New Arrivals & Clash of the Cats

A few days later, East of Metropolis...

It shows Hybrid Omen, Shard Soldier (Casey Krinsky), Wonder Woman and Batgirl fighting another monster of the Accursed Clan.

It was a slightly tall humanoid black and pale rose armored monster with curved axes for hands.

It was called the Axelynn, who was trading blows with Wonder Woman who had sword and shield in hand while doing the same with Shard Soldier, who had double diamond arm blades.

Axelynn: (bold arrogant voice) Give it up, you cretins are no match for Axelynn, the Axe Beast of the Accursed Clan!

Wonder Woman: Never! You shall not prevail over us, monster!

Wonder Woman and Shard Soldier dodged the extended axe swing. Batgirl appears and throws smoke bombs, engulfing the monster in a cloud of smoke.

Axelynn: You think smoke shall save from my wrath-

Batgirl and Shard Soldier were attacking him from all sides while using the smoke as cover to avoid his attacks. Batgirl and Shard Soldier hit a double punch to knock him out of the smoke. He lands on his feet with a growl.

Axelynn: Just for that... I'll drive my axes into your skulls!!!

He sees Wonder Woman running out of the smoke, the beast extended his axe hands to strike her, Wonder Woman would dodge the incoming attacks or block them with her shield as she rammed said into his face.

Axelynn fell to the ground but kips up to slash Wonder Woman, who nearly dodged it received a cut to her right arm and face cheek, grunting as she rushed forward. Batgirl swoops in from an above with an electric bo staff, ready to strike.

Axelynn grins evilly and extended his axe hands forward & closer to get Batgirl ready to be sliced in half.

Axelynn: I got you now-

Axelynn was cut off when he felt his feet encased in diamonds due to Shard Soldier slamming her fist into the ground with the attack, he sees Wonder Woman rushing in while Batgirl was above and was about to act but his axe hands were frozen in ice by Hybrid Omen.

Axelynn: No!

Wonder Woman: RRRAAAAAH!!!

Wonder Woman with a war cry, delivered a strong, wicked slash across the armored chest, cutting through the armor.


Batgirl drives the electric bo staff to the armored head of Axelynn, sending electric waves through his body.


Axelynn then fell to the ground, unconscious as hybrid Omen uses the cube containment device to imprison it.

Wonder Woman: Another beast captured!

Shard Soldier: Well done.

Batgirl: We did it! We did it! We did it! Took him down!

Hybrid Omen: Indeed. Let us go to the others.

The four took their leave unaware that they were being watched by the figure from before during the irateling incident.

???: Again, the fun is ruined but it's far from done, count on it Hybrid...

The figure vanished.


At Blake's place...

Babs: Another creature in containment!

Beck: I must say that you heroes are getting better at capturing monsters to keep up with us.

Kara: Well it ain't the first time we've been against monsters. Plus, if they still want a piece of us, they can come get it (flexes her muscles)

Mason: Be cautious, Kara. It'll take more than just muscle to win the approaching fights in the near future.

Kara: Oh please? Since when has muscle ever been a let down in a fight?

Diana: Exactly but a battle can't be won with just raw power alone. You'll need experience.

Babs: Brains.

Karen: A good strategy.

Blake: Proper Training.

Beck: The right tools & preparations.

Zee: And-

Kara: Okay! Okay! I get it! If I wanted to lectured, I would've stayed in summer school.

Babs: Hey, Where's Jessica?

Mason: She's with Lilith, Cassidy and Pam. They went out for a training exercise.

Babs: Oh.

A knock at the door was heard, Blake answers it and sees Lena at the door.

Lena: Hello there.

Blake: Greetings Lena, how was your day?

Lena: It's been fine. Still working on my secret project and getting ingredients for it. (Stern glare) You didn't peek on my invention behind the curtain in the basement, did you...?

Blake: (chuckles) Nono, I didn't look under the curtain. I'll respect your privacy.

Lena: Thank you. Oh yeah, a tour bus is parked outside your house.

Blake: Huh?

Blake, Lena, Beck, Mason, Casey, Diana, Zee, Babs, Karen and Kara went outside with the gates opening. The group went through them saw what Lena was talking about. Parked outside was a very long & large, black, white and indigo punk themed charter tour bus.

Babs: A huge tour bus!

Kara: And a rocking one at that! Love the killer style on that sweet ride!

Diana: It is quite a massive vehicle. Although the attributes remind me of tales of the underworld.

Beck: Wait what are you-on second thought, nevermind.

The door opens as someone stepped out of the vehicle to meet the group. It was very tall 18 year old young woman with slightly pale skin, golden yellow eyes, slightly short blonde hair slicked back with both sides shaved, had a curvaceous figure with some muscle. She wore ear piercings, a long black, dark gray & blue violet trench coat with shoulder spikes & a dragon skull on the back, a black undershirt/fishnet shirt underneath, a silver skull belt, black punk style pants and boots.

???: (Bold female voice with an australian accent) Ah there you are, it's been awhile. Aren't ya gonna give a hug for your favorite Aussie?

Blake chuckles as he embraced the Australian girl.

Blake: It has been awhile since we've seen each other. Good to see you.

Kara: You know this girl?

Blake: This is one of my friends I told you about. This is Rhea Wyatt.

Rhea: Good to see you all, Blake. Beck. Mason. And... Who are you?

Diana: I am Diana Prince.

Kara: Name's Kara Danvers.

Zee: My name is Zee Zatara.

Babs: I'm Barbara Gordon but everyone calls me Babs.

Karen: I'm Karen Beecher.

Casey: I'm Casey Krinsky.

Lena: Lena Luthor.

Rhea: Good to meet you all.

Beck: Where'd you get this ride?

Rhea: It was a Graduation gift, mate. This baby wasn't like this currently so I'd call a guy I knew and tricked it out, customizing the bus inside and out. So far, I've been traveling with the others in this thing for the summer, metropolis our next place to take a vacay.

Babs: Wait, others?

Rhea: Of course. Come inside and let me introduce you.

Rhea leads Blake, Beck, Mason, Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen, Casey and Lena inside the bus. The inside was as huge on the inside, customized and designed well in tech, seating, etc.

Babs: (stars in her eyes) Oh my gosh! The inside looks awesome! Stare of the art! Oooo, at that a mini fridge, a built-in dance floor, an ice cream machine, a plasma screen TV, a karaoke machine, oooooo this bus has everything!

Zee: How'd you managed to turn an ordinary charter bus into this?

Rhea: Like I said, I know a guy who can customize his artistic vision. Now meet the crew.

The group see 14 people in their seats either doing their own thing or having a conversation. One of them spots the group and let out a high squeal, getting up from the seat, runs towards and leaps on Blake with a strong hug & legs wrapped around his waist, catching the group off guard.

Blake: ...?!

???: (excited, female voice in a Brooklyn, New York accent) Hey Blakey, I missed ya!

The person hugging Blake was a slightly short 17 year old teenage girl with fair pale skin, long & slight curly platinum blonde hair, green eyes, red lipstick, has a beautiful pear shaped figure and was wearing black/green & purple striped jacket with her midriff exposed, black/green & purple striped pants and sneakers.

Blake: Good to see you as well. (Turns to the group) This is Aliyah Blight.

Aliyah: Heeeeeey~! It's nice to meet new people, any friend of the masters family is a friend o' mine! (To the others) Hey guys, Blake & his brothers are here with guests!

This got the other 13 individual's attention as they got up to meet the group. One of them spoke in a male, surfer dude like tone.

???: Hey bros, it's good to see you three again (to Diana and the group) and so great to meet ya too. Name's Matthew Austin.

Matthew was a slightly tall 17 year old teenage young man with fair skin, long blonde hair, silver eyes, a slim yet very athletic figure. He was wearing a blue, white and black hat, jacket, a white shirt with a wave symbol on it, dark gray pants and black & blue sneakers.

Diana: It's a pleasure to meet you, Matthew.

Matthew: Same dudette. It's always good to meet new people and experience the greatest journey of traveling where the road takes us, bro. Allow me to introduce you girls to the crew. The Scottish one reading is Neville Cole, the tall athlete is Harold Wolfe, The next one is Hiroshi Murakami, the tall as Rhea Hispanic woman is Ramona Santos, the serious bombshell is Savannah Powers, the big guy is her brother Oliver Powers, the next dude is Joey Cross along with his sister Jo Cross, the gothic queen bee chick is Heather Nile, here's Miyuki Himura, Mayumi Yukimura and Cassidy's lil bro Logan Li.

Neville Cole was a slightly tall 18 year old young man with fair skin, long dark brown hair slicked back, blue eyes and has a slim yet athletic body. He was wearing a brown and black jacket, a black shirt with twin claymore blades in an X formation on it, dark blue jeans and black boots.

Harold Wolfe was a very tall 17 year old young man with fair pale skin, golden yellow eyes, short black hair, had a great powerhouse athletic body and was wearing a dark blue shirt with a skeleton fist raised with fire symbol, black pants and white & blue sneakers.

Hiroshi Murakami was a slightly short 17 year old young man with slight pale skin, short black hair, dark gray eyes, has a slight athletic body and was wearing black blazer jacket, dark gray shirt, black pants and black & dark gray sneakers.

Ramona Santos was a very tall 18 year old young man with light brown tan skin, long black hair in a ponytail, ember eyes and possesses a curvaceous figure with some muscle. She was wearing a black and orange sleeveless shirt with the midriff exposed, a golden necklace with an onyx jewel, dark blue jeans and black boots.

Savannah Powers was a slightly tall 17 year old young woman with dark brown skin, purple eyes, longer black hair in a braided style with both sides of her head shaved, has a graceful yet athletic body and was wearing a black leather jacket, a black shirt with twin indigo lightning bolts, punk style dark blue jeans and black boots.

Oliver Powers was a very tall 18 year old young man with dark brown skin, purple eyes, short black hair, a powerhouse muscular body and was wearing a black & gold hoodie, dark blue jeans and black & gold sneakers.

Joey Cross was a slightly tall 17 year old young man with slightly short dirty blonde hair, fair skin, light green eyes, a slight athletic body and wearing a dark blue checkered jacket, black shirt with the words 'Brawl Pit' on it, brown cargo pants and blue sneakers.

Jo Cross was a slightly short 17 year old young woman with slightly short spiky dirty blonde hair, light green eyes, fair skin,  has a pear shaped body with some athleticism and was wearing a sleeveless black hoodie, a dark blue shirt with the words 'bruiser' underneath, black jogging pants and black & gray sneakers.

Heather Nile was a slightly tall 18 year old young woman with flawless pale skin, long flowing black hair, red eyes, black lipstick, has a curvaceous figure and was wearing a black long sleeve sweater with the midriff exposed, dark gray khaki shorts and black knee length heel shoes.

Miyuki Himura was a slightly short 16 year old teenage girl with light pale skin, ember eyes, slightly long black hair with violet streaks in lower pigtails, red lipstick, a white dress shirt, an open black vest, a red skirt and thigh length heel shoes.

Mayumi Yukimura was a slightly tall 18 year old young woman with fair pale skin, purple eyes, very long black hair in a downward braided ponytail, red lipstick, possesses a curvaceous figure and was wearing black blouse/purple & black corset, slim black pants and purple boots.

Logan Li was a slightly tall 16 year old young man with fair pale skin, slightly short black hair, ember eyes, possesses a slight athletic body and was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt with a kanji symbol for "spectre" in black, a silver locket, dark blue jeans and dark gray sneakers.

Rhea: Everyone, these are the master brother's friends of metropolis. The tallest one Diana Prince, the punk girl is Kara Danvers, the short honeybee is Karen Beecher, the glamorous one is Zee Zatara, the one in the bat hoodie is Babs Gordon, the slightly tall one is Casey Krinsky and the little brainiac is Lena Luthor.

Neville: (bold voice with a Scottish accent) Ay, a pleasure to meet ya.

Harold: (bold male voice) Hello.

Hiroshi: (calm tone in Japanese accent) Good. To meet. You.

Ramona: (strong yet sweet female voice) Why hello there.

Savannah only nods.

Oliver: (Bold male voice; smiles) Sup.

Joey: (calm, cool male voice) Hey, how's it going?

Jo: (strong, rough female voice) Hey.

Heather narrows her eyes with a nod.

Miyuki: (sweet female voice in a japanese accent) Greetings.

Mayumi: (calm female voice in a japanese accent) A pleasure to meet you.

Logan: (calm & bold male voice) Nice to meet you all.

Babs: Blake told us about you guys. Since you're traveling here, we're going to show you the wonders of metropolis (stars in her eyes with a determined smile)

Oliver: (smiles) Heh. This gal got some spunk, I like her already.

Ramona: (to Zee) You sure got style, love the outfit and your hair, chica.

Zee: (praising smile) Why thank you. I am an artiste at work.

Karen sees Harold looking down at her which made her nervous.

Karen: Ummm... I-I... Hello?

Harold: (genuine smile) You have a streak in your hair. It looks quite great on you.

Karen: Thanks.

Miyuki: (to Karen) You're so Kawaii.

Miyuki hugs Karen and pulls out a phone, taking a selfie with her.

Rhea: Well buckle up, everyone. You're all in for one heck of a ride.

Everyone got in their seats while Rhea got in the driver's seat, she fired up the engines and punched it, the vehicles leaving the house at top speed.

Babs: You even got turbo boosts for this tour bus, sweet!

Aliyah: I know, right?! This baby has nearly everything equipped!

Rhea: Where to in our first destination?

Babs: Oh I know a place... (Smiles)


Meanwhile at the Minerva family mansion...

Barbi Ann Minerva was not in a happy mood right now. The reason why? She was standing outside after coming back from the mall as cops surrounded her home, her father was tended to by medics, having some injuries and a concussion.

When she approached her father and asked what happened, Mr. Minerva explained that a female in a catsuit broke into their home and stole a rare artifact he just brought from his travels to put on display, he caught her in the act & tried to stop her but was outsmarted & overwhelmed by her, knocked out while she escaped with the stolen property.

Barbi was shocked yet it didn't last long until rage replaced it, she knew actually who her father was talking about.

Barbi: (snarled with a low sneer) Catwoman....

Barbi's snarl grew more irate, her eyes glowing green with slits as her cheetah side was clawing it's way to the surface but Barbi kept it at bay. The way she saw it, Catwoman made a grave mistake in invading HER home, attacking HER father and stealing from HER stole family, when someone steal from her family... they steal from her and no one steals from her on her territory without paying the price.

Barbi's phone beeped as she pulls it out, seeing a text message from Blake and Beck.

Blake: (text) Hello Barbi. Some old friends of ours came into town.

Beck: (text) We're going for one heck of a ride on the town. Wanna join in on the fun trip?

Barbi sighs as she texts back.

Barbi: (text) Hello there. And that's great but I'm afraid that I must decline your invitation. I'm not in the best of moods right now.

Blake: (text) Why? Something happened?

Barbi: (text) Catwoman happened! She broke into my home, attacked my father and stole a new artifact he acquired from his travels!

Beck: (text) What?! Are you okay? Is your dad okay?

Barbi: (text) He's not hurt too bad, just a few minor injuries and a concussion. Me on the other hand... I am absolutely livid...

Blake: (text) We could come over and help you out.

Barbi: (text) No. I'll find Catwoman myself. She may be gone but her scent isn't, I'll know exactly where to find her.

Blake: (text) Are you sure?

Barbi: (text) Yes. Leave her to me...

Beck: (text) Alright then. I'll tell the others you said hi.

Barbi: (text) Thank you. I'll be sure to join you all next time. Bye.

Blake and Beck: (text) Bye.

Barbi puts her phone away and ran away from her home, hiding in sight and growled ferociously as she transformed into the Cheetah, heading off to find her prey.


Meanwhile, the group and Blake's old friends were having the time of their lives together, Babs and the girls were showing the crew their favorite places to hang out. From Burrito bucket to the arcade to the Lazarus pit to the pier and so on.

Babs: And now Rhea and the crew, allow us to welcome you all to the best place for last, SWEET JUSTICE!!!!!

Babs presents the dessert establishment with open arms and a wide smile.

Rhea: Sweet Justice?

Ramona: Well the style lives up to it's name.

Harold: So... what's so great about it?

Diana: Trust us, friends. You'll love what Sweet Justice has to offer.

Zee: Follow us.

The crew follow Babs, Diana, Kara, Karen, Zee, Blake, Mason, Beck, Casey and Lena inside. The girls sit at their usual spot with Casey and Lena joining while Blake, his brothers and the crew sit down at a different table. Barry swiftly comes by and meets the group.

Barry: Hello there, welcome to Sweet Justice. May I take your orders?

Babs: (smiles) Give us our usual orders, Barry! And give our new friends over there your best specials, please?

Barry: (smiles) Coming right up.

Barry ran off in a seconds.

Neville: Did he just...?

Oliver: It looks like he had super speed?

Barry instantly comes back with everyone's dessert orders placing them on their table.

Barry: Here you all go.

Babs: Thanks Barry!

Blake hands Barry a large wad of cash.

Blake: Here you go. That should cover for payment for the desserts.

Barry: Thank you. Enjoy your desserts.

Barry sped away to take more orders.

Logan: It does look like he has super speed.

Babs: Well, what're you waiting for, guys? Dig in!

Rhea, Aliyah, Matthew, Neville, Harold, Hiroshi, Ramona, Savannah, Oliver, Joey, Jo, Heather, Miyuki, Mayumi and Logan look at their desserts for a moment before grabbing a spoon and taking a bite of their desserts.

They had their own reactions.

Rhea was quickly wolfing down her dessert along with Harold, Joey, Jo and Oliver. Savannah was shocked and awed as was Matthew, Hiroshi & Neville. Ramona and Miyuki had hearts in their eyes with a loving smile, Aliyah & Mayumi moaned at satisfaction of the flavor, Heather's eyes widened in awe and Logan felt joy.

Babs: (smiles) soooooo?

Zee: (smirks) What do you all think?

The crew was silent until Matthew rose from his seat.

Matthew: (serious tone) Dudes... Dudettes...

He walks towards them with shadows covering his eyes.

Matthew: (Batman like voice) This... is the greatest dessert... in the history of desserts...

The girls smiled while some laughed. Rhea gives a thumbs up, speaking for the whole crew that they loved it.

Babs: Sweet Justice can't be beaten or resisted, no one is immune to it's charms!

Diana: This death by chocolate, cookies n' cream edition you call it is so righteous! More! I need more!! MORE!!!!

Babs: ..... Like I said, no one is immune to it's charms!



The crew and Diana's group were driving through metropolis. Inside, Mayumi and Miyuki was talking selfies with Karen & Lena, Neville was reading his book, Kara was arm wrestling with Harold and Oliver with Beck & Matthew cheering, Zee and Ramona were getting down on the dance floor while Babs and Aliyah were doing karaoke, Heather was on her phone, Jo and Joey were having a conversation, Hiroshi was watching a movie on the plasma screen with Casey, Savannah and Mason, Blake and Diana was having a conversation while Rhea was driving.

Diana: I must say friend Blake, your comrades really are entertaining.

Blake: They are in their own way. I'm glad to have friends like them just like I'm glad to have friends like you and your group.

Diana smiles upon hearing that. Then they heard Rhea yelling "sh*t!" followed by an erupt stop with the Australian hitting the break but too late as someone hit her bus. Luckily, the bus didn't get a dent in it but the other car was totaled on impact.

Matthew: Whoa bro!

Karen: Eeep! What was that?!

Lena: A car hit us!

Rhea opens her window to yell at the idiot who ran into her ride during a red light on their side of the road while her path had the green light.

Rhea: Aye idiot, your side of the road was a red light while I was on green light, what are ya stupid or somethin'?!

In the car, Catwoman appeared from the seat of the vehicle. while she was alright, her car was totaled.

Rhea: (confused) A cat girl?

Catwoman narrows her eyes with a hiss.

Catwoman: Great, guess I'm going on foot. (to Rhea) Thanks for ruining my new car, I'll give you a welcome with open claws the next time I see you.

Catwoman grabs her loot and runs for it after hearing sirens from police cars which went path the bus to chase after her.

Jo: Hey what's going on over there?!

Miyuki: You alright, Rhea?!

Rhea: I'm fine but a girl in a cat suit rammed her car into my ride & ran off with bags in hand.

Diana: Catwoman!

Joey: Catwoman?

Matthew: A woman who dresses like a cat, bro. I like certain cats but I'm not completely a cat person, I'm more a man's best friend dog type person-

Heather: (cold yet elegant female voice; annoyed) Quiet! Now who is this girl in a cat suit?

Babs: Catwoman is a cunning, mischievous and sneaky master thief. She was once in Gotham and one of batman's most dangerous adversaries but she is now living in Metropolis still up to no good!

Rhea: Well then if I ever see her again, I'll make a pelt out of her!

Diana: We'll have to go after her-

Blake: Don't bother, there's no need.

Zee: But she-

Blake whispers Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee and Karen.

Blake: Barbi said she was going to handle Catwoman herself, right now let her handle it.

The five girls nodded.

Rhea: I'm gonna get that car out of the way.

Kara: Here, let me help you with that.

Rhea: Can you lift?

Kara: (grins, flexes her arms) These muscles aren't just for show.

Rhea: (smirks) Well then, I appreciate the help.

The two blondes got out of the bus and went to lift the destroyed car up with great strength, walking towards the side of the road and placing it in a parking space before heading back to the bus.

Rhea: You're not too bad. You're a strong one, mate.

Kara: Thanks, you're not so bad yourself.

Rhea: (smirks) Thanks. I wonder how good you are in a fight.

Kara: (smirks) Maybe later, you'll find out.

Rhea: (smirks) Oh I'd like that.


Meanwhile, Catwoman managed to lose the cops and found a place to lay low. It was a huge house near mansion level that still hasn't been sold to anyone. The feline thief locks the doors, sealed the windows and conceals them in curtains and placed her loot on the couch while lounging around next to it.

Catwoman: (snickers) Another exhilarating chase, a miscalculation crash but no worries, I have my payment. Oh~ this place looks rather nice, I might buy it but who says I'm paying for it?

She chuckles as she pulls something out of her bags of stolen items.

Catwoman: (purrs) Now you were definitely the biggest prize of all~...

In Catwoman's hand was a golden amulet necklace with a cat's head symbol, purple eye gems and silver gems on the sides.

Catwoman: Mrrow...~, To think Minerva's father possessed such a purrfect beauty to put on display and collect dust, hehehehe~... Well, right now it's in good hands (places the necklace around her neck)

Suddenly, a creak sound reached her ears. Catwoman got up and heard the sound coming from the kitchen, she sneakily walks towards the kitchen, readying her whip and enters the kitchen to attack but finds no one there.

Catwoman: Hmmm?

She saw the back door creaked open, she could've sworn she locked that door too. Narrowing her eyes, Catwoman closes the door and locks it again. She heads back to the living room and leaps back on the couch. She sighs and turns to the side, her eyes went wide as dinner plates to find her bags of stolen jewels gone.

Catwoman: What the?!

Catwoman looks around for her stolen items, but couldn't find any trace of them in each room of the house. The bags didn't get up and just walk away, she knows that no one lives here and that she was alone, right? But if she was alone, what happened to her bags of stolen jewels?!

Catwoman: Ugh, it's probably those superhero girls playing games with me.

???: Not quite....

Catwoman turns around only to get attacked by a swift blur, feeling her skin slashed by claws as the feline thief was sent flying into the wall. Catwoman groans, slowly getting up to meet the attacker only to be grabbed by the neck and was pinned against the wall.

Catwoman: Ugh!

A feline like roar met her ears as she opens one eye to see the one holding her revealed to be the Cheetah, who was glaring ferociously at her with a vicious grin.

Catwoman: You?! What are you doing here?!

Cheetah: (vicious grin) Why to hunt you of course, little feline.

Catwoman: (shocked) What?

Cheetah then proceeded to throw Catwoman across the room, crashing into the walls. Catwoman groans and heard yowling in seeing Cheetah charging straight for her, she acted quickly in getting up with steel claws to attack Cheetah, the two countering and exchanging claw attacks and strikes to each other.

Catwoman: (attacking) You speak now, hmm? (Smirks) So the feral kitten finally has a mind now under all that instinct exterior? How long did it take you to find it?

Cheetah: (attacking; snarls) Oh, I've gained more than just a sense of reason while I'm still a predator. I still haven't forgotten that humiliation you put me through, consider me here for payback!

Cheetah grabs Catwoman by the arm and runs through the kitchen and threw her through the back door, literally crashing through it and landing in the backyard. Cheetah soon appeared out of the house, seeing Catwoman slowly getting up while spotting the amulet around the burglar's neck.

Cheetah: (in her mind) So that's the artifact she stole from my father...

She growled. Catwoman was back on her feet, narrowing her eyes.

Catwoman: Not bad... But this feline won't succumb to you so easily.

Cheetah chuckles darkly.

Cheetah: Hehehehe....

Catwoman: What are you...?

Cheetah's dark chuckle slowly rose from that to a haunting laughter.

Catwoman: (narrows her eyes) What's so funny?

Cheetah stopped laughing and stared at Catwoman, the grin never leaving her face.

Cheetah: I'm glad you won't succumb to me so soon, it would make it dull if you didn't struggle before you finally fall to my claws.

A wave of golden yellow chi energy surrounded Cheetah's body.

Catwoman: (shocked) Since when can you do that...?

Cheetah: Oh there's a lot you don't know about me, allow me to show you how evolved I've become!

Cheetah let out a loud roar as the chi energy intensified and swirled around her body, Catwoman shielded her eyes as the light grew brighter and the roar grew louder. Soon, Cheetah was completely engulfed by the light of the chi energy with the ground shaking immensely.

The light filled the entire area for a moment before the light faded and smoke cleared, Catwoman opens her eyes, lowering her arms and turning to the smoke clearing where she sees Cheetah but her eyes widened in shock.

The smoke cleared completely to reveal Cheetah but she has undergone a new Transformation. She looked like her normal human form with Cheetah like features, possesses longer & wilder honey blonde hair, glowing green eyes with cat like slits, fangs, sharp claws, a strong & curvier body, pointed ears & the marks of the cheetah still on her face. She was wearing an attire consisting of a black, white & gold slim armored leotard with the cheetah symbol on the chest, a black, white & gold hooded fur coat with spots & thigh length black, white & gold boots with spots.

She grinned.

Catwoman: ....?!

Cheetah: Behold my new form, it's time I show you who's the true feline queen around here.

Catwoman snaps out of her shock, a cat like grin spreading across her face.

Catwoman: I admit the new look is rather dashing but let's see if you can back up more than your appearance.

Cheetah: Hehehe, oh I plan to...

Without warning, Cheetah lunged at Catwoman, who barely was able to raise up her claw with the now evolved feline attacking more with lethal claw strikes and means of martial arts. Catwoman was able to regain herself to strike back, she lands a solid right which Cheetah intercepted with a block & hits a spinning side kick to the midsection. Catwoman grunts and hits a corkscrew kick to Cheetah's head followed by the reverse claw strike to the side of the face, but the evolved feline barely went down, Catwoman went for spin kick but Cheetah answers with one of her own, both their heels caught in a stalemate.

The two narrowed their eyes but Cheetah smirks and uses her free leg to nail Catwoman with a backflip kick to the lower jaw of the feline thief, freeing the heel and causing Catwoman to stumble and fall to one knee, holding her jaw. Cheetah landed on her feet in perfect form with a smirk, Catwoman helds her jaw which wasn't broken but she wipes her mouth and saw blood on her gloved hand.

Cheetah: First Blood.

Catwoman: Grrr...

Catwoman pulls out her whip with a snap sound, Cheetah kept her smirk and gestures her finger, telling her to bring it on. Catwoman spins the whip around like a pro and launches the whip at Cheetah, who dodged the attack swiftly. Catwoman would continue her whiplash assault to strike Cheetah, who continues to dodge the incoming attacks, Catwoman was quite surprised, she knew how fast Cheetah was before but after this sudden transformation she took, Cheetah's speed was on another level than it's previous state. Cheetah made a quick stop as Catwoman launches her whip again, this time she caught Cheetah with the whip wrapping itself around her right wrist, Catwoman smirks and begins to use her whip to spin Cheetah around a couple of times and making her crash into few objects in the back yard. Cheetah grunts but grins and used Catwoman's momentum of the whip to ricochet off the next object near and straight charged at Catwoman, her left claw shrouded in her chi energy.


Catwoman: ....?!


Catwoman let out a pained yell out she fell to the ground, clutching her stomach while Cheetah landing near her and throwing the whip away. Catwoman slowly removes her arm from her stomach, seeing a gash tear in her suit and large claw mark on her stomach, blood drawn.

Cheetah: You're shocked by that? (Chuckles) Surely, you've been through worse during your days in Gotham or are the tales false?

Catwoman slowly gets to her feet, glaring at the evolved feline and her steel claws out.

Cheetah: You've still got some fight in you, good... (Claws out with chi energy) Let's see can you keep it up against a true predator of the jungle.

Catwoman lunged at Cheetah with steel claws ready to slash, Cheetah also lunged at the feline thief. The two were in a heated clash of claws mixed in with martial arts offense, defense and counters, Catwoman dodged the next claw strike and leaps up and hits a chain of spin kicks to the face of the Cheetah before landing on her feet and nails a punch to the face of Cheetah but the cat burglar was shocked with Cheetah slowly turning her face towards her, unaffected by the punch.

Cheetah: Is that it?

Catwoman hisses and proceeded to deliver a chain of punches, kicks and claw attacks to the evolved feline on point, finishing it with a cyclone style kick to Cheetah, making her stumble back her neck awkwardly going up. Catwoman lands on her feet, looking at the twitching Cheetah with a smirk.

Catwoman: How's that for a purrfect shot?

Then Cheetah stopped twitching as her neck quickly went back into place with a sickening crack, staring directly at Catwoman with the same vicious grin.

Cheetah: Hehehehehe.

Catwoman: That kick should've broken your neck...!

Cheetah: Not bad... but not good either. My turn...

Cheetah slowly took a step forward while Catwoman took a step back on her guard, Cheetah suddenly vanished from her sight. Catwoman kept on her guard looking around for Cheetah but gasped upon seeing a claw wave of chi energy coming at her, she dodged it but a second one was shot at from the right side, she barely dodged that one as well but three claw waves soon were thrown at her from all sides, Catwoman backed away but felt a hand over her shoulder and turns to see a grinning Cheetah with a claw wave at point blank range as the area was engulfed by an explosion of chi energy.

The explosion caught the attention of civilians who can see it from a distance or those who were close by. Later, it subsided and the smoke cleared with Cheetah standing while looking at Catwoman, who was down on one knee, heavily damaged, her suit slight torn and shredded, the left part of her mask missing and some claw marks on her body with blood falling.

Surprisingly the amulet she was wearing wasn't damaged from the attack.

Catwoman: (breathing heavily) Huff... Huff... Huff...

Cheetah: Do you see now? Do you see the gap of superiority between you and I? In the jungle, there are predators and there are prey, in an endless cycle of survival and dominance. It is proven that I am the true feline predator & queen of metropolis while you're the prey.

Catwoman growls furiously and runs at Cheetah to attack her but Cheetah would effortlessly dodge each punch, kick and claw attack Catwoman was throwing at her, frustrating the thief. Cheetah smirks and catches the next attack and deliver a solid forearm smash to break Catwoman's right arm.


Catwoman fell to her knees, holding her broken arm and yelling in pain.

Cheetah: Remember this pain the next time you try to make me your personal fool to toy with.

Catwoman: Why you...!

Using her left arm and legs, Catwoman leaps up to attack Cheetah with a chain of combo attacks but Cheetah would block each attack and fire back with chi energy claw attacks mixed with martial arts style combo offense before finishing it with an X formation claw strike across the chest of Catwoman, drawing blood & earning a pained grunt from the thief.

Catwoman: Ack! Guuuh...!

Catwoman fell flat on her back with a thud. She hissed and groaned in the excruciating pain felt all over her body, especially the chest wound she just received at the claws of the evolved Cheetah, her speed, her power, her senses... she was no match for her. Cheetah looks down on the fallen Catwoman.

Cheetah: What a bore, I thought you'd lasted this long. Hmph, you're not even worth the kill.

Catwoman glares at her but she slowly twitched with her body and finally her mind succumbing to her injuries, passing out. Cheetah grins and reached for the artifact around Catwoman's neck, removing it from the unconscious thief.

Cheetah: Finally, I've claimed my prize. (Looks at the unconscious Catwoman) This'll teach her what happens when she steals from my family. If not, I won't be so... merciful next time.

Hearing sirens from police vehicles, Cheetah places the amulet in her coat and quickly runs off, leaving the unconscious Catwoman behind.


At Blake's place...

Rhea drove her bus up to the driveway, bringing the girls, Casey, Lena, Blake, Beck and Mason to their destination.

Babs: That was the most fun I've ever had!

Aliyah: Glad you all had fun!

Blake: You wanna stay at my place? I have plenty of room.

Ramona: Oh Nonono, it's okay my friend. Rhea managed to find a place for us to stay for the summer before we found you guys.

Beck: Well okay.

Lena: It was nice meeting you all.

Matthew: Same here, we'll all get together again sometimes. Maybe go to the beach or have a BBQ to throw some shrimp on the barbie.

Diana: (confused) Shrimp on the Barbie?

Zee: A figure of speech, Diana.

Casey: It'll be wonderful to have a little get together with you all again.

Karen: I second that.

Harold: Of course.

Miyuki and Mayumi: Indeed.

Joey: It'll be a great one.

Jo: Heh.

Kara: As long as they're burgers and ribs at the next opening, I'm there! Rhea, you still owe me a sparring match next time!

Rhea: I haven't forgotten. Heh, anytime anywhere Danvers. See ya mates.

Blake: Bye everyone.

The crew waved & took their leave as Rhea drove off with them. Blake, Beck, Mason, Diana, Kara, Karen, Zee, Babs, Casey and Lena went inside.

Lena: Well, I'm going to continue my project downstairs. No peeking at the project, that means you too big brother Blake.

Blake: Hehe, of course.

Lena heads to the basement.

Casey: I'll go keep an eye on her to insure her safety.

Blake nods as Casey went after Lena.

Barbi's voice: Why hello everyone, I take it you had a good time with the crew?

Appearing from the kitchen was Barbi, who had a towel resting over her shoulders and was wearing a black one piece swimsuit.

Blake: Hello there Barbi, and yes it was a good time. How are you?

Barbi: Oh I'm okay, ecstatic even.

Diana: I heard you were dealing with the likes of Catwoman. Did you managed to overcome her in battle?

Barbi chuckles.

Barbi: Oh I've done more than overcome the feline peasant in battle, I've devoured my prey.

Diana: You ate her alive?! Barbi, how could you commit such an act of cannibalism?!

Barbi: What? No! It was a figure of speech, Diana. For an amazon, you still have much to learn of human culture, phrases and such.

Kara: So in short term, you beat her?

Barbi: Why yes.

Mason: And the thing she stole from you?

Barbi: I returned it to my daddy.

Zee: Wait, she stole from you?

Barbi: Catwoman broke into my home, attacked my father and stole an artifact amulet he was going to put on display. I hunted her down, used my new form, bested her and got the artifact back. Hopefully, it'll teach her not to steal from a Minerva.

Karen: A new form?

Blake: So you used 'that' form against her? Good work.

Barbi: Thank you.

Babs: What new form are you talking about?! Show us!

Barbi: (chuckles) Maybe later. For now, I'm gonna have a swim in the pool.

Barbi noticed that Beck was silent the entire time, looking away from her. She also noticed a slight blush on his face and she quickly understand why. Looking down at her swimsuit, Barbi had a thought in her head with a smirk and walked towards Beck, swaying her hips back and forth in an alluring hypnotic rhythm.

Barbi: Oh Beeeeeeeck~...

Beck: W-What? (Slowly looks at Barbi, in his mind) Holy shamoly SHE'S HOT! Nonono, don't give in just because she's dashing-what am I saying?! Abort mission! Serpentine! Serpentine!

Barbi: Your face looks like it's burning up, perhaps you like to... join me for a swim in the pool to cool off, hmmmm~?

Beck: (stutters) Uhhh... N-No, I mean Y-Yes! I mean uhhh, oh look at the time! Monsters of the Accursed Clan to fight, gotta go bye!

Beck ran out the door, slamming it. Barbi nearly laughed like a hyena.

Barbi: Oh my, his reaction is priceless! Hehehehe!

Kara: What got into him?

Zee: (smirks) Oh I think I know where this is going.

Blake: Indeed. (In his mind) Beck has had a crush on Barbi since we were children.

Barbi: Well I'm going to go take a dip in the pool.

Barbi takes her leave to the pool in the back while the others tend to their own activities. While swimming, Barbi felt that sensation within her heart as a blush appeared on her face and a mischievous grin spread across her face with her pupils glowing green.

Barbi: Oh... I feel like I've found the one I'm destined to be with, his scent is like a roaring flame, his looks a sight to behold and personality, Oh Beck Masters I can't deny it no more. I'm in love with you and I know you feel the same way, I cannot wait until I have you, the Dragon of Fire, within the grasp of my claws... the claws of the Cheetah~...

To be continued...

(Chapter 19 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Another oc monster from the Accursed Clan makes a debut, Blake's friends (my OCS) make their debut in hanging out with the masters brothers, Diana and her friends. The mysterious figure promises more to come for the team, Catwoman stole from the wrong family as she incurred the wrath of Barbi Ann Minerva aka the Cheetah, who I decided to give her a new form in this story from her training to fight Catwoman while displaying her new abilities & tensions are starting to heat up passionately between Barbi and Beck, more will occur in due time. What's gonna happen next, find out in the next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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