| S E V E N |

He got up form his desk after gazing out the window for nearly an hour, not bothering to do his late homework. He leaned against the metal beam, putting his arm against it then his forehead against his arm. He remembered Ladybug swinging through it when villains we're going after him or his father. Adrien sighed as Plagg sat on his shoulder. "You should try to get some sleep kid," Plagg whispered. "You have a test tomorrow and you don't want to fail it."

"Yeah, okay." Adrien sighed and changed into his pajamas that were a black t-shirt and shorts. He crawled into bed, soon falling into a deep sleep. Plagg warmly smiled and fell asleep next to his head. They both had gone a week with barely any sleep.

In His Dream {}|{}

"Adrien, Adrien," Marinettes voice soothed him. He stood on a roof in Paris in his suit. The wind was cold but bearable. He walked over to the figure and smiled at her. She wore her Ladybug suit, her hair down and her mask on. "Hey Kitty. Ready for patrol?"

"Always M'Lady!" He smiled and they ran across rooftops and then got to a tall tower in Paris. They stopped and she turned to him with a smile. He frowned and she walked up to him.

"What's wrong Chat?"

"I missed you so much," he hugged her tight and she returned it. "Please don't leave me again."

"I won't Chaton, ever again." She replied.

"Thank you Marinette er Ladybug." He smiled making her giggle.

"Let's go Kitty!" She smiled, her freckles like stars on her skin then ran off again. Chat laughed and ran after her. They ran for at least an hour before stopping at the Eiffel Tower. "That was a great patrol!" She smiled and Chat smiled back.

"Always is Bugaboo," He stood next to her. She bit her lip and he lifted a brow. "Something wrong?"

"Do you love me?"

He pressed his hand to her chest and smiled. "You're my entire heart Mari!" He smiled big at her and she warmly smiled back as the moonlight hit the two.

"Then how could you do this to me." Her voice turned demonic as the skin, suit, muscle and bones disintegrated where his hand was. Her mouth bleed and he gasped and took a step back.

End Of Dream {}|{}

"No!" Adrien yelled as he jolted up in bed. Plagg flew to his head as Adrien breath heavily. He looked around himself and looked at at Plagg. "It was just a bad dream, b-b-bad, real dream!" Adrien started crying and Plagg hugged his cheek.

"Adrien calm down. It wasn't re-"

"Shut up!" He hit Plagg off of him and Plagg coward. "It was real! She died because of me! It's all my fault!" He hit his fists to his head and Plagg grabbed his fist.

"Adrien stop!" He didn't. Adrien hit the Kwami off of his hand and onto the floor with a loud thud through the room. Adrien glared at him, Plagg cowering. "A-Adrien?"

"You don't deserve to call me that anymore." He said in a low tone making Plagg flinch.

He knew what he was allowed to call him already. But why now, why did this always happen to him. "Y-yes M-Master." He never imagined calling Adrien Master, but then again, he never imagined it for all his other holders.

The next morning Adrien went to school, his eyes with bigger bags under them and his hair a mess. He wore his usually hoodie, jean combo and pulled his hood up onto his head. He sat at his desk in the back and listened to music as he waited for school to start. Plagg looked at the box in his bag holding Tikki and nodded to himself. He opened it and she popped out. "Plagg, what're you doing?"

"Tikki, Adriens lost it. Please, get to Master Fu so you can stop whatever he's planning."

"What? No! I have to help you!" Tikki didn't want to leave him alone with another holder gone corrupt.

"You can help me if you get Master Fu."

"Plagg, out here now." Adrien ordered and Plagg shivered at the coldness in his voice like it was ice.

"Please Tikki," Plagg whispered as he flew out of the bag. He sat in Adriens hands and looked up at him. "Yes Master?"

He handed him a small block of Camembert and Plagg held it in his paws. "Eat up. Tonight, we're finding Hawkmoths lair." He looked at the board in the room.

"W-w-what if we don't?" Plagg stuttered then took a bit.

"Then tomorrow. We're going to look until we find him." He took another bit then swallowed the thing whole.

"W-what'll you do when we do find him?" He hoped and prayed that it wasn't what he thought it would be.

Adrien smirked at the small Kwami. "Kill him of course." Plagg gulped and nodded. The bell rang and he zoomed into the bag and saw Tikki with a look of horror on her face.

"Tikki, please find Master Fu." Plagg begged her.

"I'm not leaving you alone again!"

"Tikki," he held her paws in his. "If you want us to both be safe, find him and save me." He pulled her into a hug and she hugged him back, crying into his back.

"I-I'll leave tonight, while you two are on patrol." She sighed. She didn't want to leave him with a monster again. Plagg whipped away her tears and gave her a warm, reassuring smile.

"Thank you Tikki. And take the earrings, but not the box. You're the only thing he had left of Marinette." She wanted to cry at the mention of her name.

"He, has two more things to remember her."

"Which are?"

"The heart card from Valentine's Day and the baby blue scarf from his birthday," Tikki sighed and hugged Plagg again. "I don't want to leave you."

"You have too Tikki. I love you."

"I love you too."

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