Lilith vs Supervillain girls

Downtown metropolis, on a rainy day...

Lilith was seen leaving a press conference as reporters were trying to get the scoot from the CEO.

Reporter: Lilith Masters, is it true that you're staying in Metropolis after being gone for so long?

(A/N: I decided give Lilith, Blake and his family the last name Masters. Back then, I couldn't find a good last name for the OCs family until now.)

Reporter 2: Where are the whereabouts of Mr. & Mrs. Masters?

Reporter 3: What are your plans company wise within metropolis?

Reporter 4: Is true that you and Lex Luthor are planning to Collab with each other's companies?

Lilith shot the press a calm yet dark stare with the lightning flashing in the storm, silencing them.

Lilith: .... I'm not staying in Metropolis, I'm merely here on both vacation & business. Mr. & Mrs. Masters have passed away and as far as Lex is concerned, whatever rumor you heard from of he & I working together is absolutely false... if that's all, I'll take my leave.

Lilith approached her limo, getting inside with the vehicle driving off, leaving the flabbergasted reporters behind. The eldest sister of blake didn't want to hear another word about Lex, she's a very patient young woman but that blasted Luthor was nothing to her but a mere nuisance & persistent one at that.

While Lilith commends Lex for his great mind & creativity... She knows what the teenage mega billionaire is truly all about, his true motives behind his good guy facade to Metropolis. But Lilith isn't concerned or interested in exposing Lex's motives to the world, she had other important business to take care of.

Lilith looks out the window with the limo stopping at a red light. She noticed someone walking in the rain alone, the CEO recognized the person being Pam. The crimson haired girl looked bruised a bit with some wounds (not the wounds from the Jessica Cruz/irateling incident), she had a dark frown and her eyes looked red & puffy.

Was she crying?

Lilith: (to the driver) A moment please?

Lilith got out of the limo, approaching pam, who soon noticed her in her path as she jumped a bit.

Pam: Oh it's you.

Lilith: Apologies but may I ask what troubles you so? Walking in the rain alone without an umbrella and you have bruises on you.

Pam: It's nothing...

Lilith: We both know that's not true but if you wish not to tell me then I understand your privacy.

Pam: Thanks...

Pam then proceeded to walk past Lilith, who stops her.

Lilith: If you want, I can give you a lift home. You're soaking wet in the rain & you'll most likely catch a cold.

Pam wanted to say no but she then sneezed. Lilith lightly chuckled.

Lilith: You see my point?

Pam covered her mouth with a blush.

Pam: Sniff... Ok.

Lilith leads Pam into the limo, closing the door behind as she tells the driver to head to Pam's home, whom she gave the address. It was a semi long drive but they made it as Pam exits the limo.

Pam: (small smile) T-Thank you for the ride.

Lilith: You're welcome. Oh wait, I almost forgot...

Lilith reached for one of the cases inside, opening it and pulling something out. Pam's eyes widened upon seeing one of the mysterious yet beautiful plants she saw at Blake's place.

Lilith: Here, for you.

Pam gasped as she slowly takes the potted plant, still mesmerized by it's unique beauty.

Pam: For me?

Lilith: Yes, it's unlike any plants you've seen before as Blake told you at the sleepover. I thought maybe you would like it.

Pam: (smiles slightly) Thank you, thank you so much...

Lilith: (smiles) You're welcome. I'll come over sometime to give you the proper supplies to take care of it. I'll see you later Pam.

Pam: Bye.

The limo drives off with Lilith. Pam was squealing on the inside and went inside her house to marvel the beauty of this unique plant, forgetting what upset her in the first place.



Selina was driving in the rain with Doris in the passenger seat and Leslie in the back. Doris was throwing eggs at random people walking by, laughing up a storm. Leslie chuckles a bit while looking at her phone, Red Eyed Leslie appeared sitting next to her casually with a snarky grin.

Red Eyed Leslie: You seem to be in a funny mood, trying to get your mind off you know who~?

Leslie huffed and ignored her hallucination self.

Red Eyed Leslie: Wow, thought I'd get a reaction from you by now. You can endure but you can't resist what's coming~...

She vanished, Leslie growls lowly which didn't go unnoticed by Selina.

Selina: Problem back there?

Leslie: (lied) No, Some of my shockateers left so I have to up my game in finding new material for humiliating some poor suckers.

Selina: Hmmmm.... Perhaps you might get your chance.

She stops the car, catching Doris and Leslie off guard.

Doris: Selina, what the heck?!

Selina simply pointed to the person walking in the rain, Leslie gasped upon seeing the person. Blake? No. It was Beck, who was walking into the alleyway.

Selina: Perhaps we can have some fun with him~.

Doris: Definitely, he looks like that Blake guy but let's see what makes him tick.

Leslie was unsure about this but noticed three people in mercenary like attire walking towards the alleyway after him.

Leslie: Who are they?

Selina: Not sure. Let's see for ourselves.

Getting out of the car, Selina, Doris and Leslie quickly ran across the street and sneakily hid behind one of the dumpsters to see Beck surrounded by the three mercs.

Mercenary 1: So this is one of them, correct?

Mercenary 2: Yep, the tracker says otherwise so we got one of them.

Leslie: (whispers) One of them? What are they saying?

Doris: (raised voice) How should I know?!

Selina: (placed her hand on Doris's mouth) Shhhh.

Mercenary 3: Ya see... The Accursed Clan have paid us big time to get rid of any hybrids lurking in their mists and lucky for us, we found you.

Mercenary 1: And now you're gonna be sleeping with the fishes.

Selina: (whispers) Accursed Clan? Hybrids? Hmmm?

Leslie: ....?

Doris: ....?

Beck was silent with shadows covering his eyes.

Mercenary 2: Nothing to say?

Mercenary 3: Is he scared or something?

Mercenary 1: Perhaps our new weapons can get a reaction from him.

The three mercenaries pulled out strange glowing weapons in the form of a unique chain blade, a double edged spear and bladed guns, the villain girls eyes widened.

Mercenary 1: (smirks) You scared now, kid?

Beck lifts up his head, revealing black eyes with ruby red dragon like pupils.

Mercenary 2: What the?

Beck: Hehehehe.... hahahahaha...!

He lifts his hand up & suddenly the third mercenary felt his body twitched and shake, moving on it's own.

Mercenary 3: Ack! Hey!

Mercenary 1: What are you doing?!

Mercenary 3: It's not me! I can't stop moving!

Selina, Doris and Leslie watched in silence and shock, the third mercenary moving uncontrollably towards Beck, who raised his hand with the mercenary rising up to his feet in mid air.

Mercenary 3: H-Hey, let me go! Let me go!

Beck: Pathetic...

Beck crunches his hand, the third mercenary screaming as his body started to expand like a balloon, much to the two mercenaries and the three villain girls' shock.

Beck: Bang.

He closed his hand into a fist, causing the third mercenary to blow up like a bomb, the blood & body parts hitting the ground and walls.

Doris: ....?!

Selina: What the...

Leslie: He... He blew him up like a bomb...!

The first and second mercenary were caught off guard by that, Beck stared at them with a fanged smile.

Beck: This is what they send after me? They must be getting desperate to expand their army only to fall...

The second mercenary growled angrily.

Mercenary 2: I'll kill you!

He lunged at Beck, spinning his double edged spear and aimed it straight to Beck's heart but with a wave of the twin's hand, the second mercenary was engulfed in flames, incinerated in seconds.

The villain girls gasped. The first mercenary was shocked by his trio group reduced to one, he yells angrily and fired enchanted bullets at Beck, who swiftly evaded them and instantly got in the mercenary's face.

Beck: Tell me... (Dragon pupils glowed yellow) Are you afraid...?

The first mercenary suddenly started screaming in pure terror, seeing something completely frightening. He turns to run away but ends up tripping to the ground and being dragged into the darkness.

Doris, Selina and Leslie's jaw dropped a bit, the mercenary screaming for mercy upon being dragged further into the dark.

Mercenary 1: Aaaah! Aaaaaah!!! No! AAAH! Aaaaghhhh! Oh Please no! No! No! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

His screams slowly faded until there was nothing but pure silence. Selina, Doris and Leslie remained where they were, unable to move upon seeing what they just saw. Footsteps were heard as Beck appeared out of the darkness, the three girls panicked and quickly ran to the car, Selina starting it and quickly driving off. Beck appeared out the alleyway, seeing the car take off & grins, walking away.


Doris: What was that?!

Leslie: I don't know, three guys just died back there!

Selina: So... He's some sort of mutant...

Leslie: I never knew that Blake's brother had powers...

Selina: Brother?

Leslie: Yeah... His twin, I didn't expect to see him here too.

Doris: And he just killed three guys trying to kill him back there... (Shivers) I thought I was really gonna lose my lunch.

Selina: Hmmmm, if he possesses powers then maybe Blake himself possesses some abilities we're unaware of.

Doris: No way. That loser can't be a metahuman.

Leslie: We just saw his brother kill three guys with powers. Right now, I just... don't know....

Selina received a message, she reads the message and scoffs.

Leslie: Problem Selina?

Selina: We'll worry about Blake & his brother later. Apparently, Lex wants to meet with us tomorrow.

Doris: What's Richie Mcbald want?

Selina: He didn't say why, but he wants to meet us right away tomorrow.

Leslie: Didn't you double cross him when he tried to recreate the world in his image with that book of eternity or whatever?

Selina: Yes, if he ended up destroying the world, what would there be left to me to steal? Plus, he decided to let a planet bursting meteor not only destroy metropolis but the entire world to reshape it. I guess he's got over it and has another job for me.

Doris: I'm in. As long as we're getting paid, I don't care what the job is.

Leslie: Eh, I'm all for some chaos. Let's get Harleen, Pam and Carol in on the fun.

Selina: (cat like grin) Puuuurfect.


The next day....

It was still a storm out as Lilith was seen leaving the vacation home with Blake, Beck and Mason in tow.

Blake: You got everything you need for the trip to the annual restaurant? Barbi did explain that the food there is to die for.

Lilith: Indeed. Minerva has already reserved a spot for me and I do have the money to pay.

Beck: What about the paparazzi? They keep bugging you with these nonstop questions, especially with the whole Lex Luthor ordeal.

Mason: Perhaps we can assist you in getting them out of your way.

Lilith: I appreciate it but there's no need for the hassle. I have someone in mind for that.

The gates open as someone walked in. It was an Asian American young teenage girl with fair skin, black hair in a buzz cut, ember eyes, black lipstick on said lips, ear piercings, has a feminine yet athletic body and was wearing a custom, black, brown & silver jacket, a black shirt with a white circle & a cyber looking skull inside the symbol, fingerless gloves, custom black, white & gold punk jeans & black, white and dark grey custom boots.

Blake: Cassidy.

Cassidy: (smirks, rough female voice) The one & only.

The two embraced each other.

Beck: It's been awhile since we've seen ya, Cassidy Li.

Blake: It's been so long, old friend. So you're Lilith's escort, hm?

Cassidy: Yep. I know your big sis can take care of herself but someone tries anything funny with her, they're getting put to sleep.

Blake: Heh, they don't call you the Submission Reaper for nothing.

Lilith: Shall we go?

Cassidy: Yeah. See ya around Blake, Beck and Mason.

The two girls left while the three siblings went to contend with their own business.

Blake: So... Three of the villain girls witnessed your powers yesterday?

Beck: Yes but who cares? They have no solid evidence to blackmail me & even if they did, they wouldn't get far. Plus, who would believe a criminal?

Mason: We might need to have a talk about that but you do have a point, brother.


Meanwhile at LexCorp, Lex's laboratory...

We see Catwoman, Livewire, Harley Quinn, Giganta, Poison Ivy and Star Sapphire all gathered around as a light appeared, showing an office desk & a revolving chair turns around, revealing a tall teenage young man with a bald head, a slim yet slight athletic body, greyish blue eyes and was wearing a purple shirt with sleeves rolled to his elbows, a green vest and dark blue pants.

This was Lex Luthor, the youngest mega billionaire extraordinaire and owner of LexCorp but secretly is a genius criminal mastermind bent on ruling the world in his own means of order.

Lex: Greetings girls, I'm sure you know why I called you here?

Harley Quinn: Ummm, no we don't actually know why ya called us here.

Catwoman elbows Harley in the gut.

Catwoman: You have a job for us?

Lex: Why yes I do. You see, a very powerful CEO has ventured into Metropolis. Someone I had my eye on for awhile, this individual's company has make tremendous breakthroughs and-

Giganta: Yeah yeah yeah. A total scientist and complete nerd, get to the point.

Lex: Impatient as always Giganta.... Very well. I'll show you the target.

Lex goes to his supercomputer and presses a button on the control panel, revealing the image of Lilith Masters. Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn gasped while Livewire suddenly let out a loud, fearful shriek, instantly covering her mouth with her hands & seeing lex and the girls staring at her confused.

Livewire: (laughs nervously) Sorry...

Red Eyed Leslie: (appears & laughs) Oh my goodness, that was priceless hahaha! Never thought you'd see HER again, hahahahaha!

Lex: Okay.... Anyways, Lilith Masters is quite the impressive yet secretive individual, I tried to offer her a place of collaboration with LexCorp but she would... repeatedly turn down my offer.

Livewire: (mutters under her breath, sarcasm) Oh no... I wonder why is that?

Lex: She's one of the richest billionaires in the world, but isn't number one like yours truly.

Harley Quinn: Isn't that Bruce Wayne guy the number one billionaire?

Lex: Ignoring that, I've called you six here to give a... forceful persuasion to Lilith Masters, then capture her and bring her to me to discuss terms. She has secrets and resources that I can use for my goals but I know she won't give them up that easily.

Catwoman: I see... And you want us to deliver that direct message to her?

Giganta: Heh, not a problem. (Cracks her knuckles)

Lex: Don't underestimate her, I've sent others to took care of the job you're receiving before... (grim look) but those I've sent after Lilith before have... suddenly disappeared without a trace, never to be seen or heard from again......

The villain girls minus Catwoman were a bit spooked by lex's grim expression and tone which vanished into a casual smile.

Lex: But I'm sure you six can handle it, succeed and you'll be rewarded ten told. (Presses the button as a storage door opens, revealing a mountain of riches)

Catwoman: (cat like grin) We accept your offer. Let's go greet our new friend, girls~.

The villain girls take their leave while Lex sits in his chair with a calm and collected evil grin.


Next, the supervillain girls were seen in the rain with Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire and Livewire searching for Lilith Masters, they spotted the superhero girls, Hybrid Omen and two other individuals they didn't recognize dealing with a group of monsters from the Accursed Clan, meaning that the villain girls can slip away and continue their search, undetected.

Harley, Ivy and Star Sapphire were having second thoughts about this, while they were trying to help Leslie patch things up with Blake and they've grown to enjoy his & his brother's company but.... attacking & capturing his older sister? Could they really go through with this?

Livewire had her own thoughts, she was spooked the moment Lilith's image appeared on Lex's screen, out of all those in Blake's family who didn't trust her... Lilith was the one who had the most resent towards her, something about Lilith screamed ominous, even with that cold haunting stare that'll make you sleep with one eye open. Part of her didn't want to do this but she didn't want to feel weak in front of her friends so she had to do this.

After hours of searching, Catwoman spots the target and signals the girls to stop. They spot Lilith getting out of the limo and joined by Cassidy in entering the restaurant where the two meet up with Barbi Minerva and Casey Krinsky, the four embraced one another before going inside.

Catwoman: And there's our prey.

Star Sapphire: Ooooo, I've heard of this restaurant! They have the most exquisite dishes here!

Harley Quinn: A five star, eh? I wonder what the desserts there are like! Gimme the details, Star!

Before the violet lantern could lay some gossip, Catwoman interrupted.

Catwoman: Can you focus right now? We have a CEO to catch.

Harley Quinn and Star Sapphire stared at the cat thief, still unsure about this, same with Poison Ivy but they all nodded.

Catwoman: Good.

Giganta: Let's smash her into next week!

Livewire: Not before giving her the shock of a lifetime.

The six villain girls head down to the restaurant. Inside the eating establishment, we see Lilith, Cassidy, Barbi and Casey at their table, enjoying the exquisite food prepared for them.

Casey: My gosh, I never tasted anything like this before!

Cassidy: No kidding. This casserole is awesome.

Barbi: I'm glad you like the awe inspiring taste. How are you fairing, Lilith?

Lilith: Mmmmm... I must say you weren't wrong about the food here, this dish is absolutely divine.

Barbi: Indeed. Once we're done here, I'll take you to the mall to buy some very-


Barbi: What in the blazes?!

She, Casey, Cassidy and Lilith turn to see the supervillain girls entering the restaurant with Giganta smashing the entrance way.

Harley Quinn: Table for six, please?

Chef: Hey! This is a private restaurant! No costumed heroes or villains allowed! Not after what happened last time!

Harley Quinn: (smirks and holds up a bomb) Sure ya don't wanna change your mind or go out with a bang? Hahahaha!


The chef, his employees and customers all ran out of the building, leaving only Barbi, Casey, Cassidy, Lilith alone with the supervillain girls.

Barbi: Grrrr, you just ruined our annual feast!

Livewire: (fake crocodile tears) Oh boohoo, cry me a river! Hahaha! Party's over blondie!

Cassidy: (glares) Whatta ya cosplayers want?

Star Sapphire: (angry) Cosplayer?! I'll have you know that we don't take part in such geek like activities!

Casey: Cassidy, They're not cosplayer. That's Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy, Giganta and Harley Quinn. They're real villains & enemies of the superhero girls.

Cassidy: Meh, not impressed. They look second rated, I mean a cat burglar (Catwoman), a boring jester (Harley), a princess peach rip-off (Star Sapphire), count electrica (Livewire), a cavewoman (Giganta) and... I got nothing for the plant girl (Poison Ivy) she looks cool.

Harley Quinn: Hey!

Livewire: Count electrica-what?!

Giganta: Grrrr! I'm gonna smash you!

Cassidy: (rolls her eyes) Oh the cavewoman is speaking hulk language. (Mocks being afraid) Oh no, she's going to smash me.... I'm shaking in my boots.

Giganta was furious but Catwoman stopped her from charging in.

Catwoman: Focus girls. Look, we're not here for you three. We just want to have a little 'chat' with the CEO over here.

Barbi, Casey and Cassidy turn to Lilith, who was peacefully eating with her eyes closed, not even acknowledging the supervillain girls' existence.

Harley Quinn: Helloooooooooo. We're villains here huntin' for ya!

Lilith was still eating peacefully, ignoring them.

Harley Quinn: Hey!!

Star Sapphire: Don't just ignore us! That's just rude!

Barbi: You busted right in this eating establishment and scared away the guests and chefs, I'd say rude is dropping in unannounced.

Lilith was enjoying her meal, still ignoring the villain girls.

Poison Ivy: Though I admit that she does have manners at the table.

Giganta: Don't complement her! She keeps ignoring us!

Cassidy: Maybe because she doesn't acknowledge you as a threat.

Livewire: Ok, that's it.

Livewire shoots a bolt of electricity to knock the food Lilith was eating off the table.

Livewire: Now that we've got your attention, you'll be coming with us now or...

Catwoman: can resist, it'll be more fun for us if you did~. Either way, it's not gonna go well for you.

Barbi, Casey and Cassidy glared angrily at the supervillain girls. Lilith slowly stood up from her seat, walking past the three girls and sending a chilling cold stare to the villain girls.

Lilith: So... This is what Lex resorted to, sending villains after me this time?

Harley Quinn: Wait, how'd you-

Lilith: Lex isn't the only one with eyes and ears everywhere. Look, I'm a busy woman alright & you delinquents probably don't care, not surprised but I have... other things to take care of than to waste time with some degenerates trying to make a name for themselves at my expense.

The supervillain girls glared at her but Lilith wasn't fazed.

Lilith: But hey, you're not the first to try to go after me or my family & you definitely won't be the last. My family & my company mean everything to me, to help the world in more ways than one... However, countless others like you & Lex try to either destroy or leech off my family's hard earn work & legacy.....

Catwoman: Well unless you want to keep your oh so 'important' legacy intact, you'll either come with us or....

Giganta: We break every bone in your body & drag you with us.

Lilith: ..... Have you ever wondered why those Lex sent after me before you have not been seen again...?

Harley Quinn: Hmmm, now that you mentioned it.... Chrome dome did say something about that.

Lilith: (cold tone) Anyone who tries to hurt my family in any way pays the price.... dearly.

Catwoman: (smirks) We would love to see you try that with us.

Lilith: Cassidy... Take Barbi & Casey out of here. I'll deal with these six myself.

Cassidy: Fine. I'll come back after.

Casey: Lilith?

Barbi: Wait! We can help!

Lilith: Don't worry, I'll be alright on my own.

Cassidy picks up Casey & Barbi who yelped and went through an open window, leaving Lilith alone with the supervillain girls.

Lilith: So... A group of six, made of a greedy cat burglar, a violet lantern, a strong yet dim minded giant, a plant girl hybrid, a chaotic clown and a rebellious electric metahuman. Quite the pair... I'd say some of you are misguided, some of you were hurt by someone or trying to prove something by becoming what you are or some of you chose this life to be bad.... how unfortunate...

Harley Quinn: What are you? A therapist?

Lilith: You have such potential, ashame you waste it on crime....

Livewire: Listen Loser, we didn't come here to be lectured by you-

Lilith shot Livewire a dark glare.

Lilith: You... You resemble someone I gravely despise... Someone who sent my brother to death's door....

Livewire gulps as she knew the eldest sister was talking about Blake.

Lilith: He would've died if I haven't saved him... His blood on my hands when I tried to help him... The agony... The despair my family was in when we saw him in that condition... The Hatred... for the culprit...

The supervillain girls was taken by Lilith's sudden tone, it sound distorted. Lilith stared hauntingly at the electric shockjock.

Lilith: The more I look at you... The more it reminded me of her, where I want to send her to a torment so deep, she'll screams in agony...

Livewire was starting to get scared along with Harley, Ivy and Star Sapphire.

Harley Quinn: Ummm... Is anyone hearin' the terrifyin' tone in her voice...?

Giganta: Enough talking!!!

Giganta charges at Lilith who had shadows covering her eyes, the giant gears up a fist and goes in to deliver a solid punch only to move past nothing. Giganta stops in her tracks as she looks around to find Lilith gone, much to everyone's shock.

Giganta: What the?!

Poison Ivy: She vanished?

Harley Quinn: She pulled some kind of houdini trick!

Then they heard an eerie whistle and turn to see Lilith outside, when the lightning flashed... she vanished.

Catwoman: (hisses) After her!

The villain girls leave the damaged restaurant and look around, they found Lilith running/jumping on the rooftops, they followed her and jumped/fly from rooftop to rooftop to catch up with Lilith but the CEO was surprisingly faster than them but the villain girls didn't give up on pursuing her.

Soon, the chase came to an end with Lilith and the villain girls in an abandoned area in Metropolis. The lightning flashed as Lilith turns to the villain girls with an ominous stare.

Lilith: What a perfect place.... to mark your graves....

The villain girls glared at her.

Harley Quinn: Sorry Lily but you'll be the one takin' a dirt nap.

Catwoman: Now Harley, we're here to capture her, not kill her. She dies, we don't get our rewards.

Giganta: Besides, Chrome dome said nothing about giving her a brutal beating.

Poison Ivy: Surrender... You're outnumbered and out powered, don't make this harder than it needs to be.

A dark chuckle escaped Lilith's lips.

Lilith: I guess there's no convincing you to walk away...

Lilith breathes in then out with her eyes widening, her pupils rolling in the back of her head, shocking the supervillain girls with Lilith's pupiless eyes became pitch black. Lilith's body then erupted in pure black aura of darkness which spreads across the area.

Star Sapphire: She's... not human?!

Livewire: (whispers) her too...?

Lilith: (ominous distorted voice) Time to show you what true darkness is...

Lilith spreads her arms wide as the darkness begins to swirl around herself and the supervillain girls, who were caught off guard and into the ever growing darkness until everything faded to black.


In the black void, Catwoman, Livewire, Giganta, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Star Sapphire was seen screaming and falling through the abyss until a portal opened up and they hit the ground, groaning from the impact.

Harley Quinn: Ugh, so dizzy....

Livewire: Stop this ride, I wanna get off...

The supervillain girls slowly recovered to get up but something caught their eyes as some of them screamed while backing away in shock. What they saw was six tombstones with their normal/villain names engraved on them & the place they're in looked like a nightmarish world devoid of life, the sky dark gray with a red moon shining eerily over the strange land surrounded by fog with whispers and murmurs being heard from everywhere but a mystery of where it's coming from.

Harley Quinn: Uber creepy.

Catwoman: Where are we?

Star Sapphire: A-And why are we finding our (gulps) tombstones?

Poison Ivy: This land... so devoid of life... (Clutches herself) so... horrible...

Giganta: It's probably a trick or something.

Lilith's voice: You're in my world now...

The supervillain girls turn around to see Lilith standing behind them with darkness radiating from her body.

Lilith: I see you've already found your graves.

Livewire: Stop with these games!

Livewire fires beams of electricity at Lilith to shock her but the darkness around her only swallowed it.

Livewire: No way!

She tries attacking again with Star Sapphire helping with construct/blast attacks but the offense from the two were swallowed by Lilith's darkness.

Lilith: That won't do you any good... My darkness eclipses everything in it's wake, you can't hurt me...

Lilith spreads her arms wide, a dark magic circle forming underneath and chanting invertedly. The supervillain girls saw a horde of cloaked figures coming out of the dark magic circle which disappeared soon after.

Lilith: You wanna know what happened to those who tried to destroy or leech off my family, including the ones Luthor sent...? Here they are...

The cloaked figures raised their heads, revealing their monstrous visage, having pale skin with black strange marks, lifeless glowing blue eyes & sharp fangs, most were men and most were women of different shape & sizes as their freakish appearance horrified the villain girls.

Lilith: Let me introduce you to... the soulless ones.

Star Sapphire: Eeeep!! A-Are t-hey....

Harley Quinn: ZOMBIES!!!!!

Lilith: I'm about to take you girls on a journey of otherworldly torment... You'll be tested physically and mentally until you're broken... (To her army) Take them.

The soulless ones groan and growled ferociously as the undead horde immediately charged at the supervillain girls, who quickly acted to fight back. Harley Quinn bashes a couple of them with her mallet but she was jumped by more soulless ones. Poison Ivy tries to conjure up some plant life to protect her but suddenly her powers weren't working in Lilith's realm, she too was ganged up on by the horde, screaming.

Giganta was rely on her size and strength to punch, manhandle and run through each soulless one gunning for her until two giant undeads got the jump on her with the normal sized undead joining in on piling on her.


Catwoman was knocking away some soulless ones with her whip, using her quickness to avoid getting caught. One soulless one managed to catch the next whip attack and throws it aside, the feline hissed and brought out her claws to combat & slice her way out of the horde until she too didn't make it.

Catwoman: Rrrreeeeooowwww!!

Star Sapphire was trying to fly away from the soulless ones, shooting construct heart blasts without looking, truly afraid. Then... her ring power due to not feeling much love but fear, started to fade as she fell right into the horde with a loud shriek, taking her as well.


Livewire was by herself surrounded completely by the horde of soulless ones. She desperately tries to fire bolts and beams of electricity to get away from them, to find a way out but they keep on coming and finally she was the last one to be overrun by the soulless ones.

Livewire: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

The last thing she saw was Lilith's dark eyes as everything was engulfed in shadow.


Catwoman gasped as she sat up awake, looking around in seeing no soulless ones, her body intact and she was no longer in that realm. She sighs in relief & found herself in some sort of strange looking tomb, illuminated by the light of the torches hanging on the walls. 

She travels through the tomb, easily avoiding traps without even trying until she made it to the open gate and to her surprise, a sanctum filled with gold, beautiful & priceless jewelry and such.

Catwoman: (grins) Well, well, well... Looks like this kitty's luck is beginning to turn.

Catwoman hit the jackpot but she discovered a different prize, a silver jewel in the form of a cat's head with violet purple jewel eyes, she grinned as she sneaks over to the relic, using her claws to carefully carve a hole through the glass, placing it aside and grabbed the cat jewel.

Catwoman: Hmmmmm~... Now you're mine, pretty little kitty~.

Lilith's voice: Such a greedy little kitty you are...

Catwoman let out a startled hiss, turning around to see Lilith with a dao blade in hand.

Lilith: Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, the leader of the supervillain girls... A well excellent thief who's loyalty is only to herself...

Catwoman: You know my identity, hmm? While I'm flattered for the compliment, I'm afraid you can't get out with that information (her claws sharpened).

Lilith: Who says I was leaving....?

Then the exits to the treasure sanctum all sealed themselves shut.

Catwoman: What?

Lilith: You also won't be leaving, greedy little kitty...

Catwoman snarls as she swiftly lunged at Lilith, who connected her blade with her claws, sparking a battle of echoing steel. The two traded claw/blade strikes with some martial arts, flips, counter attacks and skill in it as this battle took place all over the sanctum.

Catwoman: (attacking) What's your game here? Why seal the exits?

Lilith: (attacking) Why not? You want to have all this treasure, yes? That's what Catwoman is about right? You love to be bad & sneaky, you love the thrill of any heist where you can get your claws on something valuable that you'll use anyone as your personal toy to play with until you sink your claws into them. Tell me... Would you stab your team, your friends in the back to satisfy your endless greed?

Catwoman merely growl and goes for leaping claw strike but Lilith evaded it, Catwoman merely stopped herself from falling from the ledge, turning to face Lilith who kicks her off the high ledge and lands on the massive ocean pile of gold coins & jewels, cushioning her fall.

Catwoman: Heh. Nice try. Now-

Then Catwoman felt a pull on her, she tries to get up but suddenly couldn't. Whatever's got a hold of her, it wasn't letting go.

Catwoman: What's going on? I can't-ngh get up!

Lilith looks down at Catwoman, who struggles to get free but couldn't from whatever force has her in this position. The feline thief looks closely and sees that she was sinking... the endless ocean of treasure was pulling her under with the gold and jewels slithering over to slowly push her down under.

Catwoman struggles and struggles but couldn't get out as she sinks deeper and deeper into the treasure like quicksand on each part of her body until only her head & right hand remained.

Catwoman: Get me out of here!!

Lilith: What's wrong? You have all the treasure and jewelry you want...? Happy? Satisfied?

Catwoman: (Head sinking into the treasure ocean) Help! I-gasp! can't... breathe...gasp! (a single tear falls) please...?!

Lilith: Greed can imprison those like you, with fates worse than the last. You made this bed & now you gotta lie in it...

Catwoman gasped as her air was running out, her head sunk into the treasure ocean, leaving only her right hand which twitched a bit. Lilith turns to leave as Catwoman's right hand was last to sink in the endless treasure void.


Poison Ivy woke up, looking around and found herself not getting eaten by the soulless ones or in Lilith's realm. She finds herself in an old mansion with dusty old furniture, the windows were broken but boarded up and so was the door, the plant villainess didn't know how she got here but she needed to get out.

She calls forth plant life from the ground but nothing came out, confusing her. She tries again but gets the same result, groaning in annoyance.

Lilith's voice: It won't do you any good...

Poison Ivy yelps, seeing Lilith sitting in a rocking chair by a sudden flame in the fire place.

Poison Ivy: You...

Lilith: There's no need to get hostile, I'm not here fight you, Pam.

Poison Ivy's eyes widened.

Lilith: Your eyes tell the tale. A teenage girl who loves all nature but doesn't associate with people, thinking them as vermin to drive nature into instinct, sparking your hatred for human life... While I respect you for caring about nature, I also disappointed in the path you took.

Poison Ivy: What...?

Lilith: You have the power of nature, you do well in taking care of nature yet you cause mayhem with plants to 'save' the world of green... trying to annihilate human life.

Angered, Poison Ivy yelled.

Poison Ivy: Humans have harmed the forces of nature time and time again! They're nothing but vermin, parasites to the life of the green, they must be exterminated for their crimes against nature!

Lilith: I get it, you see humans as killers to nature but not every human is like that. Nature helps humanity in many ways, others try to help nature in their own ways. I too am trying to help human, animal and plant life in my own way but it seems like you're declaring war on humanity with plants, let me tell you about war... if you think you can carry on with it, you better be ready for casualties...

Ivy was confused as Lilith got up and walks towards the boarded door.

Lilith: Casualties can occur on any side, good or bad but... If the casualties and mayhem spiral out of control... no one wins in the end...

She blows away the boarded door with tremendous force, walking out of the mansion. Poison Ivy slowly followed her outside, leaving the mansion and walking down the porch stairs, her eyes widened in sheer terror.... seeing nothing but pure destruction, building were destroyed, humans bodies were everywhere all slaughtered along with plant life in the same state with both sides engulfed in growing flames.

Ivy fell to her knees, seeing the total annihilation in her wake. No human life. No plant life. There was nothing but fire.

Poison Ivy: (Eyes started to tear up) No... No... No! How could this happen...?! Nature was supposed to prevail! N-Not this! T-This can't be happening!

Lilith: This is the future in your means trying to do wrong as a villain to make a right.... You won't be nature's savior, you'll be it's destroyer. Do you want this to be the end results of your goal because... It won't save either side. Human. Nature. Mayhem won't bring peace... It'll make them all... burn.

Lilith disappeared into the flames, leaving Poison Ivy, who begins to slowly cry upon seeing the horror in her wake, the flames growing more and more with Poison Ivy breathing rapidly and clutching her head, letting out a panicked, horrified & despaired scream which echoed in the fires of chaos.


Star Sapphire woke up, panicking and repeating the words "stop eating me!", flailing around but later seeing that she wasn't getting teared limb from limb & getting eaten. She looks around to find herself in some sort of park of the dark, stormy night.

Star Sapphire: Where am I?

She looks around for any signs of her friends.

Star Sapphire: Hello? Harley? Ivy? Anyone?!

She is met with no response. Star Sapphire continues to wander the endless park with the rain drizzling, then she saw Lilith meditating by the trees.

Star Sapphire: You!

She forms a heart shaped bazooka and fires shots at Lilith but the darkness around her body engulfed the attacks.

Lilith: Your attacks won't work on me.

Star Sapphire: (glares) Where am I?! What place is this?!

Lilith: Just a park on a stormy night, it's peaceful with some silence, very quiet and no one in sight, Carol.

Star Sapphire's gasped, Lilith using her real name.

Star Sapphire: H-How did you-

Lilith: Know? Your eyes tell me everything. Carol Ferris aka Star Sapphire, a head cheerleader type & a violet lantern of love, though you use that power for villainess deeds I'd say you are misguided... having your heart broken again... and again... and again...

Star Sapphire: Shut up! Just shut up! What do you know?!

Lilith: You and Hal Jordan were quite the couple in your high school life but it all changed, didn't it? There were problems & disagreements between you two... Hal barely paid attention to you, was afraid of the jealous, vengeful and unhinged person you become... wanting to make him yours by force after breaking up with you more than once...

Star Sapphire looks down, remembering the moments between her & Hal.

Lilith: Hal isn't innocent in this either, spending more time with his friends, even flirts with other girls which sparked your envy to take out those who you think is a threat to your 'perfect' relationship, even Jessica Cruz who had zero interest in Hal in a romantic way yet you accused & attacked her again & again....

Star Sapphire bit her lip, slowly feeling guilty about it.

Lilith: Jealousy is a very ugly thing. Are you ugly Carol?

Star Sapphire: (offended) How dare you? Have you seen me? I'm Hot & Fabulous thank you very much! Plus, I'm over Hal Jordan now so any guy would go for me.

Lilith: I meant on the inside & I wouldn't be so sure about every guy wanting to go for you... After the events you went through with Hal, both of you broke your relationship, him being narcissistic egotistical and neglectful & you being forceful, jealous & insane... do you think a guy would go for you? They'll be terrified of you in a heartbeat, leaving you completely alone...

Star Sapphire: No! That's not true!

Lilith: I'm sorry but it is. You drive away anyone who tried to get between you & Hal from boys to girls, seeing you as someone not to be loved but feared. Who's to say that you won't be like that to the next guy you find?

Star Sapphire: I won't! I'm not that person anymore. I'm n-not! (Trying to fight back the tears)

Lilith: Anyone can say something like that as a promise but sometimes it breaks. Love can help but it can also hurt & you've hurt a lot Carol, others & yourself. Your... violet lantern power isn't as powerful as it was, you can love yourself but it'll only get you so far, you probably don't love yourself right now, you must hate yourself right now?

Star Sapphire: No I... I...!

Lilith: Face it Carol, you say you'll have any guy eating at the palm of your hand but they'll see you as not someone to love, they'll see you as someone to be feared and disgusted by... you'll be a lonely monster....

Star Sapphire felt to her knees, shaking her head in disbelief with tears falling from her face.

Star Sapphire: No! I'm not a monster! I'm not lonely! I don't want to be...

Lilith: That's one of your biggest fears, right? Being alone? No friends and no one who will love you? That's your fate for a villain with a broken heart...

Lilith gets up and walks away from Star Sapphire.

Star Sapphire: Where are you going?! Don't leave me here, answer me!!!

Lilith ignored her and kept walking away, her form slowly fading.

Star Sapphire: Please don't go! I don't wanna be alone!! What do I have to do?! Please tell me?!?! Please help me!!!

Lilith: (slowly disappearing) I can't tell you what to do, Carol. You have to figure this out for yourself. If you can't find the answer... you'll be destined to be forever... alone.

Lilith completely vanished from existence.

Star Sapphire: NOOOO!! DON'T GO! PLEASE COME BACK! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE, I'LL DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!! 'Sob'... P-Please...? I don't wanna be alone, please come... back...

Her pleas and sobs were met only silence with Star Sapphire alone in the rain, sobbing in despair.


Harley Quinn bolted up awake, finding herself not being eating by the soulless ones but finds herself Gotham City, her old hometown & was in her normal attire.

Harleen: Huh? I'm in Gotham and hey, where's my costume? Oh well, it's probably a dream.

Harley walks/flips/cartwheels her way through Gotham, knowing the place like the back of her head. But to her surprise, there was no one in sight, lights were out, the streets were empty, not a person was present inside or outside the building.

Gotham was like a ghost town.

Harleen: Hello?!

Her echo was the only thing she heard.

Harleen: Hellooooooooo?!

Again, only the echo.

Harleen: Where is everybody? It's like a ghost town over here, I don't even hear any crickets chirpin' in the background in silence. This is gettin' too quiet for my taste.

Lilith's voice: I do enjoy the silence sometimes.

Harleen jumped with a yelp, seeing Lilith next to her.

Harleen: Holy shamoly! Someone needs to put a bell on you! Wait if you're here then... it ain't a dream?!

Lilith: Nope, you're in Gotham of my world, Harley.

Harleen: Well it may be YOUR world but get ready to meet MY mallet!

Pulling out her mallet, Harleen proceeded to attack Lilith, who effortlessly dodged the mallet strikes and knocked Harleen away a flip kick to the back of the head, sending into a pile of trash cans with a metal clang.

Harley's eyes were rolling in circles before regaining herself, growling.


She lunged at Lilith to bash her with the mallet only to miss every shot.

Lilith: (Dodging) Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn, while you're a villain you don't strike me as the type for world domination or destruction. You seem like a prankster that loves chaos. Why align yourself with other villains?

Harleen: (attacking) Eh, I'm not a fan of dominatin' or destroyin' the world, I do love causin' chaos in my own fun way, same with the others! They actually get me!

Lilith: (dodging) And what about your best friend, Barbara Gordon?

Harleen missed the next shot and fell to the ground, slowly looking back at Lilith with an angry glare.

Harleen: You leave Babsy out of this!

Lilith: I'm not trying to mess with you, I'm stating a fact. While you're hanging out with your villain friends, what about your actual friend, who you grew up with in Gotham?

Harleen: You don't know what you're talkin' about!

Lilith: While you're off doing chaotic things with your fellow villain friends, how will Babs feel when you suddenly grow distant from her when she wants to hang out with you? She'll see something is up... She starts wondering where's her best friend when she needs her the most... She might think you've abandoned her...

Harleen was growling in anger.

Lilith: You wouldn't hurt Babs, would you?

Harleen: What?! She's my best friend, I would never hurt her!

Lilith: Even if she found out that you and Harley Quinn are one in the same?

Harleen opens her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Lilith: Would she still be your friend if she found out the truth about you? Maybe you should see for yourself...

Harleen was confused about that as Lilith pointed behind her, Harleen turns around to see... Babs or a mirage version of her, who had a look of shock, fear & disgust on her face.

Harleen: Babsy Wabsy, what are you doing here?

Babs takes a step back.

Harleen: Babsy?

Babs: Get away from me!

Harleen steps forward, trying to calm her down.

Harleen: Babsy, calm down. Please, what's the matter?!

Babs: Don't come near me, you freak!

Harleen's world stopped hearing that.

Harleen: B-Babsy-

Babs: All this time... Hanging out with those other girls, you were her this whole time... this whole time, I was friends with Harley Quinn, a psychotic villainess!

Harleen's world came crashing down.

Harleen: B-Babsy, it's not true. You know me, I'm not Harley Quinn-Gasp!

Harleen saw her reflection in one of the empty store glass window, suddenly she was back in her Harley Quinn attire except her face was exposed, her secret revealed.

Babs: (disgusted glare) Know you? I feel like I don't know you anymore or at all! All this time... You were one of the most crazy & mayhem induced villains not only in Gotham but Metropolis too!

Harleen: (hurt) Babsy please, I didn't want ya to find out like this!

Babs: I don't wanna hear your lies, everything about you being my friend was a lie! You probably staged this friendship act to play me & when my back is turned, you'll destroy me & my father in a cruel, sick joke!

Harleen: (tears slowly fell) N-No, It's not true! I wouldn't never use ya or try to hurt ya or your father! I swear! Babsy, you really are my best friend!

Harleen tried to embrace her but suddenly.... She hit Babs in the gut with the mallet! Harleen was shocked by her sudden attack as Babs hit the ground, holding her gut in pain.

Harleen: Nonono! (Drops the mallet & runs to Babs) Babs, are you okay?! That wasn't me, the mallet suddenly struck ya, I didn't mean it-


Harleen felt a sting to her face from the hard slap. She slowly looks at Babs, who has tearfully angry filled with hatred and disgust.


Harleen: Babsy, I-

???: Barbara!

Then a mirage version of Commissioner James Gordon came to the aid of Babs, looking at the wound and back at Harleen with rage.

Commissioner Gordon: You psycho! You hurt my daughter!

Harleen: No! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!

Babs: D-Daddy...

Commissioner Gordon: I knew Gotham was a dangerous place but I should've known she would try something like this! I'm sorry pumpkin..... I'll make sure this monster never hurt you again, get her!

Harleen was tackled from behind by Gotham & Metropolis police department, she struggled as they put her a straight jacket.

Commissioner Gordon: Make sure this monster is locked away forever!

Harleen: Hey! Let me go! I tell you I didn't mean to hurt Babsy like that! I swear!

Lilith: Chaos... The opposite of order, love too much of it and it'll endanger the ones you cherish the most, causing hurt & betrayal...

She vanished as the police dragged Harleen in Arkham Asylum's Intensive Mental Care. She tries to escape but was trapped, the giant gates were slowly closing as she saw Gordon carrying Babs away into the darkness.

Harleen: Babsy!!

No answer.

Harleen: I didn't mean to hurt ya, don't abandon me please?!?!

No answer.

Harleen: (crying) Babsy, please don't let them take me! I'm sorry!!!!

Babs didn't acknowledge her or her pleas, she & Gordon disappearing into the darkness.

Harleen: (wailed in complete despair)  BABSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

The giant gates closed with a large thud, sealing her fate.


Giganta woke up with a snort & a confused "what?", looking around. She could've sworn that she was fighting the soulless ones and being ganged up on by the undead horde.

Giganta: Where am I now?

Giganta got to her feet, wondering where she was. It was some sort of desert wasteland of rock & sand with a scorching hot sun illuminating the area.

Giganta: (covering her eyes with her beefy arm) How did I end up here? Stupid sun, it's so hot. And where are the others?

Lilith's voice: I'm afraid you'll have to be more concerned about your own health.

Giganta growls and turns to see Lilith meditating on a large boulder with her eyes closed.

Giganta: The CEO nerd!

Lilith: Really...? That's the best insult you can come up with?

Giganta: Whatever. You may have caught me off guard with your tricks but it won't save you this time!

Lilith: And let me guess, you're going to try to smash me?

Giganta: (cracks her knuckles) That's the idea.

Lilith stood up from the boulder.

Lilith: I'm afraid you have a long way to go to keep up with me, Doris.

Giganta: Huh? What did you-

Lilith: Your eyes tell the tale... Doris Zuel aka Giganta, daughter of two brilliant minds but is considered the sports type bully, picking on people weaker & smaller than you, your favorite victim Karen Beecher. You know... I don't tolerate bullies like you in picking on people who can't fight back.

Giganta: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

Lilith: Oh there's a lot I can do to you & for the record, you seem to think you're strongest by targeting people weaker and smaller than you, no... That only makes you cowardly & weak.

Giganta: (angry) What did you say?!?!

Lilith: Did I stutter? If you want to be truly strong, try fighting someone who has average strength or beyond and can actually fight back like some of the heroes, my brother or... me?

Giganta: Oh you're gonna pay for insulting Giganta! Now you'll feel my wrath!!!!

She charges at Lilith like a raging bull and aims her fist at her. Lilith merely side steps out of the way, throwing Giganta's momentum off as she crashed into a boulder. She recovers with a growl and charged again at Lilith this time with a gatling of heavy hitting punches but Lilith would easily dodge and counter each strike, much to Giganta's annoyance.

She went for a swinging right but Lilith caught it with her hand, twisted it making Giganta yell out in pain as she flips the giant over to the ground with a thud.

Giganta: Gah! Grrrrrr!!!

She got up and throws another punch but Lilith caught it.

Lilith: While you have power and strength, your fighting style is predictable & sloppy. You strongly lack discipline.

Lilith flips her over again, this time following up by a lethal knee to the chest of Giganta, knocking the wind out of her.

Giganta: Guh!!!

Lilith: And you call yourself a giant? It'll take a lot more than immense height and big muscles to beat me.

Catching her breath, Giganta slowly got to her feet.

Giganta: (glares) Huff... Huff... I'll destroy you...!!

Giganta goes in to attack Lilith again but the young woman of darkness continues to effortlessly dodge, block or counter every attack thrown at her, angering the giant further until Lilith caught the next attack and throws Giganta into a mountain, causing it to rumble.

Lilith: 3. 2. 1.

A few minutes, Giganta burst out of the mountains, covered in wounds and debris from the mountain, growling in complete rage.

Giganta: I hate you!!!

Lilith: You hate the fact that you're not use to fighting someone past your strength.

Giganta: No! I am stronger, I am Giganta! I'm the strongest monster in metropolis, even that blunder woman (Wonder Woman) & zerogirl (Supergirl) can't hold a candle to me!

Giganta suddenly gasped from the shooting pain in her stomach, looking down to see Lilith and her fist deep in her gut.

Lilith: You're far from being the strongest...

Giganta growls and tries to grab her but Lilith leaps up and delivered spin kick after spin after to the face of Giganta, knocking her against the mountain. She groans in pain and sees Lilith approaching her.

Lilith: You think you're tough picking on someone small and automatically claim you're the strongest. Well, I'm not at your giant level and I'm beating you without much effort, you're not even a monster, just a troubled one.

Giganta: I AM a monster!!!

Giganta roared and goes for another attack but Lilith intercepted it and broke her arm with a thunderous chop.

Giganta: (clutching her broken arm) AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Lilith: I don't see a monster, I see a scared & troubled girl who picks on the weak & disrespects others including her own parents to feel good but in reality, you're not.

Giganta flinched from the tone but quickly got angrier and went for another punch but Lilith caught it with one finger & in it's force, broke Giganta's other arm.


Giganta fell to her knees, her arms completely useless, letting out an uncharacteristic whimper upon feeling fear & frustration, unable to defeat someone stronger than her as the fallen giant was at Lilith's mercy.

Lilith: The reason why you have this attitude and wanting to be seen as a monster is your overcompensating for deep insecurity, you're on a quest for perfectionism yet you have an overwhelming fear of not being good enough...

Giganta looked at her in shock, tears slowly falling without her noticing.

Lilith: Maybe you should better yourself instead of venting your rage in mindless destruction. Let it consume you...

Lilith vanished and reappeared with a full force punch through the gut of Giganta, who gasped with her body cracking like glass.

Giganta: Agh... N-No...

Lilith: It'll destroy you.

Giganta's body continues to crack until it shattered apart into pieces.


Livewire bolted up awake with a scream, looking around and seeing that she wasn't eaten alive by the soulless ones and her body was still intact. The electric villainess got up & noticed that she was in an endless black void.

Livewire: Hello?

Her echoed were the only thing heard.

Livewire: Anyone here?!

Again, only the echoes.

Livewire: Harley? Catwoman? Ivy? Star? Giganta?

Still the echoes.

Livewire: What is this place? Where am I?!

Lilith's voice: Your torment.

Livewire's blood grew cold upon hearing that tone, Lilith appeared before her with darkness radiating from her body, the glare in her pitch black eyes stared right through Livewire, who slowly backs away.

Lilith: So my brother was correct... I'm not surprised of how low you've sunk, Leslie Willis...

Livewire's eyes widened.

Lilith: Oh I know a lot about you... From the past up to now. And here I thought you couldn't be a bigger nuisance... A punk shockjock, a vlog prankster who finds new ways to humiliate others and laugh at their misery, not caring wherever they're hurt or worse...

Livewire: .....

Lilith: I knew you were trouble the moment Blake befriended you, but he wanted to give you a chance, he actually had fun with you...

Livewire: Lilith please, I can explain...

Lilith: He actually saw good in you despite your rebellious and mischievous attitude but when your 'ultimate humiliation' came to be, what did you do? What. Did. You. Do?

Livewire flinched under the dark tone from Lilith's voice.

Lilith: You send my brother to death's door and you ran.

Livewire: Lilith, it wasn't supposed to happen like that. It was supposed to be a joke!

Lilith: So my brother's near death experience is a joke to you? Am I supposed to be laughing...? (Fangs bared)

Livewire: N-No, Nonono, that's not I meant! The prank was supposed to well... prank him, not kill him! I don't know what went wrong-

Livewire was hit a dark palm strike that send her flying out of the black void, back into the realm where the supervillain girls encountered her & the soulless ones. She groans and sees Lilith slowly approaching her with a cold, ominous stare.

Lilith: Regardless of the outcome, the damage is long since been done. He would've died if I haven't saved him... The years of trying to ease his pain physically and mentally... How my family and I felt when he was beyond hurt... All because of you...

Livewire tries to defend herself by shooting bolts of electricity at Lilith, who merely swallowed them with her darkness.

Livewire: S-Stay away with me!!

She fires huge beams of electricity to knock Lilith back but she swatted away the attacks like they were nothing, Livewire turns into lightning and flees while Lilith turns to a dark smoke like form and gives chase, leaving a trail behind. The chase went on which felt like an eternity, Livewire went into a cave and hides behind one of the rocks, breathing heavily and tries to keep quiet, Lilith enters and searches for Livewire, who tries to keep quiet so she can escape her unnoticed.

Lilith: (voice echoed) Remember... You're in my world now, so there's nowhere to run...

Livewire turns to sneak away only to see Lilith now in front of her.

Livewire: AAH!

Lilith: And there's nowhere... (raised her hand in front of Livewire) ... to hide.

Lilith fired a huge wave of darkness to Livewire at point blank range. The electric villainess tries to hold on but she was overwhelmed with glowing blue cracks appearing on her face and body which spread with Livewire completely shattered, revealing Leslie Willis, send flying into the cave walls.

Leslie groans in pain, she sees herself in her normal form again and tries to activate her powers but only got a few sparkes. She heard laughing and looks ahead, seeing a huge of people with pitch black eyes just pointing and laughing at her.

Leslie: Stop it! This isn't funny!!!

They continue to laugh even harder at her, Leslie tries to shock them with electricity but only a little bit of sparks came out, making the crowd laugh even more at her.

Leslie: Stop that! Stop laughing at me!!!

Her demands were overwhelmed by the laughing of the crowd.

Leslie: (shrieked) STOP LAUGHING!!!!!

The laughing wasn't stopping with Leslie covering her ears, tears slowly fell from the crowd making fun of her. She noticed Lilith approaching her, the only one who isn't laughing.

Lilith: You've always had a long list of victims you humiliated, including my friend Barbi and even the superhero girls on various notes, no matter how injured or worse they get, you only want to laugh at their pain & misery.

Leslie let out a whimper.

Lilith: It ain't funny now, is it? It's not funny when you're the one getting a taste of your own medicine & you now being the joke to be laughed at, is it not?

Lilith hit Leslie with a roundhouse kick, earning a pained groan from the shockjock as Lilith continues to deliver forms of tae kwon do and jiu jitsu style combo strikes to the electric villainess, laying her out.

Leslie groans & whimpers with the crowd erupting in more laughter, she tries to crawl away from her only for Lilith to drag her back up and delivered a monstrous backhand that send her flying into the cave walls, shattering them as they fell, Leslie was seen hanging on the edge while looking down over the cliff, there no bottom to it but pure endless darkness, she tries to climb up but find Lilith standing over the edge, looking down at her with dark soulless eyes.

Lilith: Karma, it strikes all who wronged the innocent in different forms of fate, and you Leslie Willis... You will reap what you sow...

Leslie felt her grip slipping and tries to hold on.

Leslie: L-Lilith, stop! Don't do this please?! I wanna make things right with Blake, just give me a chance!

Lilith: It's far too late for that...

???: I agree.

Leslie sees Blake or a mirage of him appear next to Lilith, looking down at Leslie with soulless eyes.

Leslie: Blake... Please no...

Blake: Ashes to ashes... They all fall down...

Blake delivered the final shot, causing Leslie to fall into the abyss.


Leslie's screams echoed and soon faded as she disappeared into the darkness of the abyss.


Meanwhile in LexCorp...

Lex was sitting at his desk, waiting for hours. While he was a patient young man but even he had his limits, how long does it take for the supervillain girls to take out & capture the Masters CEO? It should be an easy task on their caliber even if it is Lilith they're going after.

Lex: I might as well contact them. If they get carried away with her, my plans to have those secrets she possess will be all for naught-


Lex: What the?!

Lex got up from his desk to see what was going on, his eyes widened upon seeing the supervillain girls piled up, completely & utterly injured. Lex checks on them, the pulse is there and meaning they're still alive but unconscious.

Lilith's voice: Leeeeeeeeex....

The teenage mega billionaire turns to the large hole in the glass window to see Lilith standing there, the lightning flashed to illuminate her cold expression.

Lex: (narrowed his eyes) Lilith Masters...

Lilith: Lex Luthor.... The youngest mega billionaire extraordinaire in the world. It's been awhile since we've met... I believe these girls belong to you...?

Lex: I have no clue what you're talking about? But seeing if you're here, perhaps you've reconsidered my offer-

Lilith: Not now or ever. Lex, I commend you for your brilliant mind and means of talent but it doesn't take a genius to know that your ambitions are anything but good....

Lilith walks towards Lex, who attempts to activate his security system but suddenly his systems & machinery started to explode, much to his shock. He then met Lilith's dark eyes, uneasiness & fear welling up in him.

Lilith: I don't care about exposing your true ambitions to the world but one way or another... Your world will come crashing down. If you continue to try to pursue me, try to hurt anyone in my family or those associated with me... What I did to your villain girls will be nothing compared to your unpleasant end...

Lex: ......

Lilith: You've been warned...

Once the lightning flashed, Lilith had vanished, leaving a fearful, distraught and angry Lex Luthor to the destruction of his machinery and the unconscious villain girls.


At Blake's place....

We see Blake, Beck, Mason and the superhero girls on the couch, taking a break from the accursed monster hunting.

Beck: Man, that was crazy.

Kara: You said it. Talking about fighting a horde...

Karen: They were terrifying times ten...

Zee: One of those monsters came close to ruining my hair. Does it look okay?

Mason: It looks fine so far, no acid marks. It looks fabulous.

Zee: (blushes) Hehehehe.... T-Thanks.

Casey comes in with two large bowl of tater tots along with two trays of pizza.

Casey: Here's a meal for your hard work.

Kara: Heck yeah!

Everyone digged in.

Casey: Here's a vegan style pizza for you, Jessica.

Jessica: Why thank you.

Diana: Sisters and Brothers! While the war is far from over, the battle of today is ours! (Eats a four meat style pizza)

Babs: Preach & testify sister!

Blake: Casey...

Casey: Huh?

Blake: You said my sister was dealing with the villain girls, yes?

Casey: Uh-huh, she told us to leave while she deals with them alone, Cassidy went back after getting us to safety while Barbi told me to head home so she can accompany her, I wanted to help too but I was cornered by some... unwanted guests on the way back but I'm fine now.

Blake: I see...

Karen: Who's Cassidy?

Blake: An old friend of mine.

The doors suddenly opened as Cassidy and Barbi came in with Lilith behind them.

Beck: Barbi. Cassidy. Lilith.

Blake: Are you alright?

Barbi: We're fine.

Cassidy: Yeah. I wish I could've kicked the villain girls butts but you had all the fun yourself Lilith.

Lilith: Now now, don't be like that. You'll have your opportunity.

Mason: Are you okay sister?

Lilith: Yes. But for now, I need some rest. It was quite a day.

Kara: So you beat the villain girls by yourself?

Babs: What happened to them?

Lilith: It's a long story, I'll tell you later.

Lilith went to one of the rooms.

Cassidy: Hey, tots and pizza. I've been itching for another meal since the other was ruined.

Barbi: Modern but fine at best.

Blake: Come on over then.

Diana: Yes, indulge in our victory meal.

Barbi and Cassidy joined in the meal while Blake introduced Cassidy to the group while they have their moment.


At the supervillain girls hideout...

Things were not going the villain girls' way from the physical, mental and emotional torment by Lilith to the straight up lecture and earful from lex after he had his medical bots tend to their injuries. Unkind words were said and shots were fired to the supervillain girls failures, who were going to tear Lex apart & take the reward but Lex was far ahead of them.

He didn't just have a contingency plan for countering the superhero girls, invinci-bros or superman's powers but the supervillain girls as well. After that, he beamed them out of LexCorp and into a dumpster.

Once they got to their hideout, fighting over the shower as soon they were done each showering off the garbage and gunk, Giganta was heard roaring and throwing dumbbells around.


Poison Ivy: Will you please calm down, you buffoon.

Giganta: Calm down? CALM DOWN?! We just got our butts kicked AGAIN, and you want ME to CALM DOWN?!?! (Glares at Ivy)

Poison Ivy: (glares at giganta) You're not the only one upset with the outcome but throwing a tantrum isn't gonna make things better.

Giganta: Tch! I don't take orders from a puny & crazy plant girl!

Poison Ivy growls at the two were gonna go to blows but Catwoman stopped them.

Catwoman: Enough! This is getting us nowhere and fighting like children ain't gonna change that. Next time, we'll be ready-

Livewire: (growls furiously) Next time... NEXT TIME?! THIS IS NO NEXT TIME!

The three turn to a very pissed off Livewire.

Livewire: We literally just went through a complete and utterly insane nightmare and you're saying that there's gonna a next time, Never!

Catwoman: (narrows her eyes) What?

Livewire: I always knew Lilith was dangerous, but I didn't know back then until now!

Star Sapphire: I agree with Sparky over here, it's bad enough! Coming close to and exactly beating the superhero girls but they always beat us & not just them now but the hybrid and now Blake's frightening older sister! I might be traumatized for life for what she put me through (Pokes a finger at Catwoman's chest) AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Catwoman: (hisses) My fault? We all accepted the job to catch her!

Star Sapphire: Well you're the leader of this team, correct? So what happened to us and the results of the mission is your responsibility!

Catwoman: Don't tempt me or you'll be getting an appointment with my claws, crazy girl.

Star Sapphire: Try me, Ms. Steals a lot!

The five villains were about to go at it.

Harley: Girls, we all messed up & failed! Can't we just-

Catwoman, Star Sapphire, Giganta, Poison Ivy and Livewire: SHUT UP HARLEY!!!


Poison Ivy: JUST GO AWAY!!!

Harley backs away all hurt and left the hideout in tears.

Catwoman: Now look at what you've done.

Poison Ivy: Oh please, don't innocent yourself! You only care about you and what benefits you on this pathetic team!

Catwoman: Oh this coming from you of all people, wanting to use anyone to 'save nature', what an unattainable goal.

Poison Ivy growls.

Catwoman: Hmph. I guess you're right... It was pathetic to lead a team of nincompoops who don't know what they're doing & can't do anything right.

Star Sapphire: That's it! I'd had it!

She stomps towards the door.

Catwoman: And where are you going?

Star Sapphire: (glares at the four villains) I'm through being a criminal to be beaten up and thrown in jail every day, I went through the most horrific experience of my life and that was the last straw! I'M DONE!! I'M DONE BEING A VILLAIN, I'M DONE WITH THIS STUPID TEAM & I'M DONE WITH ALL OF YOU IDIOTS! I QUIT!!!!!!

That struck the four villains as Star Sapphire flies away from the hideout. Poison Ivy then heads for the door as well.

Catwoman: Oh you too?

Poison Ivy: This team was a disaster to fail anyway, it was only a matter of time before it fell apart. I never wanted to attack Lilith but it was my mistake. Despite her wanting to help humans whom I despise, she truly respected nature, she even gave a true symbol of life but now after what she showed me in that realm, the path I took with you all need to end! I'll find a way to still save the plants of this world on my own if I have to, so good riddance!

And with that, Ivy was gone.

Livewire: You know what? I'm gone.

Catwoman: Leslie-

Livewire: No. I'm through, you won't get the big picture since you only care about the rewards of the mission. Lilith just put us through hell and you think next time will be able to beat her... (Let's out a cruel chuckle) No, she could've killed us in that world if she wanted to but... we were nothing but mere flies... I still want to make amends with Blake but right now, I don't think this team is going to help change that...

Catwoman: Oh really? Is that it? After what happened to you up to now, you still think you'll have a chance with him after you nearly killed him-


Catwoman was sent plummeting to the ground, holding her sore left cheek and turned with a snarl at the furious Livewire.

Livewire: You better not push my buttons, Selina! What happened to Blake was an accident, so continue to piss me off & what's going to happen to you WON'T BE AN ACCIDENT!!!

Catwoman was shocked but narrowed her eyes. Livewire glares at her before leaving the hideout. Giganta was silent for a moment before just turning around to leave as well without a word. Catwoman got up to her feet, hissing in annoyance.

Catwoman: Fine, I was more of a solo feline anyway...

Catwoman herself left, leaving the hideout abandoned.

With Livewire, she was walking through the rain as she noticed Giganta following her.

Livewire: Why are you following me? The team's dead so you can just go home & leave me alone.

Giganta sighs.

Giganta: True but... You're not alone.

Livewire turns to the giant.

Giganta: (sympathetic look) I know I don't usually say this but you're my best friend Les, even though we had our ups and downs, we have quite the bond...

Livewire looks at her for a moment before laughing a little.

Giganta: (annoyed) What's so funny?

Livewire: Oh nothing... Hehehe, didn't know the meathead had a soft side, never really seen you like that to anyone, even your parents.

Giganta: (blushes) S-Shut up! Y-Yeah, my parents are nerds and I barely give them a time in the day but I don't hate 'em! Plus, I... still care about you...

Livewire: ..... Ok, who are you and what have you done with Giganta?

Giganta: (glares) Do you want me to smash you into the pavement where you're the nail & my fist is the hammer?

Livewire: And there's the meathead I know and love. Ah... C'mon, let's go to my house for a movie, that'll take our minds off today.

Giganta: Action, Comedy or Horror?

Livewire: All of the above.

Giganta: (smiles) Now we're talking.

The two head walk in the stormy night.

Livewire: (in her mind) Despite what Lilith put me through that I deserve... I'm not giving up on you, Blake... not by a long shot...

To be continued...

(Chapter 16 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! My oc Cassidy Li makes her debut, three villains see Beck's powers in actions, Lex hired the supervillain girls to go after Lilith for his own goals but Lilith isn't someone who you can easily threaten upon revealing her frightening power and putting the villain girls through physical, mental and emotional torment worse than the last. After their failure, the supervillain girls were at their limit and broke up, what will happen now? What will they do now that they've gone their separate ways? Find out soon, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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