Night of the Wolf of Nature pt 2

The next day....

Pam woke up with a groan, her head & body completely sore. She finds herself in her in her own room surrounded by piles of chopped tree barks, half eaten plants and bits of vegetables on the ground.

Pam: Ah!

Pam stood up and found her clothes tattered and ripped.

Pam: AHHH!!

It happened again, how is that creature getting in her home without her knowing about it?! She doesn't even remember what happened last night besides being in her room. What was going on? Then she remembered that her parents installed cameras around the house for any signs of intruders that would try to break in and steal anything, she facepalms in annoyance forgetting about that due to her stress distracting her.

Pam: If I look at the footage, I'll see how that creature is getting into the house without my knowledge. But first, I need to freshen up and clean up this mess...

Pam then heads to the bathroom.


At Blake's place... 5:39pm.

Kara: Ugh, she gave us the slip again!

Babs: Maybe eating plant life is making her smarter! She could be taking a different approach in searching for food rather than going out in the open and just straight up mauling everything in her path like a raging mindless, hungry beast!

Everyone looked at Babs funny and awkwardly.

Babs: Well it could happen!

Mason: You do have a point, Babs.

Babs: See, exactly!

Kara: You understand her hyper talk-You know what, nevermind.

Karen: It is a possibility that the female Lycanatura might be evolving further in mind, changing hunting tactics and strategy to avoid detection.

Zee: Like she'll know when to expect when we appear to stop her.

Beck: Then we have to change our strategy.

Diana: Indeed.

Kara: Ugh, It'd be easier if we knew Poison Ivy's human identity that way we can find her before nightfall rather than going on a wild goose chase.

Jessica: But sadly, we don't know who poison ivy's human alias is.

Babs: Yep. Like us Heroes, some villains keep their human identity a secret so they can get away with their crimes at times and not have authorities waiting at their doors.

Karen: Where's Blake?

Casey: Still searching for the missing ingredient for the cure.

Mason: Sigh... Without that mystery ingredient, the cure won't remove the virus of the Lycanatura from Poison Ivy and....

Kara: And what?

Mason: It's curtains for her...

Jessica: Wait... You're going to kill her...?

The two brothers were silent.

Jessica: Please don't tell me you're not going to consider that? She may be a villain but she doesn't deserve this!

Mason: I'm sorry Jessica. By my estimate, Poison Ivy has transformed into the Lycanatura at least 3 times. If that ingredient for the cure isn't found before the pale green moon disappears at the next sunrise while still in that beast state...

Beck: Ivy remains a Lycanatura permanently... Gone the human, only the beast will remain.

The girls gasped.

Mason: If the unthinkable happens, we either have to kill her or lock her away forever so she can't harm or kill anyone to satisfy her ravenous hunger. Let us hope it doesn't come to that...


Pam's home... 6:50pm.

Pam was seen laying down on the couch, curled up in a ball with a look of horror and shock, mumbling followed a left eye twitch. After getting the footage from the cameras to see what happened the last nights.... She now wished she hadn't seen what was on the camera footage.

Pam wanted this to be a bad dream, a nightmare that she desperately wanted to wake up from but sadly it wasn't... it was all too real. On the camera footages revealed Pam herself transforming into the Lycanatura, destroying the house 3 times while tearing and devouring her plants.

All this time, she was the wolf creature invading her own house and eating her own plants, not to mention that she was also invading other establishments and homes with plants and vegetables... eating them all, which made her even more worse and disgusted with herself.

Pam: I'm... the monster...? I'm the one who committed the a-atrocities against nature the o-other nights... H-How did this happen, why w-was I cursed...? Why me...?

Pam silently sobs, curling up even more into a ball form, wishing she would just shrink into a ball to disappear. How could this happen to her? How was she cursed to become that awful monstrosity? Then a thought came to her head while sitting up... She then remembered that this started when she was bitten by that plant eating abomination, the original Lycanatura. That bite she received must've passed it's virus to her.

Pam: I have to find a way to get rid of this curse but how? Surely there must be a way?

Pam begins to think, getting up from the couch and pacing back & forth. She didn't want to turn into that thing again, she soon found her answer.

Pam: The hybrid... He was hunting for that monster. He must know a cure but he won't just appear and I can't run into him if I became that creature again... he might kill me. (Then comes up with another idea) Blake, I remember Leslie telling me and the others that he & the hybrid omen are working together. If I go to Blake, the hybrid himself will be there and I can rid of this dreaded curse.

Pam then heads upstairs and gets Phil and the unique plant, heading back downstairs and out of the door, closing it behind her. Leaving her home, Pam then runs her way to get to Blake's home, she remembers the way there due to Harleen given directions there during the sleepover thing but the path is longer due to being far from her home.

Pam: (panting while running) I have to hurry... have to hurry before the night falls...!

Pam then proceeded to make a quick left turn and goes straight while avoiding people walking by or bumping them aside. Pam ignored the complaints and yells towards her as she was in a hurry, she already sees the sun starting to set. Pam then makes a right turn but as she passes an alleyway, a pair of hands grabbed her and pulls her into the alleyway. Pam grunts as she hits the walls while holding on to Phil and the unique plant.

She opens her eyes and sees Bonnie, Brandy and Beth Diamond glaring down at her with smug grins.

Bonnie: Well, well, well. Look what we have here, girls?

Brandy: The crazy plant lover.

Beth: And an grotesque one at that.

Pam: (mutters) Not now... (seeing night slowly fall upon metropolis)

Bonnie: Talking to your two potted plants, freak?

Pam glared at them.

Pam: I don't have time for this, I have somewhere to be.

Bonnie: (glared back) Well tough toenails, Red. I told you that you'd get yours for what you did.

Beth: (snarls) You're lucky I didn't get any disease from that disgusting bite you gave me!

Brandy: No one does that to any of us and gets away with it!

Bonnie: And you're gonna learn that the hard way. Hold her girls!

Before Pam could react, Brandy and Beth grab her arms, holding her down. Pam struggles to escape but the two girls kept their grip on her with Bonnie approaching her. Pam sees that night has already fallen.

Pam: (struggles even more; panicked) Nonono, you don't understand! You're in danger, let me go!

Bonnie: The only one in danger is you, freak.

Bonnie readies a fist, aiming to punch pam dead in the stomach. The plant villainess was shaking a bit not just by the pummeling she was about to receive but she then noticed the clouds parting and revealing the pale green full moon. Pam's eyes widened as they were swirling around until her pupils glowing yellow.

Pam: O-Oh no...

Bonnie: Here comes the punch!

Bonnie punched Pam who suddenly headbutted the fist, making Bonnie pull back, wincing and holding her hand in pain.

Brandy and Beth: Bonnie!

Bonnie: Agh! What is your stupid head made of?! Bricks?!

Bonnie then heard a low growl and Brandy & Beth yelp, seeing her sisters flying at her from the surprisingly strong throw by Pam. The three triplets groan and slowly recovered to regain themselves.

Bonnie: (growls) That's it! She is so going to be dead-

Then Bonnie was cut off when she, Brandy and Beth sees Pam looking at her shaking hands which grew into pale green beastly hands with sharp, wooden claws, her arms bulked up in muscle with her clothes ripping a bit as the rest of her body followed through the Lycanatura transformation.

Pam: Agh... No! NOOOOOOO!!!

Beth: (shocked) What the?!

Brandy: (afraid) She really is a freak!!!

Bonnie: Let's get out of here!!!

The Diamond Triplets ran off from Pam who was almost in full Lycanatura form.

Pam: (clutching her sides as branches & thorns shot out her shoulders and back) AAAAAAAAAAHHH! H-HELP, HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Pam's screams changed into roars as her face stretched a bit to change into a wolf snout but before the change could be complete, the pale green full moon was shrouded the layers of thick clouds, causing Pam to slowly revert to normal... sorta as she looked semi transformed between human and Lycanatura.

Pam: Huff... Huff... Huff... T-The change was interrupted...? I-It must be the c-clouds... hurt... it's hurts... hurts bad... n-need to hurry...

Picking up Phil and the unique plant, Pam runs out of the alleyway and bumps into Jessica and her friends.

Jessica: Whoa!

Pam: ...?!

Kara: Hey! Watch where you're going, you- (sees the semi transformed Pam) Whoa!

Karen: Eeep!

Diana & Babs: The Lycanatura!

Zee: Wait a minute... (Looks closely) It that Pamela Isley?

The other girls gasped in shock, Pam started to back away from them.

Jessica: Pam? It that you...?

Pam backs away from them even more while Jessica approaches her.

Pam: S-Stay back...!

Jessica: Pam, we can help-


Pam knocks Jessica away, who yelped as she went flying into her friends. Pam then proceeded to run off rather faster than ever. The six girls recovered and saw Pam gone from their sight.

Kara: Never thought she'd run that fast.

Jessica: Pam... I can't believe it...

Karen: She had the traits of the Lycanatura so that means-

Babs: Pamela Isley is Poison Ivy!! My mind is blown right now!!

Diana: We had to hunt her down, who knows what more damage she'll cause.

Zee: I'll alert Casey, Beck and Mason.

Karen: I'll come with!

Kara: Then me, Diana, Babs and Jessica will go after Pam.

Everyone nodded and split up into two groups.


Pam was running through the streets of Metropolis, people saw her semi transformed state and screamed, running away while trying to call the authorities or superheroes. Pam ignored them and kept on running while trying to resist the urge to go after the plant & vegetable store/shop establishments, she didn't have much time, she could feel the curse clawing it's way up to take her again, she doesn't know how long the moon will be covered by the clouds.

She heard gunshots and yelped upon seeing the authorities and the diamond triplets not too far behind her.

Bonnie: There's the freak, officer!

Brandy: The monster who like, attacked us!

Beth: And stole our veggies for annual diamond feast party!

Officer: The wolf creature responsible for repeat break in and plant/vegetable consumption! Let's book it, boys!

Pam yelps and runs off with the authorities giving chase. The chase was like a Scooby Doo style gag from going from alleyway to alleyway, stores to buildings to warehouses in different directions and such. Soon, Pam finally lost them and Blake's home was in her sight, she quickly approached the gate & bangs the gate with her clawed fist.

Pam: Blake!

Pam groans as she held her side, seeing the moon almost uncovered.

Pam: P-Please... Open up...!

She heard the mob from the afar, causing her to panic even more but then the gates begin to open up. Pam wastes no time and runs inside, the gates closing behind them before the mob could find her. Heading up to the front porch, Pam was about to knock the door only for the door to open, revealing Blake who wasn't frightful of Pam's semi transformed appearance.

Blake: I didn't figured you'd come here, Pamela.

Pam: Y-You gotta help me.

Blake: .... Come in.

He lets Pam into his house.

Pam: It's difficult to e-explain & I'm-agh still trying to understand it m-myself but I-I-aaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh!!! No, not a-again!!

Pam felt to her knees, clutching her sides and aching. She can feel the excruciating agony of the curse growing worse along with her transformation.

Blake: That you were bitten by the Lycanatura and you bare it's curse, correct?

Pam looks at him with a pained and confused expression.

Pam: L-Lycanatura?

Blake: A plant werewolf. They come out in the pale green full moon and feast on all forms of nature, plants, vegetables, you name it.

Pam's eyes widened.

Blake: They also devour people if provoked, angered and in the way of their hunt. And if someone with a nature attributes in power and such is bitten by a Lycanatura... They become the beast themselves, the curse eating alive the nature attribute inside them.

Pam: (in her mind) That would explain why my powers weren't working... the curse was feeding off me from the inside...

Blake: It's my first time seeing someone who was infected by a Lycanatura, I guess you were quite unfortunate to fall to this... Poison Ivy.

Pam's eyes widened more.

Pam: How did you-

Blake: Seeing as you deserve an explanation, guess I have no choice.

Icy blue, blood red and ominous purple aura surrounded Blake, transforming into Hybrid Omen, right before Pam's very eyes.

Pam: Y-You're Hybrid Omen...?

Hybrid Omen: That I am... And don't worry, as I told your electric friend... I have no interest in exposing your friends & your identity.

Pam: Please... I-I need a cure, now...!

Hybrid Omen: There is no known cure.

Pam: WHAT?!

Hybrid Omen: (sighs) Sorry, poor choice of words. I've tried numerous attempts, even getting samples from the original Lycanatura to synthesize a cure but the attempts have failed.

Hybrid Omen begins to walk away from Pam, who grabs Phil and the unique plant to follow.

Pam: W-What do you mean failed?! Don't walk away from me, answer me!

Hybrid Omen: Because the cure breaks down too quickly! It's missing a sole ingredient to keep it stable and I've searched countless times for it, only to find nothing... I'm sorry Pam but it's lost...

Pam: N-No... (Tears slowly fell, yelling in anger, desperation and agony) You h-have to help me...!! Y-You have to!!

Hybrid Omen: I'm sorry Pam... I tried but I'm at an dead end. Soon, once the green moon disappears upon sunrise, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy will cease to exist and only the beast will remain... There are fates worse than death & I'm afraid that this is your fate...


Pam wails in despair, falling to her knees and breaking down in tears while dropping Phil and the unique plant, crying. Hybrid Omen slowly turns to the crying Pam, giving her a calm yet very sad & sympathetic look, one of the things he hates is failing to save people who are either dying, plagued or cursed with a fate crueller than death but it was an awful truth to many, including himself.

Hybrid Omen then noticed Phil and the unique plant near Pam. However, he was shocked by the unique plant she had with her.

Hybrid Omen: Where'd you get that plant...?

Pam slowly stopped crying and looked at the Hybrid with tears in her eyes.

Hybrid Omen: Again, where'd you get that plant...?

Pam: Sniff... A few days ago, your sister gave it to me...

Hybrid Omen: And yet... You've haven't devoured it...

Pam: N-No... When I saw myself turn into that thing 3 times, I-I didn't even go for it or Phil for some reason.

Hybrid Omen thought about it.

Hybrid Omen: Hmmmm.... I may have a theory but you'll have to come with me to make sure...

Hybrid Omen heads for the fireplace with Pam following. Opening up the head of the onyx dragon on top of the fireplace, he presses the button and opens the passageway underneath it. Hybrid Omen went through it Pam following as it was a snug fit but managed to pull through. They were in the monster's sanctum, Hybrid Omen retrieved the unique plant from Pam and runs an analysis.

Taking a sample of the plant, running a DNA test on the plant to match it up with the cure... The results showed up on the super computer and a match was found.

Hybrid Omen: A match...? Then there is a possibility but...

Pam's eyes lit up a bit in hope.

Pam: W-What is it? Do you find it?

Hybrid Omen: Well good news is that this plant matches the results for a cure & is a prime weakness for Lycanaturas not to eat. However, this is only a young variety of the plant, I'll need the sample from a mature version of this plant to fully complete the cure.

Pam: Then where can you find a mature plant like that? Ugh!

Pam fell to the ground, clutching herself and groaning in pain.

Pam: Aaaaaaahhhhh...! T-The pain... The pain...!!

Hybrid Omen: Crap, I need to find the mature plant and fast.

Lilith's voice: Luckily, I can help you with that.

Out of the shadows appeared Lilith and Cassidy.

Hybrid Omen: Sister. Cassidy.

Lilith: That plant I gave you Pam is a rare azure blue leaf sacred tree. A mature one that possesses a lot of rare ember gold sap within it can only found in the hybrid exalted forest that is hidden from the world. I can open a portal to get you there but be warned... the creatures there are very hostile of their own territory...

Hybrid Omen: I understand. If this is the only way to get the cure finished, I'll go.

Cassidy: I'm coming with you, you'll need backup.

Hybrid Omen nods, grabbing some equipment. Lilith utters a dark inverted chant with darkness surrounding her body, finishing the chant with a large portal opening up.

Lilith: Contact me when you have the sap. I'll stay here and contain Pam.

Hybrid Omen: Got it.

Hybrid Omen and Cassidy went through the portal which closes behind them while Lilith tends to Pam.


Hybrid Omen and Cassidy were seen coming out of the portal, looking around upon seeing a mystic yet bizarre looking forest, the beauty was quite intriguing, the sky itself was violet blue with multiple illuminated stars aligned.

Cassidy: Whoa. Talk about an ancient yet weird looking exotic jungle.

Hybrid Omen: Indeed.

The two then start journeying through the hybrid exalted forest, keeping a lookout for the azure blue leaf sacred tree. They even spotted some strange looking creatures small to large, a large cobalt and green flame tailed scorpion, a multi winged dove, a violet purple three eyes antelope, a silver cheetah, an amalgamation between a bear and a spider and so on.

Then Cassidy heard a hissing sound and looks around, only to get ensnared by a giant, silver snake, looking at her with piercing sharp purple eyes, aiming to eat her.

Cassidy: Oh I'm not being your main course meal!

The snake was about to devour her but Hybrid Omen shoots shards of ice at it, making the giant snake release Cassidy from it's grip while hissing in pain.

Cassidy: Thanks.

Cassidy then leaps and delivered a strong punch to the snake's face, followed by 10 more punches and a monstrous elbow shot to lay the snake out.

Cassidy: (lands next to Hybrid Omen) That was close.

Hybrid Omen: Lilith did say there are dangerous creatures hostile of their own territory, better keep a look out.

Cassidy: Right. (Heard screeching) Like right now.

Hybrid Omen and Cassidy look up and see a group amalgamations of chimps and bats all screeching and glaring angrily and hungrily at the two.

Hybrid Omen: Well... This might take a while.

Cassidy: (gets in a fighting stance) Ok then.

Hybrid Omen: I'll take the 400 on the left and you take the 400 on the right.

Cassidy: Nuts to that, I'll take 480!

Hybrid Omen smirks as he and Cassidy took on the whole horde.


In the monster's sanctum....

The entrance way opens with Diana, Kara, Babs, Karen, Jessica, Zee, Mason, Beck and Casey come in.

Diana: Friend Blake, We've found shocking news on the Lycanatura's true identity-

Diana and the others minus Beck and Mason gasp, seeing Pam laying in the center of a supernatural circle, screaming/roaring in agony while contorting and shifting from her human form to Lycanatura form & back while Lilith was chanting invertedly with pitch black eyes.

Casey: Oh no.

Diana: What in hades is this?

Jessica: Pam!!


Zee: What's going on here?!

Mason: Lilith is using her dark magic & is trying to suppress the Lycanatura within Pam but something tells me that the beast isn't going to stay down.

Zee: Dark magic... (A vision of her nightmare self appeared in her head upon looking at Lilith's dark power) No...

Mason: Problem?

Zee: U-Uhh... Nono, not at all, hehehe... (Looking nervous)

Mason gave her a suspicious look.

Jessica: Pam... Please be okay... (To Lilith) Where is Blake?

Lilith: I have sent Blake and Cassidy to the Hybrid Exalted Forest. The sole missing ingredient has been located there, they're going to find it. It won't be long until the sun rises and Pam will remain a Lycanatura for eternity...

Jessica didn't like this, she didn't want Pam to suffer this fate even after finding out she was Poison Ivy. While there were times she wanted to be Pam's friend despite her not wanting her hand in friendship but she didn't want to give up on Pam, not now or ever. She hopes that Blake and Cassidy will make it back in time with the missing ingredient to help Pam.

Jessica: Please hurry...


Cassidy: (cracks her neck) Heh, they weren't so tough.

Cassidy jumps off the massive pile of beaten bat chimps, walking away with Hybrid Omen.

Hybrid Omen: True but they wasted some of our time, we have to hurry and find the azure blue leaf sacred tree.

The two would travel by tree, jumping and leaping from branch to branch. Some giant centipede/cobra snake amalgamations slithered by and tried to eat them but Hybrid Omen slices through them with a blade of ice. The two were also seen crossing a large lake only for them to be caught by a large frog beast who tried to ensnare the two with it's tongue and devour them whole, Cassidy would avoid the tongue strikes and lunged at the frog beast with a strong uppercut to the lower jaw, making the frog beast literally bite it's tongue off colliding with it's sharp fangs, Cassidy grabs the beast's arms and spun it around 5 times before throwing the beast out of sight.

Next, they get into a fight with humanoid, armor spiked boars, nearly got eaten by a huge lizard creature but Hybrid Omen froze it from the inside out with Cassidy shattering it's body with her fist, A giant  vulture tried to rip them apart with it's talons but Hybrid Omen controlled the blood in it's body to keep it place while Cassidy snaps it's neck in a sickening crack.

Cassidy: Man, Lilith wasn't kidding about these bizarre looking animals out to kill or eat us.

Hybrid Omen: Well not all of them are hostile.

Cassidy: Remind me when we see any non hostile ones then. I'll give them some food and water.

Hybrid Omen: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you...

Cassidy rolls her eyes before spotting something a bit far from them.

Cassidy: Blake, I see it... The Tree!

Hybrid Omen then turns to where Cassidy was pointing, he took spots the azure blue leaf sacred tree, a very tall and massive one at that compared to the small, young version one Pam received.

Hybrid Omen: Perfect.

The two run over to the tree itself, Hybrid Omen pulls out an a large container linked to a syringe gun and a plasma knife. He then pulled out special goggles and looks within the tree, seeing the substance they were looking within the tree itself, he then takes the plasma knife and pierces deep into a specific part of the tree, he pulls the knife out as sap started to ooze out like a fountain.

Cassidy: We struck gold.

Hybrid Omen: Indeed. Now to extract some.

Activating the syringe gun linked to the container, Hybrid Omen drives the gun into the exposed part of the tree, the sap being extracted and slowly filling up the container. Then a loud roar was heard followed by giant footsteps.

Cassidy: What the?

The two turn around to the source of the sound and see a 29 ft tall, three eyed, ruby furred gorilla, roaring and beating it's chest wildly, glaring angrily at Hybrid Omen and Cassidy.

Cassidy: Let me guess... This is his territory.

Hybrid Omen: Crap... The container's not even close to being full, we can't waste more time.

Cassidy: Then keep extracting the sap, I'll keep this big ape busy.

Hybrid Omen: You sure?

Cassidy: (takes off her jacket and wraps it around her waist, cracking her knuckles with a smirk) Yep. I got this king kong reject.

The three eyed gorilla roared and charged at Hybrid Omen and Cassidy only for Cassidy to leap up and nailed the ape with a flurry of bicycle kicks to the nose, sending it a few feet away from Hybrid Omen, who continues to extract the ember gold sap.

The three eyed gorilla snarled and tries to strike Cassidy with it's giant fists only for Cassidy to run to dodge the incoming attacks, running up to it's right arm while avoiding the gorilla's grabs and hits a hard hitting fist to the right cheek, making the beast roar in pain.

It growls furiously and before Cassidy could attack, she was knocked away by the beast's left hand to the ground with a thud as the three eyed gorilla uses it's fists to smash Cassidy into the ground at 30 times. The beast let out a roar of dominance before turning to Hybrid Omen, who was still extracting the sap from the tree, the three eyed gorilla growls and stomps towards him ready to stomp him. Hybrid Omen was about to blast it but both were caught off guard by the voice of Cassidy.


The three eyed gorilla turns to see Cassidy walking out of the crater, she looks unharmed while spitting some blood out.

Cassidy: Think you could get rid of me so easily, huh? C'mon, afraid of losing coward?

The beast snarled and lunged at Cassidy with a right fist ready to smash her but she avoids the swing and charged straight to nail the beast in the abdomen with repeated punches and kicks, knocking the wind out of it. Cassidy kept up her offense in repeating the onslaught upon the ape, nearly pinning the beast against the trees, The three eyed monster then grabs Cassidy in it's grip and slammed her repeatedly into the ground and throws her into a tree with a thud. The ape's third eye glowed red and fired a beam to cut down a couple of trees which fell on Cassidy, pinning her under a pile of them.

The three eyed gorilla turns it's attention back to Hybrid Omen, who was extracting the sap with the container halfway up. The beast fired the beam from it's third eye at him, Hybrid Omen raised one hand to shield himself with an ice shield. The three eyed gorilla attempts to add more power into the beam but got hit over the head with a tree thrown at it.

The ape monster groans in pain and mostly anger, turning to see the tree pile rumbling and out appears Cassidy lifting up one of the trees.

Cassidy: Moving on to him? You're not even done yet with me!

Gripping the tree with immense strength, Cassidy runs at the three eyed ape, dodging it's eye beams and leaping up to whack the ape monster a couple of times with the giant tree before reeling it back to stab the tree through it's third eye, making the monster roared loudly. Cassidy landed on her feet as the beast fell to the ground with a large thud, dead.

Cassidy: Heh.

Cassidy turns to Hybrid Omen, who managed to get the container full of the ember gold sap, removing the syringe with the tree bark suddenly healing the exposed spot.

Hybrid Omen: Container is now full. I thought for a second that three eyed primate was gonna do you in.

Cassidy: Well it'll take a lot more to put me down. Hardened skin and all, hehehe.

Cassidy pulls out a communicator, activating the call.

Cassidy: Lilith, it's me. Yeah, we got the sap. Of course, we've ran into hostile creatures but it was no issue. We're ready to come back.

Cassidy hangs up. A portal opens up with Hybrid Omen and Cassidy going through it.


At the Monster's sanctum...

The girls, Casey, Mason and Beck waited while Lilith kept Pam, who was now a full Lycanatura, inside the dark magic circle barrier as she was roaring angrily and clawing at the barrier. Hybrid Omen and Cassidy just got back, he wasted no time in working on the compounds for the cure combined with the ember gold sap as sunrise was nearly upon them, Jessica stares at the monster Pam has become, she hopes that the cure would be ready.

Babs: (Looking on the monitor of Metropolis) Guys, sun rise is nearly coming!

Casey: Blake?

Kara: Anytime now!

Jessica: Please?! (On the verge of tears)

Blake: Entering the final stage of further stabilization within the sap and.... Done!

He takes the complete cure out of the machine, placing it in a syringe gun.

Lilith: I'll lift the barrier. Diana, Kara, Casey, Cassidy and Beck, hold her down while Blake injects the cure.

Lilith lifts the barrier, freeing the female Lycanatura. Kara, Diana, Cassidy, Casey (in her diamond amazon form) and Beck wasted no time in tackling the beast, pinning her down as she roared, howled and struggles as Blake runs towards them and injects the transformed Pam with the cure in the neck.

This causes the female Lycanatura to howl in agony, her struggles soon ceased. Everyone got off her as the sun rises completely on the monitor.

Babs: Oh no.

Beck: The sun rise...

Cassidy: Are we too late?

Blake: No, it isn't.

Lilith: Watch closely.

Everyone saw the female Lycanatura glowing with golden aura, struggling and holding her neck with a gurgled roar, she rolled over and on all fours, slowly shrinking in height and muscle. The branches and thorns vanishing with the green fur, tail, fangs, claws and other wolf like features, the howls turning into screams with the beast reverting back to Pam with tattered clothes.

Pam: Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff...

Jessica: She's back!

Jessica strongly hugs Pam, who groans.

Pam: Please... Let go...

Jessica let's go of her.

Pam: I-I'm myself again, did the cure-

Blake: Worked like a charm.

Pam: (slightly smiles) Thank you.

Blake: It wasn't just me, Cassidy assisted while Lilith told us the location of the missing ingredient for the cure.

Lilith: Glad to see you back to normal. I believe you're in need of an explanation since you've seen the monster's sanctum and my brother's alternate identity.

Pam nods.


Narrator: One explanation later...


Pam: So you're trying to stop this Accursed Clan that was defeated a long time ago and sealed away but someone unsealed them and are trying to make metropolis the first to fall under their road to destruction and domination?

Beck: Yep.

Pam: And the 11 Accursed Beasts are lying in waiting to reach their full power?

Beck: Yep.

Pam: And these monsters including the one that bit me are made by them to cause havoc?

Mason: Indeed. Some are mindless, feral and ferocious. Some are semi intelligent but rely on instincts and others are completely intelligent and dangerous.

Pam: Oh. And you're working with the superhero girls? (Turns to Babs, Kara, Diana, Jessica, Zee and Karen)

Kara: How'd you-

Pam: Sense of smell when I had the curse...

Kara: Okay... You're going to prison.

Jessica: What? No!

Kara: Why not?! She knows everything about us and she's Poison freakin' Ivy! What's to stop her from stabbing us in the back & telling every villain in Metropolis who we are & where to find us?!

Pam glared at Kara, who glared back.

Jessica: No one is putting her in jail, I know she's a villain but she's misunderstood!

Pam: I don't plan on telling anyone who you are in your secret live, I don't expect you to trust me, like all humans are...

Jessica: Pam-

Pam: I don't need your pity, you're like all the humans who are cruel to plant life.

Jessica: Pam I-

Pam: Don't think I forgotten about you cutting down the ancient tree.

Jessica winced on remembering that.

Jessica: I didn't mean to and I had no choice, you could've killed those people!

Pam: And you've killed one of the sacred symbols of life! Just like every human vermin who hurt nature over and over again!

Zee: And yet you were eating nearly every plant and vegetable in Metropolis, don't talk to us about being vermin!

Pam: I was cursed!

Babs: Well-

Lilith: ENOUGH!

Everyone was caught off guard by the booming voice of Lilith.

Lilith: No one is being put in prison and this fighting isn't getting us nowhere. Pam, I understand your resentment to humans but not all of them are vile towards nature. The forces of nature have helped in many ways, even producing fruit and vegetables to consume & I'm not saying you should do that due to you thinking it's plant killing, it helps the body and mind grow & progress. Even I enjoy a little fruit or vegetable but not to go against nature itself or cause harm because of it, nature gives nutrients to all living things help their health. 

Pam: .....

Lilith: Another is the plants that have fallen can always bloom again with the right source and elements to take care of them.

Pam then thought about it, while she is still debating in disagreement with the fruit & vegetable eating via veggie-side in her opinion, she remembers the ancient tree slowly blooming before.

Lilith: You remember what I told you when you fought me...?

Pam remembered that well, while she was traumatized by the events of Lilith's realm, Pam slowly realized what she was talking about.

Lilith: The Choice is yours Pam & only yours. What you're going to do now is your decision, your chapter to write...

Pam could feel all eyes staring at her, uncomfortable and silent as she was in her thoughts for a moment before speaking.

Pam: I still have my opinions on humans but... maybe not all of them are bad, you cured me and I thank you for that so I won't reveal anything to anyone. If these Accursed Beasts are as vile as you say they are, they're a danger to everything, including nature itself.

Lilith: Indeed they are.

Pam: If nature is also in danger, then I... I wish to help you if you'll have me...?

Lilith: Of course.

Blake: We appreciate it.

Pam then turns to Jessica.

Pam: (sighs) I know it'll be a while before I can fully forgive you for that but... Despite me always pushing you away and trying to be distance from you & everyone else, you... still tried to be my friend and didn't give up on me...

Jessica: Of course I didn't, I wanted to help you because I care about you, not out of pity. Everyone can use some friends if you give them a chance.

Pam smiles a little.

Pam: I guess you're right.

Jessica squealed and tightly hugged Pam.

Jessica: Oh thank you!

Pam: Still... not a fan... of the hugging...!

Jessica released her.

Jessica: (smiles sheepishly) Sorry.

Lilith pulls out a strange looking jade green fruit with swirls on it and hands it to Pam, who gave her a confused look.

Lilith: This fruit is also one of the rare delicacy of the hybrid guardian's world. It'll help rejuvenate your plant like abilities you lost in the Lycanatura curse & advance them further.

Pam looks at the fruit hesitantly, still not comfortable with eating something nature related but she gulps nervously, needing to do this to get her powers back. So she takes the first bite, the taste was quite exquisite as she continues to eat the special fruit until she swallowed it.

Karen: Ummm, so is it-

Pam's eyes widened as she felt something flowing within her, suddenly surrounded by a neon green & blue aura, eclipsed in vines as she transformed into Poison Ivy but with the neon green & blue aura shrouding her body.

Poison Ivy: My powers... They're back! And I feel more alive... stronger than ever...!

Babs: Whoa! Magic fruit! Cool!

Zee: Intriguing....

Diana: Quite.

Lilith: As of now, Pamela... You're going to be my apprentice. While you know your abilities, eating the special fruit has given you extra ones in advance of giving new life of nature within, I shall help you control it.

Poison Ivy: (smiles slightly) Thank you.


The next day...

After Pam was cured of the Lycanatura curse & given her powers back with new ones to boot, metropolis' plants and vegetables establishment was safe. Pam got new friends/allies as well as a new purpose in her journey to still protect nature itself.

At Sweet Justice, Pam was seen with with the girls, Blake, Beck, Mason and Casey enjoying their desserts. Pam received a text from Harleen with an apology but on full emoji mode, Pam sighs and texted her back, non emoji mode and apologized for her actions towards her, hoping to rekindle with one another, she got a couple of exciting, happy and fireworks emojis from Harleen, meaning that she accepted her apology.

Beck: Man, these desserts are so good! The taste is OVER 9000!!!

Mason: Brother's quoting Dragonball Z aside, this is indeed exquisite.

Babs: Yep! When it comes to desserts, Sweet Justice can't be beat!

Casey: True.

Zee: No argument there.

Jessica: Are you enjoying your dessert, Pam?

Pam: Yes... very delicious.

???: Well, well, well... If it isn't the plant freak?

Pam and the others turn to the Diamond Triplets.

Bonnie: Look sisters, after the whole monster issue, the plant freak found herself some friends.

Brandy: Yeah, a couple of losers!

Beth: I admit that you had us with that ugly smoke & mirrors make up to make you look like a monster the other day but I was hoping the cops would arrest you for pulling that trick on us, plus it looked tacky.

The group glared at the diamond triplets, Kara was about to step in but Pam beat her to it and got up, walking towards the diamond triplets.

Pam: (glares) You know what... You three aren't even worth the time and effort...

Bonnie, Brandy and Beth: What?!

Pam: Did I stutter? You've transferred here to Metropolis and suddenly you three feel like you rule the school, you're not even the first popular girls, or second best, pretty much low.

Brandy: You listen-

Pam: You say I'm a freak with no friends but no one I've seen hung out with you, you three just insert yourselves in other people's business and make them miserable, popular or not, either at school or away from it, I should know since you three usually target me the most.

Beth: Well because of you being a-

Pam: No. You target people below you and have no problem trying to target people above you to increase your status in popularity. No one, including myself likes or respects you... you three are nothing more than annoying, spoiled rich brats who loves to torment others to feel superior & egotistical, you three are pathetic...

The Diamond Triplets felt all eyes on them in disgust and disappointment, Bonnie got angry and went to punch Pam in the face but Pam caught the punch in a strong grip, shocking her and her sisters.

Pam proceeds to twist & judo flip Bonnie to the ground, landing at her sisters feet. Brandy and Beth help Bonnie up as the whole crowd was laughing at them, The diamond triplets see Pam joined by Diana and Kara.

Diana: I suggest you three heathens leave.

Kara: (cracks her knuckles) Now.

The Diamond Triplets quickly ran out of Sweet Justice, humiliated. The three girls return to their table.

Blake: Good work you guys.

Beck: Excellent judo flip Pam.

Jessica: I was glad things didn't get too violent.

Mason: Congratulations. Do you feel alright now, Pamela?

Pam: Honestly, I've never felt better.

Pam smiles as her eyes glint a jade green glow.

To be continued...

(Chapter 18 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Pam learns of the curse and tries to seek help, the missing ingredient for the cure was found (credit goes to Lightman2120 for the suggestion), Cassidy made her powers known on her debut, Pam is cured and now is allied with the hybrids and superhero girls on her redemption path. Pam's new additional abilities from the fruit she ate will be revealed in time. What's going to happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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