Reunion & Return of the Cheetah

The next day...

The scene revealed Blake's vacation home which was quite nice and up to mansion level, the inside was quite luxurious as well. Blake himself was seen cooking some breakfast for himself and Lena Luthor, who woke up after spending the night yesterday here. Soon, breakfast was done with the two enjoying their meal.

Lena: Wow, this breakfast is really good. You're quite the chef, aren't you?

Blake: Well, I'm not number one in the cooking department of famous chefs but I've learned from my father.

Lena: Well you've outdone yourself these waffles and omelette. So, are you new to metropolis?

Blake: Naw, I used to live in Metropolis when I was little. I had to move years ago, now I'm here for a trip down memory lane on vacation.

Lena: That's nice. So....

Blake: Yes?

Lena: You said you wanted to help me with my potential and put it to good use, what do you have in mind?

Blake: Well, for one... I have high tech, scientific equipment my older sister loan to me downstairs, you can get creative with what you wish to do with me helping out as long as it's not to hurt innocent people, okay?

Lena: (smiles) You got it, Big Brother.

Blake slightly smiles, seeing new purpose and determination in the young Luthor girl's eyes. He truly has high hopes for her and won't let anyone including Lex bring her down, he can promise that in time what Lex almost drove Lena into won't go unpunished.


Later on...

Blake drove Lena back home, her introducing her parents to him. Luckily, their son Lex was not home right now as Lena didn't want to see him anyway & explained her new friend to them and that he helped her in more ways than one, the parents thanked Blake for helping their daughter out, Blake also promised to come by and pick up Lena for some friendly fun. The two said their goodbyes for now.

Blake was seen riding his motorcycle through town, thinking about the six girls and Lena, even though he just met them, they were quite nice and great in their own way, he hopes to get to know them more and strengthen that friendly bond.

Then Blake heard a dark voice in his head.

???: So... You just got back yesterday and you've already made new friends here. Real super...

Blake heard the sneer in the figure's voice.

Blake: Yes. I don't mind making a few new friends in metropolis or anywhere.

???: How touching... But don't forget the other reasons you're here, deadly foes and monsters have been spotted here to hunt and not to mention... A score to settle with a former friend of yours that must pay for what happened to us year ago... That monster broke us & now we need to return the favor...

Blake: (coldly) I haven't forgotten... But I'm not focused on that yet. For now, I want to have a nice vacation and to not cause any trouble here. If trouble does come around, we'll deal with it-

Blake was cut off when he heard a crash & a loud scream.

???: Looks like there's trouble already.

Blake then stops his motorcycle and spots a limo crashed into a truck or more likely the truck purposely crashed into the limo. Blake quickly runs behind the car to see what the issue is about. He heard a female voice yelling in a british accent coming from the alleyway.

???: Ugh! Let go of me, you lowly thugs! Do you know who I am?! My daddy will have your heads!

Then he heard a male voice.

???: Oh we know who you are, Minerva. And I'm sure your daddy will pay a high price in exchange for his daughter.

Blake: Minerva...? Oh no....

Blake moves in unseen to see what's going on in the alleyway. There were about seven guys, they were up to their teenage years of seventeen, eighteen or nineteen, wearing monster like masks and riot looking gear. One of them was carrying someone over his shoulder; A slightly tall, beautiful teenage girl with light tan skin, brown eyes, long blonde hair in a ponytail and was wearing a long sleeve yellow jacket with cheetah spots on the white fur via neck cover and sleeves, a red short skirt and white high heel boots.

It was Barbara "Barbi" Ann Minerva aka Cheetah.

Barbi: Release me, you buffoons!

Thug: Oh we'll release you... after your rich father pays up for his little miss prissy daughter which is you.

Barbi: If you don't release me, I swear I'll-


The teen thug smacked her on the rear end.

Barbi: (face beat red) Ah! (Angry) You lowly pervert!

Thug 2: Perhaps you'll be so much fun when we get through with you the off chance your daddy doesn't pay up.

Barbi had a horrified look of what they meant as she tried to yell out for help. Normally, she would let the anger of the Cheetah take over but she noticed some witnesses spotting the events of her capture while calling the police and didn't want to expose herself as the Cheetah to anyone in public.

The thugs jumped the fence with Barbi held captive while Blake secretly followed behind them, the thugs take a quick right on the path and went straight down the middle into an abandoned warehouse, heading inside & slamming/locking the door.

Blake soon made it to the abandoned warehouse, but doesn't head for the door as he finds another way in. Inside the warehouse, Barbi was seen against the wall, hands and feet wrapped in chains with the seven thugs present while an eighth thug bigger and stronger while wearing a skeletal looking lion mask was seen with a knife near Barbi's neck while facing a camera broadcast held by one of the thugs.

Thug leader: This goes to the father of the Minerva Family or whatever. I am the leader of the Uncaged Monstrosity Gang and if you want to see your Daughter again, you'll deliver a high price for her life with millions of dollars, no cops or superheroes allowed! Every moment you waste time... (Smirks) my boys here one by one will have a little 'fun' with her.

One of the thugs reached for Barbi's chest but she screeched ferociously.

Barbi: (eyes glowing green with cat slits) Don't touch me!!!

That stopped him in his tracks but the thug leader smacked her in the face.

Barbi: Agh!

Thug Leader: (turns to the camera) You have my demands, you got 24 hours... That'll be enough to get the money and come to the old warehouse on the east of the town. Don't be late.

The Broadcast ended.

Thug 3: And it's done, can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees this!

Thug 4: Yeah, we'll be rolling around in cash in no time.

Thug Leader: That's right boys and this gem right here (lowers the knife near Barbi's neck) is the key to our victory.

Barbi: Ngh! You think my daddy will pay for you lowlifes? You won't get a measly cent!

Thug Leader: He WILL pay if his precious daughter is in danger.

Barbi: Grrrr... Let me go now (eyes glowed green with cat slits, a low growl) or you'll so regret this...

Thug Leader: Heh! What can you do to us in chains? Nothing! So stay there and look pretty while that daddy of yours comes running with the money, you're lucky I'm showing restraints to my boys having their way with you.

Barbi glares angrily as her Cheetah side was tempting to be released to tear them apart but then she heard a strange sound as one of the lights slowly shut down.

Thug 6: What the?

Thug 7: What's wrong with the lights?

The strange sound was heard again as the lights shut down one by one until the entire hideout was cloaked in darkness. Barbi heard the Thug leader yell out orders to spread out and fix the power, then there was sounds of a struggle and the thugs yelling out in pain while Barbi felt the chains on her sliced as she was free, she transformed into the Cheetah and spots one of the thugs with a flashlight.

Thug 4: I got a light!

He waves it around, seeing the lair covered in ice among with three thugs frozen.

Thug 4: What the heck?! (Turns the light to Cheetah, who growls furiously at him) Holy-

The Cheetah lunged at him, slashing him up and making him drop the flashlight. The light showed two more thugs wandering around in confusion, Cheetah drops the unconscious thug and swiftly runs at the other two before they could attack, hitting a triple flip pounce to one of the thugs and clawed at him, the other thug hit Cheetah from behind with a wooden bat which broke in half on impact.

Cheetah felt the hit but it only enraged her as she released the knocked out & scratched up thug and slowly turns to the one that hit her, glaring menacingly. The thug dropped the broken bat and ran away while screaming like a little girl but Cheetah quickly clawed him in the back, causing him to fall while she sinks her claws and fangs into him, causing him to scream agony.

Once she was done with him, Cheetah looks around and saw another thug thrown across the room, completely frozen in ice. She then sees the thug leader fighting a figure with a sword of ice. The figure knocked the knife out of his hand and points the ice blade at the Thug leader.

Thug leader: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! I give up, spare me. You're a hero, aren't you?

???: Who said I was a hero?

The thug leader backed away from the figure who had the ice blade near his face, unaware that Cheetah was stalking the thug leader from behind and attacked him.

Thug leader: Agh! Hey! Ouch! Get off of me! Get this crazy cat off of me!! Ouch! Ow! My back! My head! What are those claws made of?! Get it off me!!! Aaaagghh-

He was cut off when he received a massive knee strike to the face, shattering the mask as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

???: Phew... That takes care of them. Now, where's Barbi?

The figure looks around but doesn't see Barbi anywhere but noticed the Cheetah glaring & growling ferociously while slowly approaching the figure.

???: A Cheetah? No... A Humanoid Cheetah. Did they kidnap you as well? 

The Cheetah slowly stalks towards the figure, who readies his ice blade to defend himself. The Cheetah was about to attack but stopped in her tracks, her nose catching a scent from the figure... like something familiar to her that she hasn't seen for a long time, her eyes widening.

???: Are you going to fight back?

Cheetah looks at the figure for a moment, growling angrily as she turns around to head out of the warehouse.

???: Hey! Where are you going?!

The beast was gone, the figure wanted to go after it but he has other loose ends to take care of.


The cops came by to see that the inside of the abandoned warehouse was coated in ice and the Uncaged Monstrosity Gang were tied up in ice chains and covered claw & bite marks. There was no sign of the one who did this or Barbi Ann Minerva but the authorities got a call that Barbi has made it home safe on her own. The cops owe a thanks to whoever stopped this gang, taking them in.

The figure was in the shadows, watching the whole thing as his hidden form changed, revealing Blake.

Blake: Guess she made it out safe... And what's with the Cheetah creature? It looked like it was ready to fight but it hesitated and ran off. Hmmmmm... I figured it out at a later date.

Blake walks away.


Barbi was seen at her home, fixing up her makeup and repairing the damage those thugs did to her face with first aid, she was approached by her butler while not facing him.

Butler: Barbi, your father called from his business trip. He wanted to know if you're okay?

Barbi: Yes... I'm fine.

Butler: Very well. Do you need anything?

Barbi: No... That would be all.

The butler nodded as he took his leave, unable to see the sudden hurt & angry look on her face, nearly cracking the hand mirror on her grip.

Barbi: Grrrrrrr.... That scent, it's someone I haven't seen or heard from in a long time, he disappeared without a proper reason and he has the nerve to return without a word. Luckily, The Cheetah... can track him and that disappearing, wretched coward will have a lot to answer for....


Blake was back home, watching the news of his attempt to save Barbi and stopping the Uncaged Monstrosity Gang being the talk right now. Headline saying a new hero or a new threat?

Blake: Everyone's a critic.

Blake turns off the television and heads to grab something to eat. Grabbing a plate of medium rare steak from the fridge, he holds it in place with a fork while cutting it with a knife and taking a piece to bite into it.

Blake: That's good steak.

As Blake continues to eat his meal, a loud knock was heard at the door. Getting up from his seat, He heads for the door to see who it is, opening up to see Barbi standing there with her arms crossed, tapping her left foot impatiently with a calm yet silent, angry look in her eyes.

Blake: (in his head) Oh man, I know that look.... She wants answers or she's gonna give me an earful...

The two were silent for a few minutes until Blake spoke.

Blake: Ahem... Greetings, Miss Minerv-

Barbi gave him a hard slap to the face.

Blake: Okay... Ouch. I deserved that-

Barbi gave him another slap to the face.

Blake: And that-

Barbi kicks him in the gut.

Blake: Oof... Okay, I had it coming-

Barbi was about to kick him in the crotch but Blake got defensive.

Blake: Okay, I understand you're beyond upset with me but can we NOT go below the belt?!

Barbi: Upset... Upset?! Upset isn't enough to describe how I'm feeling about you right now!

Barbi entered the vacation home, slamming the door behind her as she was glaring at Blake.

Barbi: I haven't seen you in years, you never called, never write, no face chats, nothing! You disappeared without warning, without so much as a goodbye and finally you have the gal to come back here like nothing happened?!

Blake: Look Barbi, I can explain-

Barbi: You were like a true friend to me back then, you protected me & said I was one of the special people you cared for in your life but then... (Getting furious) you suddenly up & vanished from my sight, you left me, YOU ABANDONED ME!!!

Blake: That's not what happened!

Barbi: I don't want to hear your blasted lies! (Eyes glowed green with cat slits)

Barbi held her head as she fell to her knees, breathing rapidly and growling angrily.

Blake: Barbi, what's wrong? Are you okay-

Blake suddenly backs away to avoid a claw strike... from Barbi?!

Barbi: (growly voice) G-Get... Away from me...!!

Barbi screams which slowly becomes a feline like roar, turning into the Cheetah right before Blake's very eyes.

Blake: Barbi... You're that Cheetah creature?

Cheetah growls furiously and lunged at Blake with a fierce roar, who avoided the swift and insane claw strikes and wild attacks. Blake runs towards the dining room with Cheetah on his tail, running through the table and knocking down plates, bowls and silverware down while leaving a trail of scratch marks. Blake grabs a steel bo staff hanging from the wall and faces Cheetah, twirling the weapon a couple of times before Cheetah lunged at him to shred the teenage boy.

Blake uses the steel bo staff to block and counter the Cheetah's attacks, the fight went on from the dining room, to the kitchen to the backyard and to the pool where both Blake and Cheetah fell in. Blake reemerged from the water to get out but Cheetah popped up from behind and pulls him back in, continuing the fight underwater, the pool water suddenly glowed as a massive force shot out of the water with Cheetah blasted out and landing on the ground.

Blake slowly reemerged from the water, staring coldly at Cheetah, who recovered and lunged at Blake with claws and fangs bared, Blake caught Cheetah by the left wrist. Cheetah was caught off guard but roars, aiming her right claw to slash Blake but he caught the attack as well. Cheetah struggles to escape Blake's grip as he stared at her, not attacking this time.

Blake: Barbi...

Cheetah: (growls angrily)!

Blake: I'm sorry, I'm really am. I didn't want to or mean to abandon you, it wasn't my intention at all to make you feel this way all these years of being missing from here. I understand that you're beyond furious with me & you have every right to be but I still care about you, I never stopped caring about you since those days when we were little kids...

Cheetah stops struggling while staring at Blake.

Blake: You're one of my special friends, Barbi and I'll do anything to make it up to you... Please, if you're in there... Come back....

Cheetah slowly begins to calm down with tears slowly falling from her eyes, turning back into Barbi. The rich teenage girl fell onto Blake's chest, silently sobbing as Blake comforts her.

Barbi: You... You still care about me...?

Blake: Of course I do. I never stopped caring about you. You're one of the special people in my life, I'm sorry if I hurt you but I never intended to do that.

Barbi: Well... You still owe me an explanation and I guess... I owe you one as well after... you saw what I turned into...

Blake: Of course.

Barbi: I'm sorry about the damages...

Blake: it's fine. I'll get it cleaned up.

Barbi: I'll help...


Narrator: One cleaning montage later...


The place was cleaned up, broken dishes were thrown away, the cloth of the dining room table was replaced, etc. Blake and Barbi were sitting in the living room together in silence for a moment before Blake broke it.

Blake: Should I start or do you want to go first?

Barbi: I think I should explain.

Blake nods as Barbi explains herself.

Barbi: I know we're both from different rich families, I've been at the top of my game in popularity, beauty, classes, gymnastics, events & parties and... I've gotten selfish. One day, a new girl named Diana Prince came along and outdid me at everything in high school. I grew jealous of her to the point where I used an ancient artifact from my daddy's collection of rare treasures to try to curse Diana... Ugh... But I ended up effected by the curse instead, becoming the Cheetah & tried to attack her...

Blake: Diana? Diana...? Tall girl, long dark blue hair, blue eyes, light tan skin, red & white shirt and dark blue skirt, etc?

Barbi: Yes? Wait, you know her?

Blake: Yeah, I just met her and her friends yesterday. They're quite nice.

Barbi: Oh... I see...

Blake: Barbi... Are you still thinking about going after Diana?

Barbi: ....

Blake: I know I only met Diana yesterday but she didn't look or act like the type to try to intentionally steal or outshine you on purpose. Jealousy is a very twisted enemy in different forms... It's a ugly thing that can consume one's soul.

Barbi: Hmph. Diana said something similar like that to me before. Though she doesn't know I'm the Cheetah.

Blake: I see. What I'm trying to say is try being friends with her, I know I'm giving it a try and it takes time. You don't have to befriend her immediately but give it time...

Barbi: .... I'll think about it. And how do you feel about... me being the Cheetah?

Blake: At first, I was surprised. But I must say, you're quite the fierce figure though you are wild and quick. My twin brother always said your spirit animal would be a cheetah & boy was he right.

Barbi blushes at the mention of Blake's twin but she brushed it off.

Barbi: I can't really control it... The Cheetah only comes out when I get angry. I never meant for this to happen, all because of my jealousy towards Diana I became a monster...

Blake: Barbi, you're not a monster. I understand you're feeling this way but you shouldn't let this stop you.

Barbi: How can you understand what it's like to have a beast dwelling in you?

Blake: Oh believe me... (Left eye glowed an icy blue) I know that feeling.

Barbi's eyes widened upon seeing a shadowy blue aura around Blake, noticing three spiritual visage of three monsters staring right at her menacingly before the aura and visages vanished.

Barbi: Oh my....

Blake: These powers were awoken a long time ago after my family moved away, when my parents lives were taken. Then since, I've been training to master these powers and the beasts living behind my eyes to one day find their killer.

Barbi: I'm sorry...

Blake: Don't be, they're in a better place now. I guess I should explain why I've been away for so long & didn't let anyone I know, including you find out the real reason. However, I can't go into full details as the memory... it's a pain to remember over and over again...

Barbi: Okay.

Blake: The reason why you haven't heard from me so long until now.... I was nearly at death's door.

Barbi: What...?

Blake: A former friend.... caused my near death at a young age, it was unspeakable, excruciating, maddening, overwhelming, frightening... I was broken... Lying in a pool of my own blood & my body completely mangled and unrecognizable...

Barbi gasped.

Blake: The last thing I saw was my former friend running... running from the very thing caused by that same person. It took my older sister & a couple of doctors to revive me through intense surgery & more to put me back together.... My family paid the news not to broadcast what happened and didn't tell anyone we knew about the horrific incident, after physically recovering, I had to go through mental health institution tests after experiencing nightmares and flashbacks of the incident with Metropolis being linked to it so... We moved away without a trace.

Barbi: I can't believe that happened to you...

Blake: I know... Along with my parents and siblings, I was able to overcome my fear and trauma & get on with my life, re-event myself, learned a lot of new things, gain some new hobbies, made new friends and such.

Barbi: That's sweet.

Blake: Yep. So far, life was good for me and I have my late parents and siblings to thank for helping me recover and giving me the strength to move forward. However... A different side of myself wanted me to return to Metropolis.

Barbi: Really? Why?

Blake: Well for One, I'm here for a vacation. Two, some deadly foes and monsters came to metropolis and I'm hunting them down. And Three, I plan to settle the score for the former friend of mine....

Barbi: So you're hunting this person down too?

Blake: Yeah.... I felt beyond hurt, betrayed, broken... I have a feeling that I won't rest until that person meets total destruction...

Barbi: Are... Are you planning to kill that person...?

Blake: No. Despite the person deserving it, killing would be too good for that individual. Oh Nonono... That person broke me and now I'm going to return the favor ten times over... A fate worse than death.

Barbi: I see... Who is that person?

Blake: I can't tell you.

Barbi: (stern glare) And why not?

Blake: If I do, you'll get angry and go after the person.

Barbi: I'll do nothing of the sort.

Blake: (stern) Barbi....

Barbi: You honestly don't trust me?

Blake: I'll tell you in time but not now.

Barbi: Fine but... I want to help you.

Blake: Hmm?

Barbi: I want to help you. You saved me from those thugs, you even accepted me on being the cheetah and I've would've walked the path of a criminal if I let jealousy guide me further.

Blake: Are you sure?

Barbi: Yes. Help me learn to fully control the power of the Cheetah and I'll help you with your mission & your... personal quarrel with the person who broke you.

Blake: .... Very well. Welcome to the team.

Barbi: Thanks. And what team?

Blake: Oh you'll find out in time.

To be continued...

(The second chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! Blake plans for further his newly bond with the girls and Lena Luthor, he gets into a reunion with his long time rich friend, Barbara "Barbi" Ann Minerva while soon finding out she's the Cheetah through a wild fight but also revealed one of his own secrets of power. Now the two has rekindled with one another, Barbi finding out the truth why Blake was gone from metropolis and wants to help him with his hunt mission and quarrel with the person who broke him years ago in exchange for helping her control the Cheetah's power. What's next for them? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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