Resurrection & The First Possession


On the rooftop of a high building, Shard Soldier, Ember and Lady Ultra were surrounded by Accursed Assassins, who readied their weapons. Shard Soldier entered her kick boxing stance while forming crystal fists, Ember readies her fire magic and Lady Ultra cracks her knuckles. The horde lunged at them with great intent to kill the three, who got ready. Shard Soldier waits for the nearest assassins to approach her, forming crystal armor to block the weapons which break as she delivered an assortment of kickboxing shots and crystal shards to nail each assassin on her end.

Ember was dodging magic arrows from her attackers, some managed to hit her much to her annoyance.

Ember: Now you're really asking for it. Here, have a taste of your own medicine!

Using her fire magic to construct a fiery bow and arrow, the dragon girl aimed and shot the blazing arrows at each assassin, through the head or the chest, their entire bodies set on fire and later reduced to ashes.

Lady Ultra was flying around to deliver a powerful punch to each assassin, she saw the magic arrows coming and inhaled deeply to shoot a breath of ice to freeze them in their tracks. She would proceed to get swarmed by the Accursed Assassins who begin to pierce their blades to the kryptonian hybrid only with a loud yell, they were all sent flying with a barrier of blue light by Lady Ultra, who then incapacitates them with her eye lasers.

Lady Ultra: (smiles) This is amazing! This kryptonian power within my transformed body is growing even stronger by the minute!

Shard Soldier: You have been working hard in your training.

Ember: Hate to rain on your parade but we're not done yet.

The two turn to where Ember was pointing. Across from them on a rooftop of another building was another group of accursed assassins led by a huge, muscular looking one with more armor samurai gear equipped than the others while possessing a strange mystic looking silver and aqua green gong bell and warhammer.

Lady Ultra: We got a big grunt soldier leading the charge but why the gong bell?

Ember: Who cares? Let's burn them!

Ember inhales and fires a huge flame ball from her mouth to the large armored grunt and the assassins.

Shard Soldier: Kinda... jumping the gun too fast there, Em?

Ember: What? They're down and out. Dropping like flies and not even trying.

Lady Ultra noticed a huge shadow behind them and turns to see the large grunt.

Lady Ultra: Behind you!

Shard Soldier and Ember turn around and barely avoid the giant warhammer which formed a huge crack in the rooftop ground.  Ember throws fireballs along with Shard Soldier's crystal projectiles and Lady Ultra's laser eyes at the large grunt who holds up the gong bell which glows and forms a barrier to repel the attacks. He disappeared in a flash & reappeared to catch Ember off guard with a swing of his warhammer to the gut, sending the dragon girl crashing into a nearby factory. Lady Ultra and Shard Soldier, who was coated in crystal armor while increasing her muscular body and height, double team the grunt with quick and hard hitting punches that seem to be dealing out damage but the grunt caught Shard Soldier and hammers her in the face as she crashes into a brick wall while grabbing Lady Ultra and hits her with the gong bell emitting a shockwave send her skyrocketing into the sky.

The grunt turned to the left to see Shard Soldier getting back up, holding her shoulder with a low growl. The grunt uses the warhammer to slam it into the gong bell, unleashing a massive aqua green wave of sound towards Shard Soldier who tried to defend herself but it hit her like a freight train. The immense vibrations of the sound rattled her so much, it quickly broke down the crystals around her body, shattering them as she drops to the ground.

The grunt approached Shard Soldier, who groans from the damage done to her. She slowly tries to get to her feet as the grunt was raising the warhammer over his head to bring it down to flatten her...


Shard Soldier looks up to see someone standing between her and the grunt, blocking the Warhammer with a circuitry pattern looking large shield.

???: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Shard Soldier: Who... Who are you?

???: I'm surprised you don't recognize me Casey Krinsky.

Shard Soldier: ...?!

???: But I can understand you can't recognize me from my alter ego. I am Noah Masters however, you can call me Morph-Tech.

Noah Masters or Morph-Tech was wearing a black & white circuitry warpaint on the right side of his face, green eyes, & wears a white & black circuitry patterned trench coat, bodysuit, gloves and boots.

Morph-Tech then drives the grunt away with his shield. Ember and Ultra Girl reappeared back to the scene, helping up Shard Soldier and seeing Morph-Tech.

Lady Ultra: Shard Soldier, are you alright?

Shard Soldier: Still alive but recovering. Luckily, Noah's here to help.

Ember: The Masters bookworm, huh?

Morph-Tech: I wouldn't say bookworm as I dabble in the scientific means of inventory, construction and development.

Ember: NERD!!!!

Morph-Tech: Just tend to Shard Soldier, I shall deal with this.

Lady Ultra: Are you sure?

Morph-Tech: This brute is 30 percent of magic while 70 percent of his body is cybernetic.

Ember: This ogre is part robot or something? You can tell by looking at him?

Morph-Tech glowed green as he splits into 10 clones.

Morph-Tech: Divide and Conquer, aim for the joints to incapacitate the large threat.

The ten clones formed silver liquid substance in their hands of nanite like  shape to solidify weaponry in different choices. Morph-Tech & the clones moved to surround the large grunt and would lunged at him with well balanced combos to the joints of the brute while moving back to avoid the hammer strikes and gong sound blasts before moving in to start again.

Lady Ultra: So they're timing in their combo attacks well instead of going at him full force, waiting for the right moment before avoiding the monstrous blows and once his guard is exposed, they target the weak points of the giant, especially the back of the knees to knock him down to nail a necessary attack.

Ember: Ugh, this is making my brain hurt.

Shard Soldier: ...

The grunt fully swings the warhammer to the gong bell, unleashing a huge sound blast as Morph-Tech and the clones avoid it while Lady Ultra forms a barrier of energy to block the attack & protect Ember and Shard Soldier.

Morph-Tech and the 10 clones got into a circular formation to surround the large grunt.

Morph-Tech: Interesting sound waves. Even I heard the barrier break from that. Let me show you my version.

Morph-Tech and the 10 clones inhaled deeply and opened their mouths fire a massive sonic scream (the screams sound like Ben 10's Echo Echo) to the brute at all sides. The large armored grunt roared, dropping his weapons while holding his head in pain. Morph-Tech and his clones kept up the sound frequency of the screams as the grunt was going crazy while suddenly static electricity was circling his body, his eyes going completely wide & glowing, his skin tearing off as the giant fell with a big thud.

The attack ceased as the 10 clones merged back with Morph-Tech, approaching the fallen brute seeing half of his body's skin & muscles torn to reveal cybernetic parts all damaged and ruptured with mini sparks and smoke coming out.

Ember: (whistled) State of the art my ass, he earned a one way trip to the scrapheap.

Shard Soldier: How did you know the brute was half cyborg?

Morph-Tech: I have a kean eye for stuff like this. One of my main abilities as a hybrid. Let us be on our way.

Lady Ultra: Right.


The next day... 3:45pm.

Mason was seen taking a walk with Zee after another magic performance by the princess of prestidigitation and no negative reviews this time about her magic called out as fake. The young man was absolutely astonished by Zee's talents, he hope one day he would assist his mistress on stage.

Mason: You put on quite a show.

Zee giggles with a proud smile.

Zee: Why thank you, my darling~. You and the crowd gave me a standing ovation on the edge of your seats, my magic truly being discovered more so than ever!

Mason: Indeed you did. Definitely living up to your family name, Lady Zatara.

Zee placed her hand on her chest, fanning herself with a blush.

Zee: Oh you make my heart fluster when you call me that. Not that it bothers me but I love the ring to that, dear~. (Smiles mischievously)

Mason chuckles. The two then made the Zatara residence.

Mason: A Penthouse, hmm? Neat.

Zee: Well that's just the outside of the luxurious estate. Let me give you the inside tour.

Zee leads her boyfriend inside, giving him the tour of her place of residence from the bottom to the top. Now Zee opens the door to her bedroom, entering with Mason following behind her.

Zee: And finally, we have my room. Whatta you think?

Mason: Well you have the fancy style. Excellent.

Zee: Why thank you.

Zee takes a seat, facing the mirror to tend to her hair.

Zee: I am an artiste at what I do. At first, I  didn't want to be a hero during my time meeting Babs and the others as our first experience as a team wasn't... very graceful, but we managed quite well & to look good while doing so.

Mason: I see. Before your heroes day, you wanted to just be a magician with an artistic vision rather than protecting the town. I can understand that, when people have powers or abilities that can show special results, they don't want to show it either because of what others would think negatively, feel like they'll hurt someone or themselves & feeling that hero work isn't their thing or they feel like they're not up to the task.

Zee: True. Myself, Kara, Jess & Karen had that moment. Babs & Diana believed in the idea and we just had a bad time but as you can see dear, we've made a wonderful name for themselves in Metropolis.

Mason approached Zee from behind, his reflection showing in the mirror as well.

Mason: And I commend you & your friends for it, while we of the masters family weren't there to see your heroic moments, you've told us about these tales and the city owes you a great gratitude for it even if some are blind & only see you all as menaces. The superhero girls have proven themselves to be a marvelous force, including you too.

Zee smiles at the compliment, reaching out to grab Mason's hands and guide them to her shoulders, gesturing them for a massage which her boyfriend obliged in rubbing her shoulders, Zee letting out a blissful sigh.

Zee: Mmmmm~... Looks like I'm not the only one... with magic hands~. (smirks slyly)

Mason couldn't help but laugh.

Mason: Really Zee?

Zee: Mmhmm...~

Mason: Well I aim to care for you, Mistress. By the way, where is your father? I didn't see him here when you gave me the tour of your home. My siblings and I have wanted to meet him.

Zee: Oh, he's performing in Star City. Won't be back til tomorrow. But I'm sure he'll be happy to see you all as fans of his work.

Mason: Ok then. And... Done. Anything else for a massage?

Zee: Why yes.

Zee gets up from her seat and walks towards her bed with a sway of her hips, smiling seductively over her shoulder at Mason, glancing. She sat down on the bed, chants an inverted spell as her heel boots sparkled and slipped off Zee's feet, walking away on their own. Zee gestures Mason to come forth with the seductive smile not leaving her lips. Mason chuckles, humoring Zee as he walks towards her, kneels down to one knee and takes hold of Zee's smooth feet, massaging them. The magician let out a loud gasp before a relaxed moan escapes her from the foot rub.

Zee: Ohhhh... Oh wow...~.

Mason: Heh, you haven't felt the scratching surface of these... magic hands you spoke of.

Zee: Hehehehe! (Grins) Oh, then show me 100 percent of it~.

Before Mason could oblige, a voice cuts in.

???: I'm sorry darlings but I'm afraid that your massage therapy has to postpone for now...

Zee was spooked, she and Mason see Valerie Royce leaning against the wall.

Mason: Valerie, what are you doing here?

Valerie: Oh just to get you, of course. Lilith's soul has completely awakened & at full power. However, as you know, she is without a body.

Zee: What do you plan to do?

Valerie: I have the ingredients and Lilith's DNA before needed to make the majestic stream of dark rebirth but I need you & your powers to assist me in making it.

Mason: I see... And I must bring... him out to do it, right?

Valerie: Yes. You're a dark hybrid just like your sister, so this will help out with the procedure.

Mason: I understand.

Zee: Wait! Whatta you mean? Majestic stream of dark rebirth? And who is he that you're referring to?!

Valerie: Mason's persona. I'm pretty sure he told you about his dark powers in magic as a hybrid & his former lover before you?

Zee nodded, remembering the tale.

Valerie: I'd ask Gwendolyn but her powers are of the light hybrids & it wouldn't help in the dark rebirth. So mason, I need you to help me help your sister.

Mason stands up.

Mason: I'll do it.

Valerie smirks and transported herself, Mason and Zee to the Masters home in the woods. Mason then walks inside the house, Valerie following along with Zee, passing the living area, through the dining room, the kitchen finally out back to the large pool. Mason stared at the reflection in the pool which showed a shadowy figure with glowing dark indigo eyes. He then turns to Valerie and a worried Zee.

Zee: Mason...?

Mason: Don't worry, I'll be fine. I hope "he" recognizes you. I hope after the story I told you & what you've told me, we can accept the darkness behind our magic... Just know, I love you.

Zee: I love you too.

Mason crosses his arms in an X around his chest, standing like a statue and falls backwards into the pool with a large splash, sinking into the water. Zee turns to Valerie.

Valerie: Calm your nerves, dear. The anxiety doesn't suit you. Stand & get ready for the unveiling~.

Zee heard rumbling and turns to the pool bubbling rapidly before the clear blue water suddenly went pitch black & blue-ish. The princess of prestidigitation was getting more worried about her boyfriend. What was going on down there? She couldn't waver, Zee knows whatever is happening with Mason, he wouldn't hurt her. But what about "him" who was he referring to? His persona? What could it be?

Her question was answered when someone rose out of the darkened waters, arms spread wide as black aura and purple lightning shrouded the body.

Zee: M-Mason?

Floating above the water was Mason or rather his dark hybrid persona, who looked drastically different. Mason's skin has become very pale with a tint of blue, has dark indigo blue glowing eyes, fangs, claws & strange marks on his upper body. He was now wearing a custom, mystic looking sleeveless black & indigo jacket with three buckles/wraps around his midsection, split coat tails, an indigo gem, black long fingerless gloves, a front cloth, black pants, indigo kneepads & boots.

Mason/???: (distorted, cold voice) Astrion... has risen again...

Valerie: I'm sure you know why you're here.

Mason or rather Astrion looks at Valerie for a moment before turning his attention to Zee, who flinched at her boyfriend's dark persona. Within a blink of an eye, Astrion was directly in front of Zee, earning a startled yelp from the magician heroine as he tilted his head a little to the left, then to the right, his dark indigo blue eyes staring at Zee, narrowing.

Zee: Mason... Do you know who I am...? It's me, Zee.

Astrion continues to stare at Zee, menacingly before a calm expression adorned his face, playing a hand on Zee's left cheek.

Astrion: ... Lady Zatara...

Zee smiles in relief. The dark hybrid then turns to Valerie.

Astrion: Lilith's rebirth, shall we begin?

Valerie: (smirks) Yes. Follow me.


A punch to the face awoken the figure slowly opening it's eyes, revealing the person who caused the punch to be Core.

Core: (smirks) Wakey wakey Zod, you have a date with destiny.

The figure revealed to be the feared kryptonian and megalomaniac General Zod fully awakened with narrowed eyes, seeing Core standing before him as he was no longer in the Phantom Zone. Zod moved only to find out his arms and legs are heavily restrained, he attempted to break free but the restraints aren't breaking from his ultimate strength, keeping him in place.

Zod: (glares at Core) Who are you? Release me at once or face the wrath of Zod!

Core chuckles.

Core: Unfortunately, General... That's not going work. You're not actually in a position to make demands or threats. You see, my master has plans for you right now.

Zod glares at Core, who stands aside as a dark figure with glowing eyes appeared before the evil kryptonian, having no physical form in light as Zod was staring at the Leader of the Accursed Beasts.

???: General Zod, Welcome to the Accursed Clan...

Zod: Your clan has no concern of mine, spirit. I will be free and everyone shall suffer, gravel and kneel before Zod.

???: Hahaha... Everyone will be kneeling yes but not to you. You see, I've been looking into your soul, seeing everything about you.... From your planet's destruction, your attempt to rule, your imprisonment, your freedom and finally your defeat at the hands of these simple teenagers in costumes.

Zod growls at the Accursed Beast Leader while Core grins in the background.

???: But I must say... you have been impressive in every battle you've been in, you've conquered many... you're not weak but you always fall short when you reach the few end goals. Which is why I chose you...

Zod: What purpose do you have with me, wretched one?

???: You see... This world has always belonged to the Accursed Beasts but these hybrid guardians denied us our prophecy from many years ago up to now with their descendants, well no more. We will rule again & you have chosen to be the vessel that holds my spirit.

Zod: Never! Zod kneels to no one as the world belongs to me!

He struggled against the restraints as the Accursed Beast Leader laughs diabolically.

???: You make it as if you have a choice. I'm going to take you as my vessel whether you like it or not.

Zod: You will never control Zod!

???: That's where we beg to differ. You see Zod... You said it yourself in memory, it takes another force of nature to overcome you...

He approaches Zod, who tries to fight out of his restraints but still he couldn't get loose.

???: And I happened to be just that...

The spirit launched itself at Zod, entering his body as the evil kryptonian yells out in agony, an ominous aura engulfing his struggling form with glowing veins sprouting. Core watches this with a manic grin.

Zod soon went limp.

Core: So... How do you feel?

His answer... Zod broke out of the restraints only to float with the dark aura to shroud him again as Zod was no longer in control of his body, now a vessel of the leader of the Accursed Clan.

Zod/???: It feels... GREAT. I am flesh again, hahahahahaha!

Core: Excellent. Shall we inform Lex of this unveiling?

Zod/???: Not yet. Let him unveil his latest... scheme tonight. While my brothers and sisters are still debating which hosts either in our capture or out to possess, I'll shall remind everyone who we are.

Core: Good master. I'll await your further orders.

Zod/???: (grins evilly) Yes....


At the masters family vacation home...

In the front yard, Leslie and Barbi were sparring with Blake and Beck, Jessica and Pam were tending to the gardens, the Invinci-bros were in the living room watching Kara arm wrestling with her clone, both kryptonians in a stalemate to overpower the other. Carol was relaxing by the fireplace with her boyfriend Logan who was feeding her strawberries, Selina was also there too, enjoying the recliner. Ember was eating a big plate of boneless chickens in the dining room with Babs and Harleen reading comics & eating burritos.

Diana and Tatsu were in the dojo room with Gwendolyn in a two on one sparring as the light hybrid tested their might while Cassidy watches. Karen and Doris were in the backyard with a mini lab station, putting the finishing touches on their project.

Karen: And now for the stabilizing compound. Doris, if you would?

Doris: Sure.

Doris grabs a beaker of a glowing red liquid and carefully pours it into the beaker of lime green yellow liquid. It bubbles for a moment before stopping as Doris hands the vial to karen, who puts it in the centrifuge for a few minutes. After the minutes flew by, a ding sound was heard as the vial was finished, Karen takes it out revealing the glowing orange with mini sparks of red light within the vial.

Karen: It's done!

Doris: Hell yeah!

The two high five.

Karen: Now we need to test it on you, this new serum should allow you to permanently tap into your powers as Giganta but with more attributes than just strength and size alone, what they are I'm not sure.

Doris: Well that's why we're testing it on me, Beecher.

Karen: I'm just cautious is all... We both worked on this together, for the first time, we were on the same page. (Putting the vial in the syringe gun) I just don't want something bad to happen to you.

Doris places a hand on Karen's shoulder.

Doris: Look, it's fine. For once, I used my brain as you said to help you out with this serum. If it's a bust, then so be it. I don't care what happens after. Thanks for helping me cope, Karen.

Karen was surprised at the compassionate she was receiving. It proved that Doris has indeed changed in more ways than one.

Karen: (determined) Okay. If you trust me, I'll do it.

Karen uses the syringe gun to inject the new serum in Doris, glowing red orange veins becoming visible on her skin.

Doris: Okay... Now, part 2.

Karen: Got it.

Karen got out her Ult. Bumblebee suit & upgraded stingers ready. Doris nods at her, she nods back and blasted Doris with electricity, hitting the grass floor. Doris grunts arching her head, eyes forced shut with a pained expression before they fully opened with angry glowing red eyes with glowing orange pupils, breathing heavily and growling with the veins becoming more visible & spreading.

Ult. Bumblebee: Doris...?

Doris: Agh... Gack! AAAAGGHH!!!!

Her pained yells becomes primal and angry roars as she started to grow in size, her body parts immensely pumping up with abnormally large muscles causing her clothes to tear up. Her hair grew longer, puffier and wilder. Ult. Bumblebee backed away for more room as Doris's transformation was soon completed, her clothes completely ripped off but instead of being without them, she was wearing a stretchy black & orange trim sports bra & shorts as she was Giganta again.

Standing up at her new height, Giganta let out an ear deafening roar, everyone hearing it, along with the animals in the woods running or bird flying for the hills.


Blake, Beck, Barbi and Leslie were running to the backyard, seeing Ult. Bumblebee and the now returning Giganta.

Beck: Holy crap!

Leslie: Doris, you got your powers back!

Giganta turns to them with a ferocious growl, her eyes red with glowing orange pupils, stomping towards them.

Barbi: Ummm... She's in control, right?

Blake: I'm not sure but be ready to restrain her but don't harm her.

The four got into fighting stance to the approaching Giganta. Ult. Bumblebee got between them.

Ult. Bumblebee: Doris, stop! It's okay, you got your powers back. We did it, both of us, remember Doris. We're your friends, okay?

Giganta: ....

Ult. Bumblebee holds out her hand to Giganta, who stares at her with heavy breathing as she brings out her large hand to place against Karen's hand.

Ult. Bumblebee: Just take deep breaths.

Giganta does just that, slowly regaining her sense of reason.

Giganta: Huff... Huff... Thanks...

Leslie: Glad to have you back, bigger & better than ever. How do you feel?

Giganta stood up.

Giganta: I feel... more than better. I felt even stronger than ever! (Flexes) Although I feel like I can think more clearly, and I feel hungry for a taco right now-

Giganta vanished in a blur.

Beck: What the?

Blake: Where'd she go?

Then Giganta was back where she was standing, carrying a pile of beef tacos.

Giganta: I'm surprised as you are, I suddenly was at the taco place, can you believe they were having free beef taco tuesday! I quickly grab a mother load!

Giganta then devoured the beef tacos in mere seconds.

Ult. Bumblebee reverts back to Karen.

Karen: The new serum must've amplified Giganta's speed.

Giganta: Sweet. I can probably-

She vanished in a blur of speed, soon coming back with a lot of large dumbbells.

Giganta: Rad!

Blake: (stern) Doris...

Giganta: What? I left money back for them. Tch!

Leslie: (smirks) Giganta is back, new & improved.

Giganta: (smirks) Ya know it.

Blake: (to Karen & Giganta) You both did a great job. Putting your minds together to make it so Doris can have her powers back & more. Excellent.

Karen/Giganta: Thanks.

Giganta: I wonder what else I can do.

Beck: I'll give you a sparring match to find out.

Barbi: We just finished and you want to spar again, oh the hell with it, my wild side can come out for more.

Blake: I don't mind another fight.

Leslie: Guess it's four on one, meathead, hehe.

Giganta: Heh, try four against a one woman army, come at me!

Karen: I'll watch you guys & take notes on Giganta's new feats of powers.

The four lunged at the new & improved Giganta.


Noah was in the kitchen, working on blueprints for a project while enjoying a well balanced lunch. While he was doing so, Casey Krinsky walks into the kitchen, approaching Noah while twiddling her fingers.

Casey: Umm... Hi.

Noah turns to Casey.

Noah: Hello. What can I do for you?

Casey: Oh. N-Nothing, I wanted to s-say thank you for saving me the other day. The sound wave hit me harder than a plane crash.

Noah: No problem. Crystals, as very durable and strong as they are, high frequency of sound & vibrations can effectively shatter them.

Casey: Dually noted. I'll be more careful next time.

Casey went to make something to eat.

Noah: You know, you have improved quite splendidly & still continue to grow.

Casey turns back to Noah.

Noah: I've heard about your history, a unpopular girl unseen & unheard by all, once briefly had friends only to experience psychological issues to traits of obsession, unhinged behavior and hatred of oneself.

Casey frowns.

Noah: But I don't hold that against you, Casey. You've been through a lot after your... unpleasant deeds, abandoned & would've gotten killed if my brother hadn't saved you. You're a different person on the right path compared to your former self, it showed that Blake cared about you.

Casey: ....

Noah: He has this drive despite being broken himself in a way, to help those who are broken & lost to find their way. You were taken in, trained and accepted yourself as you grew, becoming a strong, smart & remarkable girl who is capable of great things.

Casey had a blush spread across the face.

Casey: T-Thanks. It was hard to get by with all the powers, the training, and the new friends & family I'm making. You guys have truly changed my life & if you haven't well... I'd still be trying to get revenge on Zee & her friends. I'm eternally grateful for you guys' help.

Noah: You're welcome. And I thank you for helping Blake at his worst, if you hadn't fully convinced him along with the girls to stop doing something to Leslie that would forever change him, it would've been worse than a monster could do.

Casey: Yes but it was Core's fault. He's the one who interfered in the lives of Blake & Leslie-

Noah: I'm aware of the Blood Deceiver's cause in my brother's sudden hatred for Leslie. We'd all go after him but Blake & Leslie made it clear that the two want Core to pay by their hands.

Casey: Yeah...

Noah: But we'll be ready for what comes next, I promise you Casey.

Casey: Of course.


Later, In the monster's sanctum...

Valerie had just finished putting the finishing touches on the majestic stream of dark rebirth, ingredients within the glowing waters to stir as Astrion was in a lotus position, chanting inverted like his dark aura was channeled into the stream's water, glowing even more. When Valerie was done stirring, she then chants as well as her aura drives itself into the stream, the glowing intensifies and the entire area started to shake immensely.

Valerie: Now that that's done, Astrion... Lilith's soul.

Astrion nods and goes to the container which harbored his sister's soul, deactivating the locks to open & take hold of the soul in both hands. The entrance to the monster's sanctum opened as the three masters brothers, the hero girls, the former villain girls, the Invinci-bros, Casey, Tatsu, Lena, Ember, Clone Kara, Cassidy, Logan and Gwendolyn came in.

Diana: We heard a commotion.

Selina: What is going on here?

Oliver: And ugh, what's is that gastral smell?!

Valerie: I'm near completing the resurrection.

Valerie places a vial of Lilith's blood into the pool.

Garth: Something tells me that's no ordinary pool.

Valerie: Astrion, the soul!

Astrion walks towards Valerie, handing Lilith's soul to her as she places it inside the stream, glowing indigo and black.

Zee: Such... Power...

Tatsu: The soul's energy is radiating...

Harleen: Sweet mother of voodoo, I can feel that!

Babs: I taste that!

Doris: What on earth is happening here?!

Barbi: They're... bringing her back.

Blake: Indeed.

Valerie and Astrion were chanting loudly as the sanctum shook immensely and the pool stream kept glowing with the water rapidly spinning. Valerie's eyes glowing black and green as the black aura left her and went into the stream while Astrion used his aura to give energy to the stream, both still chanting.

Carol: The whole place is shaking!

Barry: Holy smokes!

Beck: ....

Noah: It's near completion.

Jessica: This is truly unnatural!

Kara: Whatta you expect from magic!

Clone Kara: No kidding!

Gwendolyn: .....

Something was being forged in the stream, taking shape of a human body as the soul melded with it.

Astrion: This is it!

Valerie: Now...

Valerie/Astrion: Rebirth!!!!

The swirling stream let out a devastating shockwave throughout the sanctum as Gwendolyn put a barrier of light around everyone to shield from the immense force. Soon, the light and shockwave ceased as everyone looks at the slightly glowing pool.

Lena: Is... Is it over?

Gwendolyn: Watch closely.

Valerie and Astrion were breathing heavily before standing up.

Astrion: It... is done.

Astrion reverted back to Mason as he collapsed to one knee. Valerie looks directly at the stream as a hand rose out of the water.

Karen: Eeep!

Garth: It's a zombie! Coming to feast on our brains!

Cassidy: Calm your jets, you two! It ain't a zombie!

More began to rise along with the hand, Valerie nearly forgot and shot a green beam at the rising figure.

Valerie: Nearly forgot there. (To the others) Sorry, had to make my old friend decent. Wouldn't want someone oogling her glorious, yet unclothed body~. 

Everyone in the barrier turned to Hal with deadpan looks or glares.

Hal: What? ...What?!

The figure fully walked out of the pool, revealed to be Lilith Masters, revived with a body again & wearing a sleeveless black bodysuit. She fell to her knees, coughing a bit to regain her breathing.

Valerie: (grins) Welcome back to the land of the living, Lilith Masters~.

Lilith lifts up her head up, a cold stare adorned her with her eyes pitch black. She slowly stood up with black aura swirling around her new body in a horrifying visage before she retracts it back inside, her eyes normal again.

Gwendolyn undid the barrier as Blake, Beck and Noah approached their older sister, Mason not too far behind as the four embraced her. Lilith was silent but slowly smiles genuinely & returned the hug.

Lilith: (soothing tone) My... Brothers...

Gwendolyn approached the five, who soon broke the embrace as Lilith stared at her cousin.

Gwendolyn: Lilith.

Lilith: Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn: C'est si bon de te revoir. (it's so good to see you again.)

(A/N: I had to look that up how the line would sound in French, that above is what popped up on Google.)

Lilith understood as the two women embraced each other.

Lena: Good to have you back!

Barbi: Welcome back old friend.

Pam: Truly glad to see you again. The plants notified me of your return.

Diana: Welcome back Friend Lilith.

The others all had their own to say to her, especially with what's been going down since Lilith was in dormant. After that, Lilith's dark frown returned.

Gwendolyn: And now you're all caught up. The mégalomane égoïste (French for egotistical megalomaniac) right now is unveiling a new project to the city tonight, seeing it as a "solution" to "fix" the problem of the Accursed monsters roaming the city as my division and the heroes are handling it yet lex wished to make it on the news that we can't be trusted.

Lilith let out a low snarl.

Selina: The way I see it, Lex is planning on targeting us again.

Diana: It's no doubt he has something that'll benefit himself, masquerading it as for the greater good of the city or the world. We must put an end to it, tonight!

Lilith: You're right about one thing, it all ends tonight. And I'll be the one who puts Lex in the coffin.

Before the heroes could protest, Lilith's dark glare met theirs.

Lilith: (cold tone) I'm not letting another fall in order to fuel lex's ego & control for power. Tonight, his life is mine to take.

Valerie then intervenes.

Valerie: Easy old friend, I understand your anger. Lex's life is yours but not tonight, he aligned himself with your enemies, he tried to take your life, he tried to take away your family, your legacy... He also tried to make the heroes and former villains suffer & slander their names. Even his own sister was a victim of his choices after sacrificing his own parents.

Lilith turns to the group. Valerie grins and whispered in Lilith's right ear.

Valerie: It'll be too easy... So wait, lex's time will come but not tonight... He made a fool of & wronged each & everyone of us... It's time to give him a taste of his own medicine, he tries to take everything.... It's time you... all of us, take everything from him, show everyone who lex luthor really is... unveil & the curtains shall fall on his legacy~...

Lilith: ....

Gwendolyn: Dear Cousin...

Lilith: The curtain falls on his legacy tonight...

Kara: (fist pumps) Then let's get busy!

Selina: (grins slyly) Ohohoho... Dropping the hammer down & grand exposure, I'm in~.

Lena: (smiles mischievously) I have all the tools for this. Lex will never show his face anywhere, ever.

Everyone started to execute the plan.


At Metropolis City Hall...

Night has fallen, there was a huge crowd in the audience, awaiting the young mega billionaire and owner of LexCorp to show his new project. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen were also there for some photos of the next scoop. Soon, the lights shined upon the stage as Lex Luthor made his grand entrance with a confident smile, the crowd on the edge of their seats for him. He ordered Core to remain backstage and the Super Accursed Girls (minus Dark Harley Quinn) in different hiding spots in case the heroes & hybrids think of crashing the party.

Lex: Greetings citizens of Metropolis! Thank you all for coming, tonight I have something truly special to show you all that'll benefit our city even better than before!

The crowd cheered.

Lex: Now, now... Hold your applause. Let us get to the purpose behind the new project. For you see, these apparent monster attacks have been getting out of hand, bringing destruction to our strong & fair city!

The crowd booed, shouting complaints about the Accursed monsters invading their towns, either abducting or killing others who were either close to or not.

Lex: I know, I know! It's tragic, the authorities are powerless to stop these fiendish beasts and the heroes are aligning themselves with unknown creatures to stop them? Can they even be trusted? Vigilantes? Outlaws? Who's to say they didn't start this? How many people will be taken from us? And how much shall we lose due to the beasts' rampage or the heroes' recklessness?!

The crowd gave mixed reactions about the heroes and the hybrids.

Lex: Well, I say no more. We've seen the heroes' best but it's not good enough to keep these atrocious beings out of our town. But fear not! I, Lex Luthor, have the solution of success where the heroes has failed to be achieved!

Lex gestures for the curtains to rise up. The curtains soon rose up to reveals an army of men and women of super soldier caliber in black, green and purple custom masks, goggles, bodysuit and custom state of the art durable armor, gloves, utility belts and boots. This left the crowd in shock and awe while Core smirked.

Lex: Meet the LexCorp Apex Squadron. With cunning edge genetics technology and engineering a superhuman procedure, this task force shall be the future of the heroes' past, to guard & protect our city from the growing threat until it is no more!

The crowd cheered and took photos of the new task force Lex has made. But in reality, Lex & Core collaborated in creating this apex squadron to aid them in the Accursed Clan's takeover as well as the demise of the heroes, hybrids & their others allies. Lex basked in the grand ovation of the citizens of Metropolis bestowing upon him, seeing him as their savior.

Suddenly, a strange sound occurred, the lights going out, getting the crowd, Lex and Core's attention as they went out one by one until it was completely dark with the exception of the moon illuminating the area.

Lex: No need to panic, just some technical difficulties. I'll have my workers repair it in seconds-

A massive sound of static was heard as lex turns around to the giant high definition screen hanged atop on stage behind, glitching oddly. Lex was confused as was the crowd, a strange visage appearing followed by Valerie's voice but distorted and glitch-like.

Valerie's voice: Who who who w-w-who are are a-are Who who who-o-o-o-o are you? Who. Are. You really Lex?

The screen shows Valerie in a black cloak, sporting a haunting voodoo skull face paint, a terrifying smile adorned her face.

Valerie: Are you really who everyone sees you as? Hehehehe.

The screen starts showing horrifying visages, scaring the crowd as lex was trying to figure what was going on.

Valerie: You. You. You. You are are a-a-are a liar. You. You. BLINDED the world! BLINDED the wooooooorld~! You masked yourself from all, what's behind behind behi-i-i-ind iiiiiit?

The screen shows Lex's moments of who he is as a "pure soul" but it shows Lex's real self & his vile deeds.

Valerie: You burned her alive.

The screen showed lex burning the coffin with Lilith inside it, getting the crowd's attention as Lilith was "missing" for weeks with no idea of what happened to her before Gwendolyn took over. Lex was getting nervous, annoyed & frustrated, he looks to Core, who growls as both of them know who's responsible as the Accursed descendant went to find the culprit.

Valerie: And yet you continue continue continu-u-u-u-ue to play hero hero herooooooo. To play S-S-S-Savior. To play God. But we both know know kn-n-now you're not who you saaaaay you are? You're allllll for control. For powwwwwwer~. But you're not in control, are you? You're not in control not in control not in control are you? Not in control not in control not in control-trol-trol-trol-trol-trol. Not in control hahahahaha! The lies shall c-c-c-cease, the truth exposed...

More horrifying images kept flashing at rapidly as it stopped at Valerie's ominous face, grinning.

Valerie: Your story tragically ends...

The screen went black. Lex turns to the crowd, all of them had expressions of fear, skepticism, cautiousness and suspicion. The mega billionaire tries to keep a clear head but inside he was trembling in rage. He didn't like when someone plays games with him, he would not be made a fool of by anyone, especially those heroes.

Lex: Citizens of Metropolis, you see those monsters are trying to ruin my good name, using false videos & cheap tactics, trying to make me the villain so you can go after the wrong person, to make us let our guard down so the real monsters can strike! We must not waver in fear, with the LexCorp Apex Squadron, we shall bring peace & the bright future back to Metropolis!

The crowd slowly begins to side with lex's words of encouragement but only for Supergirl's voice.

Supergirl: The only villain we see is you, chrome dome!

Lex and the crowd turns to see the superhero girls & the Invinci-bros enter the scene.

Green Lantern (Hal): You're charged with your acts of working with the enemy, theft, murder & other deals you've made as a master criminal! Either you come quietly...

Wonder Woman: Or we take extreme caution in your surrender!

The crowd was muttering amongst themselves.

Lois: Lex Luthor, a master criminal? This could be a juicy story!

Lex: And what oh so proof you have? I have done nothing but make metropolis a beacon of a bright future. What business would I have in working with villains and no good criminals, the only thing I'm guilty of is trying my darndest to ensure the safety of this city to not let it fall to the villainous scums of the earth or the "help" you heroes provide when it causes collateral damage.

The crowd was muttering in agreement.

Lady Ultra's voice: So you're all not convinced, eh?

Everyone, including Lex looks up to see Lady Ultra floating above them, glaring at Lex. The bald young man doesn't know about Lena & Lady Ultra being the same person but he was really getting annoyed. Core & the Super Accursed Girls should've taken care of these pests, what was keeping them?!

Lex: And who are you? A Superman wannabe like the other blonde one?

Supergirl: Hey!

Lady Ultra: I'm Lady Ultra & I've been watching you, Lex. I know you quite well... (Growls) every time I look at you, I grew sick of the acts you committed, even to me!!

Lex: Whatta you mean?! I just met you!

Lady Ultra: Nevermind! Because it's payback time! (Pulls out a detonation device)

The crowd was horrified as Lex tries to leave but the heroes blocked his path & the crowd's.

Lex: Are you crazy?! You'd let her use a bomb to blow us up?! And you call yourselves heroes?!

Lady Ultra grins and pressed the button, people started to scream. But... No fiery explosions occurred as Lex looks around and looks at Lady Ultra.

Lex: (smirks) Nothing happened. It looks like your bombs are a dud, now you heroes are going to face charges for attempted assassination.

Lady Ultra: (grins) Of course, nothing happened fool.

Lex raised an eyebrow, the crowd was still confused yet scared.

Lady Ultra: It wasn't a bomb detonator. This was to send a message all over the world wide web, including Metropolis which should show interesting clips on the internet & the broadcast news right... about... now.

Lex: What?

Soon, the large screens on various buildings begins to show video of Lex Luthor, performing different acts of evil. His nice guy attitude a facade, various & illegal crimes of creating weapons or selling them to criminals to take out heroes, the list of videos continue to his acts of capturing Superman, the Invinci-bros and later the superhero girls during his alliance with Catwoman with the book of eternity as well as his Lex hiring the supervillain girls to go after Lilith Masters, their failure, being discovered by & forming an alliance with Core & the Accursed Beasts, abducting & turning people into corrupted monsters, creating diabolical experiments & weapons, even sacrificing his own parents & tried to do the same thing to Lena, as well as the creation of the Super Accursed Girls and the burning "death" of Lilith Masters by lex's hands.

The crowd was completely & utterly shocked, reporters taking pictures, including Lois and Jimmy.

Lois: This just in, Lex Luthor, our beloved & helpful billionaire CEO is secretly a criminal mastermind! This is golden!

Lady Ultra: There you all go. The proof in the pudding so do speak. You thought you can fool the entire world, Luthor. Well guess what, as smart as you are, I was the one who was one step ahead of you! Now everyone knows, everyone knows you're a fraud! Hope you enjoy it because you'll never be able to hide or show your face here or anywhere AGAIN!

Lex was shocked for a moment before signs of infuriation & anger took his face. Click sounds were heard behind him as he saw Gwendolyn & her division, all weapons aimed at him. 

Gwendolyn: (glares) That's all the proof I need. I always knew you were a nuisance of a snake, Lex. You're going to learn the hard way why you shouldn't cross my family.

Lex & her task force was surrounded. The bald young man getting truly angry. He couldn't have been outsmarted like this! Everything was perfect, no flaws & nothing could've interfered for his moment, his vision, his ambition! All to be ripped out from under him! By these heroes... They costed him everything!

Lex: You....

He sends his hate filled glare to the hero girls, the Invinci-bros and Lady Ultra.

Lex: (absolutely livid) You've ruined me... YOU'VE ALL RUINED ME!!!

The Apex Squadron jumped in to handle the hero girls, Invinci-bros, Gwendolyn and her division while Lex makes his escape, the crowd made a run for it as a brawl broke out. Lex was running backstage, spotting the soulless ones carrying a coffin. Lex backs away only for more soulless ones to appear. They placed the coffin down before Lex.

Lex: What is all this?

The coffin then open on its own, making Lex grow pale. He saw... himself laying in the coffin, peacefully & lifeless. Lex quickly closed the coffin & tries to leave but the soulless ones wouldn't let him pass.

Lex: (annoyed) Get out of my way, you simple minded fools!

The soulless ones were unresponsive as the coffin opened on its own again, this time sitting up deadman style from the coffin was Lilith herself. She completely got out of the coffin, now behind Lex with a haunting glare. Lex felt a cold chill down his spine and turns to see the dark hybrid standing behind him which spooked the mastermind.

Lex: You?!

Lilith: ....

The soulless ones vanished as lex saw his chance to run back on stage as Lilith followed him. Lois Lane saw Lilith stalking Lex on stage.

Lois: So Lilith Masters is alive after an attempted murder by Lex Luthor! Jimmy, the scoop just keeps getting hotter! More pictures on the double!

Lex was backing away from the woman of darkness.

Lex: How are you alive...? You were dead! I had you burned & reduced to ashes!

Lex pulls out a high tech pulsar gun & shot at Lilith who effortlessly avoided the laser shots and moved in to kick the gun out of lex's hand and grab his other hand in a bone crushing grip, making Lex yell in pain while kneeling to one knee.

Lilith: (cold tone) You just couldn't heed my warning, could you? I warned you what happened if you try anything with me & my family... You thought by aligning yourselves with my sworn enemies would make you sit atop of the throne, to take me out, but no... You didn't kill me Lex...  You've gravelly PISSED ME OFF.

Her grip increases as Lex yells out in agony, feeling his hand breaking even more. Core soon appeared again seeing Lilith and Lex.

Core: I knew those hybrids would try something with the heroes on the front lines. Let's see if Lilith can tell friend from foe when she'll be killing her friends & family while seeing only Lex & his enemies in her warped sight.

He aimed his glowing gauntlet hand at Lilith, ready to mess with her senses but was caught off guard by Hybrid Omen appearing in front of him, grabbing the gauntlet.

Core: You?

Hybrid Omen: Surprised. I'm alive and well, (glares) but you're not gonna be...

Core: (grins) Me? Hahahahahaha! You're at 100 percent now but you don't have what it takes to beat me! How can you?! You couldn't even tell what's real or fake when you & Leslie fought each other to death for my amusement! I can very well do it again!

Hybrid Omen: Hmph. I hate to admit that you have a point. You played me very well... put those visions in my head to mess with my mind to think Leslie was the root of my madness & hatred but you admitted that you're the wrench thrown in the operation, you possessed her to sabotage the prank that caused my death, you even used her in an attempt to finish the job on me... You made a fool of us both...

Core: I've had years of practice. Now you know what you're up against & frankly it doesn't matter. I'm still ten times stronger than you.

Hybrid Omen: So what... You can be 10 times or 100 times stronger, I'm not gonna rest until you pay...

He grips Core's gauntlet hand.

Hybrid Omen: And I'll start with your little mirage toy...

Core attempts to activate the gauntlet power but for some reason, it wasn't working.

Core: What did you-graaaah!!!

Core felt great pain from his gauntlet hand, seeing glowing cracks forming on it.

Hybrid Omen: A new trick I've learned. Like a mirror... Shatter the lie... Shatter the illusion...

With a sickening crunch & rip, Core let out a blood curdling scream, holding his bloody stub of an arm. Hybrid Omen held the severed arm of Core with the gauntlet in hand, glowing as it shattered into mini glowing pieces.

Hybrid Omen: I'm surprised you didn't use your powers of mirage to get out of this. Guess you didn't think of me as a threat now, do you? (Grins)

Core glares angrily at the hybrid.

Core: You wretched little-

Core screamed as he was shot in the back with electricity by Livewire.

Livewire: Now try to smoke & mirror your way out of this long awaited beating, you sick jackass!

Core glares at the two before having an angry smile, his arm growing back via regeneration.

Core: You two... really done it now. My instrument of my amusement to cause chaos, misery and deceit... gone. But no matter, I don't need my gauntlet to beat you two brats, I'm dangerous even without it! Come at me!

Hybrid Omen and Livewire lunged at Core. Meanwhile, The hero alliance was dealing with the apex squadron in a grueling brawl, some trying to keep civilians from getting caught in the fight or killed. Lilith on stage, continues to punish Lex Luthor as painfully as possible, Lex attempts to fight back against her but still the woman was having the upper hand on him.

Lex thought, he knew he shouldn't have left his war suit back at the company. And his new bodyguard, Mercy, is doing a job outside of Metropolis.

(A/N: Decided to add Mercy since she wasn't in the dc superhero girls series along with lex's war suit. She won't appear now since this is a mention but she will in time.)

Lex was kicked into a corner.

Lilith: You tried to take everything from me... Now I take everything from you.

Lex reaches for his communication device in his other pocket.

Lex: Super Accursed Girls, where are you?! Assist me at once!


Lex: Dark Catwoman, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy, Giganta and Livewire! Answer me, come in!


Lilith: I'm afraid they're not coming to your rescue.

Lex heard buzzing static on the high definition screen, looking up to see more. In a back alleyway, Dark Star Sapphire & Dark Poison Ivy were down & out with the five former supervillain girls standing over them with grins.

Catwoman: How's that for a purrrfect payback~.

Harley Quinn: Sorry your girls had to miss the party baldie, hahahaha!

The clip changed to a nearby swimming whole where Dark Livewire was seen floating on her back in the water, mini sparks circling as she was unconscious. By the pool was Katana, Cheetah, Shard Soldier and Ember.

Katana: Your light has been extinguished, villain.

The clip changed again to a destroyed car company to find a heavily damaged Dark Giganta down, with Hybrid Blaze, Astrion, Morph-Tech & Valerie, who was sitting in a relaxing manner on the giant's back with a sly smile.

Valerie: The hammer falls... on the story of Lex Luthor, hehehehe~.

The clip changed again to reveal Dark Catwoman who looked worse for wear, pinned against the wall with ghostly white arrows in her arms & legs, unconscious. Near her was three female figures in dark cloaks, their faces hidden but has a noticable attribute about them; the first had a strange but familiar Amazon warrior shield and sword, the second had a familiar glowing yellow ring on the right finger & the third had a ghostly white tech high, glowing bow and arrows in hands. The three stared with glowing pink, yellow and white eyes before the screen went black.

Lex: You planned this... All of this today?

Lilith: Yes, with a lot of resources and assistance, we all prepared & played our parts nicely today leading up to tonight. I wanted to kill you but apparently it has to wait, you blatantly wronged, disrespected & harmed many time & time again, all for the sake of control & power... This, your greatest exposure is the price of your arrogance & ego.

Lex: You exposed me and yet you think the battle is won. It won't change anything! You heroes and hybrids will fall and you'll wish you'd have my good grace when I have this world for my own! Mark my words, Lilith Masters! For YOU will pay the price for crossing Lex Luthor!

Lilith grabs Lex by the neck.

Lilith: I'm looking forward to it...

Lilith holds up her free hand which held a flame of dark aura.

Lilith: You tried to burn me, well... Consider this an eye for an eye.

Lilith drives the black flame palm into lex's right eye.


Lex's screams of agony echoed throughout City Hall. Lilith drops Lex, who was tossing & turning on the ground, hands on the right side of his face. Breathing rapidly, Lex shakingly removed his hands, revealing a darkened scar adorning part of his right side with the right eye partially closed.

(A/N: Think Zuko from Avatar, the last Airbender scar)

Lex looks up at the haunting stare of Lilith, growling angrily.

Lex: Damn you.... Damn you!!!!!!

Lilith heard rumbling thunder, looking up at the night sky now coated in dark clouds with radical aqua green lightning, the hybrids felt that monstrous power.

Lilith: ...?!

Hybrid Omen and Livewire were pushed back near Lilith, getting to their feet as Core approached them. Lilith glares at the blood deceiver.

Core: (grins crazily) He's hereeeeeee~.


Everyone, including the hero girls, Invinci-bros and the others heard the booming voice. Looking up, they saw Zod floating out of the unnatural stormy clouds, wearing a black and white trim cloak.

Supergirl: Zod!!

Green Arrow: But he was banished to the Phantom Zone!

Hybrid Omen: That's not Zod. At least... Not anymore...

Livewire: Whatta you mean?

Gwendolyn: (narrowed eyes) It's him...

Lilith: (glares)  So... The leader of the Accursed Beasts has a body again...

Batgirl: The Leader?! And he made a final boss entrance in Zod's body!

Wonder Woman: So we finally meet the fiend behind the Accursed Clan!

Zod/???: Hear me mortals, heroes, villains and hybrids alike... I am flesh once again, my power at it's finest & still it grows! You all are destined to be conquered by the Accursed Clan. Once the human world is gone, a new world shall be reborn from the ashes along with entire galaxies that'll experience the fate of this earth!

He glares down at everyone.

Zod/???: Enjoy this victory as it's bittersweet. For you heroes can fight as much as you wish for you cannot stop the inevitable! The Accursed Beasts will rise again to take everything and those who stand to defy us shall cease to exist! Hahahahahaha!

He laughed hauntingly as he vanished into dark smoke, the sky clearing up to night. Lilith, Hybrid Omen and Livewire saw that Core had vanished along with Lex and his Apex Squadron.

Livewire: Crap! He got away!

Aqualad: That was ominous...

Zatanna: Of all the people that Accursed creep could possessed, he picked one of the greatest foes we barely managed to beat!

Wonder Woman & Hal approached Lilith.

Green Lantern (Hal): Seems this Accursed Boss in charge sent an all kinds of bad vibes in that message.

Wonder Woman: I fear this is far from over now that your enemy's leader has claimed the body of Zod.

Lilith: Yeah.... (Glares darkly) Far from over...

To be continued...

(Chapter 34 is finished! Please vote, comment & let me know what you think of it! Noah & Mason's hybrid personas debut, a couple interaction of Zee & Mason was shown, Karen & Doris finally managed to remake a new & improved serum for Doris to become Giganta again & more, one of her new abilities is her speed as fast as The Flash, more will be revealed in time. Noah & Casey Krinsky have an interaction, Lilith Masters is resurrected & the leader of the Accursed Beasts gaining a body in General Zod, followed by Lex's new task force, lex's exposure to the world as a criminal mastermind & The Accursed Beast's grave message. What's gonna happen next with the group? Who were the three female figures? What's in store for Lex? Will Lois Lane has the ultimate story for the news? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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