Chapter 10: Hello Seraphim!🩵
Matt who was not in his DeadPool suit was getting himself ready to go back to heaven to spend some quality time with his favorite white hair angel, Lute. He promised to visit her so that he and her can spend time together while she's not training or anything or Matt not doing something extreme in Hell. After getting himself dressed and fresh out of the shower, he picked up the flowers he is going to give Lute and then opened a portal back into heaven.
Matt: Okay got everything and all cleaned up, now it's time to spend time with angel warrior I love. Hope she likes these flowers that I got for her.
Matt walks down the street of heaven and arrives at Lute's place. He ranged her door bell and waits until she answers. For the next three hours and literally three hours Matt has been waiting for Lute to answer the door. And then a miracle the door opens and Matt see's Lute but she looked terrible and her eyes are hardly opened.
Lute: YAWN!......sir please I need time to sleep, I haven't got any sleep in weeks now so please come back another....yawn...another time.
Matt(Thought): Damn she must of over did herself. I guess all that training did a number on her.
Lute: Come back after I feel like myself again...yawn....good day sir.(Lute saids and closes the door while thinking that Matt was Adam)
Matt: Ooh, I guess I came at a bad time. Well I will let her sleep, she could use the rest. I will just hang onto these flowers until she wakes up. Might as well just have a relaxing day in heaven.(Matt saids then leaves Lute's home and goes to enjoy himself in heaven)
Matt took a nice stroll around heaven and would wait until his angel lover is 100% herself since he can see that Lute didn't look in the mood to do anything. While he doing his own thing and checking out the other sites in heaven without knowing he accidentally bumps into someone.
Matt: Oof! Oh sorry about that are you all right?
Matt looks to see he bumped into an angel but this one had four wings meaning the girl angel he was looking at was a Seraphim but a young one.
Emily: It's quite all right no harm done. Sorry I was just on my way to see my sister. She hasn't left her office in a while and I was going to check up on her to see how she is doing.
Matt: I see. By any chance are you a Seraphim?
Emily: Why yes I am, I guess you notice that I have more than two wings. My name is Emily, nice to meet you. Oh are you new around here because I don't think I have seen an angel like you in heaven before.
Matt: Nice to meet you too Emily, and yes I am new here I arrived in heaven couple months ago though I was just settling into my new home and hardly had time to see the sites yet. I did see some parts of heaven but not all of it.
Emily: EEEEEEE!!! A new soul! Welcome to Heaven. Oh I don't think I got your name.
Matt: Matthew Roberts is my name but you can call me Matt for short.
Emily: Oh yea now I remember something, St Peter mentioned a soul arriving at the gates and told me and my sister Sera that the souls name was Matthew Roberts. Yet again please to meet you and I hope you find heaven to your liking.
Matt: It's half bad, reminds me of those fantasy stories I used to read when I was kid.
Emily: Ooh I love those fantasy stories, they always bring joy to me. Are you doing anything right now?
Matt: Well I was gonna see my girlfriend but apparently she's too tired to do anything right now so I just let her sleep for the time being. So I'm just having some me time. Why you ask?
Emily: How would you like to come with me and meet my sister, she is the head Seraphim and we were suppose to meet you at the gates months ago to give you the tour and rules of heaven but seems like St.Peter did that for us. But it would be nice for Sera to meet a new soul that came into heaven if you don't mind, Matt.
Matt: Hmm, why not. I can site see later on. Lead the way little Emily.
Emily: Hey I'm not little! I'm still growing.
Matt: Hehehe, that's what they all say.
Emily took Matt to where her sister Sera was working and when Emily went to knock on her sister's office room, nobody answered and Emily tried again and nobody answered.
Emily: That's weird she usually answers?
Matt: Maybe she's not in there or she's just trying to organize paper work, a lot of paper work.
Emily: Sera, it's Emily I'm coming in!
As soon as Emily and Matt opened the door they looked to find hundreds to thousands of papers scattered all over the floor as well as piles stacked up together but seeing a tall angel who was going over many files and wasn't stopping. It was Sera, Emily's older sister.
Sera: Nope nope, ok ok there it is...where where is...I think missed that one....and where is oh here it is!
Matt: Uhhh...okay I was right on the second subject it's paper work....lots and lots of paper work.
Emily: Um..Sera don't you think you should, I don't know take a break. You been in your office for quite some time and you could use some fresh air.
Sera: No no no this needs to be time for breaks no time for fun...where where is that other packet oh no where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?!
Matt: I don't think she's gonna listen. How long has this been going on?
Emily: Sigh...for the past couple months now. I don't understand why she can't just ask for help but no she decided to do this on her own since she is the head Seraphim.
Matt: All right I'll take it from here.
Matt goes over towards Sera and takes the papers from her and places them on the table then using his incredible strength carried the head Seraphim out of the room that left Sera speechless and Emily in question of what Matt is doing. Matt then placed Sera outside the office so that he can take care of business.
Matt: All right miss Sera you wait out here like a good a head Seraphim and I will take care of all this paperwork so just sit back and relax. Emily keep her company until I am finished.
Emily: Um...okay?
Matt: Thank you, and give this Sera this tea that I made it will help with the stress.
Emily: Wait how did you?
Matt: Be done in a couple minutes so please keep your sister calm for the time being, bye!(Matt saids and closes the door to the office)
Emily: Here Sera, Matt said this will help so drink up.(Emily saids and gives Sera the tea)
Sera takes the tea from Emily and when she drank the tea all of sudden the stress started to fade away and Sera was starting to feel like herself again. She didn't know what was in the tea but it was refreshing in which she took another sip and felt all better now.
Sera: Sigh.....I feel more relaxed now. Who made this tea?
Emily: That was Matt.
Sera: Matt?
Emily: Well his full name is Matthew Roberts, he's the soul that appeared in heaven months ago. St.Peter informed us about him and we were suppose to meet Matt but you kind of hand you hands full at the time.
Sera: Oh...forgive me Emily it's just that all this paperwork needed to be...
Emily: I get it Sera but it wouldn't hurt to ask for help. You don't have to do everything on your own. I'm always here if you need me.
Sera: I...thank you Emily.
Matt: All right ladies paperwork in organized and the whole office completely spotless. And it only took me two minutes to do. Also if your gonna ask, I had the paperwork sorted into folders and placed them into metal cabinets to keep they nice and neat as well as labeled, your welcome.(Matt saids and comes out of the office)
Emily: For two minutes?
Matt: What can I say I am quite fast. I used file paperwork all the time back when I alive.
Sera didn't know what to believe until she entered her office and saw all the paperwork that she was suppose to do were in metal cabinets as well filed and labeled in order so it would be easy to find what Sera is looking for.
Sera: is this possible...?
Matt: If it's not to your liking I will could...
Sera: No, no it's fine as a matter of fact this makes my job a whole lot easier. I thank you for what you did for me. I am in your debt.
Matt: Think nothing of it.
Sera: Emily and St.Peter already told you who we are but allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Sera, The High Seraphim of Heaven. It's my pleasure to have you among the souls of heaven.
Matt: It's a pleasure to meet you as well M'lady. I must say you are very beautiful in person. My name is Matthew Roberts but you may call me Matt.(Matt saids and kisses Sera's hand that made her blush)
Sera: (BA-DUMP!🩵)...Oh um the pleasure is all mine.
Matt: Your beauty is quite extraordinary, i can see why all of heaven will gaze upon a lovely creature such as yourself.~
Sera's whole face turns shades of red and her heart skipped a beat after hearing those charming words from Matt. When Sera got a good look at Matt she can see that he was not like any angel she has ever encountered but also very handsome and attractive that was catching the Seraphim's eye. For her whole life no one said such charming words to her like that except for Emily who is her sister.
Sera: Cough...well your probably the first soul to ever said that to me in over centuries. We hope your stay in heaven is going well.
Matt: It's fine though still planning to see more of the sites here since St.Peter showed me only half of the place.
Sera: Well if you like Emily would be more than happy to give you the rest of the tour.
Emily: Actually Sera I have plans, I promised to hangout with St.Peter and Abel today so I am pretty much booked.
Matt: Abel?
Emily: He's Adam's son, you will like him and he's nothing like his father.
Matt(Thought): I will see for myself.
Emily: Say why don't you give him the tour Sera and you could use some fresh air after being locked in your office for months now.
Sera: Emily you know I have...
Emily: Come on Sera and besides this could a chance to get to know a new soul.
Sera: Hmmm, I suppose.
Emily: Great! See you around Matt, and enjoy your life in heaven.(Emily saids and leaves)
Sera: Sigh...what am I going to do with her.
Matt: Sisters attend to fool around with their siblings, it's like that on earth. Luckily I am only child.
Sera: Shall we see the other sites of heaven that you missed.
Matt: Absolutely lead the way, Angel Queen.~
Sera(Thought): Oh my god....he's by far the most charming male angel I have ever seen and when he called me Angel Queen it made my heart beat. If only Adam can behave like Matthew here.
Matt: Hey you all right?
Sera: I'm fine just lost in thought.
Matt(Thought): She's gonna fall for me I just know it. Charlie, Vaggie, and Lute fell for me already and maybe Cherri Bomb and Velvette.
Sera showed Matt the rest of heaven in which Matt was even more amazed of seeing the other parts of heaven even finding out that heaven has an amusement park and a beach. Matt was thinking of taking Lute to the beach one day when she's not too busy that is. For some reason Sera was actually enjoying her time with Matt, he is so polite with her and nothing like Adam. He showed her compassion as well as honesty. Even though she only met Matt for a day, she can see that he's not like any angel she has ever encountered, he was special but she doesn't know that Matt is actually is from another universe nor came from Hell nor was allowed into heaven thanks to his God from his own universe.
Sera: I hoped the tour was to your liking Matthew.
Matt: It was, thank you so much for giving me the tour. You know allow me to give you a thank for such a wonderful time.
Sera: You don't have to do anything for me. Your honesty and respectfulness is more than enough.
Matt: Nonsense I will be more than happy to do something nice for such a beautiful woman such as yourself. And I will not take no for answer.
Sera: Hehehehe very well I except what you have to offer. What do you have in mind?
Matt: You like Jazz.
Matt took Sera to Jazz Club and who would of guess there was a Jazz Club in heaven. They sat down together and got to know each other in which Sera was pleased that Matt grew up as a normal human being but felt deeply upset he never knew his family but pushed forward and became such wonderful man. Matt talked about how he used to be an illustrator for a comic book company and made a life of his own but also told on how he died and it made Sera surprised that Matt got into heaven due to a heroic act when he saved a cosplayer from a group of thugs.
Sera: I never knew such an act would get someone like you into heaven, Matthew.
Matt: Well there are many ways to get into heaven Sera besides showing an act of heroics. There is courage, love, sacrifice, and a deep passion for doing the right thing.
Sera: If only sinners could be like that.
Matt: Something tells me you don't like them.
Sera: Sigh...they are dangerous beings who lost the will to be brought into heaven and wasted their lives on things that they couldn't have and in the end it got them killed and sent to hell.
Matt: Hear me out, what would you think if a sinner actually got redeemed while following the acts I told you about. What would you think of that?
Sera: If that was possible I would just admit my errors to the princess of hell and say you were right, redemption is a possibility.
Matt(Thought): Oh I am so going to get her to say that to Charlie, when the time comes.
Sera: But like I said this redemption is impossible. I would like to stop talking about this subject.
Matt: I'm sorry I didn't mean...
Sera: No it's fine you did nothing wrong. You know I actually am quite enjoying myself. At least I'm not doing hundreds of paperwork nor listening Adam's bickering, I can finally have some peace time for myself.
Matt: Even if it is with a guy like me.
Sera: I don't know what it is but for some reason I think we were meant to meet. I just got this strange feeling.
Matt: Life works in mysterious ways, Sera.
Sera: I guess it does.
Matt: Hows about I make this day a little more fun, just for you.(Matt saids and gets up from the table)
Sera: Where're you going?
Matt: Just sit back and enjoy the show, Angel Queen.
Sera watches Matt got to the stage where the music guy was playing the music until Matt told the guy to stop playing the music for a minute in which the angel music guy responded to Matt's request. Matt then grabbed the microphone and spoke.
Matt(Mic): Hello fellow angels, I know many of you are asking why the music stopped well because well this kind music that you were listening too is ok but it just doesn't feel jazzy or groovy. So hows about we take things to a whole new level. Hey music man, give us a classic one.
Music Angel: Like anyone?
Matt(Mic): Yea something that would get the people up and dancing.
Music Angel: I think I just got the perfect song my friend. This one is a classic that came from the 70's back on earth.
Matt(Mic): Then let the people know.
Music Angel: All right ladies and gentlemen, get up and dance to this classic song. Hope you all know this one, it's called Disco Inferno!
Matt(Thought): Ooh that's a good one! I love that song.
(Disco Inferno By: The Trammps)
As soon as the music started to play all the male and female angels got up from their seats and began to dance to the song as well as Matt who got off the stage and started to grove to the song while Sera giggles at seeing Matt.
(Burn baby burn)
(Burn baby burn)
(Burn baby burn)
(Burn baby burn)
To my surprise one hundred storeys high
People getting loose y'all
Getting down on the roof
Folks are screaming out of control
It was so entertaining
When the boogie started to explode
I heard somebody say
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
Matt: That's right people get and up dance! Dance dance.(Matt saids while dancing to the song which everyone followed)
Satisfaction came in a chain reaction
I couldn't get enough
So I had to self-destruct
The heat was on, rising to the top
Everybody is going strong
And that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say
Matt: Yea yea yea. Come on people get in the groove!
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
Matt: Care to dance with M'lady.~
Sera: Oh no thanks, you go and have fun.
Matt: No you don't, you are going to have fun and not sit there all alone. Come on lighten up and enjoy yourself.
Sera: I..I don't know..I mean I don't think I can...
Matt: Take my hand.
Sera: Okay.
Matt took Sera to the dance floor and when all the female and male angels stopped dancing they looked to see Matt and Sera in the middle where Sera looked nervous but Matt smiled and took the Seraphim's hands and looking at her and telling her that she will be fine.
Sera: Matt how are we gonna dance if your not well you know...
Matt: Oh I got that covered, watch this.
Matt using his magic made himself the same height as Sera that left her in shock as well as everyone else.
Matt: Shall we M'lady.~
Sera: Yes. Yes please.
Matt: Then let's grove!
Sera followed Matt in dancing and lets say she was absolutely having the greatest time of her life and never thought dancing would be so much fun.
Matt: Your doing it Sera! You're doing it.
Sera: Oh my goddess this is fun.
Matt: Yea dance gal dance!
Up above my head
I hear music in the air
That makes me know
There's a party somewhere
Satisfaction came in a chain reaction
I couldn't get enough
So I had to self-destruct
The heat was on, rising to the top
Everybody is going strong
And that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(Burn baby burn) disco Inferno
(Burn baby burn) burn that mother down
As soon as the song ended everyone clapped for Matt and Sera who bowed to their guest for best dancing. After dancing to a couple more songs later, both Matt and Sera had some food together and talked to each other more. Sera was having so much fun with Matt that she didn't want it to end but she knows she has to get back to work again but for now she wants to enjoy this moment.
Sera: Sigh..that was the best time of my life. Thank you for giving me a great time Matthew.
Matt: Hey I'm just happy your enjoyed yourself.
Sera: I should get going, I need to check up on Emily and see how she is doing.
Matt: Understandable. It's always good for an older sister to look after their younger sibling.
Sera: Indeed it is. And Matthew..
Matt: Yes.
Sera without hesitation planted her lips to Matt's cheek and gave him a kiss. The kiss was to show that Sera had fun and enjoyed her time with Matt. Matt touched the spot where Sera kissed him and look to the Seraphim who looked away with a smile and blush on her face.
Sera: A little thank you for making me feel better and for helping me with those paperworks.
Matt: Heh, my pleasure. See you around, Angel Queen.(Matt saids and kisses Sera on the hand again before leaving)
Sera(Thought): He is very charming, and yet so handsome. Maybe we can do this again someday I just have to check my schedule.
Matt left the Jazz club and went back to Lute's place and he can probably tell that Lute is awake now and feeling much better after that long hours of sleep. Matt ranged the door bell like before and soon Lute opened the door looking like her normal self and saw Matt in front holding the flowers.
Matt: Hey, hows my favorite Shadow Angel doing.~
Lute: Matt!(Lute saids with joy and hugs her boyfriend)
Matt: Good to see that you are acting like yourself now.
Lute: What do you mean by that?
Matt: I came here I while ago to see you but when you opened the door you were like tired and hardly had your eyes opened, you also thought I was Adam and closed the door or me.
Lute: Shit...sorry.
Matt: It's fine, I allowed you to sleep until you were fully awake. I just went for a stroll around Heaven. By the way I got you these flowers.
Lute: Wow, thank you. Their beautiful.
Matt: Not as beautiful as you, my dear Lute.
Lute: Heh, always a charmer. Hey I don't have anything to do right now, would you like to spend time at home with me.
Matt: Sure we can watch a movie together sound good.
Lute: Sure, but you make the popcorn.
Matt: Of course.
Lute: In mean time, why don't you tell me all about your stroll around heaven.
Matt: I don't see why not. Also your not gonna believe who I met and lets just say this angel knows how to dance to groovy music.
So Matt told Lute how he met Sera and Emily where Lute jaw dropped to the ground when she was told that Sera danced at the Jazz Club and didn't know Sera like the Seraphim was dancing with Matt at a jazz club as a thanks for showing him around heaven some more. Lute did feel jealous of not being with Matt the whole time but she knew it wasn't his fault it was hers for over doing herself with training. Matt told Lute if she wanted to go to the beach with him the next time he comes back.
Lute: I would love to babe.
Matt: Awesome. Now hows about we have that movie night together. Ever seen The Chronicles of Narnia?
Lute: The what now?
Matt: I guess it doesn't exist here. Not to worry my sweet Shadow Angel, you will love this movie, it has adventure, action, outstanding music, and battles. Here's a cover of what the film is about.
Lute: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. Hmm sounds interesting, I'm in.
Matt: Fantastic.
Lute: You are also taking me out to dancing right.
Matt: Anything for you honey.
Lute: I love you.
Matt: I love you more.
Matt and Lute spent the whole remaining day watching the movie until the end of it. Lute felt sleepy and thought about going to be but she didn't want Matt to go yet.
Lute: Matt can you stay with me for today.
Matt: I don't see why not. Nobody in hell would know I am gone for a whole day.
Lute: Thanks.
The two went to bed together where Matt wore nothing but pants and no shirt that made Lute smile that she was going to enjoy laying on top of her hot boyfriends chest. Lute put on her pajamas and laid on top of Matt.
Lute: Yawn...night babe.
Matt: Night my Shadow Angel. I will make you breakfast in morning before I leave.
Lute: I would like that very much.
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