Summer Begins & An Arrival
The tale begins at Metropolis High School where the bell was heard ringing as a flood of students were seen running out of the front entrance of school in pure excitement, followed by a familiar group of six.
???: WOOHOO!!!! FREEDOM!!!!!
The one in the group of six yelling in excitement was a slightly short teenage girl with long red orange hair in a ponytail, pale light skin, green eyes and was wearing a purple hoodie with bat ears & yellow stripes on the sleeves, a yellow shirt underneath it, dark purple, long white socks with purple & yellow stripes and yellow & white shoes.
This was Barbara "Babs" Gordon also known as Batgirl.
Babs: (very excited) Finally, summer is here! Summer is here! Summer is here!!!
???: That's right, Babs! No school, no work! Just three months of R, R & R!
The second was a tall, athletic punk rock teenage girl with short blonde hair in a choppy bob, blue eyes, pale light skin and was wearing a dark blue leather jacket, a light blue blue shirt, a golden yellow belt, light red ripped pants and dark red boots.
This was Kara Danvers aka Supergirl.
???: R, R & R? Ummm... Kara, there's only two R's in the phrase R&R.
The third one was a short teenage girl with medium length lightish dark brown hair with a yellow highlight streak in a double bun style, light brown skin, green eyes and was wearing a long sleeved bee like yellow & brown striped sweater, a yellow short skirt, dark brown leggings and light brown boots.
This was Karen Beecher aka Bumblebee.
Kara: Oh I know what I said, Karen. R, R & R; Rest, Relaxation and ROCK! (Throws up the rock horns with her fingers and bobs her head back & forth)
Karen: Okay.
???: Hehe, you sure have a lot of spirit in you for this summer. I know I do as well.
The fourth was a tall teenage girl with long dark brown hair, green eyes, light brown skin and was wearing a green bonnet hat, long green hoop earrings, a long sleeve green crop top shirt with a long green dress with sleeveless straps on the shoulders underneath, skirt and green flat shoes. She also wore a green ring.
This was Jessica Cruz aka Green Lantern.
Kara: Let me guess, you're gonna participate in another environmental go green protest or charity case for the summer?
Jessica: What? No! Well... A little. I won't be busy all summer.
???: Kara, don't be judgemental towards Jessica. Some people work during the summer and Jess here loves to help the earth bloom gracefully.
Kara: Whatevs.
The fifth was a slightly tall teenage girl with long purple & blue hair, light violet purple eyes, flawless pale light skin, wears dark red lipstick & was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a black vest, a short dark magenta skirt and black high heel boots.
This was Zee Zatara aka Zatanna.
???: Sisters, we shall savior the moment of the 3 months of Summer and relish in the enjoyment of this vacation.
The sixth was a teenage girl being the tallest of the group with dark blue hair in the form of a ponytail with a golden headband, blue eyes, light tan skin and was wearing a reddish sleeved shirt with a white under shirt, blue skirt, long white socks and red shoes.
And lastly, this was Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman.
Diana: Let us journey to Sweet Justice to celebrate the start of the summer vacation.
Babs: Oh yeah!!
At Sweet Justice, the most popular dessert place in Metropolis, we see the six girls at their signature spot as a blonde haired teenage boy in a sweet justice employee attire quickly gave them their usual orders.
This was Barry Allen aka the Flash.
Babs: Thanks Barry, keep the change!
Barry: No prob Babs, enjoy the treat!
Barry sped off to his usual post to take more orders for customers while the girls enjoy their treat. Meanwhile, outside of sweet justice, someone on a motorcycle drove by and stopped near the area to park it, getting off the motorcycle and heading inside. The figure walked into the store, seeing a lot of customers as well as the six girls, who turn to the figure staring at them, he turns away while heading to an empty seat.
The figure was a tall, athletic teenage boy with short & slightly spiky black hair, pale skin, a scar going down the right side of his face while having a black eye patch cover his right eye, a cold indigo left eye and was wearing a black shirt with twin scythes in an X formation with a dragon skull above it, dark blue jeans and black & dark gray shoes.
Barry then appeared before the figure.
Barry: Welcome to Sweet Justice, you must be a newcomer here in Metropolis. How can I help you? May I take your order? What would you like on our menu today?
???: (Looks at the menu, spoke in a calm voice) Hmmm... I'll have your Death by Chocolate special.
Barry: Coming right up!
Barry quickly left and comes back with the order, placing it on the table in front of the figure. The figure takes out his wallet which had a huge wad of cash, he takes some cash out with some chance & hands it to Barry.
Barry: Thank Sir, Enjoy your first ever Sweet Justice treat in metropolis!
Barry quickly left to tend to more customers while the figure takes a bite out of his dessert, the girls were watching the figure across the room.
Kara: Who is that guy?
Jessica; I haven't seen him around here before, he must be new here.
Diana: Perhaps we can introduce ourselves to the newcomer.
Karen: Are you sure? He looks kinda scary...
Kara: He doesn't look that intimidating, Karen. I mean, look at the eye patch and scar.
Jessica: What about it? It must've been from some injury.
Kara: It screams hardcore.
Zee: I don't know about talking to that guy, I sense something... cold about him.
Diana: Nonsense, there's no need to fear a new face in metropolis.
Karen: Babs, do you have-Babs? Babs?
The girls noticed that Babs was quiet only to find her not in her seat and found out that she was across the room, heading to the mysterious teenage boy.
Karen: Oh no...
Jessica: Babs, what are you doing?!
Kara: Already jumping the gun.
The figure was enjoying his treat until something or... someone caught his eye and turns to find Babs standing near him with a big smile.
???: ..... Can I help you?
Babs: Oh Nonono. I just wanted to come by and welcome a new face to Metropolis and Sweet Justice. I'm Barbara Gordon but my friends call me Babs. (Holds out her hand for a handshake)
The figure gives a slight smile and reaches out to shake her hand.
???: Nice to meet you Babs. Hmm, Babs. Quite the nickname.
Babs: Hehehe. Thanks.
???: I'm Blake. And I'm not really new to metropolis, I used to live in this city when I was little. I have to... move back then.
Babs: Oh.
Blake: I must say... Metropolis has changed quite a lot since I've been away.
Babs: Well is this your first time at Sweet Justice?
Blake: Yes. I must say that the desserts here are a rare exquisite dish.
Babs: (smiles) You know it! Say, you look like you could use a couple of friends.
Blake: Sure, why not.
Soon, Diana, Jessica, Kara, Karen and Zee appeared. Karen was hiding behind Kara all nervous while Zee was giving Blake a suspicious look.
Blake: Are these girls your friends too?
Babs: Yep! (To the girls) Guys, this is Blake! He used to live in metropolis when he was little.
Blake: It's nice to meet you all.
Diana: The same, I am Diana Prince.
Kara: Name's Kara. Kara Danvers.
Karen: (nervous) K-Karen Beecher.
Jessica: I'm Jessica Cruz, please to meet you.
Zee: (suspicious stare) Zee Zatara.
Luckily, Blake didn't noticed the suspicious look in her eyes.
Blake: Zatara...? Zatara...? I've heard of that name before. Oh... The Amazing Magician Zatara, I remember going to one of his shows as a kid along with my mother & twin brother, you must be his daughter, right?
Zee: Why yes. Yes I am. I'm now doing my own spectacular acts as a magician, the Fabulous & Awe inspiring Zee Zatara (does her signature pose)
Blake: That's neat. I hope to see one of your shows sometime, if your father is marvelous at his acts, I can't wait to see what magic acts you have, Lady Zee.
Zee blushes at that.
Zee: Well ahem... Sure.
Jessica: So Blake, can you tell us about yourself-
Kara: Like how you got that crazy scar?
Jessica: (stern) Kara!
Blake: It's fine. It was from uh... A hunting accident during my camping trips, crossed paths with a grizzly bear, fought it, it took my right eye, I took his left eye with my knife and it ran off.
Karen almost fainted.
Kara: That's hardcore!
Babs: Sorry about your eye.
Blake: No worries. I've learned to see perfectly with just one eye. I also come from a very rich family but don't worry, we're not one of those spoiled, high & mighty families. I have 4 sisters and 4 brothers, they're off on their own vacations around the world.
Jessica: Neat. And what about your parents?
Blake had a dark look.
Diana: Comrade Blake?
Blake: (Sighs) .... They're no longer among the living...
The girls were shocked.
Jessica: Oh Dios Mio... I'm so sorry I brought it up-
Blake: It's okay, you didn't know. They were very kind, loyal and wise... Gave me and my siblings the strength to move on in life. (In his head) Their killer is still out there and I intend to hunt him down and settle the score.
Diana: Well your late parents are right about one thing, no matter how tough the challenge, you must overcome the obstacles and move forward.
Blake: Yeah. So true.
Blake and the girls continued their conversation while finishing their desserts for a moment before deciding to leave Sweet Justice, Blake got back on his motorcycle.
Kara: (whistles impressed) Nice ride.
Blake: Thanks.
Babs: Well, it's a shame we can hang out more today but there's always next time, right?
Blake: Sure, when I'm not busy then we can hang out some other time, my treat and I'll pay.
Jessica: You don't have to do that.
Blake: No, I insist. Wherever you guys wish to go the next time we get together, I'll pay money for it.
Karen: O-Ok.
Zee: See you later. (In her head) He's a nice guy but I still sense something within him... something cold and dark...
Blake: See ya girls later.
Girls: Bye!/See ya!/Farewell for now, new comrade!
Then Blake then drove off.
Meanwhile at downtown of Metropolis, there was a slightly tall, figure in a gold, green, purple and silver armored bodysuit, gloves, boots and helmet with glowing yellow eyes & a golden L symbol on the chest was seen trashing up places... Teens would hang out?
???: (Distorted voice) Hahahahaha!!! That's gotta go! Oh that place won't be missed! And that place... oh I don't wanna get started on that!
Suddenly, the armored figure was blasted by a red laser from the side, being sent flying but luckily, the figure stopped itself from going further and turns to see Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Bumblebee, Green Lantern and Batgirl.
Supergirl: Hey iron reject, ready for a trip to the scrapyard? (Cracks her knuckles)
???: You again... You superhero jerks!
Batgirl: Aha! So you've finally had the gal to show your true colors in this pure destruction, Lex luthor!
???: LEX LUTHOR?!?! SERIOUSLY?! AGAIN?! Hold on...
Pressing the button on the back of the helmet, the armor opened up to reveal a little girl with long blonde hair wrapped up in an upwards ponytail in a dark green bow, light green eyes, light skin and wearing a short sleeve white shirt with a dark purple sweater vest, dark green plaid skirt, white socks and black shoes.
It was Lex's smart yet spoiled and bratty little sister, Lena Luthor.
Lena: Surprise!
Supergirl: You're that brat that tried to destroy metropolis' teen hangouts, including the piers.
Bumblebee: And you tried to imprison every teen's mind in your VR world while you and the kids try to rule Metropolis.
Supergirl: Still was the dumbest plan, EVER.
Lena: Be quiet! You ruined my plans to finally shine, to get back at & outdo my brother and you got me grounded, so I plotted my revenge, made this new suit to destroy every (mocks) "oh so cool teen place in Metropolis" to draw you out so I can get rid of you! Once you're out of the way, I'll be known as the child prodigy who took out the superhero girls and finally kids shall rule Metropolis! Mwahahahaha!
Batgirl: So basically... You're trying the same plan you did before but differently?
Supergirl: Still laaaaaaame.
Lena: You're laaaaaaame!! Don't think you'll beat me a second time cuz I've made this armor custom made to take you out!
Lena went back into her armor.
Armored Lena: Now, who wants to have their butt kicked first?!
Supergirl: Heh. You're the only one who's going to have her butt kicked.
Supergirl flies towards the Armored Lena and gears up for a super punch only for the kid to aim her glove and fired a glowing green net to ensnare Supergirl, Armored Lena punched her repeatedly before kicking her down as she fell.
Supergirl: Aaaaagghhhh!!!
Wonder Woman: Supergirl!
Supergirl: (weakly) Can't... Break free... Aaaauuuh... K-Kryptonite...
Armored Lena: Luckily, I read my jerky brother's notes.
Bumblebee shrunk to microscopic size to sneak into Armored Lena's weak spots to find a way to short circuit or shut the armor off but the moment she entered the exposed parts of the armor, she was electrocuted.
Bumblebee: AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Armored Lena: You think that same trick was gonna work on me twice, don't make me laugh!
Bumblebee returned to her normal size as she fell unconscious but Green Lantern caught her.
Armored Lena heard Zatanna's incantation followed by a magic blast, getting hit by them. She growled angrily as Zatanna surrounded her with illusion/clones of herself, firing magic blasts at her.
Armored Lena: Ugh! You're like a bunch of flies! Be swatted away!!!
Armored Lena formed a light green barrier that shot green energy blasts everywhere that struck the illusions and the real Zatanna!
Zatanna: Ahh!
Armored Lena: There you are!
Armored Lena fired a blast of purple ooze from her glove at Zatanna's mouth followed by her body, landing on a nearby truck.
Zatanna: Mmmph?! Mmmmmmph!!!
Armored Lena: Hahahahahaha!!!
Armored Lena then aims a laser blast at the trapped Zatanna only to be caught by two green construct hands.
Green Lantern: Lena, be reasonable. Do you think this senseless destruction is going to get you what you want?
Armored Lena: Let go of me, green loser!
Armored Lena fired a massive laser blast from her eyes to hit Green Lantern, who yelled out in pain as the constructs faded to release the suited girl. She turns to see Wonder Woman and Batgirl was left, pulling out a plasma blade.
Batgirl: This isn't good, her armored suit is ten times as strong as the mech suit she used last time!
Wonder Woman: The armor is strong but not invincible, a weakness has to be present to deliver the finishing blow.
Wonder Woman blocks the Laser blasts with her shield while Batgirl was avoiding the blasts while throwing batarangs at Armored Lena, one of them piercing the laser palm to short circuit the blast.
Armored Lena: Ahh! Nononono! (Losing control of the laser blasts firing randomly) What did you idiots do?!?!
Armored Lena lunged at Batgirl with the plasma blade in the good hand to slice her only for Wonder Woman to block the attack with her sword, trading sword strikes with the armored kid. While the two were having a duel of swords, Batgirl heads up top via grapple gun to get a better view to find any clues or leads to any weaknesses to the armor, she already damaged one of Armored Lena's laser gloves so that's a plus. Seeing Wonder Woman and Armored Lena continue their battle of the blades, a glint caught Batgirl's eye and spotted a small but shiny light orb on the back of the armor.
Batgirl: Yes! Found the weak spot!
Batgirl pulls out her new special electric batarang and aimed it but didn't throw it yet, trying to get a clear shot at the weak spot and not wanting to hit Wonder Woman by mistake.
Batgirl: C'mon... C'mon... Just turn the other way...
Armored Lena and Wonder Woman were still trading fierce blows with each other until Armored Lena's back was turned.
Batgirl: There!
Batgirl throws the new batarang which did a couple of spins before finally hitting the target being the weak spot of the armor, causing an electric frequency to eclipsed the armor itself.
Armored Lena: What the?! Controls aren't responding! What's happening?! No! You cheated again! You cheated again! You must have! I was supposed to win this time!!!
Wonder Woman: Sorry but this battle ends.
Wonder Woman delivered a shield/punch attack to the chest of Armored Lena, causing her to fall flat on her back. Batgirl leaps down and runs towards Wonder Woman.
Batgirl: Yes! Caught the weak spot and stopped the bad guy!
Wonder Woman: Huzzah! Well done, Batgirl.
The short circuited armor shot out steam & opened up as Lena came out, completely angry.
Lena: IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR! I MADE THAT ARMOR TEN TIMES AS BETTER THAN ANYTHING MY STUPID BROTHER COULD MAKE AND I STILL LOST! (Glares at Batgirl and Wonder Woman) This isn't over! You'll pay for this, you super jerks, my brother and everyone will know that I'm not an afterthought to be taken lightly, you have not seen the last of me!!!
Lena activated a jet pack and flew away. Batgirl and Wonder Woman checked on the others, Bumblebee & Green Lantern regaining consciousness while getting the kryptonite net off of Supergirl and freeing Zatanna from the ooze trap.
Supergirl: Ugh... I really hate Kryptonite...!
Zatanna: I'm gonna need 10 showers after this... (Trying to get ooze off her hair & super suit)
Batgirl: Are you okay?
Bumblebee: Y-Yeah, the shock really g-got me there but I-I'll be fine.
Green Lantern: Me too. What happened to that Lena girl?
Wonder Woman: She fled. Let us head home for now.
The rest of superhero girls nodded as they took off, unaware that someone was watching the entire fight and vanished without a trace.
At the park, Lena was seen on the bench, moping with an angry pout.
Lena: Stupid armor, stupid brother, stupid superhero jerks. This isn't over, I will make them pay and kids shall take over metropolis.
???: Perhaps you should find a suitable way to express your gifts.
Lena: Huh?
Lena looks around and sees Blake approaching her.
Lena: (glares at him) Who are you? What do you want, dumb teenager?
Blake: Easy, Easy. I come in peace. May I sit with you?
Lena: Whatevs.
Blake sat next to Lena.
Blake: I saw your little fight with the superhero girls (Lena's eyes widened) I must say despite being a little girl, you have quite the intelligence to make a state of art armored tech.
Lena: Well uh thanks, I tend to study a lot and listen.
Blake: You're welcome. Now answer me this, why would you cause this kind of chaos for.... Kid world domination?
Lena: I'm tired of dumb teenagers, including my dopey brother lex always looking down on me and belittling me because I'm a kid so I wanted to get them back (huffs angrily) Hmph!
Blake: Jealousy, Sibling rivalry, I see... It brings out the best & worst in brothers & sisters. I take it that lex wasn't a good brother to you?
Lena: Of course he wasn't.
Blake: Well I say he's a fool for not seeing such potential in you.
Lena: Y-You think I have potential?
Blake: Of course but is destroying everything and getting rid of teens the way to show off your gift in intelligence? You could severely hurt people or worst.
Lena slowly begins to think about it before gasping in realization.
Blake: The path of a villain is not for you, especially at a young age. You'll be hated and feared by all as you're hunted down by the authorities and superheroes alike for hurting and killing innocent people all because your brother pushed you to the edge.
Lena: .....Oh man, you're right. I didn't think this through clear enough, I'm sorry.
Blake: (places a hand on Lena's shoulder) No need, you made a mistake and admit your mistakes. Like I said, you have potential but villainy isn't the way to let it rise at a young age.
Lena: Okay. You know, you act more like a real brother than Lex.
Blake: (chuckles) Well, I'm not your actual brother but if you need a brother figure then I'll be there to help you out.
Lena smiles and hugs Blake, who returned the hug.
Lena: Thank you.
Blake: You're welcome. Here, I'll take you home and no, I won't breathe a word of what happened tonight with the heroes to your family.
Lena: Actually, I kinda told my family I was sleeping over a random friend's house so I can take my armor out in secret, could I spend the night at your place?
Blake: Sure, why not. I have plenty of rooms at the vacation home I bought.
Lena: Thanks big brother!
Blake chuckles at being called Big Brother.
Blake: No problem. And I'll even help you further your potential and put it to good use.
Blake and Lena leave the park.
To be continued...
(The first chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! Summer is here for the girls to spend 3 months on vacation and they made a new friend in the form of the mysterious Blake (my OC) but Zee and Karen still have some suspicious thoughts about him. Lena Luthor returns and attacks again but was defeated again by the superhero girls, however, Blake appears before her & helps stir her away from the path of a villain to assist her in putting her potential to good use. What's next for him and the others? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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