Wrestling Summer Event
Weeks later...
We cut to northeast of Metropolis in the afternoon where a dome building can be seen holding the annual Underworld Wrestling Lethal Nexus Summer Event in Metropolis.
Inside the building, Blake, Beck, Kara, Diana, Rhea, Ramona and Hiroshi were backstage. The masters brothers got their friends tickets & backstage passes to see the event.
Kara: Thanks again for the tickets to see the summer event.
Beck: No problem.
Diana: I must say these... wrestlers battling in the ring like true gladiators.
Rhea: Well sorta. Some wrestlers fight well and hard while others aren't afraid to do whatever it takes to win, even fight dirty.
Blake: That is true. You gotta keep on your guard for that. I know I do in my match.
Ramona: I'm sure you'll do well in your match, amigo.
Hiroshi: Indeed.
Blake: Thanks guys.
Kara: Well I'm ready for some excitement, Let the brawl and beat downs BEGIN!!!
In another area backstage, We see Doris with her bag containing her custom wrestling gear, and Leslie looking around as the gigantic villainess was eyeing the competition passing by in all shapes and sizes, especially the bigger and stronger men and women wrestlers here, some even her age and up were here. Doris was feeling hyped up for this while Leslie had a bored expression.
Doris: I've been waiting for this, look at all the wrestlers and champions here Les. I can't believe today is my debut!
Leslie: (bored expression) Yeah sure. I'm happy for ya meathead but why'd you drag me here, I told you I have no interest in being a wrestler.
Doris: Oh stop with the long face Leslie, at least you can watch me in action to bust some heads.
Leslie: Ugh.
The two entered the female locker room, seeing female wrestlers from cruiser to brawlers to strikers to mixed martial artists to technical wrestlers to giants, some of them were even champions. Doris smirks at the possible opponents here. One of the females approached the two, a young woman with slightly pale skin, black & blue eye shadow with lightning patterns, blue eyes, long & spiky black hair slicked back with pale blue streaks, black lipstick, a beautiful curvaceous, pear shaped body and was wearing a black and blue electric patterned long sleeve top with the stomach exposed, black and blue electric patterned trunks, MMA gloves, fishnet leggings, black knee pads with bolts & black and blue electric patterned boots.
She appears to have a championship title around her shoulder.
???: So you're new here?
Doris: Yep. What's it to you?
???: Hehehe, no hostility red. I come in peace. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Erica Shock, the Storm Punk of the women's division and the 8 time & current UWLN Women's Extreme Champion.
Doris: Name's Doris Zuel, this is Leslie Willis. I'm making my debut in the summer event in the 6-women steel cage match for a title shot.
Erica: Hmmm, I don't recall seeing your face on the card but-Oh, you're the mystery wild card for the vacant spot. I'm also in the match but my title's not on the line, I'm looking to add another title around my shoulder.
Doris: (glares) It ain't happening, Storm Punk. If anyone's getting that shot at the UWLN Women's Ultimate champion, it's me! And I plan to run through those 5 women in the cage, including you sparky!
Erica: (glares with a smirk) Heh, I'd love to see you try. It may be your debut but me or the four women in the cage won't go easy on you because it's your first match. Either you back up your words or you'll get eaten alive...
Doris growls at her.
Leslie: Hmmmm, I gotta say I like your attire. It's well thought out and designed.
Erica: (turns to Leslie) Why thank you, it was inspired by the villain of electricity, Livewire.
Leslie: (eyes widened) W-W-W-What?!
Erica: I know, she's a villain who likes to have the spotlight on her & humiliates her opponents but I like her style, powers and mischief attributes. Makes me quite a fan of hers.
Leslie didn't know what to say, a famous wrestler being one of her fans?
Erica: Wish I could meet her though but with the whole being evil thing, maybe it's best to stay away.
Leslie: Wait, what if I told you I know Livewire personally?
Erica: You do?
Leslie: (smiles) Oh yeah... She once substituted for my channel. Maybe I can set up a time and place for you to meet Livewire in person, she tends to be busy at times but I'm sure I can make something work.
Erica: Well thanks Leslie. Need my number?
Leslie: (smiles) Sure.
The two exchange phone numbers.
Erica: Well I'll see you later Leslie and I'll see you soon in the cage, Doris (smiles slyly).
Doris narrowed her eyes as Erica left. The gigantic villainess then saw a large room linked to the locker room, luckily no one was in there so Doris grabs Leslie without warning and drags to a nearby room which was as large as a storage.
Leslie: Doris, give me some warning before you go dragging me like that!
Doris: Yeah yeah, sorry. Just pipe down in a minute!
Doris was rummaging through her bag, pulling out a different wrestling gear and mouth mask, handing it to Leslie.
Doris: Here, change out of your clothes and put these on.
Leslie: Wait what? No. Why, no!
Doris: What's the issue?!
Leslie: I told you that I'm not interested in wrestling!
Doris: You're not going to wrestle, you're just gonna be a one time enforcer in my match! In case something goes wrong with the others trying to screw me out of it!
Leslie: Doris, I'm not doing this!
Doris didn't listen as she pulls out an injector with the Giganta formula.
Leslie: Doris, what are you doing with that and why are you looking at me like that?!
Doris: A little something for your disguise and make you more if you're pumped up a bit.
Leslie: Oh no... Nonono! I am not taking your Giganta serum!
Doris: Aww c'mon Les, loosen up a bit. Besides, what are you afraid of?
Leslie: (sarcastic) Oh gee golly gosh, what I would love to go out as a muscle headed monster and really smash things up for the crowd.
Doris: (deadpan glare) I'm not a nerd but I can tell you were being sarcastic. Plus, you're only taking half of the serum and it's just for one day!
Leslie: I don't care if it's a tiny bit, I'm not having that enter my body!
Doris rolls her eyes with a groan but got an idea with a smirk and looks passed Leslie at the slide window/door with a look of alarm.
Doris: Oh crap, it's the superhero girls! They've come to bust us!
Leslie: Wait what?!
Leslie turns around to look out the window only for Doris puts the injector in Leslie's neck, earning a pained yell from her as some of the Giganta formula entered her neck.
Leslie: Aaaauuuuuuhhh!!!
Leslie fell to the ground while clutching her neck with a grunt, looking up at Doris with a glare.
Leslie: Y-You dirty... Ugh! I can't believe you of all people-ack! Tricked me with that! Ahh!!
Doris: Heh, this is a way of saying you owe me today.
Leslie: (groans in a somewhat slightly deep & guttural voice with angry glowing orange & blue eyes) Dorissssssssss....!!!
Doris only smirked as Leslie's shadow was seen growing in height and muscle mass followed by a loud, primal roar.
(Fire away by Fight like Sin plays)
*Pyro blasts!*
We cut to a large arena with an underground fight club like image, the place was illuminated in black, white and eerie blue lighting as the massive crowd on their seats and erupting in cheers. At the commentary tables, we see three people, a tall, powerhouse dark skinned man with orange eyes, a goatee & wearing a black business suit & shoes, a slightly tall, athletic & curvaceous, tan skin woman with long wavy black & violet red, blue eyes, red lipstick and wears a black and white glorious dress with high heels and a slightly tall, athletic man with tan skin, white & red eyes, wears a black, red & silver monstrous looking lucha mask, a white businesses suit & shoes.
Woman: Ladies and Gentlemen of Metropolis, welcome to UWLN Summer Event!
The crowd cheered loudly!
Woman: We've got 5 Great matches lined up for you all but allow us to introduce ourselves on commentary! I am Roselle "Latina Parkour" Hernandez, also a wrestler here & champion in my own right but for tonight I'm on commentary alongside two wrestling legends, the powerhouse here is "Pure Untamed Steel" Travis!
Travis: (bold, deep voice) Ayo! Whattup Metropolis!!!!
The crowd gets louder in cheers!
Travis: We got ourselves a banger of matches today and I can tell y'all that this is not to miss!
Roselle: You're right on that one, T. And introducing another wrestling legend and champion in his own right, a man of pure havok combined with lucha libre, "The Anarchic Dragon" Caotico!!!!
Caotico: (smooth yet bold voice) Greetings everyone, who is ready for... PURE HAVOK!?!?!?
The crowd cheers.
Caotico: Then we'll list the following matches happening for this event. We start with the first match in the form of an open challenge by the "UK's Dealer of Disastrous Holds" Zak Skaar for his UWLN Ultimate championship!
Travis: Zak is a strange and lethal individual, don't let his gentleman facade fool ya. He is a master of submissions that will leave the challengers bended in the wrong direction and has a stranglehold on the ultimate championship for the total of 600 days!
Roselle: And today he might add another unlucky soul to his stepping stones to sole greatness. But enough about that, the second match is a singles match between "The Freakin' Alpha-Weight" Dash Prowl and the Eerie Dark DeVille! Their rivalry began last month after Dash Prowl was on his way to claim the golden briefcase in the six-pack ladder match to summit his legacy for a future title shot!
Caotico: But he was denied when Dark DeVille appeared out of the darkness and took him under the ring into his own personal hell, stating that Prowl is an arrogant, self entitled and egotistical soul that will have his future evaporated before it begins.
Travis: I agree with the whole arrogant part of believing he's the future of this company but Dash is no slouch, sure he can talk the talk but he can back up on his promises, including on ending the twisted mind games of Dark DeVille.
Roselle: Moving on, the third match is a 6-women in a cell for number one contendership at the UWLN Women's Ultimate champion at the next event.
Travis: This cage match is no ordinary one as it's on par with Hell-in-a-Cell, calling it the Carnage Cage as 6 women will be locked in there where they'll have to dig deep into the darkest parts of their minds to survive until only one woman is left standing! I even heard that the sixth women are a wild card but it won't be revealed until the match begins!
Caotico: A mayor match of pure chaos for the UWLN Women's Ultimate championship title shot. Speaking of whom, the "Transcended Lioness" Leona Cage looks to defend her UWLN Women's Ultimate championship against the "Revelation Heart" of UWLN, Jen Bruiser!
Travis: Leona Cage has held the title for over a year in record time, proving herself to be the alpha of the women's division and states that she's not here to make friends or support the UWLN, she's here to do whatever it takes to keep her title and decimate all who oppose her!
Roselle: But can Jen Bruiser be the one to dethrone the queen? Jen sees Leona as nothing more than a brutal bully who needs to be taken down a peg, their rivalry has boiled up to this moment as Jen has appeared constantly to stop Leona from ending the careers of women who stepped in the ring with her after she takes them down, you bet Jen is aiming to stop Leona at all cost!
Travis: And for our main event, it's been going down for the last three months and now it is being settled in No Holds Barred as the challenger, "The Demon God of Winter" Blake Frost takes on the champion, leader of the Aces of Brutality, Austin Malice for the UWLN Grand Championship!
Roselle: Austin and his Aces of Brutality have been a thorn in the entire roster's side of men and women, taking people out and wanting to claim championship by any means necessary.
Caotico: They are a very dominant faction and every time you found out what they're going to do, the Aces of Brutality do the complete opposite and throw off your game. And that's when Blake himself enters the picture, through mind games and the right moment to strike has been able to be one step ahead of Austin and his faction but can he do the impossible and put an end to Austin or will he be added to the pile of broken bodies...?
Roselle: Then let the summer event... BEGIN!!!
Meanwhile in the front row seats of the crowd, we see Diana, Kara, Rhea, Ramona and Hiroshi with some UWLN merchandise they acquired from backstage.
Kara: Finally, I was starting to get bored. Bring out the matches!
Rhea: (chuckles) Someone's getting excited.
Ramona: I wouldn't blame the chika, she loves to see some violence.
Hiroshi nods.
???: She does tend to get like that!
The five turn to see Babs sitting next to them with Harleen who waved with a smile.
Diana: Babs? Harleen?
Kara: What are you doing here? Weren't you busy this week?
Babs: I was but I finished the business and since Jess, Karen and Zee were busy, I decided to come find you two only to bump into Harleen here!
Harleen: I managed to get two tickets to this event but since Pam was busy with Jess, I thought I'd invite Babsy to watch the summer event with me!
Rhea: (smirks) So you're the Harleen girl Babs was babbling about.
Harleen: (grins) And you three must be part of the crew Babsy was telling me about. Put 'er there pal!
Rhea shakes her hand only to be shocked by Harleen's joy buzzer.
Harleen: Hahahahaha!!
Diana: Oh no...
Instead of getting angry, Rhea only laughed.
Rhea: (smiles) Wow mate, ya really know how to shake!
Harleen: Why thank you!
Babs: I knew you'd get along just fine!
Diana: I don't understand. Where's Beck?
Hiroshi: Probably backstage with Blake still.
Kara: Whatevs. C'mon, let's get this show on the road!
(An open challenge by Zak Skaar for the UWLN Ultimate championship.)
In the middle of the ring, we see Zak Skaar, a slightly tall man with slight pale skin, slightly long dirty blonde hair, cold cobalt eyes, a slight mustache/beard combo, an athletic body and was wearing a black and cobalt blue trench coat with the words "UK submission style" on the back, black trunks with the words "Skaar" on the back, bandages wrapped around his wrists, black kneepads and lace black boots.
His UWLN Ultimate championship was around his waist and had a very cold gaze as the crowd booed him but he paid no mind to it.
Travis: Not a great welcome for the champion.
Caotico: I don't think he cares about their opinions at this moment.
Zak brings up his microphone to speak.
Zak: So... This is what Metropolis has to offer in these... disgusting peons... to be within my presence?
The crowd booed louder.
Kara: I already don't like this guy.
Harleen: What is he? The King of Stuck ups?
Zak: As much as I would love to leave this dreadful city of peasants who aren't worthy of my time, I have made it my goal to continue to bring prestige to the UWLN Ultimate championship in an open challenge! I don't care in the slightest who will contend with me for MY title, the result will be the same as I dismantle them in the most of disastrous of ways! Now... Come!
Zak throws the mice aside and removed his coat & title, waiting for his opponent.
Caotico: A bold claim from this man... Who will answer Zak Skaar's open challenge for his title?
Roselle: That is if someone wants to or not?
Babs: I wonder who's going to his open challenge?
Kara: I could take 'em.
Rhea: She means anyone on the roster, Kara.
Kara: I know but I would love nothing more than take this Skaar guy down a peg.
The lights went out for a moment they came on in Green as the titantron showed green fire with the words "Verde Drago" as a slightly tall, tan skinned man appeared with a green, white and silver dragon style lucha mask, black long sleeve gloves, green, white and silver dragon style wrestling tights and black boots. He also holding a championship title around his waist as he did a martial arts style pose.
Announcer: And his opponent! From Mexico, weighing in at 203 pounds! He is the UWLN cruiserweight champion! VERDE DRAGO!!!
Caotico: Ah a fellow luchadore and a 8-time UWLN cruiserweight champion! Verde Drago has proved himself in the ring time & time again and plans to make his mark against Zak Skaar!
Travis: I have to give credit where credit is due, Verde Drago is the type of superstars that has that undying fire no matter how many times you put him down but let's be honest, I don't think He has faced anyone like Zak Skaar.
Verde Drago enters the ring, leaping from the ropes and landing in a perfect pose to stare down Zak Skaar who was staring a hole through the cruiserweight champion.
Babs: Wow! Look at him, he's like a superhero!
Harleen: A high flyer, I'd say hahaha!
Ramona: I respect the honors of lucha libre, hopefully he can dethrone Zak.
Diana: Lucha libre?
Babs: Basically masked wrestling with rules of tradition. I'd tell you more but let's watch what he can do.
Removing his cruiserweight title and placing it to the corner ground, Verde Drago turns to Zak Skaar, who stares soullessly at him. The Ref holds up the UWLN Ultimate championship before handing it to the announcer & calling for the bell to ring!
*Bell rings!*
Zak Skaar and Verde Drago slowly circle around each other.
Roselle: And now we begin the first match of the summer event. The champion, Zak Skaar and the challenger, Verde Drago. The winning prize, the UWLN Ultimate championship.
Skaar and Drago soon got closer and lock up in a test of strength, grappling each other for a moment before Skaar transitions into a headlock on Drago. The cruiserweight champion struggled as Skaar applied more pressure to the headlock before moving backwards to the ropes, Drago escaping to run/rebound on the ropes while avoiding a back elbow from Skaar, rebounds again to avoid Skaar's clothesline before backflipping and hitting a front dropkick to Skaar, making him roll out of the ring from impact!
Caotico: Talk about a display of grapples and a front dropkick by Verde Drago, sending the champion out of the ring!
Zak slowly regains himself as Verde Drago goes to rebound off the ropes and flies over to nail Skaar with Tope Con Giro!
Roselle: And the champion is wiped out by Drago!
Babs: (smiles) What a display, it was like he was actually flying!
Kara: C'mon! Tear this Skaar a new scar!
Harleen: Ah, I see what ya did there, hahaha!
The ref was counting, Verde Drago picks up Zak Skaar to his feet only for Skaar to catch him with a gut kick followed by a snap suplex!
Travis: And a snap suplex outside the ring! That must hurt!
Roselle: Yeah and remember, this is a match on pinfall or submission, a count out victory won't do.
Travis: And when have you ever seen Zak pin anyone to win? He only wins by submitting his opponents.
Zak then rolls Verde Drago in the ring and proceeded to hammer away at the cruiserweight champion followed by getting up while holding his Drago's right arm, twisting it behind and transitions into a modified one armed trapped sleeper hold!
Travis: And there's the disastrous creatively of Zak Skaar, that modified one armed trapped sleeper hold! Using his one arm to ensnare the neck while using the other to trap the opponent's arm backwards!
Ramona: I haven't seen that type of submission before.
Diana: Quite a bizarre maneuver.
Zak applied more pressure to the hold, Drago was struggling as he nearly collapsed once or twice, he fights as he used his free hand to punch Zak in the face repeatedly before moving backwards to ram him back first into the corner, releasing the hold and nailing a pele kick to Zak!
Caotico: And Verde Drago escapes the hold and answers with a pele kick!
Verde Drago catches his breath and heads for the top rope, gets ready and jumps off the top with a frog splash to Zak and it connects to a pin!
Caotico: And an impressive frog splash from the top rope!
Roselle: He's going for it early!
The ref counts but Zak kicks out at 2.
Travis: And Zak kicked out.
Verde Drago picks up Skaar and Irish whips him into the counter and lands a handstand style/running forearm to Skaar but stays on him with repeated corner style kicks to the champion!
Roselle: And the cruiserweight champion is not wasting time in unleashing those powerful kicks on the Ultimate champion!
The ref counts for him to stop, Verde Drago stops at 3 and went to deliver the kicks again only for Skaar to catch the leg, holding onto it with a menacing expression and delivered a dragon screw to the leg of the cruiserweight champion, who was clutching his right leg in pain!
Travis: And Zak Skaar intercepts!
Zak then grabs the right leg of Verde Drago and begins to deliver elbow drop after elbow drop to stretching and twisting it, earning a pained yell from Verde Drago!
Roselle: And Skaar is working on that right leg to damage it, trying to take away Drago's momentum in high flying attributes!
Zak then wraps his leg around Drago's and transitions into the figure four-leglock!
Caotico: The figure four-leglock!!!
Travis: It's locked in and you can hear Verde Drago screaming in pain!!
Babs: A figure four-leglock!
Harleen: Ooo, I'mma use that for a special occasion, hehehehe!
Drago was struggling to the submission as he tries to reach for the ropes but they were very far from him as Skaar increased the pressure, causing the cruiserweight champion to grunt in pain even more. The ref asks if he wants to quit but he shook his head furiously, not wanna to give up and lifts his upper body with his arms and proceeded to turn over to reverse the leglock, making Skaar scream!
Caotico: Verde Drago reverses the hold!
Zak was gritting his teeth from the pain as he reached over to the nearby ropes and grabbed them, the ref sees it and tells Drago to break the hold and he did.
Travis: And Skaar reaches the ropes to break the hold.
Zak slowly recollects himself while shaking his head and turns to Verde Drago who was dragging himself to the corner to get some feeling back into his right leg. Zak stomps towards him and delivered a fierce chop to the chest of Drago!
Harleen: Ouch! Did anyone else hear or feel that?!
Rhea: I felt that.
Travis: What a powerful chop to the chest by Skaar! You could actually hear the echoing of that when it connects!
Zak doesn't done as he places Drago's arms over the ropes and proceeded to unleash chop after chop to the chest of the cruiserweight champion!
Caotico: And Skaar is on the attack with the chops to Drago's chest! Talk about ruthless!
Roselle: Verde Drago's chest is all beat rojo!
The ref counts to 5 to stop this as Zak stopped reluctantly at 4 & a half. Then he begins to deliver corner chop/uppercut combos to Verde Drago!
Travis: And we see more of the sheer aggressive intent from the champion in Zak Skaar!
Diana: He's not showing any restrictions to his offense, I fear that Verde Drago won't last long against Skaar.
Kara: He's not out yet, give him a minute.
Zak stops and run to the opposite corner and comes back with a european uppercut to Verde Drago. He rolls him out of the corner and nails Drago with a rolling forearm to the back of his head, dropping him!
Travis: And Skaar drops him!
Zak then grabs both arms of Verde Drago, delivering knee shot after knee shot to the face of the cruiserweight champion before bringing him into a triangle choke submission!
Travis: Could it be lights out for Verde Drago?!
Zak was increasing the hold's pressure and yelling at Drago to tap as he struggled to get out of it! Drago then uses his legs to lift up and gets Zak's shoulders on the mat for the ref to count the pin but Zak broke the hold quickly and gets Drago in an arm trapped crossface submission!
Caotico: Drago nearly got the pin but Skaar catches him in the arm trapped crossface submission!
Kara: C'mon Drago! Don't tap to this stick up pansy!
Drago was hanging on dear life as he crawls slowly to the ropes with Zak trying to add more pressure to the hold. Using his free hand, Drago managed to reach for the ropes in time!
Harleen: He's still alive!
The ref tells Zak to break the hold and he does, getting irritated as Skaar drags Drago to the middle of the ring and delivered a chains of forearm shots to the back of Drago's neck!
Harleen: Spoke too soon...
Travis: And Skaar is absolutely livid right now! Repeatedly targeting the back of Verde Drago's neck!
Roselle: A 600 day reign as the ultimate champion and he plans to not let end just there!
Zak kept it up until he stops and picks up Verde Drago, getting him from behind in a dragon sleeper submission he dubs the Skaar of the Soul!
Roselle: It's one of his main arsenals to either tap out the opponent or put them to sleep! Will the fire of Verde Drago be extinguished?!
Drago was struggling to breathe as Zak continues to choke him out with his submission. The ref checks on him as he lifts his arm once, it falls at one. He lifts his arm twice, it falls at two. He lifts his arm a third but it doesn't fall as Drago was still alive in this match with a fist rising!
Caotico: And Verde Drago is still fighting!
Diana: By the gods, the spirit of this man...
Babs: He's got the heart of a warrior, he's gotta finish it!
Zak couldn't believe it but still wouldn't let go of the hold. Drago, however, uses his legs to backflip and reverse the hold into a pin, the ref counts it only for Zak to kick out at 2 but Drago hits a low enzuigiri to the back of Skaar's neck!
Caotico: What a great counter!
Roselle: It seems that Drago is getting all fired up!
Verde Drago slowly gets to his feet as Zak did the same as the ultimate champion charges at the cruiserweight champion, who ducks underneath and hits a couple of strikes, knee to the gut and dropkick to send him into the corner where he runs at Zak, who drives him over the ropes and lands foot first on the apron. Zak tries to strike him but Drago nails him with a forearm, making him stumble back as Drago jumps off the ropes to hit a springboard senton, runs to the ropes and rebound to nail a running 450 splash to Skaar!
Caotico: And Drago is unleashing that inner fire upon Skaar!
Kara: Oh yeah, take him out!
Verde Drago was feeding off the energy of the UWLN universe as he runs to the ropes and flies with a springboard inverted stomp to the chest of Skaar, he dubs the Dragon's Wrath!
Caotico: Dragon's Wrath by the Cruiserweight champion!
Roselle: He's pulling out all the stops to dethrone Zak Skaar!
Verde Drago waits for the Zak Skaar to get to his feet, gearing up for his finisher. As Zak turned around, Drago ran forward and nailed Skaar with the front flip DDT, he dubs the Inner Flame Spiral!
Babs and Harleen: Awesome!!!
Kara: He nailed it!
Roselle: Are we about to have a new champion?!
Verde Drago went for the cover as the ref counts the pin only for Zak to kick out at 2 in the last second!
Kara: What?!
Travis: Zak kicked out! Drago is in disbelief as well as the UWLN universe! After the dragon's wrath and the inner flame spiral, Drago has to wonder what does he have to do to put the champion away?!
Drago heads over to the corner and gears up for his finisher again as Zak slowly gets up.
Caotico: He's gonna go for the Inner Flame Spiral again!
Verde Drago ran at Zak for a second finish but Zak intercepted it with a low shot to his right knee!
Travis: And Skaar intercepts!
Skaar then stomps on the right leg, soon gripping and crouching down with his knee on Drago's back while wrapping his right leg over to reach his arms around his neck, putting Drago in a leg trapped camel clutch submission he dubs the Disastrous Clutch!
Ramona: He's got him locked in.
Travis: The Disastrous Clutch is locked in, Drago is fighting for his life but he's in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go!
Zak was gritting his teeth and not letting go of the hold, Drago tried to fight but the pain was getting worse for wear as the cruiserweight champion had no choice but to tap out!
*Bell rings!*
Travis: And the reign of Skaar continues!
Announcer: Here's your Winner and still the UWLN Ultimate Champion, Zak Skaar!!!
Kara: Damn it. I was hoping for that Skaar guy to get creamed.
Diana: He's not letting go of the hold, He already won the match, just release him!
Zak had Drago in the hold still but soon let's go to get to his feet and snatched his title away from the ref, raising it with one hand and a dangerous look in his eyes.
Roselle: Quite the match, Verde Drago has nothing to be ashamed of. He gave it his all but in the end, he was unable to end the reign of Zak Skaar. Disastrous times are ahead he still the Ultimate champion.
Zak leaves the ring while the ref tends to Verde Drago.
(Dash Prowl vs Dark DeVille./ Singles match)
Backstage near the entrance way, we see a tall, fair skinned man with hazel eyes, short dirty blonde hair & goatee, a powerhouse muscular body and was wearing a custom red, gold and silver sleeveless jacket with the words 'Alpha-Weight' on the back, same color scheme trim wrestling trunks with a beastly skull on the front & the words 'Prowl' on the back, black bandages wrapped around his wrists/hands, black kneepads and same color scheme trim boots.
This is the Freakin' Alpha-Weight Dash Prowl getting ready to go out when a backstage reporter approaches him.
Reporter: Dash Prowl, a moment of your time to ask you some questions. After being the target of Dark DeVille after he costed your opportunity at a future title, do you think his mind games are getting to you?
Dash: .... What kind of stupid question is that? On a second thought... don't answer that, I'll do the talking. Of course that masked freak costed me my shot and has been obsessed with me, why? Pure Jealousy, because he knows despite everything he's accomplished in his career, I am the man who has elevated this company, every pay-per-view and championships here. And that eats him alive so he wants to play these little mind tactics to get in my head, no... I'm in his head, rent free. Because Dark DeVille knows that I'm the Alpha going on the hunt to expose him and today, he's about to get what's coming to him by me ending his undefeated streak. Now enough questions, get out of my face and I'll do what I do.
Dash Prowl appeared on stage, flexing his muscles as he marches towards the ring, ignoring the boos.
Announcer: That match is scheduled for a one fall! Introducing first, from Montreal Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 241 pounds! The Freakin' Alpha-Weight, DASH PROWL!!!
Travis: Here he is, Dash Prowl on a mission to remove the thorn from his side that is the Dark DeVille.
Caotico: Dash is a 5-time UWLN Ultimate Champion, a 3-time UWLN international Champion and a 9-time UWLN Grand Champion. Despite how you feel about this man, Dash will back up his words.
Roselle: True, while his ego is the size of a mountain, he proves that he is the Freakin' Alpha-Weight of UWLN. For his sake, Dash better be careful and keep his ego in check or it'll cost him.
Dash enters the ring and removed his jacket, talking smack at the crowd.
Harleen: If he's the Freakin' Alpha-Weight then where's the Omega-Weight? hahaha!
Rhea: Oozing arrogance but has an impressive record.
Kara: He makes Hal Jordan's ego look like a joke.
Dash was performing some shadow boxing hits as the lights went out.
Kara: Who turned off the lights?
Babs: What's going on?
Harleen: I can't see anything!
Then strange dark purple wording appeared on the titantron...
Fear and Decay comes for all....
Diana: What in Hades...?
The stage/ramp/ringside was shrouded in glowing purple smoke as a figure appeared out of the darkness. It was a tall man with slight pale skin, a strong athletic body with gothic like tattoos, eerie black & purple eyes and wears a strange black & purple headdress/horned demonic looking mask with fangs, long sleeve black armbands/gloves, a demonic looking jacket, black and purple trim pants and black boots.
He was walking towards the ring in a slow, mythological and eerie pace.
Diana: Demon! (Pulls out a sword from nowhere)
Babs: Diana No! It's just a wrestler in a mask!
Harleen: A scary looking mask!
Announcer: And his opponent! From the Deep Abyss, weighing in 238 pounds! The Harbinger of The Lost, DARK DEVILLE!!!
Roselle: Guys... If there's one word to describe Dark DeVille... It's darn right creepy.
Travis: Yeah, I know... This man or... If he's called a man has terrorizes most of the entire men's division. Mind games or no, Dark DeVille has been undefeated as no one has had an answer for him, maybe Dash is the answer to the Dark DeVille problem.
Caotico: I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch, Travis. Dash may say that he's living in Dark DeVille's head rent free but in truth, it's the other way around.
Dark DeVille slowly made it to the ring, staring a hole through Dash Prowl with soulless eyes.
Kara: This guy's absolutely creepy but I'm rooting for him.
Hiroshi: I agree.
Harleen: So the DeVille guy is undefeated, wow. How many people has he beat?
Ramona: 287.
Harleen: That many?!
Ramona: It's one of the undefeated streaks in wrestling, not The.
The arena was still illuminated in eerie purple, the ref called for the bell as the match was underway and Dash immediately speared Dark DeVille into the corner, hammering away at him with boxing style punches and knee shots!
Travis: And Dash wasting no time in taking the fight to Dark DeVille!
Babs: Wow, he immediately went after him like that!
Rhea: If you're findin' an opponent like Dark DeVille, ya need to try your best to keep him down.
Kara: C'mon DeVille, fight out of it!
Dash: (attacking) I told you, I'm the Alpha around here, you don't get one over on me!
Dash stopped attacking and runs towards the opposite corner, coming back with a splash to DeVille. He then runs to the opposite corner to hit a second splash only to receive a jaw shattering big boot from DeVille!
Caotico: And a ferocious big boot from Dark DeVille! It seems that Dash's attack has woken him up!
Harleen: Hahahaha! A straight shot boot to the face! Dash looks like his head turned clean around!
Kara: I agree with you on that, hahaha!
Removing his jacket & throwing it out of the ring, DeVille let out a distorted roar & kneels down on Dash to hammer away at him!
Roselle: And the eerie DeVille has awakened, unleashing hell upon Dash Prowl! There has been many superstars all over the world with means of supernatural intimidation through physical, mental and emotional means & Dark DeVille falls into the same category.
Caotico: That is true, no one's have able to stop this individual. Many has tried and failed, it seems that Dash Prowl is failing at the moment!
Dark DeVille picks up Dash Prowl and throws the powerhouse out the ring, near the barricade where Babs, Harleen and the others were watching.
Babs: Down in front!
Kara: (yells out to the downed Dash) How's it feels getting your ass kicked?!
Dash of course, didn't hear as Dark DeVille was stalking him. He picks up Dash, who started to fight back with shots to the face and stomach before putting him over his shoulder.
Harleen: Uh oh.
Travis: And Dash is fighting back and it looks like he's got evil intentions!
Dash looks at the ring post and runs for it, knocking DeVille face first into it!
Travis: And he sends DeVille face first into the ring post!
The crowd booed as Dash only flexed and smack talked at the crowd but he failed to notice that Dark DeVille immediately recovered from the shot, creeping behind him.
Roselle: Uh oh... Dash might have picked the wrong time to gloat...
Babs: How'd he recover from that?!
Diana: Such a strange and frightening entity...
DeVille grabs Dash from behind and nails him with a Saito Suplex, landing on his neck!
Caotico: A Saito Suplex by DeVille, Dash turned his back to him and DeVille made him pay!
DeVille then picks up Dash and Irish whips him into the ring post where he crashed face first, hitting the ground as Dark DeVille runs in with a senton!
Roselle: And DeVille with a senton!
Dark DeVille was letting out some distorted roars and unintelligible yells while clutching his masked head in spiraling back and forth.
Harleen: What's gotten into him?
Rhea: The demons in his head.
Diana: He's being possessed by the demons of Hades?! We must expel it quickly!
Babs: No Diana, it's a figure of speech. He's not really possessed!
Caotico: It seems that DeVille is hearing the voices of the lost, compelling him to add Dash to their torment...
DeVille then snaps out of it and picks up Dash and throws him into the ring as the ref was up to 7 in his 10-count. He slithered in the ring and begins to choke the life out of the Alpha-Weight!
Harleen: Yes! Strangle him like a Snake choking it's meal! Hehehehe!
DeVille released Dash at 3 on the ref's count of 5. He picks up Dash and delivered a monstrous throat thrust chop!
Roselle: And a chop to the throat by DeVille!
DeVille picks up Dash by the neck under his arm, lifts him to and flips him over with the bridging Biel toss!
Caotico: And the strength by DeVille!
Dark DeVille then goes over to Dash and picks him up, placing him over his shoulder for a death valley driver but Dash struggles and rakes the eyes of DeVille, escaping and catching DeVille with German Suplex!
Travis: And Dash rakes the eyes and catches DeVille with a German Suplex!
Dash then picks up DeVille and Irish whips him into a corner, nailing him with a running splash. He then places DeVille up the top rope and climbs up, gearing up for an avalanche superplex and connects it!
Travis: And Dash connects the superplex!
Dash goes for the cover but DeVille kicks out at 2. He then goes to hammer away at DeVille before picking him up and Irish whipping him to the ropes and rebounds for Dash to connect a Spinebuster!
Roselle: A vicious Spinebuster by Prowl!
Dash then picks up DeVille and connects a pump handle slam, heads for the ropes to rebound to hit an elbow drop, quickly heading to the pin!
Travis: Talk about trying to end it quickly!
But DeVille kicks out at 1.
Caotico: But with DeVille, it's not gonna end quickly.
Kara: Come on DeVille, your streak's on the line!
Dash then picks DeVille up from behind and hits him with a German Suplex but doesn't let go as he hits him with a tiger suplex and finally grips him by the neck and hits an inverted facelock chest strike!
Travis: And Dash is truly unleashed!
Dash let out a dominant yell but Dark DeVille instantly rose to his feet and the moment Dash turned around, he met DeVille's cold gaze as chills went down his spine.
Roselle: But all that unleashed momentum can go away in an instant...!
Caotico: Oh yeah, especially when you look into the eyes of Dark DeVille this up close.... .
Dash slowly backs away.
Kara: He looks like he's gonna crap his pants, ha!
Harleen: He looks like he's seen a ghost, hahaha!
DeVille uttered a ghoulish roar, making Dash backed away as the Alpha-Weight tried to clothesline him but he was blocked by DeVille who delivered a solid right to the face, followed by another and Irish whips him into the ropes to connects Spinebuster of his own!
Caotico: And DeVille hits a Spinebuster of his own!
Harleen: Oh he ain't messing around!
Rhea: No he ain't.
DeVille picks up Dash by the throat and chokeslammed him back down!
Roselle: CHOKESLAM!!!
Travis: A move famous by the likes of WWE's Undertaker and Kane!
Kara: Awesome!!
DeVille then begins to clutch his head again, yelling unintelligibly and distorted like. He growled ferociously and drags Dash up to his feet, gripping the Alpha-Weight up for an Iron Claw Slam he dubs the Lost Cause.
Caotico: He's going for the Lost Cause. He hits it, it's over for Dash Prowl.
Dark DeVille lifts him up to hit the move but Dash escaped it and pushes DeVille into the ref, knocking him out of the ring!
Travis: And Dash escaped the Lost Cause but he knocked the ref out of the ring!
DeVille recovered from the attack and turns around to deal with Dash, who got him with a low blow!
Caotico: And Dash with a low blow!
Roselle: And the ref is down, he didn't even see it!
Harleen: Oooh, that's gotta hurt!
Kara: Resorting to low tricks now, he's that desperate?
Diana: Such an act of cowardice! He has no honor!
Dash then picks up DeVille and connects an F-5 he dubs the Alpha-Struct!
Caotico: Using a low blow and connecting his biggest finisher!
Dash quickly covered DeVille for the pin with the crowd counting to 3 up to 10, he quickly looks around frantically and sees the ref still down and out of the ring!
Roselle: Going for the pin but now realized that the ref is still knocked out!
Dash walks out of the ring and tried to wake the ref up, DeVille sat up like the Deadman himself.
Harleen: He just sat up like that?!
Ramona: Like the Undertaker.
Caotico: Uh oh.... Dark DeVille has risen!
Dash was grabbed by the head as DeVille was trying to drag him back into the ring. However, he had a kendo stick out from the ring and nails DeVille with it. With the ref down, Dash continues to whack Dark DeVille with the kendo stick!
Travis: It looks like Dash is doing whatever it takes to get an edge on DeVille while the ref is still down!
Dark DeVille caught the kendo stick and broke it in half, Dash proceeded to fight back against him with strong hits but DeVille caught him with a headbutt, causing Dash to stumble towards the ropes, DeVille charges at him but the Alpha-Weight to knock him over the ropes but he landed on his feet and drags Dash by his feet out of the ring to throw him into the barricade!
Roselle: And the two are taking it out of the ring!
Dark DeVille then picks up Dash for another chokeslam but The Alpha-Weight broke it and lifts him and connects another Alpha-Struct!
Travis: Another Alpha-Struct by Dash Prowl!
Dash then grabs a steel chair and delivered a couple of chair shots to DeVille!
Kara: How long is the ref gonna be out?! He's clearly cheating!
Dash then throws the chair aside and picks up DeVille to throw him in the ring, then he goes to the ref who was starting to come as he helps him up to the ring.
Travis: Look at the well plan and timing of Dash Prowl. Willing to do whatever it takes to put down Dark DeVille.
Now in the ring, Dash approached the downed DeVille and lifts him up, connecting a third Alpha-Struct!
Roselle: A third Alpha-Struct to Dark DeVille! The streak might be over!
Dash goes for the cover as the ref counts, only for DeVille to kick out at 1! Dash is in disbelief!
Caotico: He kicked out at 1! DeVille kicked out at 1! Dash is now in disbelief!
Roselle: After those tactics he used while the ref was down, including three Alpha-Structs, Dark DeVille is still unable to be put away!
Kara: Ha! Still can't get it done loser!
Diana: Such spirit from this Dark DeVille.
Harleen: Hahahaha! You suck!
Rhea: You suck! You suck! You suck!
The crowd was chanting "You Suck" over and over as Dash was getting frustrated, from behind Dark DeVille rose to his feet with Dash turning around with the demonic harbinger looking down at him. Dash rose to his feet, a look of fear and mostly anger on his face as he nails a couple of strong punches to DeVille but he was caught and planted with the Lost Cause!
Dark DeVille then kneels down and applied to the Mandible claw submission down the gullet of Dash Prowl as the Alpha-Weight struggles to get away!
Babs: Mandible claw is locked in!
Harleen: He's gonna choke him out!
Kara: Yeah! Choke him out!
Dark DeVille was adding pressure to the Mandible claw submission and bobbing his head back & forth while yelling distorted like, Dash tries to fight out of it but it only got worse as he slowly begins to pass out. The ref lifts his arm up 3 times but it fell limp as he calls for the bell!
*Bell rings!*
Roselle: And DeVille silences Dash Prowl!
Announcer: Here's your Winner by submission, DARK DEVILLE!!!
Kara: YEAH!!
Harleen: He choked him out, that mandible claw is quite the move! Hahaha! I'mma use that one day!
Caotico: The streak of the Harbinger of the lost remains, Dash gave it everything he had, even resorting to brute tactics and 3 Alpha-Structs in this match but even with that... Dash Prowl became victim number 288 of the Dark DeVille.
Roselle: Yeah, once that mandible claw is locked in, the opponent is paralyzed with nowhere to go but to pass out or tap out.
Dark DeVille stood over the unconscious body of Dash Prowl while tilting his head to the left with a cold, haunting stare.
Travis: Is there anyone who can stop this monster?
Narrator: A few minutes later...
(6-Women Steel Carnage Cage match/Winner becomes number one contender for the UWLN Women's Ultimate championship.)
We now see the ring surrounded by a massive hexagon shaped cage that was up to the same height as Hell-in-a-Cell.
Caotico: Now for the third match where 6 women will be fighting for the number one contendership for a shot at the Women's Ultimate champion inside the Carnage Cage!
Roselle: This Cage is similar to Hell-in-a-Cell, it can be your best friend or your worst enemy as it changes something within you forever...
Travis: Only one woman shall be left standing once this war inside ends.
Blue lighting showed & Lightning pyro struck the stage with the words Storm Punk appearing on the titantron as Erica Shock appears, throwing up the rock horn gestures as she walks down the ramp.
Announcer: That match is scheduled for a one fall inside the CARNAGE CAGE! The winner by pinfall or submission becomes number one contendership match for the UWLN Women's Ultimate championship! Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York! She is the UWLN Women's Extreme Champion, ERICA SHOCK!!!
Travis: And the Storm Punk is in the building! She's my pick to win the whole thing!
Roselle: She's like anti-hero of this division and a hardcore one at that, being an 8-time UWLN Women's Extreme Champion, a multiple time tag team Champion and a 5-time UWLN Women's International Champion.
Travis: Love her attire, channeling her inner Livewire in this match.
Erica enters the cage & within the ring, holding her title high.
Kara: Livewire has a famous wrestler as a fan? Is she crazy?!
Harleen: Who knew Sparky had a famous admirer!
Handing her title to the ref, Erica waits for the next opponent. The arena was illuminated in black & red as the titantron showed white masks laughing maniacally, white smoke engulfed the area as someone was seen doing a hip swaying dance before turning around with a big, crazy grin.
It was a slightly tall woman with slight tan skin, long blonde hair with red/black highlights, purple eyes, a curvaceous bottom heavy figure with some athleticism & was wearing white & red/black clown war paint, a red/black sleeveless trim jacket with diamonds & the words "Manic Molly" on the back, red/black diamond sports bra with a cute clown like skull, fishnet shirt underneath, red/black trim, short wrestling shorts with diamonds & the words "Boom" on the back, fishnet leggings, black/red kneepads and boots.
She was laughing crazily and skipping towards the ring, carrying a mallet.
Announcer: Next up, from the regions of Gotham City, she is the Lil Ms. Madness, MANIC MOLLY!!!
Travis: Here comes the crazy one. Lil Ms. Madness herself.
Caotico: Why don't you go say hi to her?
Travis: Oh I ain't going near her, man. She is all kinds of psycho, she once bit one of the men wrestler's hand off when they looked at her funny.
Roselle: Say what you want about Molly, for she has made her mark on this division, multiple time Women's tag team Champion and 5-time Women's Extreme Champion, Molly is truly the chaotic clown anarchist in bringing out her inner Harley Quinn.
Babs, Harleen Diana, and Kara: Harley Quinn?!
Caotico: Funny thing you mentioned it, in one interview Molly mentioned during her wrestling days in Gotham, Harley Quinn was her inspiration for her persona and she had a big impact on her as a wrestler.
Harleen let out a loud squeal, jumping up and down with a big smile on her face.
Harleen: (in her mind) I have a fan! I have a fan! I have a fan! I can't believe I inspired a famous wrestler! I'm lovin' the look she got there!
Harleen pulls out her phone and takes pictures of Manic Molly, who made it inside the cage/ring, posing for the crowd with a big sly grin. Then the lights turned orange/golden yellow followed by the sound of a primal roar with the titantron showing Samoan tribal symbols with a monstrous skull.
Travis: Uh oh...
Roselle: She's here...
Out on stage appeared a slightly tall woman with tanned skin, hazel eyes, dark red lipstick, long & wild dark brown/black hair, a strong curvaceous figure with some muscle and a Samoan tribal tattoo on the left shoulder. She was wearing a fanged necklace, a bronze/black sports bra with a white Samoan style skull, bronze/black short shorts with Samoan tribal symbols on the left, a front/back waist cloth, black armbands and bandages wrapped around her barefoot. She had a very calm yet angry glare as she stomps towards the cage/ring.
Announcer: Hailing from Huntington Beach, California! She is the Samoan Berserker, TAYA MALA!!!
Travis: This woman leads a path of pure, untold destruction wherever she goes. Taya Mala, a true dominant monster.
Roselle: I know, I went to war once with this woman in the ring many times. Taya is someone you do not want to fight, she's the first to hold every women's championship title in this company. Beating her won't be an easy task...
Caotico: Taya aims to run through 5 other women to get back in the title picture, for she's not trapped in the Carnage Cage with 5 women, they're trapped in there with her.
Taya Mala enters the cage/ring, removing her fanged necklace and throwing it to the ref while staring down Erica and Molly with a ferocious scowl.
Ramona: A Samoan wrestler, huh?
Diana: She's quite a warrior type.
Harleen: She kinda looks like Doris if she was grown!
Then the light turned pink/white with violet purple pyro hitting the stage and the titantron showing a Japanese kanji symbol for "Poison Peach Goddess" on it.
Roselle: Here's your Poison Peach Goddess!!
Out on the stage appeared a slightly short woman with a slight pale skin, rosey cheeks, brown eyes, light purple lipstick, slightly long pink/white hair styled in a bob/pigtails and has a curvaceous bottom heavy figure. She was wearing a pink/violet purple/black kimono style jacket with the symbol for Poison Peach Goddess on the back, pink/violet purple/black trim top and wrestling trunks with a white sash, front/back waist cloth, black armbands, kneepads and trim armored boots.
Announcer: Hailing from Yamaguchi, Japan! The UWLN Women's International Champion, the Poison Peach Goddess, MOMOKO INOUE!!!
Caotico: One of the pure strikers of this industry, a current UWLN Women's International Champion 9 times indeed. While Momoko has a sweet side, it can turn spicy real fast if you're not careful, expert in playing with one's mind to knock your lights out.
Momoko enters the cage/ring, removing her jacket and title while eyeing the competition.
Kara: Geez, so much pink! I'm blinded!
Babs: I like her style!
Diana: This Momoko seems like a worthy contender. Perhaps Tatsu and I can spar with her one day.
The lights went out before going purple/black, the titantron showing the words "Judgement Queen" followed by slithering chains behind it. Out of the stage appeared a slightly short woman with slight tan skin, long curly blonde hair, black eyeshadow & lipstick, silver eyes and possesses a curvaceous top & bottom heavy figure with some athleticism. She was wearing a gothic black/purple top, black armbands, black/purple trim shorts, fishnet leggings and black boots.
She had a very mean look of intimidation as she ignored the boos and marched to the cage/ring.
Announcer: Hailing from London England! She is the Judgement Queen, FELICIA BLACK!!!
Travis: Here's a devious individual with a bad attitude and the self proclaimed master of the women's division.
Roselle: I agree with you, Felicia is known as the Judgement Queen for a reason, A 5-time UWLN Women's Grand & International Champion, she's been imposing her will on those beneath her and if you cross her, she will make your life a living hell.
Felicia entered the cage/ring and spread her arms wide to pose in the center of the ring, giving a glance of disgust to her opponents.
Kara: I take it that she's the drama queen bee type of this wrestling show?
Rhea: Queens come in different forms in a wrestling company, better & worse and she is downright the worst.
Caotico: That's all five women in the cage but now we need the wild card for the sixth spot. I heard it's one of our new signees who fought in a Fatal 4-Way to earn this spot for the summer event.
Travis: A new gal, eh? If she's able to overcome 4 individuals to earn this spot then let's see if she has what it takes to fight real competition.
The five women wait for their final opponent, the lights then went out in silence.... then the sound were heard of a flat lining heart beat.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeeep....!
The titantron showed a screen of broken steel scattering in slow motion followed a gear logo with a steel fist within it, the lights coming on in white/orange.
Deep, Distorted voice: PROJECT: GEAR BEAST.
Announcer: And the final entry, being accompanied by The Storm Behemoth, Hailing from Metropolis! The Gear Beast, DORIS ZUEL!!!
Kara: What now?!
Babs and Diana: Doris?!
Doris appeared on stage, wearing a black/white/yellow orange trim short sleeve, armored shirt with a gear/fist symbol on the right side of the chest and on the back, golden armbands, black/white/yellow orange trim shorts with a trim skull on the left side and the word "Zuel" on the right side, armored kneepads and boots.
Doris pumps her fists together. Walking behind her was Leslie who was in disguise and thanks to Doris injecting her with some of the Giganta serum, She was about 8 ft tall, has a curvy & muscular body, her hair was longer and wilder & was wearing a black/blue/silver skull mouth mask, an armored trim black/blue/silver bra, studded belt, black punk like pants, black armbands and boots.
Leslie: (in her mind) I can't believe I was dragged into this, you so owe me big time for this, Doris.
Travis: So this is the wild card for the sixth spot? She's looks the part of a grade A Brawler but let's see if this Doris Zuel can back up her image.
Roselle: She does have that fire in her eyes and hoping to make an impact on her debut in this match.
Caotico: And who is that girl with Doris? While Zuel looks like a brawler, this girl looks like a mountain of a powerhouse.
Roselle: According to news backstage, She's Doris's enforcer and insurance policy, The Storm Behemoth. She's here to obverse her client's match.
Travis: Well I'll be... With a giant like the Storm Behemoth, I'd say we would expect some surprises from her and Doris.
Storm Behemoth (Leslie) remained outside while Doris enters the cage/ring, eyeing her competition while cracking her neck and knuckles as the cage door was closed & locked.
Kara: How did Doris of all people get signed here?!
Harleen: Wow, I honestly didn't see that one comin'! (In her mind) Is that muscle girl Leslie?! She's on Giganta-roids, hahahaha!
Babs: You didn't know she was gonna be here?
Harleen: No, we're not actually on speaking terms after a... Disagreement.
Babs: Oh.
Harleen: I don't wanna talk about it...
The bell rings as the match is underway, Erica, Molly, Taya, Momoko, Felicia and Doris were eyeing one another.
Travis: Here we are, 6 female superstars, Carnage Cage match, who wants it bad enough to become one contendership?
Felicia then walks up to Doris, eyeing her in disgust and slapped her across the face.
Roselle: And the disrespect starts with Felicia.
Kara couldn't help but laugh.
Harleen/Leslie: Oh she shouldn't have done that...
Felicia: You think you belong to my ring, my division, you amateur peasant? I'm the Judgement Queen and lowly worms like you don't belong in my kingdom.
Doris slowly turns to Felicia with a heated glare.
Caotico: Felicia is letting Doris know who runs this place but she might've poke a bear.
Felicia: What are you gonna do, huh? (Shoves Doris's face) What are you gonna do? You're just a weak nobody-
She was cut off when an angered Doris kicks her in the gut, hoisting her up and runs towards the ropes with a powerbomb throw to sent Felicia out the ring back first into the cage!
Travis: Holy crap! I did not expect this!
Caotico: The pure strength of Doris Zuel, hoisting Felicia with a powerbomb throw to sent her out the ring to crash and burn into the steel of the cage!
Harleen: Felicia done screwed up! Hehehe!
Leslie smirked under her mask with a chuckle. Doris left the ring to pick up Felicia and repeatedly bashes her face into the cage steel while Erica went after Taya with strikes while Manic Molly tackled Momoko to the ground lou thesz press style!
Roselle: All six competitors are going after one another! Erica taking it to Taya, Molly pounces on Momoko and Doris is punishing Felicia!
Travis: The Carnage has begun!
Erica was taking it to Taya with swift and lethal MMA strikes before nailing an enzuigiri to stun Mala, she runs to & rebounds off the ropes and connects a dropkick to send Taya Mala in the corner where Erica Shock runs in with a knee!
Caotico: And the Storm Punk is all over the Samoan Berserker, not giving Taya any chance to retaliate or it'll be her downfall!
Erica then runs to the opposite corner to come back with another knee but Mala went up top and flattened her with a sitting senton!
Roselle: And Mala flattens Erica!
Leslie: (in her mind) That's gotta hurt...
Red eyed Leslie: You can say that again.
Leslie: (in her mind) Oh not you again.
Red eyed Leslie: You thought I was gone, hehehe! Whoa... What happened to you? Doris finally made you workout?
Leslie groans while rolling her eyes.
Molly got off Momoko and leaves the ring, taking out weapons such as chairs, kendo sticks, chains, hand cuffs, brass knuckles, a gong bell, tables and more while throwing these items in the ring.
Travis: Oh man, Manic Molly is bringing out the weapons of mass destruction...
Harleen: Yeah, show 'em your crazy side Molly!
Molly slides in the ring with a chair and throws it at Mala who caught it but Molly lands superkick assisted chair shot to the face!
Roselle: And down goes Mala!
Molly then gets to Momoko, picking her up only for Momoko to nail her with palms to the face, a spinning back fist to the face and a spin kick to knock Molly down!
Caotico: And the poison peach goddess fighting back!
Momoko goes for the pin but Molly kicked out at 1. She let out a Japanese war cry before running to the ropes, rebound and hits a running double knee to the gut, flipping to her feet and backflips to hit another double knee to the gut!
Travis: And Momoko strikes!
Momoko goes for the cover only for Erica to connect a foot stomp to her back. The Storm Punk picks up Momoko from behind and hits a brain buster on a pile of chairs, earning a pained yell from Momoko!
Caotico: And Erica connects a brain buster!
Erica then heads to the top rope, sizing up Momoko and jump off, connecting a phoenix splash she dubs the storm splash on Momoko to cover for the pin.
Roselle: A storm splash on Momoko, she's looking to end it early with one of her biggest arsenals!
However, Taya Mala stopped the count and picks up Erica to throw her out of the ring! Meanwhile, Doris and Felicia were fighting outside the ring, trading blows as Doris caught Felicia's punch and grabs her to connect an exploder suplex!
Travis: Mala breaking up the pin on Erica and Doris levels Felicia with an exploder suplex!
Rhea: Impressive at best.
Hiroshi and Ramona nod.
Doris then looks at Taya Mala standing alone in the ring, the two glaring at each other. Doris slides into the ring to meet the Samoan Berserker face-to-face, the crowd chanting Fight over and over again, Doris grits her teeth while Taya let's out a primal battle cry, the two unloading on one another with fierce & strong blows!
Travis: Look at that, Doris showing no fear against Taya Mala!!
Roselle: The two powerhouses trading offense to each other, a show of strength and instinct!
Leslie: Meathead's really taking it to that Mala chick. She kinda looks like she can be Doris's cousin.
Red eyed Leslie: For once, I agree with you.
Mala soon backs Doris into the corner, aiming for a running tackle but Doris kicks her away, heads up top and hits a diving fist drop to Mala. Doris then picks up Mala, attempting to lift her up, she failed to get her off her feet twice but a third Zuel lifts up Mala to connect a Firearm's backbreaker!
Caotico: Look at the power of Doris Zuel, lifting up a monster like Taya for the fireman's carry backbreaker!
Doris goes for the cover but Mala kicks out at 2. She attempts to get Mala to her feet only for her to be struck from behind with a superkick by Felicia Black!
Travis: And the self proclaimed master of the women's division strikes!
Felicia then gets on top of Doris, hammering away at her and yelling in anger. She then stops and picks up hand cuffs, grabbing Doris's hands and locking the hand cuffs on her!
Travis: Felicia's aiming to put Doris on lockdown!
Harleen: (jokes) Hand cuffs?! Her one weakness!
Felicia then taunts the cuffed Doris as she grabs a kendo stick and starts whacking Doris repeatedly with it until it broke. She throws it aside to pick up Doris and connects a double underhook pile-driver she dubs the Final Judgement!
Travis: Final Judgement by Felicia Black! Aiming to get an easy win by pinning the newest star on her debut!
Felicia covers for the pin but Doris kicks out at 2 despite her hands cuffed. Felicia screams and covers her again only for her to kick out again. Felicia screams again and covers her again but still Doris kicked out.
The crowd was laughing at Felicia's tantrum, including Harleen, Leslie and Kara.
Roselle: Even with one of her finisher landed, Felicia unable to put Doris away quickly.
Felicia was gripping her hair with a frantic look, then sees Molly & Momoko getting up, glaring/grinning at her. Felicia slowly back away, trying to talk her way out of this but bumps into a standing Taya from behind.
Roselle: Uh oh, talk to being caught between a rock and a hard place or in Felicia's case, caught between a maniac, a goddess and a berserker.
Kara: (smirks) She's in trouble now!
Babs: Yep! A one on three situation!
Felicia slowly turns around to find Mala who roars in her face, Felicia screams and turns to run only to receive a double superkick from Manic Molly and Momoko!
Babs: SUPERKICK!!!!!!!
Roselle: A double superkick by Molly and Momoko to the Judgement Queen!!
Leslie was laughing her head off outside the cage. She wished she had her phone on her to record that. Getting an idea, Molly drags Felicia to the corner and sat her down, going back to Momoko and Taya, pointing at herself, the two women and the downed Felicia, the three women gaining smirks.
Roselle: Molly, Momoko and Taya getting some wicked ideas...
Backing up to the opposite corner, Molly shouted "Here comes the boom!" and ran in to hit a big hip attack to Felicia!
Travis: A huge hip attack by Molly!
Momoko let out a Japanese battle cry before running in with a big hip attack of her own to Felicia!
Caotico: And Momoko with a hip attack as well!
Then Taya Mala stomps her feet before roaring, running in with a massive hip attack to flatten Felicia!
Roselle: And Mala with the triple shot hip attack to the Judgement!
Harleen: A triple rear shot to the face! Hahahaha!
The crowd erupted with some laughing at Felicia, especially Kara and her friends, Leslie too. Molly and Momoko were dancing with hips swaying and Mala in the center just standing there as the two women bumped their big butts with Mala's hips. Molly and Momoko turn to Taya who nailed them both women with a double Samoan Spike!
Roselle: A double Samoan Spike to Molly and Momoko!!!
Travis: Molly and Momoko were having some fun but Taya said Party's over!
Maya goes for a double pin but Erica out of nowhere, lands a springboard elbow on Maya's back to stop the pin!
Caotico: And Erica stops the pins!
Erica picks up Mala and repeatedly delivered side kicks to the head of Mala. Taya pushed her off to strike only for Erica to counter with a sling blade!
Roselle: Sling blade by Shock!
Erica then goes to the corner and waits for Mala to get up as she slowly does for Erica run and connect the double foot stomp she dubs Light's out!
Roselle: Light's out stomp by Erica Shock!!!
Babs: A double foot stomp, very effective!
Kara: She got her chest "caved-in", haha!
Harleen: Hey, I was gonna say that!
Kara: Too slow, sucka!
Leslie: (in her mind) Lights out stomp, hmm? I might use that...
Red eyed Leslie: Stealing from one your fans, Les? Wow, that's kinda low there.
Leslie: (clutches her head) Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You're really an annoying nuisance!
Red eyed Leslie: You realize that you insulted yourself right? Hahaha!
Leslie: Ugh!! Me smash you, fake!!
Leslie's eyes widened at what she just say.
Red eyed Leslie: Oh hohoho! Looks like Meathead's Giganta formula isn't working well on your brain there. Anyone home? Hahaha!
Leslie: Not... Good... Anger... Mess up... Mind...
Red eyed Leslie: Doris was able to know what she was doing with the serum, despite her not being the smartest. While you're a buff but mini version of a giganta, I wonder how strong you are while your mind gets weaker?
Leslie: No... Helping! Ugh... Head... Hurts...!
Red eyed Leslie: Hehehehe... Oh This is great... your control is wavering which means... I'm in charge! I'll take it from here!
Leslie: No...!! Uuuuugggghhhh!!!!
Leslie was clutching her head.
Travis: What's wrong with Doris's enforcer?
Roselle: I'm not sure, a headache?
Rhea: Huh?
Kara: That she giant is losing it.
Leslie stopped struggling and lifts up her head, her eyes red and a crazy grin under her mask.
'Leslie': All yes, time to have some fun, baby!
The mind controlled Leslie then stomps towards the door of the Carnage Cage and begins to rip it off it's edges, heading inside!
Caotico: Storm Behemoth just broke into the Carnage Cage!!
Travis: Can she even do that?!
Roselle: Well there's no rules in a Carnage Cage so apparently... Yes!
'Leslie' enters the ring and stares down at Erica who tried to pin Mala who kicked out at 2.9. Erica turns to the semi conscious Doris and back at 'Leslie', who grabs her by the neck and chokeslammed her!
Roselle: A chokeslam to Erica by Storm Behemoth!
'Leslie' stomps over to Doris, picking her up by the neck.
Doris: Gah, Les what are you doing?!
'Leslie' just stares at Doris before removing her hand from her throat and grabbing her cuffed hands, breaking them and freeing Doris!
Travis: Storm Behemoth frees her client, it looked like she was going to betray Zuel but that wasn't the case.
Doris & 'Leslie' stared at each other, those red eyes gave Doris an uncomfortable feeling but before they could make a move, a group of masked women in black ran inside the cage/ring and attacked them both!
Roselle: What the?! It's Felicia Black's disciples! They've entered the ring and are attacking Doris & her enforcer!
But those two aren't only ones being targeted as they went after Erica Shock, Manic Molly, Taya Mala and Momoko Inoue with numbers and weapons or slamming them into the cage! Felicia recovered and saw this with a dark grin.
Travis: Now they're targeting the other four women and Felicia has the sickest grin on her face!
Kara: C'mon! Felicia is a total wuss!
Rhea: Some wrestlers have factions that help their leader & helping out one another whether asked or no.
Kara: It's Bullsh*t!
Diana: Kara, language!
Harleen: B-B-B-Bullsh*t! I say, I say Bullsh*t!
Babs: Harleen, seriously not helping!
Felicia then approached the two disciples holding Doris.
Roselle: It looks like the Disciples are gonna sacrifice Doris Zuel to the Judgement Queen....
Felicia spreads her arms wide as the two disciples threw Doris to Felicia who nails a swinging reverse STO she dubs the Life Extinction!
Travis: Life Extinction by the Judgement Queen!
Felicia covers Doris but Mala and Molly swoop in and broke the cover.
Travis: And the queen was denied.
'Leslie' with a roar, sends the disciples holding her flying, two disciples charged at her but she clotheslined them down, she grabs one of them and tossed them out of the ring while getting the second one with a big boot, she even picks up a chains and whips the downed disciples with it. She heads out and assisted Erica and Momoko in beating them down, chasing them out of the cage!
Caotico: And Storm Behemoth, Momoko and Erica chasing the disciples out!
'Leslie' went out as well with a two kendo sticks in hand and beating whacking each disciple. She turns to Doris who slowly get up, giving her up a thumbs up. 'leslie' nods before continuing her torment on the disciples!
Roselle: And Storm Behemoth leaves as well, monster handling each of Felicia's disciples!
Travis: And Felicia is in disbelief, wondering why they're leaving? Doris's enforcer is torturing and chasing them away!
Felicia: Wait! Come back!
Felicia groans in annoyance as she turns around to see Doris, Taya, Erica, Molly and Momoko with menacing looks.
Caotico: It seems that the Judgement Queen is about to be judged herself.
Kara: (smirks) Oh this is gonna be great.
Harleen and Babs: She's gonna get it~...
Felicia then tried to convince Doris.
Felicia: You and me... C'mon, two of us can take them out and it'll come down to just the two of us! I was wrong about you, you're a strong young woman, align with me and let's take them out!
Travis: And the Judgement Queen trying to sway Doris over to her side.
Felicia: Come on! You and me! I could help your career! Make you a symbol of this division! C'mon! Please?!
Doris went over to her... only to spear Felicia!
Roselle: A spear by Doris Zuel! And her answer was an indefinite No!
Then Doris picks up Felicia, looking her dead in the eyes with a heated glare before throwing the judgement queen into Taya who connected a Samoan Drop to Felicia!
Travis: And Doris throws Felicia into a Samoan Drop by Taya! These five women are punishing the Judgement Queen!
Momoko picks up Felicia from behind and connects a ripcord spinning sideslam she dubs the Poison Cyclone!
Roselle: Poison Cyclone by Momoko!
Then Erica decides to picks up Felicia from behind by her neck, Molly grins and runs to the runs and rebounds for her & Erica to connect a rocket kick into the zigzag to Felicia!
Caotico: And the double team by Manic Molly and Erica Shock!
The five women stood tall as Felicia was out of the way, then Momoko was struck from behind by Erica Shock with a Zigzag!
Caotico: Erica struck Momoko with a Zigzag!
Erica then went after Doris, trading fierce shots with her, Erica went to finish her combo with a roundhouse kick but Doris caught her to hoist her up to connect a spinning sit-out powerbomb she dubs the Giant Bomber!
Roselle: A spinning sit-out powerbomb by Doris!
Doris went for the pin but Molly and Taya broke it up, Mala picks up Erica to throw her out of the ring Erica intercepted to get Taya out, she runs to the opposite ropes to rebound and lands a suicide dive to crash Taya into the steel of the cage!
Caotico: And Erica takes it to Mala with a suicide dive!
Meanwhile, Doris and Molly were trading fierce blows with each other, Doris goes for a discus forearm but Molly caught it and hits a German Suplex and hits a ripcord leg lariat!
Travis: And Molly answers with some offense!
Molly heads out of the ring, puts up her mallet and slides back into the ring, a mad grin spreading across her face and starting bashing Doris in the back with her mallet!
Roselle: And Manic Molly just punishing Doris with a smile on her face and not a tear in her eye!
Travis: Well she be crazy.
Harleen: Talkin' about the hammer comin' down, hahaha!
Molly uses the staff part of the mallet to pick up/choke Doris from behind to hit the backstabber into a mallet assisted Banks Statement submission she dubs the maddening joke!
Travis: Doris is done for! She has to tap or her back will snap!
Doris screams in agony as she tries to get out of the hold but Molly wasn't letting go. The pain was unbearable as Doris was on the verge of tapping but Momoko came in with a shining wizard kick to Molly, breaking the hold on Doris!
Caotico: A shining wizard by Momoko! Doris was on the verge of tapping but the Poison Peach Goddess stopped Molly's submission!
Momoko then approached Molly who got to her knees as she hits lil Ms. Madness with shoot kicks to her chest before backing away to nail Molly's head in with a low spin kick!
Travis: And Momoko lays out Molly!
She picks up Molly throws her out of the ring through a table that was set by the disciples a while ago. She turns to receive a calf kick from Erica!
Travis: And Erica catches Momoko!
Erica then heads up top and sizes up Momoko and connects the Storm Splash into the cover!
Roselle: Storm Splash connects and Erica looking to cover Momoko quickly!
The ref counts but Mala drags Erica out of the ring, sets her up and runs across to hit Erica with a powerbomb throw into a table!
Caotico: And Mala breaks the pin and puts Erica through the table!
Kara: That's gotta hurt!
Diana: She was slain...
Babs: I don't think she's getting back up.
Mala looks around as Erica, Molly, Felicia and Momoko were all down and out. She spots Doris in the ring to slowly get to her feet by using the ropes. Taya slides in the ring, waiting for Zuel to turn around.
Roselle: Everyone is down except Taya and Doris.
Travis: But Doris is still feeling the effects from Molly's submission and the Samoan Berserker is looking to split the Gear Beast in half.
Doris managed to get her feet and turns around as Taya aims to spear her but Zuel dodged at the last second to hit the chair wedged in the corner, Doris grabs Taya and hits a German Suplex but doesn't let go as she hits a second Suplex and finally finished with a third Suplex!
Roselle: Mala was going for a spear but Doris had other ideas!
Travis: A triple suplex by Zuel! She's able to match the Samoan Berserker in power, trying to prove that she belongs in UWLN!
Harleen: Wow! Doris is in beast mode, hahaha!
Kara: Hate to admit it but she's surviving this to the end.
Doris sees Taya getting to her feet and runs to the ropes and rebounds to hit a spear to Mala! However, Doris doesn't cover her as she goes to corner and waiting for Mala to get up again and when she turns around, Doris hits a second spear!
Travis: Two spears to Mala by Doris but she's not covering! She might be looking for a third!
Doris was fired up and unleashed a battle cry as Taya turns around to hit a third spear but Taya intercepted with a guillotine choke submission!
Roselle: Uh no, Taya caught Doris's spear and intercepted with the guillotine choke!
Caotico: And Taya is going to squeeze the life out of her until she has no breath left!
Doris was struggling to get out of Taya's hold as Taya was yelling in fury. Doris was gasping for air and couldn't find a way out, she was slowly fading, the ref checks on her, lifting up her arm once and twice which fell limp but as he was about to check a third time.... Maya was clocked by a brass knuckles assisted fist drop courtesy of Felicia Black!
Travis: Oh my god!!! Felicia out of nowhere nails Taya to stop the hold and I think the Samoan is bleeding!
Roselle: Where did she even come from?!
Felicia wasted no time in picking up Mala and nailing her with the life extinction. She doesn't cover her as she kicks her out of the ring, turning her attention to Doris, who was crawling to the corner to catch her breath. She goes over and repeatedly stomps Doris's chest in!
Caotico: I don't understand, Felicia could've covered Taya for the pin but why is she targeting Doris?
Travis: Apparently it's vengeance, Doris did refuse her offer and speared her. Felicia is trying to make an example out of her, showing her why she doesn't belong in her division, her league, her kingdom!
Felicia then taunts/yelled at Doris while driving her foot hard into her chest before walking away from her only to run back and nail Doris with a hesitation dropkick!
Harleen: Oh man, Doris is getting creamed!
Felicia then drags Doris in the center of the ring, setting her up for the life extinction.
Roselle: It's over. Once Felicia hits the life extinction, Doris is done for.
Felicia was about do it but Doris hits three right clubbing blows to the head, getting out of it. Felicia gut kicks her and runs to the ropes and jumps to aim for a springboard forearm but Doris caught her with a pop-up powerbomb she dubs the Gear Bomb!
Doris then goes for the cover as the ref counts and gets to 3!
*Bell rings!*
Announcer: Here's your Winner and the number one contendership, DORIS ZUEL!!!
Kara: I don't believe it.
Babs: I can't believe it!
Harleen: I am so happy for her!
Doris then got to her feet, losing her balance a bit as the ref raised her hand in victory. She grins as she raised both arms at her moment, this is the challenges she was looking for & this was one of many of come!
Roselle: I never imagined that someone like Zuel can exist! She was one of the new signees of the company, being an underdog against 5 top women superstars and despite the war, Doris overcame all odds and earned a number one contendership at the women's ultimate champion at the next event!
Caotico: She wanted to prove her strength and resolve in this match and she did just that, welcome to UWLN Doris Zuel.
Doris left the ring as the carnage cage rised up while the med staff tends to the five other women. On stage, Doris raised her arms wide with a dominant roar as the crowd erupted at her victory.
(Jen Bruiser vs Leona Cage/ UWLN Women's Ultimate championship singles match)
Meanwhile Backstage, Felicia's disciples and some women wrestlers who weren't booked were seen scattered everywhere, some through tables and walls as 'Leslie' was in the center.
'Leslie': That was fun. I hope I get to do this again some time-agh! No! What's going on?! Guh!
Red eyed Leslie was expelled as Leslie regained control.
Leslie: (breathes) ...
Red eyed Leslie: No fair! You pushed me out!
Leslie: When did you learn to do that...?! You're a mirage!
Red eyed Leslie: I don't know, probably a side effect from the red mist and Giganta serum or whatever. I'm itching to do it again next time.
Leslie: There won't be a next time! After today, I'm NEVER taking that Giganta formula AGAIN!
Red eyed Leslie: Hmph. Loser.
Doris: Les!
Leslie turns to find Doris with a towel over her shoulder and holding an ice pack and water bottle walking towards her.
Leslie: Doris, you look like hell.
Doris: Yeah but I won the match and I'm next in line for a title shot!
Leslie: That's great meathead, saw your opportunity and ya took it.
Doris: Damn right! I'm gonna love it here, those 5 women were strong and I managed to win the big one. I want another challenge before facing the champion.
Leslie: (chuckles) Still hungry for more, eh? Let's go relax a bit.
Doris: Yeah... My body's sore.
The two walked away.
Leslie: Oh and Doris...
Doris: Yeah?
Leslie: You better have a cure for this serum or I will as you say it SMASH You.
Doris chuckles even though Leslie was serious, she didn't want to be a buff maiden forever but Doris's parents might have an antidote somewhere in their lab.
Back in the arena...
Roselle: Well that 6-Women match is something but now we move on the UWLN Women's Ultimate championship match between the challenger Jen Bruiser and the champion Leona Cage!
Travis: Those two had been at each other's throats for a while and today is the day to settle it.
Caotico: Yeah. (Hears something on his earpiece) Hold on, we're getting some reports on the parking lot.
On the titantron, the cameramen shows a slightly tall woman with slightly short blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, an athletic and beautiful top/bottom heavy figure and was wearing a black and blue side stripe track suit and sneakers.
It was Jen Bruiser but she was laid out on the ground with a chair wedged over her neck and another chair was beside her. The crowd was shocked.
Roselle: That's Jen Bruiser!
Travis: She's out cold with a chair wrapped around her neck, judging by the second chair it was a double shot aimed at her neck! Someone get some help!
Babs: Oh my god!
Kara: She was taken out!
Diana: Who would do such a cowardice thing?!
Then a white Hummer drove by next to the motionless Jen. In the driver's seat was a slightly tall woman with long golden blonde hair in a headband, fair skin, green eyes and possesses a curvaceous and muscular body. She was wearing black shades, a white fur coat, black shirt, jeans and black boots.
Travis: That's Leona Cage! The UWLN Women's Ultimate champion!
Leona: (sly grin, fake gasp) Jen, are you okay? Looks like you have an accident there... Well metropolis, it seems like she can't compete against me for MY women's ultimate title... so that's means I'm taking a day off, heh. Until next time, chow~
Leona laughs and drives off, leaving the camera on the motionless Jen Bruiser as the med staff appeared to help her.
(Main Event: Blake Frost vs Austin Malice/UWLN Grand Championship match/No holds barred)
Caotico: Ladies and Gentlemen, we're sorry for the actions of our UWLN Women's Ultimate champion Leona Cage against Jen Bruiser, who is currently being sent to Metropolis hospital to be treated. We'll give you an update on her condition soon but for now time for the main event.
Travis: Yes, The ULWN Grand Championship is on the line as the Champion Austin Malice is defending it against Blake Frost.
Roselle: In a No holds barred match, rules go out the window and anything goes. Austin will do whatever it takes to keep his title while Blake promised to do what he can destroy Austin's legacy.
Rhea: Looks like Blake's match is here.
Babs: I wonder what he's got for this match.
Kara: Well I hope he wipes the floor with Austin.
Harleen and Ramona chuckles.
The lights were now red/black/yellow as the titantron showed An Ace like skull with blood splattered behind it & Aces of Brutality on top.
Out appeared Austin Malice, a slightly tall young man with short white hair with black highlights on the back, fair skin, green eyes, an athletic body with some punk tattoos & wearing tights/pants with right red/black stripes, the left silver with the Ace of brutality skull logo, white armbands and same color scheme/logo kneepads and boots.
He wasn't alone as his group was with him. Three men and three women. The first two men looked like big, burly brown bearded & fair skinned powerhouses, the third man looked pale, a cruiserweight like athletic body with a punk like skull mask, the two women looked curvaceous and twin like with long black hair and gold eyes and the third woman looked athletic with a bottom heavy figure, long curvy silver/blonde hair and red eyes. They all had different punk like wrestling attire with styles akin to Austin's.
Roselle: And here comes Austin Malice, The ULWN Grand Champion. And he's not alone...
Travis: Yeah... The Bearded Leviathans, Eon-Bone, The twins Mira and Miranda Blade and Heidi Silver who in time was once Blake's mixed tag team partner but she joined the Aces of Brutality and hasn't looked back since.
Caotico: And since this is No Holds Barred, Austin plans on using every advantage he has to leave with his title, even with his faction behind behind him.
The Aces of Brutality entered the ring with intimidating looks as the crowd booed them while Austin holds his title high.
Kara: They don't look so tough.
Harleen: Why don'tcha go up to them and say that?
Kara: I could.
Diana: This is Blake's fight, there's no need to interfere.
Kara grumbles.
Then the lights went out followed white smoke engulfing the area with snow like pyro falling from the top, the titantron showing the words "Fall. To. Frost." while distorted inverted voices were heard.
Out of the smoke engulfed by a single spotlight appeared Blake with his arms spread wide, wearing white/silver/pale blue demonic looking warpaint on his face and body, black pants with shattered ice trim patterns on it, black long sleeve gloves and kneepads and boots. He had a cold, haunting stare as he slowly & menacingly heads to the ring.
Roselle: And here he is, the Demon God of Winter. Blake is one of the breakout stars in this company, being mentored at the start of his career by WWE superstars Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt, learning to tap into his inner demons and reveling in it whenever he has to let them out for a match like this.
Caotico: While The Aces of Brutality has been a thorn in the side of everyone in the entire locker room, Blake has been a thorn on the side of Austin and his faction. Just when they try to get him, Blake has been one step ahead of them through psychosis games and the right time to strike, but can he destroy Austin's 578 day title reign?
Babs: Whoa! Look at the attire he's sporting!
Rhea: He's unleashing his demons for this fight.
Harleen: Spooky, hehehe!
Blake climbs the apron, jumps off the ropes and lands perfectly in a lotus position like Malakai black from AEW. The Aces of Brutality were glaring at him as Blake showed no means of being intimidated.
Announcer: The following is a no hold barred match and is for the UWLN Grand Championship! Including the challenger, weighing in at 201 pounds, The Demon God of Winter, BLAKE FROST!!!
Blake arose to his feet, staring a hole through Austin and his faction, who felt chills down their spines but shrugs it off quickly.
Announcer: And the including the champion, from Grand Rapids, Michigan! Weighing in at 228 pounds, The Leader of the Aces of Brutality & the UWLN Grand Champion, AUSTIN MALICE!!!
Austin raises his title with one hand for a moment before handing it to the ref, who holds it up high and hands it to the announcer who leaves the ring. Austin whispers some things to his team who nodded and left the ring immediately.
The bell rings as the match is underway, Austin was pacing around Blake who hasn't moved & has that frightening gaze. Then Austin then locks up with Blake, the two working on a stalemate of headlocks, limb and joint manipulation and counters for each grapple before trading arm drags and kiping up to their feet, eyeing each other.
Roselle: And Blake and Austin just trading maneuvers and counters.
Blake tilts his head in an eerie way as Austin growls, heading to him to lock up grips again but Blake broke the grip and hits an arm drag to flip him over followed by an enzuigiri to the back of the head!
Travis: And Blake strikes first!
Blake then crawls slowly towards Austin like a predator, Austin quickly rolls out of the ring, trying to collect himself. Blake is still staring a hole through him, Austin then climbs the apron where Blake attempts to strike and Austin baits him in to low sweep him from the apron!
Caotico: And Austin answers back!
Austin then decided to head under the ring, grabbing some chairs, kendo sticks and chains, throwing them in the ring.
Travis: Already getting weapon in early.
Austin then slides in the ring, setting chairs in the corners. Blake arose to his feet and turns to Austin.
Roselle: The Demon God rises...
Austin turn around and get planted with a front dropkick from Blake, going back first into the wedged chair in the corner!
Roselle: A front dropkick to Austin back first into the chair wedged corner!
Blake then removes the chair and throws Austin into the corner, trading MMA style punches and knee strikes to Austin. But Austin blocked the next punch and turns Blake in the corner, trading corner trapped punches to him!
Travis: Blake unleashing on Austin! But look, the champion intercepted and is unloading on the Demon God of Winter!
Austin then runs to the opposite corner and comes back with a knee strike to the jaw but soon hits Blake with a running bulldog on the pile of chairs!
Roselle: A running knee and a bulldog to finish by Austin!
Austin goes for the cover but Blake kicked out at 2. He then plant his boot on Blake's face and taunts the crowd, who boos him.
Kara: Wouldn't I give to go up there knock him out.
Harleen: I'd second that.
Austin then decided to picks Blake up and throw him out of the ring, soon following where he goes under and brings out two tables, he sets them up together and turns to picks up Blake.
Travis: And Austin with some evil intentions on his mind.
Austin was going for a vertical suplex to put Blake through both tables but Blake was fighting out of it, delivering shots to Austin's midsection and causing him to let go with Blake catching him, planting the champion through both tables with a Uranage!
Roselle: Uranage through the tables by the Demon God!
Blake picks up the groaning Austin and Irish whips him into the barricade hard. Going back and eyeing the Aces of Brutality at ringside with a dark stare as they backed away. Blake sees Austin in his sights, spreading his arms wide and his fangs bared, Blake runs across ringside and sends Austin over the barricade with a running dropkick!
Roselle: And Blake launches Austin into the UWLN universe!
Harleen: Knockin' him outta the park!
Babs: Take it to him Frost!
Blake heads over the barricade, taking the fight to Austin in the crowd, Austin also fights back as the two exchange blows throughout the arena crowd, who were erupting in cheers/boos!
Roselle: And Blake Frost and Austin Malice taking the fight all around the crowd of the UWLN universe!
Travis: They were unleashing hell upon one another for the prize of this match, UWLN Grand Championship!
Blake and Austin were seen fighting through the crowd, trading fierce strikes, throwing one another through rails, tables, steel crates and such. Austin grabs a nearby camera and clocks Blake with it!
Rhea and Ramona winced.
Hiroshi: That's not good.
Travis: And Austin with a literal camera shot to the challenger!
Austin then picks up and hits a fisherman buster on the steel floor. He yells out "This is my ring and my championship!" as the crowd but he didn't care as he even spat at a random fan's face before going to Blake, picking him up over his shoulder and running across the crowd.
Travis: Oh no, what's Malice doing?!
Austin with Blake over his shoulder ran towards the announcement table where Roselle, Travis and Caotico backed away as Austin connected a power slam through the announcement table!
Roselle: And Austin plants Blake through our announcement table with a power slam!
Diana: Oh no, is he alright?!
Rhea: Trust me mate, Blake's been through worse than that in the ring.
Austin grins evilly as he was far from done, he then grabs Blake, getting him to his feet and runs to ram Blake into the titantron wall but Blake turns it around and drives Austin into it instead!
Caotico: And Blake reverses Austin into the titantron wall!
Blake then puts up Austin, an evil grin of his own and runs to throw Austin off the stage, the champion rolling down the ramp!
Travis: And Blake sends Austin down the ramp!
Harleen: He's going, going, gone! Hahaha!
Blake then walked slowly down the ramp as Austin slowly got on fours, The Demon God of Winter soon running to hit a punt kick to the head of Austin!
Travis: A punt kick to the skull of Austin! Did you heard that pop sound?!
Kara: And it's good! Right to the head!
Babs: He's gonna have a concussion after that.
Blake picks up Austin and throws him back in the ring, grabbing a steel bat under the ring, then he turns to The Bearded Leviathans, Eon-Bone, Mira and Miranda Blade and Heidi Silver who were walking towards him.
Roselle: Looks like Blake has the Aces of Brutality in his sights.
Travis: But they're not doing anything to help Austin, it's no holds barred.
Caotico: Austin did whisper in their ears about something, maybe it's to wait for the time to strike and now isn't it.
Blake and Aces of Brutality stared each other down while Austin soon and runs to the ropes and rebounds to go for a suicide dive but Blake connected the steel bat to stop his momentum!
Travis: Damn! Going for a suicide dive but Austin gets a steel bat to the face!
Kara, Harleen and Rhea: Hahahahaha!
Babs and Diana winced.
The Aces of Brutality was shocked as Blake picks up Austin and throws him back in the ring, eyeing the faction before going in himself and as Austin dazed gets to his feet, Blake goes for a running knee and connects it!
Roselle: A running knee by the Demon God of Winter!
Blake then goes for the cover but Austin kicks out at 2. He then goes to pick up one of the chairs in the pile and proceeded to beat Austin mercilessly with it!
Travis: And Blake showing more of his demonic nature! Punishing Austin!
Blake throws the chair aside and grabs the chains with a feral smile.
Babs: Uhhh... I'm not liking that look on Blake's face...
Harleen: I do, he's ready to get crazy!
Blake then locks Austin's left leg in and the assistance of the chains, locks in the STF submission!
Travis: And Blake locks in the STF submission with an assist from the chains!
Roselle: You can hear Austin yelling in pain! Will he tap out?!
Austin was yelling in pain, he tries to desperately reach for the ropes but there's no rope breaks in this match and Blake was adding more pressure to the hold. Austin was on the verge of tapping out but Heidi Silver slides in the ring and breaks the hold!
Roselle: Austin's about to tap-Oh! And Heida silver breaks the hold!
Kara: Now that was uncalled for!
Blake slowly and meets Heidi Silver, his former mix tag team partner with a cold stare. Heidi backs away with her hands up in defense.
Caotico: It looks like Heidi invoke the Demon God's wrath. Once upon a time, Heidi and Blake were friends and partners but she sold her soul to the Aces of Brutality.
Heidi: Wait... Wait a minute. Nonono, please...? Don't do this Blake. We're friends, remember? Please. We can still be a team, y-you can join our group. Just lay down for Austin to retain his title and I can talk him into letting you join!
Diana: Blake, No! It's a trick!
Roselle: And Heidi trying to convince Blake to throw the match and join her with the Aces of Brutality.
Blake starts to bare his fangs, Heidi getting a scared, pleading look.
Heidi: Please...? Y-You were like a little brother to me... W-we can still be-
Without warning, Blake sprayed a dark blue mist in the eyes of Heidi, who fell to the ground and shrieking from the mist burning her eyes!
Travis: And Blake gave his answer to his former sister in arms with the mist to the eyes!
Heidi rolls out the ring, still shrieking and panicking from the mist to the eyes. Blake then turn his attention to Austin who nails him with a fist wrapped in the chain!
Caotico: A chained fist to the face by Austin Malice!
Travis: That distraction from Heidi might've Blake the match!
Babs and Harleen: No!
Austin then grabs Blake and connected a Drift Away style Neckbreaker he dubs the Malicious Finish!
Travis: And Austin with the Malicious Finish!
Austin then goes for the cover only for Blake to kick out at 2. Austin then picks up Blake and goes for a second Malicious Finish and connects it!
Travis: A second Malicious Finish by Austin!
Austin goes for the cover but Blake kicked out again.
Roselle: And Blake kicks out again!
Austin was getting frustrated as he calls for the Aces of Brutality, giving the signal as The Bearded Leviathans and Eon-Bone got in the ring they all swarmed Blake in a four on one assault!
Travis: Austin gave the signal and he along the Bearded Leviathans and Eon-Bone is attacking Blake while the blade twins are tending to Heidi!
Austin stopped the beat down and gave orders, Eon-Bone leaves the ring and comes back with a table while the Bearded Leviathans double teamed Blake with a big boot/STO combo!
Roselle: And the Bearded Leviathans laid out Blake!
Travis: And this is Austin's way of keeping his championship by any means necessary and it's not only about that, The Aces of Brutality are about to wipe Blake out of UWLN forever!
The two big men placed Blake on the table with Eon-Bone on the top rope and connects a spiral tap dive to put him through the table!
Caotico: And Eon-Bone puts Blake through the table!
Austin orders the Bearded Leviathans to pick Blake up, they do and Austin gets in his face.
Austin: You thought you can play games with me, Blake? Heh, You sure as hell ain't no Demon God! You look very human to me right now!
Blake only grins evilly with a laugh.
Austin: You think this is funny?!
Austin angrily started punching Blake who was laughing manically!
Travis: Austin is unloading on Blake but he... he's just laughing at the pain!
Roselle: That shows that he's not afraid of pain or Austin and his faction.
Babs: He's trapped in a four on one situation!
Harleen: And yet he's still laughing at them, I'm both spooked and excited!
Kara: It shows that Austin is a big time wuss, he can't beat someone in a one on one fight so he got three punk bozos and three biker brats to fight for him!
Unfortunately, Mira and Miranda Blade heard Kara's rant and were up at ringside and approached Kara and her friends with glares.
Babs: Uhhh... Kara, I think you made them mad...
Rhea and Ramona glared while Kara stood up to the two twins.
Roselle: Uh oh, the Blade twins are getting up in the face a fan of the UWLN. It'll be bad one of them swings first.
Mira and Miranda: What did you call us, loser?
Kara: Who are you calling a loser, ya mirrored pansies!
The twins gasped and glared at her, Mira grabbing a nearby drink and splashing the soda in Kara's face with Miranda slapping her for good measure before walking away with a taunt!
Travis: What the?! The Blade twins just splashed soda on & smacked a fan! What is wrong with them?!
The twins went back to help Heidi while Kara was now seeing red with a furious look on her face.
Diana: Kara, are you alright?
Ramona: She got splashed with soda and smacked, she's clearly not, chiquita.
Babs: Kara... I know that look, don't-
Kara: That tears it!
Kara immediately jumps the barricade and attacked The Blade twins!
Harleen: She's doin' it!
Roselle: A fan just jumped the barricade and is attacking the Blade twins!
The Blade twins fought back against her two on one but Kara pushes Mira back and Miranda is grabbed by her.
Kara: You wanna slap me?!?!
Kara yelled and runs with Miranda to ram the twin into the barricade hard. Mira tries to attack but Kara ducks underneath and speared her into Mira through the barricade!
Caotico: Oh my god! She just speared the barricade with such force!
Kara got to her feet and glared at the unconscious twins as a figure with a black bat went into the ring and knocked Eon-Bone in the back of the head!
Roselle: And Eon-Bone taken out! Who is that?!
Austin and the Bearded Leviathans were shocked as the figure undid his hood, revealing Beck with a wicked grin. Blake grins as well despite the situation he's in.
Travis: It's Blake's brother Beck! He's here!
Releasing Blake, Austin and his two powerhouses turn to Beck, who opens up his hooded jacket and surprised them with a fire extinguisher, spraying it in their faces!
Caotico: Beck blinds them with a fire extinguisher!
Austin fell to the floor while The Bearded Leviathans stumbled out of the ring to recover but then Leslie/Storm Behemoth was seen walking down the ramp.
Travis: Wait, what's Doris's enforcer doing out here?
Leslie/Storm Behemoth then grabs one of the Bearded Leviathans and throws him head first into the steel steps and to add insult to injury, she hits a solid boot to ram his head in the step!
Caotico: And Storm Behemoth takes out one of the Leviathans!
Leslie/Storm Behemoth turns to receive a big boot from the second Bearded Leviathan but she doesn't go down as the second Bearded Leviathan grabs her by the neck for a chokeslam but Leslie/Storm Behemoth prys the hand off with great strength and lifts him up in a military press lift into a Spinebuster!
Travis: And the Bearded Leviathans laid to waste by The Storm Behemoth!
In the ring, Blake and Beck duck underneath Austin and Eon-Bone's clotheslines and nails them with a double superkick!
Roselle: A double superkick by the twins!
Blake & Beck then see what Leslie/Storm Behemoth did, recognizing the shockjock behind the muscular form and disguise while Leslie/Storm Behemoth stares back at them. Blake & Beck look at each other before giving Leslie/Storm Behemoth a look of uncertainty and confusion. The electric villainess had a calm yet sad look before turning to walk away.
Harleen: (sad frown, mutters) Les...?
Travis: And Storm Behemoth walking away? Blake & Beck are confused to why Doris's client would help them?
Beck then turns to duck an attack from Eon-Bone with a bat and clotheslined him out of the ring, getting out with a running apron knee to take him out!
Roselle: And Beck take out Eon-Bone!
Blake then turns and picks up Austin, who goes for a low blow but Blake caught it before it could connect, looking directly into Austin's eyes, slowly shaking his head with a sinister grin.
Travis: Austin went for a low blow but Blake caught it and is staring into the very soul of Austin Malice!
Austin attempts to fight back with strikes but Blake caught the next one and Irish whips him into the ropes and catches him with an elevated flatliner he dubs Fall to Frost!
Blake goes for the cover. Heidi who recovered from the mist came in to stop it but was speared out of nowhere by Kara as the ref counts at 3!
*Bells rings!*
Announcer: Here's your Winner and New UWLN Grand Champion, The Demon God of Winter, BLAKE FROST!!!
Caotico: It was a grueling match in this main event, Blake and Austin tore each other apart with some assistance by the Aces of Brutality as well as Beck, Storm Behemoth and an unknown fan (Kara) but in the end, Blake dethroned Austin Malice and is the new UWLN Grand Champion!
Blake was given the title as the crowd erupted in cheers. Beck and Kara helped him up and raised his arms in victory, Blake bro hugging Beck and fist bumping Kara for the assist. Diana, Ramona, Rhea, Hiroshi, Babs and Harleen were cheering for them.
Roselle: Well this was a great summer event but Metropolis we'll see you next week on UWLN: Revolt! This has been Roselle Hernandez!
Travis: Travis!
Caotico: And Caotico brought to you live by UWLN, sayonara!
Later at Blake's home...
Blake places the Grand Championship title on the table as he removed his inhibitor band from his hand, his healing ability treating his wounds from his match.
He then turns to Beck, Kara and Diana walking in.
Beck: How's it going, Champ?
Blake: It's fine. It was a crazy match but I managed to win, thanks for the assist with the Aces of Brutality brother and Kara.
Beck: No prob, I always have your back.
Kara: It was nothing. Those idiots needed to be taken down a peg.
Blake: Yeah, I also heard some reviews from your part in the match. Normally you would've been banned for jumping the barricade and attacking a wrestler but UWLN saw something potential in you and want to scout you for a tryout match.
Kara: (smirks) Well I guess they saw these guns mark the targets (flexes) I'll give it some thought but take the card for it.
Blake: Alright. (Gives the card to Kara)
Diana: UWLN is truly like a tournament of champions and gladiators, perhaps I might qualify.
Beck: Who knows, you girls might enjoy it. Blake knows Doris did after he got her into the industry.
Kara: Also after all that, I was wondering about that muscle headed punk, the Storm Behemoth is Doris's enforcer right? But why did she help you with the Aces of Brutality?
Beck: I don't know...
Blake: I was wondering the same thing myself....
Why did Leslie help him?
To be continued...
(Chapter 21 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! I'm really sorry that this chapter soooooo long to make, a huge wrestling event, oc wrestlers present, Doris Zuel makes her debut in the wrestling company and Blake dethroned the champion. He wonders why Leslie would help him? More questions insured. Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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