Jessica's Inner Rage
Another day, Blake, Beck, Mason and Barbi were meeting the girls in an abandoned area outside of town, Lilith couldn't arrive due to a meeting with the press on Daily Planet news on her return to Metropolis and Lena was staying in the lab with Casey watching her. Blake still had a lot on his mind from the conversation he had with Harleen, Carol and Pam two days ago from the sleepover but he couldn't focus on that now.
Riding their motorcycles, the five spot Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen and Jessica waiting for them in this large open space outside of the city. The four got off to meet the six girls.
Blake: You wanted to see us?
Diana: Why yes.
Beck: What's the occasion?
Babs: While we've seen Blake's abilities in action as Hybrid Omen, we were wondering what hybrid abilities you two possesses and wanted to see it for ourselves!
Karen: If it's okay?
Blake: Sure. Beck, Mason. The floor is yours.
Beck: Thanks.
Zee: Wait!
Beck: Huh?
Zee: Something's been bugging me... I've sensed three entities in you (points to Blake) as well as you two and Lilith, there's a haunting aura coming off of her...
Blake: I see. What you sensed within us were the Hybrid Guardians.
Kara: Hybrid what now?
Diana: Hybrid Guardians? Please explain.
Beck: You see when someone from our family is born with special abilities, the essences of that power take shape and forms into a being of unimaginable attributes, chosen by our ancestors to help protect as well as teach the vessel it's knowledge of the powers.
Mason: Most people in our families can be born with one, two or three guardians within their body, mind and soul.
Blake: The hybrid guardians can take whichever form it deemed as it's true self.
Zee: Whoa...
Blake: You saw my powers of blood, ice and gravity. The blood/vampiric abilities comes from my first hybrid guardian VladRa, a modified or transcended super vampire.
VladRa: (voice boomed telepathically to everyone) You dares speak my name?!
That shocked everyone minus the brother.
Babs: What was that?!
Diana: Show yourself!
Beck: VladRa is speaking to you telepathically.
Jessica: From Blake's head?
Mason: Yes.
VladRa: Oh it's Blake's mortal human/alien/magical/amazon friends. So we finally meet, not face to face but good enough. Blake, when's the next blood feast, I'm starving.
Blake: In time.
VladRa: Fine. Remember, I don't like to be kept waiting. I'll be off.
Then Babs had a thought.
Babs: Wait!
VladRa: What?! What is it, Girl of Bats?!
Babs: Actually, it's batgirl-
VladRa: (annoyed) Get to the point! What's your question?!
Babs: Ummm... If a hybrid human from Blake's family with vampiric abilities bites someone like an ordinary vampire, do they become like... you?
VladRa: Ah yes, once a mortal outside the family is bitten by a hybrid with vampiric abilities, they do become one with two of three additional guardians and powers forming within but can be uncontrollable or unpredictable in power & essence for those who aren't apart the family. Now I must take my leave.
VladRa leaves.
Jessica: He seems to be in a bad mood.
Blake: He's like that sometimes but isn't bad. Now here's the second guardian and my most powerful master to wield ice for he's the Dragon Cryo-Lord, Arcticron.
The second voice was heard.
Arcticron: Greetings mortals.
Diana: A pleasure to meet you, Dragon Cryo-Lord, even though we can't really see your form.
Arcticron: I'm aware of that. I sense great things from you girls, powers or no, you seem to prove time & time again why you call yourselves heroes.
Diana: (determined smile) That is correct.
Jessica: Why thank you, Mr. Arcticron.
Karen: Question. Are there more dragon hybrids like you in Blake's family?
Arcticron: Why yes, not just my dragon people in ice but fire, nature, lighting, earth, light, darkness & more from years of generations to now to be chosen as guardians. Beck himself possesses a fire type dragon Hybrid Guardian in him.
Karen: Wow.
Arcticron: Well I must go, I wish you well in helping out cause to destroy the Accursed Clan.
Kara: You got that right, we're gonna take 'em down.
Arcticron leaves.
Diana: He's quite a honorable type.
Blake: That he is. And now for my third guardian, who my gravity power came from. A true Goliath of Gravity he is, Gravitiren.
Gravitiren: Hello There, superhero girls.
Babs: And hello to you too!
Diana: So you are a true Goliath from what Blake explained?
Gravitiren: Why yes... My people are a race of giant warriors, wielding the power of gravity itself to vanquish our enemies but we're not hostile, we simply fight to keep the peace.
Kara: I like his style.
Gravitiren: It was nice meeting you all, I must be going now.
Karen: Wait, can you alter your size at will or is gravity your only ability?
Gravitiren: Why yes, my people can alter our size at will. Why exactly?
Karen: Ummm no reason, just curious.
Gravitiren: Very well then. See you later.
He leaves. Before the girls could ask about Beck and Mason's abilities, a huge cloud of smoke engulfed them all.
Barbi: Hey!
Zee: What's going on?!
Diana: Who's there?! Show yourselves, cowards!
Blake: They're here...
The smoke cleared to reveal the demonic looking assassins that are working for the Accursed Clan but they're not alone... Diana and the girls see some random people of Metropolis with soulless aqua green eyes like the assassins while also showing glowing aqua green veins showing with monster like features, looking completely feral and horrifying.
Diana: Great Hera... What demonic sorcery is this?
Blake: These are people who gave into the corruption of the Accursed Clan, giving their souls for broken promises for wealth, riches, anything their sick hearts desire...
Beck: They become either soulless assassins or monsters.
Mason: Let's dispose of them...
The brothers and Barbi nodded.
Karen: W-Wait! What do you mean dispose of them?
Jessica: You're going to kill them?!
Beck: Pretty much. Didn't Blake explain this to you before?
Jessica: Yes but there are still people (points to the corrupted civilians) can we solve this in a matter where it doesn't involve taking a life?!
Blake: Jessica... Like I said before, I respect you girls and what you stand for as heroes and I understand you don't like fighting unless you have to in order to protect but these people aren't human anymore.
Beck: They have no humanity left, their souls are forever gone... They'll try to lure anyone into the accursed clan to join them and get the same result, do you want that?
Mason: I'm sorry but we can't allow them to try anything to gain more numbers, they must be put down.
Barbi: I learned that it takes a monster to kill a monster. I'm afraid that there's no negotiating on this, you either help or stand aside.
Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Karen and Jessica were speechless. Blake forms a blade of ice, Barbi forms claws of chi energy while Beck and Mason got into fighting stance.
The demonic assassins and soulless civilians charged at them. Blake waits for the nearest of the horde to approach as he sliced through each of them with his ice blade. The soulless civilians shot out orbs of acid at Barbi, who backflips repeatedly to avoid getting hit, taking a leap and pouncing to claw away at each soulless civilian with her chi energy knocking them away.
Beck was seen combating the demonic assassins through hand to hand combat, displaying his strikes and offense. More assassins came in and ganged up on Beck with blades to stab him.
Babs: Oh no!
Kara: I got this!
Kara flies in to knock away the assassins with immense strength, shooting some of them away with her laser eyes and tried to get to Beck, only to back away upon seeing the assassins dog pile engulfed in flames with Beck walking out of the fire.
Beck: Thanks for the assistance.
Kara: No problem and What a 'burn'. (Chuckles)
Beck: (body shrouded by fire) Not the first time I've heard that.
Beck and Kara proceed to fight back to back against the incoming assassin horde, Kara delivering strong offense while Beck displayed one of his powers being fire to incinerate his targets. Babs was shooting batarangs at the soulless civilians trying to attack her, some got hit while others dodged and savagely roared in anger on trying to get her, Babs was out of batarangs and tried to fight them off via martial arts but the numbers were overwhelming her with two of them grab her and were aiming to eat her flesh.
Before they could sink their teeth into her flesh, the soulless civilians were pulled off of Babs, who sees the carnivorous civilians getting manhandled by Diana.
Diana: You shall not dine upon my sister in arms, carnivore demons!
More of the soulless civilians snarled and roared, becoming a bit more savage looking as they lunged at Diana to gang up on and pin her down to eat her alive but with a mighty roar, Diana fought and sent them all flying with her amazon power.
Diana: Are you okay, Babs?
Babs: I am now, thanks!
Zee chants a spell as multiple illusions of her appeared, the demonic assassins would fire multiple flame induced shurikens at the illusions to find the real Zee only to see that the illusion are wiped out and the real one wasn't here. They heard a loud chant from above with the assassins engulfed by a huge beam of magic energy, Zee lands perfectly with a magnificent pose, the assassins down and disappearing in smoke.
Zee: Ta-da!
Zee heard a low growl, she turns around and gets tackled by five soulless civilians, Zee struggles to escape but they held on to her and were about to eat her flesh.
Zee: (screams) Get off me! Get them off me!!
The carnivorous beasts were about to dine on Zee's flesh but an echoing dark chant was heard, the five beasts were struck by black & purple lightning, roaring in agony and rolling off of Zee, who saw Mason heading towards her.
Mason: Are you alright?
Zee: Y-Yes, thank you....
Mason heard more roaring as a group of soulless civilians slowly turning into beasts running towards them. Zee saw Mason's eyes glowing ominously indigo, he spells a dark inverted chant and slammed his hand down, causing the ground to shake with a large gate appearing and open with the carnivorous beasts unable to stop their momentum, falling into an abyss and were engulfed by a dark purple and black light that shot out of the gate into the sky.
Zee was incredibly shocked and horrified by this.
Zee: (whispers) T-That's dark magic...
The light along with the gate disappeared as Mason turns to Zee with glowing eyes, seeing the expression on her face as his stare softened.
Mason: Sorry to frighten you but be careful on the battlefield.
Zee said nothing but slowly nods.
Karen activated her bumblebee suit and shrinks down to avoid getting jumped by carnivores while blasting them away with her stingers.
Karen: They're like a couple of rabid animals-yikes!
She narrowly dodged a blade strike from a demonic assassin who was trying to slice her like swatting away a fly along with the rest but Karen wasn't trying to get cut into pieces. She amplified and fires her stingers to take them down.
Jessica was avoiding each soulless civilian who was lunging at her, trying to eat her. She didn't want to hurt them or kill them as she believes that they can be saved. Using her lantern ring, she engulfed the horde she was against with a green prison sphere.
Jess looks at the soulless civilians snarling and growling in trying to pound or claw against the sphere.
Jessica: (frowns) Look at them... There must be some way to help them, they can't be lost.
Blake: Jessica, what are you doing?! They need to be finished off!
Jessica: No! There are still people in there somewhere! We have to help them, not kill them!
Blake: Jess, they can't be helped! Their souls are forever gone, these people were bad before even joining the Accursed Clan & now they're nothing but soulless monsters, past the point of no return!
Jessica: But-
Jessica turns away from Blake and gasped as the soulless civilians inside were becoming like savage and monster like & breaking down her construct prison sphere with their size and strength, causing the green lantern member to freeze in fear upon seeing the bizarre & drastic change. This cause the prison sphere to weaken as the carnivorous beasts charged forth to devour Jessica.
Karen: Jessica!!
Babs: No!!
Jessica was frozen in place with the beasts seconds away from claiming her as their meal but in a blur, Blake, Beck and Mason got between them with an open palm of firing a combination blast of Ice, Flames and Lightning to eliminate the carnivorous beasts in a massive explosion.
One demonic assassin let out a loud screech, signalling for a retreat as the horde disappeared in smoke.
Diana: They fled the battlefield.
Barbi: Is everyone okay?
Everyone nodded.
Blake: (stern dark glare) Jessica... What happened to you back there...?
Jessica: I... I just wanna help them, even though they weren't good people they didn't deserve to be killed!
Beck: Jess, we get it. You're hero, you don't kill but you need to understand that they aren't human anymore and need to be put down.
Jessica: No! There has to be another way! I know the Accursed Clan is your enemy to deal with but killing these people-
Mason: Wake up Jessica Cruz. The people you just saw with the assassins aren't human anymore, they sold their souls to the Accursed Beasts. Once that happens, their souls are lost forever... unable to be free by any means, those people rotten to the core are nothing more than a mindless, soulless slave.
Blake: And soon to be monsters, you saw them change in front of you and they were going to eat you alive if myself and my brothers hadn't stepped in. Anyone with evil in their hearts who join the Accursed Clan are a lost cause, they are promised with something and this is their fate & it's going to continue unless we act, they can't be saved.
Jessica looks down with a frown.
Kara: Hey, you don't have to go off on her like that!
Zee: Yeah, she was just trying to help!
Beck: We mean no disrespect but if you can't see the danger the Accursed Clan holds, you'll be dead in a heartbeat.
Mason: Trying to reason with those who joined them won't help & saving them is a lost cause.
Blake: The only way this ends is them getting wiped out.
Blake, Beck, Mason and Barbi then turn to leave the girls. Jessica was still looking at the ground, she didn't want to resort to violence of any kind, she didn't want to believe that the people who sold their souls to the Accursed Clan are lost but sadly that was the truth.
While this was going on, the girls were being watched by a mysterious individual.
???: That was a great display these mortals put up and my, what an impressive speech by the three hybrids, hehehe... Too bad they won't succeed to destroy us, the Accursed Clan will rise again. (Stares at Jessica) And this girl doesn't like fighting or violence, eh? Perhaps I can change that to suit my entertainment, hahaha...
The figure holds his hand out as a pure red flaming orb appeared with a miniature monster inside.
???: Go my creature, bring out the true feeling of rage within the girl. The more enraged she gets, the more powerful you will become and spread the chaos to entertain me.
The figure sends the orb containing the miniature monster towards the girls, who were going to leave. When Jessica followed behind them with a sad expression, the orb shoots right in the back of Jessica, who let out loud gasp with the orb phasing into her back.
The girls turn to see Jessica on one knee, breathing rapidly.
Babs: Jess, are you alright?!
Jessica: I-I don't know... I felt like something hit me...
Diana and Kara help Jessica up.
Jessica: Thank you.
Diana: Will you be okay?
Jessica: Yes I just need to be alone for a bit. (Turns to walk away)
Babs: Jess if this is about what happened, you don't have to feel so down. We can all just forget and try again. For now, how about we go sweet justice to cheer you up-
Jessica turns to Babs and the others with a heated glare with a small glint of red in her eyes.
Jessica: (spoke angrily) I said I'm fine! I just want to be alone! Goodness, do you ever shut up Babs?!?! You talk and talk but never LISTEN!!!
Babs' jaw dropped a bit with the others shocked by Jessica's sudden outburst. Holding her head with one hand & a grunt, Jessica turns to leave. Babs was quite hurt while Karen and Zee comfort her, Kara and Diana were wondering about the outburst, Jessica can get upset, annoyed or angry sometimes but this was new. The five girls left as the figure watched with a grin.
???: Let the show begin.
Jessica was seen driving her van downtown, trying to take her mind off today's.... moment. She also felt sorry for yelling at Babs like that, she suddenly felt so angry and it slipped out. She feels like she owes her an apology the next time she sees her.
The Hispanic girl then spots a teenage girl getting picked on by a group of punk girls in a parking lot. She immediately stopped the vehicle near a parking space, getting out and running towards the scene while the group of punk girls were stomping the helpless girl.
Jessica: Hey! Leave her alone!
One of the punk girls turn to her.
Punk girl: Get lost, hippy girl! It's none of your business!
Jessica: I said leave her alone!
Jessica grabs & pushes them off of the helpless girl, checking on her. She turns to Jessica with a groan as she helps her up.
Jessica: Are you okay?
Girl: I'm bruised kinda but nothing broken.
Jessica: Then go somewhere safe & get help.
The girl nodded and immediately ran away.
Punk Girl Leader: You've really done it now...
Jessica turns to see the Punk Girl Leader and her gang glaring angrily at her.
Punk Girl Leader: You couldn't mind your own business, huh? Trying to play hero and cost us our pay day.
Jessica: What's wrong with you? Picking on a defenseless girl like that! For what? She didn't do anything to you, you have no right!
Punk Girl Leader: No right? Hehe, my girls and I do whatever we want, whenever we want. If someone got a problem with us, it'll get worse for them, If I want something, I take it. She had money and I needed it, she wouldn't give it up so we had to.... persuade her.
Jessica: By beating on her senselessly?! You and your gang aren't nothing but a bunch of bullies!
Punk Girl Leader: (annoyed) I think I've heard just about enough from you!
She snapped her fingers with her gang surrounding Jessica, some cracking their knuckles while others had brass knuckles, chains and baseball bats in hands.
Jessica: Can't we solve this matter without someone getting hurt?
Punk Girl Leader: The way I see it, you cost us our pay day for trying to play hero so you're gonna pay the price, Ms. Hero. Make her hurt, girls!
Jessica backs away only to bump into one of the punks holding a baseball bat which she uses to hold it around Jessica's neck to hold her down, she struggled as each punk girl was taking turns roughing her up with punches, kicks and weapon usage. Jessica grunts and screams from the pain she was receiving, she wanted it to stop, she needed to get herself out of this... then something snapped in her.
Jessica's eyes glowed red with anger.
Jessica: (low menacing tone) Let. Me. GO!
The punk gang flinched from the strange, distorted tone. Jessica uses the back of her head and slams it into the face of the punk girl holding her, breaking her nose as she grunts upon releasing Jessica, who quickly grabs the bat and swings it across the punk girl with the broken nose's face, a crack sound was heard as she fell unconscious.
Jessica turns to the leader and her gang with a look of pure anger, her eye pupils were literally glowing red with a low growl escaping her lips.
Punk Girl Leader: How dare you strike down one of my pack! Get her!
The gang yelled out in agreement and charged at Jessica, who took out the nearest one with a jaw shattering swing from the bat, knocking her away. Two punks girls with chains tried to whip her with said chains but she would avoid and dodge the attacks, Jessica caught the chains wrapped around her arms, the two girls smirked, thinking they got her but were surprised when Jessica pulled them closer with unnatural strength and spun them around a couple of times before throwing them hard against the steel fence & brick wall.
Two more punk girls held Jessica by the arms while one punk girl with brass knuckles ran at Jessica, punching her repeatedly in the gut which made Hispanic girl grunt but getting more and more angry, kicking her away and forcing the two girls to let her go, using the chains to whip the punk girls very hard & painfully, making them scream in agony. The girl with the brass knuckles recovered and charges at Jessica, who moves aside from the punch, uses the chain to wrap it around her arm and with a sudden force, she yanks it pulling the arm in the other direction-
Crack! Snap!
The girl screamed loudly as her arm was broken and bended in the opposite direction, Jessica took this opportunity to knock her out with a kick to the back of the head. The Punk Girl Leader was shocked in disbelief, seeing her gang getting the daylights beaten out of them by a hippy girl from her point of view of Jessica, the numbers were dwindling fast and at quick yet painfully way.
She snapped out of her thoughts when the last of her gang was thrown passed her and into the brick wall with a thud. The leader of the gang turn back to Jessica, who was slowly approaching with her pupils glinting red.
Jessica: You wanted violence... be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
Punk Girl Leader: (pulls out two knives, growls) Don't mess with me, hippy girl! I'll send you to the hospital!
She charges at Jessica, going for a left knife swing only for Jessica to block it and land a solid fist to the gut. The punk girl leader got angry and went for a right knife jab but Jessica caught the wrist and twists, making the girl yell out in pain with dropping the knives, Jessica was delivering strike after strike and sends the leader flying into the brick wall.
She groans and sees Jessica approaching her menacingly.
Punk Girl Leader: (afraid) O-O-Okay! I-I give up! Please no more!
Jessica: (eyes glint red) I don't think so....
The punk girl leader's screams were heard in the alleyway. Soon, the helpless girl came back with cops to help Jessica with the punks but they were shocked to see the gang of delinquent girls heavily beaten, bruised & unconscious, tied up in chains while the punk girl leader was in worse shape, hanging upside down on the fence via chain tied to her feet.
And Jessica was nowhere to be found.
In the Superhero girls hideout, Babs was in her side of the area working on her gadgets in silence. Karen and Zee watched in worry while Kara was working out & Diana was sharpening her blade.
Karen: Babs?
No answer.
Karen: Babs, ummm can we please talk? I-I know you're still upset with what happened when Jessica yelled at you but I'm sure s-she doesn't mean it.
No answer.
Zee: I have never seen Babs this silent. She must really be upset from Jessica's outburst.
Kara: Well Babs can be a chatterbox.
Zee: (stern tone) Kara!
Kara: What?! It's true, plus I'm not saying what Jessica did blowing up like that was ok.
Zee groans.
Diana: Jessica has been through a lot after the sudden attack & retreat from the Accursed Clan as well as Blake & his brother's words piercing her heart like a sword. She'll need to time to cool off before recollecting her warrior spirit.
Then the news came on. The girls except Babs and Jessica who wasn't here turn their attention to it, upon seeing the punk girl leader and her gang in horrible shape taken to the hospital for a few weeks before going to juvie, the helpless girl they bullied mentions being abused by them but she also mentioned that a Hispanic girl with a green dress, hoop earrings and bonnet hat helped her get away but unaware that she put a massive beating on the leader and her gang but thanked her for the assist.
The girls gasped.
Karen: Jessica... did this...?!
Kara: Naw, it can't be her who did this. She doesn't have a brutal bone on her body!
Diana: The girl on the news gave a solid description of Jessica Cruz.
Kara: It could be anyone!
Another scene appeared on the news, construction workers were leaving a random portion of the forest which was going to be torn down for a project for Lexcorp but the workers were injured like the punk girls gang but a bit worse, their bulldozers & trucks demolished and the Lex Demolition Bots were completely destroyed. A reporter approached the head construction worker in charge, wanting an answer.
Head Construction worker: Ugh, my head. You want a f***ing answer, Agh! Tell that bald teenage billionaire (lex luthor) that he can keep his blasted money and work on his precious project somewhere else without us, we quit!!! No money in the world is worth what the guys & I went through at the hands of that glowing girl in green!
He punches the reporter and left.
Zee: Glowing girl?!
Diana, Kara and Karen: In Green?!
Another scene came to view and this shocked Diana, Kara, Karen and Zee. The police was carrying away an unconscious & bruised Harley Quinn & brutally beaten and traumatized Poison Ivy. The reporter explained that Catwoman, Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy was invading the museum, Catwoman escaped but the two weren't so lucky, showing footage of a heated battle and the girls were shocked by the brutality, it also showed Poison Ivy backing away in fear, her plants were destroyed, her partner Harley knocked out and the figure approaching her with a familiar green glow.
Poison Ivy: (on footage) Stay away from me! You monster!
Then the girls heard a familiar voice.
???: (on footage) No... You brought out that monster and I am at my limit with you, Poison Ivy...
Poison Ivy: What are you going to do? Arrest me again? Nature can't be contained!
???: No... You're going to learn true consequences for your actions.
Poison Ivy gasps upon seeing a glowing green chainsaw and scythe construct appeared in view of the footage.
Poison Ivy: (very afraid) Wait... Wait! Stay away, you're a hero, right?! You wouldn't kill me, would you?!
???: Kill you...? No, I'm not but... your punishment will a very severe one. You were right about one thing Ivy, someone here isn't worthy of the color of life... and you're about to learn that the hard way.
Poison Ivy's shrieks were heard as what happened next on the footage couldn't be shown on screen. Going back to the news, they were putting out that the one responsible is Green Lantern of the Superhero girls. A couple headlines appeared that said "Has Green Lantern snapped?", "Green Hero or Green Psycho?", "Glowing Green Girl on the attack!" & "A Green nightmare in Metropolis!"
Zee, Kara, Karen and Diana were in a complete disbelief.
Kara: No way!
Karen: This is insane, Jessica would never do anything like this!
Zee: I don't like this a lot but all evidence point to her, the mentions, the voice and the constructs....
Babs then turns to the girls, taking out headphones.
Babs: Sorry, I had headphones on to calm myself with some music while I was working on my gadgets. What's going on?
The girls turn to Babs.
Kara: Ummm.... You're not gonna believe this...
One explanation later....
Zee: I want to believe it too but the evidence say otherwise.
Diana: We'll have to apprehend Jessica Cruz and have her explain her actions. If it's what we feared, she'll have to be put in prison.
Babs: Wait, let's not do anything crazy! We can't put our friend in jail, Jess wouldn't do such a thing! She wouldn't....
Karen: What if she was framed? Like someone's either made a clone or cyborg to kidnap the real Jessica and used the duplicate to ruin her?
Diana: It could be possible...
Babs: Maybe Jessica is being manipulated by an evil version of herself from a parallel future timeline?!
Karen: That could be possible! Remember what I was like when I was listening to the lies Night Sting was telling me?
Kara: Who could forget? Your future self was a jerk. Plus, an evil Green Lantern? When was that either seen or heard of?
Diana: Well whatever the case may be, we'll have to confront Jessica about the matter at hand. Tomorrow, night is falling upon Metropolis.
Zee, Kara, Babs and Karen nodded, leaving the hideout. Meanwhile at Jessica's home, Jessica herself got ready for bed, incredibly exhausted. The whole day was like a blur to her... One moment she was helping that girl from the bullies, telling her to run & get help and the next was a complete blank to the point where she was home, completely worn out. Now in her nightwear, Jessica turns off the lights and heads to sleep but groans in her sleep as sweat rolled down her head as glowing red veins were seen spreading slowly over her body.
The next day....
The girls went to Jessica's home to have a talk with her about the recent events on the news but her mothers told them that she wouldn't home. Asking where she went, Angela and Siobhan explained that she went to the park to clear her head, she sounded upset.
So they head to the park.
At the park, Jessica was seen sitting under a tree in the shade, breathing heavily and trying to calm her nerves through meditation. She was confused, upset and frustrated. Why was she so tense? Where was all this sudden feeling of anger coming from? She didn't like it & it only made her more angry. Jessica groans as she tries to keep calm through meditation.
Jessica: Just stay calm... stay calm...
???: Jess!
Jessica groans, opening one to see Hal Jordan running towards her.
Hal: Jess, I need your help! Big time!
Jessica: Hal as much as I want to, now's not the time-
Hal: So you know that I had to fix things and talk with Carol face-to-face, right?
Jessica: So... You actually talk things out with her?
Hal: (smiles nervously) Well... Sorta.
Jessica's stare harden in annoyance.
Jessica: What do you mean "sorta of?"
Hal: Well... I did video chat her to talk things out, the problems with our relationship, things not working out and... I broke up with her.
Jessica sighs.
Jessica: So you broke up with her in a video chat... So... How did she take it...?
Before Hal could explain, a couple of pink & violet heart flames shot at the two, Hal hid behind a tree to avoid the attack while Jessica remained in the spot she was, the attacks hitting the ground around her. Flying in the air was a very heartbroken & furious Star Sapphire.
Jessica sighs as Hal's head popped up behind the tree she was meditating by.
Hal: Jess, I really need your help on this one...!
Star Sapphire: (glares angrily at Jessica) Why am I not surprised to find YOU HERE! Once again, you're trying to steal Hal Jordan from me!!
Jessica groans, she felt her sudden anger rising inside. She tries to meditate and calm down & Star Sapphire accusing her of her & Hal breaking up wasn't helping either.
Jessica: (maintaining her calm tone) For the last time... I'm not interested in Hal Jordan, I don't love Hal Jordan like that, you need to accept the truth that you & Hal aren't compatible anymore. Move on.
Star Sapphire: No! We are destined to be together! Sure, we're having problems but we will always be the perfect lovers like we were always meant to be! The main problem here is you!!
Jessica: (trying to stay calm as red glowing veins were slowly creeping up on her face) Look... This relationship you have will Hal isn't love, it's pure obsession. I know Hal hasn't been giving you a time in the day, but your hand in this relationship is unhealthy!
Jessica: (raised her voice) I'm not trying to take him from you! I would never do such a thing, are you so moronic, so delusional in your obsessive love world that you can't see the truth-
Jessica was blasted away by a beam of pink & violet flames through the trees.
Hal: Jess!
Star Sapphire: Hmph. That'll teach her to steal my Hal. Speaking of whom, (glares at Hal) our little 'chat' isn't done.
Hal: (backs away in fear) Carol please... can't we just-
Star Sapphire: I told you Hal Jordan... You. Are. Mine. Forever.
Hal was backing away, the teenage jock wished he could get his green lantern ring working but due to the fear Carol was putting in him, it wouldn't respond. Before Star Sapphire could grab him, a large explosion of green erupted from the trees, getting Hal and Star Sapphire's attention. The two were shocked upon seeing Jessica Cruz float out of the explosion in her Green Lantern attire, but... she had a very irate look, her eye pupils were glinting green & red, glowing red veins appearing on the sides of her face and the green aura was flaring with a bit of red.
Hal: Jess...? Whoa, what happened to you...?
Green Lantern (Jessica) ignored Hal's question as her furious eyes were set on Star Sapphire.
Green Lantern (Jessica): (spoke in a low, menacing) You know what... I'm getting really tired of being caught in the middle of your relationship problems.... I tried being reasonable but you finally pushed me over to my limits.... (let's out a cruel chuckle) I'm done playing nice.... I'm so done....
Hal and Star Sapphire was caught off guard by the tone Green Lantern (Jessica) was using.
Green Lantern (Jessica): If you can't accept the truth... Then I'm have to pound it into that thick skull of yours!!!!
She charges at Star Sapphire with swift speed, landing a solid construct fist blow to the gut of Star Sapphire, who gasped in pain with Green Lantern (Jessica) sending her crashing into a couple of trees.
Hal: Whoa Jess, you finally hit someone!
Star Sapphire soon recovered, growling as she fired a couple of flaming hearts at Green Lantern (Jessica), who countered it with a construct mallet and knocked them away while charging straight at Star Sapphire. The violet lantern continues her onslaught, forming a heart shaped bazooka to fire at Green Lantern (Jessica), who knocks away the projectile constructs with her construct mallet and proceeded to whack Star Sapphire across the face into another tree.
Hal: (winced) Oh that's gotta hurt. Jess?
Green Lantern (Jessica) creates construct steel fists & stomps towards Star Sapphire, who was holding her face in pain. She looks up and sees the enraged hispanic girl deliver a punch to the face, making her hitting the tree.
Star Sapphire: Aaaah!
Green Lantern (Jessica) didn't stop as she shakes her while punching away at the violet lantern at the same time.
She sends a monstrous punch to slam Star Sapphire into the ground, making a crater with the violet lantern groaning. She looks up see Green Lantern (Jessica) glares coldly at her with glowing red eyes.
Star Sapphire: (pleads) P-Please, no more-
Green Lantern (Jessica) slams her foot down on her back.
Star Sapphire: Ack!
Green Lantern (Jessica): You brought this upon yourself, I don't agree with how Hal acted towards you but you could've accepted the fact that you & him weren't compatible anymore, but you continue to live in your own obsessive, delusional world, becoming an insane stalker! You always have chances to move on and you wasted them all!!
Star Sapphire flinched from the enraged hispanic girl's tone.
Hal: Ummm, Jess I think she gets the message! You can stop now-
Hal stops upon seeing Green Lantern (Jessica)'s fiery gaze.
Green Lantern (Jessica): And you aren't any better than her! Would it kill you to be generous and pay attention to her when she needs you most but no... Big Ego & Brave Hal Jordan, the self proclaimed most handsome quarterback in Metropolis high is afraid of talking to his on/off, current/ex girlfriend face-to-face when certain disagreements are involved!
Hal: I get it, I messed up-
Green Lantern (Jessica): You did more than mess up, you just don't get it! Most times you can be a helpful person but the same time YOU WANNA MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU! YOU CARE ABOUT NO ONE BUT YOURSELF IN RELATIONSHIPS!
Hal Jordan backs away slowly.
Green Lantern (Jessica): I'll deal with you soon enough as soon as I'm finished with her...
She looks down at Star Sapphire who was desperately trying to crawl away from her but the violet lantern was pinned beneath her boot, Green Lantern (Jessica) can hear her whimpering as she chuckles darkly.
She expanded her fist constructs, removing her boot from Star Sapphire as she picks her up and proceeded to squeeze her hard, making her scream.
Star Sapphire: AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Hal: Jess stop! This isn't you at all!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Shut up! Wait your turn, once the bratty princess is crossed off my list, you're next!
Hal stared at her in disbelief, something was definitely wrong. This wasn't the Jessica Cruz he knew.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Now let's hear the shattering, shall we?!
She increased the strength and pressure of the grip, some cracking sounds can be heard with Star Sapphire shrieking in complete agony, tears falling. Hal didn't like this at all, he needed to do something even if his lantern ring wasn't working so he charged at Jessica with a tackle, forcing her to release Star Sapphire as he put her in a full nelson hold.
Hal: Jessica, you have to snap out of it! This isn't you at all, the Jessica Cruz I know isn't a violent maniac! Whatever is happening to you, you have to fight it-
Green Lantern (Jessica) yelled out in anger, body radiating with green flames with a bit of red, burning Hal Jordan who screams as he released Jessica as he fell. He wasn't completely burned but his shirt was scorched with some marks on his skin.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Stay out of my way!
With a construct wave, Hal Jordan was send flying into a couple of trees, now unconscious. She then turns to Star Sapphire, who was on the ground, completely beaten, battered and unable to move due to Jessica crushing her bones & her ring wasn't responding either.
She was completely helpless and at the mercy of an irate Green Lantern (Jessica), who stares down soullessly at her.
Star Sapphire: (whimpers) ....
Green Lantern (Jessica): Time to end this right now...
She forms a green flaming ball with some red aura over her head as it expanded. Star Sapphire begins to slowly cry.
Star Sapphire: P-Please don't do this, I-I'm s-s-sorry!
Green Lantern (Jessica): It's too late for apologies and I'm fresh out of mercy, time to say goodbye Carol Ferris now to soon be the Late Star Sapphire.
Star Sapphire: (cries) No! Nooooooooo! P-Please I-I don't wanna d-die!! Please!!!
Green Lantern (Jessica): I don't care what you want, this is what you deserve. Enter oblivion where you'll be forever alone.
Star Sapphire screams in fright, Green Lantern (Jessica) was about to reduce her to ashes but Jessica was shot with a magic beam to cancel out the attack & sent through some trees. Appearing was Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee and Zatanna who saw the destruction of the park, the unconscious & slightly burnt Hal Jordan and the semi conscious & beaten Star Sapphire.
Bumblebee: Oh my gosh...
Wonder Woman: I didn't want this to be true but fate has proven me wrong.
Zatanna and Bumblebee went over to help Hal Jordan while the others got ready with Green Lantern (Jessica) coming back into view, more enraged. The superhero girls were in complete disbelief and shock by what has become of their friends.
Green Lantern (Jessica): So my own friends attack me....?
Batgirl: Jess... What happened to you?! Why are you doing these crazy acts?!
Green Lantern (Jessica): (chuckles cruelly) I'm simply swatting away any threat to peace and reminding any villains, including the obsessive princess here (Star Sapphire) that I'm through playing nice!!
Supergirl: Well the clone/robot/future self theory is out the window.
Bumblebee: S-So the delinquent girls, the construction workers, Harley & Ivy.... That was all you...?
Green Lantern (Jessica): That's right~.... I'm not sure what's been creating such anger in me but now I see it feels absolutely exhilarating to let the rage out, especially on those who are the source of it.
Wonder Woman: Jessica Cruz, this is madness! You're acting like what the news is describing you now! You're a hero, not an executioner of pure rage! You need to stop!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Stop? I haven't even begun to start! I'm no longer this weak pacifist who's kindness is always been taken for granted, being told that everything is a lost cause & being dragged into one's problems well no more!
Then Jessica grips her head with a grunt as her green flames ignited with red slowly overwhelming the green & the glowing red veins spreading through her skin.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Agh! Everyone says that violence is the answer to everything well I'll give them all what they want!
Wonder Woman: If you will not listen to reason, we will be forced to stop you!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Then I'll oblige your death wish!
???: Hehehehe! Thought you were rid of me again, Jessica Cruz?!
Everyone turns to see a slightly pudgy cat with blue-ish grey fur, yellow eyes with fiery red slits, sharp fangs and claws. The cat was wearing a black and red suit with a different lantern symbol and a red ring around it's tail.
It was Dexter, Jessica Cruz's menacing pet cat but was also known as Dex-Starr, a feline of rage & member of the Red Lantern Corps.
Supergirl: Ugh! As if we don't have any problems!
Dex-Starr: It's time to finish what I started back then, destroying you & making this world my own with you all as victims of my fury!!
Dex-Starr lunged at Jessica with red flames engulfing him & claws out to fight the irate Green Lantern. The two were caught in a heated brawl until Green Lantern (Jessica) grabs Dex-Starr by the neck and throws him aside but stops himself from going further and fires red plasma like hairballs at her. She forms two blade constructs to slice them away but it only melted the blades like acid, Dex-Starr then charged quickly and clawed Jessica across the face, chest and right thigh, earning a pained & angry grunt from the girl as he continues his swift claw attack.
Dex-Starr: I smell sheer rage within you, has the Green Lantern finally fallen? (Taunts) To think someone like you could be reduced to this, your soul must feel so impure with hate...
Jessica growls furiously and roared, catching Dex-Starr out guard and summons 20 giant fist constructs. Dex-Starr attempts to counter with red plasma shots but the attacks were blown back with Jessica hitting Dex-Starr with a merciless gatling of strikes from the giant fist constructs, the red lantern feline yowling in pain.
Soon, Jessica stopped the attack as Dex-Starr was now lying in a huge crater, unmoving.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Now... Where were we...? (Turns to the superhero girls)
Batgirl: Don't make us fight you, Jess. We're your friends!
Green Lantern (Jessica): You attacked me and stopped me from finishing off a villain! You made your choice very clear!
Jessica grips her head as the green and red flames engulfing her body intensified.
Green Lantern (Jessica): (screams in pain and rage) GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Zatanna and Bumblebee return after getting Hal Jordan to safety.
Bumblebee: Jessica, stop! You need to calm down! Whatever is going on, you need to control your anger! This isn't you!
???: You are right, it isn't Jessica who in control at all.
The ground rumbled as chains of ice & aura shot out and ensnared Green Lantern (Jessica), who struggles with a loud roar. The girls turn to see Hybrid Omen approaching them.
Wonder Woman: Comrade Omen, what's the meaning of this?!
Hybrid Omen: I'm here for a monster. (Points to Jessica)
Supergirl: She's not a monster! We're not going to let you kill her!
Hybrid Omen: You misunderstood me, girls. I'm not referring to Jessica, I'm referring the thing harboring her body.
Pulling out a strange goggle looking device, he hands it to Batgirl.
Hybrid Omen: See for yourself.
Batgirl puts on the goggles and looks at the struggling & irate Green Lantern (Jessica), gasping in shock.
Batgirl: Girls, he's right! There's some sort of glowing red goblin like creature in Jess!
Wonder Woman: A goblin?!
Hybrid Omen: An irateling, a goblin based creature who invades & infects the host with the sheer power of anger. The more enraged the host gets, the more amplified and empowered it becomes. One moment please...
Hybrid Omen walks towards the fallen Star Sapphire, who simply stared pleadingly to not have her life taken. Jessica really damaged her badly inside & outside, she couldn't move much less use her ring power. Hybrid Omen pulls out a bottle of glowing green liquid.
Hybrid Omen: Here, drink this. It'll heal the out & inside damage.
Star Sapphire: I-I don't understand.
Hybrid Omen: You may be a villain but even you didn't have to go through that...
He gave Star Sapphire the medicine to drink which she did, an odd taste and a strange sensation washed over her, feeling her entire pain fade away inside & out.
She was healed.
Star Sapphire: I'm... I'm all better now...
Green Lantern (Jessica): (growls) What have you done?! I was about to rid the world of her, why did you help that villain?!
She finally to break free of the chains and lunged at the two but Wonder Woman and Supergirl intervene in holding her in place.
Wonder Woman: That's enough!
Supergirl: Jess, that thing in you is driving you crazy!
Bumblebee: Please see reason, we can help you!
Green Lantern (Jessica) let out a loud roar with the flames engulfing her body along with Supergirl and Wonder Woman, who winced in pain of the flames which shot up at the sky.
Batgirl: The green flames are going red!
Zatanna: What a monstrous aura... it's unbelievable!
Hybrid Omen narrowed his eyes while Star Sapphire noticed something glinting downwards quickly and towards Jessica, who pushed Wonder Woman & Supergirl back with great force, seeing a red glint made it's way to her.
Star Sapphire: Oh no...
Hybrid Omen: What is it?
Star Sapphire: That ring...
That red glint that made it's way to Jessica was indeed a ring. A Red Lantern ring. Jessica let out a furious yell with the red lantern ring slipping in her finger while the green lantern ring light completely faded into nothing, the green energy was gone all replaced with red. Jessica undergone a transformation in which her green highlights in her hair turned red, green eyes now red, she now wears a black and red slim armored bodysuit, gloves and boots, her green lantern mark on the right side of her face burned away, making a red lantern mark on its place.
Jessica Cruz was now a Red Lantern Corps.
Star Sapphire: She's become a Red Lantern!
Hybrid Omen: A Red Lantern.
Star Sapphire: Yeah. There's a couple of lantern corps. Green uses will power, mine is violet which uses love, that Sinestro guy was a yellow lantern who uses fear. And that cat over there (points to the unconscious Dex-Starr) is a Red Lantern which is powered by rage.
Hybrid Omen: I see...
Red Lantern (Jessica): Power... Such power... The pure energy of anger... It's so intoxicating...
She roared with an explosive barrier of red plasma energy engulfed the park, reducing it to volcanic rubble. Luckily, Zatanna and surprisingly Star Sapphire shielded those in the area with their magic/construct barriers.
Supergirl: She's really gone mad!
Bumblebee: What'll we do?!
Wonder Woman: We fight!
The superhero girls minus Zatanna, who was stopped by Hybrid Omen, enter a heated battle with Red Lantern Jessica, who unleashed a massive amount red plasma constructs to counter their offense.
Red Lantern (Jessica): You will all fall to my fury!!
Zatanna: Why did you stop me?
Hybrid Omen: Because I need you for this (pulls out a bottle of strange deep purple liquid & sat it on the floor) two people must perform the chant in unison for this accursed monster removal potion to work fully.
Zatanna: And you're certain that it'll work to get that thing out of Jessica?
Hybrid Omen: That's the idea. I know the spell chant, so while the others keep her occupied, follow my lead.
Zatanna nods as the two sat down in a lotus position, Hybrid Omen started the chant with his eyes glowing an icy blue, Zatanna followed up on the chant with her eyes glowing purple, both chanting invertedly with the spell effecting the bottle of the potion. Star Sapphire watched the two while also turning to the fight between the other hero girls and Red Lantern Jessica, both sides not letting up in trading fierce blows with each other.
Red Lantern Jessica then saw what Hybrid Omen and Zatanna was doing.
Red Lantern (Jessica): Don't know what you're planning but you both will burn!
She shot out a beam of red plasma at them but Star Sapphire blocked it with a heart shield construct. Jessica growled angrily and charged at her only to get hit with explosive batarangs/stinger from Batgirl & Bumblebee but she soon recovered, Wonder Woman and Supergirl doubled team her, getting the message to keep Jessica away from Hybrid Omen & Zatanna while Star Sapphire guards them, forming a construct barrier around herself & the two.
Star Sapphire: I know we're enemies but I'll help you out this once, so get that potion ready cuz I didn't think Cruz is gonna wait patiently!
Hybrid Omen & Zatanna continued the chant in perfect unison, the potion in the bottle glowing brighter. Red Lantern Jessica summons two red hook swords to counter Wonder Woman's sword & shield.
Wonder Woman: (attacking) Jessica Cruz, cease this act of reckless anger at once! You need to return to who you really are!
Red Lantern (Jessica): (attacking) That Jessica is dead & gone for good!
Supergirl: (flies in) We don't buy it!
Supergirl punches Red Lantern Jessica right in the jaw, sending her crashing into the ground. The kryptonian picks her up by the front of her armor.
Supergirl: You need to wake up! All this anger is not good for you!
Red Lantern (Jessica): Hehehe... It's funny, I remember saying that to you...
Supergirl: Yeah, I get it but the anger you're unleashing ain't yours, you got a monster in you forcing you to get enraged-
Jessica shot hot red plasma from her mouth into the eyes of Supergirl, who yelled out in pain.
Supergirl: Aaaaaaaaah!! My eyes! Really?! In the eyes?!?! Gah!!!!
Red Lantern Jessica knocks her away with a red construct spiked mace. She turns to the barrier containing Star Sapphire, Hybrid Omen and Zatanna as she goes to attack it with a red meteor shower construct which hit the barrier while Star Sapphire tries to keep it from breaking.
Jessica would continue but was blasted by bumblebee who was firing stingers from all sides to gain some distance, she was grabbed by a red glowing hand from Jessica's red lantern ring as she glared at the microscopic hero.
Bumblebee: (scared) Jess... y-you wouldn't...!
Jessica grinned viciously as her grip burned Bumblebee, who screams loudly. Bumblebee was dropped to the ground, unconscious & returned to her normal size with her suit badly burned & damaged. She then turns to the barrier again and goes for another attack but she was caught in a rope bind by Batgirl via grapple gun, making the red lantern turn to her with a heated stare.
Batgirl: Jess, listen to me. You don't want to do this.
Jessica melted the rope, forming a red spear and attacks Batgirl, who takes out a steel bo staff to exchange strikes with her.
Batgirl: Jess please, I don't want to fight you!
Red Lantern (Jessica): I wouldn't want to fight me neither, traitor!
She knocks the staff away and kicks Batgirl into the ground, pinning her with her boot.
Red Lantern (Jessica): Now you will pay!!!
Batgirl: (tears forming) Jess, you don't really mean that! That's the monster talking!
Seeing the tears in Batgirl's eyes, Red Lantern Jessica seem hesitant to land the finishing blow. With her distracted, Wonder Woman tackled her off Batgirl, the two rolling through the molten ground with Jessica kicking her off, Wonder Woman dodged a red sharp axe from Jessica, who forms another axe to try to slice the Amazon in half, Wonder Woman would block the attacks and counter the attacks with her sword.
Wonder Woman goes for a mighty swing of her sword but Jessica intercepted it with her axes, flipping her over and blasting the Amazon with red goop to subdue her. She then turns to the barrier again and proceeded to launch more beams of red plasma to melt while Star Sapphire tries to hold it back.
Star Sapphire: Ngh! Anytime with that spell thing now!
Hybrid Omen & Zatanna uttered the final call of the chant order, completing the potion.
Hybrid Omen: It is done.
Star Sapphire undid the barrier, letting out a tired breath. The three see Red Lantern Jessica approaching them.
Red Lantern (Jessica): I'm gonna enjoy taking my rage out on you, Hybrid...
Hybrid Omen: Unfortunately for you, we don't have to fight. The longer you continue to be enraged, the more you'll for the irateling to permanently stay in your body to amplify it's power. I'm going to make this quick.
He turns to Zatanna.
Hybrid Omen: I'm going to put a barrier of ice around us, I'll need your help to enchant the barrier to reason with Jessica.
Zatanna: Right.
Red Lantern (Jessica): Enough talk! This is the end for you!!!
She charges at Hybrid Omen with a red plasma broadsword, aiming to slice him down where he stood but the anti-hero stomps his foot into the ground which shook, catching Jessica off guard with large shards of ice shot out of the ground and formed around Hybrid Omen & Jessica, trapping them both in a dome barrier of ice. Zatanna got the signal and chants an inverted spells to incase the barrier with magic to enchant it while phasing inside it with Star Sapphire only watching.
Inside the barrier, Jessica was surrounded by mirrors of ice & Hybrid Omen was nowhere to be found.
Hybrid Omen: (unseen but voice echoed) Now we're exactly where we wanted you to be.
Red Lantern (Jessica): You think a dome of ice can hold me? Think again!
She fires red plasma from her mouth to melt the ice around her but as she was done, Jessica was shocked to see the barrier had not been phased.
Hybrid Omen: While it is true that fire can melt ice but my ice isn't as weak to melt through so easily as you think.
Hybrid Omen appeared but as reflections in the ice mirrors.
Red Lantern (Jessica): I'm not playing these games with you! Come out and fight!
Hybrid Omen: I don't want to fight & neither do you.
Red Lantern (Jessica): What?
Hybrid Omen: That irateling is manipulating your emotions to give into rage, I can tell a piece of you is trying to fight this monster, you must resist.
Red Lantern (Jessica): Shut up, Shut up!!
She delivered ferocious blows to the mirrors of ice to shatter them only for them to repair themselves. The reflections of Hybrid Omen then turn into reflections of Zatanna.
Zatanna: (sympathetic look) Jessica, please understand that you aren't an evil, violent person. You are a kind hearted girl who loves to help the people & environment around them, you're our teammate & best friend, that monster is corrupting your mind, body & soul.
Zatanna performs a spell which caused the ice mirrors to glow, showing Red Lantern Jessica the memories of the former green Lantern, who she was & all of their adventures together in their normal & hero life.
Red Lantern (Jessica): No...
Zatanna: (unseen but voice echoed) This is who Jessica Cruz is & who she stands for. You can fight this, please?
Hybrid Omen: (unseen but voice echoed) We can help expell the monster from you, Jessica... Don't let yourself go further to become a true Monster...
Red Lantern (Jessica): (clutching her aching head, breathing rapidly) N-No... Make it stop... Make it stop... Turn them off... I don't see anymore! Make it stop!!!
???: Only you can make it stop.
Red Lantern Jessica looks up to see... Herself. A reflection of Jessica Cruz in her human form appeared in the ice mirrors.
Red Lantern (Jessica): ....?!
Reflection Jessica: You need to end this madness, look at the destruction you've cause, the people you've hurt including your friends.... I don't even recognize myself anymore. For all the good you've done in Metropolis, don't let this irateling manipulate you any longer, I'm begging you please?!
Red Lantern (Jessica): I... I... (Tears slowly begin to fall)
Reflection Jessica: This level you sunk down to has made you no better than every villain out there, think of the people you care about! Our family, what would they say or feel if they saw you like this?! Please, stop giving into the monster's influence of anger & expell it, you're a Green Lantern... show that your will is enough to break that anger!
Red Lantern Jessica's eyes widened as a glint of green appeared in her pupils, the dead Green Lantern ring glowing a bit. She let out a loud scream as red aura engulfed with green aura appearing in the mix.
Zatanna: You're fighting it, good!
Hybrid Omen: Take this and expell the irateling from you.
The glowing potion appeared before Red Lantern Jessica who slowly approaches it, shaking in trying to fight the enraged aura with her green lantern ring glowing even more. She shakily grabs the bottle but her strong grip shattered it, making her gasp.
Red Lantern (Jessica): No!!
Zatanna: The potion!!
Hybrid Omen: It's not over, the potion is on your hands! Use it to get the irateling out of you!
Red Lantern Jessica saw her hands glowing purple, seeing that he was right. She slowly brings them closer to her chest as they phase through, screaming in agony while trying to get the creature out.
Red Lantern (Jessica): Aaaaghhhh!!!
Reflection Jessica: (fading away) You can do this, use your will to overcome the rage corruption!
Zatanna/Hybrid Omen: Go!/Do it!
Red Lantern (Jessica): (struggled but doesn't give in) AAAAAGGGHH!!! Ugh... I won't be... corrupted by you any... more! In brightest day... in blackest night, no... evil shall escape my sight... Let those who worship... evil's might... Beware my power... GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!!!
With one final pull, Red Lantern Jessica removed the irateling from her body, letting out a loud scream with the red aura engulfed completely by green aura. Her red lantern ring fell while her green lantern ring glowed brighter, returning to her normal green lantern attire.
The ice barrier was down as Zatanna goes over to catch the now Green Lantern (Jessica) in her arms. Hybrid Omen saw the irateling get up with a roar but he pointed below him, the creature sees the cube containment device which sucked him inside as the anti-hero picks up the cube.
Zatanna then chants a spell to engulf the molten area, returning it back to the previous normal park, she turns to Green Lantern (Jessica).
Zatanna: You're okay now.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Thank you...
Hybrid Omen uses the healing potion on Hal Jordan, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Bumblebee and Batgirl, their wounds fading.
Hal: Phew... Thanks.
Bumblebee: The park is back to normal.
Batgirl: Is Jess...
Hybrid Omen points to Zatanna holding Green Lantern (Jessica), who had a look of guilt and distraught from what she did to her friends under the irateling's influence.
The four girls run over and got Jessica and Zatanna in a group hug.
Supergirl: Glad to have ya back, Jess!
Bumblebee: I was so worry we'd lose you!
Jessica finally broke down in tears.
Green Lantern (Jessica): I'm so sorry, girls. I didn't mean to hurt you all, I acted like a total rage filled monster. I'm so very sorry!
Wonder Woman: Shhh... It's okay. You were only a pawn in that goblin demon's spell.
Green Lantern (Jessica): But I-I hurt you all and tried to destroy you, how can you not hate me?!
Batgirl: It wasn't your fault Jess! It was that irateling monster!
Hal: Irateling? What's that?
Hybrid Omen: I'll tell you later.
Green Lantern (Jessica): I just... don't know, that thing made me do unspeakable and I was corrupted by it & the red lantern ring... I don't think I'm worthy to wear the green lantern-
Hal: Jess, I'm gonna stop you right there. You are worthy of that ring, you were under a Monster's spell & you broke it! The things you said & did hurt a lot but it wasn't you in control. The Jess I knew isn't a monster, she's a green lantern that helps out & thinks a solutions to win a fight even without resorting to violence.
Hybrid Omen: He's right. Remember what happened to Babs, you weren't in control of the monster that invaded your body, you managed to overcome it and use your will & the potion to remove it & rid yourself of the red lantern power.
Green Lantern Jessica looks at the anti-hero.
Hybrid Omen: I apologize for my & my brother's words towards you about the people who were forever lost to the Accursed Clan, no disrespect but it was the truth. However, you can do what heroes do best to protect the innocent & not let them fall like the wicked who sided with our enemy. You're a Green Lantern & kind soul Jessica Cruz, not a monster.
Jessica smiles with tears and hugs the anti-hero and Hal Jordan. The superhero girls smiled at this moment.
Wonder Woman: Thanks for removing the monster from Jessica's soul, Omen.
Hybrid Omen: Don't just thank me, I had help from Star Sapphire and Zatanna which allowed Jessica to wake up and remove the irateling.
Supergirl: Wait, Star Sapphire helped you?
Hybrid Omen: For buying time to complete the potion, yes.
Star Sapphire: Guilty.
Everyone turns to the Violet Lantern, Hal yelped and hid behind Hybrid Omen.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Star, I deeply apologize for the things I said & did to you-
Star Sapphire: Save it. While I am peeved at you for that, you weren't in your head there, so forgive & forget or whatever. I'm out of here.
Supergirl: Wait, you're not gonna go all crazy & nab Hal, yelling "You're mine Hal Jordan, forever! Mwahahaha and all that?"
Star Sapphire let out a deep, saddened sigh.
Star Sapphire: He's not my Hal anymore.
This shocked everyone.
Hal: Huh? Carol....?
Star Sapphire: After what Jessica/That irateling thing did to me, I saw my life flash before my eyes when I thought I was gonna die... I thought we still had a spark of love like before & wanted to keep it forever but all this time... I was only fooling myself, acting like a crazy, unhinged brat.
Hal: Carol I-
Star Sapphire: No Hal Jordan, I'm done chasing after you. It wasn't love like we used to have, it was obsession. We both caused our relationship to break & maybe... you & I should remain separate. I'm sorry for everything I did to you to make you afraid of me.
Hal: Carol, I'm sorry too but you-
Star Sapphire: I will stay away from you and you can find someone else to love. Hopefully, I'll find new love too someday... (a single tear falls) Goodbye Hal Jordan.
Star Sapphire turns and flies away. Hal was silent with some tears falling from his eyes too, it hurts but he knows that this was for the best.
Green Lantern (Jessica): It'll be okay Hal.
Hal: I-I know and for the record, I'm n-not crying, I got s-something in my eyes.
Supergirl: Suuuuuuure...
Hybrid Omen: Let us be on our way.
The anti-hero, the superhero girls and Hal Jordan took their leave, unaware that the figure who released the irateling was watching.
???: Drat, my monster was defeated... at least it entertained me for most of the time. The hybrids & their allies will get more surprises in store for them and eventually they'll fall to the Accursed Beasts, hahahaha!
The figure vanished.
To be continued....
(Chapter 15 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it. Sorry if it's too long. You get to see a few parts of Beck & Mason's abilities, the secrets of the three mysterious voices within Blake's soul & so on, got a glimpse of what happens to those with wickedness in their hearts join the Accursed Clan, credit goes to Lightman2120 for the appearance idea. A mysterious figure unleashed a monster to corrupt Jessica Cruz with anger & rage, a heated battle insures, ya got to see Red Lantern Jessica Cruz, they won the battle but the figure promises more menacing surprises for the group. I also had Star Sapphire finally open her eyes to see that she & Hal aren't compatible anymore, will she find new love, only time will tell. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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