The Omen Cometh Pt 2

Blake, Barbi and Casey return to the vacation home along with Babs, Kara and Diana but before they got here, they met up with Jessica, Zee and Karen, who tagged along with them to the house. Zee, Jessica and Karen were also surprised to see Barbi and Casey Krinsky with him, Blake already explained the situation to them.

Zee out of the three, was shocked yet angry that Casey's parents would do that to her, she tries to console with Casey but Casey didn't want to talk to her... not yet, she still feels guilty for happened with trying to steal Zee's powers & life, she wasn't ready for a talk right now.

Blake invited the six girls in, they were in awe of his home and luxury inside while given the tour of each room. Since he trusts the superhero girls, he decided to show them the Monster's sanctum.


Babs squeals in excitement and with stars in her eyes.

Babs: What a hideout! Look at all the gadgets, the items, the weaponry, the whole establishment!!!

Jessica: Dios Mio...

Karen: W-Whoa...

Zee: The place even has an aura of magic to it...

Blake: Yep. My family and I have more hideouts like this around the world when we have a vacation as well as for emergency use only. Welcome to the Monster's sanctum.

Kara whistles impressed.

Kara: Not bad.

Blake: Here, I'm monitoring any monster attacks associated with the Accursed Clan. As you know, Barbi and Casey have joined my cause and I'm helping them train to master their abilities.

Zee: Abilities? I understand that Casey has an ability but what about Barbi?

Kara: Yeah, she doesn't strike me as a helper nor one with powers.

Barbi sighs.

Barbi: I know you still don't believe me, I admit that I was not the nicest person you've met but I am trying to change. As for the powers... (Turns to Diana) Diana, remember when I told you that I released the Cheetah due to my jealousy towards you?

Diana: I'm aware of that.

Barbi: I haven't been completely honest with you... (Opens her eyes which glowed green with cat slits with marks of the Cheetah appeared on her face) I am the Cheetah.

The six girls gasped.

Diana: So you've been the Cheetah herself?

Barbi: Yes. I cursed myself instead, one day I vowed to get you or should I say Wonder Woman for revenge...

Diana's eyes widened along with the other five.

Barbi: You may wear a costume to hide your identity but your scent still remains the same. Revenge at first was my goal but my old friend told me that if I stayed on the path then I was end up living the life of a villain... So you have nothing to fear from me as the Cheetah and I are one. Sigh... my anger and jealousy got the better of me back then when people started liking you more than me, Diana for your accomplishments in surpassing mine.

Barbi looks down in shame, Diana approached her and places her hands on her shoulders.

Diana: Barbi, I wasn't trying to take away your status and accomplishments. You are quite the best at what you do and people praise you as well for it. I'm sorry I made you feel that way, it was not my intentions. I'm glad you stayed away from the path of evil, maybe we can kindle a sisterhood bond between us.

Barbi smiles a little.

Barbi: I suppose so...

Diana then gave Barbi a strong hug.

Diana: Then it's official!

Barbi: Okay... Okay... Easy on the hug... Ah! Room... Getting... Dark...

Kara: Uhhh Di... You're squeezing her.

Diana gasped and releases Barbi.

Diana: (laughs nervously) Sorry about that.

Barbi: (breathes heavily) Aside from regaining my air, no harm done...

Babs: EEEEEEE! (Sees a mystic looking cerulean, indigo orbs and black armored bat suit) Blake, what is this?!

Blake: An enchanted warrior bat suit, made for stealth missions and mystic combat against high level beasts. My sister made it in tribute to Batman.

Babs: (smiled widely) She was a Batman fan?!

Blake: Not a complete, psycho fan but admired his work as the Dark Knight.

Babs feels the suit from top to bottom, the armor itself felt quite light but very strong. Babs then pulls out her phone and took pictures of it, thinking about making her own version of the armor someday.

Blake chuckles.

Karen: T-This tech is state of the art yet at the same time it l-looks ancient in a way.

Blake: My family has dabbled in the combination of science and magic.

Jessica: Your family must've been quite busy in making all of this.

Zee then noticed the cube containers which carried the shrunken down monsters of different shapes and forms.

Zee: Are these some of the monsters you've caught?

Blake: Yes. These monsters of the Accursed Clan come in different shapes, sizes and forms. Some monsters are mindless and carries means of destruction, trying to survive in the world. Some are semi smart in intelligence but also rely on instinct and drive alone. And others who are very intelligent in serving their creators while causing harm in their own way possible. They can look like an animal, humanoid, an atrocity or any form of twisted imagery the 11 Accursed Beasts see as pleasing to them.

Zee: Oh. And there's still more of them out there?

Blake nods. Then the alarm went off.

Casey: Blake, you might want to look at this!

Blake approaches Casey at the super computer along with Barbi, Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Jessica and Karen. On the screen revealed the theater, people were running around as a 9 ft tall, two headed lizard creature with a large muscular body with dark green skin and strange glowing blue marks, eyes, fangs, claws and tail. And along with it's rampage, the supervillain girls minus Giganta were there trying to catch it.

Jessica: What is that?!

Blake: Liz-Rora. A two headed lizard like beast with water power that melt whatever it fires at like acid and strong desensitized skin.

Kara: And the villain girls are there too.

Blake: They're trying to capture the beast themselves, maybe use it as their attack dog...

Diana: Those fiends, we would stop them!

Blake: Head out the way you came.

Jessica: What about you?

Blake: I'll catch up soon.

The six girls nodded as they left.

Blake: Barbi, while I'm assisting the others, you continue your training with Casey.

Barbi: Yes.

Casey: You got it.

Blake then approached a custom human sized case and places a hand on the scanner, causing it to unlock & reveal a different attire.

???: (First voice) Going for a new change, eh? Well let's cause some chaos.

???: (Second voice) A good fitting, you don't want to be just known as the cloaked figure to mortals.

???: (Third voice) Let's show the heroes and villains a new visage in us.

Blake: Yes...


At the theater, people were already running out of the movies in fright. Inside, the two headed lizard like beast known as the Liz-Rora was seen fighting Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire and Livewire. Poison Ivy ensnared it with her vines while Star Sapphire and Livewire we're shooting at it with flaming hearts/bolts of lightning, the Liz-Rora let out a ferocious roar as the attacks only angered it, both heads shooting out beams of water as the two dodged it, the water connected with the seats which sizzled as they started to melt away.

Harley Quinn: (brings out her mallet) Talk about acid rain in theaters, TODAY! Hahahaha!

The Liz-Rora then shredded the plants ensnaring it with it's sharp claws.

Poison Ivy: My babies! Grrr! You'll pay for that, beast!

Poison Ivy summons more large vines to strike the creature but the vines were slashed away, Harley Quinn took this opportunity of the distraction to bash the beast's heads with her mallet while Catwoman would sneakily take the beast by the legs with her whip, causing the Liz-Rora to trip to it's knees while Harley continues to bash it's two heads in while Livewire would add more shocks to stun the Liz-Rora even further while Ivy managed to completely engulfed the beast in large vines with Star Sapphire constructing strong ropes for more leverage, causing it to roar and struggle.

Poison Ivy: Got you.

Harley Quinn: Hahaha! This lizard is caught quite a "vine", hahahaha! Get it? I said vine instead of bind!

The other villain girls groan while some rolled their eyes in annoyance.

Catwoman: That aside, now that we have this creature, we take it to a more isolated location and our mystery guest will come running in-

The doors were kicked open as Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Zatanna and Green Lantern (Jessica) appeared.

Livewire: Ugh! Great, Blunder Woman and the superzero girls are here!

Wonder Woman: Halt! You will not leave with that creature!

Supergirl: What do you even want it for anyway?

Catwoman: Why do you care? It's none of your concern.

Batgirl: It's our concern if you guys are planning something diabolical with it, you don't know how dangerous is it.

Harley Quinn: Well Bratgirl, we just caught this oh so "dangerous" two headed gecko!

Zatanna: And what exactly are you thinking of doing with that horrid beast?

Catwoman: Why would we tell you anything?

Star Sapphire: Yeah! We ain't telling you squat!

Wonder Woman: Oh really?

Wonder Woman takes out her golden lasso of truth, whirling it around to aim at the supervillain girls who dodged but Harley Quinn unfortunately got caught in it.

Harley Quinn: Gah!

Wonder Woman: Talk!

Harley Quinn: (forced to tell the truth) We thought we could catch this monster after Catwoman did research on the various monster attacks poppin' up in Metropolis and the cloaked figure takin' them out & catchin' 'em. So we decided to catch one of those monsters to lure him out to have him join us whether he wants to or not!

Wonder Woman removes the lasso with Harley spinning around and getting dizzy.

Harley Quinn: Oooooh, spinny room.

She falls down as the Villain girls help her up.

Poison Ivy: Really Harl?

Harley shook her head.

Harley Quinn: It's not my fault, she forced me!

Bumblebee: So that's what you're trying to do.

Zatanna: Why would the figure join forces with the likes of you?

Catwoman: I'm sure we can offer the mysterious individual whatever he desires and more~. All he has to do... is say Yes~.

Poison Ivy: And if not, we have other means of persuading him to reconsider...

Green Lantern (Jessica): You can't just force someone to join you, you don't even know what he's here for! There's more to it than these monster attacks!

Livewire: Says you! We all know this guy ain't a goodie two shoes like you pansies, so why not have him align with us to spread some chaotic fun.

Supergirl: Tch! Like that's gonna happen on our watch!

Star Sapphire: And you're gonna convince him to join your side? Fat chance!

Both sides glared angrily at each other as they were about to fight, unaware that the Liz-Rora used it's acid water to get loose from the restraints. Bumblebee and Harley Quinn managed to spot it.

Bumblebee: Uhh guys...

Harley Quinn: It got loose!

The Liz-Rora was loose as the Superhero girls and Supervillain girls stood their ground against the beast in a heated brawl, the beast tried to rip them apart but before it could continue, it was suddenly engulfed by a bright light and roared before mysteriously disappearing. Both sides of good and evil were shocked by the sudden vanishing of the Liz-Rora.

Catwoman: It vanished...?

Livewire: Great, Just Great! (Glares at the superhero girls) You meddling goodie goodies just had to ruin things like always!

Batgirl: Hey! We didn't make it disappear!

Star Sapphire: Well, we're gonna make YOU DISAPPEAR!!!

The superhero girls got into fighting stance, ready to fight the supervillain girls....

Then a strange noise radiated through the theater as the superhero girls and supervillain girls held their ears.

Zatanna: Aaaah! What is that noise?!

Bumblebee: Some sort of sound frequency!

Harley Quinn: Gaaaah!! Can someone stop the ringing in my ears?!

Supergirl: Ugh!!! It's worse with super hearing!!!

Star Sapphire: What's happening?!?!

Suddenly, the theater screen started to show static followed by strange and frightening images followed by eerie laughter, horrific screams and wails, shocking and scaring some of the heroes and villains, especially Livewire, who went through something like this out of the darkest parts of her mind after the encounter with Blake.

Bumblebee: Eeep! So scary!

Wonder Woman: What matter of sorcery is this?!

Harley Quinn: Is a horror movie startin'?!

Livewire: ....?!

Soon, the images stopped, revealing the cloaked figure on the screen but his back was turned as the superhero girls and supervillain girls stared at the screen.

???: The cycle... It has always been an act of balance... Light vs Darkness, Good vs Evil, Order vs Chaos, Creation vs Destruction, Courage vs Fear... Peace vs War... It continues on endlessly.

Superhero girls: (in unison; in their minds) Blake...

???: I thank you girls for bringing the fight to the Liz-Rora (holds up a cube containing the Liz-Rora) I'm very grateful. However... I hear there's a conflict with opposite individuals trying to get me on their side, hahahahahahahahaha...

His haunting laughter sent chills down the hero and villain girl's spines.

???: I respect the heroes girls and everything they stand for but I'm no hero and I'm not deemed to be one...

The supervillain girls smirked, thinking the figure was going to join them.

???: But do you think I'd stoop so low as to join a couple of villainesses for senseless chaos, broken promises and petty means of preying upon the weak...?

The supervillain girls eyes widened for a moment before glaring at the cloaked figure's back.

???: And you think you can FORCE me to join you? Please... I've fought and killed worse than you five combined.

Harley Quinn: Oh yeah?! Why don'tcha come outta the screen and say that!!

???: Hahahahahahahahaha... I like your spunk, Harley Quinn. As you can see, your world is slowly crumbling... There is another world beneath it, with beings planning to break everything in the world and rebuild it in it's twisted image... I'm here to put an end to that cause being a reality. I already warned the superhero girls, now I'm warning you... Walk away, stay out of my affairs.  Get in my way & you'll fall...

Livewire: Big talk from someone hiding behind a screen! Come on & make us get of your way, Coward!! We ain't scared of you!!

Hearing Livewire's rant, the cloaked figure chuckles darkly.

???: Be careful what you wish for... You might just get it... in the worse, most unfortunate outcome.

A strange sound was heard as the superhero girls and supervillain girls noticed that the lights were shutting down... one by one until the theater room was cloaked in darkness.

The theater room was illuminated in an eerie lighting followed by a large wintery mist appearing before the superhero girls and supervillain girls. A faint light was shown through the mist, footsteps were heard coming from the cloud of smoke, both groups getting a look of the figure coming out of the mist.

This individual was holding an ominous looking lantern with an eerie blue glow, he was tall and athletic with pale skin, eyes black with icy blue dragon like pupils, sharp fangs, dons black, white and indigo demonic looking war paint on his face, chest, back and shoulders. He was wearing a long black, hooded cloak, long sleeved armbands/gloves, an icy blue and silver studded belt & waist armor, black pants and black & icy blue studded boots.

The Superhero & Supervillain girls were in shock of the cloaked figure's new & frightening appearance.

???: You want me... Here I am.

He blows the lantern's light out and places it on the ground while glancing at the superhero girls, giving a brief nod & stare that said "I'll handle this alone." before turning to the supervillain girls with a dark glare.

Wonder Woman: What in Hades...?

Supergirl: Talk about a change in alter egos.

Bumblebee hid behind Green Lantern (Jessica) in fright.

The Cloaked figure approached the Supervillain girls.

???: So you want me to make you to get out of my way...? Let me show you why I'm known as... The Hybrid, Omen.

The figure known as Hybrid Omen let out a calm yet eerie breathe of air, ominous aura of icy blue, blood red and haunting purple swirling around him. The superhero and supervillain girls were all surprised while some were frozen in fear upon seeing three spiritual visage of monsters looming over them all. Hybrid Omen let out a ferocious roar as his aura flared and send a massive shockwave throughout the theater, both sides of the group bracing themselves on impact.

Soon, it all depleted as Hybrid Omen was seen with his aura radiating in a calm way.

Hybrid Omen: Now... Shall we begin?

He walks towards Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Star Sapphire and Livewire who were startled for a bit before glaring at Hybrid Omen. Harley Quinn then grins madly as she lunged at Hybrid Omen with mallet in hand to bash him with her mallet but the cloaked figure dodged the hammer strikes effortlessly before catching it and landing lethal hits to Harley's gut, earning a grunt from her while snatching the mallet to break it in half and getting in Harley's pained face.

Hybrid Omen: I see the madness in your eyes, kinda reminds me of gravity. It needs a little push...

Hybrid Omen places a hand close to Harley's face, unleashing a field of gravity to push her across the room and into the wall with an earth shattering thud.

Harley: Did anyone get the number of that hand that ran me over...?

Harley fell to the ground, unconscious. Hybrid Omen then dodged a fury of flame like hearts from Star Sapphire, who was flying towards him to attack.

Hybrid Omen: (dodging) My, my... I've heard stories of the lantern corps, including the violet lanterns. It's my first time seeing a beautiful, dashing one such as yourself.

Star Sapphire: (attacking) Hmph. While I appreciate the comment but I'm taken and flattery will get you nowhere! You will be burned by my flames of love!

Star Sapphire then powers up and aimed a massive wave of violet flames at Hybrid Omen, who smirked as he fired a massive wave of ice to counter the attack, entering a stalemate beam struggle.

Star Sapphire: You. Will. Submit!!!

Hybrid Omen: Impressive. But even the flames of love can't melt a cold, cold heart...

Hybrid Omen adds more to the wave of ice which was overwhelming Star Sapphire, who to push the attack back but it was much as she was engulfed.

Star Sapphire: AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!

Star Sapphire was then completely frozen in a huge block of ice that fell to the ground with a thud. The superhero girls along with Poison Ivy, Catwoman and Livewire were in shock & disbelief.

Hybrid Omen: Look at that, two down. Three to go...

Poison Ivy narrowed her eyes, summoning vines and strong roots to surround Hybrid Omen and ensnared him, squeezing him to the point where his bones were heard...


The superhero girls gasped in horror.

Poison Ivy laughs.

Poison Ivy: So much for the cloaked hybrid. He's no different from a mere human to fall to mother nature.

Hybrid Omen: (from behind) Is that so?

Poison Ivy turns around to see Hybrid Omen behind her with a dark smile, the Hybrid Omen her plants squashed was a decoy that broke in a puddle of blood.

Livewire: Blood...?

Bumblebee was shaking at the sight of it.

Zatanna: I think I'm gonna be sick...

Poison Ivy: How did you-

Hybrid Omen: Mother Nature can be a powerful ally but at the same time... a powerful enemy. You look like the type to defend plant life, a shame you're on the wrong path to save it.

He grabs Ivy by the neck, looking staring straight into her eyes with a nightmarish glance, Ivy felt a cold pressure around her neck from the grip, gasping as cold air escaped her lips.

Poison Ivy: Gasp... Gasp... P-Please... Mercy...!

Hybrid Omen: Hehehehehe...

Poison Ivy gasped with a yelp as she was instantly engulfed in ice, looking like a statue on display.

Hybrid Omen: And then... There were two.

He turns his attention to Catwoman and Livewire, eerily walking towards them. Catwoman readies her claws while Livewire forms electricity and charged at him. Hybrid Omen fought against Catwoman's swift claw attacks while avoiding Livewire's shocks with little effort.

Hybrid Omen kicks Livewire back and grabs Catwoman by the neck.

Hybrid Omen: Looks like I got the cat's tongue or the neck, give or take.

Catwoman: A-Agh... (Slowly smirks) Sorry, I've been a very bad kitty. Release me and I can make it worth your while~.

Hybrid Omen: Sorry~ I don't make deals with thieves.

Catwoman pulls out her whip and lashes Hybrid Omen across the face, causing him to let go of her.

Catwoman: Hehehehe.

Hybrid Omen slowly turns to look at the cat thief.

Hybrid Omen: Cats have nine lives, correct? Allow me to test that... 1!

He hits a monstrous ice punch to the gut of Catwoman.

Catwoman: Aaaaaaagh....!

Hybrid Omen: 2!

Hybrid Omen sends a forearm strike to the face of Catwoman, making her stumble back a few away, glaring at the monster as she swiftly lashes at him with her whip. Hybrid Omen runs towards her, taking the hits from the whip and got near Catwoman.

Hybrid Omen: 3!

He slams her ice fist into her gut. But he wasn't done... as he continued his monstrous gatling combo to the body of Catwoman.

Hybrid Omen: 4!


Hybrid Omen: 5!


Hybrid Omen: 6!


Hybrid Omen: 7!


Hybrid Omen: 8!


Catwoman was then gripped by the head, heavily injured with Hybrid Omen grinning coldly at her.

Hybrid Omen: ....9.

He hits a palm strike to the chest of Catwoman, gravity pushing her through the theater walls and lands in the food court, unconscious in a pile of popcorn.

Hybrid Omen: So much for the leader of the group, and then there was one...

He then turns to Livewire, who was the only one left. The Superhero girls were at a loss for words, seeing the Supervillain girls (except Giganta who isn't here) gets brutality dismantled one by one... now only Livewire is alone to handle the ominous figure.

Livewire growls furiously as Hybrid Omen walks towards her with a cold stare and grin.

Hybrid Omen: The human lightbulb is all alone... The light will fade...

Livewire: Tch! I don't need help to punch your lights out, freak!

She powers up and fires bolts of lightning at Hybrid Omen who counters with a beam of ice to engulf the bolts while Livewire dodged the beams and head towards Hybrid Omen with a fury of electric combo attacks. He simply blocks and counters each attack Livewire was throwing at him before landing on a fierce swing to her face.

Livewire: Guuh!!

He then landed a gatling of near instantaneous strikes to the body of Livewire before sending her flying across the room. Livewire stopped herself, dazed a bit but was getting angrier, not happy with being made a fool of.

Livewire: Grrrrrr!!

Hybrid Omen: You seem to be upset? Not happy with the outcome of this fight? Being made a fool of...? I can tell that you don't like it when it's you who is the joke being beaten and humiliated...

Livewire: GRRRR!! SHUT THE F**K UP!!!

Powering up to full, Livewire released a huge beam of electricity at Hybrid Omen, who smirked as he throws his head back and opens his mouth wide, firing a huge blast of... blood to counter the wave, catching Livewire off guard as she was engulfed by the wave of blood.

Supergirl: That's... a lot of blood.

Bumblebee almost fainted.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Is this really... Blake? Such brutality... I can't watch this.

Zatanna: I knew there was something cold about him... I sense three entities in him... So frightening...

Livewire coughs roughly while backed against the wall, covered in blood by the attack, she glared at Hybrid Omen and tried to shock him but her powers weren't working up a spark.

Livewire: What the?! (Looks at the blood all over her)

Hybrid Omen: Blood is kinda like water to short circuit your electric power except it's much thicker than water...

He grabs Livewire by the neck, forming bat wings from his back and takes Livewire through the ceiling.

Batgirl: Where's he going?!

The superhero girls head out of the theater, passing Catwoman, who slowly regained consciousness. The six girls then look up to see Hybrid Omen high up in the air, holding Livewire by the throat and by the looks of it... He was planning to drop her to her death.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Oh no!

Batgirl: He's gonna drop Livewire up high from the air! We know Livewire can be a royal pain with humiliation but she doesn't deserve death!

Wonder Woman: I have to get up there, Supergirl!

Supergirl: Right!

Picking up Wonder Woman, Supergirl flew to the sky with her. Meanwhile, Hybrid Omen and Livewire were very high up in the air.

Hybrid Omen: It sure is a long way down... Hope you're not afraid of heights...

Livewire: (getting scared) Y-You wouldn't...!!

Hybrid Omen: I'm not a hero, remember?

Livewire gulps nervously as Hybrid Omen grins.

Hybrid Omen: You guys thought you had me, hmm? I fought worse than you, in fact... I was already aware of your plan, even the ones behind the masks, especially you... (Whispers in her ear) Leslie...

Livewire's eyes widened in shock.

Hybrid Omen: It's oh so true, I know everything about you and no, I won't expose you or your friends & I'm not a fan of your... twisted attempts of humiliation on others to enjoy like a sadist. You see... That kind of stuff you do to laugh at others, aren't you aware that your stunts can hurt or perhaps kill people...?

Livewire: I-I don't know what you're talking about! People love humiliation for a laugh! It brings views to see someone as the joke!

Hybrid Omen: Well... You weren't laughing before when one of your... humiliation stunts physically and mentally destroyed a certain person from your past, were you...?

Livewire gasped.

Livewire: How did you...?!

Hybrid Omen: Oh I have my sources... While I have a mission in Metropolis to complete, as the messenger to you, Livewire... this person you once knew... beyond the grave, has a lot of karma & suffering coming your way.

Livewire: (whispers, tears threatening to fall) No...

Hybrid Omen: Remember that day well, it'll haunt you forever... You'll see the signs of your past ghosts everywhere, even in your nightmares...

Livewire gulps fearfully, feeling his hand loosening as he was about to release his grip on her neck, threatening to let her fall to her death.

Livewire: P-Please... D-Don't...! M-M-Mercy!

Hybrid Omen only smirked coldly. Then he heard Supergirl and Wonder Woman's voice.

Supergirl: Hey!

Wonder Woman: Don't do this!

Hybrid Omen turn to Supergirl and Wonder Woman.

Supergirl: Don't drop her! She has nothing to do with your cause, right?!

Wonder Woman: Yes! Livewire can be a conniving, relentless and mischievous villainess bent on thriving on people's humiliation and must be punished but death isn't the answer!

Supergirl: You have the creature, just let her go! Not high up in the air but-ugh, you know what I mean!

Hybrid Omen gave them a cold stare before looking at Livewire.

Hybrid Omen: Fine... You can have her. (To Livewire) Remember Livewire... Ashes to ashes, they all... fall down.

He let's go as Livewire fell from the sky, screaming in fright. Supergirl and Wonder Woman managed to catch her before she was near ground. Livewire quickly broke away from them and went to a nearby telephone, disappearing via electricity.

Supergirl: She got away!

Wonder Woman: Leave her be, she's been through enough. We'll capture her another day.

Bumblebee: G-Guys! The other villains are gone!

Supergirl: How?

Zatanna: They've must have gotten loose when Omen was about to drop Livewire.

Green Lantern (Jessica): We might wanna go too before the authorities come.

Wonder Woman then noticed that Hybrid Omen was nowhere to be found. The superhero girls then take their leave when the authorities came by.


At the vacation home/Monster's sanctum, the Superhero girls met up with Hybrid Omen back in the hideout.

Supergirl: What was that?!

Hybrid Omen: What was?

Wonder Woman: The act of commiting the act of an executioner upon Livewire, she or the other villains have nothing to do with your cause, they must be punished & brought in, not killed!

Hybrid Omen: She's not dead, right? I wasn't really going to drop her, you just beat me into catching her. Plus, I already gave the villain a brief test of what would happen if they try to get in my way.

Placing the trapped creature with the others, Hybrid Omen morphed back into Blake.

Blake: My apologies to you, when I'm the Hybrid Omen.... Things tend to get very dark and chaotic when I fight.

Bumblebee: Y-you're telling me, that was really horrifying!

Blake: You have my word that I won't kill any of the villains you fight but if they get in my way, I can't be responsible for what the other sides of me will do... (First voice in his mind) Though for Livewire, she has a lot coming her way...

Batgirl: Other sides of you?

Blake: I'll explain that later. For now, it's getting late and you might wanna get home.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Oh right. My mothers must be worried sick.

Zatanna: Guess we'll see you around.

Batgirl: Bye!

The six girls then head for the exit, Zatanna gave Blake, who's back was turned, a suspicious look before leaving as Blake himself was tends to Barbi and Casey, who were taking a break from training. Blake then noticed a transmission message on the super computer labeled "Brother" on it, he slightly smiles and goes to answer the call.


At Leslie's house....

Livewire appeared back home, turning back into Leslie Willis. She had a look of worry and absolute terror on her face, not only did the plan failed... but she and her friends got their butts handed to them by the mysterious individual known as Hybrid Omen and if that wasn't bad enough, he knows who she & her friends are not to mention that he nearly dropped her to her death in high air.

While he said that he wasn't interested in exposing them, Leslie and the others gotta be cautious about it. The shockjock then heads to bed, looking on her phone & also thinking about him mentioning... "That Day" in her past, something she buried in the darkest parts of her mind which was forgotten to time... until now, with Hybrid Omen's haunting message... The memory resurfaced as Leslie didn't want to believe it that a ghost from her past has come back to haunt her.

Leslie: (in denial) It can't be... It just can't be... That face painted freak has gotta be lying... He's gotta be...!

Leslie got a text from each of her friends.

Harleen: (text) That guy wiped the floor with us... hahahahahahaha! The new guy's quite the catch, I wanna fight him again!

Pam: (text) As crazy as Harl is, I have to agree with her. He knows who we really are, he made fools of us and he must pay for it.

Carol: (text) I'm still cold from the ice, he knows our secret... As much as I want to make him pay, he'll threatened to expose us to all of Metropolis if we get in his business, our lives will be ruined! I can't have that, I plan to marry Hal Jordan & have a dozen kids someday!!!

Selina: (text) Quite a tough rogue we're dealing with, he singlehandedly beat all of us.

Carol: (text) Maybe if Doris haven't bailed on us for whatever plans she had, the freak would be in the palm of our hands!

Leslie: (text) Hey! Leave her out of this! 

Selina: (text) It wouldn't make no difference if Doris was here or not. He seems less interested in us & the superhero girls, he wanted the creature. Perhaps there's more to what he's doing in Metropolis, he only saw us as mere flies...

Carol: (text) I AM NOT A FLY!

Harleen: (text) Well, it may be the shot to the noggin talkin' but maybe he's right. Maybe there's somethin' in Metropolis worse than us?

Pam: (text) I don't believe it... Harleen is thinking?

Harleen: (text) He did say that he warned the heroes and now us of somethin' lookin' to tear down our world and make in it's twisted image. He could've killed us but he didn't, like he wasn't interested in takin' our lives.

Selina: (text) Hmmm... Perhaps, I mean I didn't want Lex to destroy the world to remake it, what valuables would be around for me to take?

Leslie: (text) So what now? He knows who we are and he nearly dropped me to my death.

Carol: (text) Well I don't want anything to do with him, I want to my life intact and not ruined! MY FUTURE WITH HALLY WALLY IS AT STAKE IF HE EXPOSES US!!!!

Leslie: (text) Will you calm down? He won't expose us, he's not even interested in doing so either...

Pam: (text) Wait... He won't expose us?

Leslie: (text) He looked me dead in the eyes, knew of our plan & identity but he isn't interested in exposing our secret as bad guys to the world.

Carol: (text) What if he's lying?

Leslie: (text) I thought he was lying about dropping me to the pavement, HE CLEARLY WASN'T even when the heroes told him to let me go!

Harleen: (text) What'll we do?

Selina: (text) For now, we heal. Then we look into what threat this Hybrid Omen is dealing with behind the monster attacks. Once he drops his guard, then we'll take our time with him~, break him down until he's our little puppet while we pull the strings to do as we please~

Pam: (text) Very well.

Carol: (text) Fine but if he exposes us & my life gets ruined, I'm blaming you Selina!!!

Harleen: (text) Count me in too! I'm itchin' to find more monsters to bash in and to fight the hooded guy again!

Leslie: (text) Whatever.

Selina: (text) Good. We just gotta wait for the right moment, let the mouse run all free... then we pounce once the time is right~

Carol, Pam, Harleen and Leslie: (text) Right.

They signed out as Leslie placed her phone the table and groans.

Leslie: Screw waiting, that guy knows something he shouldn't about... That Day. I'll find him on my own and get the answers, no matter what it takes... If "He" is alive or dead, I have to know... I must know even if I have to force the answers out of that hybrid freak to do it.

Leslie charged up an electric blast and fires at an already broken TV monitor, destroying it completely.

To be continued...

(The ninth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Another oc monster makes it's debut, Barbi reveals her secret to the superhero girls, Blake introduced his new persona in the fight against the supervillain girls, also delivering a haunting message to Livewire about a dark event from her past and Leslie wants some answers & is determined to find them on her own. Will she get them or will she not like what she'll find? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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