Chapter 4: Radio Killed The Video Star!

Charlie: Okay so the extermination is coming in six months instead of a big deal just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle just angels cutting out timetable in half but who needs a whole year to save souls am I right and next time when they cut the time in half again and again we'll just handle right!

Vaggie: Yes we will.

Angel: Oh please, you had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bull-shit. And now....


Angel: Ain't no silver lining this time toots.

Charlie: Sure there is, we just have to look a little harder for it.

Angel: Well, while you're looking the rest of hell are still celebrating about there not being any exterminations since our masked friend wiped out the entire angel army. People are already posting videos as well as gossiping over our new bodyguard, ooh they even made plushie of him, I am so getting one after this. Don't believe me check for yourself.(Angel saids and shows Charlie his phone with DeadPool media everywhere)

Charlie: I do give him credit for stopping the extermination as well as saving the souls of hell but what this?....What is a donkey show?

Angel: Oh yea....that's boss Val was shocked at the news too. Everyone is going nuts for DeadPool, and don't get me started on the fan girls who are eyeing him. Geez the guy is getting more views than anyone in this shit hole.

Vaggie: If there is going to be an extermination cause the angels wont quit that easily even if loosing their army, they would always come back and regroup meaning sinners will be desperate maybe enough to try anything to escape the extermination.

Charlie: GASP! This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!

Angel: Listen doll face that idea is cute and all but do you really want to go out there I mean everything going on out there is wild and not to mention fucked up.(Angel shows a live video of sinners and demons partying and having wild fun while also wearing DeadPool like clothes and masks)

Charlie: Well it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep.


Charlie: DAHHH?!!!!

Angel: Oh don't tell me its that snake head again....

Everyone headed outside and saw the rebuilt war machine that belong to Sir Pentious who was the one who opened fired upon the hotel and he was searching for two particular people a radio demon and a sexy mother fucker in a red and black suit.

Sir Pentious: SHOW YOURSELF DEADPOOL AND ALASTOR!!! Come and face....(Pentious saids while trying to look for the two until he spotted them on the deck)

Sir Pentious: Oh there you two are. Face my wrath!!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Hey Alastor, do we know this guy? Cause I don't think we ever been introduced?

Alastor: I don't so. Who are you?

Sir Pentious: Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinary!

DeadPool(Matt): Nope sorry doesn't wing a bell.

Alastor: Sorry I have no idea who you are.

Both DeadPool and Alastor came down to the ground where the others were looking up at the war machine that Pentious was piloting.

Nifty: Ooh he's a bad boy~ But DeadPool is a badder bad boy.

Alastor: Hah! What if anything you just said is true you we would have heard of you.

Sir Pentious: I attacked you two literally last week?

Deadpool(Matt): I don't recall?

Sir Pentious: We've done battle like 20 times?!

DeadPool(Matt): Hmmmm...nope I don't have any memory of fighting an asshole like you 20 times hows about you Alastor?

Alastor: I happened to agree with my friend here, though I think you were really bad at this.

Sir Pentious: SILENCE!!! Now cower! For when I've slain the both of you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal.

Nifty: Ooh, wait who are the Vees?

Alastor: Oh no on in important.

DeadPool(Matt): Who are the Vees?

Vaggie: The Vees are the powerful trio of OverLords of Hell. Valentino, Vox, and Velvette or Velvet for short. Don't mess with them because they cannot be trusted.

DeadPool(Matt): Hmm, I might have to do some research on them and find out more about them.(DeadPool saids in thought while going on his phone)

Meanwhile somewhere else, there is crowd of sinners and demon folk alike gathering around televisions behind the glass where a commercial was about to air and it was at a place called V Tower where the three powerful OverLords live.

Tv Commercial: New Vox Tech designer voyerscopes, peeping on the neighbors has never been more stylish. Vox Tech trust with your money. This weeks episode of Yea I fucked Your Sister so what is brought to you by Vox Tech. Trust us with your entertainment, Vox Tech trust us, trust us, trust us, trust us....

Inside his screen room Vox one of the overlords of the Vee's was watching sinners and demons buy his new tech and he was enjoying seeing every sinner spend their money on his creations which means more money for him.

Vox: Hahahaha! Now that's good television!


Vox: Hello there, Velvet. How are you this hellish morning?

Velvet(Video Chat): Oh cut the shit Vox, I need you up here now!

Vox: Whatever could be the problem my dear?

Velvet(Video Chat): Your little boy toy is wrecking my department while I'm trying to pull together a show. And....


Velvet: Just get your ass her now! Dammit Valentino!

Call Ended

Vox: Sigh...oh yea here I go Valentino..just another fucking day with Val. Hey hey fuck my life.

Vox came out of his office and met up with some news people about the new extermination schedule in which Vox informed them all about Vox Tech's newest Angelic Security that he informed his employees about doing now since extermination is coming in six months. With Velvet who is a fashion designer of the Vees was checking on her designers work and she didn't like either of them.

Velvet: Ugh no, unacceptable, you're fired, what is this? Wrist ruffles, is this 1750? Burn it like the witches who wore it!

Vox: Oh Velvet! I can see that you're busy. Tell me where's our hot headed friend now?

Velvet: Up in his tower waiting for a flat face prince to calm him down.

Vox: Sigh...and uh what's got him so out of sorts today?

Velvet: Who knows? But he tore up my best model and you know the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together. Melissa! Get over here. No, no, hideous, I want to die, ew, yes that's the one!

Vox: Oh looks like you have everything under control here.

Velvet: Of course I do, fuck you now shoo and take care of the piss baby.

Vox goes up to the tower and looks to find Valentino or Val for short smoking his pipe then demands another drink until he throws the drinks when Vox comes into the room but moves out of the way.

Val: Can you believe what that piece of shit did, the ungrateful whore!

Vox: Uh which whore are we talking about this time?

Val: Fucking Angel Dust! Who the hell else would I be talking about?! That fucking slut walked out on me me!! I fucking made him, without me he's just a bag of meat with mildly entertaining holes.

Vox: Angel quit?

Val: NO!!! He didn't fucking quit, it's worse he moved! He thinks he can just walk in here work and then go home somewhere else can you fucking believe that. He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter.

Vox: Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter now?

Val: Yea that bitch Chalky or Chandler I don't know something mannish like that, she's got this hotel and which of these badass guns makes me look sexier?

Vox: What are you doing Val? You're not going over there.

Val: That slippery twinkle is going to remember who owns him. I'm gonna fuck everyone in that rancid shit hole I swear to god..

Vox: VAL! Ha ha think about it, our business is perfection and what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?

Val: Uh fuck it up?

Val: Right. Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?

Val: No.

Vox: Exactly and hey you still have Angel under contract, he isn't going anywhere so you should..

Val: Do nothing?

Vox: Great idea! Now thats why they pay you the big bucks.

Val: Sigh..but I really wanted to shoot someone.

Vox: Well let me call up the lowest earners this month.

Val: Oh you know me too well hehehe.~ You know Angel isn't the only one spending time at this ratty hotel with the devil's princess.

Vox: Oh who else is there? Someone who owes you money?

Val: Ha ha ha one who owes us much more than money. The radio demon is there.

Vox: Ha ha what did you say?

Val: You heard me.

Vox: Alastor came back and he is with Lucifer's daughter and that wasn't the first fucking thing you told me?!!!

Val: Hey killing Alastor is you gig. Oh and it looks like he's live right now.(Val saids and shows a live video of Alastor attacking Sir Pentious)

Back with Charlie and the others they all watch Alastor uses his powers on Sir Pentious and his war machine in which DeadPool took out his phone and recording the whole thing due to the fact it was both funny and entertaining to see a looser like Pentious get his snake butt handed to him again.

Sir Pentious: STOP PLEASE!!!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Less screaming more getting your ass kicked!

Alastor: Hehehehe...Hahahahahahaha!!!!!

Charlie: Uh Alastor, I think he's had enough.

Angel: Nah he's got a few more hits in him.

DeadPool(Matt): I wouldn't be so sure, back away there is large snake dropping from above. And splat!

Alastor: Thank you for another forgettable experience.

DeadPool(Matt): Though you did put up a good show for the both of us. I give you a 7.1.

Sir Pentious: Thank you....for letting your guard down!! Haha DeadPool I've got knife? This is a very small knife I ever seen before?(Pentious while grabbing DeadPool's knife from his pocket)

DeadPool(Matt): GASP! You took my baby knife...nobody takes my baby knife. I'm gonna have to kill you now. NOBDOY TAKES DADDY'S BABY KNIFE!

Alastor: Oh there is no need for that my friend, please allow me to deal with this personally.

Sir Pentious: Oh shit....

Alastor creates an explosion and Sir Pentious goes flying away from the hotel while dropping DeadPool's baby knife which the red suited man put the knife away though will put Pentious on his kill list if he ever shows himself again.

Alastor: Well time for me to go to the tailer, I been needing for a fresh new coat since this one got that snakes filth all over it. Best of luck chumps.

Vaggie: Wait your leaving? Alastor we need your help, we need you to do your job.

DeadPool(Matt): Though we do need ourselves a new wall my friend this one has a big whole in it.(DeadPool saids while pointing at the hole in the wall of the hotel)

Alastor: Why of course! Can't let my new project fall in disrepair already. What would the paper say? SNAP!

Alastor snaps his fingers and out came like cartoonish workers that got Angels attention. DeadPool along with Vaggie rolled their eyes and went with Charlie to look for some sinners for the hotel while the workers fix up the hotel.

Angel: Ohoho~ Hey sweet cheeks, what's you doing later? I love me a man with a giant tool.

Unknown to everyone a Vox Tech drone was watching the whole scene take place and Valentino got pissed off at seeing Angel Dust flirt with the workers while Vox looked angry at watching Alastor.

Val: See! Look how he flirts with that guy and he's hot even paying?! Who is that? I'm going to fucking kill his whole fucking family. Vox? Vox?!


Val: Yea I thought he was gone for good too.

Vox: It's been 7 years!!!

Val: You're still pissed, he almost beat you that time.


Val: Just saying.

Vox: Things have changed a lot since he left town.

Val: That's for sure.

Vox: I gotta send a message of who's really in charge of things now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After Vox failed to get back at the radio demon, he called in a meeting with his fellow Vees to devise a plan to get rid of Alastor once and for all.

Vox: We have a problem. Alastor is getting close to little princess Morningstar so our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck btween Lucifer's brat and that smiling freak.

Velvet: Well, how exactly are we supposed to stop it?

Val: Put something inside their drinks, that's how I get the bitches to behave.

Vox: Or maybe someone on the inside isn't such a bad idea. You think Angel would?

Val: That tanky prick won't even return my calls.

Vox: I need someone who little miss bleeding heart would take in.

Velvet: Someone pathetic, desperate with no direct eye to us.

Val: I employ every down on their luck loser, this side of hell who the fuck is left huh?

Vox: I think I have just the one.

Velvet: Oh yea before you come up with a plan there is another problem that you will have to deal with besides the radio demon.

Val: Oh and who would that be?

Vox: Yes my dear do tell.

Velvet: Oh he's the new sinner who appeared a week ago, the one who killed the entire angel army and now is the princess's new bodyguard. The one they call DeadPool.

When that name came out Vox eyes widen and Val break his glass drink of hearing about the new sinner in town who is not only skilled in combat but can withstand the attacks from the angels and their weapons but also sexier than Valentino.


Val: I didn't even know?!

Velvet: He was literarily standing next to the radio demon during that little incident at the hotel. How can you two idiots not have seen him?

Vox: FUCK!!!! You know what I am still going with my idea, I don't care if that red and black masked whatever his name is get in the way.

Velvet: Why? Are you scared that he is going to shoot your dick off like he did with the leader of the angels, that was kind of hot.~

Val: You serious? You like that guy?

Velvet: Whats there not to like about him? He's strong, powerful, skilled in combat, wears a dashing red and black suit with badass guns and twin swords that can cut down anyone, and not to mention he has sweet hot bod especially that ten pack he has on him. Also he's actually more sexier than you Valentino.

Val: WHAT?!!! NO WAY!!!

Velvet: They posted this online, DeadPool new prince of sexiness and ten times more sexier than the OverLord Valentino. It got over a million views already.

Val: OH COME ON!!!!

Vox: Great first Alastor now this DeadPool.....fuck fuck fuck....FUCK!!!

Velvet: I'm gonna make him my man.(Velvet saids while looking at a picture of DeadPool on her phone)

Back at the hotel Charlie along with Vaggie and DeadPool came walking back inside and Charlie laid herself on the coach for failing to find any sinners willing to come to the hotel.

Angel: So how'd it go?

Vaggie: Not a single new recruit.

DeadPool(Matt): Only a bunch of fans wanted my autograph and some crazy fans girls who want to have their way with me luckily I always carry a bottle of stay away from me spray just in case. A spray of this stuff and the starkers will back away.

Angel: Yea well who would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting.


Vaggie: Who could that be?

DeadPool(Matt): Answer it and we will know.

Vaggie goes over towards the door and when she opens it she looks to see known other than Sir Pentious who was smiling down upon her.

Sir Pnetious: Why hello my dear. OW?!!!(Pentious saids then gets punched by Vaggie followed by getting a weapon pointed at him)

Vaggie: What the fuck are you doing back here?!

Sir Pentious: Wait...wait wait I come in peace.

Charlie: Vaggie what is the problem? Oh hello again.

Sir Pentious: I didn't come looking for a fight. I uh..heard you're helping people who want to be better.

Charlie: GASP! You heard right, welcome to our home of healing our resort of restoration.

Angel: Are you fucking nuts! This chump was trying to kill us like literally six hours ago and now you wanna bring him in her to live with us. I was voting for Pool guy to stick a bullet in this shit-bags head.

Charlie: Absolutely! This is about second chances and who deserves one more than this Slytherin slipperies special little man.

Ange: Hey Vaggie, aren't you suppose to protect this place along with Pool guy?

Vaggie looks at Charlie who was giving her the puppy dog pout in which Vaggie couldn't say no to a face like that though doesn't trust Pentious one big.

Vaggie: Sigh..I guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine.

Sir Pentious: Ha!

Vaggie: Or even with the war machine.

Sir Pentious: Oh...

Charlie: Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Sir Pentious welcome to the Hazbin Hotel.

Sir Pentious: Oh no darling thank you. You won't regret this.

Angel: I give you a weeks tops.

Charlie: So this is the bar and the bartender. This is the curtain. And this is the new wall after you broke the last one. Huh? And, oh, this is....

Vaggie: Babe, you don't have to show him every detail.

Charlie: Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first real guest.

Angel: What the hell am I then?

Charlie: Well you're an important part of our family here Angel, but you um...

Vaggie: Constantly make us look bad, sexually harassing staff and have literally never once tried to improve.

Charlie: What she means is it's just nice to have someone interested for once. Over here Sir Pentious we have our maid Nifty.

Nifty: The bad boy is back. NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN.

Charlie: Were about 80% sure she's harmless And over here we have oh uh Alastor and of course our bodyguard DeadPool. Both of them are our gracious facility manager and guard keeping the hotel safe and protected at all time. You two have met our newest guest Sir Pentious.

Alastor: Ah yes, isn't he the one who stole your precious baby knife my friend?

DeadPool(Matt): Yes yes I remember him. I DEFINITELY REMEMBER YOU VOLDEMORT KNOCK OFF. Nobody takes baby knife and lives.(DeadPool saids while pointing his gun and plans to take out his sword in front on Pentious who was scared out of his life)

Sir Pentious: GULP!

Charlie: Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson. How to apologize. The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong. Why don't you give it a try?

Sir Pentious: Mr.DeadPool sir..please forgive me from taking your baby knife weapon and also attacking you last week.

DeadPool(Matt): Hmmm...okay your forgiven. But I got my eye on you snake. One false move and hurt Charlie, your dead where you stand.


DeadPool(Matt): Well then, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, Sir Pentious.

Charlie: There we go! See, now we can start our next step to redemption.

DeadPool(Matt)(Whisper): Keep an eye on him, I don't trust him one bit. He's tries something, shoot him or stab him.

Vaggie and Angel: With pleasure.

Charlie: All right everyone gather around the fire place. Now we are going to try something exciting, with a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other. So we are going to play a little game. Everyone follow me.

DeadPool(Matt): This should be interesting and yet kind of childish but its Charlie might as well join in.(DeadPool saids in thought)

Charlie: My name is Charlie(Clapping)..I like to sing(Clapping)..and when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing! Take it away DeadPool!

DeadPool(Matt): My name is DeadPool(Clapping)..I like to fight and eat chimichangas(Clapping)..and when my friends are in danger I fight fight fight..because I'm DeadPool yea!

Charlie and Vaggie: Hehehe.

DeadPool(Matt): Alright snake boy, your up.

Sir Pentious: My name is Sir Pentious(Clapping)..I like to build(Clapping)..And despite my stupid egg boys, I think I'm very skilled(Clapping).

DeadPool(Matt): Psst Angel your turn.

Angel: This is stupid.

Charlie: This is not stupid(Clapping)'s just a game(Clapping)..DeadPool and Sir Pentious did it well, so now please try to the same(Clapping).

Angel: I am too sober for this.

Vaggie: Well, get used to it and learn how to play. This is gonna be your whole day(Clapping).

After the game Charlie asked Angel and Sir Pentious to perform a little show for everyone where Angel pretends to be a drug guy selling drugs and Pentious as an innocent kid.

Angel: Oh I'm a badman on the streets who never got enough hugs. Now where's an innocent kid I can sale crack who wrote this?

Charlie: It's great right. Keep going.

DeadPool(Matt): Yes yes please continue, this is quite entertaining.

Angel: Hey You.

Sir Pentious: Who meee?

Angel: Yea, you look like a kid who could use some...devil's dandruff? Oh for fuck sake.

Sir Pentious: Not me. I have to go home and study.

Angel: Come on kid it'll make you cool like me...The CrackHead.

Husker(Whisper): Hey you got this on video right?

DeadPool(Matt)(Whisper): And miss this, heck no. I been recording the whole time.

Sir Pentious: The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!

Charlie: YES! Oh bravo, bravo, bravo hehehe. Wow Pentious at this rate you will be redeemed in no time. That was amazing you did incredible.

Sir Pentious: Oh thank you I really happy that you like me.

Soon everyone called it day and headed to be except for Angel who came out of his room after getting texts and missed calls from Valentino and he needed something to calm his nerves. He was heading to the bar when all of sudden he saw a shadow moving into an empty room and when he got close he looked to see Sir Pentious who was taking out what looks like Vox camera. Angel got pissed that Pentious was sent to spy on everyone.

Angel: You slippering little shit!

Sir Pentious: DAH?!!

Angel: You're working for the Vees?! I fucking knew there was something shitty about you.

Sir Pentious: I don't know what you are talking about? Whore bug.

The two attacked each other and due to the fighting it got some of the residence awake in which both Charlie and Vaggie with tired eyes came down from their bedroom and went to see what the commotion is about.

Charlie: YAWN! What is going on?

Angel: This little bitch is a traitor.

Sir Pentious: Preposterous! I would never betray you, you are my best friends.

Angel: Uh-huh, then explain this camera here.

Charlie: Pentious...

Sir Pentious: Ahh! Abort! Abort! SOS, agent Pentious needs admitted evaluating!!

Vox(Communicator): Pentious? Hahahah you were caught, it hasn't even been a day.

Sir Pentious: Please you have to get me out of here!

Vox(Communicator): I can't believe we thought you could handle this simple task. Do us a favor if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You miserable figure.

Sir Pentious: I...I...just make it quick..I guess...don't I deserve it.

Vaggie and Angel: Gladly.(Both said with their weapons out)

Charlie: Wait. Pentious.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After their song Nifty came in with a pissed off look on her face and faced Sir Pentious of who both and Charlie as well as him looked down at the one eye demon maid in confusion.

Nifty: I hated that song. Why are you so lame? You are not a bad boy, DeadPool is a much better bad boy than you.(Nifty saids and kicks Pentious before leaving)

Charlie: Sigh..good first day. Let's get some rest.

After they left the room, Alastor made his appearance and picked up the communicator that Pentious dropped and gave Vox a call. When Vox answered he looked to see the radio demon smiling at him.

Vox(Communicator): WHAT?!

Alastor: You're going to have to try harder next time old pal.

Vox(Communicator): AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!


With Charlie and Vaggie they were heading back up to their room when all of sudden Charlie accidentally bumps into someone and Vaggie catches her.

Vaggie: Hey watch where

Charlie: Vaggie what is.......(BA-DUMP!❤️)

Standing before the two was known other than Matt who was out of costume and was going downstairs after hearing some commotion but stopped and bumps into Vaggie and Charlie who have huge blushes on their faces of seeing what Matt looks like without the suit.

Matt: Sorry about that, I heard some noise down stairs and I was going to check what it was. Didn't mean to bump into you girls. My apologies.

Charlie: M...Matt...?

Matt: Uh yea?

Charlie: This is what Matt looks like without the mask?! HE'S GORGEOUS!!!❤️(Charlie saids in thought with hearts in her eyes)

Vaggie: Elegante!!!❤️(Vaggie saids in thought while showing hearts in her eyes like Charlie)

Translation: Handsome!!!

Matt: Hmm I don't hear any noise anymore so I guess everything is all right. Well if so I might as well head back to my room, see you girls in the morning.(Matt saids and gets ready to leave until Charlie stops him)

Charlie: WAIT!

Matt: Yea?

Charlie: Why don't you come to our room, I mean its going to be a long walk back to your room and we don't want you to get worn out.

Matt: My room isn't even that far?

Vaggie: Um we don't's all right for you to come to our room.

Matt: What is going on with these two?(Matt saids in thought)

Charlie: See even Vaggie is all right with you coming back with us. So can you stay with us for tonight. Please.(Charlie saids and grabs Matt's arms and puts it between her breasts as Vaggie did the same for his other arm)

Vaggie: And it's only for tonight, and its a thanks for helping out at the hotel.

Matt: Ok?

Charlie: Great let's go!

As soon as Matt arrives in Charlie's room, both her and Vaggie got back into bed and offered Matt to sleep with them where they patted the middle of the bed for Matt to sleep. Matt didn't know why the girls were acting this way but he shrugged it off and took off his hoodie and shirt that caused the girls to nose bleed at seeing Matt's ten pack once more.

Charlie and Vaggie: So sexy~❤️(Both said in thought)

Matt gets into bed and the girls cuddled up to him and rested their heads on both of Matt's arms that left him lost but just slumbered. The girls felt his strong arms and muscular features that made their lower half wet but hid it to avoid detection from Matt who was sleeping peacefully.

Charlie and Vaggie: I don't know what is happening to me but whenever I am near Matt I feel so warm inside.(Both said in thought before drifting to sleep)

Matt: This is going to be a long night.

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