The First Monster Hunt
After rekindling with his long time rich friend, Blake offers to help train Barbi to help her control the Cheetah's power as she wants to help him on his hunting mission and mysterious quarrel. While Barbi doesn't know the full story of what caused Blake's near death and by who is a complete mystery to her but she was determined to help him out while Blake did promise to make it up to her for lost times.
Speaking of the two, Blake and Barbi were watching a little TV while having a bite to eat of an exquisite dish.
Barbi: What an excellent taste of flavor.
Blake: Well I know how much you love fancy foods.
Barbi: Hehehe. Well I must say I like what I like. So... Blake?
Blake: Hmm?
Barbi: I was thinking of having a pool party two days from now, I was wondering if you would like to attend one of my guests?
Blake: Of course I'll attend. It'll be fun.
Barbi: Thank you. I'm glad you're finally back and alive at that.
Blake: It's good to be back & alive and right now, I want to focus on my vacation and my friends before I get on to the important things.
Then Blake's phone rung as he answers it.
Blake: Hello? Babs? Wait what? Whoa whoa whoa, settle down! You're speaking too rapidly, calm down and slowly tell me what's going on. Yes. Uh-huh. Yes, I saw the news about the Individual, hero or threat? Yes, I must say everyone's a critic. Well I'm glad you're excited. Well, I gotta go now, see you later. Bye.
Blake hung up.
Barbi: I take it she was excited about the news of you.
Blake: Yeah, she was.
Barbi: Well you did save me... Who knows what could've happened if you didn't arrive.
Blake: Yeah... I couldn't just let them hurt you. I mean, I'm not trying to make a career as a hero or a villain but I can't stand innocent people being preyed upon... by bullies, criminals, monsters, villains or some heroes who are only care about saving face on their career to get away with anything, trust me... I came across a few like that on my travels...
Barbi: Let's not focus on that now, how about we go to the mall?
Blake: Sure.
At the metropolis mall....
Blake and Barbi were inside, walking through a crowd of shoppers.
Barbi: I'm heading to the clothes store, would you like anything from there?
Blake: Surprise me. I'll head to the music store.
Barbi: Okay.
Barbi went to the clothing store while Blake heads over to the music store. He looks around upon seeing various genres in music CD's, music equipment, instruments, etc.
Manager: Can I help you Sir?
Blake: Yes. I'm looking for a guitar.
Manager: Over here, we have all types of guitars, regular, classic, electric, base, acoustic, everything.
Blake: Okay.
Blake heads to the aisle where the guitars were stacked, looking out for which guitar he wants to buy. He soon spots a black & icy blue base guitar with a skeletal dragon style logo, deciding to pick out this guitar as well as a guitar pick. Blake heads towards the cashier and pays for the items, taking his leave only to bump into Kara.
Kara: Hey, watch where you're going-Oh Blake? Sorry.
Blake: Naw, my fault for not seeing you there. What's brings you here?
Kara: Getting a new guitar.
Blake: Neat.
Kara: I see you got a guitar yourself (looks at the base) and a cool one at that, you a fan of rock music?
Blake: Yeah, there are some genres I enjoy besides rock but I do love to play the instrument for it.
Kara: Cool, I've played guitar myself and been to a lot of concerts in the Lazarus pit.
Blake: The Lazarus pit?
Kara: It's the most awesome and coolest rock place in Metropolis! You can feel your face melted off when you're in range of the music and the mosh pit is wild!
Blake: That's cool. Maybe you can show me one of their concerts someday.
Kara: (smirks) Oh you'll be in for the ride of your life when you see it. See ya.
Blake: See ya.
The two went their separate ways. Blake heads to the clothes store to check on Barbi but on his way in, he accidentally bumps into someone.
Blake: Oh my apologies.
The person in his path was a slightly short teenage girl with short dark purple & black hair with light purple highlights, dark magenta eyes, light brown skin and was wearing a small long sleeve black jacket with a white shirt underneath, wore diamond like earrings, bracelets & a necklace, a dark violet oval like belt, black pants and dark gray pants.
This was Selina Kyle but was known as the quick, cunning and sneaky feline villainess, Catwoman. The girl got a look at Blake from top to bottom, a sly smile appearing on her face with a low purr.
Selina: Oh it's no harm done... I haven't seen quite the handsome man like you around here before~ Quite the purrrfect looker~.
Blake: ....... Ahem, why thanks. Again, apologies for bumping into you, ummm....
Selina: Selina Kyle. And you are~?
Blake: My name is Blake.
Selina smirked as she walks closer to Blake, placing a hand on the side of his face.
Selina: So what brings you here...?
Blake: I'm uh shopping with an old friend of mine.
Selina: I see.
???: Is there a problem here?
Blake and Selina turn to see Barbi with shopping bags in hand and glares at Selina, who returned the glare with a sly smirk.
Barbi: Selina...
Selina: Barbara...
Blake: You two know each other?
Barbi: Ugh. Unfortunately, yes... We do know one another (Remembering the battle for the expensive purse)
Selina: So you're his old friend, hmm? Are you two in a relationship?
Barbi: No. He's an old friend I haven't seen a long time. We're making up for lost times.
Selina: Oho, so he's a free man, eh? Perhaps-
Barbi: Absolutely not!
Selina: And why not? You're not.... Jealous, are you?
Blake was silent right now as he didn't want to get caught in this.
Barbi: (narrows her eyes) That's besides the point, I know how your mind works Selina. And I don't want him near someone like you.
Selina: Hmph. Very well, I was just leaving anyway... (Whispers to Blake with a purr) I'll be seeing you real soon~...
Blake was silent as Selina takes her leave.... while secretly holding stolen expensive clothes in her bag.
Blake: .... What just happened?
Barbi: Blake for your own good, stay away from her. She's bad news and will swindle from you the first chance she'll get...
Blake: I'll keep that in mind.
The two were about to leave when a loud roar were followed by a herd of screams.
Barbi: What in the blazes?!
Blake: .....
People in the mall were seen running and screaming for their lives. What they were running from was a 12 ft, humanoid looking bear like creature with a hulking physique, pitch black fur with strange glowing green marks, eyes and fangs, claws.
The Beast let out a ferocious roar as it was tearing up the mall.
Barbi: What is that?
Blake: (serious) One of the monsters I'm hunting... A Parasitic Grizzly.
Blake hands Barbi his guitar.
Blake: Hold this. I need to take care of the beast.
Barbi: But Blake I-
Blake: No time. Get to safety.
Barbi didn't want to leave him alone with this beast but had no choice but to leave. Blake went in the dressing room of the clothes store, closing the door as his eye glowed an icy blue.
Meanwhile, this Parasitic Grizzly was smashing everything in it's path and even tried going after people to devour only to receive a punch to the face, send crashing into a wall.
Supergirl: Well, well, well seems like someone's too far from home in the woods.
The Parasitic Grizzly recovers and glares menacingly at Supergirl, roaring.
Supergirl: Geez, you're one ugly son of a bear (laughs) Well, time for a grizzly beat down.
The Parasitic Grizzly lunged at Supergirl who dodged it's claw strike while trading a couple of strong punches to the beast before gearing up for an uppercut to the jaw, sending it across the mall and into the food court. People ran out as The Parasitic Grizzly recovers, it spots Supergirl approaching and aiming her laser vision at it, the Beast avoids the beams while running on all fours to leap up and hit Supergirl with a clawed swing.
Supergirl: Agh! Why you!
Supergirl punches the beast back, the two hammered away at each other with repeated fist/claw trade in blow for blow until supergirl grabs the Parasitic Grizzly to spin it around a couple of times before throwing the beast into the ground with a thud. Supergirl wasn't done as she lifts up a large, destroyed portion of the floor and slams it down on the creature, it's arm can be seen through the rubble all motionless.
Supergirl: That takes care of the nightmare bear on metropolis street.
Supergirl walks away in victory. Then the beast's arm was seen twitching a bit before it shot out to liquefy and shape into a tentacle like visage, it lunged forward and grabbed Supergirl from behind.
Supergirl: What the-Aaaah!!!
Supergirl was ensnared and pulled back as the rubble exploded to release the Parasitic Grizzly, who was holding Supergirl with it's tentacle like arm, pulling her closer as she struggles to escape.
Supergirl: Grrrr, let go of me!
The Beast let out a roar as it's tentacle like hand tightened the hold around Supergirl, glowing green as Supergirl, who was trying to escape, suddenly felt like she was getting weaker.
Supergirl: W-What the... What are you... doing......?
The marks, eyes, fangs and claws/tentacle of the Parasitic Grizzly glowed even more as Supergirl grew more and more weaker.
Supergirl: Can't... break free... H-Heeeelp...
The Parasitic Grizzly was draining Supergirl of her strength & life force like a leech draining blood, Supergirl's skin was paler and her eyes looked tired & sick like. The Beast was about to finish her but suddenly received a spear of ice through it's shoulder, it let out a pained roar & released Supergirl, who fell to the floor.
The Beast took the ice spear out and turns to see a cloaked figure approaching the beast, who growled angrily at him.
???: (Distorted voice) The hunt... begins...
The Parasitic Grizzly roars and lunged at the cloaked figure to maul him to pieces, he quickly avoided the lethal claw attacks but received a strong hit to the abdomen though he shielded himself, the cloaked figure was sent flying through the jewelry store, which was closed... and Catwoman herself was just there stealing a rare emerald necklace. She spots the Cloaked figure getting up from a pile of jewels and glass.
Catwoman: Who might you be...?
The cloaked figure turns to the feline thief with a cold stare.
Catwoman: The strong and silent type, eh?
The Parasitic Grizzly popped right in with a loud, threatening roar. The feline villainess was shocked as the beast quickly grabbed her without warning, doing the same thing it did to Supergirl now to her, draining her strength & life force.
Catwoman: Aaaaaaaaaghhhh...!!!!
The Beast was suddenly blasted away by a force of gravity out of the jewelry store, releasing Catwoman along the way as the cloaked figure goes after it, forming ice daggers in running towards the Parasitic Grizzly in driving his daggers straight into it's chest followed an uppercut slash to the jaw.
The Beast grunted and roared, tackling the figure to the ground and brutally hammer away at him. The Parasitic Grizzly was about to drain the cloaked figure but the beast gets an ice dagger to the eye, earning a pained roar from the monster with the cloaked figure hitting a high force punch to get the beast off of him. The cloaked figure grips his ice daggers and didn't give the Parasitic Grizzly time to breathe, running in and delivering dagger strike after dagger strike to the beast, drawing glowing green blood.
The Parasitic Grizzly was down on one knee with major injuries but looked utterly ballistic at the cloaked figure.
???: You're finished...
The Beast roared and tried to get one last shot at the cloaked figure to drain his life force, the cloaked figure pulls out a strange black & glowing indigo blue cube.
???: Enter eternal imprisonment...
He throws the cube at the Beast, which opened up with an indigo aura with black and white highlights ensnared the Parasitic Grizzly, who roared in agony, getting sucked into and trapped into the cube. The cloaked figure picked up the cube containing the trapped monster.
???: Hunt complete. Now to head out.
Supergirl: Hey!
The cloaked figure turns to see Supergirl flying towards him, back to full strength.
Supergirl: You're not going anywhere but prison!
???: ..... I'm not a criminal, I was just hunting that creature that was draining you dry of your life a few moments ago.
Supergirl: And whose to say that creature wasn't your pet and you didn't 'accidentally' let it loose?
???: Look, I'm not here to play hero and I'm most certainly not a villain, that creature was about to feed on people, including you. You can believe what you want but I did my job in catching this creature and I'm leaving.
Supergirl: We'll see about that.
Supergirl flies towards him to attack but the cloaked figure does an aerial flip to avoid the kryptonian, nailing the floor with a smoke bomb to cloud the area. Supergirl flies through the smoke to catch the figure only to find him gone.
Supergirl: Crap!
Blake was seen walking away from the mall and sees Barbi in her fancy car, waiting for him.
Blake: I'm back.
Barbi turns to him.
Barbi: Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?
Blake: I received a couple of massive hits and claw marks but I'm fine, I'm a fast healer.
Blake gets in the car as Barbi drove off.
Barbi: So what happened to the creature?
Blake holds up the caged cube containing the trapped and shrunken Parasitic Grizzly.
Barbi: Even though it's shrunken, it still looks repulsive....
Blake: Each beast after this one is more repulsive, horrific and dangerous than the last.... It didn't just appear out of the ordinary, it was released.
Barbi: Released into the mall to cause a rampage, by who?
Blake: I have a theory of who but for now, let's head back and relax.
Barbi: Of course, I did buy you some new wardrobe and you're in for a surprise.
Blake smiles.
On the rooftop of a random building, Catwoman was seen resting with her back against the wall, breathing heavily from what happened to her. She managed to use her remaining strength to slip away after the cloaked figure dealt with the creature & escaped Supergirl.
Catwoman: That... was close. That monster nearly drained the nine lives out of me... and that man in the cloak... There was something enticing about him...
Catwoman then thought about the argument between the cloaked figure and supergirl, gaining an idea quickly.
Catwoman: So... He's no villain but isn't a hero either... and the way he took down that monster, a strong & mysterious rogue... perhaps he can be interesting to exploit...
Catwoman's cat grin grew more mischievous, chuckling to herself.
Catwoman: With the right plan in motion and timing... The cloaked man will be the key to getting rid of those superhero girls...
To be continued....
(The third chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! Blake and Barbi were enjoying the start of making up for lost times, Selina Kyle/Catwoman makes her debut, the Parasitic Grizzly (my oc monster) is the first of many oc monsters & foes coming. But who released the beast? Supergirl has her suspicions about the cloaked figure, can she trust him or still see him as a villain? Catwoman has a plan up her sleeve to reel in the cloaked figure to join her, will it work? Only time will tell. Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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