Prologue: New Arrivals (Full chapter)
DIAGNOSE AND REPAIR Communications Blackout
Y/N CLARKE Combat Engineering and Ship System Specialist
KENDRA DANIELS Computer Specialist
ZACH HAMMOND Chief Security Officer
CPL HAILEY JOHNSTON Security Personnel
CPL AIDEN CHEN Security Personnel
A holovid of a woman appears
Nichole: Isaac, it's me. I wish I could talk to you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything. I wish I could just talk to someone. It's all falling apart here. I can't believe what's happening... It's strange... such a little thing...
But the holovideo ends in static, and the person who was watching was not Isaac but his brother Y/n Clarke
(Or insert your face here)
Y/n: (Groans) not again.
Y/n pulls out a hologram of the video and tries to fix but no luck then a woman walks by it was kendra Daniels
Daniel: was that Nichole? Your sister in law?
Y/n: yeah. Issac said that he received her message and haven't heard of her in weeks.
Daniel: We're five minutes out and you've still got that thing on repeat? Is there something between you two?
Y/n: (Laughs) Nah nothing like that, the video is corrupted and ends in static, I been trying to fix it but no luck so far.
Daniel: maybe I can help with that, better than listening to Hammond reciting Security protocols...
Then the chief officer Hammond turned his head to her.
Hammond: Forewarned is forearmed, Ms Daniels.
Daniels: So you keep saying.
The pilot named chen speaks out.
Chen: Here we go - nice clean re-entry. Welcome to Aegis VII.
The ship exits shockspace and the planet is in view
Y/n: Imagine staring at that planet for 6 months.
Hammond: To an Deep space independent miner, that's paradise. Aegis VII is one of the richest finds in CEC history. Reports like Cobalt, Silicon, Osmium they can get some prospecting team's set up for life. Now, where is she--?
A another pilot Johnston has spotted the ship.
Johnston: There. Confirming visual contact with USG Ishimura.
There behind some asteroids lies the Ship.
Y/n: (whistle) so that's the usg ishimura, whoa.
Hammond: whoa indeed and What a beauty. Biggest planet cracker in her class, you know. And it looks like they already popped the cork.
Y/n: Wait why's it so dark? We should be able to see her running lights.
Chen: Yeah. I'll get us into hailing range. Someone's gotta be waiting up for us.
Hammond: Just be careful on the approach. I'm not taking any chances with the CEC's pride and joy.
Daniels: No chances, huh. Is that why you were digging into my personnel files before we left?
Hammond: You track your file access?
Daniels: Computer analyst. Comes with the job.
Hammond: I ran standard CEC background checks, Ms Daniels. If you want to work in the big Leagues, you have to play ball.
Chen: Ah, sir? We're in hailing range.
He opens the com channel to the ishimura.
Chen: USG Ishimura, this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kellion responding to your distress call. Come in, Ishimura.
Nothing so he tries again.
Chen: Ishimura, do you copy Come in. This is the USG Kellion.
Still Nothing Daniels leans near y/n.
Daniels: You ever here of a full communication Blackout on one of these things?
Y/n: Never, I mean with a thousand people on board someone eould have picked up the damn phone...
Then we were receiving a message but it busted as hell.
Johnston: The hell is that--?
Y/n: Sounds like the communication array is Damaged, and probably the encoder is broken as well. Me and Daniels could be able to fix it in forty-eight hours, max.
Daniels: Hey, that gives you plenty of time to catch up with Nichole.
Y/n: yeah, hope she's not too busy.
Hammond: Chen, Johnston, take us in.
Johnston: Gravity tethers engaged. Automated docking procedure is go.
The was about to auto dock but then.
A small asteroid has hit the ship causing it to go out of control.
Johnston: Shit we been Hit!
Chen: I'm losing Control!
Sparks are flying everywhere.
Johnston: Tether malfunction. Fuck We're off course!
Hammond: Daniels!
Daniels: Guidance system override isn't responding.
Chen: Shit--shit! We're coming in too hot. It's gonna smash us into the hull!
Y/n sees the tower with a blue light, he remembered from the manual about emergency crash landing.
Y/n: Chen Aim for that emergency stabilizer. There, the blue light. It might slow us down!
Chen: Got it.
He forcefully steer the ship to the emergency stabilizer.
Hammond: Drop the blast shields. Everyone, brace yourselves!
The blast shields closed on the front glass and a hologram of the front showing us after entering the hanger we crashed landed near the walkway.
Hammond: Everyone okay?
Daniels: I'm good.
Y/n: Still in one piece.
Chen: I'll live -- hey, Johnston, you all right?
Johnston: It's my ankle. Might be broken.
Hammond: Shit. But, better than a broken neck, or worse. Good call on that stabilizer, Y/n.
Y/n: Glad I always read the manual.
Daniels: What the fuck is going on with Flight Control? That guidance system's a deathtrap!
Hammond: Better add it to your repair list. Chen what's our damage?
Chen: Comms are down. Lost the port booster. we've got a fire in one of the stabilizers, the singularity core's a mess... could be worse, but not by much.
Hammond: Then let's get some help. Johnston, stay with the Kellion, we'll send a medic. Everyone else, with me.
Y/n stands up and put on his helmet and locked it on with his suit he roll his shoulders and done some stretches, after he was done he checked on Johnston by tapping her on the shoulder.
Johnston: Forgetting something?
Y/n: How's the ankle?
Johnston: Hurts like hell, but I had worse. You go on, I'll get it strapped up.
Hammond: Y/n you coming?
Y/n: Hang on a sec, Alright sit tight won't be long.
Y/n walks out the ship sees Hammond grabbing weapons and chen was using a fire extinguisher.
Chen: Stand clear.
Y/n sees the ship in a bad shape.
Y/n: Crap, we came down hard...
Hammond: Not a great start to our repair mission.
he hands you a Divet and hands chen a pulse rifle
Y/n: Thanks.
Dainels: Weapons?
Hammond: Standard procedure, Ms. Daniels. We'll register them in the Flight Lounge.
we walked to the flight lounge, the whole hanger was quiet.
Chen: Hello?!
His hello echoed around the hanger.
Chen: Where is everyone? Half of the ship must have heard that landing.
Hammond: Be proud, Chen, you got us here in one piece.
Chen: Johnston might disagree. But, if you're offering to buy the first round tonight...
Daniel: I wouldn't mind something to steady my nerves. Especially on CEC'S tab.
Y/n: Yeah I'm starving that I could eat a horse hooves and all.
the four laughed at the old joke.
Daniels: At least we didn't take out the sign.
Hammond: You see anyone in Flight Control?
Chen: No, nobody
Hammond: May as well get signed in.
they enter the checkpoint and the camera scanned y/n's rig.
Ishimura Computer: Welcome, Y/n Clarke, to the USG Ishimura.
their rigs glows up linking to the ship.
Ishimura Computer: RIG Synced. Collect Kinesis and Stasis modules from: Acting Chief Engineer Jacob Temple. Location... BEEP BEEP BEEP Error. Employee not found.
Hammond: I can't reach Security...
Y/n: Same of the Chief Engineer--what is wrong with their comms?
the door opens and they enter the waiting room, it was empty and the luggage were everywhere.
Chen: Someone left in a hurry.
Y/n: Yeah, even left their credits here.
Hammond: Where's the security detail? Where's anybody?
Daniels: There's nothing logged. No duty roster. And no power to the elevator.
Hammond: For god's sake... That security console's still working. Y/n, get a damage report. I'm done playing around.
Y/n: Yes sir.
y/n opens the door to the security room and saw dried blood on the floor.
Y/n: Umm guys? There blood on the floor.
Hammond: Shit that's not good, hurry with that damage report.
y/n speed walked to the console and load up the report.
Chen: Does anyone smell that?
Daniels: Smell what?
Chen: Like something died in the air vents. Eugh Oh god that smell, it's like something rotten.
Y/n: Done got the report.
Hammond: What have you got, Y/n?
Y/n: Shit. it's not just comms or the guidance system, half the Ishimura's in the red. Engines, hull, the trams...
Chen: What could do that kind of damage to a planet cracker?
Hammond: and with the tram system's offline. Getting around is going to be difficult
the Ventilation starts flowing air.
Hammond: The air seems to be flowing again. That's the start.
Daniels: Okay, I got us some power. Ventilation is up. Power to the elevator should be next...
But then the whole lounge room was locked in Quarantine.
Ishimura Computer: Hazardous anomaly detected. Quarantine activated.
Hammond: Another malfunction?
Y/n: No. The quarantine systems are all fine here, that means...
then strange noises are coming from the vents
Daniels: What, do you here that?
Chen: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear it.
Chen, Hammond and y/n ready their arms.
Y/n: Hammond?
Hammond: Take it easy. Daniels, get those elevators back online.
Daniels: There's something in here with us!
then the vent above chen shattered.
Chen: Up There!
Chen and Hammond fried at the vent, but then something crawled out from the vent behind chen and stabbed him.
Hammond: CHEN! NO!
Hammond fires at the thing but it wasn't going down
Hammond: Daniels, get that door open!
Daniels: I'm Trying...Almost...
then a another one of those things crawled out from the vents
Y/n: Get out of there!
Hammond: Kendra! The doors!
Kendra: I got! I got it! Go! Go!
the barricade lifts up and the door opens for them and in the security room a door opens for y/n.
Daniels: Y/n Run!
then one of the things burst though the vent in the room with y/n, y/n aims at it and fires.
after firing rounds at the thing it ran out.
Click Click Click
Y/n: Hey, thanks CEC! You piece of shit!
he throws the gun at the things head stunning it, y/n ran as more of those things burst out the vents.
He dodges the monster's slash. he saw a elevator was still powered.
he jumped rolled into the elevator hitting the wall and quickly pressed the button and the doors closed.
Y/n: Oh thank god.
y/n was safe but it was cut short when the door was forced open by the thing.
But before the thing kills him the elevator doors slam shut killing it and it's blood sprayed on him.
Y/n: Shit!
then the lift goes down to a storage room.
y/n gets out collapsed on the wall as he was breathing for air. he can't believe what's happening here, the was overrun by these things, is Nicole safe? what were those things?
worried that those things might appeared again y/n looks for a weapon and he saw a pistol on a bench with a bloody handwritten words on the wall.
Y/n: Cut off their limbs?
Y/n also sees a weapon it was a welding tool with a flashlight modified with a custom plasma cutter parts on it. He grabs it and installed a plasma cartridge.
Y/n: nice.
Then a voice is coming from behind the door.
Crew member: Who's there? Help! help! They're in the celling - they're in the vents! I can't hack the door! You got help me!
Y/n: Hang on!
Y/n smashed a power breaker connected to the door (A/n: to be honest I have no idea what it is called) and opened but was to late the thing bit the crew member neck out
Y/n: Fuck!
the thing now starts walking at him ready to kill.
y/n starts aiming at the things limbs and shoots it off, it fell to the ground and starts crawling at him, y/n aimed again at the arm, shoots it off it stopped moving.
Y/n: Holy shit it worked!
but to make sure y/n kicked it, nothing it's dead.
but y/n saw what the thing was wearing, it was a jumpsuit of the USG Ishimura and with a name tag R/n (Random name)
Y/n: No it can be.
those thing was once the crew now transformed into these Slashers, but y/n has keep on moving to get to a safe place. he enter the tram network room the window open and saw Hammond and Kendra alive.
then y/n receives a holovid of them
Daniels: Y/n? Oh my god Y/n. You made it!
Y/n: Just. They're everywhere. what about Chen is he...
Hammond: He's gone. Nothing I could do. What the fuck are these things?
Y/n: The one I killed back there was wearing Ishimura uniforms.
Daniels: They're the crew? How the hell can they be the crew? Look at them
Hammond: We need to get to the bridge. There's a thousand people on board, someone will be there.
Daniels: We can't. The tram system's wrecked. Everything's locked down because of the quarantine.
Hammond: And you're both repair techs, so how do we do this?
she walks to the console.
Daniels: There's a broken tram car blocking the tunnel, it's gridlocked the system. And the data board's burned out, I can't lift the lockdown or call the tram until we get a spare one from the Maintenance Bay. But it's all on Y/n's side of the quarantine.
Y/n: I'll handle it. just make sure there's power to the repair systems...
Hammond: And Y/n...
Y/n: Yeah?
Hammond: I'm sure Nicole's okay. She's a doctor, right? She'll do the smart thing
Y/n: Yeah I hope so too, Find a safe place I'll be back.
they entered the elevator and closed the doors leaving y/n alone.
Y/n: Alright time to get to work.
Y/n stomach growled, he was hungry he spots a vending machine, with a kick he smashed the glass and grabs some food.
(Play it at 1:28 for what he looks like kicking it)
Y/n: But first snack time.
He unwraps the chocolate bar and eats it
After a quick snack Y/n heads to fix the tram, as he heads down the tram hall's ramp a body falls out the broken tram and slams into the rails startled him.
Y/n: OH, damn it.
but then he heard a monstrous howl.
Y/n said nothing and kept on moving, he reached the way in but the door was malfunction, then he saw a stasis on a arm that has been cut off
he garbs it but it's still stuck to the arm with a little shake it detach from the arm.
Y/n: oh god that's disgusting.
then he equips it on his arm, then he used it on the door causing it to slow down.
Y/n: Alright.
he heads inside, he was now in the hallway of the tram, but then the lights went out and his head begins to hurt.
Y/n grips his head in pain then the lights turn back on and the pain stopped.
Y/n: Fuck what was that?
then he entered the tram repair room
then Hammond contacts him.
Hammond: Y/n, don't bother shooting those fuckers in the head. Doesn't slow them down
Y/n: I know seems cutting their limbs off does the job.
Hammond: Does that even kill them? Or they just stop moving?
Y/n: Don't know but that does the job.
He goes to the computer and activated the tram repair.
Ishimura Computer: Repair systems Online. Loading system reinitialized.
the shutters open and the tram parked in front but then an error occurred.
Ishimura Computer: Warning: auto-loader malfunction. Please contact a repair technician.
Y/n: Dammit got to do it manual.
he goes down and activates the claw control, the claw emerged and locked on the tram.
Ishimura computer: Left loader claw. Engaged.
but then more of those things burst through the vents.
Y/n: Fuck off! You freaks!
he aims the legs, with one down he aims at the others cutting their arms off, after the two dropped dead he then stops the first one to mince.
After putting it down he went to the other claw loader and pressed it, it emerged and grabbed the tram but it was broken.
Ishimura Computer: ERROR. Right Loader claw, disengaged.
Y/n: Goddamn piece of junk.
Then Daniels called in
Daniels: Y/n any luck moving that tram car?
Y/n: Almost, the right Loader claw is broken give me a sec.
He tries again and used Stasis on it it properly locked in.
Ishimura Computer: Right Loader claw, Engaged.
Then he starts the procedure.
Ishimura Computer: Replacing damaged tram car. Please stand by.
The loader claws bring the tram in and starts the repair.
But then more slashers emerged and starts attacking him.
Y/n: just give me a break!
He cut them dow but one managed to get close, y/n swung his weapon at it but it blocked the attack and grabbed him to bite his neck off.
Y/n: Get the fuck off of me you zombie fuck!
He managed to shoot his head off started beating it down.
The tram was now repaired and the claw put it back.
Ishimura: tram replacement complete.
Y/n: done it's good as new.
Daniels: great, that tram was jamming the whole system.
Y/n: okay, you said that the data board was fried too?
Daniels: yeah Inventory says that there's a spare in maintenance storage room.
Y/n: Alright I'm heading that way now.
But as the door opened a strange armored figure emerged from the bathrooms.
The armored figure spots him.
???: Hmm interesting your not of the crew.
Then he walks to the exit.
Y/n: hey Hey Wait.
But a creature burst above him and it looked like it had cybernetics.
Y/n: What the fuck?!
The figure opens the door but looks back at them.
???: But, let the test begin.
The door closed behind him and the thing starts crawling at him, he shoots at it but the cyber leaper leaps away from the shots.
Y/n: Stand still you bastard!
So y/n cast the Stasis at the thing, it worked so y/n took advantage by shooting it, after 10 Plasma shots it dropped dead.
Y/n: Holy Shit, Guys we have a problem!
Hammond: what is it? What's going on?
Y/n: I just got jumped by a creature that has cybernetics on it.
Daniels: Shit really?!
Hammond: Dammit it just got worse.
Y/n: hang on before it attack me there's a survivor.
Hammond: wait really?
Y/n: yeah he just walked out of the bathroom and just left before saying about a test, hang on let me check what he was doing in there.
He entered the bathroom and spots a schematic and a audio log next to a corpse with his eyes ripped out.
Y/n: poor guy
he plays the log.
Gordon: hey Alex this is Gordon, hope you get this message, so I got you that schematics for the Armor that earth gov made back in titan, let me tell I have to get past those security guards and smuggled it to the Ishimura, It was very high clearance I had to hide the rest throughout the ship, if you need to find them just open your eyes to the truth (Door opening in the background) Oh shit got to go!
Behind him was a triangle with a eye on it, he grabs the schematics and it was a blueprints of the body Armor of a prototype advanced combat rig suit.
Daniels: so what did you find?
Y/n: it turns out a smuggler manged to steal a schematics for a prototype combat Armor pieces.
Daniels: whoa that sounds Durable.
Hammond: and useful, we can get what we can to survive.
Y/n: and he managed to split the rest of the schematics into other schematics and hid them throughout the ship, only way to find them is by looking for the eye of truth.
Daniels: well good luck finding them, by the way that name Alex sounds familiar I'll check it out, don't forget the data board.
Y/n: roger that.
The call ends and y/n keeps on moving.
But as he left the corpse's eyeless socket starts to glow.
Y/n Backtrack to the tram office and head to the cargo bay, as he entered a hallway littered with luggage,
he stepped on something, he look down and it was a plasma saw.
Y/n: Nice this could come in handy.
he grabs it and swings it to test it, but then he saw a shadow
he turned around to see a circuit breaker that powers the door and a corpse near it, as he got near the console the corpse gets up.
He turns on the saw and starts beating it alive
He then crushed his head with his boot.
after dealing the slasher and powering up the door he entered the cargo room
Daniels: Y/n the Maintenance room is locked, there should be a circuit breaker on the second level.
Y/n: Alright thanks
Daniels: by the way I been doing some digging and I found this, Alex Mercer a Ex unitologist cybernetics engineer, he was removed from doing experiments on the followers and get this, he clamed that Michael was killed by his fellow colleges Markoff and Stevens and used his death to create and control the church.
Y/n: Damn no doubt they didn't like that one bit.
Daniels: Yeah no shit They even ordered his execution but he escaped and went into hiding, seems he is now in the ishimura, Be careful.
Y/n: Don't worry I'll be okay.
he gets in the elevator and goes to the upper level, he founded the circuit breaker and replace the power from the lights to Maintenance, now y/n had to be careful as he is in the dark, 2 Slashers pop up and startled him, he took them out.
he heads back down and was rushed by more of the slashers, he killed them with a explosive barrel, he entered the Maintenance saw the bench with 2 power nodes next to it, and the data board.
he install upgrades on the cutter and picks up the board.
Hammond: Y/n, we can't stay here much longer, hearing a lot of movement.
Y/n: No worries I got the data board, I'm coming back to the tram control now.
Hammond: Daniels, get ready to go.
he left the room and head back to the tram room, after dealing with the slashers he went inside the control room and installed the board the tram turns online.
Ishimura computer: Data board Reinstalled. System restart complete.
after installing the board y/n then called the tram.
Ishimura computer: Maintenance complete. Calling tram.
Y/n: It's clear.
Hammond and Daniels exit the elevator and the tram arrived
Ishimura computer: Now arriving at flight deck - Tram control.
they got in and the tram heads off.
Hammond call y/n in live video call.
Hammond: We're on board, something hit the roof but it seems operational.
Daniels: Strange, The quarantine lockdown's lifted so you can get to the hanger, comms still down, though, so be ready for anything.
Y/n: So what's the plan?
Hammond: You and Johnston fix up the kellion, we report to the bridge. Stranded emergency protocol.
Daniels: Wha? 'Protocol'? Hammond, people are dying here.
Hammond: And I'm not losing anyone else! We stick to procedure, we'll get through this.
Daniels: (Sighs) We'll see.
the video ends and Y/n heads back to the elevator that he took when he escaped from the slashers, as he ride the elevator up checks his ammo and health then he walks back to the lounge, he look around hoping those things left, but he also saw the body of chen was gone.
Y/n: what the hell?
Hammond: Y/n, we made to the bridge. It's... (Sighs) There is no survivors. Daniels is trying to get into the command computer.
Y/n: Hammond, chen's body he's gone.
Hammond: What? Is he still alive? I'll call him, I thought he died?
y/n opens the hanger door and saw the ship still there and hear Johnston's voice.
Johnston: Hey Y/n! Come and give me a hand!
y/n ran to the entrance to the ship, he hangs the weapon and takes out his helmet.
Johnston: Did my best, but the singularity core could use an expert...
when she looked behind to speak to y/n she was shocked to see y/n covered in blood.
Johnston: I -- What've got on you? Is that blood?
Y/n: Hailey, I need you to listen. The Ishimura's overrun with -- Fucking Monsters. You didn't hear anything?
Johnston: What--? No, comms are still out. Y/n--
Y/n: We need the Kellion fixed now. Got a damage report?
Johnston: Uh, yeah, It's -- There.
Y/n Run Diagnostics then he sees a live feed of the core being attacked by the crawling things bladed tail.
Johnston: What the fuck?
Y/n: Oh god, the singularity core!
Kellion Computer: Warning singularity core overload. Evacuate imminently to minimum safe distance.
Then the core exploded.
Y/n: Go!
Y/n ordered her to get out as he puts in the helmet but a slasher pops up, Hailey opened fire at it.
Y/n: Hailey run!
but an explosion killed her and send y/n flying out the window, he sees the ship blowing up and Hailey was dead.
Y/n: Hailey! HAILEY!!
He sees more of the leapers and slashers emerging from the vents
He fires the plasma at them taking them down one by one, as they got close he sliced them apart, now there was no more.
Hammond Called y/n again live video call.
Hammond: Y/n, What's happing down there?
Y/n: Johnston's gone. The Kellion too. The singularity core overloaded.
they moved they head down.
Hammond: NO!
Daniels: The Kellion was our only way home. We've trapped...
Hammond: No. I'm not losing tow good people for nothing! What about the command computer?
Daniels: It's a brick. All the system are locked down, with the captain's codes.
Hammond: so we find the captain mathius. Track his RIG.
Daniels stands up and goes to the computer.
Daniels: Okay... here. Captain Benjamin Mathius. Location: medical. Status... deceased?
Y/n: Even the captain? God...
Hammond: Y/n, your closer to medical. you can double back and cut through maintenance. Find the captain and get his RIG. with his codes, we- (Background noise) What was that?
in the live video they heard something coming out of the vent and growling.
Hammond: Chen?
Daniel: Oh god Hammond Run!
they ran as the camera was knocked down and a slasher chased after them.
Y/n: Daniels? Hammond!
the video ends.
Y/n: Shit!
so he heads to the tram station, but as he walked past the bathroom he stopped he looked at his Armor it's bloody so he went inside and washed off the blood, after washing the blood off he rode the elevator to the station, he spots the store.
Y/n: Hmm I wonder.
he insert the semantics into the slot a message popped up.
Store: Congratulation Y/n Clarke, you been awarded a piece of Armor for your RIG Would you like to install the Armor?
Y/n pressed yes the store open the suit-on procedure, he climbed it as the shutters closed and shine brightly as it starts to install the Armor, after a few seconds the shutters open and y/n stepped out with a new body Armor.
Y/n: Damn That's what I'm talking about.
he sold the stuff he found and Buy ammo, then he enter the maintenance way to medical.
Y/n: Hang in there Nicole.
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