Night of the Wolf of Nature pt 1
A few days after the encounter with Lilith and the supervillain girls broke up...
On the night of a sudden pale green full moon, We cut to a science lab in the observatory which was covered in large, long plant vines, many people and scientists were engulfed in plants while in a trans with glowing green eyes.
One scientist was backing away as Poison Ivy was approaching him, her narrowed eyes filled with anger.
Scientist: P-Please don't hurt me! What d-do you want?!
Poison Ivy: Silence vermin! How dare you... How dare you commit a sheer atrocity to the rare gifts of mother nature!
Scientist: I don't know what you're talking about!
Poison Ivy snarled with a sneer.
Poison Ivy: Don't lie to me, I heard their cries, their dying need for help. It led me here and you must've done something to the plant life!
Scientist: I've done nothing to them, I swear!
Poison Ivy heard the cries in her mind, she looks at the large steel door on the left and walks towards it.
Scientist: Don't open that!
Poison Ivy ensnared the scientist in vines as she uses her plants to form a giant hand to pry the door open.
Scientist: Stop! You don't know what's behind that door, it's too dangerous!
Poison Ivy: The plants are in agony behind that door, whatever you have back there is hurting them so I'll deal with it personally...
Scientist: You don't understand, we kept that thing back for studies and only plants calm it's fury! Don't release it!
Poison Ivy: Silence! Another reason why it must be destroyed.
The large plant hand managed to rip the steel door off and throws it aside, Poison Ivy enters the entrance way and gasped at what she was seeing. Inside the huge storage room were plants of different shapes and sizes all torn, drained and devoid of life and in the center of the chaos was a creature chewing on some tree bark, it was 10 ft tall, it had the appearance of a wolf, strange pale green skin, has a very muscular body, darker green fur with branches & thorns coming out of parts of it's body, glowing yellow eyes, sharp fangs, sharp wooden claws and a long bushy wolf tail.
The beast stopped eating and noticed Poison Ivy, growling ferociously with eyes glowing more. Poison Ivy snapped out of her shock and snarled.
Poison Ivy: You... Insane Animal, what have you done to them?!
She sends her plants formed into hands to ensnare the wolf like creature, who dodged the hands, leaps up and crawls on the rooftop at swift speed, dodging Ivy's attacks, launching itself at Poison Ivy and pinning her to the ground, sinking it's claws & thorns into her.
Poison Ivy: Gaaah!!!
Scientist: You fool! You released our subject!
Poison Ivy grunts and calls her plants to remove this beast off her but before they could grab the monster, it sunk it's fangs into Ivy's right shoulder.
The bite burned with Ivy feeling excruciating agony, the beast's fangs were about to rip her in half only to be attacked by a huge beam of ice. The beast was pinned to the wall in ice while roaring, Hybrid Omen and Supergirl appeared.
Supergirl: Double ice breath puts this monster mutt in the frost pound. (Chuckles)
Hybrid Omen: Honestly Supergirl, sometimes I don't get your puns.
Supergirl: Aww c'mon, it was golden! Ugh, whatever. We caught ummm what kind of mutt monster is this?
The wolf like beast roared in anger, struggling in the ice.
Hybrid Omen: A Lycanatura.
Supergirl: A lycan what?
Hybrid Omen: A plant like werewolf, it feeds on forms of nature and people in case they are provoked.
Supergirl: A vegan werewolf? That's something you don't see every day. Now to get Ivy-
She turns to gone Poison Ivy gone, seeing a hole shrouded in vines, meaning that she got away.
Supergirl: How did she-
Hybrid Omen: Let her go for now, we have what we came for. Plus... (Turns to the scientist) I believe that an interrogation is order...
Supergirl: (cracks her knuckles with a smirk) I'm up for that, hehehehe...
The scientist gulped nervously.
Back with Poison Ivy, she managed to escape unnoticed while Hybrid Omen and Supergirl were busy with the Lycanatura. Her bite wound she received was burning, she soon made it to her home, changing back to Pam as she got some medical supplies for her wounds, luckily they weren't as fatal as she thought but it still hurts.
Once she was finished tending her wounds, Pam changes to her nightwear and gets ready for bed. She already said good night to Phil and to the unique plant Lilith gave her, she smiled at it and slowly closes her eyes, going to bed.
The next day....
Pam was heard screaming.
She woke up from a bizarre dream and to a living real nightmare in her case, she then sees all of her plants, except Phil and the unique plant torn apart and looked be eaten, she also noticed the door busted along with claw marks on the walls, floor and door.
Pam: What happened here?! Who did this?! Phil, did you see anything?
Pam: Phil?
Pam: Phil, can you not hear me?
Still silence.
Normally, Pam hears Phil's 'voice' due to being part plant but for some reason, she couldn't hear him. It's not like Phil to be silent on her, maybe what did this traumatized him.
Pam was worried but decided to leave Phil alone until he was ready to speak. After freshening up and getting dressed, Pam heads to the living room upon the news popping up on her new TV.
News reporter: This is Metropolis Daily Planet news reporting of a strange event occuring, throughout metropolis, various gardens, flower shops and even places that sell vegetables had been targeted & eaten.
Pam: What? Not just my place....?
News reporter: So far, what we got on what caused this was some kind of wolf creature. Now I know what you're all thinking, "A werewolf after vegetables & plants?" Crazy, right? Anyways, the places targeted are being repaired and restocked on what was lost.
Pam: A wolf creature...?
News reporter: However, those with gardens, flower shops and places that sells vegetables better be cautious, be sure to lock up your establishment tight by nightfall because until this creature is caught, no plant or veggie is safe...
The news is over. Pam was horrified, she needs to prepare for this creature in case it tries to invade her home again.
In the superhero girls hideout...
Jessica: I can't believe this is happening!
Babs: A wolf after vegetables and plants?! This is crazy!
Karen: Look at the damage all over the news, most of the establishments were torn open and eaten!
Diana: What kind of monster is responsible for this?
Then Kara had a thought in this beforehand.
Kara: Of course, it's that Lycanatura or something?
Zee: A Lycan who?
Kara: Yeah, yeah. Some kind of plant werewolf Blake and I caught last night.
Zee: A plant werewolf? That's bizarre.
Babs: So that's what's been causing these attacks.
Kara: Actually Blake and I caught the monster before this, from what the scientist told us, he & his nerd men captured it in the forest and had it for weeks trying to learn it's species, it was stuck in a storage cage.
Karen: Which means that it didn't cause the current events of what happened last night.
Diana: Then there's more than one?
Kara: Nope, Blake said the Lycanatura is kinda a special accursed monster, not just one but not much of it's kind around here either.
Babs: Then maybe it bit someone! If a plant werewolf is anything like a normal werewolf, this Lycanatura must've transferred it's virus to someone through bite!
Kara: How? The science nerd had it locked up tight and Blake mentioned it's bite doesn't infect normal people.
Jessica: Then what does it's bite effect?
Kara: (trying to remember) Hmmmm... (fist palms) Oh right, the plant wolf's bite infects only those with nature like power &- (eyes widened) uh oh...
Karen: Uh oh?!
Babs: Why Uh oh?!
Zee: Kara?
Kara: Oh crap... I think I know who was bitten...
Meanwhile, Pam was taking a walk to get some air. She managed to regrow the plants she lost during the incident that transpired last night but she noticed something weird, while she did regrow her plants, her powers barely worked for some reason like they were weakened.
Pam groans as she felt her stomach rumbling like crazy, she already had lunch but the rumbling grew louder and louder, she clutches her stomach.
Pam: (groans) Oooooh.....
Pam then heads into a nearby fast food joint, she orders some burgers, paying for them while heading with a table and devoured one burger after the others. Once she was done, Pam let out a loud belch & excused herself, patting her full stomach then it started to rumble again. Pam groans and held her stomach, she doesn't understand what's going on with her stomach, she just ate. How is she still hungry?
Then she saw a couple eating some veggie burgers with salad on side. Normally, Pam would be disgusted & angered by the whole 'veggie-side' thing but the way she looked at the veggie related food... wasn't her usual negative expression... It was mesmerized hunger... like a force was compelling her to march over there and devour the veggie meals but she shook her head.
Pam: (whispers) What was that? Was I.... No, Nonono... I gotta go.
Pam quickly exited the fast food joint and walked at a fast pace with a look of panic, trying to keep her composure.
Pam: (in her mind) What on earth was with me back there? Was I really mesmerized by the thought of eating-No! Nonono, that would be a treachery to the life of green... I need to clear my head-
Pam was cut off when she was hit in the face by a tomato.
???: Hey it's the freak girl from school that hears & talks to plants again.
Pam wipes the tomato off and sees three curvy, brunette (in a ponytail, pigtails and wavy styled) haired, violet eyed, fair skinned teenage triplet girls, wearing red and white cheerleader shirts, custom white & purple studded jackets, snug blue jeans and white boots.
Pam snarls lowly at them, they were known as Bonnie, Brandy and Beth Diamond, new rich students who transferred to Metropolis high school back in March.
(A/N: And yes, Bonnie, Brandy and Beth are OCS and antagonistic ones.)
They are very spoiled, conniving, sassy, mean popular girls that aren't afraid to make fun of or humiliate those who are below them although Kara, Doris, Barbi, Selina, Diana, and their own group can handle themselves against the three. Of all the people love to bother, Pam was their favorite victim to mess with, much to her annoyance.
Bonnie: Can ya hear what these tomatoes are saying to you?
Brandy: Yeah, they say that you're soooo ugly & the centuries want their clothes back!
Beth: Hahahaha! Maybe a little red will do it for your dull crimson hair!
One of the triplets threw a tomato on Pam, who wipes it off but gets pelted with three more. She growled angrily but the smell was strangely intoxicating to her, she lipped the tomato paste off her lips, she let out a soft 'Mmmmmm' to it as the tomato tastes good. The Diamond Triplets threw more tomatoes at Pam, who rather than getting angry, started catching them in her mouth, eating one after the other.
Bonnie: (stops throwing tomatoes) Wait, is she eating them?
Brandy: I thought the loser was anti-vegan or something?
Beth: She's supposed to be crying & throwing a fit, not enjoying this-
Beth: OWWWWWW!!!
Pam bit her arm, looking like a rabid dog with dilated pupils and a low growl. The two sisters pulled Beth away from Pam, who released her, still growling.
Brandy: OMG, Beth are you okay?!
Beth: No! I'm not okay! That plant nutcase bit my arm! I'll probably get her icky rabies!
Bonnie: Let's get you home to be treated! (Glares at Pam) Nobody lays a hand or teeth on my sisters, you'll get yours Isley, count on it!
The Diamond Triplets took their leave, Pam growls and sees the bag of tomatoes they left and immediately pounced into it, devouring them all & getting disturbed looks from people that walked by & passed her. After letting out a loud belch, Pam snapped out of it and immediately yelped, horrified in seeing what she was doing and ran off.
Blake: So you say Poison Ivy is...
Kara: Yeah, well I'm not sure since we didn't exactly see the plant wolf's bite on her since it's back was turned.
Jessica: If Ivy is really infected, we need to find her. All plant and veggie life is at stake!
Blake: Well the Lycanatura only comes out at night of a pale green full moon like last night, only then will Ivy or another Lycanatura will appear.
Babs: Is there a cure? I mean, like ordinary werewolves, a plant werewolf should have one.
Beck: Well... There is and there isn't...
Mason: A cure for Lycanatura is quite unlikely compared to the original, not known.
Jessica: So.... There's no cure? And Ivy will be stuck that way?
Blake: it's possible but at the same time it isn't, we encountered some means of Lycanatura's but never an infected since there was barely nature like good or bad guys during our travels but we'll try to make a cure.
Mason: But in the mean time, you'll have to hunt the beast at the night. If it's Ivy or another ordinary Lycanatura, bring them to us.
Diana: Of course. We hunt at nightfall.
At Pam's home....
It was night as Pam was getting ready for bed, today was crazy for her. First, she had overbearing hunger in her stomach, then she was mesmerized by wanting to eat a couple's veggie meals, then she devoured tomatoes thrown by the Diamond Triplets while biting one of their arms like a rabid dog. She even chased a veggie truck on all fours, sniffs some flowers before chomping on them while nearly getting caught by an old man and even attacked mascot wearing a cheese & broccoli sandwich suit & almost bit his head off.
Pam: What came over me lately? Maybe I'm so stressed that I'm doing things I'm not aware, that must be it. Yeah, I'm stressed and I need to relax.
Pam walks to her room, seeing Phil and the other plants along the unique plant Lilith gave her. Pam suddenly got that mesmerized look again at the sight of the plants, she then shook & breathes in & out, trying to stay calm and not let stress overwhelm her. She approaches Phil, hoping to see if he could comfort her.
Pam: Phil, be honest... am I cracking up? Is what happened a few days ago getting to me?
No answer.
Pam: (getting annoyed) Phil, could you please answer?! I know you're not asleep or playing dead!
No answer.
Pam: Why are you suddenly ignoring me?
Then she heard a voice but it wasn't coming from Phil, it was coming from the mystic looking plant. Pam closely listens to the whispers.
Pam: (listens) Huh? Danger? I'm not safe? From what? ... Me? What are you trying to say...? What danger-ack!
Pam fell to her knees, clutching her sides while her stomach was rumbling painfully and loudly.
Pam: Gaaah! What's g-going on?! The pain! T-The pain...!
Pam slowly heads for her bed and plops onto it, curling up into a ball and holding her stomach in pain.
Pam: This is unbearable... W-Why do I feel so h-hungry...? I already ate and-ugh! Aaaaaauuuuuhhhh...!
Pam rolls over and falls out of the bed onto the floor, unseen where Pam was heard moaning and groaning. Outside the window, the clouds departed, revealing a pale green full moon which glowed as Pam's hand shot out from the side of the bed... twitching and growing beastly & pale green with sharp wooden like claws followed by a low growl.
Later still at night...
A silhouette can be seen climbing a building with growls & grunts escaped it's lips until reaches the top, letting out a loud howl for all of Metropolis to hear, the strange figure spots a nearby cabbage cart followed a middle aged man ready to close up shop, the thing narrowed it's glowing yellow eyes and leaps off the building and land a few feet behind the owner, leaving a small crater & getting the owner's attention.
He turns around and screams, seeing the creature. It was about 10 ft 2, was very muscular with some feminine features signaling that it was female, glowing yellow eyes, pale green skin with darker green fur & a long, wild crimson red haired mane. The female creature had wolf like features with the snout, sharp fangs, wooden yet razor sharp claws, a large bushy wolf tail while having thorns and branches sticking out of the shoulders and back.
Middle Aged Man: N-Nice Wolfy... N-Nice W-Wolfy, don't eat me or my cabbages...!
The female wolf creature roared in his face, making the owner scream and run away. The creature then approached the cabbage cart and started devouring each cabbage that it could get it's hands on. Once the cabbage cart was empty, the female wolf creature throws the cart & ran off into the night.
Meanwhile, we see a teenage girl with a fair skin complexion, a curvy pear shaped body, purple eyes, black hair in a messy bun with some pencils sticking out. She was wearing pink glasses above her head, an oversized wheat-colored cardigan, dark blue pants and black flats walking through the den of night.
This is Lois Lane, school reporter & journalism extraordinaire of Metropolis High.
Lois: Deadlines are still in hold, got camera and film up to go and Jimmy refuses to accompany me on this assignment. Oh well, all I need is some photos of the creature taking out the garden/vegetable establishment and it'll be a scoop one step closer to an internship at the Daily Planet.
Then she heard a loud roar followed by screams and gunshots.
Lois: Bingo.
Lois runs towards the sound she heard, getting her camera ready for her scoop. She then spots the metropolis police surrounding and shooting at the female wolf creature, who was snarling in anger and sending a couple of them flying with a monstrous right.
Commissioner Gordon: Fall back and regroup!
The police indeed try to put some distance between themselves and the creature, who roared at shot thorns out of it's shoulders & back, hitting the police and Commissioner Gordon, knocking them out into sleep.
Lois, in a hiding spot, pulls out her camera to get a clear shot at the creature who was about to dine on the unconscious cops but as she took the picture.... it flashed, getting the monster's attention.
Lois: Drat, the flash setting was on. (Sees the creature glaring at her) Ummm... Perhaps that's enough pictures for one night...
Lois turns to run but the creature jumped in the air and landed in front of her, roaring in the school reporter's face. Before it could reach for Lois, the creature was punched straight through a truck by Supergirl, who appeared with Wonder Woman, Bumblebee, Zatanna, Green Lantern (Jessica) and Batgirl.
Lois: Phew, thanks for the save.
Supergirl: No problem but you need to get out of here now!
Lois: Got it.
Lois ran for cover, the superhero girls see the female creature crawling out of the destroyed truck, glaring ominously at the six.
Batgirl: So that's a Lycanatura!
Zatanna: A plant werewolf and a female one given the feminine features behind the bulk.
Bumblebee: Batgirl, your dad!
Batgirl spots her father and the cops unconscious with the female Lycanatura near them.
Batgirl: Oh no!
Wonder Woman: Sisters, we must act quickly! Supergirl & Green Lantern, assist me in restraining the Lycanatura! Batgirl, Bumblebee and Zatanna, get the authorities to safety!
All: Right!
The six split in two groups. While Batgirl, Bumblebee and Zatanna were getting the unconscious authorities out of the battlefield, Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Green Lantern (Jessica) were fighting the female Lycanatura. The creature fires thorns to knock them out but Green Lantern (Jessica) forms a shield construct to block the thorns, Supergirl flies with heat vision to nail the creature on the side of the ribs, earning a pained grunt while Supergirl delivered a couple of strong combo strikes to the face of the creature.
The female Lycanatura got angry and grabs Supergirl and repeated slams her into the ground.
Supergirl: Is that all you've got?!
The female Lycanatura grabs her slammed her against the wall and throws her in an ice cream truck. Wonder Woman lunged at the creature with sword and shield in hand to combat the female Lycanatura, who hits an assortment of claw strikes to counter Wonder Woman's sword & shield offense & defense.
The Amazon ended up slicing off the wooden claws but to her surprise, the claws grew back more sharp & elongated and slashed Wonder Woman across the chest, earning a pained yell from the Amazon while being pushed back. Green Lantern (Jessica) fires construct waves at the beast only for the beast to dodge the attacks and leap up to pounce on the hispanic girl, who struggles to get the female Lycanatura off.
The creature was about to sink it's fangs into her, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Zatanna saw this and were going to save their friend but... They were beaten to the punch with the female Lycanatura being shot off Jessica with large shards of diamonds.
Zatanna: Are you okay, Jess?
Green Lantern (Jessica): I'm fine. But who shot the beast?
Batgirl: Up there!
The superhero girls see someone floating down from the air, a familiar girl Zatanna completely recognized.
Zatanna: Casey...?
Batgirl: Casey Krinsky?
The girl descending from the air was indeed Casey Krinsky but she had a different look to her besides the slightly tall height & slightly bulky physique. She was wearing a dark blue, black & gray cowl face mask with the mouth exposed & glowing white pupiless eyes, a dark blue, black and gray trim armored bodysuit with dark gray shoulder armor, gloves, kneepads and boots.
Wonder Woman and Supergirl recover and sees Casey facing away from the girls & staring at the recovering beast.
Supergirl: Who is that?
Bumblebee: It's Casey Krinsky.
Wonder Woman & Supergirl: Eh?!?!
Zatanna: Casey...? It that you?
Casey slowly turns to the girls with a calm, grim expression before slightly smiling genuinely.
Casey: Yes. But don't use my name in battle please. For my alias, I'm now the Shard Soldier.
The female Lycanatura recovered, glaring furiously at Casey now known as Shard Soldier, roaring and charged straight at her. Shard Soldier's arms were shrouded in hard, durable diamond armor and fires large shards of diamonds at the creature, damaging it and throwing it's momentum off, Shard Soldier evading the creature who crashed into a taxi car.
Batgirl: (stars in her eyes) Whoa! That was so cool!
Supergirl: Since when can she do that?!
The female Lycanatura shook it's head and growled, firing thorns at Shard Soldier, who forms a diamond shield to block the incoming projectiles that bounced off the shield, shard soldier running towards the creature with a diamond sword slash across the chest, making the monster roar in pain.
Shard Soldier breathes in and out calmly, her body increased in height & muscle mass at amazonian level.
Batgirl: She's huge!
Wonder Woman: She's almost as tall as mother!
Supergirl: Even got the muscles!
The female Lycanatura lunged at Shard Soldier who was on the defensive, the creature goes for claw strikes and swings followed by trying to bite Shard Soldier's head but the metahuman blocks & counters the attacks, retaliating with hard hitting, diamond powered, kick boxing jabs and shots to the abdomen and face, finishing the combo with a bicycle pump kick to the face of the creature, sending it across the road.
Shard Soldier then charged at the downed creature, grabbing it's leg and flying up in the air to slam the female Lycanatura into the ground with a thud but doesn't let go of the leg, lifting up/spinning the female Lycanatura around at least 5 times before throwing it far across the streets of Metropolis.
Zatanna: I... I didn't know Casey could fight like that....
Bumblebee: Well... Blake has been training her.
The female Lycanatura slowly and sees Shard Soldier approaching, the beast quickly arches it's head back and releases a huge green mist from it's mouth, cloaking itself and Shard Soldier in the cloud.
Zatanna: Oh no, she's in trouble!
Supergirl: I got this!
Supergirl flies into the mist.
Supergirl: Bleh! Rancid, it smells like old cabbage and boiled salad mixed with a side of onion-
She was blindsided by the female Lycanatura, who knocks her out of the mist. Before it could move on to the Shard Soldier, the female Lycanatura heard maniacal laughter and turns to hit by a large sphere of fire.
The mist soon cleared as Shard Soldier and the superhero girls see the female Lycanatura getting hit from all sides by a large sphere of fire like a pinball, hearing the maniacal laughter from it. The female Lycanatura grunts in pain as the fire sphere attacked in a swift yet searing blur until the beast was send crashing into the ground.
Shard Soldier and the superhero girls witnessed the fire sphere landing near them, slowly depleting to reveal a familiar figure.
Batgirl: Hybrid Omen!
???: Not quite. My brother is busy so I stopped by instead.
The figure turned around, shocking the girls minus Shard Soldier. It was revealed to be Beck himself except that he looked like a near perfect copy of Hybrid Omen only with some major differences. His eyes were black with fiery red dragon like pupils, fangs, dons a black, white & fiery red demonic looking war paint on his face, chest, back & shoulders. He was wearing black & fiery red long sleeved armbands/gloves, a red & silver studded belt, front & back cloth, black pants and black & red boots.
Shard Soldier: Thanks for the assist.
Batgirl: The attire & war paint looks scary yet awesome at the same time! So... What's your alias?
???: (Eerie grin) Call me... Hybrid Blaze.
Growling was heard, the group turn to the female Lycanatura, who was glaring at them & getting up but fell on one knee due to the damage from Shard Soldier and Hybrid Blaze.
Hybrid Blaze: Oh look at that, she's all tuckered out. Let's finish this.
Hybrid Blaze fires a flame blast, Shard Soldier fires diamond shards, Supergirl fires a massive ice breath, bumblebee fires her stingers and Zatanna fires her magic blasts with the stream of attacks overwhelming the female Lycanatura. The creature barely got out the beams path and sinks its hands into the ground, bringing out a massive wooden wall.
Supergirl flies over and punched through the wooden wall and finds the female Lycanatura gone.
Supergirl: The monster got away!
Hybrid Blaze: It couldn't have gotten very far.
Wonder Woman: Let us hunt it down.
The superhero girls, Shard Soldier and Hybrid Blaze all proceeds to go hunting for the female Lycanatura. However, after hours of pursuing the beast it somehow gave the group the slip despite being injured so the group decided to search the next night.
Next morning, Pam's home... 9:30am.
Pam wakes up with a groan, slowly sitting up from her bed. She let out a loud yawn but stopped mid coughing.
Pam: Ugh... My head is killing me...
She looks around and gasps, seeing her room in worse shape, her plants all torn down and looked like they were eaten again followed by claw marks on the walls and large footprints cracked on the floor.
Pam: No. Nonono! How is this happening?! I made sure to keep these plant well guarded in case that creature tried to break in-
Pam coughs roughly and loudly. She groans while getting out of bed, almost losing her balance with the room spinning a bit but she tries to move forward. The plant villainess sees the plants in the other room in the same horrid state like the ones in her room except for Phil and the unique plant. She tries to her powers to regrow them back but....
Pam: Huh?
The destroyed plants weren't growing back. Pam grunts and tries again to regrow her plants back and got the same result, nothing.
Pam: (looks at her hands) Why aren't my powers working?
Pam tried a third time to revive her fallen plants but still couldn't get even a single leaf to bloom. She was looking more worried and horrified, looking at her shaking hands.
Pam: My powers... They can't be...
Then a knock at the door was heard, cutting Pam out of her thoughts and goes to answer the door. She opens it and finds Harleen on the other side with a large smile.
Pam: (disgusted glare) What are you doing here?
Harleen: Jeez Red, I can't stop by and say hello to a good friend? And wow your place is a mess.
Pam: We're not friends.
Harleen: (smiles) Of course we are, otherwise I wouldn't come here if I didn't care about ya.
Harleen grabs Pam, picking her up in a bone crushing while spinning around in her home, the plant villainess growing a bit nauseous.
Harleen: (spinning Pam around in a hug) When I heard of a plant werewolf runnin' around on the news, I came straight here to check on ya if you're alright!
Harleen stopped spinning Pam, holding her in place with a smile. Pam groans with her eyes spinning and lets out a monstrous belch in Harleen's face, the clown girl releasing her with a gag.
Harleen: Ewwwww, Gross Red! What have you been eatin'?
Pam covered her mouth in embarrassment.
Harleen: Bleh! That smelled like cabbage, tomatoes, roses, tree bark, carrots, tree sap, rotten broccoli, poison oak & ivy-hahaha! I see what I did there, and random flowers mixed up in a stu gone horribly wrong!
Pam glared at her.
Harleen: (gasps) Has Red finally been eatin' her veggies?!
Pam: Absolutely not, I know you didn't come all this way to fun of me! What are you really here for?!?!
Harleen was caught off guard by Pam's outbursts, frowning shortly after the shocked. Pam was growling inhumanly at the clown girl, her home broken in twice without her knowledge & her plants were torn apart and eaten by a plant wolf creature, her power weren't working for some reason, Phil won't talk to her and the headache she's having is unbearable. She was not in the mood for Harleen's shenanigans.
Harleen: I.... I just wanted to hang out with ya, I know the team is dead but can we at least be friends still...?
Pam: Not. Interested. Why don't you go hang out with that girl with the purple bat hoodie?
Harleen: Well I would but Babsy Wabsy is busy at the moment.
Pam: Then kindly leave and find someone else to bug, my plants are devastated, I have this splitting headache and you even BEING here isn't helping one bit.
Harleen: Well maybe I can help ya-
Pam: I don't want your help, I want you gone.
Harleen: B-But Red, I-
Pam's pupils suddenly glowed yellow, yelled out in rage.
Harleen slowly backed away with a scared and hurt look, leaving. Pam was breathing heavily and angrily, slamming the door shut and leaning against the wall, clutching herself while shaking uncontrollably with her eye pupils switching between her usual green color & an eerie, unhinged yellow color...
At Blake's place... 5:30pm.
Casey was preparing lunch for everyone, including herself. At the dining room table was Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Jessica, Karen, Beck and Mason. The only ones not at the table was Blake, Barbi, Lena, Cassidy and Lilith. Barbi is on a trip with her family and won't be back for a week. Lena took a break from her secret project in Blake's lab & is having a little family outing with her parents and Lex. Lilith is out on business with another company outside metropolis with Cassidy being bodyguard. And Blake was still asleep due to being up all night finding ingredients and trying to create a cure for the infected Lycanatura.
Casey soon came in with lunch at the dinning table of everyone's choice in food as they dig in while she sat next to Beck and enjoyed her food.
Mason: Thank you for the meal, Casey.
Casey: You're welcome.
Beck: I agree. You really know culinary arts and you've really outdone yourself with your new powers out there last night.
Casey: Thanks, I've made sure to keep up on my training. Ashame we couldn't capture the Lycanatura last night.
Beck: No sweat, we'll get the beast.
Kara: What I don't get is how it got away so quickly. The monster was damaged from the beating we gave her.
Mason: Even when some monsters of the Accursed Clan are cornered and damaged, they rely on a last ditch effort trick to escape death & fight another day.
Jessica: Hopefully we'll find the Lycanatura and catch her before she causes more trouble.
Kara: Yeah, poison ivy was enough trouble as it is. Her as a plant werewolf is even worse.
Babs: Do you even know that's Ivy?
Kara: Last I checked, the Lycanatura didn't have crimson red hair.
Karen: Technically, the monster had a long mane so-
Kara: Same thing. Plus, she's the only one in Metropolis who is a nature mutant.
Diana: Once the moon rises over metropolis, The creature shall escape the shadows to hunt and we'll be ready.
Zee: How's the cure coming along?
Mason: It's a... slow work and progress. Blake searched for various ingredients on it.
Zee: Oh.
Beck: Plus, he even got some DNA from the original Lycanatura he & Supergirl caught to synthesize some cures but failed to be stable.
Mason: He's still trying though but missing one key ingredient.
Babs: I'm sure he'll find what the sole missing ingredient is.
Beck: For now, we need to find the creature when nightfall hits.
Everyone nodded.
Pam's home.... 8:23pm.
After getting the place cleaned up and fixed again, Pam remained in her room. She was feeling angry, paranoid, scared and shocked at this moment. Looking at her shaking hands, Pam was wondering why... Why wasn't her powers working? Why wasn't she aware of the creature sneaking into her house and eating her plants, she couldn't have slept in deep not to hear it, right...?
Pam: Why is this happening to me...? My powers are gone... Has nature forsaken me...?
Pam then stares at Phil and the unique plant, the only ones who weren't touched by the creature twice for some reason.
Pam: I wonder why Phil and the other plant wasn't harmed by the creature...?
Then Pam heard a whisper from the unique plant.
Pam: (hears the whispers) Huh? Danger? From what? The creature? What do you know? Find him? Find who? Please tell me-ack!
Pam yelped and clutches herself, feeling a burning sensation within her body, the headache grew worse with the aching and the pain she was feeling was unbearable, very unbearable.
Pam: The p-pain... it's excruciating!
Pam screams as the pain was getting worse by the minute, she hunched over and felt her bones aching and her body increasing in heat, her breathing was going rapid and cold sweat rolling down her head. She then noticed the pale green full moon appeared out of the clouds, it's glow burned into Pam's eyes which started to swirl and glow yellow.
Pam's eyes returned to normal but the pupils remained yellow as she was in a panic, gazing at her right hand which twisted and grew into a pale green hand with sharp wooden claws.
Pam: Ah?!
Pam right arm/shoulder followed by bulking up in muscle and tearing up her jacket a bit while growing dark green fur. Pam was shaking and hunched over with her back, chest & abdomen growing in bulk as well, her insides breaking down and reshaping themselves along with thorns and branches shooting out her shoulders and back, ripping the jacket further along with her shirt.
Pam: (voice getting deeper) Guhhh... W-What happening to me...?!?!
Her left arm/hand soon bulked up in muscle, growing dark green fur with her hand growing into a pale green beastly hand with sharp wooden claws & the jacket tattering and ripping. Pam lost her balance and fell on all fours, growing to a height of 10 ft 2, her lower body started to bulk up as well, her hips widen, her legs twisted, snapped and turned into wolf like legs, her pants & shoes ripping while feeling a tail growing out her lower back, the tail getting longer, wilder and bushy like.
Pam whimpered and groaned, feeling her face aching, stretched and growing, sprouting sharp fangs and a slightly long wolf snout, her ears became wolf ears and her hair grew like a mane. Her mind slowly faded away and nothing of Pam was left, the only thing there was the female Lycanatura which lifts her head up with a ferocious roar while running towards the window, shattering the glass as she heads off into the night where she was heard howling from a distance.
To be continued...
(Chapter 17 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Another oc monster the Lycanatura aka a plant werewolf makes it's debut, poison Ivy is bitten by said monster and experiences some drastic changes, including a monstrous transformation. Lois Lane makes her debut, Casey Krinsky makes her new alter ego debut in the form of the Shard Soldier and my OC Beck debuts his alter ego Hybrid Blaze. I also debuted three OC antagonists who are gonna be a part of the story to be cruel to their enemies, Pam Isley being their favorite victim and such. Can Blake find the sole missing ingredient for the cure needed to undo what happened with Pam or will Pam/Poison Ivy cease to exist and the beast remain? Find out next chapter in part 2, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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