Chapter 2: the subway and back up

After they left the train, Y/n and Jill headed up to the surface. Then Carlos called them on their radio.

Carlos: Jill Y/n It's me, you both topside yet?

Y/n: Just climbing the stairs.

Jill: So what's the plan?

Carlos: The tank's got me clearing the tracks. You both mind getting the subway infrastructure Online?

Jill: And how we do that?

Carlos: Let's start by restoring power. I'll navigate you two to the substation once you reached the main road.

Jill: Copy that. let's do this fast.

they reached the supply, she grabbed the herbs and ammo.

Y/n: So why did you grab those plants?

Jill: Well it's hard to explain but these herbs are very useful when you get hurt badly, trust me.

Y/n: Huh Can I have some of that stuff?

Jill: Sure give me a sec.

she pulls out a spray and a wet cloth, she sprays y/n wound and it healed and wipe the blood off,

Jill: Done you look better then ever.

Y/n: Well thanks Guess those things are bloody miracles, I'll keep a eye out for them.

Jill: Thanks that be helpful, so what gear do you have?

Y/n: I got a combat Plasma Pistol, it can slice flesh and bone with one shot.

Jill: Damn sounds powerful, but aren't you worried about ammo?

Y/n: No Got myself a Universal Ammunition upgrade, I can savage scrap metal and converted it into ammo.

Jill: Well shit you got to give me that, save me from spending money.

Y/n: maybe after we get out of here I can duplicate it for you.

Jill: Thanks, I guess we duck under there.

they both crouch under the shutter and saw survivors running away one got under it near them.

Jill: More survivors. We've got to get that train moving. 

Y/n: Alright but first we got to get through these freaks.

more of the walkers stumbled around the corner, so y/n and Jill dealt with them by shooting and slicing their heads, they also searched the buildings.

Jill tried to open the toy story to search for supplies but the door was locked.

Jill: Damn locked.

Y/n: Hang on let me lockpick it..

He turns on the plasma baton/saw and sliced the lock opening the door.

Y/n: Ladies with guns first.

Jill: Hmmp show off.

inside the shop was ammo, some scrap and a fancy box with a blue jewel and they search the other shop locked with a metal chain but with a plasma saw they cut it and entered it, they found a first aid spray, gunpowder and a another fancy box.

they head toward and spot the substation but the way was blocked off.

Y/n: Carlos we see the substation but the way is blocked off any ideas?

Carlos: You both have to circle around through the alley to your right to get there.

they looked right to see the alley but was on fire.

Jill: You mean the alley way that's on fire?

Carlos: ...Maybe? surely two tall drinks of water like yourselves can put out a few flames.

Y/n & Jill: Fuck you.

they hang up.

Jill: Hey Y/n...

Y/n: On it.

he walks to the fire hydrate and shoots off the cork and water spurts out dosing the flames.

Y/n: There.

Jill: Nice.

they enter the alley and saw the garage shop, they entered it and savage the items including a bolt cutter in cause they get separated.

then they heard noises coming from the next room.

Jill: Is some in here?

Y/n was about to pull out his saw but Jill stopped.

Jill: Hold up let me have a turn.

so y/n let Jill cut the chains on the door.

she opened the door and saw a wounded U.B.C.S Soldier.

they check on him.

Jill: You're u.b.c.s.?

Wounded soldier: yeah, C-Careful, careful

Jill was patching his wounds.

Wounded soldier: C'mon don't look at me like that, alright? I'm not infected!

Y/n: Calm down what happened?

Wounded soldier: I was shot...

but then a U.B.C.S Solider opened the door and pulls out a gun.

Wounded solider: No no no wait Please!

he shoots him in the head Jill was shocked and y/n points his weapon at him.

Y/n: Put the weapon down!

???: Calm down sir I saved you both

Jill: What the fuck!

???: He was Infected.

Y/n: No he said he was Shot.

???: Are all S.T.A.R.S. This soft? No wonder so many of you are dead.

Jill: And what are you? U.B.C.S.? Killing your own people?

???: He would have turned. Where is your sense of self-preservation? 

Y/n: Careful mate, I'm starting to get a itchy finger.

???: Tch Go back to the subway station. we don't need a bleeding heart like you getting in the way, and as for you tin man, keep your dog on a leash.

Y/n: Or you can Fuck off.

he goes up the stairs and slams the door shut.

Y/n: He's going to be a problem, Carlos are you there?

Carlos: Yeah I'm here what's up?

Y/n: One of your pals just killed one of yours.

Carlos: What?

Jill: We found a wounded U.B we tried to help him but he just shot him in the head.

Carlos: Fuck, alright we deal with it just get the power back on.

Y/n: On it, let's go.

they left the garage and head to the station, they encountered some infected Dobermans they put them down.

they saw the entrance of the station and got in, put down some zombies inside and enter the control room and saw the four switches were off.

Y/n: Alright there are four Circuit breakers that we need to Switch on, should be easy... I think.

looking out of the winter the substation was covered in some strange webbings.

Jill: Hopefully that those webbings don't fuck the power up.

as she opened the door a foul stench has reached her nose.

Jill: Ugh, It smells like... Oh, I don't even wanna think about it.

Y/n: I smelled worse.

Jill gave y/n a WTF look.

Y/n: Never mind let's get to work.

y/n and Y/n searched for supplies, he encounter a lock gate but then he heard Jill gasped.

Y/n: Are you alright?

Jill: Yeah something just burst out of that corpse when I grabbed this.

she showed him a case.

Y/n: What's inside?

she opened it and it was a lock pick.

Y/n: Huh nice I let you pick the lock.

Jill: Thanks.

Y/n: Be right back I'm going collect some stuff

y/n left to collected supplies as Jill picked the lock.

as Jill unlocked the gate she heard something moving behind her, she turned around see nothing?

Jill: Y/n?

nothing she looked around then she sees some ooze dripping from above when she looked above she saw parasite screeching at her and grabbed her neck with it's claws.

she tried to pry if off but wasn't able, then it's tentacle emerged from it's mouth.

Jill: (Fuck fuck fuck!)

but then a loud bang has shot the bug as it let her go, she gasp for air then she saw y/n with a sniper rifle.

Y/n: Jesus you alright?

y/n helped her up.

Jill: Yeah and since when did you have a sniper rifle?!

Y/n: Meet the seeker rifle, it is slow to reload but it packs a punch.

Jill: Well whatever it is, thanks.

Y/n: No problem sorry it took so long here.

He hands her ammo and herbs.

Jill: Thanks what about you?

Y/n: I already got some things no worries.

Jill: Okay but let's be careful I think that thing isn't alone.

Y/n: Roger that.

they enter the substation to see the stuff is everywhere.

Jill: Oh god it's smells even worse, you don't happen to have a flame thrower on you?

Y/n: In fact I do but I worried that the intense heat will melt the metal rendering the station useless.

Jill: Dammit, alright let's just kill them.

 they head further to restore power, they encountered more of those things but took care of them, they flip the circuit breaker one and two.

Y/n: Alright two more to go.

Y/n and Jill climbed up the ladder to get to the other side.

The parasites pop up from the wall has manged grab y/n but he grabbed the tongue.


Y/n has manged to get it off him and throw it to the ground, he step on its body, and instantly kill it by ripping off its tentacle with the brain connected.

Jill: Fuck that's brutal!

Y/n: Thanks!

They flip the last two Circuit breakers.

Jill: Done. Time to get outta here.

Y/n: No augments here.

they backtrack to the exit but then two more burst out of the webbing that was blocking the way.

Jill: Oh, come on!

they shoot the bugs till they are dead, they finally exit the station.

Y/n: All that remains to the main switch.

 they entered the office and Jill flip the switch, the bug's nest or burst into flames and melt.

Jill: Enjoy that.

they head downstairs and Jill radios Carlos.

Jill: Carlos, it's us, we restored power to the subway.

Carlos: Nice going, Next up is the traffic control system It should be in the subway company's offices.

Y/n: Alright so where's is it?

Carlos: Unfortunately, All I can tell you both is that it's somewhere in the area.

Jill: You don't even know what building? That's helpful.

Y/n: Hang on a second.

Y/n opens his 3d map by connecting to the internet and located the office.

Y/n: Got the location kite bros railway.

Carlos: Really? Way to go partners. One step ahead!

Jill: Not your partner.

she hang up.

Y/n: That's wasn't very nice.

Jill: Bite me, anyway let's head to Kite bro.

Y/n: Yes ma'am

they exit the building but then they heard a Transmission from y/n's rig

Y/n: It's ellie, Ellie you alright?

Ellie: Yeah I'm good listen I saw a helicopter just headed to the city.

Jill: wait really? That's good news.

Ellie: Wait who are you.

Y/n: This is Jill, she helping me restoring power to the subway tram to get the survivors out of the city.

Ellie: well any friend of y/n is a friend of mine.

But before they can say anything the wall was destroyed and out came an old friend.

(Imagine his flesh and clothing is charred and his face has melted away)

Jill: Are you shitting me?

Ellie: What is going on?!

Y/n: Gonna have to call you back!

Y/n closed the transmission.

Y/n: This thing's not dead no mater we can take him out.

then Y/n's rig picked up a transmission.

Pilot: This is death hawk we spotted the targets, dropping packages.

then a helicopter with a umbrella logo hover above them and dropped three pods

the three pods hatches burst open and there was a large man.

and the two pods open and there were two riot shields that the two things grabbed and used for protection.

Y/n: Oh fuck me.

Jill: Fucking Tyrants and Umbrella!

Y/n used stasis on them but somehow they blocked it with the shield it wasn't slowing down.

Y/n: Dammit!

Y/n fired his plasma at them as he got closer but was unable to pierce them, it shied bash y/n knocking him down.

Y/n: Fuck.

Jill: Y/n cover your eyes, flashbang!

Jill tossed a flashbang on their feet blinding them.

Jill: GO GO GO!

They ran past them as they got back up, y/n shot the zombies on his way back to the garage.

Jill tried to open it but was locked.

Jill: FUCK It's locked!

Y/n: Shit!

He hears them stomping loudly

with no time to pick the lock y/n decides to use the contact beam

Y/n: Jill! Keep them busy while I bring out the big one.

he pulls out his heavy weapon and charges a shot while Jill takes a pot shot at them.

Jill: What is that?

Y/n: This is The C99 Supercollider Contact Beam, it's a heavy engineering tool designed to pound and soften hard, raw minerals into smaller pieces!

Jill: Let's hope it can kill them!

after waiting for the charge it was ready to fire.

The one with the fedora raised it's shield while the ugly face stayed behind



Y/n fired the charge shot and saw the aftermath. the huge man's shield was melted from the extreme heat and as for the shield bearer?


but the ugly face thing was nowhere to be seen

Jill stared in shock and awe as y/n open the contact conductor and steam erupted from it.

Jill: Holy. Shit.

Y/n: yeah It was the last resort, the thing eats a lot of the ammo.

Jill: Yeah no joke, at least they dead.


They saw the thing was still alive and the shield was melted and merged in it's arm, it was walking towards them.

Jill: SHIT!

Y/n: Goddammit!

Jill picks the lock open.

Jill: Come on!

Y/n equips his flamethrower and made a wall of fire to halt it.

y/n got in as Jill barricaded the door.

Y/n welded the barricade together as Jill contact Carlos.

Jill: Carlos That thing is still alive! It's after us!

Carlos: What? Run! come back to the station!

Jill: Not until we get traffic control online!

she hangs up.

Y/n: wait a minute, you called that thing a tyrant, do you know something that I don't?

Jill: Yeah sit down It a long story.

y/n sat down as Jill tells her story.


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