Chapter 3: The Escape and 3rd round

After barricaded the door, the two survivors took a break of escaping the two tyrants, Jill was telling y/n about the Mansion intendent with her fellow star members and the true horror of umbrella, then the police chief suspending her from the force and ordering her to remain at home but under constant surveillance, Y/n was in shocked.

Y/n: Fucking hell, Now I fucking hate those bastards, I can't believe that fat pig just suspended you.

Jill: Yeah, so what's your story?

Y/n: Well it's something you won't believe.

but before Jill can answer they heard the barricade door banging.

Jill: Shit maybe later let's go.

they head back to the main street and saw the barricade begin taken down by the zombies.

but behind them was the tyrant.

Tyrant: STARS.

Jill: Shit!

Y/n grabs the barrel with the kinesis and throws it at them killing the zombies and stunned the tyrant.

Y/n: Go go!

they head into the donut café, as they got inside they search the staffroom, found more ammo and a another fancy box.

they exit the back door and saw the office. 

Jill: there it is.

Y/n: Now let's go.

They searched the pharmacy then they got in the building.

Jill: Y/n check the other room there.

Y/n: Yes Ma'am be right back.

she entered the office.

Jill: Carlos I'm in the control room, Now what?

Carlos: Nice, now you got to plot out a route

Jill: Okay give me a sec.

she takes a long at the screen and the map.

Jill: Hmm what did he say? Redstone street to fox park... Oh!

Jill figured it out and plot the course.

then the screen shows the route to fox park is now working.

Computer: Valid route confirmed

Jill: Carlos, It's me. I've finished imputing the subway route.

Carlos: Jill, you and y/n are both amazing! Hurry back to the station. We'll make sure the subway is ready to depart.

y/n enters with a shotgun,

Y/n: Hey Jill catch!

he tossed the shotgun to Jill and she caught it

Jill: Nice a M3, thanks.

Y/n: No problem got some shells if you need more ammo.

but then they heard glass break.

Jill: That doesn't sound good.

they exit the control room and saw a zombie getting up and a parasite form on it's head

Jill: What the fuck?

she aims at it and it blocks it's core with it's claws, it's tendril has stab Jill on her shoulder.

Jill: Aggh Shit!

Y/n: Jill!

he aims at the legs and sliced them off, as it crawled on the floor y/n starts stomping it to death.

after stomping on it 4 times to melts to liquid.

Y/n: Fucking hell, Jill you okay?

Jill: Yeah just a scratch.

they got out and saw more of those things.

Y/n: Fuck more of those thing, we got to keep moving.

they head to the café while dodging the zombies, they manged to get in as they exit the other way it was the tyrant using it tendrils to form a parasite on the zombie.

Jill: What the hell is it doing to them?

Y/n: Guess that stalker is responsible, alright this is my last stasis shot.

Y/n used his last stasis charge at the tyrant slowing and burning him.

Y/n: Go go go!

they ran to the subway while y/n slice the zombies with his plasma saw, they went around the corner and saw the subway shutter, they ducked under them and Jill shut the shutters down.

Jill: Phew we did it, Guess that stasis and useless now.

Y/n: Not much it recharge one for an hour.

Jill: Huh I take that back, huh seems Carlos resupplied. 

the room has now new supplies, so they freshen up with ammo and healing properties.

y/n saw a machine named the clock tower commemoration and saw the empty slots were diamond shapes.

Y/n: Hmm, hey Jill do you still got those fancy boxes?

Jill: Yeah here.

she hands the fancy boxes, he open them and inside was the rest of the coloured gems red blue and green, so y/n put them in one by one and the machine rewards them a grenade, a tactical stock for the shotgun and two hip pouches.

Y/n; I swear some who build this is a guy who loves puzzles.

Jill: I'm thinking the same thing.

they head down the escalator and Carlos was there.

Carlos: Nice job, super cops. I'm impressed.

Y/n: gee glad we impressed you.

Jill: We back in business?

Carlos: Yeah mostly. But we need 30 to 40 minutes to finish maintenance.

they heard a shutter open and it was that Russian bastard and a another U.B.C.S solider

Carlos: Nicholai! How we doing?

Nicholai: The town's crawling with those freaks. No chance of fighting our way out of the city.

then he sees the two.

Nicholai: Where are they here?

Carlos: They helping get the trains running again.

Nicholai: Bad time to start carrying dead weight, friend.

He got near Jill's face.

Nicholai: She's unreliable. Can't pull the trigger when it counts.

Y/n points his pistol at his face.

Y/n: but I can if you don't back the fuck off.

Carlos: Hey hey take it easy.

Y/n: you sure about that, last time i remember he was the one who shot that U.B.C.S troop back then.

Carlos: what? That can't be right, is this true Nicholai?

Nicholai: No choice he was turning.

Y/n: bullshit, from my point of view, he had no bite marks only Two bullet wounds.

Nicholai was getting annoyed by this stranger, but Carlos step in.

Carlos: just calm down y/n, nick just give her some room before he shoots you and you have to talk about this, alright?

Nicholai steps back and y/n hosted his weapon.

Nicholai: Tsk, They'll get you killed.

Nicholai shoulder bash y/n as he head downstairs, he looks at Carlos.

Y/n: He's a real asshole, you know that?

Carlos: Sorry, Everyone's a little worked up.

But then they heard a loud noise meaning that tyrant ram it's way in.

Carlos: Aw come on. Not again.

Y/n: Dammit alright I distract the freak, you two get the train ready.

Jill pulls the switch and she and Carlos ducked under the closing shutters, but then she realised that the tyrant is hunting down s.t.a.r.s members.

Jill: It's me He's after.

Then she rolled under it and Carlos called out.

Jill: we'll buy you some time.

Carlos: Wait! Wait, Jill! No!

The tyrant is stepping down the steps and saw the two.

Y/n: Hey fuck face, I'm officially a new S.T.A.R Member, come and get us.

In the tyrant's point of view the mission has been updated, Kill the two Stars members.

Tyrant: STARS!

the two ran to the hallway while jill thrown two grenades behind them, exploding and stunned it.

They ran up the stairs and entered storage room, they searched around for a way out but only found a vent that could lead somewhere.

Jill: y/n keep a eye while I get this off.

Jill tries to kick it off while y/n kept watch, with a few kicks she rips off the vent cover.

Jill: Got it!

She crawls in the vent and y/n followed her.

Then she kicked the vent below her, she landed in what it appears to be the sewers and she sees a bulkhead door.

Jill: Y/n hurry!

He lands beside her and they ran inside while jill closed the bulkhead door, y/n helps turing the wheel locking the door.

Jill: Carlos, do you copy? Carlos! ...Shit.

Y/n: we must be deep underground to contact him.

Jill: Let's find a way out.

They spot a safe room, while y/n salvage the items Jill found the map of the area.

Jill: A map of the sewers, Perfect.

Y/n: hmm right, there's a ladder that can take us up the surface.

Jill: but the door is locked with a electronic lock needs a battery pack.

Y/n: well it's no match for my saw, hmm but i can probably make use of the battery.

Jill: Oh what do you have in mind?

Y/n: Don't know till we get it.

Jill: great and by the way, new member of star team?

Y/n: yeah sorry trying to get the thing's full attention on us.

Jill: nah don't apologise, I think you make an excellent member of the team.

Y/n: heh thanks.

So they head down to the deeper level of the sewers.

But then they heard a roar.

Jill: what was that?

Y/n: Don't know, I betting we've not alone.

On their way they spotted a hip pouch in the room across the window even the way out, they slide down to the sewerage Jill was disgusted.

Jill: Ohhh god. I'm definitely burning these clothes.

Y/n: and probably find a spare one.

Jill: heh screw you.

Out of nowhere a large mutated frog popped out of the sewer tunnels.

Y/n: Oh Shit!

The things mouth open and it was horrific y/n pulls out his pulse rifle and launched a grenade in its mouth, then it's face exploded, resulting in death.

Jill: What the fuck was that!?

Y/n: looked like a ugly frog.

Then they kept on they went inside a another safe room which has notes and a MGL Grenade Launcher.

Y/n read the notes which turns out those things where gamma hunters bred by umbrella corporation, seems a scientist who made them smuggle them down here cause umbrella shut down the gamma research.

Y/n: Fuck, just what else umbrella has made?

Jill: To much.

They head on through the sewers killing the gamma on their way, they found the lab, they even find the battery pack

Y/n: nice.

They continue exploring the sewers, on the way they acquired ammo and a hip pouch. After searching the sewers they were done, y/n cut the electric lock, now they were headed to the surface Jill tries to contact Carlos.

Jill: Carlos, can you hear us now?

Carlos: Jill Y/n! Oh, thank god! You both OK?

Y/n: yeah we're alive, We lost him.

Carlos: Great. The subway's ready to go. We'll leave as soon as you both make it back.

Y/n: roger.

They found the ladder.

Jill went first.

Jill: you better not look.

Y/n: hey don't worry I won't peak.

She climbs up but then the thing is back and grabs her head.

Y/n: Jill!

He chucks her on the floor, she gets up and sees the tyrant with a flamethrower.

Jill: Oh shit!

The tyrant then was frozen again.

Y/n: Jill run!

They sprint to the construction building.

Jill pushes the shutters down but moved back as the flamethrower's flame erupted under her, then she slams it shut with her foot.

Y/n: well this is surprisingly worse.

Jill: It can use weapons?

Y/n: well I think I'd show that thing that my flamethrower can beat it's shitty one.

Jill: well let's hurry no doubt it's going to set the place on fire.

Y/n nods and they head to higher ground, then the flames starts to get bigger.

Y/n: Shit move move move!

They climbed to the roof, after getting past obstacles they reached the roof, then the tyrant burst through the floor and lands in front of them.

Y/n: Jill flank him I'll attack him head on!

She nods and runs off.

Y/n equipped the flamethrower.

Y/n: Burn in hell freak!

Flames erupt from y/n's flamethrower setting him on fire, it screams in pain but it wasn't enough to kill it as it open fire on y/n, thankfully he dodge the flames.

Jill went behind it and sees the tank on it's back and starts opening fire on it.

Though it wasn't enough the tyrant turns around ready to shoot the flames, but thanks to the bullets that managed to crack a small tear and the extreme heat of y/n's flamethrower it exploded, forcing it on it's knees.

Y/n ran to Jill as it was still moving, it grabbed the other end of the flamethrower and used it as a club.

Jill: Shit it's still kicking?

The tyrant suddenly charged at Jill.

Y/n pushed her out of the way and received the full blunt trauma of a burning club.

Y/n: (Screams of pain) FUCKING HELL!

Jill: Y/n!

It lifted him up and he slams him down. His rig was at caution level.

Jill pissed off she shot all of her grenades at it and 4 explosion shots it collapsed finally.

Jill ran to y/n and help him up.

Jill: Y/n are you okay?!

Y/n: Yeah just winded, let's get out of here.

They saw the scaffold lift so they slide down on landed in it, but the wire snapped and y/n managed to hold on and grabbed jill from falling.

Y/n: hang on!

Y/n pulls her up but the lift shakes again and his hand slipped, y/n hold jill on top of him and lands on his back.

Y/n: (Groans)

Then they moved out of the way as the left fell.

Jill gets up and help y/n she looked behind him and saw his health light at critical level.

Jill: Jesus y/n your hurt badly.

Y/n grabs a large med kit and injected into the rig, then he sighs in relief he takes off his helmet to breath.

He forehead was covered in sweat.

Y/n: I am due to go on a vacation.

Jill: (Laughs) same and thank you.

Y/n: Glad to help.

Jill calls Carlos.

Jill: Carlos, It's us. Do you read me?

Carlos: Loud and clear. You both alright?

Y/n: Yeah we killed it, Bastard's dead.

Carlos: Good, Fuck 'im. But what were you both thinking, turning yourselves into bait? You both could've been killed.

Jill: (Sighs) Don't start. We both did what we had to.

Carlos: I know. And, uh...thanks. The subway's ready to go. Hurry back.

Y/n Groans as he gets up.

Jill: hey I know this street, Kendo's weapon shop is not far from here.

Y/n follows Jill to this weapon shop


It been hours since she started working on repairing the engine.

Ellie: (Sighs) almost, Hang in there.

But outside of the ship the zombie walked past the ship and headed to the darkness, a small marker shrapnel embedded underneath the ship started to glow slightly then suddenly it stopped.

the zombie stopped moving started to shake and convulsing, Then extra arms putrid from the back as it screams out loud.

(Insert your scream sound here)

The zombie has turned into this world's first necromorph slasher

Zombie: Make. Us. Whole.

the necromorph turned around and sprinted back to raccoon city to find and kill the host

Y/n Clarke, the marker killer.


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