Peril at the Pool Party
The next day....
Blake was seen making breakfast for himself, humming a song and getting ready for the day. He managed to get his window fixed after an attempted assassination from the assailant he took out, also thinking about the information he got from him by drinking his blood. He also thought about the rest of them trying to ambush him and Doris yesterday, he needed to prepare, he needed to ready for what's coming and not allow the accursed to rule again.
Soon, Blake finished making his breakfast and sits at the dinning table to enjoy his meal. Once he was done eating, Blake got to work; he begins building in a well advanced security system in his home to keep out any form of intruders, human or not... inside & outside of the vacation home was fully equipped and ready for threat levels minimum or maximum.
Blake: And that's done. Gotta thanks sis for that.
He then heard the doorbell.
Blake: I wonder who that could be?
Blake walks towards the front door and opens it, a slight smile on his face seeing Barbi here.
Blake: Hello there Miss Minerva.
Barbi: Hehe. Oh please, that was my mother. Call me by my proper name.
Blake: Okay. So what brings you here?
Barbi pulls out a letter from her fur coat.
Barbi: Here's an invitation to a pool party at my mansion, the invite will show you when it starts.
Blake: Thanks Barbi. I'll be sure to bring some food and means of entertainment for your party.
Barbi: I'm looking forward to it. I'll see you then.
Barbi then heads to her fancy car and took off. Blake heads back inside to get more preparations ready.
Doris was seen lifting weights, her parents were out of town for a science expo trip for a 4 weeks, trusting her that she can handle herself alone, considering that she doesn't know or care what scientific thing her parents were attending.
Doris: (grunts, lifting weights) Nerds.
Once Doris was done with her weight lifting, she grabs her water and gulps it down in seconds, finishing it and cracking the bottle on her head, now flat. Doris then walks towards her punching bag and started nailing fierce punches to it. She had a lot on her mind, not that she wants to think about it, from yesterday... The fight with Blake, the soulless eyed assassins appearing out of nowhere to attack her and butt in her fights as well as the aftermath of the fight ending in a tie.
As much as Doris hated losing or ending it in a tie, as much as she thought negatively about Blake... She admits that he was quite the challenge for her, color her impressed but this changes nothing between them as Doris promised to flatten Blake the next time they fight.
Doris then sends her punching bag flying and blocks it the moment it came flying back.
Doris: Ha! Was ready for ya this time.
Doris then spots the business card with the phone number Blake gave her for the Underworld Wrestling Lethal Nexus company. She remembers him saying that they're traveling to metropolis for a huge summer event in a few weeks and they're looking for new talents to join, tough fighters and wrestlers with major titles and undefeated streaks waiting to be broken.
Doris smirked as opportunity just came knocking.
Doris: Heh. This is gonna be fun, these fighters and wrestlers better be ready when they get to Metropolis.
Doris then got a message on her laptop for a video chat, she answers it as a screen pops with someone on the other side.
???: Working out again, Doris?
Doris narrowed her eyes. On the screen was a tall, punk rock, teenage girl with slightly short black hair with blue highlights on one side of the head while the other side was shaved, brown eyes, light pale skin and was wearing silver ear piercings, a black choker, a full gray bodysuit, a black leather jacket with silver diamond studs along with a short black ripped skirt with two silver diamond studs on the belts and black/blue boots.
This was the troublemaking, shockjock punk prankster Leslie Willis aka the Electric Villainess known as Livewire.
Doris: Hey Les, what do you want?
Leslie: Oh just checking on my favorite meathead.
Doris growled at her, not very happy with constantly being nicknamed meathead.
Leslie: Also to give you a message, about a mysterious masked figure in metropolis.
Doris: (rolls her eyes with an angry huff) Ugh, great... Another goodie goodie. If those superzero girls and the Invinci-bozos weren't bad enough!
Leslie: (smiles sinisterly) That's not what Selina told me~
Doris was confused as Leslie showed a video of the cloaked figure decimating the Parasitic Grizzly in pure bloody fashion before capturing it as well as his encounter with Supergirl.
Doris: Whoa...
Leslie: According to what Selina saw & heard, this newcomer... isn't a good guy or a bad guy. He's just a neutral rogue but Selina wants him.
Doris: Why would she want him with us?
Leslie: Think muscle brain, Selina has a plan to get him on our side. He could be the key to finally getting rid of those super zero girls so we can rule Metropolis. If he refuses, well... we can try the fun, painful & humiliating way to change his mind.
Doris: (smirks) Well, I like the sound of that.
Leslie: Just gotta wait for the right moment until the Head Cat points her claw in the right direction to get him alone. But enough about that, wanna cause some chaos & make others look like a joke?
Doris: Not today. I'm training.
Leslie: What?
Doris: You heard me, Les. I'm getting ready for a special event happening in a few weeks. A real opportunity to show my strength against the best to crush.
Leslie: And what exactly is this special event?
Doris showed the business card to Leslie, who got a good look at it.
Doris: Like I said, I got a major opportunity. This company is looking for new talents to join them and I'm gearing up to show those undefeated fighters and wrestlers who is the strongest, more competition means more people to take down & cash.
Leslie looks at the card, she has this weird feeling that she saw that business card somewhere before.
Doris: Leslie? Les? You awake in there?
Leslie shook her head.
Leslie: Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Where did you get that card?
Doris: A guy with an eye patch gave it to me?
Leslie: Oh was he late for a pirate convention? (Laughs and mocks) Well Arrgh I missed me map of the gold, hehehe!
Doris: No, I got into a fight with him and a couple of masked freaks!
Leslie: Masked freaks?
Doris explained the situation that happened with her and Blake yesterday as well as the encounter with the demonic looking masked assassins.
Leslie: So you two got jumped?
Doris: Yeah but the guy and I sent them packing, they just... vanished in smoke after that. They didn't seem human.
Leslie: First new monsters and now assassins in metropolis? Geez. So who was the guy you fought and lost to?
Doris: I didn't lose! It was a tie!
Leslie laughs.
Doris: Grrr. It was a guy named Blake, a tall, slightly pale skin, black haired guy or whatever wearing a dragon skull shirt with two scythes, one eye red or blue and the other in a eye patch with a scar on the side or something.
Leslie stops laughing, hearing the description loud and clear.
Leslie: Wait what?
Doris: Didn't you hear what I said?
Leslie: Blake...... (Whispers) No, it can't be...
Doris: Les, are you okay?
Leslie: (whispers) Is he alive or dead....?
Doris: Les?
Leslie: (suddenly frantic) IS HE ALIVE OR DEAD?!
Doris: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down Leslie!
Leslie: IS HE ALIVE OR DEAD, TELL ME NOW!!! (Eyes glowed electric blue)
Doris: Les, what are you talking about?! Snap out of it!
Leslie was breathing rapidly for a moment before slowly calming down.
Doris: Geez, Les. Have you gone crazy or something? And I thought Carol was the crazy one obsessing over that Hal guy.
Leslie: Huff... Huff... Sorry, I don't know what came over me...
Doris: Okay..... You know the guy?
Leslie: ....No, it's nothing.
Leslie ended the video chat. Doris was confused and shocked but quickly shrugs it off, going back to her workout.
At Barbi's Mansion....
Everyone of Barbi's friends made it to the Minerva family mansion for her annual pool party. Blake himself made it to the location on his motorcycle along with carrying a few things to the back. He was wearing a dark gray top, a black swimming trunks with a skeleton dragon on the left side of the leg and sandals. He got out his guitar, a cooler full of drinks and he even got some packaged up foods for the party.
He heads up to the front door where two big, burly guys in black security suits and shades were guarding the door.
Guard: Invitation for entry?
Blake pulls out his invite and hands it to the guards.
Guard 2: You may enter.
They stepped aside as Blake passes through and enters the mansion, he has to admit that the place was quite fancy. All of Barbi's friends were here in swimsuits and trunks having fun, talking amongst themselves, dancing to the music, enjoying good food and drinks while hanging by the pool.
Blake: Quite the party.
Barbi: Blake, there you are.
Blake turns to see Barbi wearing her fancy glasses and a one piece black and golden yellow swimsuit with cheetah spots on the back.
Barbi: Glad you can make it.
Blake: Thank you for inviting me, I've brought some food, drinks and even my guitar for some entertainment.
Barbi: Very good. Let us begin the party, shall we?
Blake: Of course.
And so the party continues, everyone was having a good time and enjoying themselves. Barbi introduced Blake to her friends, who greeted him as he returned the favor. The girls were oogling over him, wanting to know if he was single, Blake explained that he was single but wasn't looking for a relationship right now or anytime soon, much to the girls dismay. The two along with the other party guests would dance to the music while others take a swim in the pool, even doing cannonballs and/or swan dives.
Blake brought out his guitar and begins to play it to entertain the crowd who was feeling the music as they danced to the rhythm. While most guests were in the pool, deep below the waters showed the drain as a faint glow was seen followed by something slithering through the drain plug and was growing rapidly.
On the surface, Blake was on the diving board and jumps off it while yelling "Cannonball", landing in the pool with a big splash. Soon, he emerged from the water with a chuckle.
Blake: Bet you can't top that, Barbi.
Barbi: (smirks) Hmph. You insult me, old friend. Allow me to educate you.
Barbi runs towards the diving board and immediately jumps off it very high in the air, doing an aerial quadruple flip to dive perfectly into her own pool, making a bigger splash. Blake and a few others were splashed by the wave. Barbi soon emerged from the water next to Blake, chuckling.
Barbi: Now, what do you say?
Blake: Hehe, alright. I bow to the gymnastics queen.
Barbi: Good lad.
The two shared a laugh. Underwater, something was lurking below... and was moving closer and closer to Barbi.
Blake: I must say that you throw quite the party.
Barbi: Why thank you.
Then Barbi felt a tug on her leg from below.
Barbi: Ngh!
Blake: You alright?
Barbi: I think so, probably just a prankster pulling my leg.
Barbi felt the tug on her leg again, only it was much harder and forceful.
Barbi: Ouch! What the heck?!
Suddenly, Barbi yelped and was pulled down underneath.
Blake: Barbi? Barbi!
Blake looks around the pool, Barbi reemerged from the water yelling out in panic.
Barbi: Help! Help me!!!
Everyone look towards Barbi in confusion and worry.
Barbi: Something's in the water!!! Get help-
Barbi was pulled back down again, much to everyone's shock as six giant glowing yellow green tentacles popped out of the pool.
Blake: Everyone get out to safety now!!!
The guests obeyed as they all ran back into the mansion to avoid getting ensnared by the tentacles which smashed up the backyard. Blake heads deep into the pool, swimming underwater and see another monster of the accursed; It was a massive squid like creature with a black exoskeleton like visage with glowing yellow green spikes, eyes and tentacles. He sees Barbi ensnared in one of it's tentacles, getting squeezed while being drawn closer to it's mouth full of razor sharp teeth.
Blake's eye glowed an icy blue as he turns into his cloaked figure persona & forms an ice spear, swimming towards the beast. Barbi struggled in the squid like creature's grip, feeling her lungs burning, she won't be able to hold her breath much longer and she was dead close to being this thing's lunch. As the creature was about to put Barbi into it's mouth, Blake slices the tentacle holding her, the creature roared loudly as Blake retrieved Barbi and quickly swam up to shore where they got out of the pool, Barbi letting out a loud gasp and coughs roughly.
Blake: Are you okay?
Barbi: Huff... Huff... I am now.... I was almost that thing's lunch.
Blake: Well, I'm about to put the Scorn-Squidon on the sushi menu. Get to safety.
Barbi nodded as she got up and left while Blake went back into the water to deal with the Scorn-Squidon. Heading back in the mansion, Barbi made it back to her friends who were glad to see her safe but was also wondering what's going on.
Barbi: There's no need to panic, an... Individual just appeared to deal with the monster. But for now, head to the front of the estate.
Everyone nods as they followed her to the front. Back in the pool, Blake was seen getting struck and knocked around by sharp tentacles from the Scorn-Squidon, obviously who was enraged from having it's meal stolen and now is taking it's rage out of the cloaked figure. Blake soon recovered and lunged at the beast, avoiding the tentacles or slicing them up and finally throwing the spear at it's eye, earning a pained screech from the creature.
He forms a couple of longer ice spears and throws them straight at the beast's remaining tentacles to trap them against the deep floors with the beast struggling to get loose. The cloaked figure would lunged at the Scorn-Squidon only for it to fire glowing spikes from it's head at him, glowing in and out fast as he realizes that the spikes were bombs, avoiding them as they exploded within the pool, causing it to crack down and begins draining the water. The cloaked figure pulls out the same cube device that trapped the Parasitic Grizzly, he quickly swims towards the trapped Scorn-Squidon while dodging the spike bombs.
Blake: Enter eternal imprisonment!
He threw the device at the Scorn-Squidon, who screeches with the containment device eclipsing the beast as it was completely sealed in it. The pool was drained and destroyed as Blake got out of the pool with the trapped creature in the device.
Blake: Another hunt complete.
Everyone left the Minerva Family mansion after the announcement that the pool party was cancelled early today, luckily no one was hurt & nothing was damaged except the backyard and the entire pool itself which was a total disaster. Blake himself felt bad that Barbi's pool party was cut short and even gave away some cash to pay to fix the damages done by the Scorn-Squidon.
Blake returned to his vacation home along with Barbi following him in her fancy car. The two got out and head inside, the guy could tell that Barbi is calm on the outside but can feel her blood boiling on the inside, he can also see her eyes changing in & out from normal to Cheetah green.
Blake: Gee Barbi, I'm terribly sorry your pool party came to an erupt end like that. If it makes you feel better, I'll pay in cash for the damages.
Barbi: No... It's fine. Grrrr... But right now, I need to express this... unyielding rage....
Blake knew she was going to snap so he quickly left and soon came back with two rows of cinder blocks and a pile of boards.
Blake: Here. Let it out.
Barbi: (through gritted teeth) Thank. You.
Blake sets up the first board as Barbi screamed in anger, hands forming into claws as she slashes the board in two but she was far from done. Blake would replace the board as Barbi would slash the second board, he would replace board after board while Barbi continues to express her rage by destroying board after board. The slashing and breaking continues for a while until Barbi was out of boards and was breathing heavily, trying to calm down.
Blake: Got all of that out of your system?
Barbi: Yes... I can't believe this happened, that blasted creature ruined my party, destroyed my pool, scared away my friends and nearly had me for dinner! This won't stand, no one makes a fool of me without consequence!
Blake: Luckily, the Scorn-Squidon has been captured. More monsters of the Accursed still lurk in Metropolis due to the one responsible for letting them loose. I've already prepared my home in case they try to break in like before.
Barbi: Before?
Blake: Long story short, an assassin working with the one responsible broke in and tried to kill me, I took care of it.
Barbi: That's awful.
Blake: Indeed.
Barbi: ..... I want to begin my training now.
Blake: Now?
Barbi: Yes. Now. I'm already in a foul mood after my party was crashed and these monsters pop up randomly, I need to control the Cheetah's power and learn more fighting techniques other than wild instinct alone to defend myself. I need to be ready.
Blake: ......
Barbi: Blake, please...?
Blake: Alright then. I already promised to help you and I will, follow me.
Barbi nodded as she follows Blake across the room, he approaches a statue of an onyx dragon on top of the fireplace, opening it's head revealing a button as he pressed it, a click sound was heard as a secret passageway opened underneath the fireplace. Barbi was surprised as Blake gestures her to follow him which she did into the passageway, the entrance way closing behind her.
The two head down deeper and deeper into the dark tunnels until they made it to an ancient looking door with a skeletal dragon statue crest with it's mouth open.
Barbi: Quite ancient...
Blake: I know, it's been in my family for generations.
Blake then bit into the palm of his hand, drawing blood as he placed it in the open mouth of the dragon, the blood entered the statue's mouth causing the eyes to glow with the door slowly opening.
Blake: Now we enter.
Blake enters the room with Barbi following behind him. The rich girl was shocked by the area before, it was quite the hideout full of space for a training ground, equipment, weapons and items in science and magic, the place was dark a bit but illuminated in an icy blue lighting with strange glowing symbols on the floor in a circular formation and much more.
Barbi: .......
Blake: Welcome to the Monster's sanctum.
Barbi: This place... it's magnificent yet it sends chills down the spine....
Blake: Indeed. My sister and brother helped design this place, we have many more like this around the world we go to during vacation in case an emergency comes up.
Barbi: I see. And this is where you're preparing for the Accursed?
Blake: Yes. And this is where I'm going to help train you as well. However, if you want to back out, it's your choice. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.
Barbi: (smirks) Hmph. You're not getting rid of me that easily, I want this and I want to help you.
Blake: Persistent you are. Very well.
Barbi: Right. Before we begin, I have a question?
Blake: Yes?
Barbi: Why call this hideout the Monster's sanctum?
Blake: Well hehehe... I've learned a lot of things in life, one of those saying from my family when doing this... It takes a Monster to hunt and finish another Monster...
Blake removed his eye patch, revealing to Barbi a glowing right eye that resembles a dragon's.
Blake: And I'm a whole hybrid of a Monster...
To be continued...
(The fifth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! While the superhero girls want the cloaked figure on the side of justice, the villain girls want the rogue on their evil side. After Doris's explanation, what was going on Leslie & her sudden outburst? During Barbi's pool party, another oc monster makes it's debut. Now Blake is set to prepare along with starting Barbi's training. What's going to happen next? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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