Return of the Red Dragon

In the den of night, Lilith was taking a walk through the streets of Metropolis. It was quite peaceful this time of night as there was no sign of any crime waves or accursed monster attacks but she still remains on guard. Various locations and place of establishment caught her eye, reminding her of the days of her family's stay in Metropolis years ago, the fun & memories they had that was truly an unforgettable experience.

Then something else caught her eye, it was the Metropolis Renaissance Fair. It was closed but Lilith transformed into dark smoke to slither through the gates and walk into the closed fair, it was quite the establishment of the medieval times & it's golden tales with bards, jesters, knights, princesses, dragons & more along with rides, games & shops of various foods, blacksmiths, costumes, toys, jousting and more.

Lilith: This place is quite nice... I should make a schedule to come here someday in opening when I'm not busy.

Then she noticed some parts of the fair under reconstruction.

Lilith: Hmmm... Something must've happened here beforehand.

Looking around, she spots something left in the field. It was a pile of ashes.

Lilith: Ashes...?

Lilith approached the pile, examining the ashes and finding a turkey leg name tag within it, seeing the name "Ember" on the name tag.

Lilith: Ember. Hmmm...?

Using her darkness, it swallowed the ashes and through it, sees visions of a spiky red haired girl working at the fair serving food, a miserable look on her face, then to the events of her as a dragon, trying to eat a princess only to find fakes but also tried to devour Zee/Zatanna and later Diana/Wonder Woman, a heated battle insured and ended with Wonder Woman slaying the beast, reducing it to ashes.

The visions stopped as Lilith was lost in thought.

Lilith: (in her mind) Now that was quite a battle between knights and dragons. While the dragon was slain for her crimes, I do feel sorry for her... All she wanted was a meal which has denied her for centuries, probably made her what she was...

Then Lilith had an idea.

Lilith: Perhaps I can fix that...

Lilith stopped for a moment before suddenly catching an enchanted bullet in her hand, turning around to see a fat, bearded mercenary who cursed under his breath.

He goes to shoot Lilith again but the young woman disappeared and reappeared in front of the mercenary, grabbing him by the neck & lifting him up.

Lilith: So... You were hired by the Accursed Clan to slay me in exchange for power, hmm?

The man jabbed a mystic knife into Lilith's neck only for the knife to rot away into ashes.

Lilith: Perhaps you can be of use...

Before the Mercenary could pull out another weapon, Lilith snaps his neck not enough to kill him but to stun him & knock him out, both vanishing in darkness.


The next day...

Blake was at Kara's house, jamming with the kryptonian herself. Both of them had guitars in hand as they were shredding on the instruments with Kara bobbing her head back and forth to the rocking beat.

Kara: YEAH!!!!!

Blake smirks as he keeps playing his guitar while Kara was playing her's.

Kara: THIS IS MY JAM!!!!

They both hit the final rift of their guitars and throw up the rock horns. Blake and Kara take a breather with the kryptonian grabbing two cans of sodas off the shelf, tossing one over to Blake.

Kara: That was awesome, thanks for coming by to jam with me. (Drinks her soda)

Blake: (drinks his soda as well) No problem. You really know how to work a guitar. Aiming to be a rockstar one day?

Kara: Heh, it's on my list of accomplishments to do or whatever.

Blake: You really do have a taste in music.

Kara: (smirks, accepting the praise) Uh-huh, keep talking.

Then the TV shows the news.

News reporter: And here we have Metropolis' favorite Man of Steel Superman stopping a collosal monster from draining the lifeform of civilians.

The video shows Superman himself being praised by a group of civilians as the kryptonian poses heroically with a smile, enjoying the spotlight. Kara picks up the TV with a yell of anger and throws it at the wall, destroying it.

Mr. Danver's voice: Kara, everything okay up there?!

Kara: (trying & failing to hide her anger) I'm fine!

Mr. Danvers : Well okay, be careful up there!

Blake sees Kara taking deep breaths in anger, trying to calm down. Blake was about to say something but Kara yells angrily.

Kara: I don't have an anger problem!!

Blake: Uhhhh... I wasn't going to say that...

Kara groans.

Blake: I'll pay for the TV & order a replacement.

Kara: Ya don't have to do that. I broke it.

Blake: It's fine. It's the least I can do.

Kara: .... (Crosses her arms with a Huff).

Blake: Wanna talk about it over an walk?

Kara: ... Sure.

The two left the Danvers household, Kara basically telling Blake about how she and Clark basically came from Krypton and was assigned to watch him on a different planet after her home's destruction but due to a miscalculation with her ship, Kal went to earth first, grew up before her and become the hero of Metropolis. Blake was surprised that chronologically Kara was older than Clark but the age role was reserved due to the whole being stuck in space stasis.

Kara: And I get it, he helps, protects people and fights off worldwide threats but I can't stand that he's getting all the attention!

Blake: Seems like a real hassle.

Kara: I know, right?! I could've gone to earth first before him but no, I had to get stuck in my ship through space stasis! Every time I tried to prove myself to be a hero which I've succeeded at certain times, there he is! I mean, I don't hate Kal but the way he shows off a lot pisses me off!

Blake: So-

Kara: We basically have the same origin story but he got older before me, even telling me I wasn't ready because I was young and inexperienced. Tch! He was superboy last two summers ago or whatever, I used to babysit him when I was twelve for craps sake!

Blake: Ok...

Kara: And now since we've been handling monsters from the Accursed Clan, Kal's still leaving us in the dust & even taking credit for the work we've done!

Blake: Okay...

Kara: (glares at Blake) Okay?! How are you not mad that my cousin is outdoing us and you?!

Blake: Simple, I may protect people from the Accursed Clan's monsters but I'm no hero as I said before. Plus, I don't care about the spotlight or fame, I respect certain heroes doing their own jobs.

Kara gives Blake the look.

Blake: I'm not taking his side Kara, I don't like how you feel overshadowed by him. I've met various heroes on my travels, some are like Superman who love to do the right thing in protecting people but also love the spotlight. But there are others...

Kara: Others?

Blake: People who only protect people for the fame, fortune, no morals, some even tried to have civilians pay them with money or free stuff to deal with threats, they would also fake an attack or put people in danger intentionally themselves to save them & look good while doing it, even... killing innocent people in trying to find a scapegoat culprit to bring to 'justice'... we just call them false heroes who we hybrids take a very strong dislike to send to the grave. Superman... isn't anything like what I described these false heroes, is he...?

Kara: Huh? What? No! He's a show off type while protecting people but isn't the whole fake an attack/force payment or kill people type of guy!

Blake: Alright... Alright.

Kara: Awkward...

Then they heard screaming.

Blake: What was that?

Kara: Over there!

In an alleyway, The two see the same jocks they met before surrounding three people with baseball bats, hockey sticks & chains, two being Garth and Karen. The third one was guarding them; it was a tall and muscular young man with olive skin, dark green eyes, short messy brown hair that covers his eyes, he wears a red & white baseball cap, a white long sleeve shirt underneath a dark yellow open short sleeve shirt with lighter yellow on the collar & sleeves, green-ish blue pants and red & white sneakers.

It was the Intimidating yet gentle giant Carter Hall aka the winged muscle of the invinci-bros, Hawkman.

Carter had some bruises on him but it didn't seem to concern him as he was protecting Garth and Karen from the jocks.

Jock Leader: (glares at Garth) Thanks to you and your loser friends, I'm grounded for the whole summer & my allowance cut short while I missed on three summer parties of babes and beer!

Garth: (nervous) T-To be fair, you and your friends were picking on me...!

Karen: And you threatened to drop or eat his pet fishes! You deserve it you... you big bullies!

Jock Leader: Shut up! My summer is ruined and now my boys and I are gonna put you through pain for the whole summer!

Karen & Garth yelped while Carter glares at them with a growl, ready to fight off these angry jocks.

Kara: Hey bozos!

The Jock Leader and his group turn around to see Blake and Kara.

Jock Leader: Well look who's here? The two parts of the problem.

Karen: Kara! Blake!

Carter: ....?

Kara: I see you're still missing some teeth from the knuckle sandwich I gave you & your goons last time.

Jock Leader: Grrrrr!

Blake: Picking on Garth again, this time you brought Karen into this...? Seems that you haven't learned your lesson.

Jock Leader: Shut up bastard! You and the punk freak are part of the reason why my summer is ruined! Since you two are here, you'll be joining these three in the most painful beating for your whole summer!

Kara: Wow, you're threatening us? I don't know if the concussion made you dopes forget but the last time you all fought the two of us, it didn't go well for you.

Jock Leader: You caught us by surprise! It won't happen again! Waste 'em boys!

Some jocks went after Garth, Karen and Carter, who fought back against them in using his size and strength advantage to take them down, while he was being ganged up on and attacked by their fists or weapons, Carter wouldn't submit as he would power on through, knocking them down until they were unconscious.

Some jocks and the Jock Leader went after Blake and Kara, who were ready for them as they would take each jock one by one while avoiding and countering their attacks. The Jock Leader was all by himself as he pulls out two guns in desperation.

Kara: Guns? Really?

Jock Leader: I'm in control now, b***h! You two are gonna back up and let me leave!

Blake: Using guns to get out of a losing battle, that's pathetic.

Kara: Seriously, at least give up like a man or a poor excuse for a man exactly.

Jock Leader: I'll show you!

The Jock Leader aimed the guns at Kara and Blake but before he could shoot them, he was grabbed harshly by the shoulder, turned around and received a hard fist to the face by Carter, making the Jock Leader drop the guns with more teeth flying of his mouth with spit and blood. Struggling to stand forward, The Jock Leader was nailed by another punch to the face by Kara and a knee to the stomach by Blake, knocking him to the ground unconscious.

Blake: That takes care of them.

Kara: Karen, Garth, Carter! Are you guys okay?!

Karen: We're fine, thanks for the save.

Garth: We were nearly goners if you two and Carter hadn't stepped in. Thank you guys.

Blake: No problem (to Carter) Are you okay?

Carter nods.

Karen: Oh umm, you two haven't properly met. Carter, this is Blake Masters and Blake Masters, this is Carter Hall. He's also a superhero like us and Garth.

Blake: That's great. What do you go by?

Carter: .... Hawkman.

Blake: Hawkman? Very Great. And I didn't know you were a hero too Garth.

Garth: Oh right, I'm Aqualad, atlantean superhero extraordinaire. While I have water abilities, it gets cooler when I control a whole ocean.

Blake: Neat.

Kara: Trust me, Garth may be a nerd but he does have his cool moments. (Ruffles Garth's hair)

Garth: (chuckles) Hey, Kara stop it!

Kara: Hehehe.

Karen: A-Anyway I hope you don't mind, I told Garth and Carter about the whole Accursed Clan issue and they wanna help.

Blake: I don't mind, really? Are you two sure you can handle it?

Carter nodded.

Garth: Don't worry, we've handled worse on some to every day basic but you and the girls can count on us, half of the invinci-bros!

Blake: ....

Kara: Yeah, the team name still needs work.


At Leslie's house...

Leslie was on her computer with some desserts on the table, reading the tweets on her video channel, people have been asking for the next vlogs, humiliating videos and pranks videos. She sighed as she put out a quick message that she's on temporary hiatus until she reveals when she'll be up & running again.

She just wasn't in a pranking mood as of late, the events of her old friend, the hybrid Omen, Lilith and the downfall of the supervillain girls team really got to her but She wasn't alone as Doris was still with her even after the team broke up. Despite going through that nightmarish world of Lilith, Leslie didn't want to give up on setting things right with Blake, no matter what.

Then a message caught her eye, it was from Doris who wanted to video chat. She clicked it as Doris appeared on screen.

Leslie: Hey Doris.

Doris: Sup Les, I've got great news.

Leslie: What is it?

Doris: You remember the card I got for the Underworld Wrestling Lethal Nexus promotion?

Leslie: The one Blake gave you?

Doris: (smirks) Yeah! I'm in!

Leslie: You? Made it in?

Doris: Well yeah, the wrestling promotion came to Metropolis six days ago, I managed to find the address and get a gig at the training center. After seeing me in the ring with other trainers & other rookies starting, they were impressed!

Leslie: Heh, not bad muscle for brains.

Doris: It gets better, one of the wrestlers training us got a call about a wild card spot in the summer event coming next week, he chose four girls including me to fight in a fatal 4-way match to see who gets the spot!

Leslie: And let me guess, you won?

Doris: (grins) Damn straight! I'm going to the UWLN summer event, plus it's a six women one contender's steel cage match! Winner faces the champion next event!

Leslie: Well congrats Doris.

Doris: Thanks, I'm gonna show everyone on the roster what I'm made of. Get to beat people in the ring and get paid for it!

Leslie: (grabs a plate of chocolate coated blueberry cream pie) Goodie for you.

Doris: You should join too, Les. Think about the money we could make as a tag team!

Leslie: tempting offer but I'll pass (takes a bite out of her pie)

Doris: C'mon Les, you're a pretty good fighter yourself. It'll be fun, plus you can get a good workout in with me.

Leslie: (takes another bite of her pie) No thanks. I already have to do that in P.E. class in school. Plus, I have zero interest in being a wrestler.

Doris: Yet you're as skinny as a pencil.

Leslie: I'm not that skinny! And sorry if I'm not a muscle head like you! (Finished her pie and grabs another one to eat)

Doris: Hey! There's nothing wrong with having some bulk to be stronger! And why do you keep eating those pies?!

Leslie: What? They're so good, I've taken a liking to them after the whole solo mission thing.

Doris: Yeah but you've been eating them more than usual Leslie. I don't hate having a good dessert but you've been enjoying that chocolate coated blueberry cream pie too much, we're trying to pump up & get stronger, not blimp up.

Leslie: Relax Meathead. I'm not gonna go overboard with the pies (finished the second pie and gets a third pie) plus, I can stop anytime I want.

Doris: Les, you're eating a third pie right now!

Leslie: So? It's delicious!

Doris: .... I feel like you're getting addicted to the dessert.

Leslie: Don't be ridiculous Doris.

Doris: I'm saying that you can't eat those pies so much, you don't have to stop but don't eat too much of them.

Leslie: (rolls her eyes with a smug smirk) Oh what's gonna happen, am I gonna blow up?

Doris: Well, first off it'll all go straight through your thighs.

Leslie looks at her thighs for a moment before looking back to Doris with a silent, wide eyed expression before bursting out in laughter.

Leslie: Hahahahaha!!!!

Doris: What? It's true, then the rest of the pies will follow to your upper body!

Leslie laughed even louder.

Leslie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're hilarious Doris! Hehehe! (Stops laughing and grabs another pie with a smile) I'm not gonna go overboard with the pies & it's my body, I can do what I want with it. Awww... The stone cold hearted Meathead is caring so much about me, I know you're my friend but it's so sweet yet funny ya big softie, hehehehe!

Doris growls at being called soft. But a thought came to her as she grins, countering Leslie's making fun of her.

Doris: Gee, I wonder how BLAKE would feel if he could see you now?

Leslie nearly choked on her fourth piece of pie, coughing a bit.

Doris: I know you're still working hard to get on good terms with him after the whole 'ultimate humiliation' fiasco but you wanna be at your best when you see him again, but how would he feel or react upon seeing the spark of his life looking like a big, thunderbolt blimp?

Leslie was red, from both embarrassment and anger, anime style angry face, forehead vein and all with glowing blue electric eyes.

Leslie: I-I told you that I don't like Blake that way, we were just FRIENDS! N-Nothing more!

Doris: (clearly not buying) Uh-huh... You're clearly blushing red.


Dex-Starr: (appeared behind Leslie) Did someone say RAGE?

Leslie: Ahhh!! How did you get in here?!

Dex-Starr: Your window was open and I was passing by-

Leslie: Well, GET OUT!

Dex-Starr: You dare order me, Dex-Starr, the harbinger of rage, the feline of furious destruction, the master of true anger-

He was cut off when Leslie fired a huge electric beam at him, sending him straight out of her house and across metropolis.

Doris: What was the glowing red cat doing there?

Leslie: I don't even know nor care. But back on topic, I don't like Blake that way. Plus, he doesn't care about what a girl looks like or if they're rich or poor, he was hoping for the right girl who is okay... no matter who she was...

Doris: (smug smirk) And how do you know...?

Leslie: (blushes, angry) I just do, okay?!

Doris laughs.

Doris: Hahahahaha! Better lay off the pies to impress your pretty boy, hahaha!

Leslie: Oh shut it, meathead! (Closes her laptop)

Leslie grumbles while eating another piece of chocolate coated blueberry cream pie. Luckily, that red eyed Leslie didn't appear to mock or ridicule her this time, perhaps the effects of the mist finally wore off.

Leslie: Stupid Doris... I don't like him that way... But he has gotten rather cute since last time-what am I saying?! Maybe I should stop eating the pies... this delicious pies, hmmmm......... NEVER! (Grabs another pie and eats it like a wild animal)


In the Monster's sanctum...

Lilith was alone in the hideout as she was preparing something within the center of the monster's sanctum, a mystic looking circle carved with a long, stone slab held in the air by chains above the circle. Lilith pulls out her phone, dialing in a number as she waits for the call.

Lilith: ....

Then she heard an alluring, female voice on the other line.

???: Helloooooooo~

Lilith: Greetings.

???: Ah Lilith, good to hear from you, old friend.

Lilith: The feeling is mutual, are you busy at the moment?

???: Naw, it's pretty much boring where I'm at with the lack of excitement and thrills. Why?

Lilith: I may need your assistance if you're up for it?

???: I'm down for it.

Lilith: Great, how soon can you get here?

Then a swirling green portal opened behind Lilith, who turns around to see someone appearing out of it.

It was a young woman about Lilith's height, slightly dark brown skin, green eyes, longer black hair braided and in an upward ponytail, dark blue lipstick, a beautiful curvaceous figure & has mystic like tattoos on her right arm, back & right thigh. She wears a black & green headband with a third eye, gold diamond earrings, choker & wristbands, a black shirt with the midriff exposed, black & purple jacket, a strange mystic looking gold & jade green necklace with a crystal slit eye, a belt with the same color scheme & design with a crystal eye, dark blue jeans and purple heel shoes.

???: (Alluring, beautiful singing voice) Lilith Masters, I'm heeeeeeeeeere~....

Lilith slightly smiles and embraces her friend.

Lilith: It's good to see you again, Valerie Royce.

The young woman known as Valerie Royce slyly smiles, looking around the monster's sanctum.

Valerie: Ah one of your worldwide hidden hideouts, not bad. Metropolis, your old home I take it?

Lilith: Why yes, this is where my brother is staying.

Valerie: Blake? I haven't seen him or the other siblings of yours in a while. How are they?

Lilith: They're fine. Right now, we're enjoying the summer of metropolis but at the same time, an old enemy of my ancestors has come back...

Valerie: The Accursed Clan, huh? Well, you know me... I got your back. Consider me here to stay for vacation and killin' beasts.

Lilith: Thank you.

Valerie: The rest of our Legion, including your second in command are off on a mission to track a threat through the multiverse, while myself, you and three others are still on this earth. Shall I call the other three in to Metropolis?

Lilith: Not yet. For now, we both have a task to complete.

Valerie: Okay, shoot.

Lilith: I need your help in resurrecting someone back to the land of the living.

Valerie: Resurrection, hmm? We haven't done that in a while. Alright, you have anything of the deceased individual that we can use to contact & retrieve the soul?

Lilith holds up a pot of Ember's ashes.

Valerie: Hmmmm... That'll do. As you already know, there are different types of resurrections as this one requires another to die in order to revive the deceased individual.

Lilith pulls out the tied up, fat mercenary.

Fat Mercenary: (muffled cursing) Mmmph! Mmph Mmmph!!! Mmmph! Mmmmmph!!

Lilith: Luckily, this one hasn't sold his soul to the Accursed Clan yet for power in exchange for my assassination. Will he suffice?

Valerie: (grins) He'll do just fine.

Lilith places the tied up Mercenary in the center of the mystic circle, Lilith gave Valerie the pot containing Ember's ashes. Valerie leaps up to the slab and pours the ashes of Ember on said slab. Valerie lands on one side of the mystic circle while Lilith remained on the other side.

Valerie: Now we begin...

Valerie's eyes and crystal eye necklace/belt glowed jade green while Lilith was shrouded in darkness, her eyes rolled back & became pitch black. Both Lilith and Valerie were performing a magic chant while the fat mercenary was struggling to escape as the mystic circle was glowing beneath him.

Fat Mercenary: Mmmmmph!!! Mmmph Mmmph! Mmph! Mmmmmph!!!!!!

The circle glowed even brighter as Lilith and Valerie were continuing their magic incantation, the mercenary felt excruciating pain with green cracks formed on his body, muffled screaming in agony.

The entrance to the monster's sanctum opened as Beck, Mason, Babs, Zee and Diana came in with multiple cube containment devices full of captured monsters.

Beck: Yo Bro, we're back!

Babs: And we've got a hall of captured monsters!

Babs, Beck and Diana placed the cube containment devices on the tables, looking around and seeing Blake not here but spot Lilith and Valerie.

Babs: What the?!

Zee gasps loudly.

Diana: What is Lilith doing?!

Babs: (points to Valerie) And who is she?!

Beck: Valerie Royce. She's a long time friend of our sister, she's a dark magic type/voodoo type sorceress.

Zee: Dark Magic?!

Babs: Voodoo?! Like puppets that control you, swamp inhabitant, necromancer, possessing someone & supernatural style that breaks the laws of science & nature kind of Voodoo?!

Beck: That's part... of her powers. She's a dark sorceress.

Diana pulls out her sword.

Diana: Whatever sorcery she has planned, we mustn't let her unleash evil!

Diana charged at Valerie.

Beck: Diana, wait!

Diana was about to strike but Mason blocked the hit with a lightning magic barrier.

Diana: Mason, what's the meaning of this?!

Mason: You must not interrupt the spell.

Zee: But Mason, this is Dark magic! Whatever your sister and this Valerie is doing with it, it's not good! It's evil! Any kind of dark magic is evil! Are you all insane or moronic to see it?!

Mason glares coldly at Zee.

Mason: So when someone has Dark Magic in them, they're automatically evil.

Zee: I didn't say that, I-

Mason: You seem to be on edge ever since you found out about part of my sister's abilities related to dark magic, you felt wearily & uncertain...

Diana: Friend Mason, you need to understand that-

Mason: No, my sister and her friend may have dark magic within them but they're anything BUT evil. You try to attack them & I won't hold back even if you are a friend... (Eyes glowed indigo)

Zee: N-Now Mason, let's be r-reasonable...

Babs: Guys...

Everyone turns to see the fat mercenary's body breaking down until his soul was left which was sent under into a portal to the other side.

Valerie: We call upon the soul of the one called Ember to resurface from the other side!

Zee, Babs and Diana: Ember?!/The Dragon?!

Lilith: Now rise up to be resurrected upon the living, come to us!

The mystic circle intensified and swirled as soon, another soul came out of the portal and floated up to the slab and merge with the ashes of the fallen dragon. The ashes glowed can started to grow and take form in a human shaped molten rock. Babs, Zee and Diana looked on in shock as the molten rock disintegrates as a human body was formed out of it while screaming can be heard from the figure, glowing red as the individual fell back first on the slab, the screams stopped. The resurrection spell was complete as the mystic circle vanished.

Lilith and Valerie fell to one knee in exhaustion.

Valerie: It's done...

Beck: Lilith, are you okay?

Lilith: I'll be fine, just some exhaustion. Beck, Mason, bring the slab down.

The two brothers each pull the levers link to the chains to lower the slab to the ground, revealing a familiar unconscious young woman with tan skin, spiky & messy dark red hair.

It was the Human/Dragon, Ember, now fully resurrected.

Beck: Uhhhh... (Looks away)

Valerie: What is it?

Beck: The resurrection thing doesn't work well with clothes, does it?

They realized that Ember wasn't fully clothed, Mason quickly took off his long trench coat & covered Ember's body.

Diana: What have you done?!

Lilith turns to the three girls who were glaring at her yet Lilith was unfazed.

Diana: Why did you bring back that vile dragon?!

Valerie: You know this girl?

Babs: Know her? She tried to burn down the Renaissance Fair! Not to mention that she tried to eat Zee and Diana!

Zee: Plus, she said I taste barf-tastic!

Everyone looks at her.

Zee: What? I happen to be ravishing thank you very much.

Lilith: I'm aware of the things she did.

Diana: You know? How?

Lilith: Looking through the visions by absorbing her ashes. While I don't tolerate the acts she caused... I felt sorry for her.

Zee: Sorry for her?

Lilith: Yes, she was miserable through her life, All she wanted most was a meal which has denied her for centuries.

Zee: Well she tried to make a meal out of me and Diana!

Lilith: Yes but tell me this, can a single princess fill the years void of hunger?

No one had an answer.

Valerie: Honestly, it's sad yet ridiculous at the same time. This Ember spent centuries starving herself for a princess which was possibly not gonna fill the whole stomach. Some dragon don't always eat humans, they can either eat meat, some can eat plants, large animals, fish, etc.

Babs: Actually... I kinda get it.

A groan was heard as everyone turned to see Ember stirring, opening her red eyes and sitting up, rubbing her head.

Ember: Uuuuuugh... My head, my everything. (Looks around) Where am I? Gah! (Covers herself with Mason's trench coat) Where are my clothes?!

Then she spots Lilith, Valerie, Beck, Mason and... Babs, Diana and Zee. Her face turned into an expression of anger with her eyes turning yellow with red slits & some dragon like features appeared on her.

Ember: (Growls) You...

Ember uses her free hand to form a fireball to launch it at the three girls but Beck caught the fireball in his hand.

Ember: Huh?!

Beck: Ah, magic fire. Quite the strong one and it burns very well.

Beck opens his mouth and ate the flame.

Babs, Zee and Ember: Huuuuuuuh?!?!

Babs: You just ate the fireball!

Beck: Yep. Tastes good.

Ember went to attack again but felt her body frozen in place.

Ember: Hey! Ngh! What's going on?! I can't move, what did you do to me?!

Valerie: A simple spell to keep you frozen in place while you hear us out.

Ember growls but reluctantly plays along, glaring at the group, especially Diana, Zee and Babs.

Lilith: First off, I am Lilith Masters, this is my friend Valerie Royce and my brothers Mason and Beck.

Ember: (grumbles) Don't remember asking your names, I asked where I was?

Lilith: You're in the monster's sanctum, welcome back to the land of the living.

Ember: Living? (Raised an eyebrow) So... You brought me back to life? I'm alive again?

Lilith: Yes.

Ember was shocked but at the same time, groans in annoyance.

Ember: So let me guess, I owe you now? You brought me back to serve you as your personal slave?

Valerie: (rolls her eyes) Oh please, we didn't bring you back from the other side to have you serve us.

Lilith: Think of it as a second chance at a new life. I'm aware of your actions at the Renaissance Fair.

Ember: Oh really?

Lilith: While you were quite a wicked dragon, you looked quite miserable...

Ember: Of course I was, I had to serve and serve and serve all my life! I haven't had a good meal in centuries, then a princess finally shows up and I thought they were supposed to be weak and helpless to devour but no it was difficult, and the next thing I knew, I was slain by HER! (Glares at Diana)

Diana glared back.

Valerie: Well you did try to eat her, she defended herself. Again, not sure what appetite you have but was starving yourself for centuries over a princess worth it?

Ember: Well... I... You...!

Valerie: You could've eaten something else, ya know? Dragons can basically eat anything, not just wait for a single princess to appear.

Ember: I-I don't need to defend myself to you!

Lilith: You poor, unfortunate creature... Do you think a single princess would fill your hunger? Years of waiting and wasting away...

Ember: (stuttering angrily & sadly) S-Stop it! Don't p-pity me!

Lilith: I'm not pitying you, I'm saying it must've been hard for you to be denied a meal all your life but ask me this, was it worth serving & starving yourself to the bone waiting all your life and to be miserable and bitter...?

Ember was shaking under Lilith's stare, she tries to find words to counteract her but nothing came out. Ember felt tears slowly fall from her eyes, trying & failing not to cry.

Ember: .....

Lilith: While the crimes you committed before I'm not okay with but think of this resurrection as a chance to take in a new direction. I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do... This is your choice to make.

All eyes were on Ember, who was still frozen in place with shadows covering her tearfully eyes & grinding her teeth.

Ember: .... (Whispers) I'm sorry...

Diana: What?

Ember: (whispers a bit louder) I'm sorry...

Babs: (raised an eyebrow) I can't hear you, can you speak up?

Ember: (grits her teeth) I said... (Eyes glowed yellow with red slits, yells in an angered dragon distorted voice) I'M SORRY!!!

Babs: Eeep! (Hid behind Diana) Okay, heard you loud and clear...

Ember was breathing heavily in anger and annoyance before calming down a bit.

Ember: Ugh... I made a choice to... start out new, okay?

Lilith: Of course.

Ember: (suspicious glare) And you're not interested in using me as a slave?

Lilith: No. We're not going to make you a slave. We'll only accept you as an ally or a possible friend in time.

Ember's glare softened.

Ember: .... Okay. Now can you please UNFREEZE me and get me some clothes?

Valerie undos the spell, ember nearly losing her balance while holding the trench coat to cover herself. Then a massive roar was heard.

Babs: Yikes!

Diana: A monster is loose! (Holds her sword in defense)

Ember: (smiles sheepishly) No, that was my stomach.

Beck laughs as Ember blushes.

Ember: Hey, who're you laughing at?! S-Stop that!

Beck: Hahaha! Oh, I'm sorry about that.

Lilith: Perhaps we'll prepare you a feast you longed for.

Valerie: And no, it's not a princess. You're gonna be surprised and amazed.

Mason: Here, I'll give you some clothes.

Mason raises his arms as a black and indigo mist surrounded Ember, who was confused yet freaked out a bit with the mist engulfing her completely. Soon, the mist went away to reveal Ember with new clothes; She was wearing a custom black leather jacket with a red dragon symbol on the back, a red-orange thigh length dress/black corset, black leggings and black flats shoes.

Ember noticed a mirror and looks at herself with her new look.

Ember: I like this. I like this a lot.

Lilith: Come Valerie, let's prepare a mother of all feasts for our new guest.

Valerie: Let's...

Lilith and Valerie grab Ember and take her out of the monster's sanctum, leaving Beck, Mason, Diana, Babs and Zee behind.

Babs: Well... That happened.

Diana: We should be cautious in case she's tries any underhanded tactics.

Beck and Mason without a word, left.

Zee: ....


Up top in Blake's home...

Lilith, Valerie and Casey Krinsky were in the kitchen, surrounded by various ingredients, dead large animals Valerie transported here, meats, fishes, vegetable , rare & exotic sweets, spices, etc. The three nodded and got to work in a swift, magic like and skillful cooking montage.

In the living room, Mason was meditating, Babs was watching TV, Diana and Zee were keeping an eye on Ember who was having a conversation with Beck.

Ember: So how is it that you were able to eat my fire attack?

Beck: I'm a hybrid being, one of my powers comes a hybrid guardian within me being a fire dragon as well.

Ember: Oh.

Beck: I guess we fire breathers have to stick together.

Ember rolls her eyes but couldn't help but smile a little.

Ember: You're a funny one, aren't you?

Beck: I try.

Zee turns away from Ember and looks at Mason, who was meditating. She gets up and walks towards him. She had a look of guilt on her face from what she said to him and wanted to talk about it.

Mason: (eyes closed, cold tone) What do you want, Zatara?

Zee winced at the tone of pronouncing her last name.

Zee: I-I just wanted to talk, can we go somewhere in private?

Mason: .... Very well.

Getting up, Mason followed Zee upstairs.

Babs: Whoa, Barbi really made the news after the confrontation with Catwoman.

Diana: Indeed. With that new form & power of hers, Barbi's become a fierce warrior.

Babs: Glad she's on our side.

The door opens with Blake, Kara, Garth, Karen and Carter coming in.

Garth: Hey, nice place you got here.

Carter nods in agreement.

Blake: Hello.

Beck: Hey bro. Hey Kara. Hey Karen. Who are those two?

Babs: That's Garth Bernstein and Carter Hall, they're friends of ours at Metropolis High and heroes like us.

Beck: Heroes huh?

Babs: Yep. Garth here is an atlantean superhero with the power of communication of sea creatures and manipulation of water, Aqualad! And Carter is a strong warrior type who has wings to fly, superhuman abilities and wields a powerful mace, the Hawkman!

Beck: Aqualad and Hawkman? Great names.

Garth: Thanks.

Kara noticed Ember sitting next to Beck, immediately blurting out in shock.

Kara: Amber?!?!

Ember groans in anger and annoyance.

Ember: For the hundredth time, It's EMBER! With an E, not an A! Why is so hard to say it right?!

Kara: Whatever, I don't know how you're back but you're ain't eating anyone this time!

Kara, with a battle cry, leaps up ready to deliver a solid fist to Ember who got ready to defend herself but Beck caught the punch.

Beck: I'm afraid there will be no fighting here.

Kara: What the?! Why are you protecting her & how is she even alive?!

Beck: My sister and friend brought her back and yes, we're aware of what happened with you and her but it's history.

Beck released the grip as Kara glared at Ember, who glared back.

Beck: You girls don't have to like one another but Ember has chosen to start over. Barbi, Lena, Casey and Pam have been given that chance & didn't show signs of betraying us so Ember needs this too.

Babs and Diana understood that, Casey Krinsky, Lena Luthor, Barbi/Cheetah and Pam/Poison Ivy were villains once but gave up that for a new start and aren't just allies but good friends. Maybe Ember does deserve another chance...

Kara: Hmph. Fine.

Beck: Good.

Blake: So my sister resurrected someone?

Beck: Yes. This is Ember, she's a dragon human hybrid.

Blake: Oh, nice to meet you Ember, I'm Blake Masters.

Ember: Nice to meet you as well.

Then an exquisite smell filled the air.

Garth: What's that smell?

Kara: I don't know but it sure smells so good!

Diana: The smell almost rivals the annual feast hall of Themyscira....

Ember: Oh, the smell is soooooo wonderful. What are they cooking in here...?

Everyone entered the dining room and saw a massive & exquisite feast of rare and exotic foods prepared on the table.

Diana: Great Hera...

Babs: (stars in her eyes) So beautiful...

Ember had stars in her eyes with a bit of drool flowing from her mouth.

Lilith: Behold.

Valerie: The mother of all feasts. (To Blake) Long time no see Blake. How are you?

Blake: Good to see you again, Valerie. I'm doing fine.

Casey: Phew, I must say that was rather a hassle (to Ember) Oh you must be Ember, I'm Casey Krinsky.

Ember: Good to-

Kara: Great! It's amazing, I call dibs on the turkey legs!

Kara reached for a turkey leg but Valerie summons a glowing green wooden spoon and whacked her hand.

Kara: Ouch! Hey! (Glares at Valerie)

Valerie: Ah Ah Ah, this feast ain't for you.

Kara: And who are you?

Valerie: Valerie Royce, Dark sorceress and a friend of Lilith's. This feast isn't for you, it's for her (points to Ember)

Kara: Her?!

Ember: For me?

Lilith: Of course, we did say that we would make you a meal that has alluded you for centuries.

Valerie: It ain't a princess but this is ten times glorious.

Ember gazes at the feast, the rare delicacy was a beautiful sight to behold and the smell, the scent was was like heaven even more so than the scent she once caught radiating from Diana.

Ember: I... I don't know what to say...

Lilith: It's fine. The meal is all yours.

Ember's stomach growls.

Ember: Thanks... (Smiles with sharp fangs eyeing the massive dinner) Time to feast...!

Ember practically lunged at the table and begins to chow down, savoring and also wolfing down each exquisite dish she got her hands on. Everyone looked at her with shocked, stunned or bewildered looks.

Beck: Look at her go.

Garth: She definitely has a monstrous appetite.

Carter nods.

Karen: W-Well she is a dragon.

Diana: Indeed.

Valerie chuckles while placing her arm around Lilith's shoulder. Blake and Casey also chuckled.

Kara: (grumbles) Wish I've could've gotten some of those huge turkey legs...

Casey: Way ahead of you, Kara (holds up a large bowl of huge turkey legs)

Kara: (smiles) Sweet! Now we're talking! (Takes the bowl of huge turkey legs, eating some) Thanks Casey!

Casey: You're welcome.

Ember: (stops eating for a moment) This is the most wonderful, exquisite and delicious meal I've ever had! Much better than any princess! (Continues eating)


In one of the rooms, Mason was sitting beside Zee, who was twiddling her fingers and looking at the floor.

Mason: So... What is it you want to talk about? If this is a trick, I'm leaving.

Zee: (quickly looks at Mason) Oh Nonono, it's not a trick. Sigh... I want to apologize for what I said to you.

Mason: ....?

Zee: It's just... After learning about you all beings of hybrid guardians, I sensed a lot of things within you all, it made me shiver. Especially you and Lilith, complete darkness and ominous energy... It reminded me so much of...

Mason: Of...?

Zee bit her lip, having an uneasy and fearful expression.

Mason: (understanding look) If you don't want to tell me, I understand.

Zee: No, I have to. I can't be afraid to hide it anymore. There's a dark part of me... I've been afraid of it. I've learned more about it ever since the battle with the nightmare gremlin Fusseli & to accidentally turning my friends into birthday zombies once... My father told me that while I inherited light magic from him, I inherited dark magic from my mother...

Mason: ....

Zee: It's been my nightmare, I'm afraid of myself... of what my magic can do once I either get too powerful, too angry or lose control. It's fuelled by negative emotions... It's all my mother gave me when she... left me & my father.

Mason noticed some tears falling from her eyes.

Zee: I-I keep asking the same question over and over again in my m-mind. Why? W-Why did she leave me? W-Was I the cause of her & dad f-fighting on my birthday? Did I do something wrong? What was w-wrong with me? I was even worried my friends would abandon me too because of this dark magic I have, to turn me into something evil...

Mason had a look of sympathy for the daughter of Zatara.

Mason: I'm sorry... our abilities reminded you of what you went through. I'm terribly sorry...

Zee ensnared Mason in an embrace, silently crying over his shoulder as he comforts.

Mason: I guess I can kinda relate to you. Some members of my family are born with essence of attributes and abilities from the hybrid guardians that dwell in darkness itself. Like Lilith and myself... Lilith was one of the most powerful and dangerous hybrids in our family's current generation of now, she once had problems with her power but you'll have to talk to her about it.

Zee slowly stopped crying but sobs a bit.

Mason: For me, my hybrid guardians grant me the attributes of dark lightning, ghostly capabilities and dark magic itself. Like you, I was scared myself with these abilities of the shadows, I've even... hurt someone I loved back then with them.

Zee looks at him.

Mason: She was unlike any girl who didn't see me for my looks or family wealth, she was very kind until one day when I was about to confess my love for her, we were attacked, I lost control of my abilities and accidentally hurt her... I quickly got her to the hospital. Luckily, she was going to be okay but her parents blamed me for her getting injured. I never saw her again...

Zee: But sniff... you couldn't help the situation.

Mason: It's okay, I blamed myself for what happened, let the attackers try to get to me and put her in danger, she was afraid of me. The injuries my powers gave her... I felt like a monster and didn't want to use my powers ever again.

Zee: Oh... I'm sorry that happened to you. But what made you want to use them again?

Mason: Lilith told me that I can't hide what I am or let it weaken my resolve. The more I resisted the more my own power controls me, I needed to become one with my power.

Zee: Become one?

Mason: Yes, the point is while we hybrids may possess certain darkness within us, it doesn't make us evil nor we use our power to commit evil atrocities, we protect those from the wicked like the Accursed Clan.

Zee: ..... (Wipes her tears)

Mason: I'm truly sorry for what happened. Your mother may have not been there for you but know that you're not alone, you have your father & all your friends who look out for you no matter what, even my siblings and I will never leave you in peril.

Zee slowly smiles.

Mason: If you're having problems with your inner darkness, myself and Lilith will help you. You have my word, Lady Zatara.

Zee now had a big smile on her face with sparkling eyes & a blush.

Zee: That's... That's so sweet. Thank you.

Zee hugs him once and surprised Mason with a kiss on the cheek. Mason's eyes widened as Zee got up.

Zee: Thank you very much, I needed that. You're so sweet and I still owe you & your siblings a magic act of a lifetime, see you around darling~.

Zee winked at him as she left the room, leaving Mason who was silent with a slight blush.


Ember was on relaxing on the couch, patting her full stomach. The dining table was a mess after Ember devoured her massive feast but Valerie with a flick of her finger, cleaned up the dining room and kitchen.

Valerie: Did the Red Dragon enjoy her meal?

Ember: Ahh... I don't remember the last time I've been this full like ever. It was absolutely delicious.

Lilith: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Ember: Look... I'm still surprised that you would go through that trouble to bring someone like me back, I never really had anyone look out for me...

Beck: It's alright. My sister did what she thought was best. Sure, you were a wicked dragon as she said, you tried to eat someone alive & burn down the fair to do it but you were also miserable, you had to serve repeatedly and no one looked out for you but that's all history. You got a second chance to turn your life around, you gotta grab those who tried to tie you down, form a fireball on your hands, YOU LOOK DOWN ON YOUR ENEMIES WITH YOUR FIERY GAZE & SAY THAT "I'M NO ONE'S SERVANT, I'M THE MASTER OF MY LIFE NOW! I'M THE DRAGON WHO WILL BURN YOU ALL TO THE GROUND & YOU GOTTA GRIP THEIR NECKS, GRIP THEIR NECKS AS THOSE VILE COWARDS CHOKE ON THEIR FEAR TO KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE AND-"

Blake: BECK!

Beck: WHAT?!

Lilith: You're going too far in motivational speech mode... again.

Beck sees Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen, Casey, Garth and Carter giving him awkward, shocked, weird or disturbed looks, even Ember was disturbed while Mason shook his head and Valerie was struggling not to laugh.

Beck: Oh... (Smiles sheepishly) Sorry about that, I tend to get a little far on the hype man thing.

Ember: ..... Riiiiiiight.... (In her head) He's weird but funny. (Speaks) I'll find some way to repay you for this.

Kara: Well you can help us with the masters family's enemies, the Accursed Beasts-

Ember: (glares at Kara) I was ASKING them (points to Lilith and Valerie)

Kara grumbles under her breath, glaring at the human/dragon hybrid.

Valerie: Well as the Kryptonian put it, an old enemy of my friend's has returned and is planning to take Metropolis first before the world. If you want to, you can help us out in capturing and/or killing monsters and eventually the Accursed Beasts. If you don't want to be a part of it, you don't have to-

Ember: I'm in.

Garth: That was quick.

Beck: You sure? There are accursed monsters far more deadlier than the last.

Ember: Please, I'm not afraid of a couple of monsters. In fact, this'll be fun to spread my wings and do some damage to them (chuckling with a wicked smile) Consider me in.

Valerie: Heh, I like you already.

Lilith: Then welcome aboard. I'll set up a room here for you Ember, same for you too Valerie.

A knock at the door was heard as Zee went to answer it, seeing Jessica and Pam at the door, she invited them in.

Zee: Hey Jessica. Hey Pam.

Jessica: Hello. Sorry we're late, Pam and I had to deal with a threat downtown.

Pam: (holds up a cube containment device) An annoying cloning parasitic rat.

Jessica: So how is everything going-Dios Mio, Ember?!

Pam: ....?

Ember: Well at least you got the name right this time.

Jessica: How are you here?!

Pam: Who is this? (Stares at Ember)

Kara: This is gonna be a loooooooong story...


At LexCorp...

Lex: This is ridiculous!

Lex was sitting at his desk with his back turned to the super computer, his lair long since been repaired after the supervillain girls' failure to take care of Lilith. His projects in delay or unfinished, he received less money then what he paid for in his secret 'tasks' and more news on the superhero girls as well as the hybrids grow by the day & night, much to lex's dismay.

Lex: Nothing but setbacks, delays and failures! If that wasn't bad enough, I have to hear more about this blasted new individuals in metropolis, dealing with the man of steel and the superhero girls were in a problem enough... as well as Lilith Masters. They're all a thorn in my side that must be removed if I'm going take this world for my own.

???: Then perhaps we share a common interest...

Lex: What the... Who's there?!

The teenage bald billionaire looked around for any signs of the intruder but he heard loud static and distorted whispers, making him turn to the super computer which was glitching with static until it went black, revealing a shadowy silhouette on the screen with cold, ominous glowing eyes which sent chills down lex's spine but he remains strong, narrowing his eyes at the figure.

Lex: Who are you?

???: I am the leader of the Accursed Beasts and I am here... to discuss some terms.

Lex: And what pretell do you want with me?

???: You and myself share a common enemy, we of the Accursed Clan aim to make this world ours but... You share the same goal, wanting the world as yours but perhaps we can... cooperate with one another...

Lex: (suspicious glare) Really now...? And what's in it for me...?

???: A place on this earth you can rule alone with your heart's desire and everyone swearing your eternal loyalty to you... their emperor.

Lex: Emperor Lex...? I like the sound of that... (A smirk growing on his face)

???: Align yourself with us... Assist us with our goal & the destruction of the hybrids, our enemies and I along with my brothers and sisters of the Accursed Beasts will help you achieve your goals as well as remove every super thorn from your side for good, no hero or villain to either stop you or challenge your rule, including the superhero girls and Superman himself...

Lex Luthor thought about it for a moment before answering with an evil smirk.

Lex: Interesting... I'm ready to discuss terms...

The shadowy silhouette of the Accursed Beast leader grinned sinisterly.

???: Good...

To be continued...

(Chapter 20 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Ember is back from the dead thanks to Lilith & my new oc Valerie Royce, though Ember was a bad guy in the 2 part episode in the DC superhero girls series, I've felt sorry for how miserable she was in the first part so I decided to bring her back in my story to start over in her new life. Blake & Kara have a moment, including Kara getting her thoughts of her cousin off her chest in the chapter. Carter Hall aka Hawkman makes his debut and he along with Garth/Aqualad agree to help the girls and Blake's group with their mission. I made a moment between Leslie and Doris, Doris happy for a wrestling opportunity of a lifetime and Leslie despite what she went through, not giving up in trying to make emends with Blake. The idea of Leslie's addiction for chocolate coated blueberry cream pie was inspired by SpongeBob episode: Just one bite where Squidward got addicted to Krabby patties after trying one patty, plus the reference of it happening with Leslie and Doris, I don't own SpongeBob, the series & reference belongs to the respectful owners & I thought it would be a funny gag on Leslie's addiction for the dessert. Made a moment between Zee & Mason to get some things off their minds with Zee giving Mason a gift for making her feel better. And finally, Lex has made a nightmarish deal with the leader of the Accursed Beasts, a dark alliance is born. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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