Leslie's solo mission

The next day....

Blake was seen walking in the kitchen as a wonderful smell was in the air. He then sees Casey Krinsky had just finished making breakfast.

Blake: Greetings Casey.

Casey turns to him with a smile.

Casey: Hello Blake, breakfast is ready.

Blake: You can cook?

Casey: I've learned a lot culinary arts in cooking, yes.

Casey brings the tray of food over to the table but trips over a bump in the floor, the tray, plates and food going in the air. Blake was about to catch the objects and food but Casey yelled out.

Casey: I got it!

Casey stood up and managed to catch the tray with one hand along with the plates and food landing perfectly on the tray itself, completely okay.

Casey: Phew. Hehe, sorry about that.

Blake: It's fine Casey. Good catch. See your training is paying off, and you've gotten a bit taller and some means of bulk on you.

Casey: (placing the food on the table) What?

Blake: Allow me to show you.

Blake places his hands on the ground, forming a reflective full length mirror of ice. Casey looks in the ice mirror, eyes widened a bit with a small gasp. While wearing a black shirt & a dark purple jogging pants, She has gotten a bit taller than her usual height but not too much and her body has bulked up a bit to her feminine yet chubby physique. She was quite surprised by her growth progress in her training.

Casey: This is rather... unexpected and well excellent.

Blake: It shows how strong and beautiful you truly are in progress without using your powers to be someone else.

Casey blushes at the compliment.

Casey: T-Thanks.

Blake: You're welcome.

The two would settle down for breakfast, Blake actually enjoyed Casey's cooking and complimenting the girl on such a well made breakfast, Casey smiles happily and accepted the thanks. After breakfast, the two would head outside and take a little walk through metropolis, leaving the house.


Meanwhile Leslie's house up top of the hill....

Leslie herself got ready for the day, freshening up & donning her usual punk attire, getting her phone which was at three percent as she applies an electric shock to the phone, charging the battery up to one hundred percent.

She had some things on her mind; After the fight with the Hybrid Omen, he knows about her and her friends being supervillains but has no interest in exposing their secrets to Metropolis so she & the others are in the clear on that but still must be cautious. Selina instructed her, Carol, Pam and Harleen to heal and wait until the time is right to spring their trap in order to get Hybrid Omen on their side but not before issuing payback on him for singlehandedly swatting them away like flies.

Selina even told Leslie to inform Doris on the information. Leslie decided to screw the feline's thief plans, she wanted to hunt Hybrid Omen down herself, he has answers from her past he shouldn't know about as well as Blake... he thought about him in the Hybrid Omen's words of stating that there's a lot of karma and suffering coming her way, her past ghosts she'll see everywhere... even in her nightmares.

She shook that eerie message off, not wanting to think about it now. Before she could get to Hybrid Omen, she's going to do some sneaking around to see if Blake is the Blake she knew and not just someone playing games with her. Is he alive or is he dead? She needs to know and not wanting to think it's a sick joke.

Leslie's phone ring as it was Doris who was calling. She answers via video chat, Doris appearing on the screen.

Leslie: Hey Doris.

Doris: Sup Les. You wanted to talk to me about something?

Leslie: Yeah, it's about the new guy the Head Feline wants.

Doris: What about him?

Leslie then tells Doris what happened between the hero girls, herself, the villain girls and the Hybrid Omen as well as their humiliation, him dearly dropping Leslie in the air and him knowing about their true identities.

Doris: No way! He beat you all just like that and he knows who we are?!

Leslie: Yeah, but he's not gonna expose us so we're clear on that.

Doris: Well he's roadkill the next we meet, I'll flatten him!

Leslie: We can't simply try to beat him head on, meathead. Think! He effortlessly took us out like trash, he nearly made me hit the pavement from the air if he didn't listen to blunder woman, he could've killed us whether you were here or not... it's like he wasn't interested in us.

Doris: (growls) What? So he thinks he's too good for us, huh? That we're not a threat?!

Leslie: Pretty much. Harleen told us that he's focused on the monsters appearing in metropolis as well as the assassins who jumped you probably. Though he's not a hero or a villain, Hybrid Omen is here to stop something worse than us, trying to shape the entire world in it's twisted image or something.

Doris: Something worse? Who or what can be worse than us?!

Leslie: I wish I knew, Zuel. I wish I knew...

Doris: Crap... I still wanna take a crack at him.

Leslie chuckles at Doris's stubbornness.

Leslie: Anyways, Selina instructed everyone to stand down for now, wait for the right moment to spring our trap on the Hybrid guy so he'll be on our side once we're through with humiliating him first.

Doris: Fine. As long as I get first shot once I meet this hybrid freak.

Leslie: Got it, muscles for brains. But what exactly were you doing that day when we were dealing with him?

Doris: Was training for the wrestling summer event, it's coming in a few days.

Leslie: (deadpan) Really Doris?

Doris: What? I told you it was a major opportunity and I took it! Plus, I plan to make a big impact once I join the event.

Leslie: Yeah, Yeah. Well good luck.

Doris: Heh. I don't need luck.

Leslie: Well you have the Head Feline's instructions, I gotta go. See ya.

Doris: See ya, Les.

Leslie ended the call as she then walks out of the house, beginning her own solo mission in finding the answers she's looking for.


During their walk, Blake and Casey met up with Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Jessica and Karen.

Blake: Greetings Girls.

Diana: Greetings to you too, Blake & Casey.

Casey: Good to see you all as well.

Babs: Say... Casey, have you gotten a bit taller?

Casey: Y-Yes, why?

Kara steps up to Casey, causing the girl to back away a bit nervously while the punk rock kryptonian narrowed her eyes in staring at Casey up and down. Kara then grabs Casey's left hand with her right, surprising the girl, both were in a grip lock handshake with both Kara's and Casey's arms bulging and flexing with large muscle.

Kara: Yep. You're even stronger too, got a good grip.

Casey: T-Thanks. You too. Although, you're still stronger than me.

Kara released Casey's hand and pats her back, earning a yelp from the Krinsky girl.

Blake: She's been in good progress on her training.

Diana: Well that is good. You'll be quite the formidable warrior in arms, perhaps I'll test you myself soon.

Casey: Perhaps when I'm ready. While I am improving, I don't think I'm ready yet to take on an Amazon.

Diana: Very well, I'll wait until you are fully prepared.

Blake: Since we're all here, let's have a little fun on the town.

Jessica: Sure.

Then they heard a commotion and saw a couple of jocks picking on a small teenage boy with short slightly bushed up black hair, fair skin with freckles, clear blue eyes, wore a red shirt, dark blue shorts, white socks and gray & white sneakers.

It was Garth Bernstein aka Aqualad of the Invincibros. He's usually one of the most targeted for bullying in Metropolis high school, Doris being one of those who stuffs him in a locker most times. Right now, The jocks were laughing arrogantly while holding up bowls of fish and playing keep away from Garth as they were taller than him.

Garth: Hey, stop that!

Jock Leader: Thanks for the fishes, loser. They'll be great for grilling and fish sticks.

Garth: Nonono! Anything but that! Leave them alone!

Jock 2: Make us shrimp! Mmmm... Shrimp~

Karen: Hey, they're picking on Garth!

Jessica: And endangering the fishes! That's animal cruelty!

Blake: (coldly) I'll handle this.

Kara: (cracks her knuckles) You're not the only one.

Blake and Kara head over to the jocks who were pushing Garth down while tauntingly threatening to drop the bowls of fishes.

Kara: Hey!

The jocks stopped and turned to Blake and Kara walking towards them.

Jock 3: What do you want?

Blake: My friend and I couldn't help but see you lot picking on the boy and trying to endanger his pet fishes.

Jock 4: Yeah. What of it, one eye doofus?

Blake: I suppose you all think you're tough, hmm? A couple of so called strong guys picking on with a defenseless boy and his pets, you must be reeeeeal proud.

The jocks glared at Blake.

Kara: You're nothing but a bunch of idiotic jerks. How about you pick on someone who can actually kick your asses.

Jessica: Kara, Language!

Kara ignored her as her attention was on the jocks.

Jock Leader: Oh yeah, and what are you two gonna do against the eight of us? You're outnumbered and outgunned so how about you two go back to your pansy, uncool friends over there & mind your own business or else.

Diana, Babs, Zee, Jessica, Karen and Casey glared at the jock's insults at them. Kara growled angrily while Blake took a deep, calm breath.

Blake: I get the obvious feeling you're going to be difficult... You have two choices: 1. You release the boy, his pets and walk away or 2. You'll be flat on your backs hurt, staring at the sky.

Two jocks then spat in the faces of Blake and Kara, the rest of the jocks laughed.

Zee: Ew, so repulsive! These buffoons have no class!

Blake wipes the spit off his face with a sleeve of his arm as Kara did the same. Kara had a very furious look in her eyes while Blake had a very calm yet haunting look in his eye.

Jock Leader: Ha! Like we're scared of you two losers!

Blake: .... So, choice 2 it is.

Kara: Oh I'm gonna enjoy this...

Jock Leader: Ya think you're gonna beat us, huh?! You're not gonna do sh-


Narrator: One brawl later....


The Jock Leader and his pals were on the ground, completely beaten to a pulp, clothes tattered, bruises with black eyes, bones broken and some teeth missing. Blake carefully places the bowls of fish on the cart Garth was using while Kara helps up the Atlantean to his feet.

Garth: T-Thanks Kara.

Kara: No prob, Garth.

Karen, Diana, Zee, Jessica, Babs and Casey ran over to the three with Karen checking on Garth.

Karen: G-Garth! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?

Garth: No, just shoving and pushing me. They were going to beat me up but Kara and this guy saved me and my ocean friends here.

Karen smiled as he hugged her friend, glad that he was okay. Babs saw that Kara and Blake's work on the jocks and winced at the sight.

Babs: Yeesh, you two really did a number on these jerks.

Zee: I'll say.

Jessica: Well normally I'm not okay with violence, but if you two hadn't stepped in, Garth and the fishes wouldn't been hurt badly.

Blake: (to Garth) Your sea friends are safe.

Garth: Thanks. Who are you?

Blake: My name is Blake. I'm a friend of the girls here.

Garth: My name is Garth Bernstein, nice to meet you.

Blake shakes his hand, he looks into his eyes, seeing something in him like he saw in Lena Luthor and Casey Krinsky. He could also tell that Garth wasn't human and had some dormant potential as well, perhaps he can help him out sometime.

Garth: So are you new to metropolis?

Blake: No. I used to live here in Metropolis when I was very young. I just came back for vacation, call it a trip down memory lane.

Garth: Oh ok. Well I gotta get my fish friends back home, thank you and Kara for the help.

Blake: No problem.

Kara: See you around.

Garth nodded with a smile as he leaves with his bowls of fish on a cart. Blake, Casey and the girls then head on off unaware that Leslie had appeared and hid before, seeing the whole commotion.

Leslie: (in her mind) Doris was right... this guy can fight. And he just mentioned that he lived in Metropolis before, hmmm... I better follow them and know more.

Leslie then follows them secretly.


At one of the main areas of Metropolis, Zee was seen in her magician attire performing a wonderful magic act. Blake, Casey, Diana, Kara, Babs, Jessica and Karen along with a huge crowd of civilians were there witnessing her performance involving special card tricks, levitating through three hoops in mid air, sawing herself in half and escaping a tank of shark while confined in a straight jacket. After the sharks swarmed her, they soon scattered as the shredded remains of the straight jacket was seen but no Zee, people were wondering what happened as there was no blood or guts in the shark tank. Then a loud ahem was heard as they saw Zee standing on of the magic disappearing box with her signature glamorous pose.

Zee: Ta-da!

The crowd along with her friends clapped at the performance, one random jerk was going to yell out "Fake!" to ruin the flow but Blake grabs him from behind, the person struggling as he puts him to sleep in a chokehold. Zee saw this and smiles as Blake gives a thumbs up, she remembered telling Blake about how she wanted to be a wonderful magician like her father but some people would insult and say her acts were fake in which the young magician would unfortunately let her anger get the best of her, her magic would run amok and cause some problems.

Luckily, Blake helped her out as Zee took a bow for her lovely audience.

Zee: Thank you! Thank you! You've been a glorious audience! 

While this was going on, Leslie was seen watching the event sitting on at a nearby table, trench coat and hat in all. While she cared less about Zee's magic shot but she had this sudden feeling of jealousy upon seeing Blake looking at Zee... even though it was a friendly matter. The electric villainess shook the feeling off as she had to get back to her investigation.


Next, Blake, Casey and the girls were continuing their walk through metropolis until someone ran into Blake, the other guy landing on the ground. It was an athletic looking teenage boy with emerald green eyes, short brown hair, fair skin and was wearing a dark green and lightish gray shirt, dark gray-ish blue jeans and dark gray and white sneakers.

It was the high school jock Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern & the leader of the Invincibros. While Hal is a kind guy, he can sometimes be full of himself.

Blake: Apologies-

Hal: No time to talk, hide me man!

Hal then hid behind Blake, Casey and the girls as they heard someone yelling Hal's name and they immediately recognize the person coming their way being Carol Ferris.

Carol: Hal Jordan! Where are you?!

Carol turns to Blake, Casey and the girls. She gave Jessica a nasty glare which made her feel uneasy then she turns Blake, eyes widened as she remembered the pictures Harleen showed her of him with her & Babs.

Carol: (In her mind) OH NO HE'S HOT IN PERSON! Ugh! Get it together Ferris! (Glares at the group to speak) Alright, where is he? I know he's near somewhere!

Hal prayed that they wouldn't rat him out.

Blake: And who might be this person be?

Carol: Hal Jordan, the most handsome guy & star quarterback in Metropolis high school! Where is he?! Are you hiding from me (points the finger at Jessica) Jessica Cruz, I'll never let you have him!!

Jessica facepalms, annoyed & muttering in Spanish.

Jessica: Carol, we've been through this... I don't have a thing for Hal.

Carol: He always tends to hang with you more than me, don't you lie!

Jessica: He's a friend and like an annoying brother sometimes than a boyfriend! Why is he running from you, I thought you and him got back together?

Kara: (deadpan) Let me guess... He broke up with you again, didn't he?

Carol glared angrily at the Group.

Casey: We'll take the angry silence as a yes...

Babs: Entering the danger zone... Slowly back away, she can smell fear & will attack from a hint of movement, so don't move until she passes...

Zee: Babs, Carol's not a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Blake glances Carol, knowing her alter ego Star Sapphire. He decided to speak up to the cheerleader.

Blake: Carol, was it?

Carol: Yes and you must be Blake? Harleen told me about you...

Blake: I see. I take it that you and Hal have some relationship issues resulting in break up?

Carol: (narrowed her eyes) I don't see how that's any business of yours. So watch what you say before you land in too deep...

Blake: (unaffected) Easy, I don't want to intrude on your love life or force you to do anything you don't want to do. But if you need to talk about your problems, I'm willing to listen while you have the floor to speak.

Carol smiles a little.

Carol: Not that I need it but thanks, I'll keep it in mind. Now... Where is he?

Kara: (annoyed) Oh for the love of... He went that way.

Carol: Thanks!

Carol ran off to the direction Kara pointed. Once the lovesick cheerleader was out of sight, Hal pops out of his hiding place.

Hal: Phew, that was close. (To Blake) Thanks for the assist, uhhh... who are you?

Blake: I'm Blake.

Babs: He's a new friend of ours, he came back to Metropolis for the summer.

Hal: Name's Hal Jordan, nice to meet ya.

Blake: Same.

Jessica: (whispers to Blake) Blake, I must warn you that Hal can be a good person but sometimes he tends to get... egotistical and annoying sometimes.

Hal: Hey!

Jessica: Speaking of which, what happened between you & Carol again? I thought you two patch things up after the whole Sinestro and Dexter/Dex-Starr accident!

Hal: Well she started getting super clingy again... and a bit creepy where she scares away the bros & gals I'm hanging with...

Jessica: You barely paid attention to her again, didn't you?

Hal: No! Maybe? A little?

Jessica slugs Hal on the arm.

Hal: Ouch! Okay, I messed up again! I'm sorry but I have to break it off with her, you know how she is!

Jessica: Yes but you're not any better either! This is worse than the last two times you broke up her! Idiota!

Blake: Two times?

Jessica: Once he broke up with her in a text.

Blake gave Hal a "Are you an idiot?" glare, Hal smiles sheepishly.

Jessica: The second was on Valentine's day during this whole mess with three lanterns, Carol included trying to get to him and I'm usually pulled into his shenanigans.

Hal: I can't help if I'm so good looking, it's a gift and a curse Jess!

Blake: (sighs deeply) Hal, I just met you. You seem like a good person but now as Jessica tells some of the craziest events you've put yourself in... (Glares coldly in Hal's eyes) I already feel like I want to beat you to the brink of unconsciousness.

Hal gulped, usually he's not afraid but next to his fear of Carol, this guy's putting a different level of fear in him. Kara couldn't help but try and fail to control her laughter.

Blake: But I'm not gonna do that. (Hears the first voice in his head) No matter how much he might deserve it. I could drain his blood. (Second voice spoke to the first voice) Do I have to freeze you again?

Hal sighed in relief.

Blake: Anyways, we should be on our way.

Jessica: And you need to clear things with Carol cuz I can't keep bailing you out, you need to face your fear & talk to her.

Hal: If she doesn't try to rid my head off... Well, I'll see ya later.

Hal takes his leave while Blake, Casey and the girls go in the other direction. Leslie was hiding in the shadows, trying not to laugh at what took place, she was definitely gonna mess with Carol on the gossip, she can already hear her crazy & hilarious outbursts now to post. She secretly continues to follow the group to their next destination.


The group head to a nice restaurant for a meal. While there getting a table, the group met up with Barbi.

Barbi: Ah, Blake, Casey and others. Good to see you.

Blake: Good to see you too. I take it you're dining here as well.

Barbi: Why yes, I am. How about I treat you all to the food here.

Jessica: oh Nonono... We couldn't.

Barbi: Oh but I assist. My daddy is on good terms with the owners of this restaurant. Allow me to treat you all.

Diana: Then we accept the offer.

The group followed Barbi inside. Leslie herself comes in as there was a long line of civilians waiting for their reservations and tables. The shockjock was going to cut in but a snobbish girl and her group stop her.

Snobbish Girl: Like, what do you think you're doing?

Snobbish Girl 2: It's bad enough we have to wait in line like these uncool people to get in.

Snobbish Girl 3: But we ain't lettiin' a street rat, flat & skinny, ugly punk like you cut in front of us, back of the line. And new flash, your outfit sooooo tacky.

The three girl laughed as Leslie glared at them, no one talks to her like that without being in for a shock. So... She decided on a funny thought.

Leslie: Well you guys aren't actually supermodels yourself but if you insist, I'll wait behind you.

Stubborn Girl: That's what we thought you say.

The three girls turned around, Leslie grinned mischievously as her hands were coated in electricity, she grabs the first girl's shoulder, quietly shocking her to knock her out followed by the other two unnoticed, the three girls now on the ground, twitching and knocked out. Leslie decided to do the same thing to the others waiting in line while passing through.

Leslie: Scuse me. Pardon me. Coming through. Watch it loser. Shocking dreams. Oops he fell. She'll have a bad hair day. Oh no, he had a stroke. You snooze, you lose. Night night. Sorry, not sorry. Dead man falling. Move it or lose it.

Soon, Leslie was in front of the line and luckily, the person manning the line has his back turned to tie his shoes as she slipped past him, heading inside. She looks around, passing people who were enjoying their food, Leslie spots Blake and the group at a table with Barbi, having a conversation while waiting for their order.

Leslie: (rolls her eyes) Of course miss prim and perfect in cheetah spots is here....

Leslie gets under an empty table as a waiter walked by, Leslie grabs his legs and drags him under the table, blue sparks were seen under the table as Leslie came out wearing the waiter's uniform, a fake moustache and a wig with a small notepad in hand as she heads over Blake's table but was stopped by a man.

Man: Hey! I've been waiting for a while, can I order?

Leslie: (does a voice impression) Ughh... Fine. What do you want?

Man: A medium rare steak with a side of rice, corn bread and fried beans.

Leslie: (writes down the order) There. Is that all?

Man: Yes.

Leslie: Alright, I'll have your order by whatever time it is... (Mutters) Now back to Blake-

Old man: (yells) Hey young man, where's my order?!

Australian Woman: Can I order now, mate?!

African American Man: My family and I have been waiting patiently, can you please take our order?

French Woman: Excuse me but yours truly has been patient long enough, I demand my order.

Leslie looks back at the table where Blake and the others were as another waiter & waitress brought them their orders. Other waiters and waitresses were all busy taking orders, Leslie groans as she has to fill in a couple of orders herself.


Narrator: A few moments later...


Leslie got through taking people's orders, heading to the kitchen and hands a cook the notepad filled with the customers food orders.

Leslie: (breathing heavily & wheezing) Huff... Huff... Here's your freakin' orders to fill out and blah blah blah! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my break-

Leslie yelped & was grabbed by one of the head chefs in the kitchen.

Chef: Oh Nononono, Did you forget that you have try out our latest work?!

Leslie: (raised an eyebrow in confusion) try out your latest work?

Chef: Of course! Did you forget? You are also the taste tester! It says so on your name tag!

Leslie looks on the waiter's uniform and saw the name tag that read Mr. Ross, professional waiter and taste tester.

Chef: Some famous guests are coming and we need you to sample our rare exquisite dishes to see if they're perfect for them!

Leslie: Oh Nonono! There's no way I'm-

Leslie was dragged away into the kitchen and placed into a seat as she saw a group of chefs with plates of exotic foods, standard to exquisite.

Chef 2: Here's a sample my prized Shrimp Casserole, sir! (Stuffed a spoonful in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 3: The Banana Pudding dessert of mine is the best out of every chef's! (stuffs a spoonful in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 4: Try my seasoned Boneless Chicken breasts! (Stuffs the food in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 5: Here's my prized Chocolate coated Blueberry cream pie! (Stuffs a slice of pie in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 6: Try my famous Beef Ramen! (Takes a fork of beef ramen and stuff it in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 7: Here's my spicy supreme nachos! (Stuffs the sample in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 8: Try my latest marshmallow style brownies! (Stuffs the brownie slice in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 9: Taste my fried calamari! It's absolutely amazing! (Stuffs the sample in Leslie's mouth)

Chef 10: Try the-

Leslie: (muffled yell via full mouth of food) Wait, wait, wait!!!

Leslie swallowed the food slowly, breathing heavily.

Leslie: (glared in annoyance) Could you not try not overstuff and choke me with your food dishes?! Seriously!

Chef: You're right, Sir. I apologize for the quick feeding but we're on a tight schedule & ya still have to sample the dishes to see if they're perfect for our famous guests coming in.

He claps his hands as the other chefs bring in more trays of rare exotic foods. Leslie's left eye twitched with a groan.


Narrator: A few moments later...


The table was a mess with plates of finished or semi finished foods piled up on the table, Leslie herself sat with a groan, completely stuffed holding her now larger stomach from the food she sampled.

Chef: So... What do you think?

Leslie's response was a massive belch.

Leslie: (in her head) I think my heart just stopped... Can't... Eat another bite, I'll explode... They'll have to hose me off the walls...

Chef: I'll take that as a yes! Great work, Mr. Ross! Luckily, we have spares of the samples you ate, our restaurant will reach new heights! How about a special dessert as a reward?

Leslie: (groans) Oooooh... Uuuuurp! No more... I'm think gonna... hurl...!

A loud grumble came from Leslie's stomach as the disguised electric villainess turns a sickly green, signaling that she was indeed gonna hurl. With one hand on her huge stomach and the other on her mouth, Leslie quickly got up, runs pass the chefs and out of the kitchen, shrieking.

Leslie: BATHROOM!!!!

Not caring who she knocked aside, Leslie stormed into the women's bathroom but since she was disguised as a male waiter, screams were heard as three women ran out as Leslie was heard puking in one of the women's bathroom stalls.


Narrator: One minute later...


Leslie was seen leaving the bathroom, her bloated stomach now back to normal and had a bit of after sickness. She growled angrily in annoyance as she sent a quick electric volt near the kitchen as Chefs can be heard screaming as it cuts to the stoves, friers and ovens short circuiting and exploding on splashing their food which got on them and the kitchen, forming a giant mess.

Chef: My kitchen! My dishes! A mess! Ruined! (Cries)

Leslie sees that Blake and the others are gone, perfect... She thought sarcastically as those annoying chefs wasted her time. Leslie grabs some nearby mints and stomped out of the restaurant.


Next, we see Blake, Casey, the girls with Barbi joining in, at the metropolis pier and once again, Leslie is secretly following them.

Blake: This place sure brings back memories.

Babs: Really? How so?

Blake: My family & I would come here most often to have fun during our younger days. Heck, Barbi and I have been here together a couple of times.

Barbi: I still have the gold cat necklace you won for me in the skeeball game, took a couple of tries and tickets but thanks.

Jessica: I know you said that Barbi is your childhood friend and you're rich but how did you two meet?

Blake: Back then, I was quite a very shy boy but I still wouldn't take crap from bullies. Now Barbi can take care of herself no problem back then and now, but some delinquent boys wanted to ask her out.

Barbi: I didn't like the way they looked at me then, they thought by going out with me, they would have high rank status. I wasn't interested in the slightest yet they wouldn't take no for an answer...

Jessica: So they decided to force you?

Karen: That's just mean.

Barbi: Yes. I had to fight but the numbers game caught up with me. Then Blake shows up, even the odds even though it was two against seven, we took care of the problem.

Blake: That was the start of our bond despite being from rich families that we'd look out each other. As I said before, I'm aware of her snobbish popular girl behavior but Barbi is willing to change her ways.

Barbi smiles.

Diana: Well I appreciate the bond you two have made and the current bonds we all have.

Babs: That got me thinking... Who else besides Barbi did you become friends with in the past?

Blake: I had some friends in the past who lived in Metropolis, the ones who tried to use me for money and buying expensive items don't count. There's Cassidy, Neville, Harold, Hiroshi, Ramona, Rhea, Aliyah,  Matthew, Savannah, Joey, his sister Jo, Heather, Miyuki, Oliver-

Zee: Oliver?! You're not talking about Oliver Queen, are you?! (Points an accusing finger & a dramatic stern glare at Blake)

Blake: No, I meant a different one. Why?

Zee: Oh thank God... Sorry, he kinda an arch rival of mine for the spotlight, I really can't stand him and he's total prima donna diva in the ways of acting on theatre stage.

Blake: Ok.... Then there's Mayumi, Logan and finally... Leslie.

All: Leslie?!

Leslie who was watching from afar heard her name shout aloud.

Kara: You're not talking about the same shockjock gothic prankster Leslie Willis, are you?

Blake: You heard right...

Kara: How can you be friends with her when you were young?!

Diana: She's quite a tricky individual of seeing others humiliation in "Mean in spirit" as hilarious which is not.

Blake: Well... Back then, I actually liked her pranks back when they weren't Mean in spirit... She was quite a fun person to hang with, my family had different thoughts & told me maybe I should stay away from her, I wanted to give her a chance... but in the end, I was just a fool to see any good in her when she found "new" material for her pranks, her true colors showed & I paid the price...

Jessica: So she humiliated you?!

Blake: (eerily calm) Something like that...

Barbi: That would probably explain your cold demeanor & encounter with Leslie at the park, what earth did she do to you?

Blake: (eerily calm) Trust me, you're best off not knowing... You wouldn't be able to handle the excruciating details of what happened...

Kara: Aww c'mon, how bad could it be?

Zee elbows her in the gut, glaring sternly at the kryptonian.

Blake: (eerily calm) Let's say pranks can be fun but go too far... some unfortunate events could happen to the victim or the prankster..... (suddenly smiles warmly) but enough about that, let's have some fun.

Blake heads to one of the arcade games, the girls, Casey and Barbi had suspicious and worried looks but decided to not think about it now and have some fun. Leslie heard everything from her hiding place and had a look of calm sadness with her eyes in guilt. While she had another goal in this mission to locate Hybrid Omen, she decided to scrap it from another time, for now, she needed to get Blake alone...


It was quite the fun day for the group, Babs won a lot of tickets to earn a new silver bat necklace with red blood jeweled eyes, Diana and Kara were entering the test of strength hammer challenge... which wounded breaking the machine. Karen was killing it with the dance revolution game, Blake, Casey and Barbi were playing skeeball, Jessica and Zee went into the house of mirrors. So far, they were having a blast with the rides and games. Leslie, however, decided to follow and wait until the time is right.


Later as the sun was going down, Diana and their group went their separate ways while saying goodbye to Blake, Casey and Barbi, who joins the two on their back to Blake's vacation home.

Casey: This was quite a blast today.

Barbi: Indeed.

Blake: Are you sure you wanted continue the training today, Barbi?

Barbi: But of course, I already texted daddy that I'll be spending the night with a friend so they'll be no worries.

While the three were walking, Leslie was seen sneaking around and following the three upon spotting the vacation home.

Leslie: So that's where he lives, talk about living large...

The gates opened up as Blake and Casey were about to head in Barbi stopped in her tracks, sniffing out the air, a low growl escaping her lips. Blake and Casey turn to Barbi with concern.

Blake: Barbi?

Casey: What's wrong?

Barbi: I caught a scent. We have an uninvited guest following us....!

Barbi glares in the direction where Leslie was hiding, the electric villainess quickly avoiding the glance.

Leslie: (inwardly curses) Crap, crap, crap!

Barbi sniffs the scent out.

Barbi: The shockjock...

Casey: Wait, Leslie's here somewhere?

Blake's eye narrowed coldly.

Barbi: Probably here to play another impractical joke.

Blake: (calm) You two head inside, I'll deal with our... guest.

The two girls look at him in concern.

Blake: Don't worry. I'll handle it.

Barbi and Casey nods as they walk through the gates and head inside the house. Blake then turns to the hiding place Leslie was hidden in.

Blake: You might as well come on out, I know you're here so stop wasting both of our time.

Leslie muttered curses under her breath before slowly coming out of her hiding place, the shockjock's eyes met blake's cold stare as he turned to walk through the gates, gesturing Leslie to follow him. The electric villainess was very hesitant with a nervous gulp, she decided to walk towards the gates and pass through them with entering the front center of blake's home, the gates closing behind her with a metal clang thud, spooking her.

Leslie then sees Blake sitting on the front porch, meditation style while his cold stare did not waver nor moved from Leslie's direction. Leslie gulps nervously as she tries to speak with no words coming out.

Blake: (calm) What's wrong Les...? You look like you've seen a ghost....

Leslie only stared at Blake, wondering if she really is seeing a ghost or not.

Leslie: Are you really...

Blake: Alive...?

Leslie: Well yeah but how... I thought you were-

Blake: Dead...? Wow, I expected more. I'm surprisingly wounded.

Blake's calm demeanor never changed.

Leslie: .....

Blake: I see you've made... something of yourself from what I've heard while I was away.

Leslie slowly walks towards Blake.

Leslie: So... Is it you... But I... you...

Blake: So many questions but a loss for words....

Leslie: H-How are you still alive? I mean, I'm... glad you are but...

Blake: Oh I'm alive and well but at the same time I was broken and dead...

Leslie: Wait, what?

Blake: You should know... after that fateful day years back...

Leslie went pale.

Leslie: Blake, please... that day wasn't supposed to happen that way... I-It was a mistake...!

Blake: Mistake? (Chuckles coldly) Everyone makes a lot of mistakes, you know and I know too. I had my share of mistakes but my biggest one was trusting you... a fool I was to think I'd befriend someone like you, you showed your true colors & I paid the price for what you've done...

Leslie: Blake, I'm sorry. You're my friend-

Blake: Was your friend, That day... I never forgot & I definitely won't forgive, It wasn't a humiliation, nono... it was a disaster... a very, unspeakable, fatal disaster.

Leslie: ......

Blake: Have you ever thought about how far your tactics in humiliating someone can go, Leslie? Pranks can be funny but take it too far & the result won't be pleasant, no laughs will be heard as someone would get hurt or far worse...

Leslie: Blake, I-I...

Blake: And that is what happened that day... The Blake you knew as a friend... is Dead. And so is my ties with you.

Leslie had sadness in her eyes just hearing that.

Leslie: No... Nonono, Blake please just listen to me.

Blake: Conversation's over... Now leave my home.

The gates behind Leslie opened up but the electric villainess stayed where she was, wanting to reach out to her old friend if he was still in there behind that cold, eerie demeanor.

Leslie: No, I'm not going anywhere until we talk about this!

Blake: There's nothing to talk about... But you're quite persistent & can't take No for an answer, can you... (smirks darkly) Livewire?

Leslie's eyes widened. He knows? Fear rose in the shockjock's heart, how did her old friend know about her secret life as a villain? Leslie's thoughts were interrupted when a hand gripped her shoulder and forced her to turn around, being sprayed in the face by black & glowing blood red mist from the mouth by... Hybrid Omen.

Leslie screamed loudly as she fell to the ground, tossing and turning while holding her face, the strange mist was burning her eyes.

Leslie: AAGGGHHHH!!! My eyes! MY EYES!!!

Blake turns to Hybrid Omen (a blood clone of himself), who smirked at him while he nodded back, both watching Leslie cry out in agony. In pain, The shockjock saw the two together; Her old friend and her enemy together?

Leslie: B-Blake...?! Hybrid-Aaaaah!!

Hybrid Omen: Hahahaha... That mist I sprayed you with will do more than hurt your eyes but why spoil the terrifying surprise of it's effects...?

The two look down on Leslie.

Blake: Goodbye Leslie, I promise you that you're going to get everything that Karma owes you in the worst possible of ways... (To Hybrid Omen) Take her off my property.

Hybrid Omen nods as Blake turns to head back in his house. Leslie felt her consciousness fading, seeing Blake leaving her with Hybrid Omen.

Leslie: (tears falling) Blake... P-Please come back...

Hybrid Omen crouches down to stare Leslie deep in her eyes with a cold, frightening grin.

Hybrid Omen: Ashes to ashes, they all... fall down.

Leslie's world then faded to black.

To be continued....

(The twelfth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Blake and the girls had a fun day, Leslie was sneaking around to follow the group only to get in crazy events, Garth Bernstein/Aqualad and Hal Jordan/Green Lantern make their debut and Blake & Leslie have another encounter/conversation of the events between them which ends on a chilling note. Credit goes to Lightman2120 for the suggestion on showing progress on Casey Krinsky's change & growth in her training as well as an idea of my OC Blake seeing potential in Garth & wanting to help him someday but that's a suggestion for another chapter so I wanna thank him for it. The friends Blake mentioned (except Leslie) are OCS that'll make an appearance in the near future. What's gonna happen next, tune in next time, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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