The Bully vs The Bloody

In the superhero girls hideout under sweet justice, Diana, Babs, Kara, Jessica, Karen and Zee were watching the events that happened at the mall yesterday with the cloaked figure and the Parasitic Grizzly on the news while Kara explained what happened while she was there as Supergirl.

Babs: So the new hero strikes again!

Kara: I doubt he's a hero...

Zee: But didn't he save you from that repulsive creature?

Kara: Well yeah but whose to say he didn't have something to do with that creature in the first place?! Plus, he wears a cloak and a menacing mask with a murderous look in his eyes, what kind of hero has that?! Plus, he was gutting that monster like a fish!

Jessica: Well... According to what you explained to us since you were there, he said that he wasn't a hero but he wasn't a villain either, right?

Kara: Yeah, what's your point Jess?

Jessica: He must be neutral, while he's not aligned with good. He's also not aligned with bad either.

Zee: True but there's something not quite right about him...

Karen: I mean, he wasn't seen hurting innocent people but he looked so scary...

Babs: If he's neutral, maybe we can convince him to join the side of justice!

Diana: Indeed, a new brother in arms. Perhaps we can help him stray away from the path of evil.

Karen: Are you sure he'll want to join us?

Babs: Of course! He doesn't hurt innocent people, he didn't hurt Supergirl or try to steal anything so maybe we can persuade him to join the team!

Jessica: Maybe... Remember, he's not good or bad, just a neutral rogue.

Zee: I still don't trust the mysterious individual but we'll give it some thought.

Kara: And If the rogue steps out of line, we clobber him (cracks her knuckles).

The girls nodded.


Blake was alone in his vacation home, in his dojo room, training with a kendo stick. Barbi had to go home for preparations on her pool party for the next day. Blake was practicing sword strike after sword strike with perfect form and timed slash, while he was continuing his training, a shadow was seen silently slicing a hole through the window and carefully removing it, placing a hand to unlock the window from the outside as the shadow snuck in.

The figure sees Blake training with his back turned, the shadow slowly approaches Blake from behind while pulling out what appears to be a short sword, sneaking up behind him slowly but surely. The shadow was about to stab him through the back to pierce his heart but Blake caught the strike without looking and flips the figure over, proceeding to land some strikes to the figure.

The figure turns the tables and lands some strikes to Blake as well. Blake nails a forearm to the face followed by a quick right to get the figure off of him, Blake gets to his feet and glances at the figure; A man with ghostly pale skin, soulless aqua green eyes, an athletic body and was wearing a black, silver and green demonic looking ninja mask and attire.

The two then lunged at each other, trading hits, exchanging grappling positions and submission grapple techniques, the assassin pulls out a hidden dagger to slash Blake across the chest, drawing blood.

He continues the assault Blake with the dagger, Blake would avoid the attacks and catches the knife, twists the arm and flips the assassin to the ground, laying a hard punch to stun him. Blake grabs the assassin, pulling him up to his eye level.

Blake: Who are you?

Assassin: I've been ordered to kill you. You're not interfering in our business to unleash the beasts anymore.

Blake thought the Parasitic Grizzly he captured the other day, could this killer have something to do with it?

Blake: Unleash the beasts? So you're responsible for the monster loose in the mall yesterday or at least working for the one who did. Who is it?

Assassin: Why should I explain to a dead man?

A hidden arm blade popped out as the Assassin aimed for Blake's side but he caught the blade arm and twists it, a snap sound was heard as the assassin yells in pain.

Blake: Sure you don't want to tell me?

Assassin: Die-

Blake threw him across the room, landing awkwardly on his right leg, causing him to grunt in pain. Blake walks towards him, picking him up.

Blake: I'm gonna tell you again, are you responsible or do you know someone who is?

Assassin: Huff... Huff... You will suffer-

Blake twists already broken arm and snaps further, a bone popping up as he screams loudly.

Assassin: Aaaaggghhhh!!!

Blake: Start. Talking. Now.

Assassin: Huff... Huff... Huff... Torture me all you want, you're not getting anything from me. All I can say is your days are numbered, more will come for you and the beasts will rule again, you filthy insect.

Blake inhaled deeply and sighs, closing his eye.

Blake: Fine... You don't have to talk to me...

Blake opened his eye... This time, his eye was pure black with a red pupil, a new dark and sinister voice coming from his mouth.

Blake (???): I have another way to get the information out of you....

Assassin: What are you gonna do....?

Blake (???) grins widely & psychotically, showing long sharp fangs. The assassin's eyes widened as chills went down his spine, Blake (???) opening his mouth wide.

Assassin: Nononono Wait-!

Blake (???) sunk his fangs into the assassin's neck, earning a pained wail from him as he felt his blood being drained. Soon, his screams faded while his body stopped struggling and twitches a bit before lying motionless with Blake (???) removed his fangs from his neck, staring down at the now dead assassin with a grin full of blood.

Blake (???): Thanks for the information. Hehehahaha...

Blake (???) drags the corpse out of the dojo room.


Babs was seen leaving Burrito Bucket, with her own order of burritos while after getting a mouthful from her jerky boss Shane that if she was late again, she would be fired, again. Babs knows that Shane can be very strict and obnoxious but she learns to be positive when working at her favorite job with burritos even when it's summer.

Babs: Ah, Burritos... Take me away. (Takes a bite out of one of her burritos) Mmmmm, so good.

While Babs was enjoying her burritos, she heard a loud scream. She looks around and sees Karen in the alleyway getting flip upside down by someone holding her by the legs, shaking her down as cash and change fell out.

The figure was a slightly tall, athletic teenage girl with puffy raspberry red hair tied in an upwards big ponytail, hazel eyes, light tan skin and was wearing a yellow workout suit jacket with pockets on the chest, shorts and white sneakers.

This was Doris Zuel, the school bully aka the huge, muscle bound villainess, Giganta. She released Karen by dropping her on her back and collected the cash.

Karen: Owww...

Doris: Ha. Thanks for the summer bonus, Beecher. Today's your lucky day since I got a good amount of cash, now scram before I change my mind.

Karen slowly got up. Before she knew it, Doris was hit in the back of the head by a burrito.

Doris: What the?! Hey!

Doris turns around to get hit in the face by a burrito, followed by another one, and another. Babs was the one throwing them at the bully.

Babs: Take this! And this! And a bit of this! Oh you won't like this! The bat burrito barrage! Fly my burrito pretties! Fly!

Doris was pelted with a lot of burritos until she slipped on a burrito on the floor, falling down on her face. Babs quickly went over Karen, grabbing her hand.

Babs: Luckily, I still have more burritos left. Quickly, run!

Karen: You don't have to tell me twice!

The two girls ran away, Doris soon recovered and gets the numerous burrito meat & beans off her as she narrowed her eyes in rage, running after them.

Doris: Get back here nerds! You're gonna pay for this, when I'm done with you two you'll be spending summer in the hospital!!!

Babs and Karen quickly ran through the alleyways of Metropolis with Doris on their tail. The two make a quick right and head straight into a wide area where they hid behind a dumpster. Doris also makes a quick right and ran straight only to bump into someone, falling on her butt.

Doris: Gah! What were you going, you-

Doris looks up to see Blake staring down at her with a calm yet sinister, bloody red eye. That look in his eye didn't sit well with Doris, the sudden chills going down her spine but she shook it off and stood up, glaring at the guy.

Doris: Who are you supposed to be?

Blake: Just someone passing by. Was leaving from the shop for a replacement window and I just spotted one of my two friends running away from something.... My guess is that you're the person they're running from?

Doris: And what of it, one eyed freak? You gonna do something about it?

Blake: (looks at Doris) You're quite the athletic type, a look of someone with anger issues, lacking of brains only to make up for it in brawn.

Doris: (getting angry) Are you calling me stupid?!

Blake: I never said you were stupid but I take it you're not very intelligent or careful of other's well being. Basically the 'hit someone & ask questions never' for your own amusement, I guess you're just a hotheaded bully.

Doris growls furiously.

Doris: Okay that's it!

Doris charged in to lay a beat down on Blake. Blake merely stepped aside as Doris missed, grabbing the girl from behind in an arm lock.

Doris: Let me go, whimp!

Blake: You know something.... I really can't stand bullies.... (Twists her arm)

Doris grunts & then back heads Blake in the face, releasing her and lands a left punch to the face, Blake wasn't shaken by the punch but blood poured from his nose. He stared at Doris for a moment in silence before smirking.

Blake: Well... You might be quite the challenge and I've fought quite the strong martial artists and wrestlers around the world. This'll be fun.

Doris: Heh. Fun for me, bad for you. Since the dweeb duo got away, you'll be taking their place in a world of hurt!

Blake: Don't bet on it.

The two lunged at each other, entering a stalemate grappling test of strength for a moment before reversing holds & trading fierce blows with one another. At the back of the dumpster, Babs and Karen popped up and saw the fight going on between Blake and Doris.

Babs: Holy shamoly, Blake is actually going head to head with Doris!

Karen: They're evenly matched.

Doris: (took a punch from Blake) Ha! Is that all you've got?!

Doris punches Blake back as he staggered back a bit but still stood up.

Blake: I'm far from done.

Blake hits a strong jab to Doris. As the two continue to fight it out, a cloud of smoke engulfed the two.

Karen: Smoke?

Babs: Not just an ordinary cloud of smoke, it's-

The smoke cleared as Blake and Doris were surrounded by a group of men, who wore the same attire as the assassin Blake encountered.

Babs: An ambush! A total ambush! You see, Karen?! You see?! You see?! You see?!

Karen: They look like ninja warriors. Their eyes are all soulless like, and they've got Blake and Doris surrounded! Now what?!

Blake narrowed his eye as these men are in league with the assassin he disposed of while Doris was confused but mostly angry about these men interrupting her fight.

Blake: (in his mind) So they sent more. However, it's bad to change into my alter ego, Doris will spot me.

And Blake wasn't the only one thinking.

Doris: (in her mind) Who are these masked freaks and why are they butting in my fight?! I outta smash them as Giganta but if I do, that one eyed loser will see & expose my secret. Ugh, hate to do this but there's no choice.

Doris turns to Blake.

Doris: Hey, we deal with these freaks then we get back to our fight, got it?

Blake: Very well. Be careful, they're well armed.

Doris: Whatever.

The two then got into their fighting stance as the group of assassins swarmed them with weapons.

Karen: Oh no!

Babs: We gotta help them! Let's suit up!

Karen: Uhhh... Babs?

Babs: What is it?

Karen merely pointed up ahead as Babs eyes widened, despite being outnumbered by a group of assassins, Blake and Doris were actually fairing nicely against them, though receiving scars, slashes, stabs and bruises from the assailants, Blake timed each strike and countered with his own quick combos while Doris relied on her strength and durability to outpower each assassin one by one, Karen and Babs were absolutely shocked/awed by the fight going on for a while.

Soon, the assassins were all down with Blake and Doris standing, both breathing heavily as the assailants all disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Doris: What? They vanished?

Blake: (in his mind) Probably were called back to their masters...

Doris turns to Blake.

Doris: (crashes her neck and knuckles) Alright, those masked dweebs got their beat down. Now it's your turn.

Blake: (spits blood from his mouth to the floor) Alright. I'm ready for round two.

Babs and Karen watched as the two went at  it again after just fighting a group of assassins, Karen winced at the sight of the fight, covering her eyes while Babs was shocked but had stars in her eyes in amazement.


Blake and Doris were seen sitting with their backs against the wall, breathing heavily with further battle scars from their fight.

Blake: ..... Wanna call this a tie?

Doris: Huff... Huff... Whatever...

Blake: For a bully, you have quite the fighting experience.

Doris: You're not so bad yourself... for a doofus...

???: (In Blake's mind) Okay... Can I drain her blood because she's really starting to annoy me.

Blake: (in his mind) No. That would be petty to drain someone for just being insulted by them.

???: (second calm voice in Blake's mind) He's right, you know? You can't go picking a fight with mortals trying to get under your skin with mere words.

???: (third deep voice in Blake's mind) Yeah, you'll look foolish giving in... Let me guess, you haven't had your fill of blood and you're all cranky...?

???: (first voice) Oh shut up... 

Ignoring the voices in his mind, Blake turns to Doris.

Blake: Do you ever get sick of it...?

Doris: Huh?

Blake: Do you ever get sick of picking on people smaller than you or such?

Doris: What kind of stupid question is that?

Blake: What's your reason for becoming a bully, someone bully you back then?

Doris: No.

Blake: Trying to show dominance over others or for fun?

Doris: Well yeah, I-

Blake: Or are you afraid-

Doris: S-Shut up! D-Don't act like we're friends or anything like you know me, I'd rather bang my head against concrete walls a couple of times but befriend a puny punk like you!

Blake: You do realize that I'm taller than you, right?

Doris growls angrily, looking away with an anime style pout.

Blake: Look, you don't have to be my friend but perhaps you can an find an alternative.

Doris: What are you babbling about?

Blake: I mean, instead of picking on people, try expressing your anger and talents of strength against one of the best.

Doris: .... Go on.

Blake pulls out a business card.

Blake: This is a business card for where I work, Underworld Wrestling Lethal Nexus. The wrestlers & fighters there are strong, some noble, some well vigilant, some ruthless and some as crazy & aggressive as you are. Heck, the company will be traveling here to Metropolis in a few weeks for a summer event and so happens... They're looking for fresh, new talents.

Doris swipes the card and looks at it in interest.

Blake: Teenagers and adults are welcomed to join, to show what you're made of. There are some there that have major titles & undefeated streaks waiting to be broken. Perhaps this can help you find stronger competition instead of aimlessly targeting the weak.

Doris chuckles as she got to her feet.

Doris: Fine, I'll give it a shot. But don't think this changes anything between us. The name's Doris Zuel, remember it cuz the next time we fight, you're toast.

Blake: Name's Blake and I'll remember that, looking forward to it.

Doris then turns to leave. Blake slowly got up to his feet with a sigh.

???: (First voice) I still say I could've drained her blood.

???: (Second voice & third voice) Can you not?

Blake sighs as his damage from the fight with Doris and the assassins slowly began to heal.

Blake: That was close, too close for comfort... Hope Babs and Karen made it home safely. The Accursed must never be allowed to rule again...

Blake took his leave, unaware that Babs and Karen heard and saw the whole thing. They soon came out of their hiding place in shock. 

Babs: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Do you see what I saw?!

Karen: B-Blake and Doris taking on a couple of d-demon looking ninjas....?

Babs: Well that and Blake's body slowly healing by itself! There must be one explanation for this and it must be that he's secretly a hero too! Maybe that's why those assassins were after him! We gotta tell the others about this news!

Karen: Well-

Babs grabs Karen and runs out of the alleyway.

To be continued....

(The fourth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen has been updated! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! The girls are having their suspicions about the cloaked figure in wondering where does his allegiance lie, Blake encountered an assassin who has something to do with the Parasitic Grizzly attack or works for someone who is responsible but who's the culprit? Doris Zuel aka Giganta makes her debut and while in this story, she's not gonna be Blake's friend but she'll be a rival type of enemy. Babs and Karen witnessed what happened and went to tell the others, how will they react? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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