Welcome Back, Jason (Pilot)

After Adam throws away a creepy gift, he decides to walk home from school while Hanna is with Mona.

Adam gets another text, but this time, it's not the 'A' person, but it's Jason, with excited news.


- "I'm back in Rosewood, wanna meet me in the at the Kissing Rock?"

Adam smiled and began to walk to the Kissing Rock. Adam can't help but keep having flashbacks the night where Jason saves him by someone at some kind of college party.

Adam shakes his head and continues to walk.


As Adam made it to the Kissing Rock, he saw Jason, who was coming out of his car and walked over to Jason.

It's was the first time that Adam and Jason met since Alison's disappearance, and where Jason and his parents moved out.

Adam smiled and said to Jason, "You're back, baby."

Jason smiled also as he hugged Adam as he responded, "I know, Adam, it's just that it's been a year, and I have decided to come back to a fresh start with the love of my life."

Adam nodded but asked Jason that froze Jason, "Do you miss Alison still?"

Jason looked at Adam and nodded with a sad look on his face.

"Yes, I do, and I know that this town is starting to forget her to know if she is still alive, but I'm not sure." Jason answered.

Adam nodded and hear that he got a text from his mom:


- "Adam, your twin sister has been arrested for stealing a pair of sunglasses at the mall. Come home immediately."

Adam looked back at Jason and said, "Jason, I got to go, but I will see you later."

Jason sadly nodded and kissed Adam goodbye. Adam kissed back and stopped when he started to run back home.

But, unknown to Jason and Adam, a person have taken a picture of them, kissing.


Adam begins to run back home but stops again when he sees police cars and ambulances driving to Alison's old house. Adam sign, but follow them.

Before his eyes, Adam saw everyone, Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Emily new friend, Maya, outside of the Dilaurentis' house.

Spencer runs to Adam as Emily and Aria follow her. "Ace, they find... they have found Alison's body."

Adam can't believe what he just heard. Alison's body was found. Adam began to break down and sobs as Emily and Spencer tried to hold Adam back, who was trying to stop the cops, who was taking Alison's dead body away.

Adam continues to cries and Aria hugs him.


As Adam went home, Hanna saw Adam's red, puffy eyes that she knew that Adam had been crying.

"Alison..they find -" Adam was cut off by Hanna, who nodded as she responded back, "I know, they find her body."

The twins hug as Adam sobs again. Hanna has an idea in her mind, knowing how to make Adam better.

"Do you want to watch "28 days later?" Hanna asked as Adam nodded.

Horror or not, watching movies is what Adam thinks to make himself better if he has a bad day, mostly rom-coms or comedy movies.


The next day, Hanna and Adam walk to Alison' funeral and see that Aria, Spencer, and Emily are here also.

Adam and Hanna have been watching movies last night, mostly comedy movies that made Adam better after Alison was found dead, but it still shakes Adam from last night.

Adam sees that Jason, Mr. And Mrs. Dilaurentis are here, too, and tell the girls that he will be right back.

"Adam, you're here." Jason said to Adam and hugged him. Adam feels bad for Jason of not only missing Adam, but Alison has been found.

"You too, I know it's a bad timing, but can I talk to you at school tomorrow?" Adam asked Jason.

"Yea, I think the funeral is starting." Jason said as Adam leaves to sit with Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna, where Adam sat in the middle with them.

"Poor, Ali." Emily said.

"Can you believe a scene this is." Hanna said, next.

"Alison would have loved it." Aria said, after Hanna.

"Popular in life and death." Spencer said, second to last.

Adam was the last one to day something about Alison as he said, "It's a shame that Ali didn't get a second chance."

Hanna gets out her flask, which makes Adam roll his eyes. Why would his twin bring this out during a funeral?

Emily looked at the flask that Hanna is holding and said, "No thanks, I don't-"

"Today, I think you do." Hanna cut Emily off.

Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Adam hear Aria's phone as Aria pulls it out.

"Anyone we know?" Adam asked

Aria shook her head and said, "No, it's just my mom sending me a text. Emily and I aren't the only ones who got messages from A, are we?"

"Oh, my God, it's Jenna." Spencer said as she, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Adam, turned to see Jenna is being helped by a young man to sit down.

"Did you see that jenna marshall was here? I didn't realize she and Ali were friends." Mrs. Dilaurentis said, which makes Adam question himself. Did Jenna and Alison were friends before Ali was murder?

"They weren't." Spencer said.


After the funeral, as the twins, Emily, Spencer, and Aria, left the church, they are approached by an agent, Darrian Wilden.

"Emily, Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Adam." Wilden said as he saw the teens.

"Do we know you?" Adam asked Wilden.

"I'm detective wilden. I understand you were all good friends, although one of you dates with the victim." Wilden said while staring at Adam, know that Adam had to date Alison before her disappearance.

"Yeah, we are." Aria said to Wilden.

"I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you." Wilden said.

Adam already had bad feelings towards Wilden as he said to Wilden, "We talked to the police when Alison was missing."

Wilden glared at Adam. "And I intend to go over every one of your statements. This is no longer a missing persons investigation. It's a murder. Rest assured, I will find out what happened that summer."

With that, Wilden leaves.

"Do you think he knows about it?" Aria asked Hanna.

"No, how could he?" Hanna replied back.

Adam was about to say something but heard his and his friends' phones going off as they pulled it out. Adam's eyes were wide as he saw it on his phone.

"Oh my God." Aria said.

Hanna looked at Aria and said, "It's from -"

"I got one too." Emily cut Hanna off as she sees her phone.

"Me three." Adam response back to Emily.

"I'm still here, bitches..." Spencer said as she read the first half of the text.

"...And I know everything. -A" Spencer, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Adam said at the same time, in shocked.

Before Adam knew it, he knew that he, Hanna, and their friends have a stalker in their backs, that stalker names as 'A.'

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