Chapter 5: Scrambled Eggs!
Charlie: Yawn!!!!!
Vaggie: Yawn....morning Charlie.
Charlie: Mmmm...morning Vaggie.
The girls wake up from their beauty slumber and looked to see no sign of Matt anywhere meaning he must of left before the two woke up.
Charlie: Seems like Matt is awake, though where is he?
Vaggie: He must of left early in the morning.
Charlie: Sniff...sniff do you smell something?
Vaggie: Sniff..sniff I do and why does it smell so good?
The girls got up from the bed and look to find what appears to be a delicious breakfast that looked so good it made both Charlie and Vaggie drool a little.
Charlie: Oooh that looks so good!
Vaggie: There's a note right next to it.
Hey girls,
I didn't want to wake you two from your slumber so I decided to take my leave early but no without making you two some breakfast because I know today you have something planned Charlie with the guys here so an important person like yourself as well as Vaggie could use some food in your bellies. I made the food myself and I also made some for everyone else as soon as they wake up. I already ate and I plan to walk around Hell to get some air and if I see any of you out in the streets I will come and find you myself don't bother waiting up for me. Enjoy your breakfast girls and see you soon.
Sincerely, Matt
Charlie: He...he made us breakfast...😢sniff that is so sweet of him.
Vaggie: Ps...thanks for allowing me to stay with you for the night but Charlie next time don't squeeze my arms too hard because you almost made my arm fall off at least Vaggie was had a soft grip.
Charlie whole face blushed at the last sentence from the note while Vaggie had a smile and a small blush. The two shrugged it off and sat down and ate their food in which their eyes widen and and had huge smiles on their faces with hearts in their eyes from the food.
Charlie and Vaggie: SO DELICIOUS!!!!❤️
After getting dressed and cleaned up Charlie went to put up the decorations for her first guest living at the hotel. Sir Pentious. Charlie was finishing up putting the sign that saids Happy First Week Sir Pentious.
Charlie: 🎶 That looks perfect!🎶 Ah, I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel.
Vaggie: Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.
Charlie: Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here.
Then all of sudden both Charlie and Vaggie looked to see Pentious come in with a large cannon and his little egg boys ridding on top of it.
Vaggie: What the hell is that?!
Sir Pentious: Oh hello purple female, it's my new invention. The Skin Slayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents except for DeadPool because he scares me more than Alastor.
Charlie: What? Why?!
Sir Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense they are planning to kill me. But when? How? I must be prepared. Ooh, the new parts for my machine are here.
Odette: Sign here please. Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase.
Vaggie: Carmine? As in Camilla Carmine?! You are buying parts from an Overlord?!
Sir Pentious: Why of course, she's the top weapons dealer in hell.
Vaggie: Okay, well that stops right now.(Vaggie saids and takes away Pentious's parts)
Sir Pentious: HEY?!
Vaggie: You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome.
Pentious looks around at the others who basically both Angel and Husker gave the snake the finger while Nifty gave him the creepy insane smile on her face while she was cleaning.
Sir Pentious: Hmmm...I have my doubts.
Vaggie: Well it's true. You have to trust us.
Sir Pentious: But I don't.
Charlie: Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities.
Vaggie: Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons, no plotting against other guests especially Deadpool cause he will instantly kill you if you piss him off like last time and also you need to get rid of these things you called eggs.
BOOM!(Egg boys fired a laser above the ceiling)
Vaggie: Argh! What did I say?!
Sir Pentious: WHAT?! Not my little egg boys. They do my evil bidding for me.(Pentious saids and hugs his egg boys close)
Vaggie: Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?
Sir Pentious: Yes.
Vaggie: Then no more eggs.
Sir Pentious: All right, Eggies, yo've got to go. I can't keep you anymore.
Egg boy 1: Okay boss!
Sir Pentious: No don't resist. This is how it has to be....sniff ahahahahahahaha!!!😭
Charlie comforts Pentious who was crying with sadness while Vaggie takes the eggs with her to Alastor's room where the radio demon was sitting down enjoying his breakfast which happens to be a rotten deer body.
Alastor: Mmmm~
Vaggie: Alastor!(Vaggie while entering the demons room)
Alastor: Why hello my dear, and also do you mind I am in the middle of breakfast.
Vaggie: Pentious's eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them.
Alastor: Oh well in that case I will be delighted too!
Vaggie: Humanely.
Alastor: Hmm well, thats seems a lot less fun. But I suppose I can take care of that on my little outing today.(Alastor saids then leaves with the eggs following him behind)
Vaggie: Great...that looks disgusting.(Vaggie saids while looking at the dead deer)
Hours later...
Charlie: Hi guys. Thanks for coming. It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little...tension in the hotel.
Vaggie: Tension that can be counter productive to what we're trying to do here.
Charlie: We think that this group could really benefit from...
Charlie and Vaggie: TRUST EXERCISES!
Vaggie: Oh shit...(Vaggie saids after landing on her ass)
Charlie: Vaggie, we rehearsed this. Sigh..we're doing trust exercises.
Husker: So what's with the hold of this? I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps.
Angel: Oh, I will. But it's cash up front, and I don't know that one can't afford me.
Sir Pentious: Gross! I'd never think of it, spider.
Angel: Hey wait a minute, how come DeadPool isn't doing this?
Vaggie: He's out exploring hell and promises to meet with us soon. Now lets get started. Charlie..
Charlie: Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better about how to build it properly.
Vaggie: What? Uh, I don't know if I'm qualified.
Charlie: Oh come on, it'll be easy. I am sure you can handle this.
Vaggie: Yea, um sure, I can handle this. No problem. Alright, so we are starting with trust falls. Each of you are gonna share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest of the group catches you. Got it. Who wants to go first?
Charlie: Oh! Oh! Me! Me! Me!
Vaggie: Alright get up on there.
Charlie: I, I love you guys. 😢, really, really love you.(Charlie saids then falls backwards)
Vaggie: Gotcha!
Charlie: That felt, good! Angel, why don't you go next.
Angel: Fine.
Vaggie: This time everyone needs to catch him unless you want me to hurt you.
Angel: Something about myself, huh? Well, how about this, I love to suck...
Husker: I swear the fuck you say dicks!
Angel: Popsicles you sicko! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Angel falls and Husker catches him but not before dropping him after Angel saids he likes sucking dicks too.
Angel: All right new guy, you're up.
Sir Pentious: I don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me.
Pentious falls but bad luck for him because he gets caught by Charlie and Vaggie.
Sir Pentious: Dammit!
Vaggie: That's great. Wow, you are slimy, okay good job. Uh Nifty.
Nifty: Sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others.
Nifty falls but nobody catches her because they were too creeped out.
Nifty: YAY PAIN! Hehehehe! Sigh pain...
Charlie: I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped. Maybe we should...
Vaggie: Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay. I'll figure something out.
Angel: If you're in the market for some ideas, I got just the thing for some tourist building.
Vaggie: Sigh...what do you have in mind?
With Alastor he was walking down the streets of hell with the eggs following him behind who are starting to get on his nerves when they kept on asking Alastor weird and stupid questions.
Egg Boy1: Oh boy. What's the plan boss?
Egg Boy 2: I like your suit.
Egg Boy 3: What the antlers for?
Egg Boy 4: Can I touch your staff thing.
Alastor was twitching though keeping his smile up, though while walking a shadow appeared behind him and the figure reveled himself to the radio demon.
Zestial: Hark Alastor, how fairy this day.
Egg Boy 1: What's that boss? Want me to ruff him up for you.
Alastor: Follow in silence if you value your shell. Greetings, Zestial!
Zestial: Sigh the weather nothing be come this fine day.
Alastor: Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon.
Zestial: Ah, if I locked up hold, I do revel and screams how about it? It has been aged since I was greased up with my presence. Some have spun wild tales of you, falling into holy arms.
Alastor: Oh I took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious, though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes hahaha.
Zestial: There too have been rumors about you being involved with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, hows does that fall in such folly?
Alastor: That is for me to know. But please do guess. I'd love to know the theories.
Zestial: Through the Grand Foley by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Though have been not really good since they manifested in this realm.
Alastor: Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment.
Alastor and Zestial along with the egg boys arrived to a location where they will be having a meeting, a meeting for Overlords. The two overlords got on the elevator as well as the egg boys until Alastor stopped them.
Alastor: No no, I have a very an important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until I return.
Egg Boys: YES SIR!
Egg Boy 1: Oh look, Frank is up there.(Egg boy saids as one of their own is on the elevator)
Egg Boy 2: We have names?
Alastor and Zestial arrived on top along with other overlords that entered the place and were all heading into the meeting room as well as the Egg boy who followed Alastor though hid himself to avoid detection. Soon a woman wearing sharp metal ballerina shoes came in as well as the two girls that sold Sir Pentious the parts for his weapons. Carmilla Carmine.
Carmilla: Welcome, hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you owe millions of souls, souls at risk. From what I heard of the next extermination schedule, we need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest. Zesital, so good to see you my friend.
Zesital: Echanted as always, Carmilla.
Carmilla: Alastor?
Alastor: Yes I know, I've been away for some time and I'm sure you've all been wondering.
Carmilla: Not really.
Carmilla: But welcome back any case. This extermination was brutal. Far more even than years past. We have assessed the about 16% of the population was lost. The Angelic legion's are now returning twice as quickly. I think it prove to be...
SLAM!(The slams opens by Velvet who is on the phone)
Velvet: Yes. I got it handled Vox. Are you doubting me? Really me? That's what I thought. Haha yes I know. They're all a joke. Hahaha thank you, V. Seen you soon kisses darling.
Carmilla: Nice of you to join us, Velvet. Will your colleagues be joining?
Velvet: No, they have better shit to do than listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent.
Carmilla: Charming. as I was saying we need to discuss..yes.(Carmilla saids then looks to see Velvet waving her hand to get her attention)
Velvet: On the subject of discussion.(Velvet saids then throws an Exorcist head onto the table)
Alastor: Ooh tasty.~
Carmilla: Where did you get this?
Velvet: We found it during extermination day thanks to a certain someone.~ If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan..
Alastor: Oh pardon me but I don't think that would be needed.
Velvet: What are you on about radio demon?
Alastor: I'm just saying there is no need for an assault plan because that certain someone already took care of the situation did you not forget.
Velvet: I...wait a minute you know what your right and he did eliminate all of them so there is no need for the plan. He also can withstand their weapons and not die.
Zesital: Tell me who is this certain someone you speak of?
Alastor: Oh you mean none of you knew about what happened weeks ago. It was posted all over the picture show.
Carmilla: What are you talking about?
Velvet: He's talking about the exorcist army that got killed weeks ago thanks to a new sinner who arrived in hell. He wiped them all out and left none alive.
Zestial: A new sinner you say, tell me Alastor. What is the name of this new sinner?
Alastor: He goes by the name DeadPool.
Carmilla: DeadPool? Who is this DeadPool?
That would be me Miss Carmine.(A voice saids from the door and came in DeadPool)
As soon as DeadPool comes into the room Alastor smiles at seeing his friend while Velvet was fan girling at seeing the sinner who killed the angel army weeks ago. Carmilla as well as the other overlords looked upon the new guy with questionable looks.
DeadPool(Matt): Hey Alastor, hows it going?
Alastor: Oh delightful my friend now that you are here.
Rosie: Ooh Alastor whose your charming friend?
DeadPool(Matt): Call me DeadPool, Mr.Pool, Dead, whatever works best for you. And hello to you as well fellow overlords of hell.
Zestial: Hmmm, so this is the certain someone you both mentioned. Though what was the one thing you said that he killed the angel army.
Carmilla: I would like to know as well. It is impossible for a sinner to kill a angel.
DeadPool(Matt): Yea but I'm not like other sinners and those pathetic pigeons didn't last that long against someone like me. If you want to see proof of my actions why don't you watch the video that was posted of me killing the whole angel army as well as shooting their leader in the dick.
Velvet: Still hot by way.~
Carmilla: Odette if you would please.
Odette: Of course.(Odette saids and turns on the video of what DeadPool mentioned)
Alastor: Come my friend why don't you have a seat next to Rosie and me, so we can all enjoy the picture show.
DeadPool(Matt): Don't mind if I do. I brought some popcorn.(DeadPool saids and sits with Alastor and the overlord Rosie)
As soon as the video starts everyone in the watches how DeadPool made his appearance in hell during the extermination and saw him shooting down the exorcist with his guns followed by slicing and dicing them with his twin swords that left Carmilla speechless. Then came mocking Adam as well as taking on the entire exorcist army all by himself where he did a musical while killing all the angels one by one that made everyones except Alastor's jaw dropped to the ground and their eyes widen likes dinner plates. They also gasped in shock that the weapons used by the exorcists had no affect on him even gasped again when they saw DeadPool's body growing back after getting his head removed from his shoulders and it made a lot of women in the room blush at seeing a muscular man with a perfect figure. Zestial jaw was flat on the table as well as his tea that being spilled all over. But then came when they saw DeadPool shot the leader of the exorcists dick off that made Velvet burst into laughter as well as few chuckles from Alastor and Rosie. The video ends with DeadPool leaving the area with the exorcists weapons as well as the Adam's ax guitar.
DeadPool(Matt): Hehehe, well that was quite the show am I right! Hard to believe it got over million views and it's still rising.
Carmilla: did he......j...just did?
Missi Zilla: Wow...just wow...
Rosie: My~ Alastor your dashing friend here is truly is something isn't he.
Alastor: That he is Rosie that he is.
DeadPool(Matt): Oh stop it you two, you both are too kind.
Zestial: I must say in all my life down here I have never seen a sinner with such skills nor could withstand an exorcist weapon as well as kill an entire army. You interest me, Mr.DeadPool.
Velvet: I find him interesting as well. Even that dashing red and black suit of his.~(Velvet saids in thought while blushing at DeadPool)
Missi Zilla: Wait if he killed the exorcist army then there is no reason to panic for the next coming extermination in six months. Because there are only two angels left.
Zestial: Quite right, if he would to kill the last two angels then there wont be anymore exterminations.
Carmilla was trying to process everything and she couldn't believe someone new with such skills was able to kill the entire exorcist army on his own without being killed since the weapons had no affect on him but she was questioning on how DeadPool got the weapons that he used to kill the angels. She wants to know how he got them.
Carmilla: Meeting adjured.
Velvet: Already? Well this meeting sure was quick, I don't why I even bother coming. Oh by the way DeadPool.
DeadPool(Matt): Yes.
Velvet(Whisper): Call me sometime, handsome.~❤️(Velvet saids and gives DeadPool her number before leaving)
DeadPool(Matt): Wow I got two chick's numbers, what are the odds.(DeadPool saids in thought)
Alastor: That was quite a productive meeting.
Missi Zilla: Pfff...what the hell, we literally just got here.
Everyone began to leave until Carmilla asked DeadPool to stay behind because she wants to talk to him. DeadPool nodded and went with her but not before telling Alastor that he will figure out why Carmilla wants with him so there was no need to send in the Egg Boy. Alastor respected his friend's decision and waited outside for him.
DeadPool(Matt): What is that you want with me? Let me guess you want information on how I killed those exorcists.
Carmilla: That's one of the questions but yes and the other is where did you get those weapons to kill them?
DeadPool(Matt): Well the first the question I killed them with the same exact metal as their weapons but more powerful then their's and for you second question and if you gonna ask no I did not steal them from you because this is the first time I am meeting you and as well as seeing so many exorcists weapons hanging all over your place.
Odette: I am afraid he's right on the second question mother. There are no reports nor stealings from the company and he did arrive in hell about a week ago and doesn't know about our company nor what we do.
Carmilla: If you didn't steal these weapons from me, where did you get them?
DeadPool(Matt): That's classified information which I will not share. Even more with someone who also killed an exorcist. Don't bother lying either Carmilla, I was there during extermination day in which I saw someone kill an exorcist with silver like ballerina shoes which I take are made of angelic steel. Am I right.
Carmilla: You.....know.
DeadPool(Matt): Oh for fuck sake didn't I just say I was there. I knew you looked familiar after I killed those pigeons, I was walking down the street where I came upon dead bodies of sinners and demons as well as three girls running for their lives until they got surrounded by three remaining exorcist. You were protecting your daughters and you are the one who killed that exorcist before taking out the others and leaving nothing left to be found.
DeadPool(Matt): And if you don't believe what I say, I got the whole thing recorded on my phone.
DeadPool shows the video of Carmilla killing the exorcist while trying to protect her daughters during extermination day.
Carmilla: Your not going to show anyone this..are you?
DeadPool(Matt): No. I won't. Just don't get in my way of dealing with these exorcist. They're mine to deal with and also I know you want to protect your daughters in which you should. Sure I may have killed the exorcist army but their leader will come return for pack back and that is when I will return the favor of killing him after the six months are up. So you will not have to do anything miss Carmine just protect your daughters while deal with the angels.
Carmilla: Sigh...very well. I won't force you to give me information on where you got your weapons nor anything else.
DeadPool(Matt): Good to know. If we are done here, I will be taking me leave now.
Carmilla: Understood. Like Zestial you too interest me.
DeadPool(Matt): Heh, I been getting that a lot lately. Later!
DeadPool leaves the room and heads out to see Alastor as well as the egg boys who were waiting patiently.
DeadPool(Matt): Hey radio buddy! I hope I wasn't keeping here this long.
Alastor: Not at all my friend. So whats you find out?
DeadPool(Matt): Well it would appear that I wasn't the only one who can kill an exorcist. Carmilla Carmine killed one during extermination day after my business with them.
Alastor: Interesting. Let's keep this between us sound fare.
DeadPool(Matt): Sounds good to me. If you sent that egg boy in there he would have forgot everything in a matter of minutes.
Alastor: That's true.
DeadPool(Matt): Well I might as well go see what Charlie and the others are up too. I will meet you back the hotel later on. Think you can handle the eggs tagging along with you the whole day?
Alastor: Oh I think I will manage.
DeadPool(Matt): If not you can always cook them, they will probably taste delicious when they are boiled.
Alastor: I will save that idea for last if they don't push my limits. Come a long chumps.
Egg Boys: YES SIR!
DeadPool(Matt): Awww! Those poor little eggs are going to get eaten alive. Now let's go find our precious princess.
Charlie along with Vaggie were in a porno place that Angel took them too and lets just say the girls were not liking where they are except for Angel who was enjoying it.
Vaggie: Angel! What the actual fuck?!
Angel: No activity requires more trash than BDS, baby. No bond stronger than those form through bondage. That's their motto.
Charlie: the enthusiasm...but um...ehh...
Vaggie: What makes you think anyone would be into this?
Husker: know, I don't hate this.(Husker was getting a massage by a female porn sinner)
Nifty: I'm ready to punish some bad boys.~(Nifty saids while wearing a kinky outfit with a rip)
Husker: Ehh..never mind. I'm out.
Vaggie: Argh...I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel. This is disgusting.
I would have to agree this is so wrong. Makes me want to barf all over the place.(A voice saids from behind Vaggie who turns around to see DeadPool)
Charlie: DeadPool!(Charlie saids with a smile)
DeadPool(Matt): Let me guess Angels idea?
Vaggie: Argh...yea. But I am glad that you are here. Hopefully things could be better.
DeadPool(Matt): I just finished whatever I was doing so now I am here with you guys. So what are we doing?
Charlie: Trust exercises. Though um well.....
DeadPool(Matt): Don't tell me, I don't wanna know.
Vaggie: This is so unbelievable..
Charlie: It's no big deal Vaggie. You know maybe I can just
Vaggie: No, I told you could trust me and I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them the way I was taught.
DeadPool(Matt): There's gonna be a lot of shit happening in the next hour.
The next hour....
DeadPool(Matt): Yea I was right, there is definitely a lot of shit happening.
Charlie: This is how you learn to trust people?!
Sinner: YEHAW!!!
Sinner 2: COME ON BABY!
Vaggie: There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up buttercups because today you boys become men!
DeadPool(Matt): Ooh I like where this is going. I salute you and await your orders!
Vaggie: You!(Vaggie saids and grabs Sir Pentious)
Sir Pentious: Whoah wait?! I can't fight without my minions!!!!
Vaggie: Are gonna survive together!
Sir Pentious: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Vaggie: And you!(Vaggie saids and grabs Angel)
Angel: No wait don't!
Vaggie: Are gonna make this hotel work!
Vaggie: And as for...
DeadPool(Matt): Don't have to tell me I know. MAKE WAY FOR DEADPOOL! MAXMUM EFFORT! WOOHOOOOO!!!!(DeadPool and leaps over the edge)
Nifty: My turn! My Turn!
Vaggie grabs Nifty and was about to through her over the edge until Charlie intervene and grabbed Nifty from Vaggie.
Charlie: Vaggie no!!
Vaggie: This is the only way they will learn, Charlie.
Charlie: No it's not. There are other ways it just takes time.
Sinners and Demons: OH SHIT IT'S DEADPOOL?!
Vaggie: Time we don't have. How many exterminations have gone by before these idiots get their shit together at least DeadPool knows what I am getting at.
DeadPool(Matt): Hahahaha yea thats right come and get some bitches!!!
Vaggie: How many times we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?
Charlie: Vaggie...
Vaggie: I took charge today, and it all went sideways. I'm suppose to make your dreams a reality. I'm suppose to protect you. I'm supposed to never fail you.
DeadPool(Matt): Give her some slack at least she is trying unlike you numb skulls!
Charlie: You didn't fail me, Vaggie. You're not...
Vaggie: If I can't help you. What's the point of me?
Charlie: Vaggie, don't say that. You do so much, it's....
Vaggie: I'm sorry, I...I'd like to be alone for a minute.
Charlie didn't want to say another word and just decided to leave Vaggie alone for a while. Angel soon came up the steps while dragging an unconscious Sir Pentious.
Angel: Oof, made it.
Charlie: Let's go home, guys.
Angel: Ehh, I just walked up all those stairs.
As soon as they leave, Vaggie was left alone to think on her thoughts until DeadPool climbed up the building and stood behind Vaggie and felt pity for the poor girl.
DeadPool(Matt): You know this isn't your fault. You were just trying to prove Charlie that you can help her in your own way. She means a lot to you I get that, though it wouldn't hurt to allow her to help you. I mean she did after well you know.
Vaggie: Sigh....I know I just wanted to help her achieve her goal.
DeadPool(Matt): And you will, we both will. She's gonna need all the help she can get Vaggie. We made a promise that we will help her but there could be a time when she needs to help us. She may have her struggles but at least she's doing her best and so are you.
Vaggie: I just wish I could do more for her.
DeadPool(Matt): And you can, by allowing her to assist you. She loves you Vaggie and sure she appreciates you making her happy but she also wants to make you happy too. You are a very special someone to Charlie and nothing is going to change that.
Vaggie: Even if I was...
DeadPool(Matt): You would have to tell her yourself, sure she might find the truth shocking and hurtful but what you did during extermination day changed your whole life and I think Charlie will understand what you did. And you wont be alone, I will back you up.
Vaggie: Really.
DeadPool(Matt): Of course, your my friend Vaggie and friends stick together even in this hellhole.
Vaggie: Hehehe yea I guess so. I feel a whole lot better now. Thanks.
DeadPool(Matt): No problem though I had to admit you were badass taking charge like that. If I didn't know better I say you would have made an outstanding commander.
Vaggie: Oh umm...r..really...thanks..M..Matt.(Vaggie saids while blushing)
DeadPool(Matt): Come on let's go back to hotel, and I will treat you and Charlie to ice cream sundaes.
Vaggie: Hehehe okay, I will take you up on that.
DeadPool and Vaggie headed back to the hotel where DeadPool went into the kitchen to make the sundaes while Vaggie went up to meet with Charlie.
Vaggie: Hey.
Charlie: Hey.
Vaggie: Sigh...I'm sorry, I got so crazy today.
Charlie: No, no I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier. But we'll figure it out together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them.
Angel: And then when that buff guy started beating the shit of you!
Sir Pentious: Hahahaha! Yes, with the dismembered arm. Yes, that was particularly unpleasant. That was particularly unpleasant....
Nifty: I like that part.
Husker: Well, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay.
Sir Pentious: Really? Oh, well I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today. Hahahaha! And I thank you for pulling me out of there and for DeadPool for deflecting the bullets for coming towards me.
Angel/Husker/Sir Pentious: Hahahaha!
Angel/Husker/Sir Pentious: What is wrong with her?(All said in thought while creeped out)
Vaggie: Well, how about that?
DeadPool(Matt): Cough..two special ice cream sundaes for the happy couple.
Charlie: OOH YUMMY!!!
Vaggie: Thanks Matt.
DeadPool(Matt): My pleasure. Oh and it would seem Alastor came back and couldn't get rid of the eggs.(DeadPool saids while seeing his friend coming inside)
Vaggie: Alastor, fail to get rid of the eggs I see.
Alastor: Yes well, the little monsters proved to be somewhat useful or maybe not. Who am I to judge them.
DeadPool(Matt): Why not just give them back to Pentious.
Sir Pentious: Really!
Vaggie: Yea, after today I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, NO.MORE.WEAPONS.
DeadPool(Matt): Better take it otherwise she might throw you off another building.
Sir Pentious: YES MA'AM! My eggs! It's so good to have you back. Now go clean my quarters this instant!
Egg Boys: You got it boss!
Charlie: Maybe things will move faster than you think.
Vaggie: I think they will.
Angel: Hey how come they get ice sundaes?
DeadPool(Matt): Do you want ice cream sundaes?
Angel/Husker/Sir Pentious: Uh yea.
Nifty: Me too! Me too!
DeadPool(Matt): Heh all right ice cream sundaes for you all.
After making everyone their sundaes, DeadPool turned in for the night and took off his suit but before going to be here heard a knock on his door and looked to see it was Vaggie again.
Matt: Yes, Vaggie.
Vaggie: I...I just wanted to say thank you again for what you said a while ago it gave me convenience.
Matt: Of course. Your most welcome.
Vaggie: Listen...I thought it over and I think it's about time I told Charlie the truth...
Matt: Do you want me there with you, when you tell her.
Vaggie: Yes....there's no one else I trust more than you.
Matt: I will be there by your side. That's a promise.
Vaggie: Matt..I...
Matt: Yea?
Vaggie felt nervous and just did something that shocked Matt in which Vaggie got on her tippy toes and gave Matt a kiss on the cheek.
Matt: Uhhhhh.....
Vaggie: Well um goodnight!(Vaggie saids and sprints away)
Matt: Okay I am so lost right now. Maybe a good night sleep will help out.
Vaggie was now running until she reaches the door of her and Charlie's room in which she blushed at what she did and she couldn't control her heart racing.
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