Wrestling Tribute

(Fire away by Fight like Sin plays)

*pyro blasts!*

We cut to the UWLN arena where the crowd is massive and going wild for today's event as the camera cuts to Roselle, Travis and Caótico on commentary.

Roselle: Greetings UWLN universe and welcome to the special event of Sun Revelation. I am the "Latina Parkour" Roselle Hernandez joined by "Pure Untamed Steel" Travis & "The Anarchic Dragon" Caótico!

Travis: AYOOOOO! What up Metropolis! Do we have a great show for ya today!

Caótico: Indeed, grand matches! Championships on the line! Sheer rivalry to be settled and it all breaks down today!

The crowd erupted in cheers. In the near front seats of the crowd was Diana, Kara, Babs, Selina and her crew, Hal & his friends, Cassidy, Rhea, Logan, Harold & Aliyah along with Tatsu, Casey Krinsky, Ember & Lena. The only ones who weren't present were Jessica & Karen (who couldn't make it for they had other plans) Barbi, Leslie & Zee (who were backstage) Beck & Mason (who were backstage) while Blake & Doris were booked for today's matches.

Babs: Sun Revelation! Sun Revelation! It's Sun Revelation time!

Harleen: Ya said it, Babsy Wasby! Today's a day for some grade A smackdown!

Pam: (frowns) I'm not really a fan of this wrestling promotions yet you dragged me to this...

Harleen: Aww, c'mon red. It'll be fun! Plus, you and I had a quite a wrestling moment.

Pam: Against my judgement when you were hogging my TV remote & our scuffle broke my television on the Make it Wayne channel.

Lena: I can't wait to see Big brother Blake's match.

Aliyah: Hehe, I bet you are. It's gonna be a showstopper.

Ember: I better be impressed.

Kara: Don't be so uptight, Amber. It's wrestling, you'll probably have a fan favorite today.

The dragon girl snarled.

Ember: It's Ember, KIRA.

Kara: Hey!

Tatsu: No fighting. We're here to watch the performance.

The two grumbled.

Roselle: Now it is time for-

She was cut off when black & purple lighting hits followed by the titantron showing "Judgement Queen" with slithering chains behind it as Felicia Black walks in on stage with her nine female masked disciples, the crowd immediately booed her but she didn't care.

Travis: It looks like shadows are about to loom upon Sun Revelation as the Judgement Queen and her disciples are here, & she is NOT happy.

Roselle: She's not in a match here, today! What in the world is she doing?!

Felicia and her disciples make their way down the ramp and into the ring, demanding a microphone.

Kara: (annoyed) Oh great.

Hal: Whoa, she's hot.

Carol: Who is she?

Rhea: Felicia Black, The Judgement Queen of UWLN. She's not exactly a sweet heart. 

Lena: (arms crossed) I just seen her and I already don't like her.

Oliver: Though her style can use a bit of touch to look like a ravishing queen.

Felicia then spoke.

Felicia: This is a travesty of Justice! Blasphemy to your Judgement Queen to not make an appearance for the Sun Revelation while those beneath me are given such an opportunity.

The crowd booed.

Harleen: Boooo!!

Babs: Get off the stage!

Cassidy: Actually it's a ring.

Felicia: This is my division. UWLN is MY kingdom, no one below me deserves this opportunity, especially that atrocious brute, Doris Zuel!! That win over me was nothing more than a fluke as well as the one after, and she had the gal to assault me, disrespect me!

Harleen: she basically walked into that assault when she insulted Doris's dead folks.

Diana: I agree that you shouldn't disrespect the dead, it could lead to a violent collision.

Felicia: And yet Zuel is facing Leona Cage for the UWLN women's ultimate championship when it should be me! Unacceptable for this heinous act shall not stand! This show shall not begin until I get what I rightfully deserve & those who try to step up to me will have a very short to ended career in wrestling.

Felicia throws the microphone as the crowd booed.

Tatsu: She must be stopped.

Kara: Believe me, I want nothing more than to jump the barricade to shut her up.

Caótico: Am I seeing this? Is Felicia Black really taking the event hostage?!

Travis: The Judgement Queen is planning to assert her dominance on her division. And I doubt anyone would want any part of stopping her or her nine disciples.

Then Roselle received a message, reads it, nodding and immediately got up while grabbing a microphone.

Roselle: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Hold on a moment Chiquita!

Felicia and her nine disciples see Roselle approaching the ring but didn't get in.

Roselle: This fiasco of a takeover ain't happening today! These people of the UWLN universe came here for a spectacular event & you're not just gonna hijack it for demands! Nuh-uh!

The crowd cheered for Roselle. Felicia didn't have the mic but yelled/taunted at Roselle to do something about it, daring her to get in the ring.

Ember: Ugh, someone just fight already.

Selina: Patience, you'll get your money's worth.

Roselle: You want a match for Sun Revelation, ya got it chica!

Felicia spreads her arms wide open, gesturing Roselle to get in the ring.

Roselle: Oh nonono Felicia honey. I'm not your opponent. In fact, the general manager sent me a message that you & your nine disciples will be in a 10-on-1 handicap match against this woman!

Felicia raised an eyebrow but accepted regardless.

Caótico: A 10-on-1 handicap match?! Who's is gonna face Felicia Black & her disciples?!

Travis: The better question is... who's brave enough to even accept the challenge? Cuz they might end up at a huge disadvantage!

Garth: How is that fair?

Babs: Who would be able to fight Felicia and her disciples, 10 against 1?!

Suddenly, the arena erupts with a pyro of thunder, rattling the crowd as lightning pyro struck the ring posts, catching Felicia & her disciples off guard. Then the crowd was going wild as the woman that came out to the stage.

It was the 8 ft tall, bulky punk giant... Storm Behemoth, the wrestling persona of Leslie Willis when she was given the Giganta serum. But this Storm Behemoth wasn't Leslie for her identity remains anonymous. Her long black hair now had violet red highlights instead of blue, her form was more buff & curvaceous than before and her attire consist of a new trimmed black/dark gray/violet purple studded skull mouth mask, a studded choker, a black/dark gray/white armored punk style bra & matching tight trunks, studded belt with a lightning bolt eyed skull buckle, studded wristbands, black/dark gray/white kneepads & boots. The most noticable thing was the violet red lightning patterns on the right side of the sports bra, trunks, kneepads & boots.

Travis: WHAT?!?! Of all the superstars, it's this woman or rather a monster!

Caótico: Another new signed superstar, once Doris's insurance policy now her own singles competitor, Storm Behemoth!

Aliyah: Look at the size of her.

Barry: Quite a giant.

Harleen: It's Sparky's alter ego, Storm Behemoth!

Pam: That's what Leslie undergone?

Selina: She has a rather menacing gaze to it. But that's not our spark punk. From what Leslie explained, that lookalike ain't her.

Storm Behemoth stomps to the ring as Felicia Black stares on, not liking this one bit, the giant powerhouse now stood on the apron and stare a hole through Felicia & her disciples who were on guard.

Roselle: Oh and there are no counts out so no win by 10-counts, only pinfall or submissions, good luck to both of you!

Felicia had an "are you kidding me?!" face as Storm Behemoth entered the ring as a referee runs in, calls for the bell as the match is underway!

Travis: The match is set everyone, Storm Behemoth vs Felicia Black & her 9 disciples in a 10-on-1 handicap match!

Caótico: And no counts out, which means that there will be no winning that way.

Storm Behemoth cracks her knuckles as Felicia Black barks orders at her disciples, circling the giantess like a pack of wolves.

Casey: Uh oh, they're about to swarm her.

And to prove Casey's point, Felicia and her nine disciples immediately swarmed Storm Behemoth, attacking her from all sides!

Travis: And the Judgement Queen leading the charge, her nine disciples trying to use the numbers game to their advantage upon the giantess!

Felicia yells to stay on the giantess, getting Storm Behemoth to her knees as they continued delivered strikes, shots & haymakers for a moment before Storm Behemoth, with loud roar & monstrous strength sends Felicia and her nine disciples flying across the ring!

Roselle: (sitting down) Dios Mio! It looks like Storm Behemoth has been woken up!

Kara: Oh yeah! Tear them a new one!

Felicia and her disciples stared at Storm Behemoth in shock for a minute before judgement queen ordered her disciples to attack. Two disciples ran at Storm Behemoth, who double clotheslines them down! A third disciple jumped Storm Behemoth to applied a sleeper hold submission while a fourth disciple would deliver brawler like strikes to the abdomen of Storm Behemoth, runs to rebound off the ropes only to run into a monstrous Spinsbuster by the giantess! She then grabs the disciple on her back to flip her off!

Caótico: Storm Behemoth is cleaning house of Felicia's disciples!

Travis: Guess the numbers game isn't working well against this monster.

The fifth disciple was going up to the top rope and went for a diving splash but received a big boot to the face, collapsing!

Harleen: Hahahahaha!!!

Aliyah: Hehehehe!! Epic fail!

Ember: (smirks) Aerial attack denied.

Hal: Ha! Right in the kisser!

Travis: That disciple really took it hard to the face with that big boot!

Then Storm Behemoth was turned around, facing a sixth disciple who was the same height & bulk as her. The two were staring each other down menacingly before hammering away at each other!

Roselle: A stare down between two giant women, only one shall stand. And oh my, they're unloading solid hits on one another!

Diana: A battle of strength and endurance between two giants, both seem evenly matched.

Carter silently nodded.

Storm Behemoth and the sixth disciple were trading fierce blows before the sixth disciple runs/rebounds off the ropes to hit a shoulder tackle but Storm Behemoth barely went down. Storm Behemoth runs/rebounds off the ropes to hit a shoulder tackle of her own but received a chop to the throat by the powerhouse disciple, knocking her down to one knee. She went to rebound off the ropes to hit a crossbody but Storm Behemoth caught her quickly and nailed a backbreaker before transitioning into a reverse powerslam!

Caótico: A test for strength at it's finest and it looks like the giantess disciple was going to finish it but Storm Behemoth had other ideas!

Lena: Woohoo!!! Take them down, mop the floor with them!

Casey: Lena, please take it easy.


Casey sighs.

Storm Behemoth roars through her mask, pounding her chest with her fists as the crowd cheered. She turns to the last three remaining disciples and Felicia Black with a frightening glance and while no one can see it, the giantess was smirking evilly under her mask. Felicia immediately rolls out of the ring, throwing her hands up saying "I don't need this!" as she was about to leave.

Caótico: And Felicia Black is high tailing it out of here, wanting no part of Storm Behemoth.

Travis: A tactical retreat, even leaving the remaining disciples to fight.

Selina: My my, in the end the paper tiger of a queen runs away.

The three disciples stared at Storm Behemoth who stared back at them and then at Felicia Black. The giantess immediately leaves the ring, runs after and grabs Felicia who screamed as she was dragged back to the ring!

Roselle: But it won't matter since this match is won by pinfall or submissions, no count out victories allowed!

Pam: Dragging her opponent away kicking & screaming. Nice.

Harleen: Hahaha! Oh this is pullin' my leg! She be like "You think I'm done with you?! I don't think so, Sucka!" Hahaha!

Storm Behemoth throws Felicia back into the ring as she soon followed, Felicia backs away into her three remaining disciples. The crowd chanted "Storm is gonna kill you!" over and over again. Caught between them & Storm Behemoth, She ordered them to protect her but they were just standing there like statues.

Felicia: What are you waiting for?! Protect your Judgement Queen!

Cassidy: Hmmm.

Logan: They're not listening to her?

Carol: I wouldn't blame them. I'd do the same if someone screamed like that to me.

Felicia was getting frustrated and impatient with the three masked women.

Felicia: Are you deaf?! Defend me, fight this ogre! I am your Queen, you are my disciples! (Points to herself) Queen! (Points to them) Disciples! Remember, you are to serve me, you're relevant because of me, now do as I say and-

The disciple in the middle silenced Felicia with a headbutt, making her fall down dazed and confused.

Travis: What the? Are y'all seeing this? One of the disciples just leveled their queen with a headbutt!

Roselle: Felicia Black has wrought months to years of force upon the women's division with her disciples on those who've been cast aside, believed to be in other's shadows but it looks like they might be done being in their so called queen's shadow!

The three disciples stared at Storm Behemoth before gesturing a "sacrificial lamb" to her in Felicia Black as they left the ring, walking away. Felicia slowly got up, looking quite pissed off and demanding them to get back here!

Caótico: Felicia is livid! Her three of nine disciples turning their backs on their creator!

Travis: And The Judgement Queen is yelling for them to come back, that she made them relevant and that they're nothing without her. But I believe Felicia needs to worry about the giant stalking her from behind!

Carol: Will someone shut her up?!

Logan: I think Storm Behemoth is about to do just that.

Ember: R.I.P. to the Queen.

Felicia groans in annoyance and frustration, turning around to get grabbed by the neck by Storm Behemoth. Felicia gut kicks her to get loose and hits an enzuigiri!

Travis: Felicia is fighting for her life!

Ember: Ugh. Spoke too soon.

Selina: Heh. Let her have her way, Felicia won't be in charge for long~.

Felicia sees Storm Behemoth a bit rattled and hits a running low dropkick to make the giantess fall to her knees, Felicia stayed on her with a couple of kneeling shoot kicks to the chest of Storm Behemoth before finishing it with a hard slap to the face!

Babs: Ooooh, maybe that wasn't a good idea.

Harleen: You're telling me, slappin' someone three times yer size ends with a big bashin'!

Storm Behemoth slowly turns to Felicia with a furious glare, roaring through her mouth mask. Felicia out of desperation kicks her, grabbing the giantess's beefy arms to set her up for her finisher, the double under hook piledriver she dubs the Final Judgement!

Roselle: Felicia's looking to put Storm Behemoth with the Final Judgement but I think the chica is struggling to get the giantess in place!

Felicia was struggling to get the giant woman up to connect her finisher, she was then lifted up & flipped over by Storm Behemoth as the Judgement Queen landed on her back in pain. Storm Behemoth was angry now and picks Felicia up by the neck, hitting a large chokeslam!


Kara: Yes!

Ember: Now we're getting somewhere.

Lena: That's gotta hurt.

Storm Behemoth then lifts up Felicia and hits a second chokeslam but she didn't let go of Felicia, looking her dead in the eyes as she hits a third chokeslam!

Roselle: No remorse in the eyes of Storm Behemoth!

Diana: This Storm Behemoth is truly very a remorseless individual, Felicia, the false queen, is already beaten. There's no need to continue this brutality if she can't fight back.

Pam: Well she did ask for this & now she's going to reap what she sow.

Storm Behemoth did a throw slash taunt, picking up Felicia and executes a devastating pumphandle powerslam!


Caótico: Felicia has to be flattened like a pancake!!

Storm Behemoth goes for the cover as the ref counts, getting the three count!

*Bell rings!*

Roselle: And the giantess has silenced the Judgement Queen!

Announcer: Here's your winner, STORM BEHEMOTH!!!

Roselle: Well I must say that was a good match, despite having the numbers game with her & Felicia's attempts to get on the pay-per-view but in the end, she got her wish only to be shut down by the thundering giantess!

Ember: Now R.I.P. to the Queen.

Kara, Babs, Harleen and Aliyah: Yeah!!/The Giant stands tall!/She brought down the thunder!/Whoop whoop whoop, Storm Behemoth for the win!

Storm Behemoth raised her arms for the cheering crowd before getting out of the ring and heading up the ramp. Meanwhile backstage, Leslie was watching the match on the TV monitor and had a suspicious look at the person donning her one-time bulky alter ego.

Who was the new Storm Behemoth?


Zee, Barbi and Mason were walking backstage.

Zee: Everything set for your brother's match, Mason darling?

Mason: Of course, Blake has everything needed for his match tribute to one of his mentors.

Barbi: I look forward to seeing him put on a splendid performance, especially to shut that simpleton of a man up.

Then something or someone got their attention or two people. The first was a tall man with fair skin, smooth black hair slicked back, goatee, clear purple eyes, an impressive athletic body and wearing a white, silver and neon blue custom overcoat with a mystic trim & star patterns & a crystallized eye symbol on the back, same color scheme & patterns matching tights, kneepads and boots.

And the second was a slightly tall woman with flawless fair pale skin, neck length black hair with purple streak tips, emerald green eyes, red lipstick, possesses a beautiful, pear shaped top & bottom heavy figure and was wearing a glorious looking white, black and purple mystic patterned leotard with silk purple sleeves, a boob window, fishnet stockings and thigh length black, white and purple boots.

???: Do my eyes deceive me? No, it is you in the flesh yet you've grown!

Barbi: Ummm Who are you two?

Zee: And who does your wardrobe? It looks rather mesmerizing & glamorous.

???: Oh where are our manners, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am the "Astonishing Prince of Mystery" Aiden Hex and this is my lovely wife the "The Sorcery Star " Maxine Marvelous.

Mason: Hmmmm, I've heard of you two. One of the greatest mixed tag duos in this industry. (To Aiden) A technical wrestler with a striker & high flying background with magic like tricks, 7-time UWLN grand champion, 8-time UWLN tag & mixed tag team champion and 11-time UWLN international champion. (To Maxine) And you're a striker type with judo, tai kwon do background, magical type tricks & mind games, 5-time UWLN women's ultimate champion & 8-time women's international champion.

Aiden: Right you are. We were quite the fans of you Zee Zatara and your father, seeing your performance in our teen years. It was truly a master piece.

Zee: (smiles) Why thank you so much. You already know me, this is my boyfriend Mason Masters & one of my friends, Barbara Ann Minerva.

Barbi: Greetings and you can call me Barbi for short.

Mason: A pleasure to meet you.

Maxine: The pleasure is ours & it's lovely to meet the daughter of Giovanni Zatara, Zee Zatara, in the flesh! What brings you here to UWLN? Are you thinking of tryouts?

Zee: Oh Nonono. While I'm well open to performing on stage, wrestling is not my forte. I'm simply here with my friends to watch the events. That aside, who has done your wrestling attire, they look fabulous!

Aiden: A loyal friend of ours who is well known for making costumes for acts, movies and more made these for that.

Maxine: My attire was inspired by one of the superheroes in Metropolis, I believe it was... ah yes! Zatanna!

Zee's eyes widened and suddenly squeals in delight & would've fainted if Mason hadn't caught her.

Mason: Careful there love. (to Aiden & Maxine) Sorry, Zee's quite a... Fan of Zatanna too.

Aiden: Hehehe. I can see that.

Barbi: Are you competing tonight?

Aiden: Oh no, having an interview soon. I was supposed to be facing the international champion for a title shot but due to a severe leg injury, he had to vacate it and it's up for grabs in tonight's Battle Royale. The winner becomes the champion & I face them next event.

Barbi: Oh.

Maxine: Anyways Zee, are you by any chance hosting any magic shows? My beloved & I are dying to see a fabulous performance.

Zee had a grin and pulls something out of Aiden's jacket, much to the duo's & crowd shock to see a well decorated & glamorous magic flyer.

Zee: Ta-da~! Why yes I do, metropolis' annual beach fest is coming up with spectacular events & amazement and I happen to be hired! Consider yourselves invited to a wondrous show!

Maxine squeals happily.

Aiden: Splendid!

Zee: (to the camera, smiles) ladies & gentlemen of the UWLN universe, if you look under your seats you'll find a flyer of the Metropolis Beach Fest, featuring the awe inspiring magic performance two weeks from now by yours truly, Zee Zatara! Now back to you, my lovely audience (blows a kiss at the camera) Mwah!


(8-man battle royal to crown a new UWLN international champion)

The crowd gives cheers & praise to Zee Zatara, finding flyers of her magic show in the Summer Beach Fest under their seats! Well... almost everyone as a certain archer wasn't happy as the crowd chanted Zee's name.

Oliver: Excuse me? Even in a wrestling establishment, that bland vixen Zee continues to out stage me! And managed to get a spot in the next Summer Extravaganza?!

Harleen & Babs: Silver metal once again...

Oliver: I heard that!

Rhea: Well consider your curtain closed mate.

Roselle: (Finds a flyer) Seems the crowd is up to their seats for Zee Zatara here. I know I am.

Travis: Don't know if y'all know this about me but I do enjoy a good magic act. I saw a show of Zatara once with my young daughter. Oh ya know I'm gonna be there!

Caótico: Now that's settled, time for the 8-man Battle Royale to crown a new UWLN international champion. For the current champion had to vacate due to injury in a fatal-4-way match to retain. 8 chosen stars were selected in the forms of "The Abyss Striker" Tyler Void, "The Freakin' Alpha-Weight" Dash Prowl, Verde Drago, Johnny Bling, "The Mechanized Cruiser of War" Andre Galact, Shawn Dynamo, Charlie Beautiful and the debuting Japanese superstar "The Rising Sky Dragon" Hasashi!

Dash Prowl and Verde Drago were in the ring 6 other men listed. Shawn Dynamo was a slightly tall, lean, muscular man with short brown hair, green eyes, goatee, fair skin and was wearing red gloves with the words "Dynamo" on the knuckles, white trunks with red side stripes/white sharp edges & the word "Dynamo" on the back, red & white kneepads & armored boots.

Tyler Void was a 6 ft tall, muscular man with sharp red hair, cold blue eyes, has brutal punk tattoos, wears black tights with white & silver swirling voids & chain designs all over, black armored kneepads & boots. Johnny Bling was a slightly tall man with an athletic body, slightly long blonde hair, fair skin & wears blue and trimmed gold wrestling trunks with the J-B initials on the back & upper left, black wristbands, black kneepads & blue & trimmed gold boots.

Andre Galact was a slightly tall man with dark brown skin, short black hair with side trim shave designs, short beard, brown eyes, possesses an excellent athletic body and wears a black/dark gray/deep red armor trim themed wrestling trunks, right long sleeve trim glove, left black wristband, black/dark gray/deep red armor kneepads & boots. Charlie Beautiful was a slightly tall man with an average athletic build, long flowing blonde hair, fair skin & pearl blue eyes while wearing black and glitter purple tight pants, purple gloves & furred black boots.

And the final superstar, Hasashi, was a slightly tall japanese young man with with fair pale skin, golden eyes, possesses an impressive yet medium sized athletic body, short neck length silver/white hair, slight facial hair and was wearing a white long sleeve gi shirt with a red dot on the upper left side resembling the japanese flag's red dot & the symbol of a decorative deep red & white dragon on the back, a black headband, a deep red side sash, black wrist bandages, black/deep red/white wrestling tight pants with a red deep kanji symbol for "Sky Dragon" on the left side leg & a decorative claw symbol on the right side leg, white & deep red flame/line trim kneepads with the red dot on the center of them & white and deep red flame/line trim boots.

Aliyah: That's a lot of men in the ring.

Harold: 8 men, 1 title. A spirited lucha high flyer (Verde Drago), An arrogant powerhouse (Dash Prowl), a charismatic pretty boy (Charlie Beautiful), a mechanized cruiserweight (Andre Galact), an egotistical technical wrestler/showboater (Johnny Bling), a tall punk with a striker background (Tyler Void), a vigilante technical wrestler (Shawn Dynamo) & a rising striker/high flyer (Hasashi). Something's gotta give.

Carol: You... sure know your wrestling stars, don't ya?

Harold: I have my ways.

Babs: I'm rooting for Verde Drago to win!

Harleen: Maybe he'll bounce back after the loss to that snooty Skaar guy.

The ref holds up the title for the whole arena to see and leaves the ring and calls for the bell as the match is underway with the 8 wrestlers targeting one another in attempt to eliminate early or damage each other for a later elimination!

Roselle: And here's the 8-man battle royale for the prize in the form of the UWLN international championship which was once held by Axel Hawk but due to a devastating leg injury in defending it, he had to relinquish it.

Travis: Yep. And these men had been chosen to fight for it. Tyler Void a 4-time ultimate & grand champion. Charlie Beautiful a 3-time tag team & international champion in his own right. Andre Galact a 6-time cruiserweight champion. Shawn Dynamo a 3-time international, 5-time tag & 1-time grand champion. The current cruiserweight Verde Drago is in this with Dash Prowl who has a large earned championship list. Johnny Bling is looking to win his first title here in his riding tide.

Caótico: If he doesn't drown in his own tide. And let's not forget the debuting Hasashi, who is a wild card in that match. Maybe he'll win in his first title in this battle?

Soon, the fighting had everyone scattered around the ring. Charlie Beautiful stood up and begins to hit a shoot kick to the chest of Tyler Void, then one to Shawn, one for Dash, then another for Johnny, another kick to Galact, and one to Drago. He posed glamorously in the center and was to hit one to Hasashi.

Roselle: Charlie showing everyone he's not just beautiful but deadly and Hasashi is in his sight!

Hal: Beauty. Tch. Maybe but he ain't as good looking as me.

Charlie aims the kick at Hasashi, who dodged and rose up. Charlie goes to attack but Hasashi caught him with a knee lift to the face to stun him & leaps up to catch him with a poison rana to get him over the ropes to get Charlie Beautiful to land on the ground, who was shocked by being the first one eliminated!

Caótico: With a knee lift/poison rana combo with the assistance of the ropes, Hasashi gets the first elimination on Charlie Beautiful!!

Aliyah: (whistled impressed) ...~!

Barry: Wow, the quickness of this guy!

Kara: Hahahaha! Ain't so beautiful now? And he's having a tantrum like a baby boy! Hahaha!

Carol: Hehehehe! Bye bye dollar store pretty boy!

Lena: Hehehe!

Tatsu however, was quite impressed by the timing and strike of Hasashi.

After Charlie Beautiful was escorted out, Hasashi got back in the ring but was double teamed on by Dash Prowl and Johnny Bling, the Alpha-Weight pinned Hasashi in the corner with a shoulder thrust to the abdomen while Johnny Bling delivered a couple of boxing punches to the face of Hasashi!

Travis: It looks like Prowl & Bling aren't cutting the new guy some slack. Both men show that "this is my spotlight, you ain't gonna outshine me!" deal. Dash looking to bounce back after falling short to Dark Deville.

Garth: Oh no, they're ganging up on him!

Rhea: All the purpose of a battle royale, either taking out the strongest threat or get the next weakling.

Diana: I don't understand. Battle Royales are supposed to be a fight where only one is standing with the rest incapable of fighting back or yield.

Harleen: Different type of Battle Royale, Di. In wrestlin' terms of it, ya get thrown over the top rope to hit the floor, you're out.

Dash Prowl & Johnny Bling grabs Hasashi and connected a double suplex. The young man writhed in pain as Bling and Prowl pick Hasashi up and throws him over the top rope but the japanese superstar held on so he wouldn't hit the floor!

Travis: And Bling and Prowl work together to eliminate Hasashi but wait, he stays in it!

Bling tried to attack him but Hasashi hits a rope assisted overhead kick. Dash moves in to attack but gets a forearm to the face, Hasashi then jumps from the ropes to hit the stunned Dash & Johnny with a springboard dropkick! He then runs/rebounds off the ropes and hits them both with a standing moonsault!

Roselle: And an impressive display by Hasashi!

Tatsu: Well timing... the strikes and form...

Shawn and Andre were trading forearms and European uppercut blows to each other until Shawn ducks the next forearm and irish whips Andre into the corner and connected a running clothesline, followed by a bulldog with Andre stunned. Shawn then runs/rebounds off the ropes to hit a knee drop only to miss when Andre rolls out of the way!

Travis: And Dynamo was picking momentum until Andre moved out of the way at the last second.

Andre Galact then grabs Shawn's right leg and stomps it repeatedly before connecting a foot DDT. Shawn spirals holding in his leg in pain, Andre grabs him and throws him over the ropes but Shawn stays on the apron!

Caótico: And Andre attempts to eliminate Shawn Dynamo but he hangs out!

Andre Galact then runs/rebounds off the opposite ropes to go for a shoulder thrust to eliminate Shawn but the man in question struck first with a middle rope slingshot spear!

Kara: Haha! Nailed it!

Harleen: A slingshot spear! I know that one, comes in handy, hahaha!

Roselle: And Dynamo strikes!

Shawn was fired up as Johnny Bling went to attack but Shawn clotheslines him. Drago went for him next but ran into a rebound elbow! Dash recovered and lunged at Shawn but he side steps and grabs him to connect a snap suplex!

Travis: First Bling, then Verde and now Dynamo gets the Alpha-Weight off his feet!

Shawn grabs Dash and throws him over the ropes but he doesn't hit the floor as he holds on. Shawn tried to strike Prowl to get him to release his grip but Dash wasn't letting up. Johnny attacks Dynamo with a superkick to the back of the head, stunning him as Johnny sets him over his shoulder, connecting a fireman's carry/neckbreaker he dubs the Bling Breaker!

Travis: And Johnny Bling executes one of his finishing arsenals, the Bling Breaker!

Johnny grabs Shawn and throws him over the ropes as he gloats in his "victory" as he didn't see Shawn barely hung on to the ropes!

Caótico: And this is why Johnny is my least pick to win, he picks now to gloat too late as he didn't see that Dynamo isn't eliminated!

Ember: He's an idiot.

Cassidy: Some wrestlers showboat too much & at the wrong time rather than knowing to finish the job.

Johnny basks despite the boos as he turns to see Shawn still holding on, he moves in attack but Dynamo slingshot spears him. Shawn then picks up Johnny and connected a dragon suplex, then a second dragon suplex and switches positions to hit Bling with a brainbuster!

Hal: Wow, bro's got some moves there!

Roselle: Johnny was celebrating too soon and Dynamo made him pay!

Shawn yells in energetic fire and picks up Johnny Bling to throw him over the top rope, he barely held on so Shawn runs/rebounds off the ropes and connected a vicious jumping knee to the face of Johnny Bling, making him hit the ground knocked out, eliminating him!

Travis: And Dynamo has eliminated Johnny Bling from the Battle Royale!!

Caótico: Good riddance too.

Garth: Oof, that's gotta hurt.

Kara: He got knocked out, hard!

Lena: I think I saw a tooth fly out.

Selina chuckles.

Harleen: Hahahahaha! Wonder what knocks out a tooth faster & harder, that knee or a donkey kick!

Diana: Absolutely lethal! This man has the fire spirit of a warrior!

Shawn turns around and ducks underneath a clothesline from Dash. Shawn delivered a couple of European uppercuts and knife edge chops to Dash before backing up and clotheslines him over the ropes but Dash remains on the apron.

Travis: And Prowl remains in the match, Dynamo thinking that he needs more to knock him off the mountain!

Shawn runs to attack but Dash caught him and brings Dynamo over the top rope, both superstars on the apron. Dash exchanges some fists to Shawn who exchange some European uppercuts to try to get one another to fall to the floor.

Caótico: Prowl and Dynamo are battling on the apron, trying to get one another to fall to crush their dreams of achieving the international championship!

Carol: If they keep going like this, they're both gonna fall.

Logan: Indeed.

Diana: Only one can remain. Like gladiators clinging to life to fight to the very end.

Rhea: Well spoken.

Ember: I say they both drop.

Shawn and Dash continue to exchange blows on the apron, Prowl pushed Dynamo who barely managed to hang out. Dynamo ran at Prowl, who caught him over his shoulder & was about to connect the Alpha-Struct (F-5) to eliminate Shawn Dynamo but... the crowd erupted in shock as a big boot connected to the face of Dash Prowl as he fell with Shawn Dynamo to the floor, eliminating both of them, courtesy of Tyler Void!

The dragon girl smirks.

Ember: Called it.


Roselle: Dash was about to execute the Alpha-Struct to eliminate Shawn Dynamo but the six foot striker Tyler Void struck hard to Prowl, making him & Shawn Dynamo who on his shoulders fall to the ground, causing a double elimination!!

Caótico: Shawn fought well and I'd say the same about Dash but it's back to the drawing board. Now it's only to Andre Galact, Tyler Void, Verde Drago and Hasashi!

Babs: First a knee to the face, now the big boot to the face! Super effective!

Kara: Crap, I wanted that Dynamo guy to win this.

Tyler Void, Andre Galact, Verde Drago and Hasashi were eyeing one another before they went at it with Galact fighting Void and Verde fighting Hasashi.

Caótico: And the four superstars going at it! Determined to show who wants the title more?! Who deserves it more?!

Verde Drago hits a couple of palm strikes before nailing Hasashi with a spinning back fist. Drago runs to the ropes and executes a springboard roundhouse kick to the japanese superstar but wasn't done as he runs to the ropes to hit a springboard phoenix splash!

Roselle: And Drago is showing that lucha background!

Heading to the corner, Verde Drago was waiting for Hasashi to get up in order to set him up for the Inner Flame Spiral (Corner front flip DDT). Hasashi was up to his feet and turns around as Drago went for his finisher but Hasashi dodged at the last minute and caught Drago with a pele kick!

Travis: Drago going for the inner flame spiral and-wait! Hasashi avoids it and connected a pele kick!

Aliyah: What a swift pele kick!

Selina: Hmmm, I might use that~...

Hasashi then grabs the stunned Verde Drago and throws him over the ropes but the luchadore held on to avoid elimination. Hasashi went for a right punch, Drago blocks, he went for a spinning back fist but Drago ducks it and hits an overhead kick to stun Hasashi. Drago got ready to do a springboard splash but Hasashi recovers & superkicks him which made him lost his grip and fell to the floor, eliminating him!

Travis: And there goes Verde Drago! Another elimination for the new superstar!

Caótico: The current cruiserweight champion has nothing to be ashamed up, he performed well and showed spirit.

Babs: Aww man, my pick was eliminated!

Harleen: It's okay, Babsy. Maybe next time.

Tatsu kept her eyes on Hasashi in silence.

As Hasashi was recovering in the corner, Tyler Void and Andre Galact were going at it. Andre tried to Irish whip Tyler into the opposite corner but Void reverse whips him into the corner, approaching & hitting Galact with a couple of kickboxing strikes and Muay thai knees to Galact!

Caótico: And Tyler Void is taking the fight to Galact! Showing his fighting style background!

Tyler goes for another strike but Galact countered with an elbow to the face, heads up tope and catches Void with a tornado DDT!

Travis: And Andre brings down the tall striker with a vicious Tornado DDT!

Andre then get on the top of Tyler and delivered a couple of mounted boxing punches and forearm strikes.

Roselle: Galact is wasting no time in unloading on Void! 

Andre gets off of Tyler, Hasashi went to turn him around to deliver a roundhouse kick but Andre caught it, turns him around and nails Hasashi with a lumbar check style backbreaker he dubs War-Shifter!

Travis: And Andre hits Hasashi with the War-Shifter!!

Roselle: That can't be good for Hasashi's back!

Kara: Ooo, that's gotta hurt!

Lena: You're telling me. He's rolling around in pain!

Cassidy: The Lumbar check. An effectively swift backbreaker.

Rhea: Yep.

Hal: Like a spear to the back, eh?

Carter silently nodded.

As Hasashi was in pain, Andre turns around to get hit by a diving blockbuster outta nowhere by Tyler Void!!

The crowd was in shock!


Tyler goes to Andre and picks him up to connect the Final Cut he dubs the Swirling Void!

Roselle: And he nails his finisher, the Swirling Void to Andre!!

Harleen: Swirling void? That's why the world is spinnin', hahahaha!

Pam: Only in your head, Harls.

Harleen: I know, hehehe.

Tyler Void picks up Andre Galact and fallaway slams him over the ropes, falling to the ground with Galact eliminated!

Travis: And Andre Galact is eliminated! We are down to two! Tyler Void looking to add a championship that has eluded him and Hasashi, a debuting star that's looking for his first title here in UWLN!

Tyler Void stares a hole through Hasashi who gets to his feet, using the ropes as leverage. The Japanese superstar glares back at Tyler, who cold glare intensifies and gestures Hasashi to bring it on. And before the crowd knew it, both superstars lunged at each other to fire strikes and counters back to one another!

Roselle: The two are hammering away at each other, showing sheer ferocity!! Only one can hold the international championship!

Garth: What kind of martial arts did they learn?

Hal: They're brawling like mad. Got some skills!

Oliver: They're behaving like barbarians.

Kara: Ollie, shut up. It's a wrestling show, not a boring theater play.

Oliver felt insulted.

Diana: (smiles) Truly an ultimate performance of strength, speed and skill of pure combat!

Tatsu: I agree.

Tyler Void and Hasashi were exchanging tremendous blows from strikes to counters to joint manipulations to reverse combo maneuvers. Hasashi then gains the upper hand with forearms followed by a spinning back fist. He runs/rebounds off the ropes and went for hurricanrana but Tyler caught him!

Caótico: And Hasashi attempts to break the stalemate but Tyler caught him at the last second!

Tyler Void held Hasashi up in a powerbomb position.

Travis: Uh oh, I think Tyler's about to powerbomb Hasashi over the top rope!

Roselle: If that happens, it's game over for Hasashi!

Ember: It's over.

Tyler Void runs to the ropes, about to powerbomb Hasashi over them to eliminate him but as he executed the move, Hasashi transitions an armbar to hold on to Void, who yells out in pain!

Kara: Whoa!

Babs: A triangle armbar! He's holding on to Tyler's arm to avoid elimination!!

Aliyah & Harleen: He's gonna rip his arm off, hahahaha!

Caótico: Hasashi counters with an armbar on Tyler's right arm! Void tried to powerbomb Hasashi out of the ring but the Japanese superstar counters it!

Tyler yells as Hasashi was wrenching on his arm with the armbar to hold on in order to avoid elimination. Void grits his teeth and pulled Hasashi up over his head and in the center powerbombs him inside the ring!

Travis: And Void reels Hasashi in with a vicious powerbomb in the ring!

Tyler shakes his arm to feeling back and picks up Hasashi to set him up for the Swirling Void but Hasashi flips out of it to land on his feet. Void turns around and went to attack but Hasashi ducks while holding the ropes as Tyler went over the ropes on the apron but didn't hit the ground!

Roselle: Tyler was going for the swirling void but Hasashi got out of it and baits him over the ropes!

Hasashi went to strike Tyler to release his grip but Tyler hits a powerful shove to the superstar nearly across the ring to his knees. Tyler was about to get in but Hasashi quickly ran to deliver a cyclone spin kick he dubs the Sky's Order, connecting to Tyler's head hard, making him fall to the apron to hit the ground, eliminating him!

*Bell rings!*

Babs: It's over!

Harleen: New champ crowned!!

Announcer: Here's your winner & NEW UWLN international champion, HASASHI!!!

Hasashi was on his knees with a shocked expression as the ref came & presented the title to him. He grasps the international championship in hand shock and awe before holding it over his head in victory with the crowd cheered for the rising star!

Roselle: This is definitely a surprising end to the Battle Royale, 8 men, 1 title but as the dust settles, Hasashi has become the last one standing & new international champion!

Travis: And on his debut no less, he was hungry like the rest of the other 7 superstars in this match for the international title and in the final two, squaring with & eliminating Tyler Void to earn gold, congrats to the new champ!

Caótico: Welcome to UWLN, the New International champion, Hasashi!

Tatsu was clapping for the Japanese superstar, impressed by his spirit, determination and skill.

Logan: Truly a remarkable victor.

Cassidy: You said it, brother.

Babs: What an amazing display!

Garth: You're telling me, it was awesome!

Harleen: Didja see that spin kick to the head of that Tyler guy, it was goin' clean around like a twista, hahaha!

Diana: What a joyous and fierce battle royale! I might want to try this kind one day. Congratulations to Hasashi for earning gold.

Hasashi held the title with a proud smile as he left the ring.



Taking a brief moment before the next match, Beck was seen exiting the locker room. While he was walking, the masters twin bumped into the Ace of Brutality member, Heidi Silver.

Heidi: Oh Blake, changed your look-

Beck: It's Beck.

Heidi: Oh right. Forgot he had a twin.

Beck: I got that a lot. Now if you'll excuse me-

Heidi: Hold on.

Beck: What?

Heidi: Look, I know I'm not the best person you want to see right now but what I did was nothing personal. Even since joining Aces of Brutality, my career has reached new heights & the Ms. Nice girl wasn't going to cut it being with-

Beck: Let stop you right here, if you say my brother was a dead weight on your career, then you're a bigger fool.

Heidi was shocked and was about to say something but Beck interrupted.

Beck: Before my brother & the Ace of Brutality, you were an underdog, always underestimated, called an afterthought and beaten down by the best who said you'd be nothing. But my brother helped you bring out the star he knew you are, ready to ascend, you two were an astounding tag team, even won mixed tag titles. And in the end, you stabbed him in the back to join the guy who will experience a nightmare in the match made by one of his late mentors.

Heidi: Look, I get it! But friends aren't going to cut it in this business, you know this! I want you to convince him to join us, Austin-

Beck: And you think he doesn't know how wrestling business works? Friends come & go, yes. Enemies & rivalries are made, yes but you really screwed up big time. He thought of you as not just a tag team partner, not just a friend but like one of his sisters, he helped you when you had NO ONE inside & outside of this wrestling company.

Heidi looks away.

Beck: You said it wasn't personal but you've done made it that way. Don't interfere in this match, if you do... There will be no responsibility for what's going to happen to you, like your new "family" in the locker room...

Heidi: W-What...?

Beck only chuckles eerily as he walked passed her. Once he was gone, Heidi went to the locker room, opening the door and screamed, seeing the two bearded leviathans and Eon-Bone all laid out with various injuries.


(Doris Zuel vs Leona Cage for the UWLN women's ultimate championship)

Caótico: And that can't be good for the Aces of Brutality. Might need to get some help back there.

Travis: Beck thinking smart there. Take out Austin's faction so they can't interfere in the match like last time. I mean, the Aces of Brutality have had the numbers game work in their favor on several occasions but it looks like they won't be there for Blake vs Austin.

Roselle: But that's after, this match for the UWLN women's ultimate championship between the champ herself Leona Cage & the challenger Doris Zuel, who earned her shot on her debut in defeating five women and has showing progress in numerous matches up to now but can she dethrone Cage or will her career be finished?

Harleen: Looks like muscles is up next!

Selina: It's going to be a standing ovation for her.

Garth: You think Doris is gonna win the title? I know she's strong but this Leona Cage sounds like a scary predator.

Hal: Even I have doubts. Doris may be the strongest person in Metropolis High but this is a hungrier, stronger and lethal hottie she's dealing with.

Carol: Selina.

Selina nods and smacks Hal upside the head.

Hal: Ouch!

Carol: Thank you.

Diana: I believe Doris will prevail in the challenge. While she was an enemy in the past, her feats of strength are no joke and she's now our sister in arms, by the gods she shall be victorious!

The arena was illuminated in pure white and gold light with an echoing roar through the crowd, followed a blazing lioness symbol on the titantron.

Lena: Ah! So bright! (Closes her eyes)

Pam: Ugghhhh.

Oliver: My eyes!!!

The lights dimmed as Leona Cage came out on stage, wearing a black, white & gold trim lined and double claw marked, studded sports bra, matching colored tight, studded trunks with a trim lines, claw marks and a roaring lion logo on the back, black wristbands and black, white & gold trimmed boots.

She held her title up with one hand as the crowd booed her. Leona didn't care while making her way down the ramp to the ring.

Roselle: Here's the champion herself. The Alpha of the women's division she calls herself, The Transcended Lioness, Leona Cage.

Travis: A powerful force who shows no mercy to her opponent, Leona has proved that in defending & held the women's ultimate championship for over a year in record time. She doesn't care about anyone or who they were whether they're new to UWLN or not, you step up to her & she'll eat you alive to retain her title.

Leona was now in the ring, holding the title up with a calm yet smug smirk.

Babs: So that's what Leona Cage looks like in her ring gear, she screams final boss level too!

Logan: She's oozing with confidence.

Carol: Overconfident if you ask me.

Selina: Rrroww, I must say that she has style.

Leona waits for her opponent before the lights went out.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeeeep...!

The titantron shows broken steel scattering in slow motion followed by a gear logo with a steel fist inside, the arena illuminated in white & orange lighting.

Deep, Distorted voice: PROJECT: GEAR BEAST!

Out on stage appeared Doris, who was in her wrestling attire from when she first debuted but the color scheme of it was now white, silver and dark orange. Doris also wore a black right bicep band with the initials "F/B/Z" on it. She slammed her fists together with a determined stare as she marched down the ramp to the ring.

Roselle: And here the challenger, one of the rising stars in UWLN. Doris Zuel.

Travis: This newcomer has showed great purpose & feats of strength in the ring but can she bring down the alpha of the women's division?

Caótico: I can see that Doris has that grit and that fire in her eyes but she's gonna have to dig down deep if she wants to take the title off Leona Cage.

Roselle: You see Zuel wearing a black bicep band with the initials F, B & Z. She's said in an interview once that she's dedicating this match to their late parents, Francis & Beatrice Zuel two of one of the most brilliant minds in Metropolis.

Travis: What a hard lose but Doris may need to keep those emotions in check cuz Leona will capitalize if she sees a slight bit of a mistake and weakness.

Doris enters the ring and stares down Leona Cage.

Harleen: Woohoo!!! Go Doris! Show her who runs dis joint!

Announcer: The following match is scheduled for a one fall & is for the UWLN women's ultimate championship! Introducing the challenger, hailing from Metropolis, The Gear Beast, DORIS ZUEL!!!

Doris had a calm expression but a fiery glare as she does a throat slash with her thumb across her throat.

Announcer: And introducing the champion, hailing from Georgia, she is the UWLN women's ultimate champion, The Transcended Lioness, LEONA CAGE!!!

Leona Cage raised her title over her head, staring at Doris with a smirk. The crowd was in a chorus of cheers and boos as Leona gave her title to the ref who holds it up for a moment before giving it to the announcer who leaves the ring, the ref calling for the bell as the match is underway.

*Bell rings!*

Roselle: And here's part one of the main events, Zuel vs Cage for the women's ultimate championship.

Doris and Leona were circling one another before they started grappling each other in a stalemate of strength in attempt to overpower the other.

Travis: A start with a test of strength.

Doris and Leona were locking up with each other until the champion begins to push Doris towards the corner, the ref counted up to 5 as Leona let's go of Doris at 3 but gives her a face shove before backing away with a grin as Doris turns with a growl.

Caótico: Leona already showing disrespect to her challenger.

Leona gestures Doris to bring it, the former giantess marched up to lock hands with the champ in a strength on strength grapple for a moment before Doris begins to back Leona in an opposite corner, the ref counted to 5, Doris slowly released Leona at 4 but gives a quick jab to the face of the champion, making her clutch her face with a pained grunt.

Travis: And Doris gives a receipt in return with a right jab to the face of Leona.

Harleen: Hahaha! Right in the kisser!

Leona glared at Doris, who's baiting her to bring it. Leona shook her head with a calm grin licking her lips before running straight at Doris, driving her with Zuel delivering punches to Leona's back, into the opposite corner, delivering shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust to Doris's abdomen!

Caótico: And Cage fires back, repeated shoulder thrusts to take the wind out of Doris!

Leona stops and grips Doris to hit front release suplex to send her across the ring! Doris grunts feeling the impact of that suplex as Leona goes to Doris, planting her left knee on her face.

Leona: You wanna hit me, huh? You wanna hit me, huh Zuel?! (Taunts) C'mon, try it again! Get up!

Doris: Rrrrgghh!

Leona kept Doris pinned with her knee in her face while flexing her arms at the booing crowd.

Roselle: And Leona asserting her dominance while adding insult to injury.

Hal: Man and I thought Doris was tough but Leona here makes her looked tamed.

Babs: She's just taunting her but Doris will pull through!

Harleen: Ya said it, Babsy. C'mon muscles! Ya been through worst scraps than that, c'mon!

Leona gets off while grabbing Doris to pick her up, lifting Zuel up high & holding her in place. Leona flexes her right bicep before nailing a monstrous suplex to Doris!

Travis: A stalling suplex, Leona held Doris up over and with one arm no less! No surprise to that of Cage's power!

Leona went for a cover but Doris kicks out at 1. Cage then picks Doris up and applies the full nelson submission from behind, Doris yells out in pain!

Roselle: Full nelson submission locked in on Zuel!

Barry: A full nelson, one of the classic wrestling submission moves.

Carol: C'mon, fight out of it!

The ref asked Doris if she wanted to give up, the girl yelled "No!" as Leona adds more pressure to the submission, inciting Doris's pain. Zuel gritted her teeth and slowly begins to power out of the full nelson with Leona trying to keep it on her, Doris then got one of her arms loose and repeatedly elbows Leona in the face to break the hold completely.

Harleen: She's out!

Doris then proceeded to deliver a couple of strong fists and forearms to Leona near the ropes, Irish whipping Cage to run/bounce off the opposite ropes, Doris catches her up and lifts Leona over her head in a military press!

Roselle: Look at the power of Zuel!

Travis: And now she's man handling the champ!

Doris held Leona over her head with the military press for a solid moment before hitting the slam to plant cage! She goes and heads to the middle ropes, sizing up Leona and connected a diving fist drop!

Roselle: And a middle diving fist drop by Doris!

Doris goes for the cover but Leona kicks out at 2. Doris picks up Leona and Irish whips her to the corner, going up to Cage to deliver a couple of punches & knee strikes!

Travis: And Zuel taking it to Cage!

Caótico: And one thing you need to know is that when you have Leona Cage down, you must do your best to keep her down! Other women superstars have tried & failed to do so and Leona has made prey out of them all!

Doris stops and a biel throw but Leona reversed it & biel throws Doris across the ring back first instead!

Caótico: And that's what happens! Leona saw an opening and she took it!

Leona walks over to stomp Doris's chest repeatedly before grabbing her to connect a gutwrench suplex but she doesn't release Doris and goes for a second gutwrench suplex and Cage still wasn't done as she hits a third gutwrench suplex!

Roselle: And Leona unloading one of her main arsenals, the triple gutwrench suplex combo!

Leona kips up to her feet.

Leona: This is my challenger?! She's more pathetic than Bruiser!

Rhea: ....I really don't like her. Her strength I respect but I straight up don't like her.

Diana: She attacked the Revelation Heart Jen Bruiser in a cowardly manner to avoid close combat. If she were in Themyscira, you'd be severely punished for a tricky attack upon a fellow warrior.

Kara: She's more of a scaredy lioness than a transcended one. If she wasn't afraid, she didn't have to attack Jen like that.

Travis: And Leona Cage talking smack down to Doris. While including the attack on Jen Bruiser who was supposed to fight Leona for the women's ultimate title but the champ had other plans to avoid facing her.

Caótico: Well Leona saw Jen as a thorn in her side that needed to be removed.

Roselle: Jen saw Leona as nothing but a hot headed, egotistical bully who has held the women's division hostage and wanted to step up to her only to have Leona put her out of commission.

Leona grabs Doris by her head but Zuel hits some fists to the gut, Leona lands some clubbing blows to her back while Doris continues to fight back!

Roselle: And now Leona and Doris are going at each other. I interviewed Doris some point where she saw parts of herself in Leona Cage, admitting that she was a bully who would pick on & pummel others for fun, to put fear into individuals and do whatever she wants with her victims doing nothing to stop her. But times have changed, she wants to be strong and take on better challenges & wants to win this match not just herself but for her deceased parents & her friends, to be a proud and dominant champion here to take on the best of the best, face-to-face, not be the type of champion Leona Cage is.

Backstage, Leslie was watching the match on the wide TV monitor.

Leslie: C'mon Doris. You got this.

Leona went for a clothesline but Doris ducks underneath and caught her from behind with a German Suplex but stays on her to deliver second suplex, then a third suplex and gets Leona over her shoulder to connect a Samoan Drop!

Travis: And what a massive display by Doris!

Doris goes for the cover but Leona kicks out at 2. Doris gets on top of her to nails mounted punches and forearm strikes.

Selina: My, my, Doris is really taking it to Leona but she better be careful. Her anger can lead her to make a mistake.

Doris picks up Leona to turn her around in neckbreaker position to hit a discus forearm to the back of the neck but Leona ducks to avoid it, turns to connect a vicious headbutt to Doris, stunning her. Leona runs to the ropes, goes to dodge Doris's clothesline and rebound off the opposite ropes and connects a devastating spear to Doris!


Travis: Looking to end it early?

Babs: Oh no!

Hal: The dreaded spear, not many wrestlers get up from that. I've seen it happen before.

Leona went for the cover but Doris kicked out 2, much to her shock.

Harleen: Aaaahahahaha! She's still in!

Caótico: Doris kicked out?! Barely any women have ever kicked out of Leona's spear!

Roselle: All it takes is one spear for Leona to end it but Doris kicked out!

Leona had a frustrated look but her smirk returned getting to her feet as she goes to grab & tucks Doris's legs under her arms and begins to spin her around repeatedly.

Travis: And Leona taking Doris for a spin! To give a touch of vertigo to the challenger!

Garth: She's spinning around a ceiling fan!

Carol: Uuuuuughhh... Getting dizzy just looking at it.

Logan held Carol in comfort.

Logan: Don't worry, I got you.

Carol: (giggles) Why thank you~.

Leona stopped swinging to release a dizzy Doris as the champ goes to the corner to lock eyes on Doris barely getting to her feet while using the ropes. Leona licks her lips with a feral grin as Doris turns around and was hit with a second spear!

Caótico: Another Spear by the champ! Is Doris's dreams and ambitions gonna be shattered?

Leona goes for the cover but Doris barely yet surely kicks out at 2. Leona was livid!

Roselle: Doris survived not one but two of Leona's spears!

Travis: This girl's got a lot of fight in her! And Leona is having second thoughts on Doris being a measly threat to her!

Leona got up and grabs Doris to throw her out of the ring, she leaves too and puts her hands on Doris to ram her right shoulder first into the steel steps, Doris was rolling around holding her bruised shoulder in pain, Leona begins to picks up and throw Doris shoulder first to the barricade, backing away for a moment before running in to spear Doris through the barricade!

Caótico: And Leona has snapped, inflicting punishment on Doris and a THIRD Spear through the barricade!!

Travis: I think Zuel might be out at this point. And remember a 10-count out victory won't win Doris the title, she must pin or submit Leona but the champ laid her out!

Babs: Oh no, Doris is out!

Harleen: Muscles! Wake up!

Leona slowly got to her feet, shaking her head to regain herself. The ref was counting at 4 but she wasn't finished with Doris yet, she goes to the announcement table, picking it apart.

Roselle: She's putting apart our announcement table!

Travis: Leona has evil intentions, she just doesn't want to beat Doris but to break her apart!

Leona goes over to Doris who barely got out of the rubble, dragging her over to the table, putting Doris into position.

Lena: Guys, she's about to-

Leona lifts Doris up and powerbombs her through the announcement table!

Caótico: And Doris goes through our announcement table! She has to be out cold!!

Travis: Leona has completely devastated Doris Zuel!!

Backstage, Leslie was shocked.

Leslie: Oh nononono...

The ref was counting at 8 now, Leona grabs Doris and rolls her back in the ring, entering the ring herself with a large sick smile. Leona picks up Doris and flips her upside down position, holding her in place.

Roselle: She's still not done?! Doris is already out, you've done enough!

Caótico: This is what Leona does, reminding everyone what happens when you cross the transcended lioness in her den!

It looked like Leona had Doris positioned for a tombstone piledriver but... instead she laid Doris out with a tombstone lungblower she dubs the Predator's Bite!


Diana: What in Hades was that?!

Harleen: It looked like a tombstone piledriver but wasn't it supposed to be a head drive into the mat move?

Cassidy: It's a tombstone lungblower, you put someone in a tombstone position but instead of a piledriver to hit the head, you get the lungblower which is a double knees to the chest, very effective.

Ember: Then Doris is done for.

Casey: Uh oh.

Leona goes for the cover to win but... surprisingly Doris kicked out at 2! Leona was in disbelief as was the rest of the crowd!

Caótico: H-HOW?!

Roselle: 2 spears, shoulder shots to the steel steps, barricade, a 3rd spear through the barricade, a powerbomb through the table and the Predator's Bite & Doris still kicked out?!

Travis: She has life in her still!

Leona slams her fists into the ground in sheer frustration, going to the ref and yells in her face that it was a 3 but ref stated it was 2. Doris was breathing heavily trying to get up, now on her knees.

Casey: This is crazy, how is Doris able to kick out of all of that?!

Aliyah: I don't know, she's inhuman probably!

Tatsu: Her body is damaged but her spirit is unwilling to stay down.

Cassidy: That and adrenaline.

Oliver: Neither of them don't know when to quit.

Leona turns to see Doris on her knees, she goes over and would repeatedly shove her face in.

Leona: (angry) You'll never beat me! You hear me? Never! You're nothing but prey!

The more Leona shoves & taunts, the more Doris grew furious. She slowly stood up taking Leona's hand shoves to the face until she faced the champ with a mad glare and nails a solid headbutt to knock Leona down as Doris lands to hammer away at her!

Travis: And Doris has snapped!

Roselle: She's hurt badly but is fuelled by adrenaline and pure rage, taking it out on the cause of her pain!

Doris rose up with a loud roar, picking up Leona to hit her smasher combo; nailing 3 punches to Leona's gut/face, a kick to the knee to make Leona fall on all fours as Doris stomps on the ten digit fingers making Leona yell in pain as Doris with a battlecry lands a solid knee to face!

Roselle: And Doris unloading on Leona!

Carol: When did Doris learn to do that?!

Doris grabs her opponent in position to lift her up and the giant bomber (spinning sit out powerbomb) for the pin!

Travis: New champion! New champion-

But Leona kicks out at 2.

Caótico: And Leona kicks out!

Doris catches her breath and goes to the corner, getting into position and waiting for Leona to slowly get to her feet. The champ does so and turns to get nailed with a spear by Doris!

Travis: Doris with her spear!

Doris quickly goes to the opposite corner, yelling at Leona to get up. As Leona attempts to get to her feet and turns, Doris hits her with a second spear!

Roselle: A second spear! And I think she's looking for spear number three!

Doris went to the next and was gearing up for a third spear.

Harleen: Doris is fired up now!

Garth: She could exactly win!

Doris runs at Leona for a third spear but Leona countered it into a catch DDT!

Ember: Or not.

Caótico: And Leona counters!

Leona snarls while picking up Doris to flip her in an upside down position and hits another Predator's Bite (Tombstone lungblower)!


Travis: Doris could be out for good this time!

Leona goes for the cover only for Doris to kick out at 2.9! Leona couldn't believe it!


Roselle: She must be asking "what does she have to do to put Doris away?" Zuel has taken punishment after punishment from Cage but won't stand down!

Selina: Hmhmhmhehehe, she's losing her focus.

Rhea: True but the lioness is looking to do something drastic.

Hal: After all that torture, what else can Leona do-uh oh.

The group saw Leona leave the ring and goes under it to grab something. She slowly emerged with a deadly glare... with sledgehammer in hand.

Travis: Oh no... Leona has a sledgehammer in hand! And it's been an arsenal in hardcore matches, no DQ, etc in the hands of many superstars in various wrestling companies but none wielded the sledgehammer more so than the WWE's own Triple H...

Roselle: And it seems that Leona is pulling a Triple H here with that weapon. If she uses that on Doris, Cage will get herself disqualified & still retain the championship!

Harleen: The Hammer's out!

Kara: Are you serious? A sledgehammer?! How is that included in the match?!

Cassidy: If it was hardcore, extreme or no DQ, it would be included.

Babs: (gasps) Leona's planning to disqualify herself to keep the title!

Lena: She looks like she wants to hit Doris over the head with that!

Leona slides in the ring with sledgehammer in hand, the ref tried to talk her out of it & get the weapon away from her but Leona shoves him away, waiting for Doris to slowly get up and turn around.

Caótico: I don't think Leona cares about getting disqualified, while she'll keep the title, Leona wants to make an example out of Doris that no stands up to the alpha of the women's division....

Leona: (evil smirk) Night night Zuel!

Doris turns around as Leona runs in to hit the sledgehammer but Doris ducks underneath to dodge the hit. Leona turns to run at her again only for Doris to deliver a big boot to knock the sledgehammer out of her hand. Doris quickly grabs & Irish whips Leona to the ropes, rebounds and Doris caught her to nail transcended lioness with the Gear Bomb (Pop up Powerbomb)!

Roselle: Leona was going for a sledgehammer but Doris counters!


Doris goes for the pin and gets the 3 count, winning the match!

*Bell rings!*

Caótico: I can't believe it...

Travis: New champion! New champion baby!

Announcer: Here's your winner & NEW UWLN women's ultimate champion, DORIS ZUEL!!!

The crowd erupted in cheers, Doris stumbled to the ropes to keep her balance. The ref gets the title and walks over to Doris, presenting her the title she just won. Doris had emotions pouring out but didn't let tears fall, not now, grabbing the women's ultimate championship, kneeling down with her forehead on the title.

Doris: (in her mind) I did it... We did it, mom & dad...

Doris stands up with the ref raising her arm while she held up her newly won title with a triumphant battlecry!

Roselle: It was a decisive and spectacular match. Leona had put Doris through hell and was willing to do anything to retain but in the end, Doris proved what she was going to do.

Travis: She and Leona went to war. Beating the sheer daylights out of each other and it looked like Cage was going to end Zuel's career, however, Doris fought through, proved that she can fight against the best. Not just survive Leona but end her reign and became the new UWLN women's ultimate champion!

Selina: (smirks) Well done.

Babs: New champ! New champ! New champ!

Harleen: Hehehehe! There is no Champion Cage, only Champion Zuel, hahaha!

Kara: Didn't want to admit it but Doris got the job done.

Hal: No kidding, she beat the baddest hottie here.

Kara gave Hal a deadpan look.

Hal: What?

Diana: Congrats to Doris on a glorious victory!

While leaving the ring, heading up to the ramp to the stage, Doris saw her friends giving them a genuine smirk as she held her title up for the crowd to see. On stage, Leslie appears & pats Doris on the back.

Leslie: Congrats Doris, ya done good champ.

Doris: Heh. Yeah...

Leslie raised Doris's hand and pointed at the victor who had her title up with the crowd giving a standing ovation, the two heading backstage.

Caótico: Congratulations to the new UWLN women's ultimate champion Doris. And now for part 2 of the main event of Sun Revelation. It will be Austin Malice, the former UWLN grand champion going in for a rematch against the current champion Blake Frost for the title... In a House of Horrors Match!

Roselle: The very first house of horrors match was created in 2017 of Wwe's Payback by WWE superstar, the Late Bray Wyatt. If you missed it, 2 weeks ago we did a 10 bell salute on the passing of the eater of worlds himself.

Travis: He was a man of great creativity in & out of the ring, prayers to his loved ones. I interviewed Blake at some point where he says that Bray Wyatt was on one of his favorite WWE superstars growing up & was an honor to be mentored by Bray. Blake then decided to dedicate this match to his mentor by issuing a House of Horrors Match as tribute.

Caótico: We've all seen in the past of the first house of horrors match of Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton. It's a complete nightmare & Bray was able to win that match, now Blake Frost & Austin Malice must enter that structure but it'll also be brought to this arena where it ends by pinfall, submission or forfeiture.

Casey: And it looks like Blake's match is next.

Ember: In a house of horrors match? A little earlier for Halloween?

Cassidy: It doesn't have to be. He's paying tribute to his late mentor. It's not a normal wrestling match, it's a fight.

Babs: This is gonna be awesome! (To Harleen) Full of Frights, right Leenie Beanie?

Harleen: Oh yeah Babsy Wasby, full of spooks, scares and monsters!

Garth gulps. Carter silently pats the Atlantean on the back in comfort.

Tatsu: If you can't face the terrors, look away. There will be no shame in doing so.

Lena: I'm not afraid of haunted houses, I can handle it!

Everyone watches on the titantron as the match begins...


(Blake Frost vs Austin Malice for the UWLN grand championship/House of Horrors Match.)


A limo was seen driving through the woods before it comes to a complete stop. The door opens as Austin Malice steps out and sees the House of Horrors, the house itself was quite large and ancient surrounded by a steel gate & fence, the gate was creaking a little back & forth.

Austin: ....

He approached the gate, heading in and walks through the decrepit and slightly foggy yard. Austin was now at the front porch of the house, slowly reaching for the front door to open it but it was stuck.

Austin: Hmph. Frost probably locked the door cuz he's safe in that dark, old house...

Then the light suddenly came on inside, Austin goes to look in one of the window to see Blake inside the center of a ruined living area, sitting in a familiar rocking chair, eerie grin and all.

Austin narrowed his eyes and goes back to the front door, this time kicking the door open and enters the house. He marches over to Blake, who was calmly sitting in the rocking chair, grinning eerily.

Austin: There you are... Let's go-

Suddenly, the front door slammed shut behind him!

Austin: What the?!

The lights went out, followed by Blake's chilling laugh in the dark.

Blake: Hehehehahaha...

The lights came back on as Austin looks back and sees that Blake was gone and the rocking chair was slowly going back and forth. Austin then saw messages on the walls in a black substance.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

No way out.

Can't never leave.

There's no escape.

Austin growls and grabs the rocking chair, throwing it to the walls to break it. He walks through the living room to search for Blake.

Austin: C'mon frost, where you at? Ya think your little 'haunted house' can scare me?!

Then the TV suddenly came on, showing static followed by terrifying images & a distorted & glitched voice.

???: A-A-A-Austin Why why-why would you you you-you mask yourself? Fear Fear-Fear can n-n-never be masked m-masked m-maaaaasked or cloaked cloaked-clooooaked. Here, nightmares come to to-to toooo l-l-life. You don't know know-know but you will-will willlll oh you-you yoooou willlll...

Austin had an uneasy feeling as he backed away from the strange TV and headed to the hallways which had cracks, holes and cob webs scattered around. The former champion slowly got through the hall until a furred clawed hand burst through the holes in the walls to choke him!

Austin: Agh!!

The hand kept choking him for a moment before releasing the former champion, retreating back into the hole. Austin coughs and tries to catch his breath, he heard a crash sound & immediately runs into one of the rooms, seeing a old, guest room filled with broken dolls & puppets hanging from the ceiling.

Austin: ....!

The dolls & puppets suddenly had their eyes rolled and stared at Austin, who heard strange voice & whispers.


A new friend.

Oooohh, he looks like he wants to play.

Let's play.

Hahahahaha, play play play with us!

Let us play with you...

Play with you until you break like us...


Austin backs away but gets turned around and attacked by Blake. Malice received a couple of punches and knees to the face & gut, now gripping the former champion!

Blake: Welcome Austin.

Blake then Irish whips Austin back first into dresser, falling to the ground in pain!

Austin: Gah!

Blake: Like what I did with the place? Hehehe...

Blake gets Austin to his feet to trade head shots to him, leaving the guest room and brawling through the halls into the dining room.

Blake: Here, have a seat!

Blake throws Austin into one of the dining room chairs which fell over with him!

Austin: Aagghh!

Blake looms over Austin, picking him up.

Blake: This is your eternal prison Austin, hahaha... You can never leave Austin!

Blake hits a throat thrust chop to Austin's throat, making him stumble back holding his neck. Blake then stays on him to attack him with strike after strike, Austin pushes Blake back to get some breathing, Frost ran at him but Malice counters and nails him with a spinebuster through a the dining room table!

Blake hisses in pain. Austin breathes heavily and gets on top of Blake to deliver punch after punch after punch!

Austin: Raaaghhh!!

He stops and stood up, heading to the kitchen, looking around the old and rusty area, seeing scattered & broken plates, utensils, random items and noticed an old golf club and grabs it.

Austin: I'm ending this right now, Frost!

Austin was huffing in anger, heading back to the dining room ready to use the golf club but finds Blake gone!

Austin: What?!

Austin growls and run out of the dinning room through the living room, looking around before heading upstairs and reaching the main halls with 4 rooms.

Austin: Come out Frost! No more games!


Austin heard that as he went to one of the rooms, kicking it down.

Austin: Gotcha! Frost...?

The room was engulfed by a eerie lighting and fog as a hunching silhouette came to view with it's back turned. Austin got a good look but the silhouette's shape didn't look like Blake's.

Austin: Who are you...?

The silhouette turns to Austin, groaning groggily and approaching him. Austin readied the golf club to defend himself.

Austin: I'm warning you, come any closer and I'll knock your head clean off!

The silhouette kept approaching until it came into full view, Austin's eyes widened in shock. It was Barbi but her skin was sickly pale, her hair down in a wild mess, soulless gray eyes and her clothes tattered and ripped with blood, she looked like a zombie.

Austin: No... There's no way... There's no way...

Zombie Barbi: Aaaaauuugggghh...

Austin backs away from Zombie Barbi, who pounced on him, making Austin scream as he dropped the golf club and stumbled through the halls with Zombie Barbi crawling around his upper body.

Zombie Barbi: Raaaaauuughhh!!


They stumbled closer to the stairs with Austin shaking off Zombie Barbi and made her fall down to the stairs, hitting the ground with a large thud. Austin was breathing rapidly, shaking his head and look down the stairs, seeing Zombie Barbi flat on her back at the bottom floor.

Austin: Huff Huff... That can't be real, it's just a cruel scare joke-

Austin stopped as Zombie Barbi sat up (undertaker style), staring ferociously at the former champion. She let out a blood curdling yowl before running up the stairs all fours. Austin screams and ran to the next room, closing the door before the undead girl could find him.

Austin takes a quiet breather, not wanting to alert the zombie barbi. His attention is Blake Frost, he needed to find him, take him down and get out of here to get the UWLN grand champion back cuz he's already tired of the horror games.

Austin: Where is that Frost Freak...?

He then heard creaking and turns around and sees a cloaked figure sitting in a rocking chair, he thought it was Blake and went to confront him.

Austin: That's it, I'm going to kick your a-

He was nailed with a superkick to the side by Blake.

Blake: Close but no cigar.

Blake then picks up Austin who rakes his eyes, the champion grunts as Malice takes the fight to him with strikes and hard hits of his own to Frost, who fights back. The two traded blows for a moment before Blake caught him with an Uranage, Malice grunting in pain. He chuckles sadistically and picks up Austin, who gut kicks Blake and grabs him to hit an exploder suplex!

Blake: Agh!

Austin: Huff Huff... No more horror games!

Austin turns to the cloaked figure still in the rocking chair.

Austin: What?! What ya got, huh?! Nothing!

The cloaked figure gets up to face Austin.

Austin: Gonna do something?! You know who I am?! I'm Austin Malice, you ain't nothing compared to me but a terror reject! Whatcha got?! Whatcha got?! C'mon!!

The cloaked figure removed his hood, silencing Austin's rant. It was Mason, who was sporting a familiar 'fiendish' face paint, frightening yellow eyes and the glance he had made Austin freeze in fear. Mason tilted his head a little & Austin did the same as if he were in a trans, not noticing Mason reaching his hand to him.

Austin: (shook his head; snapping out of it) No! No-

Austin went to strike but Mason inhaled and shot red mist in his face, making Malice yell out in pain with his vision blocked as he was turned around and received a Fall to Frost (elevated flatliner) by Blake!

Blake: Hehehe...

Everything went black.

Austin wakes up with a groan from water splashed in his face. He slowly looks around, it was spinning followed by distorted voices & imagery, now seeing that he was chained to a chair and in the basement illuminated in creepy lighting.

Austin: Rrgh?! Aghh!! Let me out of here! Let me out!!

Austin struggled to get free but the chains held him in place, he ceased it when hearing someone singing...

???: (eerie chilling yet beautiful voice) He's got the whole world in his hands, He's got the whole wide world in his hands, he's got the whole world... in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands~~~!

Austin heard the singing voice continue on upon seeing several cloaked figures wearing sheep masks walking towards him out of the shadows followed by a female cloaked figure who was singing as they surrounded him.

???: (singing) He's got you & me, sister, in his hands~. He's got you & me, brother, in his hands~. He's got everybody here in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands~~~!

Austin: Get out of these chains! I'm done with this house!

The female cloaked figure pulls out her hood, revealing Zee who was pale with black eye makeup running down her cheeks like tears, black hair and lipstick.

Zee: Welcome to the House of Horrors~~~.

Austin: ... You're that Zee girl from the arena!

Zee: (scary grin) It was Zee's body before I housed it as my vessel...

Austin: You're not really-

Zee: (distorted voice) Silence! I am not Zee Zatara, she is gone!

Austin: (getting freaked out) Then who are you...?

Zee: I go by many names... But you can call me, Sister Abigail.

Austin: Abigail...?!

Zee/Sister Abigail: And now... I must punish you. My touch... could've saved you from this 'evil' world but no, you can just... burn.

She forms & throws a large fireball at Austin who screamed as the fireball connected... only for everything to go black.

Austin awakened again with a loud yell, looking around to find that he was in another guest room in the house, more whispers & scary images flashed in & out of his sight, he's had enough, he have had enough!

Austin: I can't take this anymore!

Austin got up and flips the bed over, walking out and wandering the living room again.

Austin: Where are you, Frost?!

Austin grabs a lamp & throws it at the TV, breaking it. He flips the table over and goes down the halls, through the dinning room to the kitchen.

Austin: WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!

The lights were flickering on and off followed by more distorted voices and whispers. Austin was getting frustrated and freaked out.

Austin: I gotta get of this house, I gotta get of this house! This-

He was grabbed and thrown into the cabinets by Blake, who repeatedly slams his face in the cabinets. Austin elbows him in the gut and proceeds to punch Frost in the face and gut, followed by a knee to the gut and throws Blake through the back door, the young man rolling off the back porch to the forest like backyard floor with a pained grunt.

Austin walks out with a long wooden stick towards Blake who slowly gets up, turning around to get hit in the gut with the stick followed by another to the back, Blake yells out in pain!

Austin: Come here!

He dropped the stick, grabbing Blake and hammers away at him with a furious yell. Blake reversed the next hit, firing back with hits of his own before bringing him to an old car, putting Malice in position and lifts him up to powerbomb Austin on the car hood!

Austin: Aagghh!

Blake wipes his mouth and finds a nearby shovel on the grass. Grabbing it, he goes over repeatedly hits Austin with it, earning yells and grunts from the former champion until he finally stops!


Blake yelled in the night with his back turned to Austin who rolls off the car hood with a groan to crawl away.

Blake: Huff Huff... Heh, time for a burial...

Blake turns to sees Austin was gone.

Blake: Where'd you go? (Smirks) Malice... Come out come out wherever you are...

Blake then goes to the other side of the old car where he was hit by a steel garbage can thrown at him by Austin. The leader of Aces of Brutality came in a running knee with made Blake stumble back as Austin capitalizes a big boot to knock him down.

Austin wipes the sweat off his forehead, Blake slowly got up to his knees. Austin walks towards him with a menacing glare while Blake looks up at him with a cold stare.

Austin: End of the line, Frost. This horror movie ends where the monster wins... and I am that monster...

Blake looks down as an icy chuckle escapes his lips.

Blake: Hehehe... Hehehehehahaha...

Austin: You think you're funny? You think you're damn funny?!

Blake's chuckles becomes a calm yet haunting laugh. Austin had more than enough of this but before he can put his hands on Blake, he stopped... noticing something in the forest area of the backyard behind Blake, who was still laughing. Out of the darkness, small spects of lights appeared one after the other until it was a full of them like they were fireflies....

Blake, still on his knees, outstretched his arms wide. Austin froze up on seeing something appeared out of the growing spects of firefly lights, a whole large group cloaked figures with sheep masks alongside the Fiendish Mason, Zee/Sister Abigail and Zombie Barbi holding lanterns of eerie light. Their countless, soulless stares gazed at the very being of Austin Malice, who begins to back away with a cold sweat & a fearful look.

Blake: (grins ominously) Run...

And Austin does so, going back in & through the House of Horrors as he goes to the front door to open it which won't budge.

Austin: Let me out of here! I'm done! I'm done with this house!!

Austin then kicks the door down and runs out, passing the gate and heading towards the limo.

Austin: (gets in) Get me to the arena, NOW!

The limo takes off.


Back to the UWLN arena...

The crowd was either shocked, in awe or frightened by watching the match.

Roselle: Dios Mio... Well for everyone as you can see, the House of Horrors still continues here at the UWLN arena of Sun Revelation. By pinfall, submission or forfeiture as Austin Malice just left the Nightmarish home.

Travis: That fight went all over the place, and the things in there... I honestly don't know what I saw...

Caótico: Yes, Those two wounded up tearing each other in the House of Horrors but it seems like Austin Malice has reached his breaking point from the terror he had to endure. Hopefully, he'll have a clear mindset to continue the fight here.

The group within were either a lost for words, shocked, excited or straight up frightened.

Hal was biting his fingernails. Garth was shaking. Oliver was shocked when Zee appeared & outstaged him again. Carol was hugging Logan tight as her boyfriend comforted her. Lena's eyes were shielded by Casey after the TV freak out spooked her.

Kara: Whoa... That was... (smiles) AWESOME!!

Aliyah: Hehehehe!

Pam: The way lights blended in with the shadows and the beautiful forces of nature like fireflies... very astonishing...

Ember: (grins) That Austin guy's reaction to the horror was priceless...

Babs: So creeeeeeepy! And bravo to Zee, Barbi and Mason's part in this!

Harleen: Hahahahaha! I thought Austin was gonna pee himself from bein' completely freaked out!

Rhea and Harold smirk.

Lena: C-Can I open my eyes now?

Casey: Yes, the scary parts are over.

Lena sighs in relief.

Diana: By the gods... the decay... the darkness... the sheer horror, it reminds me a bit of Hades' ghastly acts...

Tatsu: Now the true battle begins...

Later, the limo appeared as Austin walks out, breathing heavily as he stumbled into the arena. He attempts to regain his bearings, walking through the backstage area while ignoring the soreness and pain.

Roselle: And here comes Austin Malice with the battle scars from the House of Horrors.

Travis: Heh, physical or mental?

Caótico: Either way he managed to escape the House of Horrors but not unscathed. Now he has to continue the match in the ring, no DQ and it's either pinfall, submission or forfeiture as Blake Frost is nowhere to be found here.

Soon, Austin appears on stage and walks down the ramp, ignoring the boos & "you were scared!" taunts from the crowd. He rolls into the ring, getting to his feet with the ropes and with a chuckle, he spreads his arms wide.

Austin: Hehehehe... Hahahaha! He thought he could break me?! To trap me in that freaky house?! Well I'm still here, who's laughing now?! Hahahaha!

Selina: And he's lost his mind.

Cassidy: He knew what he signed up for in this match.

Then the lights went out.

Travis: Hold on! The lights went out!

Roselle: What's going on here?

The lights came back on, to the crowd surprise, as Austin was still standing in the ring... Blake was standing behind him with a kendo stick in hand & a cold smirk!

Caótico: What the?! Blake Frost is here! The UWLN grand champion is here in the arena!

Roselle: And he's creeping behind Austin Malice with evil intentions!

Austin smirks as he thought the praise was for him, turning around only to find Blake standing behind him. Austin was shocked at first but goes in to attack only to get a kendo stick shot to the gut followed by the one to the back by Blake!

Caótico: And the House of Horrors continues in the Sun Revelation arena of UWLN!

Austin rolls out of the ring with Blake giving chase, hitting him in the back with the kendo stick, making Malice yell out in pain. Blake drops the kendo stick and grabs Austin from behind to hits a Saito Suplex!

Caótico: A devastating Saito Suplex by Blake Frost!

Travis: Austin has got to psychologically destroyed now!

Blake picks up Austin and throws him back in the ring and slides it himself, Austin slowly stumbled to his feet and goes to attack Blake, who fired back with strikes as well. Austin pushed Blake into the ropes, rebounding as Blake dodged Austin's clothesline, rebounds off the opposite ropes and hits front dropkick to knock Austin down!

Lena: Big brother Blake, tear him up! C'mon knock him out!

Kara: Wipe the floor with him!

Austin gets back up and goes for a big boot but Blake avoids it and turns him around and delivered Fall to Frost!

Travis: FALL TO FROST BY THE CHAMPION! Is he gonna retain?!

Blake goes for the cover as the ref counted but the ref was pulled out of the ring by Heidi Silver!

Roselle: Heidi Silver?! Where'd she even come from?!

Blake got up and turns to Heidi Silver who had an uneasy feeling from the cold glance he was giving her, then spots Mira & Miranda Blade walking down the ramp to the ring, smack talking and all!

Caótico: And here's the blade twins, no doubt to interfere in the match.

Kara: Those brats again! I'm gonna-

Babs: No Kara, you shouldn't jump the barricade again! You were lucky to not get in trouble last time!

The ref got back in the ring. Heidi said nothing while the Blade twins got on the apron of the ring, talking smack to Blake who tilted his head and coldly stares at them. Austin slowly recovers and grabs Blake to hit a northern lights suplex, it connects, he rolls up, switch positions and plants Frost with the Malicious Finish (Drift away style neckbreaker)!

Travis: The Blade twins with the distraction and Austin capitalizes, Northern lights suplex into THE MALICIOUS FINISH!!

Caótico: A new champion's gonna be crowned!

Carol: Hey! That's not fair, he was distracted! They can't do that!

Rhea: Actually they can. Bray Wyatt's House of Horrors is also a no DQ type of match, everyone can interfere and nothing can be done about it!

Kara: It's bull-

Casey: Kara not now, Lena's present!

Austin goes for the cover but Blake kicked out at 2, much to the shock of Malice, Heidi and the Blade twins!

Roselle: Blake kicked out! And Austin and the others are in disbelief!

Austin was getting irate and yells at the Blade twins to get chairs, they go under the ring and do just that, sliding them into the ring!

Travis: Looks like Austin has evil intentions, the look in his eyes and those chairs into play means he's about to do something drastic to not just take the grand title back but to make an example by ending Blake's career that no one makes a mockery of him!

Placing Blake's head on one chair and grabbing the other in hand, Austin was about to put the nail in the coffin on Frost.

Diana: Oh no!

Harleen: C'mon frosty, get up!

Austin raised the chair up and was about to strike Blake's head through the other but the lights went out again!

Roselle: The lights went out again!

Travis: How should I know and-wait, you hear that?

Screams were heard in the dark, followed by a beautiful yet chilling female singing voice was heard in the dark.

???: He's got the whole world... in his hands~. He's got the whole wide world... in his hands~... He's got the whole world... in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands~~~~!

The lights came back but in an eerie blue lighting and fog, the Blade twins were on the ramp screaming & spiralling with red mist on the their faces as Zee/Sister Abigail and Zombie Barbi standing over them. Austin was horrified as Heidi Silver was shaking as someone wearing a black hooded cloak with tattered sleeves, wears a black leotard, fishnet leggings and black boots was standing behind them, singing...

???: He's got you & me in sister, in his hands~. He's got & me in brother, in his hands~. He's got everybody here... in his hands~. He's got the whole world in his haaaaaaaands~~~~~!

Heidi slowly turns around and gets a blue mist to the face, falling to the ground screaming from the burning mist as the figure back up and hits Heidi with a curbstomp. The figure pulls off the hood to reveal Leslie herself, who sported blue-ish black lipstick & black eyeshadow with bizarre lightning patterns going down her cheeks, having an evil smile on her face!

Caótico: Who the hell is that?! That young lady just sprayed Silver with a blue mist and took her out with a vicious curbstomp!

Travis: And the Blade twins were taken out too, Austin is in complete disbelief!

Babs: (gasps) it's Zee, Barbi and... Leslie!

Selina: (smirks) That sly spark, magi and cat.

Harleen: Sparky looks like she's gone to the dark side and who knew Leslie can sing! Hahahaha!

Kara: Leslie darn stomped her head in!

Leslie slowly climbs up the apron with a head tilt, smiling sadistically with blue-ish black liquid dripping from her mouth from the mist at Malice, Austin was backing away with his hands held up in defense. Blake rose up to his feet like he was back from the dead with his own scary grin as Austin bumped into him, causing Malice to panic & turn to attack but Blake caught him and connected Sister Abigail!

Garth: He's got him!

Babs: The Big finish!


Roselle: Shades of his mentor, The late Great Bray Wyatt!!

Blake went for the cover as the ref counted, getting the 3 count!

*Bell rings!*

Caótico: And Blake retains!!

Announcer: Here's your winner & STILL UWLN grand champion, BLAKE FROST!!!

Blake got to his knees as the ref received the grand championship and gives it to him. Leslie slides into the ring behind Blake, arms around his neck in a loving manner and a sly smile to her boyfriend & kiss for his win. Zee, Barbi as well as Mason and Beck appeared in the ring to join the two.

Blake, still on his knees, rest the title in the center as he spreads his arms wide.

Blake: Thank you Wyatt!

The crowd chanted "Thank you Wyatt!" over and over as the lights went out but the arena was illuminated with everyone's phone lights lit up like an entire school of fireflies!

Roselle: And the fireflies are out as Blake celebrates his victory and honors the memory of Bray Wyatt. Frost and Malice went all out within House of Horrors and in the end despite Austin's efforts, his fate was sealed as Blake uses Bray's finisher Sister Abigail to retain his title.

Travis: And now he, his brothers & friends along with the UWLN universe are following the buzzards as the fireflies light the way, truly a tribute that Blake has planned to dedicate it to his idol & late mentor Bray Wyatt who had the whole world and now the UWLN universe in his hands, chanting "Thank you Wyatt!"

Caótico: Congratulations to Blake Frost and Thank you to Wwe superstar, the Eater of the Worlds Bray Wyatt himself for his legend will never be forgotten! We'll see ya next on UWLN: Revolt, Goodnight everyone!


Back at the Masters family home...

The door opens as The Masters brothers, Diana, Zee, Babs, Kara, Lena, Casey, Ember, Selina and her friends came in. Hal & his crew, Rhea & her crew and Tatsu went their separate ways not before congratulating Blake and Doris on their victories.

Babs: What a crazy, spectacular and hyped event!

Harleen: Yeah! Congrats to the two champs!

Doris: (holds her title on her shoulder) Heh. Thanks, felt like I went to war but I managed to pull it off.

Selina: Hmhmhmhehehe, you proved yourself tonight & got the gold.

Blake: Congratulations Doris. Your folks would be proud.

Doris smiles & fists bumps Blake.

Doris: Thanks Blake. And congrats on your title defense & beating and scaring the pants off Austin.

Lena: (hugs Blake) You did great Big brother Blake!

Blake: Thanks Lena. I couldn't have done it without you all having my back, especially Zee, Beck, Mason, Barbi and Leslie here.

Barbi: You're welcome.

Zee: It was no problem dear. It was nice to receive praise for my performance in the House of Horrors match created by your late idol.

Mason: You're welcome, it was a honor.

Beck: Good one bro.

Barbi: Bray would be proud.

Blake smiles as Leslie approached him.

Leslie: Yes he would and you showed Austin what you've learned from him and retained, Blakers.

Blake: Thanks you all.

Leslie pressed her lips on Blake's with a kiss.

Beck: Heh. Here's your reward for your performance, my queen.

Beck pulls Barbi in a genuine embrace and kisses her.

Barbi: (smiles mischievously) Oh gracious, my dragon king~.

She returns the kiss. Mason felt arms wrapped around his neck by Zee.

Zee: Oh darling~~. Here's a reward we'll both enjoy~.

Mason: Of course, my mistress~.

They embraced in a kiss as well.

Lena: Ewwww.

Harleen: Get a room ya love birds, hahaha!

???: Awwww, so sweet.

Everyone turns to see... Storm Behemoth lounging on the couch.

Leslie: You?!

Babs: It's Storm Behemoth!

Beck: How'd you get in here?!

Storm Behemoth: Valerie let me in before you got here & we talked for a bit. Congratulations on your victories and I stole the show with mine in the starting point.

Leslie: Cut the act, who are you really?! Last I checked I was Storm Behemoth when a certain someone injected me!

Doris looks away, whistling innocently.

Storm Behemoth: (faked a hurt gasp) Leslie... You really forgot me so easily? Oh I'm hurt~! Hehe, Maybe I should to show you...

Storm Behemoth shrunk down in size & bulk with her attire shrinking too, now down to Leslie's height with a slight athletic and curvy figure, taking out the mask to reveal herself.

Leslie: ...?!

Blake: It's you.

Carol: That Red eyed Leslie clone?!

Red eyed Leslie: Surprise~. But I go by Lizzie Willis now, Leslie's new sister.

(A/N: Credit goes to Lightman2120 for Red eyed Leslie's new name.)

Leslie: Sister?!

Lizzie: Mmhmm. After we split in two, I got busy and I found a hobby in this wrestling business with this pumped up gigantic ability. Not gonna go into details but here I am now. Told ya we'd see each other again~ (smirks).

Leslie glares at her.

Diana: What are you doing here?

Babs: I have so many questions!

Lizzie: Now's not the time for questions, it's time for a celebration on our victories. Valerie's already cooking with Gwendolyn & Clone Kara.

Ember: Wonderful.

Kara: And how do we know you won't try anything funny, you are Leslie's eviler clone/illusion turned solid or whatever, right?

Lizzie: Please Danvers, there's no tricks or anything. You have my word...

Lizzie goes and placed her arms around Blake and Leslie, sly smile forming.

Lizzie: I'm only here for some fun and to visit my sis and her stud boyfriend. No fuss. No hostility~.

The two gave questionable and narrowed looks before shrugging it off.

Blake: Alright then.

Leslie: What the hell? It's a party & we're here to celebrate the two champions but I'm watching you. Ugh, sis...

Lizzie: hehehehe.

Doris: You heard em guys!

Babs & Harleen: Let's PARTY!!!

Everyone started their celebration.

To be continued...

(Chapter 33 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Sorry if the chapter is crazy long, I worked real hard on it. New OC wrestlers debut, championships were defended, retained or crowned, Storm Behemoth's true identity was revealed and Blake vs Austin in House of Horrors was tribute to WWE superstar Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt who passed away at age 36 in 2023, he was one of my favorites to watch on WWE & his creativity is unique in & out of the ring. Again, prayers to his family & loved ones, his legend will live on forever, he will be missed, R.I.P. Until next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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