Return of Casey Krinsky
It was surprisingly rainy in Metropolis on a summer night, everyone was indoors either up or turning in for bed. The winds were howling, the lightning flashed, thunder roared and the rain kept coming down even harder with no one in the streets of Metropolis this night.
Well... Most everyone...
In the darkest parts of Metropolis, someone was seen walking through the area, completely shivering in the cold while low sobs were heard from the person. The figure was a slightly short, chubby teenage girl with pale skin, short messy light brown hair, green eyes and was wearing a purple short sleeve buttoned up shirt, gray skirt, white socks and brown shoes.
This person was Casey Krinsky, a fellow student at Metropolis High School. She was known as the plain, boring and unpopular girl in school, she was like invisible to everyone that is... Until she met Zee Zatara, one of the most popular girls in school. She befriended her and the other superhero girls but... She reared a different side of herself... She became too nice, too clingy and too creepy. She kept following Zee around like a stalker, creeping out the Magician where she snapped at her which hurt Casey's feelings, Zee realized that her mistakes and wanted to start over with Casey.
However, Casey didn't let this go... She wanted everything Zee had, popularity, beauty and friends... She wanted to be perfect and that's when she revealed her power; The power of absorption to steal one's power and likeness when she stole Zee's body and magic, switching Zee into her body, wanting to steal her life and even got Zee's friends fooled when Zee as Casey tried to tell them that the Zee (Casey) standing near them wasn't her, but they along with the whole school didn't believe Zee.
After discovering Zee's friends were the superhero girls, Casey decided to take all the powers, techniques and skills of Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Green Lantern; Finally becoming an amalgamation of the superheroes known as Mega Casey Krinsky, going on a rampage and gaining what she always wanted in beauty and power, erasing the current, unlikeable girl she once was... or so she thought as she saw Zee in her old body follow her, deciding to finish her off.
Heading into the house of Mirrors, Mega Casey Krinsky tried to flush Zee out, tired of seeing of her face... her old, pathetic face that she doesn't like, like no one else. Zee explained that she liked her but it was Casey's change and evil plot that screw things up, she explained to that Casey can still have friends in acceptance but to accept herself as well, causing Mega Casey Krinsky to snap and undo the damage she caused, returning Zee and her friends powers, Zee got her body back... while Casey was back in her own body in despair.
Zee tries to console with a sobbing Casey, wanting to start over again as friends but Casey refused in anger, swearing revenge on Zee and threatens to expose who the superhero girls are and bring their crime fighting days to an end, leaving to do that.
Did anyone believe her?
They don't believe her. They laughed at her. They ignored her. Thought her to be crazy and deranged...
Casey was wandering the rainy streets of Metropolis, cold and was sobbing quietly. Why? Months ago after the events she caused, Casey was bullied, teased and labeled crazy by the popular students minus Zee and her friends of course. She would continue her studies and still tries to come up with ways to expose the superhero girls secret however, it led her to more trouble... and if that wasn't bad enough, her own parents disowned her as they didn't know what went wrong with Casey and decided to get rid of her.
Casey overheard her parents conversation and was devastated, like everyone else even her parents don't care about her. She was sick of it, she sneakily left her home and ran off into the night. She lived on the streets for days and nights, struggling to live on her own. Why she ask? Why was her life like this? What did she do to deserve this? She wanted to blame Zee and her friends for this but in truth, she brought it all upon herself. True, she did some bad things but she just wanted to be perfect... wanted to be recognized but it all went wrong.
Casey went to the park and sat under a tree, sobbing.
Casey: (quietly sobs) I hate myself...
As casey was wallowing in sadness and despair, something was sneaking up behind her from the shadows of the trees with a low growl. Casey lifts her head as she heard leaves rustling, she looks around the area for signs of anyone.
Casey: H-Hello?
Casey heard a low growl behind her as she slowly turns her head to nothing but darkness in the trees.
Casey: I-Is anyone there?
Casey gulps nervously as she was still looking around the trees, so far there was nothing but those glowing red eyes and-Wait a minute!
Casey quickly spots the glowing red eyes, whimpering upon the eyes hauntingly fixated on her as if it was staring into her very soul with pure, murderous intent. A huge part of Casey's mind was screaming for her to run away now and fast but she was frozen in fear. Out of the shadows appeared the horrifying visage; A very large humanoid jackal like beast with dark brown like fur/skin with glowing red crack marks, eyes, an exposed yet armored heart, bladed claws, fangs and a very long bladed tail.
The Beast let out a menacing growl, slowly advancing towards her. Casey snaps out of her trance and screams, turning to run away from the creature, who gives chase after her. Casey ran deeper through the park, nearly tripping on wet grass or bumping into trees but didn't stop running with the monster right on her tail. The beast roared, gaining on Casey and shot it's bladed tail out to pierce her shoulder.
Casey: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
The Beast caught up and slashes Casey in the back followed by a monstrous throw, tossing her like a rag doll and crashing into a tree very hard on impact. Casey coughs up some blood as she fell with a thud, she felt her right arm broken, her ribs cracked, left leg broken and blood was spilling from her shoulder and back wound. The Beast loomed over the damaged and helpless Casey, who had tears falling from her eyes as she was about to be eaten alive.
Casey: (in her head) S-So... This is how I die...? At the hands of some Jackal monster, I g-guess this is my p-punishment for my actions and still... no one will care about me, no one will remember Casey Krinsky...
Her consciousness was fading slowly as the beast was about to devour her only received a beam of ice to the face. The Beast roared in pain and mostly as Casey witnessed a shadowy silhouette attacking the beast, Casey couldn't make out who or what it was, her vision was blurred with a thought in her head before nearly losing consciousness.
Casey: (in her head) Someone... Saved me...?
She faded in darkness.
The next day...
Babs, Kara and Diana were at their hideout under sweet justice, having a meeting. Unfortunately, the other three couldn't make it; Karen was at her favorite concert, Zee was performing a magic act at the threater and Jessica was at downtown metropolis helping Hal Jordan with Star Sapphire... again, stuck between their crazed love drama.
Babs: I think we all know why we're here, ladies.
Kara: (lifting weights) Not really.
Babs: Ugh. Guys it's about Blake.
Kara: (lifting weights) What about him? The guy clearly wants nothing to do with being a hero.
Babs: I know but I still wanna help him out with this 11 Accursed Beasts Issue. Whatever they are, they must be a real threat if they found their way to metropolis. They're releasing monsters, assassins and maybe trying to gain more powers!
Diana: Babs speaks the truth. We mustn't let these fiendish beasts rule Metropolis or the entire world of man, we must assist our comrade in arms!
Kara: (stops lifting weights, glared) And what makes you think he's still our friend, huh? For one, he's not a hero or a villain but kills monsters and people associated with them. And two, he threatened to do the same to us if we get in his way. Tch! I like to see him try it!
Babs: (glares back) He didn't threaten us! Plus, he doesn't look like the type to kill willy nilly, only those who are too dangerous or deserve it! I don't agree with his methods in assassination but he wouldn't do it to us! He's our friend!
Diana: That's enough!!
The two turn to Diana.
Diana: While I don't agree with Blake's means of acting as an Executioner, he still showed respect for us and what we stand for, even willing to give us the choice of breaking our blooming bond with him but that won't happen. We must assist our friend in fending off these accursed demons of the underworld, even though he's neutral... it's better to have him as an ally than an enemy.
Babs: Woo hoo! Preach Sister!
Kara: Guess you're right, Di. Can't have these monsters ruin our summer and metropolis.
Babs: Looks like we're going beast hunting!
Kara: Well not now cuz we had plans today.
Babs: Oh right. But soon, we're going beast hunting!
Within darkness, Casey slowly opened her eyes and immediately sat up with a jolt, breathing rapidly in fear and shock, remembering that she was about to get eaten alive but... she looks around seeing that she was no longer in the park but in a bedroom and looks outside & sees that it's morning, Casey also noticed that she was in a soft bed, wearing a black top and blue pants while having bandages wrapped around her wounds. The girl was confused, wasn't she about to die at the hands of some kind of Jackal like monster? Then she remembered that a shadowy silhouette kept the beast from finishing the job.
Someone saved her. Someone actually saved her.
Casey: W-Where... where am I...?
Casey slowly got out of bed, nearly tripping on the floor but steadied her balance and feeling a bit dizzy. She noticed that a plate of breakfast on a desk with a note by it that said "Enjoy your meal."
Casey: Oh, how thoughtful.
Casey sat down at the desk, grabbing the fork and knife as she dug in her food. She beamed, the breakfast tasting very good with each bite she took. Soon, Casey finished her food while patting her full stomach.
Casey: Ahhh... That was a quite a splendid breakfast.
A knock at the door was heard, causing Casey to jump.
Casey: Yikes! Oh uhhh c-come in?
The door opened as Blake came in.
Blake: Greetings. I take it you're all better. You were really in a mess of trouble last night.
Casey: Y-Yes I'm okay now. And... Wait a minute, you're the shadowy silhouette that fought that monster, even used ice to hit it!
Blake: Yes.
Casey: But why?
Blake: Why what?
Casey: Why did you save me? Normally others don't... associate with or turn a blind eye to me.
Blake: Was I supposed to let the Blood Jackal maul you into it's dinner? No. I couldn't, it wouldn't be right to leave you to that fate.
Casey was surprised.
Blake: Sorry if this freaks you out.
Casey: Oh umm no. It's fine. I'm no stranger with powers. I kinda familiar with them.
Blake: You are? How so?
Casey: (frowns) ..... Forget it. You probably won't believe me and think I'm crazy like everyone else....?
Blake: Try me.
Casey: W-Well... I... (Starts to tear up)
Blake: I won't think you're crazy, I promise you that. Just slowly start from the beginning, I'll listen to what you have to say.
Casey smiles a little but frowns as she tells Blake the whole story, leaving nothing out. From meeting Zee & her friends, the obsession of perfection, stealing Zee's & her friends powers, everything up to now. Casey then broke down in tears after finishing her tale, Blake was shocked, appalled and yet angered mostly at the fact at her being bullied nonstop at everyone minus Zee & her friends and that her parents would just kick her out, a 14 year old girl to the curb, instead of getting her help, they wanted to get rid of her. While he didn't like the deeds Casey has done to Zee and the others in the past, he felt sorry for her... She wasn't completely evil, just misguided, corrupted and wanted to be accepted, doing what she can to get the life she wanted by any means necessary.
Blake embraced her in a hug which she slowly returned.
Blake: I'm sorry that happened to you but you don't have to be someone else to be perfect.
Casey looks up to him with teary eyes.
Casey: B-But no one likes the real m-me... No one ever cared about me, I just... just hate myself...
Blake: Then those people who don't see you are fools. Also, I don't agree with the things you tried to do to Zee and the others, even though Zee offered to start over with you... you turned it down & threaten to expose them without proof that landed you in this situation where you were labeled insane...
Casey frowns.
Blake: However, you don't strike me as evil... Just misguided. You allowed yourself to be obsessed with Zee to the point where you wanted her life in a stalker-ish & an unhinged way, wanting perfection and acception. There's no such thing as true perfection itself, you are perfect the way you are and you must accept yourself & you'll have friends who like you for who you are.
Casey: R-Really?
Blake: Of course. For you, you made a mistake and it's not too late to start again... If you want to.
Casey was silent for a moment, thinking about it. Her life was already in a downward spiral so far, maybe this could be a sign, that she could change. She could start over and maybe try to make it up to Zee and the others one day, make friends without creeping them out and such.
Casey: Yes... I want to start over. I want to make amends and begin a new chapter in my life.
Blake: Good. May I ask what is your name?
Casey: It's Casey. Casey Krinsky.
Blake: My name is Blake. I would like to be your friend.
Casey smiles widely, not in a creepy way but a genuine way.
Casey: Thanks. I would like to your friend too.
Blake: Neat. Since you have no place to go, you can stay at my place.
Casey: Really? But you don't have to go through the trouble-
Blake: Nonsense Casey, I ain't leaving you on the streets at the mercy of another beast.
Casey: Oh ok. I'll try not to be a burden. Although I might ask, are you a superhero as well?
Blake: Well no, I'm not a hero or a villain... You could say that I'm a monster.
Casey: A monster?
Blake: Yes... I'm hunting a greater evil my ancestors have sealed away 200 years ago and they have returned to Metropolis.... It takes a Monster to hunt and finish another Monster.
Casey: Oh. And the superhero girls know about you? Are they your allies?
Blake: They know and it's their decision if they want to help or not but if they get in my way, I'll be forced to take action, I hope it won't come to that.
Casey: I see... Maybe I can help.
Blake: You wish to help?
Casey: Y-Yeah. I know I used my powers to steal the superhero girls powers but maybe I can help you out like an ally or a disciple?
Blake: Casey, I don't think that's-
Casey: Please?! I do wanna start over with my life but I want to put my powers to good use, not to hurt but to help!
Blake saw a new light and determination in Casey's eyes. He thought and thought of a situation and got something in mind.
Blake: I have an idea. Come with me.
Casey: Ok.
The two left the room.
Casey: Holy shamoly!!
Casey was in shock of the Monster's sanctum hideout as well as Barbi, one of the most popular girls in Metropolis high school, of all people here training. Blake explained his history in Metropolis and his friendship with the rich girl, who is also on his side for the hunt for the 11 Accursed Beasts and their forces. She was also shocked that Barbi is the Cheetah and has entered a new path.
Casey: This is a lot to take in.
Blake: I know.
Barbi: Trust me, I've been there. So you're joining Blake as apart of starting over your new life?
Casey: Y-Yes.
Barbi: Good. He likes helping out others misguided or lost, hehe. He tends to grow on them, seeing the good in others.
Casey: Oh.
Blake: Since you're gonna help out, might as well give you something for your powers.
Blake went over one of the item chests, opening it up and looking inside for something. Casey was confused by what he meant on something for her powers. Soon, Blake found what he was looking for and faces the two girls, holding a large, ultraviolet glowing crystal.
Blake: Powers of absorption, right? Well absorb this.
Casey: What? What is that?
Blake: A Hybrid Crystal, it carries & stores various abilities at random. You absorb this, it'll help give you the edge.
Casey: Whoa... (Slowly grabs the crystal) It looks beautiful. What powers will I have if I do absorb this?
Blake: No one knows, not even me. The Hybrid Crystal is quite the mystery and a wild card of 2 or 3 additional powers stored inside.
Casey looks at him and then at the crystal, seeing her reflection in it. At first, Casey didn't like what she saw in the reflection but Casey learns that she needs to accept being herself instead of being someone else to be perfect. Casey closed her eyes, slowly entering her crystallized mirror form with the crystal glowing brightly, Casey let out a loud yelp as power flowed into her.
Casey: (eyes glowed) Such power... Too much...!!
Casey couldn't stop as she was absorbing the hybrid crystal to it's fullest, Blake and Barbi shielded their eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter, Casey let out a scream with the light engulfing her.
Soon, the light faded as Blake and Barbi see Casey lying on the floor with the hybrid crystal was laying there, devoid of light. The two went over to help the girl up as Casey held her head with a groan.
Barbi: Are you okay?
Casey: Just a headache... but it's passing...
Blake: How do you feel?
Casey: Well... I felt something but I don't any-w-whoa!
Casey suddenly started floating in the air.
Casey: W-W-Whoa! H-Hey!
Barbi: Seems like one of the random abilities you now possess is Flight.
Casey: I see it but I-I having trouble s-steering this thing! Eep! Can you guys get me down?
Barbi leaps up and caught Casey, landing back down with her on her feet.
Casey: Phew. Thanks.
Barbi: You're welcome.
Barbi let's go of her.
Blake: So flight is one of the powers you absorbed from the hybrid crystal. The other two will probably surface sooner or later.
Blake pulls out a mystic looking band and places it on Casey's right wrist.
Blake: This should keep your powers from running wild after experiencing the effects. We'll help assist you in training to use them properly.
Casey: Yes. Of course.
Blake: For now, let's take a break from training. How about we go out for some ice cream at Sweet Justice, my treat.
Barbi: Of course.
Blake: Would you like to tag along, Casey?
Casey smiles.
Casey: Sure. I'd like that.
In an unknown location....
The area was filled with darkness, glowing soulless eyes were seen followed by eerie breathing, groaning and roaring. Away from those, there was 11 spiritual looking entities in the center of the ominous area.
???: (Raspy, growly male voice) Grrr... Another monster devastated!!!
???: (Snarky male voice) Oh don't be so mellow dramatic, we have plenty more to unleash.
???: Don't get all cocky with me, fool!
???: Who are you calling a fool, you insolent-
???: (Raspy, rough female voice) Enough you two! Gosh it's been 200 years and I'm still annoyed with your constant, childish bickering!!!
??? & ???: Childish?!?!
???: (Elegant female voice) She has a point, you know?
???: (Dark male voice) So we lost a few monsters and assassins. No need to fight amongst ourselves, it's not a total loss, a failure yes... But not a total loss.
???: (Wild female voice) Hehehehe... True. We have more beasts coming and looking for many to join us in our cause to take metropolis then the world!
???: (Emotionless male voice) Indeed but we must remove a thorn from our side, one of the descendants of the wretched hybrids who sealed us away.
???: (Emotionless female voice) I agree brother, we also have to regain our full strength to deal with him in time.
???: (Male voice full of bloodlust) Yes... Once we find the perfect hosts to house our essence and only then we'll destroy all who stand before us...
???: (Supremely calm female voice) We buy our time for our power to grow... Then we possess the right host, it can't just be random.
???: What are you? A perfectionist?
???: I'm just stating that the host has to be able to handle our power & attributes. Any random host would break down during the merge.
???: Does it matter? Whether it's a human or not, I'll take what I can get.
???: (Cold, bold male voice) Patience my brothers and sisters... Metropolis is full of extraordinary individuals, human or not... It's make no difference. Our army will keep rising no matter, a new beast will take a fallen one's place & others with darkness & evil in their hearts will join us. Let one of the descendants try to stop us... This time, he won't get in our way like his blasted ancestors. The Accursed Clan will rise again. Soon, it'll be the beginning of our conquest & resurrection while it'll also be the end of humanity.
The 11 entities eyes glowed frighteningly in the darkness.
To be continued...
(The seventh chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen has been updated! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! The superhero girls have decided to that they would rather have Blake as an ally than an enemy. Casey Krinsky makes her debut along with another oc monster. This chapter was a start of a redemption for Casey Krinsky, I made up a bit of an aftermath story for her since she only appeared in one episode of DC superhero girls AllAboutZee, so in my story I decided to have her reform instead of her being a crazed villain. As for the hybrid crystal idea, Casey will have three new abilities, one ability is flight, the other two... I'll let you, the readers, guess what they are until they're revealed in time as she's now a friend/ally of Blake and his mission against the 11 Accursed Beasts. What's gonna happen next? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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