A sharp gasp was heard as Diana sat up with wide eyes, looking around frantically.
Diana: Huh? Where am I?! What is this place?!
The Amazon got to her feet, dressed in a two piece black, gold and white trim swimsuit. Diana glances at her surroundings, a tropical area with beachy sand and an endless sea with the skies covered by gray clouds.
She was on an island. An island?! The last thing Diana remembered was it was an extremely hot day in Metropolis and the heatwave was MAXIMUM! So she and her friends decided to go to the beach, having a good time until a strange yellow orange blinding light came into view & it wasn't from the sun, the light engulfed the group and now.... Diana is here.
Diana: That blinding light brought me here, whoever or whatever is responsible for that will answer for this. But I wonder if my friends are somewhere on this island.
Diana continues to walk around in search of her friends and allies.
Diana: Hello? Helloooooooooo?! Anyone present here?!
Then Diana spots the group comprised of Blake, Beck, Mason, Logan, Rhea, Harold, Neville, Babs, Jessica, Karen, Kara, Zee, Barbi, Hal, Garth, Oliver, Leslie, Doris, Pam, Carol, Tatsu and Lena.
Blake was wearing a dark gray tank top, a black swimming trunks with a skeletal dragon symbol on the left side of the leg. Beck was wearing a black & red flame patterned swimming trunks. Mason was wearing a black & indigo swimming trunks. Harold was wearing a black top and swimming trunks with blue claw marks. Neville was wearing a white & blue swimming trunks with a claymore blade on the left leg side. Logan was wearing a white top & black & cyan blue swimming trunks with a kanji symbol for strong on the right leg side. Hal was wearing a green & black swimming suit. Garth was wearing a red & blue swimming trunks. And Oliver was wearing a pear green & dark green trunks.
Babs was wearing a full sleeve purple, yellow & black wetsuit with a bat symbol on the right. Kara was wearing a dark blue & black swim top and slim black swimming trunks. Jessica was wearing a two piece green & white swimsuit. Karen was wearing a full sleeve & leg, black & yellow bee stripe wetsuit. Zee was wearing a black, white and purple glamorous two piece swimsuit. Barbi was wearing a one piece black & golden yellow swimsuit with cheetah spots on the back. Rhea was wearing black bikini top with twin skulls on it & slim black & silver trunks with skeleton fingers on both sides. Leslie was wearing a sleeveless & backless one piece swimsuit with two blue lightning bolts heading downwards. Doris was wearing a two piece black and orange swim top and trunks. Pam was wearing a one piece black swimsuit with leaf patterns. Carol was wearing a two piece white, pink & purple glamorous swimsuit with hearts on the side. Tatsu was wearing a white swim top with a red dot on it & slim white & red trunks. And Lena was wearing a purple & green short sleeved/short legged wetsuit.
They were all laying in the sand, unconscious. The Amazon quickly ran to the group, getting to the closest one being Babs.
Diana: By the gods, friends! Babs, please don't be deceased! (Pounds Babs' chest with her fists) Live I tell you, live by the power of Zeus!
Soon after, Babs jolted up awake, spewing up water rapidly in a comedic fashion in the sand for a solid 10 minutes until she was breathing rapidly.
Diana: Babs, oh thank the gods you're okay!
Babs: I... I think swallowed a trout...! But I'll live.
The rest of the group were heard groaning, slowly awakening except for Blake and Rhea.
Diana: Friends, you're alright!
Zee: Oh my head...
Neville: What happened?
Hal: I remember chatting with some beach babes but the rest is a blur.
Jessica: (blunt) Really? That's all you remember?
Garth: I remember a bright light, a strange yellow orange light and the rest is all blank.
Diana: We're on an island.
All: (except Blake and Rhea) WHAT?!?!?!
Everyone looked around and took Diana's words to an account.
Barbi: How in the blazes did we get on a deserted island?!?!
Oliver: This is absurd, we were merely at the beach trying to escape the hazardous effects of it's dreaded heatwave and this catastrophe happens?!
Beck: (to Blake and Rhea) Blake? Rhea? Time to wake up, we're in a situation here! Wake up! WAKE UP-
Blake and Rhea's eyes shot open and shot a double punch to Beck, who held his face in pain. The two sat up and saw what happened.
Beck: Agh! Damn it!
Blake: My apologies brother.
Rhea: A muscle spasms there, mate. You alright?
Beck: I'm good. That hurt but it's not the first time I was punched in the face. Anyways, you might want to see where we are.
Blake and Rhea look around, seeing the endless seas, the island itself and the dark gray clouds.
Rhea: What.
Blake: The.
Rhea: Hell?!
Karen: T-This is bad! We're stranded!
Kara: Heh. Don't worry, I don't know who or what got us here but I'll find metropolis and come back with a boat. Ready, set, fly!
Kara then jumps up high to fly.... only to drop back down to land body first in the sand.
Kara: (muffled) Owwww... (Sits up) What the?!
Kara gets up and jumps to fly only to fall back down again.
Leslie: Geez lose your touch, Danvers?
Kara: Oh no. Oh nononono! This can't be happening again! My power aren't working!
Zee: Perhaps I can teleport us out of here.
Zee performs an inverted chant to teleport spell but nothing happened.
Zee: What?!
Zee tries the spell chant again only to get nothing.
Zee: I don't understand, my spell has never been flawed like this!
Oliver: (smug) Maybe my dear stage rival, you've lost your touch... Not that you'd had it to begin with.
Zee: Grrr....!!
Mason: I can't access my powers either.
Leslie: (grunts, getting no spark of electricity) Seriously?! Mine too?!
Lena: I can't go Lady Ultra!
Barbi: My powers aren't working!
Pam: Same with me.
Jessica: My lantern ring's isn't responding!
Hal: Mine's out!
Carol: Mine isn't either!
Most of the group with powers tried to work their abilities but nothing happened. Those without powers were missing their uses of weaponry like Babs' gadgets, Karen's new Honeycomb necklace to go Ult. Bumblebee, Oliver's bow & arrows, Tatsu's soul taker blade, etc.
Harold: This rather strange.
Neville: Aye. It's true.
Kara: This can't be happening! This can't happening again!
Doris: Again? What're you freaking on about?
Karen: S-She once came in contact with gold kryptonite which shuts down a Kryptonian's p-powers. Long story.
Tatsu: Hmmm. A strange yellow orange light, marooned on an island with most of us depowered and our arsenal items missing. Rather strange but we must be vigilant, whose to say this island isn't inhabited?
Diana: Yes, we'll have to be on guard for whoever or whatever inhabits this island.
Carol: And how?! We're basically powerless and most of the group with no powers don't have their armor, weapons and stuff!
Blake: Then we use what we know and learned.
Mason: Indeed. They are situations where you could lose your powers, you rely on them too much.
Barbi: I've learned that during my training regiments. If you're in this situation, use what you learned, be aware of your surroundings and train your body & mind for survival. Powers are great but rely on them too much and your mistake in that will be your final.
Babs: Well I've got nothing to worry about. I've been trained to be a dangerous weapon, like Batman!
Hal: Yeah. I endured a lot of things in life and whatever this island has for Hal Jordan (smirks confidently) Bring it on!
Hal screamed and jumped into Kara's arms, shaking from the roar behind him but heard giggling and turns to Rhea.
Rhea: Hehehehahaha! Ah your face was priceless!
Hal: That was you?! Not funny!
Rhea: You're right, it wasn't funny... It was Hilarious!
Rhea, Leslie and Doris laughed while Kara dropped Hal on his back.
Carol: (in her head) How embarrassing and I used to be in love him?
Leslie: You scared Hal right out of his pants with that roar, it sounded like a Godzilla roar. How'd you do it?
Rhea: Natural talent.
Rhea: Hmm?
The group look up at the dark clouds as the lightning flashed, thunder roared and rain begins to pour along with high winds and the seas going rapid.
Logan: The storm has come.
Garth and Karen held each other.
Jessica: What'll we do?!
Diana: We find shelter, head into the forest!
The group nodded and ran into the forest, the storm started to intensify greatly. Diana, Babs, Kara, Jessica, Karen, Zee, Blake, Beck, Mason, Neville, Logan, Harold, Hal, Garth, Oliver, Leslie, Doris, Pam, Carol, Tatsu, Lena & Rhea kept on running while some were traveling by tree, the forest seem endless at this point until Babs spots a nearby cave.
Babs: Quick, in that cave!
Oliver: Are you insane?!
Zee: Would you rather take your chances with this chaotic storm?!
Oliver: I laugh in the face of danger-
He was struck by lightning.
The green archer was covered in bruises with his hair smoking.
Oliver: O-On second thought... Take shelter in the cave!
Everyone ran towards and got inside the cave to avoid getting struck by lightning. Inside, the group was catching their breath.
Leslie: (breathes) No... More... Running...
Kara: (breathes) My... Muscles are burning... and aching, they never burn or ache... How do you guys live like this?!
Doris: Oh suck it up, Danvers! I don't have any powers right now & you don't see me complaining. And Leslie, maybe you should lay off the pies! You ran faster than that before, you're getting slow & plump!
Kara: Oh you wouldn't have a problem with it, you're human and I'm a Kryptonian!
Leslie: Leave my dessert outta this! And I'm not getting plump!
Pam: Kara's power complaining & Leslie's sweet addiction aside...
Kara & Leslie: Hey!
Pam: We need to figure out this situation, whoever or whatever did this must be on this island somewhere, even watching us....
Babs: And planning something if he, she or it managed to surpress our powers and take our weapons and gadgets!
Lena: And where do we begin? A terrible storm is out there and it's cold in this cave.
A growling sound was heard.
Hal: Ok Rhea, I don't think you can get me again.
Rhea: That wasn't me.
Everyone turns around to the deepest and darkest part of the cave, seeing deep green eyes and heavy footsteps as a Parasitic Grizzly appeared with a distorted roar.
Carol: (hugs Logan & screams) Aaaah!!! What is that?!
Kara: Hey! That's the first monster that tried to drain me!
Blake: A Parasitic Grizzly.
Beck: And a very ugly one at that.
The Parasitic Grizzly growled and lunged at the group but Diana got in front and lock hands/claws with the beast. The Parasitic Grizzly morphed it's claws into a glowing green tentacle visage to ensnare Diana's arms & begins to drain her.
Diana: Agh... Aaaaaagggghhh!!!
The Beast was feeding off her strength & life force until it received a solid kick from Barbi, making the monster release the Amazon as Jessica helped her.
Jessica: Diana!
Diana: I-I'm fine... By Hades was that? I felt drained.
Mason: It can drain your life force & strength to strengthen itself.
The group look at Barbi delivering repeated bicycle kicks to the Parasitic Grizzly while Beck joined in by punching it's gut in, the beast grabbed Barbi and threw her to the cave walls and then nailed Beck with a sharp left swing. Morphing it's arms into multiple, glowing green tentacle visages, the beast shot the tendrils at the group, some dodged the strikes but Zee, Carol, Garth, Oliver, Harold, Lena and Leslie got caught.
Zee: Hey! Let me go! Eeep!! Stop that!
Garth: I'm too young to be drained! Would you prefer berries?!
Leslie: H-Hey! Keep your claws or tendrils or whatever to yourself, Grizzly Ghoul!
Harold was elbowing & punching the tendrils holding him.
Oliver: I can feel my life force leaving me! Is this the end of the king of the stage?!
Lena: Why do I feel weak all of sudden... Big brother Blake... Help... Me...
Carol: (tearful eyes) AAAAAH!! LOGAN! HELP ME!!
Logan and Mason spot some sharp broken long sticks and grab them, lunging at the Parasitic Grizzly who was in a vulnerable spot in absorbing the life force of Zee, Garth, Leslie, Harold, Oliver, Lena & Carol, the two leaped up and drove the sharp sticks through the beast's eyes, making it roar and release the seven and clutches it's eyes in pain. Oliver landed on his stomach, Garth was caught by Kara, Harold landed on his feet, Mason & Logan caught Zee & Carol while Blake caught Leslie & Lena.
Kara: Gotcha.
Garth: (smiles) Thanks Kara.
Mason: Are you okay?
Zee: I think so, thanks darling (smiles).
Logan: You're not hurt, are you Carol?
Carol: A little tired from the drain (smiles sweetly) but thank you, my hero~
Blake: You two good?
Lena: I'm fine, feel a little tired though.
Leslie: Is this how electric devices feel when I drain them to power up? Ugh. But thanks for the catch, Blakers.
They heard a loud angry roar when the Parasitic Grizzly who pulled the sharp sticks out with it's eyes healed, snarled ferociously. The Monster charges at the nearest in the group but Tatsu got in the way. The Parasitic Grizzly hits a downward claw chop only for Tatsu who side step it, the beast goes for right claw swing but Tatsu ducked underneath and avoided the forward left tendril claw and delivered a couple of solid and swift strikes to the sides of the Parasitic Grizzly, who grunts and groans.
Tatsu: Your sides are vulnerable.
The Beast roared and tries to smash Tatsu, who avoided the double fists and flipped over the monster and kicked in the back, sending it forward as Hal ran in.
Hal: Hut. Hut. Hike!
Hal tackled the monster hard against the wall but stepped away to avoid being caught by the tendril tentacles, Diana found her strength and charged with a battle cry, firing a couple of punches and kicks to the beast, who struck back with it's claws. Tatsu joined in along with Babs, Doris, Blake, Neville, Rhea and surprisingly Kara who has no powers, all taking hits to the beast with team formation combo attacks while avoiding the tendrils. The Parasitic Grizzly soon send them all flying with a roar, covered in wounds, Rhea got up as the Punk Aussie narrowed her eyes while snorting like an angry bull, charging to the beast.
The Parasitic Grizzly shot it's tendrils at her but she ducks underneath and speared the creature to the ground, repeatedly hammering away at the beast with punch after punch after punch. The creature tried to pry and knock Rhea off but the Aussie wasn't letting up and continuing to pummel the beast's face in, ignoring the pain. The Parasitic Grizzly was going to drain her but Blake and Doris got a sharp stick and drove it into the upper arms, earning a roar of pain. Rhea snarled & switched positions to get behind the Parasitic Grizzly, wrapping her arms around it's, squeezing as hard as she could, the beast put up a fight to get Rhea off but The Punk Aussie wouldn't budge, holding on tight until she turned the beast's neck clean around with a sickening snap to rip off it's head.
Crack!!! Snap!!
The beast fell with a limp with Rhea getting to her feet with a primal victory roar.
Blake: Good work everyone.
Doris: Yeah... That monster was crazy...
Rhea: You're welcome mate.
Oliver: My god, you snapped the beast's neck?
Garth: A-And ripped it's head off.
Rhea: Ain't the first bear I wrestled. But my first monster bear, that was radical, my wounds aside though.
Beck helps Barbi up.
Beck: Barbi.
Barbi: I'm fine but I think my shoulder is dislocated from the impact... (hisses in pain)
Beck: I can put it back in place but it might hurt.
Barbi: I'd had worse, Just do it please.
Beck takes her left arm/shoulder and...
Barbi: Rrrgggghhhh! (Her shoulder was put back in place)
Beck comforts his girlfriend.
Karen: Garth, are you okay?
Garth: A little worn out but I'll be okay.
Kara: That's good, would have lost you there (rubs Garth hair)
Garth: Thank goodness that didn't happen and you helped fight that monster without your powers, again!
Kara: Heh. I guess I did (flexed her arms) Looks like I'm still awesome, powers or no powers!
Babs: Yeah! Despite the wounds and scars!
Kara: Yeah! Despite the-Wait what?
Kara sees the scars and wounds she got from the fight and we cut to the island as Kara was heard screaming loudly with a flock of birds flying in the south.
Later in the stormy night...
Within the cave, the group sat by the campfire from the wood they collected, Pam didn't really like it but for once she had to make an exception no matter how much she disliked it or they would get cold. After tending to some of the group's wounds, Blake, Diana, Tatsu, Barbi, Harold and Rhea went out and later comes back with some fruits, fish and some wild hogs to cook & eat. Diana prepared the meal to suffice for the group while some like Jessica stuck to the fruits.
Everyone was sitting by the fire, thunder boomed outside spooking Karen and Lena. Kara and Diana comfort the little bee while Blake & Barbi comfort the young girl genius.
Oliver: 10 years... 10 years we've been stranded on this atrocious island... By what & by whom you'll never know...
Hal: Oliver man, we've been on this island for one day.
Leslie: Betcha all the non-stop acting roles finally made him snap.
Oliver: We're never getting out of here! We're doomed to wander this accursed island for eternity-
Doris punched the green archer's face in.
Oliver: Okay... Ouch & thanks, I needed that.
Doris: Whatever.
Babs: If that Parasitic Grizzly was around here then maybe there a bunch of the accursed monsters roaming this island?! They were probably using this island as a prison to get us & every hero out of the way so the Beasts can descend upon Metropolis!
Jessica: Babs, I'm not really sure about that.
Kara: Yeah, if that were the case, my cousin, Flash, Hawkman and a couple more heroes, we would've noticed them here by now.
Carol: So we're the only ones brought here with no powers or weaponry, an island full of those creepy monsters?! They're either trying to wait for us to rot here or play a twisted game which resolves in hunting us like prey!
Harold: Then don't be prey.
Carol shivers under his dark tone, Logan comforts her which the violet lantern lovingly & safely returned. Hal saw this & frowned, he was glad Carol found someone after their break up but he felt something inside him like how he felt when Carol was with Thail Sinclair/Sinestro, he pushed those jealous feelings in the back of his mind, He & Carol weren't together anymore as he needed to move on, the jock learned that acting on jealousy will make things worse. At least Carol was happy with someone who actually loves her back.
He now needs to find someone he can be happy with. He was Hal Jordan, Green Lantern extraordinaire & ladies' man as he thought. But first, he needed to get off this island.
Rhea: Hunt or be Hunted. Powers won't get us out of this island. Only thing we can do is search the island & find anything that might lead us to the clues we're looking for.
Diana: Sister Rhea speaks the truth. For now, all of you rest up. I shall take watch in case any monsters appear.
Tatsu: I shall accompany you on that task.
Everyone nodded & got ready for bed while Diana and Tatsu grabbed sharp sticks and sat near the front entrance to keep watch & guard. Soon, everyone slowly fell asleep, hours went by and when there was no sight of any of the accursed monsters, Diana and Tatsu then begin to rest as well.
The next 5 days...
The rain stopped this morning and the group awake well rested. Everyone left the cave to search around the island, finding food, means of making hunting weapons & more accursed monsters of different shapes and sizes to fight & survive them.
The group were in the south of island beach where some more accursed monsters spotted them, aiming to attack them. Some fought against the creatures while others defended the smaller parties. Blake made a warning that some of these accursed monsters are an infectious type similar to ones like the Lycanatura when Pam was infected.
The group nodded and kept on our guard to fight off these beasts, even using their makeshift weapons. It was a very difficult fight to receive damages and scars but the group managed to overcome against the odds, either finding a specific weak point to kill the accursed monsters or drive them away.
Blake: That should be the last, did anyone get bit or scratched by any infectious type beasts?
Diana: No. We received damage yes but no contagious bite marks or scratches.
Carol's enraged yell was heard as everyone sees the violet lantern chasing away an alligator like creature with silver skin & was five times bigger than a normal gator but it was running out of fear from Carol.
Carol was breathing heavily before calming down & turning to help Logan up.
Carol: (worried tone) Oh Logy Wogy, are you okay?!
Logan: I'm okay. Thanks for the save, that beast would've got me with that sneak shot if you hadn't come along, I'm grateful to you for that. (Smiles)
Carol: (giggles) Hehehe, oh it was nothing.
Leslie & Doris: (in her mind) And I thought she was crazy before when she was dating Hal.
Jessica: Garth, Karen & Lena are safe.
???: (A gruff male voice) Hohohohoho! But for how long...?
Everyone heard the voice but saw none around.
Kara: Who was that?
Pam: (blunt) An invisible man, how should I know?
Beck: Show yourself!
???: If you insist...
A yellow orange light appeared before the group, who braced themselves. The light faded with the group seeing the figure; A slightly tall, slight fat male humanoid creature with pale skin & strange marks, was bald, had a blindfold over his eyes, a long white moustache/beard & was wearing a black sash, dark gray & white pants, bandages wrapped around his hands & bare feet. He was carrying a strange wooden staff with an yellow orange gem wrapped it's branches.
???: Behold young ones, I am the Horrid Hermit of the island. Bask in my presence.
Everyone looks at him, deadpanned.
Horrid Hermit: I said Bask!
Diana: There will be no basking of your kind, demon!
Babs: That flash of yellow orange light. It was you! You're the one who brought us here!
Horrid Hermit: Guilty as charged. You see I hasn't had much guests around here, since the last few years...
Lena: (rolls her eyes) Gee, I wonder why...?
Horrid Hermit: But then Core told me about you all & gave me an offering in the form of you heroes & hybrids with some bonus ones indeed. So far, you've proved to be entertaining.
Hal: And what exactly are you planning on doing with us?
Doris: Who cares about his plan, I say we beat the daylights out of him so we can get home!
Horrid Hermit: (smiles deviously) Home? Hehehe, sorry but this is your new home! You'll be here forever as my personal entertainment like all the others...
Zee: Like all the others? So we're not the first you've trapped on this island?!
Horrid Hermit: You guessed it, young purple haired one. I was once human you see, on a cruise ship when it collided with a valley of big, sharp rocks. No one but me survived and drifted to a strange island off the ends of the world, no one came to my rescue, swimming off this island was impossible as it had an unusual current pull that leads you back here, I grew insane as these creatures none of Accursed monsters came led by Core himself, who offered me power & the ability to leave this island in exchange for my loyalty to the Accursed Beasts, I accepted it.
Mason: You poor fool, there's always a price to pay when you deal with the Accursed Clan.
Horrid Hermit: Well whatta you expect? A nice guy who fell victim to the clan? No, I was a powerful, rich man rotten to the core now a rotten hermit monstrosity. After seeing the world, grew bored of it & grew fond of this island so I would entertain myself by bringing countless individuals to my island to see how long they can survive the monsters I was given control over on this island, some would give up quickly, go insane or fight but in the end they lose their lives or become the very monsters they fight, rinse and repeat. And now... I'm gonna enjoy how long you entertain me until I'm satisfied.
Barbi: (growled) Are you saying we're your personal circus act?!
Kara: (glares) You are out of your mind if you think you're gonna make circus freaks out of us!
Horrid Hermit: Ohhohohoho! And how are you going to stop me? With your powers?! Hohohoho! I hold the power that suppress your abilities whether meta, magic, alien, etc. You have no power to resist!
Blake: I'm not surprised you'd nullify our powers. Are you afraid...?
Beck: I bet you are. We really sees us all as threats to pull a trick like this.
Hal: (smirks) Oh yeah. He's definitely scared of us.
Horrid Hermit: I'm scared of you?! Ha! That's funny! Hear me laugh at you, Hohohohohoho!
Diana: A coward is what you are! You don't partake in a fair fight with us so you seal our powers & take our means of weapons while you still have your powers, you're afraid to face us at their best believing that your power is not enough to befall our own!
Horrid Hermit: Silence Amazon! I hold more power than all of you put together!!
Leslie: (smirks) I'm sorry hermit bozo but all I'm hearing is Buk Buk Buk Bawk Bah-bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk!
Horrid Hermit: I'm no chicken! My eyes are covered but I'm glaring angrily at you!
Oliver: Ha! You sir are petrified that you're not powerful as you claim which is why you sealed the powered ones and took away the weaponry of those most skilled, like myself of course.
Zee: (annoyed) Don't flatter yourself.
Horrid Hermit: ENOUGH!! You have incurred my anger, now you shall pay for it!
Using his strange staff, he fired a quick yellow orange beam before anyone could react, the beam hit Leslie.
Leslie: Aaaghhhh!
Blake: No!
Doris: Leslie!
Leslie: (arms turns into a puffy black/blue feathered wings) Aaaaauuhhh! Ack! (Mouth morphed into a sharp beak) Aggh! What the-Bawk! Buk Buk Bah-Cawk!
Leslie started morphing into a monstrous looking black & blue highlighted feather chicken with some traits of her human self & her swimsuit stay intact but was snug around her now rotund figure.
Horrid Hermit: Who's the Chicken now, hohohohoho!
Leslie: Bawk-Baaaaaaaaaah!!! You crazy old man, Buk Bawk Bawk!
Kara: Now that's just "Foul Play!"
Karen: Kara, seriously! Not helping!
Horrid Hermit: Hohohohoho! Foul Play, oh that's rich! That's golden, I wonder if she can lay a golden egg! Hohohoho!
Leslie: (Angry) That's not Bawk Bawk funny! (Clutching her head) Ugh! Oh no...!
Pam: Uh oh, I think I know what comes next.
Carol: Leslie, what's going on with you?
Babs: She's chickening out badly, no pun intended!
Garth: You mean she's gonna have a monster mind brainwashing?!
Leslie: Guys, agghh! Going... C-Crazy, make him change m-me bah Bawk Bawk Back! H-Hurry! Ack Bawk!!
Blake ran at the Horrid Hermit who was laughing and attempted to kick the staff out of his hand, which he did. The staff was knocked out of his hand.
Horrid Hermit: Hey!
The staff soon fell out of the air and Doris caught it.
Doris: Got it!
Lena: Great!
The hermit tried to get Doris but Blake kept him at bay. Leslie roared as the chicken monster shockjock was snarling at the group.
Neville: Uh oh.
Garth: Ummm, Doris. Now would be a good time to use that staff!
Doris: Quiet Nerd! I'm trying to figure it out!
Doris shook the staff and the gem glowed, Doris grips the staff as it started shooting beams out randomly!
Doris: Hey! Stop you stupid staff!
The group was dodging the random blasts but some got hit by them. First, one beam hit Hal and he grew a long beard which was alive as it scratches hal's back & rubs his hair.
Hal: Heh. Not bad, I could make it work.
Another beam hit Jessica and her hair turned into large venomous snakes!
Jessica: Aaaahhh! Dios Mio! Serpientes! (Snakes!) Doris!!
Another beam hit Garth, making into a humanoid fish with fins, scales, gills and all.
Garth: Whoa! Cool-Aaauuuh! This hasn't *gasp!* happened! Can't breathe... Need *gasp!* Water!
Garth quickly ran into the sea!
Another beam hit Zee, making her into a spider hybrid; a basically a centaur type, with her upper half human but her lower half was that of a spider, had six eyes & sharp fangs.
Zee: Ah! (To Mason) Don't look at me, I'm hideous!
Mason didn't listen and comforted Zee, who looked at him with sad eyes but he rubs her hair, telling her he won't leave his mistress's side which made her smile.
Oliver was laughing at Zee before he got shot to a beam and he was shrunk to the size of a mouse, while having mice ears, teeth and a tail.
Oliver: (squeaky voice) Oh darn you cruel fate!
Another beam hit Karen, who became a muscle bound girl with low intelligence.
Karen: Ah! Karen want be big but no like this!! Me feel less smarter-er-er? (Roars and punches the ground) Why Karen feel angry?! Karen smash! (Picks up rock & throws it in the water) Karen smash you all, Raaaaaaggh!!
Another beam hit Beck, who became a molten skinned, fire breathing dragon!
Beck: (breathes fire) ROOOOOOOAR!! Wait a minute, I can already became a dragon due to one of my guardians!
Barbi: Oh my!
Another beam hits Carol, her thighs widening and her butt growing 5 times it's size, followed by growing scales, fangs, claws, horns & a long spiked tail above her giant rear. She looked like a Godzilla hybrid.
Carol: EEEEEEEK!! My thighs! My butt! Claws! Fangs! Scales! Horns! A tail! I look like a human height, bottom heavy kaiju abomination! Doris, change me back right noooooOOOAAAAWWWRRR!!!
Carol accidentally shot an atomic breath at Logan, who barely ducked underneath it as it destroyed half the forest. Carol covered her mouth in shock & worry.
Carol: S-sorry...!
Logan: No harm done.
Another beam hits Kara, turning her into a fourarmed werewolf.
Harold growled.
Rhea: Yo Doris! Get that staff working right already!
Doris was getting sick of this and as monster chicken Leslie was about to attack her, Doris yelled in rage & smacked her with the staff, knocking her down.
Doris: Oops. Sorry Les. C'mon ya stupid staff, work right!
Doris aims it at Leslie, firing a beam that engulfed the chicken beast, changing the shockjock back to normal.
Doris: (smiles) Yes! Les, you alright?!
Leslie: Ugh, aside from the bump on my head, I'm fine Meathead. But now I have a craving for bird seeds.
Doris then aimed for fired at Hal, Jessica, Garth, Zee, Oliver, Karen, Beck, Carol & Kara, changing them back to normal.
Hal: Oh man, I was rocking that beard!
Blake was sent flying into the sea by the Horrid Hermit.
Leslie: Blake!
The shockjock ran and jumped into the sea after her boyfriend. The Horrid Hermit instantly appeared in front of Doris & palm strikes her into the rocks while taking his staff back.
Doris: Ngh!
Karen: Doris!
Horrid Hermit: Hmph! You dare touch my staff you fifthly swine! In fact, I should turn you into a swine & have you roasted for dinner!
He aims the staff at Doris to fulfill his promise but was kicked away by Tatsu.
Tatsu: Enough! This act of madness has gone on long enough, You want us to remain here forever then best me in combat. Me versus you, if I win then my friends & I go free.
Horrid Hermit: Oh a duel, eh? You versus me... Very well but WHEN I win, not only are your friends here forever to serve as entertainment for me... You are to become a vessel for one of the 11 Accursed Beasts!
Everyone gasped especially the hybrids, they already know the Accursed Beasts are looking for vessels to hold their spirits once at full power but it would be terrible for Tatsu to suffer that fate.
Tatsu: ...I accept.
Diana: Tatsu, don't do this! We can find another way!
Beck: She's right, we can just get that staff back from him and escape!
Tatsu: He made a mistake of arrogance of letting his guard down once to get his staff taken, he won't let his guard down like that again which is why I have to do this.
Babs: But if you lose, then in the end! One of the Accursed Beasts will use your body as a new suit of clothes!
Tatsu: I know but he must be stopped by my hands, If this is the best chance we have then I must fight him alone.
Tatsu turns to the Horrid Hermit, entering her fighting stance. The monster places his staff in the sand as it stood, entering his own fighting stance. A moment of silence filled the air before Tatsu runs at the horrid hermit, leaping up to connect a spin kick but the monster caught the attack and went for an uppercut only for Tatsu avoid it and intercept it. The two begin to trade an assortment of punches, kicks, counters and combo strikes to one another.
Tatsu delivered a couple of palms & punches before aiming for a low sweep kick but the horrid hermit jumps to hit Tatsu in her jaw with a backwards leaping kick before hitting her with a palm strike to the chest, knocking her away.
Diana: Tatsu!
Tatsu grunts and gets up, feeling her sore jaw, narrowing her eyes at her opponent.
Horrid Hermit: Hohohoho! Your kung fu is strong, but mine is stronger! My eyes may be blindfolded but I tell I drew first blood from you! Hohohoho!
Tatsu wipes her mouth and got into her fighting stance, running at the horrid hermit, who grinned and went for a straight palm strike but Tatsu leaped out of the way, flipping over him to hit a corkscrew kick to the back of his head, making him yell from the pain. Tatsu continued to stay on the offensive to delivering a swift combo attack to the sides & midsection of the monster, making grunts escape his lips from the damage. The Horrid Hermit snarled and caught the next strike of Tatsu, grip her right arm and twists it behind her back.
Tatsu: Ngh!
Horrid Hermit: You really are persistent and vigilant, perhaps before you become a vessel to the accursed beasts, I'll make a request to replicate you and have my own army of you, to serve me-
Tatsu hits a back kick to the face of the hermit creature, causing him to let go of her and grab his face in pain. Tatsu then grabs him and executes a judo flip to lay him out.
Tatsu: Don't assume your victory in the near future. Focus on the here and now, let your arrogance surface and you'll make a fatal mistake.
Babs: Woohoo!! Take him down Tatsu!
Leslie: Mop the sandy beach with him!
Kara: Make him get down on his monster knees and beg for mercy!!
The creature gets up to his feet.
Horrid Hermit: Hohohoho! Being serious, eh? Well I can play that game as well! Come at me!
The wielder of Soul Taker obliged, running at the hermit to deliver a couple of swift and strong punches and kicks but the Horrid Hermit would casually and effortlessly dodge and avoid each strike Tatsu was throwing at him.
Horrid Hermit: (dodging while letting out a bored yawn) Are your attacks even reaching me anymore? Hmph. Your attacks are all open to me (smirks) and now it's my turn to strike.
He nailed tatsu in the gut with a knee, following a long kick to the face to send her in the air to hit the ground, shocking the group. Tatsu groans, she slowly gets up and sees the horrid hermit in the air gearing for a mighty chop, Tatsu gets out of the way with the creature's chop striking the ground which shook immensely. He made a beeline for Tatsu to swiftly and wildly combo attack Tatsu, who was forced on the defensive but felt the horrific strength from his strikes.
Karen: T-Tatsu's in trouble!
Mason: It seems he stopped playing around...
The Horrid Hermit continues to wildly attack Tatsu who manages to dodge the best she could and strike back with her own combination of strikes, the two exchanging fierce shots to each other until tatsu tries to nail a jumping kick, the horrid hermit caught the kick and spun around like a twister and making Tatsu spin and damaged her as she fell to the ground, with wounds and parts of her swim wear tattered.
Horrid Hermit: What was that about never assuming victory because it appears that victory is mine.
Tatsu slowly gets to her feet, holding her arm & breathing heavily.
Tatsu: And you still assume... There is no victor until one of us incapable of fighting anymore...
Horrid Hermit: That can be arranged!
Horrid Hermit then begins to run around swiftly in a circle of wind. Tatsu kept on her guard as she started to get attacked from all sides, she defended herself and tries to attack but the creature was moving very fast.
Horrid Hermit: Where are you even looking?! I told you that your moves are open to me, can you even comprehend my power & skill? Are you eyes untrustworthy of seeing when I'm going to appear to attack?! Answer me you persistent girl!
He appears to the left with a fierce chop to tatsu's side, a crack sound was heard as Tatsu let out a sharp, pained gasp, falling to the ground.
Lena: Oh no!
Beck: I heard that sound, that chop cracked Tatsu's left rib. It'll be tough to breathe if the rib is targeted.
Rhea: This is bad, if Tatsu can't breathe then she'll have a difficult time fighting back.
The Horrid Hermit picks up Tatsu in a torture rack submission, causing her to grunt & gasp for air, feeling her sides burning before the creature slammed her left side first into the knee, Tatsu dropping to the sand, struggling and gasping in pain.
Horrid Hermit: What wise words do you have to say now, hohohoho!
He begins to kick Tatsu repeatedly in the side, making blood spill from her mouth.
Diana: I can't stand by and watch this, I have to help her!
Diana runs towards the battlefield. After kicking Tatsu, the Horrid Hermit was about to stomp her chest in, Tatsu groans and sees Diana trying to run in. This caused her to catch the creature's foot and pushed it off with a low kick to knock him off his feet. Diana came in but Tatsu quickly stopped her despite the pain.
Tatsu: Diana, do not... interfere...!
Diana: Tatsu I'm sorry but you're in no condition to continue, let me take your place!
Tatsu: I made this challenge... and I will see it through. I'm not... worried for my life at risk, if I lose then your lives are forfeit... doomed to remain here for e-eternity when metropolis needs you all... Let. Me. Handle it.
Diana saw determination and courage in her friend's eyes, despite being injured & having a difficult time breathing, Tatsu was far from conceding the fight. The Amazon nodded before Tatsu quickly pushed her out of the way to avoid a fierce punch from the Horrid Hermit, who kept up the assault against Tatsu.
Horrid Hermit: (attacking) Hohohoho! Oh how noble of you & very foolish, maybe you should've tagged in your friend! Perhaps she would last longer than you did.
Tatsu kept defending herself while trading blows with the Horrid Hermit, who was firing back at full force.
Horrid Hermit: Are you regretting ever challenging me now, stupid girl?! Huh?! Are you?! Are you?!
He nailed a double fist strike to Tatsu to send her crashing into a nearby rock, a pained grunt coming out her. She fell on all fours and trying to catch her breath as the pain was burning within her.
Horrid Hermit: I laugh at your attempts to challenge me, Hohohoho! Your moves are all open to me as I said, you can't out do me in my element of fighting! I'm stronger, faster and I have a better sight than you even though I blindfolded, hohohoho!
Tatsu glared at him. Then a thought came to her about the Horrid Hermit & his strengths...
Horrid Hermit: Any last words before I end this duel, young one?
Tatsu only stood up with a defiant glance.
Horrid Hermit: Ah, on your feet like a warrior instead of on your knees like a worm, too bad it's over for you!
Horrid Hermit and Tatsu ran at each other and struck, crossing each other's paths. The group watched Tatsu and the Horrid Hermit stand away from each other with backs turned for a moment, Tatsu had a cut appear on the right cheek.
Diana: Tatsu...?
Then a pained wail erupted throughout the island, shocking the group but it wasn't coming from Tatsu. It was the Horrid Hermit who was covering his eyes in pain as smoke was coming from them.
Doris: Whoa. What's happening to him?
Neville: Smoke coming from his eyes?
Horrid Hermit: Aaaaggghhh! My eyes! So must light!!!
Tatsu turns to the creature, holding his blindfold.
Tatsu: That's your biggest price for power, correct? Your sight.
The Horrid Hermit turns to Tatsu with pure pupiless white eyes which was bloodshot and smoking. He snarled furiously.
Tatsu: With this blindfold, your senses are clear, you can see in the dark and much more but in light, you're vulnerable.
Horrid Hermit: Grrrr! I can still see through your eyes as your techniques are open to me!
He lunged at her, Tatsu placed the blindfold over her eyes as she moved aside with him falling into the sand. He growled and stood up and swung wildly but couldn't hit Tatsu nor could he find her.
Horrid Hermit: RRRAAAAAHHH! Where are you?! Where are you?!
Beck: What's with him?
Zee: Perhaps without that blindfold, he can't pinpoint Tatsu's location or where to strike.
Tatsu: This is another one of your abilities when wearing a blindfold, yes? In the dark, you have a spiritual link mostly to the eyes of your foes, able to see what move they'll make to dodge, block & intercept them.
Horrid Hermit heard Tatsu and ran to hit her but she would avoid it, caught the arm of the creature and throws him to the ground.
Tatsu: But the sight can be covered to block your abilities, leaving you unable to predict me as well as waver your focus & control.
Horrid Hermit roll over to get up and ran at Tatsu to attack, roaring angrily while his eyes were burning, not literally but it was excruciating. Tatsu ran at the creature and delivered a front jumping kick to the face of the Horrid Hermit, knocking out a few teeth.
The creature fell to the sandy ground with a thud, unconscious. Tatsu lands on her feet and removed the blindfold from her eyes.
Tatsu: Darkness can be your ally but rely on it too much and it can lead to your downfall.
Tatsu then slowly started to fall backwards but Diana caught her.
Tatsu: ....
Diana: (smiles) You did well Tatsu.
Tatsu smiles.
Zee grabs the staff.
Zee: Now that you won the fight, we're getting out of here.
Zee then fires the beam from the staff at mid air, forming a portal.
Zee: Ta-da! Our way home!
Kara: Finally! Everyone in!
The whole group went through the portal one by one with Zee the last one to go through with the staff, closing the portal. The Horrid Hermit slowly awoke but screams as his eyes were exposed to the light.
Horrid Hermit: Curses! Curses!!! I can't believe she beat me!
Core's voice: Same here. It's a shame.
Horrid Hermit: C-Core! Please, help me! I beg you, grant me another chance to take revenge on them, especially that witch Tatsu!
Core: Hehehehe. If it were up to me, I would but alas from higher power, you've outlived your usefulness...
Horrid Hermit: No please!!
Core: Goodbye, hehehehehahahaha.
The creature's screams echoed through the island from the ends of the earth, no one unable to hear.
Soon, a portal opened up and everyone landed near the masters family vacation home in the woods, just as Valerie, Casey and Ember arrived.
Valerie: There you are.
Casey: We've been searching the whole city for you, where'd you go?
Blake: It's a long story.
Kara was heard laughing as she was flying.
Kara: Woohoo! Hahahaha! My powers are back!
Leslie: (hands forming electricity) Mine too!
Hal: (his lantern ring glowing) Looks like all of our powers are working again.
Ember holds up bags with Karen, Babs, Tatsu & Oliver's weapons and gadgets.
Ember: Hey you go, found them laying around in the beach.
Babs: Thanks!
Zee: (holds up the staff) What should I do with this?
Valerie: I'll take that, it'll be destroyed.
Casey hands Diana a healing potion and has Tatsu drink it. Soon, the wielder of Soul Taker was feeling better.
Tatsu: Thank you.
Rhea: To think after trying to relax on a hot day at the beach, we get pulled on a crazy island.
Carol: Yeah. Talk about a ruined beach trip.
Valerie: Awww, don't be so down. Come inside, I managed to get an indoor pool in with cold drinks, entertainment and a feast for a party. Anyone interested?
Hal: Ahem. (Serious) I think I speak for us when I say... (Grins) LET'S PARTY!!
The group cheered and went inside. Casey and Ember went in while Valerie chuckled, holding the staff and walked inside but from atop a branch of a tree, Selina Kyle was watching them.
Selina: Hmmmm... Interesting~... (Smirks).
To be continued...
(Chapter 29 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The group was supposed to enjoy a beach trip but it gets derailed when trapped on an island with no powers & at the mercy of the Accursed monsters as well as The Horrid Hermit (another OC). In a heated battle, Tatsu managed to defeat him and the group return to Metropolis. But now a certain cat burglar is in their midst, what does Selina want? Found out in due time. See ya all in the next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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