares. Lute took Matt to a restaurant where they serve good food in heaven and Matt took up the offer to try heavens food. Lute got herself a filet with some soup and Matt got himself a rice bowl with a side of salad with an egg on top.

Matt: Mmm..have to say heavens food is not half bad.

Lute: Yea it's good....

Matt: You all right?

Lute: I just never ate with anyone else, it was always just myself. Nobody likes to be around me because I'm too serious.

Matt: Well maybe you need to pick some days where you can just be yourself. I mean surely you like to other things besides training.

Lute: I do like going to the concerts that they have in heaven..I been going to them before I joined the army. I also like spending time in park reading, I mean I like reading but I just never really told anyone about what my likes and dislikes are.

Matt: That I understand though its great to know that you like music as well as reading. I do as well. Also art and designing. I used to be an illustrator back when I was alive.

Lute: So that's how you able to make that painting you did of me.

Matt: It's my best work.

Lute: So Dead...

Matt: Matt, my real name is Matt or Matthew. I only use the name DeadPool when I am out doing something important or too tick off someone I don't like.

Lute: I see. So Matt what were you really? Are you really a sinner or..

Matt: Sigh...before I answer tell me this Lute. Do you and all of heaven know about the theories of the multiverse and other dimensions?

Lute: Why are you asking me this?

Matt: Just answer my question.

Lute: Yes we do know about them. Though we never seen it before. Why are you telling me this? If I didn't know better I say you were.........wait are you saying you are...

Matt: Yea. I am. Back home I was just an ordinary guy living a great life even though I didn't have any family since I grew up in an orphanage. I was comic book artist who was loved by fans who appreciate my work as well as reading my comics that I help design. One day during a convention I saw a cosplayer being attacked by some goons and I rushed in and saved that person but in the end I got myself killed in the process but was relieved that the cosplayer was all right.

Lute: Wait if you died then why did you get sent to hell?

Matt: After I died I went into heaven my version of heaven. You see my heaven is a lot different compared to this one even its own version of God.

Lute: God exist where you come from? You have a mother of creations?

Matt: Well here's the thing my God is a male and he is the father of creations and was the one who brought me to heaven until he tasked me with something important.

Lute: And that would be?

Matt: He tasked me to come to this universe and help Charlie Morningstar get sinners redeemed into heaven. He believes sinners can be redeemed into heaven if they learn to let go of their past mistakes.

Lute: W..what? But...but that impossible! Sinners can't be redeemed.

Matt: You don't know that for sure. As we know it I say this God or Goddess knows that she wants sinners to be redeemed. It wouldn't hurt to ask if it is true or not.

Lute: If your saying what is true, why are you telling me this and not those at that hotel?

Matt: Oh I did told someone and she knows about my origins and I know about hers.

Lute: Let me guss Vaggie.

Matt: Yup. And I see you two have a history together which I probably don't want to know about. That's your business. But there is something you need to know and it involves the sinners.

Lute: What about them?

Matt: Do you or do you not know that the sinners were once human beings back on earth who happened to be decedents of Adam himself and due to the killing you and the exorcist have done for years now, that is a violation to heaven's law in which you would have been sent to hell and if God knew about this she would have sent you and Adam along with the exorcist down below for doing something behind her back. Basically speaking you been killing Adam's children.

Lute whole face went pale under this information and didn't know about it. She wondered if Adam knew and just shrugged off saying that all sinners and demons are a like. But if God knew about the exterminations it would lead to their downfall and will be banished from heaven and never be redeemed back.

Matt: Word of advice speak with your God and find out the truth. Only then you will know what is going on.

Lute: I..I will keep that in mind. But what are you intensions?

Matt: That is something I will reveal in due time like I said before. I have my reasons and swore to my god I will not reveal the full story.

Lute: Oh. So if you are from another universe do you also have an Adam?

Matt: Of course and he's great! He's kind, compassionate, loyal to his father, treats people with respect even in heaven, married to Eve who is also in heaven. Also he is nothing like this Adam in this universe. Here I got a picture of him and you will see the differences between the two.(Matt saids and shows Lute a picture of his Adam)

The minute Lute saw Matt's version of Adam her whole mouth dropped to the ground at seeing how her Adam and this Adam looked completely different in which this Adam in Matt's universe was more better looking as well as more heavenly like while the other was just an idiot who thinks he's better than everyone.

Matt: See the differences.

Lute: He..he looks nothing like this heavens Adam.

Matt: Exactly. You would like my Adam way more. He will treat the angels of this universe with kindness and respect.

Lute: Unbelievable....the guy I met in hell is from another universe who was sent by his own God but I still don't know his intentions but he said he will reveal the story soon though when though.(Lute saids in thought)

Matt: And I trust that you wont mention any of this to Adam nor those Seraphim's cause they might think you gone crazy and will have you banished from heaven. Though do have a talk with God and see for yourself if sinners are suppose to be redeemed.

Lute: Sigh...very well I will keep this to myself. I don't want to be sent to well you know.

Matt: Good, in the mean time let us continue our time together until I head back to hell.

Lute: Did you really portal here?

Matt: God also gave me wandless magic and incredible powers how else did you think I was able to beat you guys.

Lute: That made sense.

Matt: Enough about that, let's continue our day.

Lute and Matt continued on with their little date where after they finished their food Matt thought about taking Lute to a book store since she likes to read. There he bought some interesting books that could be great for Lute even though she denied his offer but Matt wanted to do something nice for her and Lute gave in and found the books to be quite interesting because they were novels. They went to the park that Lute goes too and sat by a tree and read the novels together. Lute was actually starting to enjoy having Matt around her even though he killed the army but for some reason she feels so close to him and after those three kisses that she gotten from him Lute was changing in a good way. She's more relaxed and expressing her emotions instead of keeping them inside herself.

Lute: M..Matt.

Matt: Yea?

Lute: T...This is nice.

Matt: What is?

Lute: Just sitting here and reading in peace...with some company it's actually quite nice.

Matt: Yea I guess you could say that. It is peaceful. I can see why you like coming here by yourself.

Lute: Say what was that thing you said to was me about showing emotions.

Matt: The way you were acting at the bar, the nervousnesses, the shyness, trying so hard to avoid being notice, those are the signs that you are expressing your inner emotions. The emotions you kept inside you before you became an exorcist.

Lute: Is that why I am so nervous and why my heart is racing whenever I am around Matt.(Lute saids in thought)

Matt: You wanna know something.

Lute: What?

Matt: I do really think you are beautiful as well as gorgeous. I meant every word since the day I first met you even if was during extermination day.

Lute:(BA-DUMP!❤️) really mean that.

Matt: Of course, and also you really are my first kiss. I been single for a long time never found the right person until I met you. I don't care what people of you Lute, because I think your awesome and a total badass ass kicking machine.

Lute: I....I.....well your not bad yourself...I mean for someone from another universe who can reintegrate after a gruesome battle.

Matt: Hehehe. I'm full of surprises.

Matt places his hand on top of Lute's who blushes at seeing what is happening but doesn't mind it. She looks up at Matt who was staring into her golden eyes and her staring into his crimson eyes and soon their faces were slowly moving towards each other until the moment came to an end when a certain annoying voice was heard in which was Adam.


Matt: And our time together has ended thanks to the dickless angel fucker.(Matt saids in thought)

Lute: Do you need something sir?

Adam: Uh yea there's a concert happening and I need you there with the other bitches. We're about to perform.

Lute: Sorry sir, I will be there.

Adam: Awesome by the way whose this guy with you?

Lute: Oh this is um...

Matt: Her boyfriend. Names Matthew pleasure to meet the first man and total party house bad boy Adam.

Adam: Boyfriend?

Lute: BOYFRIEND?!!!(Lute saids in thought with a huge blush on her face)

Matt: Yes I am her boyfriend, we kept our relationship secret to avoid unwanted attention.

Adam: Well I'll be! Danger Tits you've been holding out on me, never would have known you found yourself a man all these years. Got to say you got good taste.

Lute: S..Sir it's...

Adam: Hey it's cool, you don't have to explain your man to me.

Lute: But sir he's not....

Adam: I don't why you are talking to me while you should be paying more attention to this guy next to you. Also dude dig the style fucking awesome. Say Lute why don't you bring him to the concert he would probably want to see his woman perform live on stage with yours truly.

Matt: I do love concerts. The last concert I been too was KISS.

Adam: Shut up I love KISS. Those guys are fucking awesome! ROCK N ROLL! I like this guy Lute. You picked a good one and not like the losers who tried so hard to win you.

Matt: What can I say I like the fearsome types especially one who can break you spine in half.

Lute: I DON'T THINK I CAN HANDLE THIS?!!!(Lute saids in thought while still blushing)

Adam: I like you man, and you know what you get front row seats for the concert and speaking of which lets get going Danger Tits it's time to rock this fucking shit up!(Adam saids then flys away)

Lute: it possible we can switch Adam's.

Matt: If only that were possible.

They arrived at the concert where Matt saw a lot angels gathered to watch and listen to performers sing songs and party out. He sat at the front which Adam gave him access too. Matt sat down and listens to the performers playing their songs while the crowd cheers them on and as soon as Adam came up to the stage, the arena went silent until the first man with his exorcist began to play the song.

Matt: This should be interesting. Though it is awesome to see Lute playing the drums.(Matt saids in thought while seeing Lute on the drums)

The crowd went wild after the song was finished even Matt found the song was good though a little too crazy and violent. But it's Adam what can you do. After Adam finished his song Lute looked towards the crowd and saw Matt waving at her and giving her a thumbs up which made her blush and smile her mask before leaving with the others. Matt then looked to see nobody else performer which was a bummer until he thought about doing a song so he got up on stage and asked some instrument performers to play a song which they applied to and soon Matt took the stage as well as the microphone.

Lute: Matt?

Exorcist1: Who is that guy?

Exorcist2: I don't know but he's handsome.

Exorcists1: Wonder what he's going to sing?

Matt looked towards the crowd and saw Lute in the front where he gave her a wink that cause the lieutenant to blush while the other exorcists giggled. It turns out there were few exorcists left in heaven who didn't participate in the extermination but there wasn't that many only a handful. Soon the music started to play and Matt began to sing his song to the crowd.


I said "Go if you wanna go
Stay if you wanna stay"
I didn't care if you hung around me
I didn't care if you went away
And I know you were never right
I'll admit I was never wrong
I could never make up my mind
I made it up as I went along

Lute: M..Matt....I didn't know he had that kind of voice in him...

And though I treated you like a child
I'm gonna miss you for the rest of my life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you



I never had any time
And I never had any call
But I went out of my way just to hurt you
The one I shouldn't hurt at all
I thought I was being cool
Yeah, I thought I was being strong
But it's always the same old story
You never know what you've got 'til it's gone

If I ever catch up with you
I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you

Lute: Wow......he's amazing.

And if I ever catch up with you
I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
All I need is a, all I need is a,
All I need is you (all I need is a miracle)


The crowd loved it and everyone even Adam enjoyed the song despite him being an asshole however Lute she not only loved the song but it made her heart feel so much warmness as well as comfort. She presses her hand to her thumping heart and realizes what is going on with her.

Lute: Am I really......there's no denying it...I..I am...I am in love. I..I love him.

Matt: Thank you thank you, you all been a great crowd I'll be here to the nexts concert!

After the concert Matt walked with Lute back to her place while holding hands who Lute still is having trouble getting used too but will soon come over it.

Lute: You never told me you could sing.

Matt: Didn't you forget I did sing during well you know.

Lute: Yea but the way you sang that song on stage it was beautiful.

Matt: Oh um thanks, I am glad that you liked it.

Lute: Thanks.

Matt: For what?

Lute: For cheering for me when I was playing the drums on stage.

Matt: Hehehe no problem, you were great with the drums.

Lute: I had some practice.

They arrived back to Lute's place and as soon as Matt checked the time, it was the time to head back to hell because he has responsibilities for Charlie and he doesn't want to disappoint her.

Matt: Sigh...time for me to head back to hell. I really enjoyed our time together Lute.

Lute: Yea I guess I feel the same way. Your not like most guys here, your different in a good way.

Matt: I guess I will see you around as well as during well the extermination in six months.

Lute: About that...I'm just going to think things over until I figure out what I will do after what you told me during our dinner.

Matt: Take as much as time as you wont no rush.

Lute: Matt.

Matt: Yea...MPH.

Matt was cut off as he was kissed on the lips by Lute who wraps her arms around Matt's neck and Matt followed suite and wrapped his arms around Lute's waste embracing the kiss. As soon as they both let go Matt looked at Lute who wore a beautiful smile on her face.

Lute: Matt...I...I....I think I love you. It made all sense on how I was acting these past days even before you kissed me the first time.

Matt: Really.

Lute: Mhm.

Matt: Well I love you too. And I mean that. I never met anyone like you Lute.

Lute smiled with a small tear coming down her eye but whipped it away. Lute gave Matt a hug which Matt did the same.

Matt: I will come back and see you.

Lute: You promise.

Matt: Absolutely.

Lute: I will wait for you.

Matt: Hehehe I know you will. Time to go back to hell.(Matt saids then opens a portal to hell that leaves Lute in absolute shock)

Lute: You really can open portals to heaven and hell!!!!

Matt: Yea I know right big shocker. See you later, Shadow Angel.

Lute: Bye.

As soon as Matt leaves through the portal and back to hell it was just Lute now, she felt tired and decided to go to sleep. She took off her uniform and put on her sleepwear and got into bed and for the first time in her life she felt love as well as comfort and Matt was the one who gave it to her unlike Adam who doesn't care for those things.

Lute: Did he really mean what he said about of what we did to the sinners and that they are Adam's children and that if God would to find out things won't turn out that well. I need to know if Matt said was true, are sinners suppose to be redeemed.

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