It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Harley

Babs was taking a walk through the city, the streets were a bit shrouded in fog and the skies were cloudy. She just left the hospital after visiting her dad, who was still recovering from being in the line of duty, protecting the innocent in police business but the accursed monster attack really put him on the bench for a while. She hopes that her father will be okay, Babs then looks at her phone which was ringing, it was Harleen calling her. She quickly answered the call.

Babs: Hey Harleen.

Harleen: Hey Babsy Boodle. How are ya?

Babs: I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking.

Harleen: No problemo. So, how are... things?

Babs: Oh, well I just left the hospital. Was visiting my dad.

Harleen: Got hurt in the line of duty?

Babs: Yeah. It's nothing too bad but he'll put through I hope.

Harleen: That's good! Hey, I was hopin' if you and me could hang out, maybe pull some practical jokes?

Babs then heard a booming sound and saw an explosion downtown.

Harleen: Babsy? Babsy ya still here?

Babs: Yeah. I'm sorry Harleen but now's not a good time. I'm very busy with the other girls.

Harleen: Oh...

Babs heard the sad tone in her voice.

Babs: But don't worry Leanie Beenie, tomorrow I'll be free to hang out! Promise!

Harleen: Ok! I'll see ya around then!

Babs: See ya!

Harleen hangs up, Babs heading to an alley to suit up in her Batgirl attire and heading towards the explosion downtown to handle the threat. Speaking of Harleen, she was sitting on a rooftop of an apartment building, putting her phone down and she looks down with a depressed look. She wish she could believe what Babs was saying but Harleen knew the truth, the blonde remembered during her capture & the fight between the Superhero girls and the Super Accursed Girls, the monstrous clones of her & her former villain friends. Harleen winced at the memory of Dark Harley Quinn's brutality on Batgirl followed by her red gas that gave her a frozen crazy grin before she revealed Batgirl's identity to Harleen.

It shook her to the core that Babs was the very enemy she was squaring with for so long.

Harleen: (sighs) I can't believe all this time, I've been fightin' my best friend. What a tragedy, how we have so much in common with a certain bat & clown... But I never wanted to hurt Babsy... but as Harley Quinn in facin' her as Batgirl, I came close to doin' what I was afraid of doin'... I gotta do somethin'! I gotta tell her my secret but...

She thought about it. How would Babs react to her own best friend being Harley Quinn? Harleen remember that remark during her battle with Lilith, she shivered at the thought of it.

Harleen: Ooooooh, what'll I do...?!

Core's voice: Having trouble thinking, clown princess?

Harleen turns around to see Core and Dark Harley Quinn standing a few feet from her. She glared angrily at her dark counterpart who grinned evilly.

Harleen: You!

Harleen got out her mallet only for Dark Harley to knock it out of her hand with her stretchy hand and wrapped it around the clown villainess, ensnaring her as she struggled.

Dark Harley Quinn: Too Easy, hahahaha!

Harleen: Ngh!! Urrgh! Let me go! Whatta you want?!

Core: Oh Harleen, don't look so down. Perhaps we can help you with your situation with Babs.

Harleen: (glares) I don't want any help from ya & especially none from the fake who hurt my best friend!

Dark Harley Quinn: (rolls her eyes with a smirk) Oh please, you've been hurtin' her as Harley Quinn long before I've been created. Talk about bein' a hypocrite and a crazy person in denial.

Harleen: Shut up! I didn't know she was...

Core: Batgirl, yeah we know. Why should that stop you? You're Harley Quinn, right? Chaos is your game & you should be embracing your crazy side like ever before upon Metropolis, your 'friend' shouldn't stop you from doing whatever you want. Join us & you can be free from these petty attachments & worries.

Harleen: I know it's filthy rich comin' from me but you're insane! I ain't joinin' squat or betrayin' Babsy!

Dark Harley Quinn laughed her head off.

Dark Harley Quinn: I have a feelin' you'd say that, you really are weak. But... You don't have much of a choice for what we're goin' to give ya.

Dark Harley Quinn pulls Harleen closer while Core forms something in his hand, an red, white & black orb which twitch and forms into a strange armored looking worm like creature which screeched with sharp fangs.

Harleen: (getting scared) W-What are you goin' do with t-that?!

Core: Just a little something Dark Harley & I made to further awaken the madness within you...

Harleen struggled to get out of Dark Harley's hold but the accursed clown villainess used her free hand to extended and forcefully open Harleen's mouth.

Harleen: No! Stop-Aahh! Aaaahhh!

Dark Harley Quinn: Ah ah ah! Time for your medicine, now OPEN WIDE!

Core walks closer with the strange accursed parasite near Harleen, who was terrified and trying to escape but Dark Harley held her tight as the parasite launched itself in Quinzel's mouth down her throat.

Harleen's pained and gargled loud screams were heard with an ominous red glow appearing on the rooftop.


At the Masters family vacation home, within the woods...

In the backyard, Diana and Tatsu were clashing blades with Gwendolyn Masters. The hybrid of light got double fencing sabre blades while Diana had her sword and Tatsu had a katana blade. After a few hours of clashing at exchanging blade strikes, the three ended their sparring session.

Gwendolyn: I say, your performance was quite excellent. From Greece warrior background to Japanese swordsman background, such spirit and strength.

Diana: Why thank you, Friend Gwendolyn. It is truly an honor to cross blades with a fellow swords woman.

Tatsu: Indeed. Your display of the sabre is impressive and Diana & I have duelled in the sport of fencing as well.

Gwendolyn: Merci (thank you). I have dabbled & won a few tournaments in fencing back home. Now let us take a moments rest before further improving your swordsmanship.

Diana: Of course.

Tatsu: Yes.

The three walked back into the house as we cut to Blake, Beck, Barbi and Leslie watching TV after another accursed monster hunt.

Barbi: I must say these foul creatures are getting more feral and grotesque. I was nearly eaten alive by that ghastly skeletal ooze beast (shivers) glad I had a shower.

Beck: Skeletal-Slimer, they all fight dirty especially when playing with their 'meal.'

Blake: And they would've played & ate almost everyone down in the subway if we haven't shown up.

Leslie: Talk about grossness. (Takes a sip of her drink)

Beck: (looks at the TV) Looks like UWLN is spicing up. Two new debuts of a blazing tag team, Manic Mollie is saved by a mysterious masked individual from Beverly Nova, Zak Skaar retains the UWLN ultimate title again and... whoa! Leslie, looks like you're on TV right now!

Leslie spat out her drink.

Leslie: What?!!

Blake: I see it too, Storm Behemoth is in action.

Leslie looks at the TV, shocked to see "Storm Behemoth" her one time gigantic powerhouse alter ego in action with four local competitors in a handicap match & she was dominating them all.

Leslie: I-I... She... What the hell?!

Blake: That's odd, this is happening right now but you're here. I thought you said Storm Behemoth was retired permanently?

Leslie: She is! I was! But that's not me!

Barbi: Well she looks like you but very bulky with punk wrestling attire.

Leslie: I know, Doris tricked me that time! And I swore never to use the Giganta serum again!

Beck: Yet here she or you are.

Leslie: (glares) I see that! She looks like me in that form but that's not me on TV, it's some sort of imposter!

Blake: We might need to keep an eye on her then, we confront her now, it might cause some disruption.

Leslie: Ugh, fine.

Then their phone ringed, beck answers.

Beck: Hello? Yes? Pam, what's up? Uh-huh. Got it. We're be there.

He hangs up.

Barbi: Another emergency?

Beck: A certain clown princess has snapped her jester cap.

Blake: Dark Harley Quinn of the Super Accursed Girls.

Beck: No. That's the screwed up part, it's not the Harley clone, It's the real Harley Quinn. According to Ivy, Harley has devastated a summer fest west of Metropolis, most performers heavily injured & some killed due to releasing a red gas bomb causing hysterical laughter and ghastly grins.

Leslie: Really? Throughout the chaotic fun we had back then, Harley never brought laughing gas death bombs out.

Beck: That's what Ivy said, Harley seems quite... off. Like she's gone crazy, not like Harley crazy but Crazy Crazy.

Barbi: What kind of crazy? Hasn't the clown girl always been all looney?

Blake: Maybe... maybe not. We better give Ivy some backup.


West of Metropolis...

The summer fest of Metropolis was in completed destroyed, booths, parades and events were in flames, authorities were getting people to safety and getting the injured to ambulances while most lied there dead with a permanent, ghastly grin on their face. Poison Ivy was seen flying back as she lands with her feet with a low grunt.

The plant metahuman gazed at the flames as Harley Quinn slowly walked out of fire, all loopy with a twitch, her head was down as a strange giggle escapes her lips unlike the one Ivy knew.

Poison Ivy: Harley, can you hear me? What's happened to you?

Harley said nothing as the strange giggling continues, showing glowing red dilated eyes & pulling out a mallet which suddenly grew spikes and lunged at Ivy to attack her. Ivy would get out of the way with Harley giving chase to swing her mallet wildly to nail Ivy, who forms a strong mystic nature barrier to block the bizarre attacks of Harley Quinn.

Poison Ivy: Harley, Stop! Why are you doing this?!

Harley Quinn: Hehehehe... Hehehaha... Hahahahahaha!!!

Poison Ivy pushes her back with wooden hand constructs, Harley landed on all fours, her head spinning around in a 180 degree angle in a sadistic laughing frenzy before quickly crawling spider style towards Ivy, who readied herself but before she could pounce on her, Harley was send flying by a electric attack by Livewire, who appears with Hybrids Omen & Blaze and Cheetah (in her evolved form).

Hybrid Omen: You okay, Ivy?

Poison Ivy: I'm well. Can't say the same about Harley though.

Harley emerged from the rubble, twitching and spasming out with crazed laughter.

Harley Quinn: HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Livewire: And I thought she was crazy before but this is insane even by Harley's standards. Plus, her laugh doesn't sound right.

Hybrid Blaze: Then we must restrain her and get her back to the sanctum.

Harley Quinn: Hissssssss!!!

She turns around and leaps, crawling spider style up a nearby building to escape. The five immediately went after her, jumping rooftop after rooftop, Livewire and Cheetah would fire electricity and chi claw attacks at Harley who would zig zag dodge swiftly to evade them. Cheetah would speed on ahead and tackled Harley Quinn to the ground as she was laughing while turning her head around.

Cheetah: Will you stop struggling?!

Harley Quinn stopped as her cheeks puffed and belches up a stream of red gas in cheetah's face.

Cheetah: Uggghh! You gross, demented little-hehehe...? Hahahaha! What's g-going on-hahahahahaha!

Cheetah was kicked off by Harley Quinn, falling to the ground in an uncontrollable laughing frenzy.

Hybrid Blaze: Cheetah!

Cheetah: (rolling around) Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha! C-can't stahahahap l-l-laughing Aaaaahahahahaha! Hehehehelp mehehehehehe!!!

Hybrid Blaze: Crazy or mega crazy, no one gases MY QUEEN!

He throws an assortment of fire balls at the laughing Harley who would dodge them in ridiculous ways, Blaze then got close to Harley with his eyes glowing yellow. Harley gazed at his eyes, screaming yet laughing at the same time, still strangely crazier but afraid as well. Hybrid Blaze saw Harley's cheeks puffed up and immediately dodged the red gas she breathes as Hybrid Omen pulls out an orb to suck the gas inside to analyze it, looking back at Cheetah who stopped laughing & collapsed with a ghastly grin on her face.

Hybrid Omen: Oh no...

Hybrid Blaze: Cheetah!

He went to check on his girlfriend, there was a pulse but her heart beat was growing faint. Hybrid Omen sees Harley escaping and throws the orb containing the red gas to his brother.

Hybrid Omen: Take that & get Cheetah back to the sanctum to synthesize a cure & fast!

Hybrid Blaze: Got it!

Picking up Cheetah bridal style, Hybrid Blaze went in the other direction while the other three follow the bizarre Harley Quinn.

Livewire: Since when can Harley do that?!

Harley Quinn suddenly stopped and zoomed her head in Livewire's face, catching her off guard.

Livewire: Whoa!

Harley Quinn laughs sadistically as her arms stretched and bulked up, Livewire dodged the double smash fists and fires a beam of electricity at Harley Quinn, shocking her.

Harley Quinn: AAAAAAAAHHH!!!

Livewire: Gotcha!

Harley Quinn: Aaaaaahahahahaha!!!

Harley Quinn was twitching and spasming out with more laughter, walking towards Livewire despite the electricity harming her. Livewire was surprised and growls with fangs bared & eyes glowing red, increasing the beam but Harley was getting closer and closer until she hits a large, stretchy backhand to knock her away.

Livewire: AAAH!

Harley Quinn: Hahahahaha-ack!

Harley was suddenly frozen with a twitch by Hybrid Omen controlling her blood to restrain her but Harley would twitch & turn with her laughter getting more loud & maniacal, trying to walk towards the Hybrid, Ivy helped to restrain Harley with her vine and tree like arm constructs but Harley continues to struggle.

Poison Ivy: Harley, snap out of it! We're trying to help you!

Harley Quinn hisses with red lightning & black aura surrounding her with fangs bared as she roared, releasing a bizarre shockwave to break the restraints and send Hybrid Omen and Poison Ivy flying off the building. Hybrid Omen managed to catch poison Ivy and use an ice pillar to break the fall, he rises the pillar up and sees that Harley had disappeared.

Poison Ivy: Harley...

Hybrid Omen: We'll find her, I promise you.



In the monster's sanctum, Noah got through analyzing the red gas and after a few bugs, he managed to create a cure for Harley's strange gas effect & duplicates it. Blake, Leslie, Pam and Beck were here, the twin brother of Blake placing his hand on the comatose like cheetah's hand, who was on the table with the same ghastly grin. Noah injects the cure in her and waited, few minutes later and Cheetah started to twitch with her grin cracking a bit before it turned into a fanged bared frown as she sat up, gasping.

Cheetah: *Gasp!* W-What happened?

Beck: (hugs her) Welcome back. I thought I was gonna lose ya there.

Cheetah morphed back to her original animal form then back to her human form, returning the hug.

Blake: It's good we got you back here in time.

Leslie: Any time & you'd be a grinning animal statue to mount.

Barbi: (narrowed eyes) One, you're not funny at that regard. And Two, when I get my claws on that grotesque, insane clown...

Pam: It's not her fault, she's clearly possessed. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to stretch, grow, turn her head clean around or fire gas bombs from her hands & mouth. Ugh, she gassed me before you got here, gross, luckily, my pheromones protect me from it's effects.

Barbi: Goody for you...

Beck comforts the blonde, even rubbing her head which made Barbi purr. The door slides open followed by an alarmed yell.

???: Help! Somebody please?!

???: Emergency guys, emergency! Bros down, bros!

Everyone turns to see Carol carrying Logan and Hal who was carrying Garth & Oliver, three having the same ghastly grins.

Leslie: Something tells me they met the bizarre changed Harley.

Hal: You too? We were taking a look at the new sweet rides when Harley Quinn showed up but she's gone mental man! Even by her standards, she started smashing the new rides with stretchy arms and started... Eating them. Eating them! We went to stop her but she gassed Aqualad & Green Arrow, giving us the slip!

Carol: (tears falling) S-She ruined my date with Logy Wogy (Logan)! We were having a perfect dinner until that unhinged clown came in, busted up the restaurant in a spiral, ate everyone's food including the tables, plates and utensils! I went to stop her but she caught me by surprise with her freaky powers! She was about to gas me and-and Logan t-took the hit for me! (Cries)

Blake: Oh no.

Noah: Get them on the tables, now.

Hal & Carol placed Garth, Oliver and Logan on the table as Noah injects the cure into the three of them. Soon after, Garth, Oliver and Logan slowly lose the crazy grins and regained consciousness.

Logan: That was unpleasant.

Carol: (hugs Logan) Oh Logan, you're okay! Oh You took the hit for me, please don't hurt yourself like that again! (sobs on his chest)

Logan comforts the violet lantern.

Oliver: I say... that gastral assault felt like stage make up mixed with cement. I thought it was going to be my final hour...

Garth: My face hurts.

Babs walks in.

Babs: Hey guys, caught another accursed monster, in the form of duplicate roach-rat hybrids, this was not pleasant in the sewers.

Carol: (angry) Oh yeah, did they get your boyfriend gassed into a mad smiling statue?!

Logan: Carol, please take deep breaths. I'm okay now.

Babs: Huh?

Leslie: Harley has snapped and beyond her standards, stretchy and growing body.

Pam: Laughter more strange than usual.

Beck: Head spinning clean around.

Blake: Red dilated eyes, red & black lightning and aura...

Hal: Eating cars, tables, plates, etc.

Garth: Destruction at volcano level!

Oliver: And the dreadful gastral substance that descends the victim to sheer madness before freezing into a grinning statue! Oh, the horror.

Babs: Whoa, really?! Perhaps this is the work of the Joker, only he has the necessary tools to make the dreaded gas to cause the victim to laugh uncontrollably into a comatose state! Could it be that the clown prince of the crime is here in Metropolis and he made Harley into her mutated minion of pure chaos!

Barbi: .... Is she real right now?

Leslie: Ugh, I can't tell or speak comic nerd.

Blake: It's not the Joker, Babs. She's obviously possessed by an accursed monster.

Babs: Well, that too.

Hal: She needs to be brought in before she does more damage.

Babs: Right behind ya! But for now, I gotta work!

Garth: Work? On what exactly?

Babs: Oh just a special project I'm working on~.

Babs walks away.


The next morning...

Harleen was seen lying in the middle of a destroyed construction site. The blonde girl slowly awoke with a sick groan.

Harleen: Uhhhh... Where am I? How did I get here? All I remember is sulkin' on the rooftop and the rest is a blur.

Harleen got to her feet, she winced upon feeling an uncomfortable bloating in her stomach.

Harleen: What'd I do last night? What'd I eat last night-BUUUUUUURP!!!!

Harleen belches up a large tire.

Harleen: H-How did that get in there?! Must've been a crazy party last night that I must've buzzed out.

Harleen walks out of the site and into the city, upon walking Harleen noticed a couple of areas in shambles with Lex demo bots trying to rebuild buildings.

Harleen: Geez, talk about mayhem hittin' tornado style. And I wasn't around to have a front seat to the movie, Hehehe!

News Reporter: This is Metropolis daily planet news bringing you this important event. Yesterday, the summer fest was completely devastated by criminal Harley Quinn.

Harleen: Eh?!?!

New Reporter: The clown princess has taken on a more unhinged & twisted sense of humor, causing total destruction not just the summer fest but half of Metropolis, 378 civilians injured and/or in a comatose state with strange grins & 76 civilians dead.

The news showed videos of Harley Quinn in her bizarre like state and her deeds.

Harleen: (in her mind) I-I don't remember doin' that. Maybe it was m-my clone, could they have got the description mixed up?

New Reporter: Lex Luthor is having his demo bots rebuild the city and had this to say.

Lex: Is it a shame to see our great city, reduced to a chaotic playground for an unhinged jester, I humbly apologize for those who lost their love ones to this monstrous clown. The heroes... of this city are trying to apprehend her but is their best good enough?

Harleen: Oh what does save face chrome dome know?

Lex: Weeks from now, I have a solution to solve our problems arising to keep our city strong and well protected under the eye of Lexcorp. If the heroes and vigilantes won't cut it then I shall step to the plate to succeed where they have failed.

News Reporter: And that's all. If you see Harley Quinn, evacuate and don't do anything to extract the psychotic villainess.

The news cut it, leaving Harleen in thought.

Harleen: (in her mind) This has got to be a mistake! I'm crazy yes but not that crazy, it must be my clone tryin' to frame me-ack!

A strange situation went through Harleen's head, darkness with sparks of red electricity circling with bizarre voices heard in her mind, the blonde haired girl clutched her head in pain with fits of giggling like mad.

Harleen: Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!

Harleen places hands over her mouth, trying to keep her giggling in track as people were staring at her. She quickly ran for it, retreating to an alleyway, her pocket buzzed with Harleen taking out her phone to see numerous missed calls & texts from Pam and her former friends Selina, Carol, Doris and Leslie, Wondering where she was? We need to talk. YOU RUINED MY DATE by Carol? Have you flipped your lit? Harleen, you need to come over right away?

What was wrong with them, Harleen thought? They couldn't believe she did all heinous acts, could they? While she was a criminal, she wasn't a monster. Maybe, a call from Babs could cheer her up. Babs did promise to hang out with her today. Contacting her, she waited for a minute before Babs finally answered.

Babs: Hello there Leenie Beanie.

Harleen: Hey Babsy Wasby, how... how are you doin'?

Babs: I'm fine (yawns) just a little tired, getting ready for the day. How are you feeling today?

Harleen: (lied, suddenly giggling like a maniac) HAHAHAHA! Hehehe-eep! AHEM! I-I'm doin' all peachy keen!

Babs: Okay! I can tell you're chipper, meaning you're safe and sound! After all, it's said that Harley Quinn is out there, more unhinged and whacked out than usual.

Harleen paled.

Harleen: I-I'm sure that's not the case. Harley's j-just misunderstood.

Babs: Not what the news is saying, a lot of people injured, comatose and some are... dead with grins.

Harleen frowns.

Harleen: M-Maybe it was a mistake! Maybe she was framed!

Babs: I'm not so sure, Harleen...

Harleen groans. Seems her best friend believes her alter ego purposely caused these acts. Harleen suddenly spaz out with dilated red eyes, nearly dropping her phone but caught it, breathing heavily. What was that?!

Babs: But I admit this is too crazy even for Harley Quinn. She didn't seem like herself & I certainly don't trust Lex with what he might do if he hires someone to capture her. Perhaps when the heroes catch her, what happened to Harley can be undone.

Harleen felt a bit relief but was still uncertain to tell Babs that she is Harley Quinn. But is she really the one behind the chaos?

Harleen: Well... Okay, so do ya wanna hang out?

Babs: Sorry Harleen, I know I promised we'd hang out today but things came up and they absolutely can't wait.

Harleen: (not believing her) Uh-huh...

Babs: I'm really sorry Harleen. 

While Harleen didn't like this, she understands. Another wave of pain erupted in her head but she tries to ignore it.

Harleen: I-It's fine... I guess another t-time...

Babs: Harleen?

Harleen: Nono, ya quite busy with a lot on your plate at burrito bucket (& superhero work) so far be it from me to get my friend fired.

Babs: Okay. We'll talk later, okay.

Harleen: Of course, Babsy. See ya.

Babs: See ya.

Babs hangs up as Harleen places the phone back in her pocket with a frown. Suddenly, her head shook wildly with an eye twitch and eyes switching from blue to red with electricity circling & babbling/laughing freakishly as she leaps back to hit the wall.

Harleen: Oooooowwww... Maybe I am a little off... If somethin' wrong with me that I'm not aware of, I need to go see Red & the others.

Harleen gets up and turns to leave only to get a red mist to the face by Dark Harley Quinn, making her hit the ground, coughing.

Harleen: *Cough!* *Cough!* Hey! You... You... Hehehehe... Hehehahahahaha!

Dark Harley Quinn: Ah, ah, ah! Wouldn't want your friends to ruin your little jolly good time!

Harleen: Hehehehehahaha!! You! Whahahahat d-did you do to mehehehe?!

Dark Harley Quinn: Awww, ya forgot about the thing within ya just like how Babsy forgot about ya just now, or will forget...

Harleen: Nooohohohoho! Y-You're wrong!

Dark Harley Quinn: Wrong. Right. Makes no difference to me, the red mist is takin' effect to... ignite the craziness of the parasite within ya. You thought your fun was done, but it's just startin'! Hehehehe!

Harleen: Noooooaaaahahaha!!!

Dark Harley Quinn: So pack ya bags, HQ! Cuz yer about to go on a very, crazy triiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppp...

Harleen couldn't fight it anymore she was engulfed in darkness & insanity. It begins with a days full montage. Harley Quinn was running fast motion with a wide crazy grin and red shrunken pupil, going full speed loco everywhere she goes, like a non-stop twister of freakish chaos, leveling building with explosives, beating cops with cactuses, firing mechanical piranhas via stretchy arm bazooka construct through the community pools, unleashing her red laugh gas all over half the city and more as more people were mostly injured or have fallen. She encounters & does battle with the superhero girls, the former villains (minus Giganta), the Invinci-bros and the hybrids in chaotic fashion but seemingly tends to give them the slip & fade away laughing in the night.

Harleen would wake up in various places with memory gaps, a sore & bloated stomach & a series of twitches, spasms and random laughs/freakouts, much to her worry & fear. What was happening to her, she thought? And whenever she tries to go to her friends, especially Babs to talk to her to either hang out, tries to tell her what's going on, Babs wouldn't answer due to voicemail and her out being busy, causing Harleen to slowly get annoyed and upset of being blown off as Dark Harley Quinn continues to bring out the parasite's worst inside Harleen, making her go in a near endless loop of chaos & madness more crazier than the last, causing the name Harley Quinn to not be a clown princess of crime but a carnage hungry, clown monster & a murderer.


3 days later. A stormy day, At Sweet Justice...

The six girls walked into Sweet Justice, no one was here, not even Barry who would grant them access only if they lock up when he's not present. The Lex demo bots weren't rebuilding this time as they were destroyed in Harley's rampage and called in for repairs but Gwendolyn & her division offer to help rebuild the damages while the hybrids secretly delivered replicated vials of the cure to the hospital to give to the comatose grinning patients.

However, there's still no sign of Harley Quinn like she appears and disappears in a snap.

Kara: This is ridiculous! The last 3 days Harley has been on a crazy destructive spree & she always gives us the slip!

Diana: It's quite troublesome but the accursed have undoubtedly corrupted Harley's mind and soul, made her a demon of pure carnage.

Zee: If we don't find her, metropolis will be destroyed before Lex or the Accursed Beasts could have a chance to do it.

Karen: There's gotta be a lead or clue. Like with what happened with Poison Ivy & the lycanatura, Harley has to have a civilian identity, maybe Selina & the others know.

Jessica: That's actually a good idea, call them!

Karen: I... We don't have their numbers.

Babs: Then we go to them right after a quick dessert-

She was cut off when the door was slammed open, Babs & the others turn to see Harleen stumbling in like a mindless zombie, grumbling with a twitch and tired eyes.

Babs: Leenie Beanie! What are you doing here?

Harleen ignored her and walked passed the six girls, sitting on the stools, punching a hole in the glass and takes out some frozen desserts, wolfing them down one by one.

Zee: Such lousy manners.

Jessica: And she didn't have to punch a hole through the glass to get the desserts.

Babs: Uh hello, Harleen?

Harleen felt a tap on her shoulder and turns to Babs with a sour, tired look.

Harleen: Oh... Hello Babsy, glad to actually see ya...

She went back to eating.

Kara: (jokes) Geez, what else can she "wolf down?" Haha! Get it-

Zee: No.

Babs: Harleen? Is everything okay with you?

Harleen: (blunt) Fine. Dandy. Peachy keen.

Babs: Are you sure?

Harleen: (rolls her eyes) Yes Babs, sure as rain. Aren't ya busy as usual or somethin', don't worry about me. Just go, go, go before ya get fired, fired, fired.

Babs frowns at Harleen's expression and tone. She thought she was grumpy from possibly staying up at night but something tells Babs that wasn't the case. After finishing eating the treats, Harleen got up from her seat.

Babs: (concerned) Well... I'm not busy now, would you like to spend time together?

Harleen: (narrowed eyes) Oh now you're not busy....? Well I happened to be busy, so gonna take a raincheck on that...

Babs: Oh.

Harleen: Oh? Oh? That's it? I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I gave you the same reaction when ya were too busy for me but it's no use cryin' over it. See ya when I see ya...

Harleen turns to leave but Babs' finds her voice to stop her.

Babs: Wait! Are you really doing okay?

Harleen was facing away from her but grinding her teeth.

Harleen: (through gritted teeth) Yes Babsy, I'm fine...

Babs: (worried) But you don't sound like it & your body language isn't it's usual happy & joyful tone. Harleen, please? You aren't being honest with me, just tell me what's bothering you. If you're mad about us not spending time together much, I'm really sorry, we can work this out.

Harleen slowly turns to Babs with a scorn glare, snarling with a sneer.

Harleen: I ain't bein' honest with ya...? I ain't bein' honest with ya?!

Babs was taken off guard by her friend's angry tone & glance.

Harleen: Ain't that pot callin' out kettle, huh Barbara?!

Babs' eyes widened, Harleen rarely calls her by her full name like that.

Babs: What are you talking about, Harleen?!

Harleen: (glares) Oh so ya playin' dumb, huh?! Like I'm not aware of anythin' else ya do besides go off with yer stupid old friends & new friends!

Babs: (glares) I'm not playing dumb & They're not stupid! Plus, why are you acting like a grouch over who I'm hanging with?! I thought we sorted this out when I couldn't get along with your friends & you couldn't get along with mine, that we'd both still hang out as friends!

Harleen: (yells) That's not the freakin' point!!

Harleen grunts, placing her hand on her head as the strange headache returned, making her twitch a bit before regaining her glare towards Babs.

Harleen: The point is I've been tryin' get ahold of ya all day, I needed ya more than ever cuz I wanted to get somethin' off my chest, I was scared & needed to see ya about it but ya would constantly blow me off!!

Babs: I-I wasn't trying to blow you off! I was busy!

Harleen: Yeah right? Busy going off with your other friends in secret, gotta do something, be somewhere other than being here for your BEST friend!

Diana: Harleen, enough!

Jessica: Please calm down we can discuss this peaceful-

Harleen: (to the girls; pupils glowed red with a twitch) STAY OUT OF THIS, This is between me & Babs here! Ya didn't like me at all or my prank/jokes so I got nothing to say to you five chumps, do everyone a favor & SHUT THE HELL UP!!

The five girls were shocked and appalled by Harleen's outburst, Kara was about to step in and give her a piece of her mind but Jessica and Diana held her back.

Harleen: (to Babs) And you... you were the only friend I had before I met my group. But ever since my friendship with them ended on a sour note, I thought maybe to reconcile with them, didn't work... well maybe except Pam. I thought I could at least get together with my GBFF but it seems it ain't workin', everyone's turnin' their backs on me, they all hate me, I'm losing my mind & I don't know why!!

Babs: I'm not turning my back on you, Harleen! I'm here now and I want to help you-

Harleen: Then tell me the truth! I'll say my truth when you just come clean with yours, just-aghh! P-please...?

Babs: (stammers) Harleen I-I...

Harleen: You what...?

Babs: I just... can't.

Harleen: (tone darkens) Can't do it, huh...?

Babs: Harleen, I'm sorry...

Harleen: (turns to the five girls) Are they threatenin' ya not to spill it...?

Babs: What?! No, they're not!

Harleen: Just tell me then!

Babs: You wouldn't understand! I'm trying to protect you!

Harleen: STOP LYIN' TO ME!!!

Harleen twitched and held her head, minor sparks of red electricity circling her eyes.

Babs: Harleen, are you hurt?!

Harleen: Ugh! Just save it, ya made your choice! Just go hang out with your new friends since you're tired of me like week old trash, well who needs ya? I'm outta here!

Harleen went to leave, Babs quickly placed her hands on her shoulders.

Babs: H-Harleen, it's not that! I wouldn't throw you away, I'm really sorry! Y-You gotta understand, I was trying to protect you from-

Harleen quickly turns around with dilated red eyes full of unhinged anger, tackling Babs off guard, grabbing her and hitting a hard backhand to Babs' face, making her stumble and knocks the table over.

Girls: Babs!!

Babs attempts to recover but was grabbed by the neck, receiving punch after punch to the face and gut before getting thrown across the room to the wall back first.

Babs: Gah!

Kara and Diana saw Harleen stomping towards her and tried to restrain the snapped blonde haired girl.

Kara: What is wrong with you?!

Diana: I won't forgive such acts of violence upon a fellow friend, stand down at once!

Harleen's eyes widened and sparked red even more as she got free, grabs Diana and throws her into a table. Kara was nailed with a solid headbutt, making her stumble back as Harleen flips Kara's jacket over her head and grabs her to throw her over the counter. Babs coughs a bit as she was grabbed and pinned to the wall by a snapped Harleen who was about to give her a hard fist to the face, Babs closed her eyes with some tears falling.

She waited but the blow never came, slowly opening her eyes to see Harleen breathing heavily & angrily until the blonde haired girl slowly calmed down, red eyes became blue eyes again and saw in horror of what she was doing. Releasing Babs, Harleen backs away looking at her hands, seeing some blood & looking at the blood on Babs right lower lip and side of the forehead... Harleen slowly shook her head, she hurt her friend not as Batgirl but as Babs, her worst fear came to life.

Harleen: (in her mind) What have I done...?

Babs: Harleen...

Harleen felt tears fall from her eyes to her face, backing away.

Harleen: I-I... I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry...!

She turns and ran out of the store.

Babs: Harleen wait!!

She was gone but at the same time, Selina came in.

Selina: Hey, couldn't find her downtown and Rrroww? What happened here & to you?

Kara: Ugh! Harleen happened! She went nuts and attacked Babs!

Diana: She was in the foulest of moods worse than Hades pet Cerberus not receiving it's offering of fresh meat. Then she retreated out of the store just before you got it.

Selina snarled under her breath.

Jessica: Selina listen, you've used to work with Harley Quinn. Surely you must know who she is behind the mask!

Selina: ....

Zee: If you tell us, we can find the person and stop whatever is happening to her or things will get even worse from here!

Selina sighs.

Selina: Very well... I'll tell you and (to Babs) I won't sugarcoat this for you so pay attention.

Babs was confused but listened along with the girls.

Selina: Harley Quinn... The one behind the mask, is Harleen Quinzel.

Lightning flashes followed by rumbling thunder as the girls were shocked, especially Babs.

Babs: You're lying... You have to be. Please tell me this is a sick joke and you're trying to lie to me!!

Selina had a dead serious look on her face, that was all Babs could read. All this time when she was fighting Harley Quinn, she's been fighting her best friend...

Kara: I should've known! Harley Quinn. Harleen Quinzel. That's an obvious giveaway seeing the first & last initials start with H.Q!

Selina: And she knows who you are, Babs. It happened with the first encounter with the Super Accursed Girls. Dark Harley revealed your identity to Harley when you were grin gassed... She was as hurt as you were now...

Babs couldn't believe it. Now it all came clear, Harleen tried to tell her but was too scared & worried but at the same time, Babs herself was so busy in her line of work as a superhero, she couldn't give her best friend a time in the day. Now she feels very bad and even more worried as Harleen is infected by what's causing her overly psychotic and murderous behavior.

Diana: Then we must find Harleen right now! Come sisters, to battle!

Babs: You guys go ahead... I'll catch up.

The girls and Selina turn to Babs, who was opening the path to the hideout.

Jessica: Babs, what about your friend?!

Babs: (serious tone) I know! Harleen needs me But right now, I need to gear up to save my best friend! I'll be there, now Go!

The girls nodded as they along with Selina left while Babs went through the passageway.


Harleen was running in the rain with tears falling from her actions, it shook her to the very core that she snapped and took it out on Babs like that. As she made it to an alleyway, Harleen twitched & spasmed out of control again, holding herself.

Harleen: Not again! Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!!!

Dark Harley Quinn: (appears) Why stop it? You finally done it, you severed all ties with Babs and now you're free! Hahahaha! Embrace the chaos, Embrace the madness!

Harleen tackled Dark Harley to the walls.

Harleen: You did this ta me! Y-You and your partner in crime ruined my life! I may love craziness but n-not this level of it, you made a monster out of me! A psychotic freak who hurt my best friend!

Dark Harley Quinn: Oh guilty, guilty, guilty. Core & I may have struck the blow to cause your life to break but you... Hehehehe... You are the one who truly hurt Babsy.

Harleen growls furiously and begins to pound dark Harley who still laughs.

Harleen: Get that parasite outta me!!

Dark Harley Quinn: (spill up blood & smirks) Naw, I think it's happy in your tummy, very soon... it's gonna take on a bigger surprise...

Harleen spasms again, falling to the ground, her appearance changing into Harley Quinn as she held herself with black & red lightning aura surrounding her, the blue eyes turning red & dilated.

Harley Quinn: NOOOAAHAHAHA!!!

Dark Harley Quinn: And you're about to go out with a BANG! Hahahaha-ack!

Dark Harley Quinn was grabbed by a couple of soulless ones with Valerie appearing along with the superhero girls (minus Batgirl), Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy, Hybrids Omen & Blaze and the Invinci-bros.

Valerie: I don't think so~.

Wonder Woman: This is as far as you go villain!

Green Lantern (Hal): So you, the eviler Harley is the cause of this!

Catwoman: Whether you did to her, you better undo it now... (Her claws out)

Dark Harley Quinn: (restrained) Now what's the fun in that? She was just enjoying herself and soon, she'll bring out the boom in metropolis in CRAZY fashion! Hahahaha!!!!

Aqualad: Boom? Wait a minute...

Zatanna: (eyes glowed to see inside Harley, disgusted) Uuuuuughhh! Gross, some sort of armored worm like creature is in Harley's stomach & it's growing!

Livewire: And by boom, that thing's a bomb?!

Dark Harley Quinn: Ding, Ding, Ding! Once the madness maggot grows drastically in Harley to self destruct and Metropolis shall experience the mother of all craziness and with it, Lex and the Accursed Beasts will take this city! But not before Harls here her last fun!

Poison Ivy: (snarls) You psychotic imitation!

Harley Quinn got up with a bizarre laughter and attacks the group. Valerie snarls and orders the soulless ones and takes Dark Harley down in the shadows.

Dark Harley Quinn: It's useless, you'll all have permanent smiles on your faces, hahahahaha!

Once she disappears, the unhinged Harley Quinn forms a spiked hammer to whack the group, Green Lanterns (Hal & Jessica) & Star Sapphire would form barriers to block the attacks while Hawkman and Wonder Woman would move in and attack with high flight mace strikes and ground sword/shield combo attacks.

Harley hisses and leaps to expand her legs to large dropkick Hawkman and Wonder Woman away. Green Arrow moves in fire arrows at Harley, who caught them in spiral fashion, forming an elastic bow from her right arm and fired the arrows at Green Arrow, who was pinned against the walls with his arrows. Harley laughs insanely but gets caught by Catwoman's whip and Poison Ivy's vines to hold her, Harley snarls with red sparks and spins around repeatedly with Catwoman & Poison Ivy.

Catwoman & Poison Ivy: Reeeoww!!/Aaaaaagh!!!

Harley got free and Catwoman & Poison Ivy was sent crashing into a meat truck. The Flash was running with Aqualad on his shoulders as the speedster runs around Harley with the Atlantean with buckets of water to throw in as flash creates a twister of water for Aqualad to control in order to trap Harley and it looked like it worked but both heroes saw Harley sucking up all the water in, bloating like a pufferfish until she was loose and sprayed Flash in the face like a rapid water hose as he lost his footing with him & Aqualad running into & crashed into an antique store.

Aqualad: Owwwww...

The Flash: We're okay...!

Zatanna and Livewire surrounded Harley firing beams of magic and electricity only for the corrupted jester to dodge... by dancing?! Doing bizarre dance moves, Harley made Zatanna and Livewire hit each other, both yelled out in pain as Harley ran at them with two stretchy arms/large hands like a missile to hit the two targets... on Zatanna and Livewire's ample bottoms with a double fierce smack!

Zatanna & Livewire: AAAAAAAAAH~!/YEEEEOWWWW~!

Zatanna and Livewire were flying and fell into a truck full of ice cream, heads first with their large rears up in the air. Harley laughs with her head spinning around before she was trapped in a green construct prison by Green Lanterns Jessica & Hal.

Green Lantern (Hal): We got her!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Yes! Now let's get her back to the-

She and Hal were cut off when Harley was bouncing around in the prison construct like a raging pinball, causing cracks to form. Hal & Jessica attempt to strengthen the prison but Harley wasn't stopping while glowing red and black, shooting out of the prison and planting both Hal & Jessica back to back with pinball strikes, knocking them both down. Star Sapphire flies with a heart bazooka construct, firing flaming hearts at Harley, who opens her mouth wide ridiculously to eat the flaming hearts, swallowing them.

Star Sapphire: No way-

Harley inhaled and fired a flaming belch at Star Sapphire, now covered in black charcoal.

Star Sapphire: Ewww & Owww...

She fell to the ground. Supergirl flies followed by Ult. Bumblebee and Hybrids Omen & Blaze. Ult. Bumblebee set her upgraded stingers to stun and fired at Harley while Hybrid Blaze would throw claws of fire at her, Harley stretched her body to catch the stingers and claws and bounced them right off to Ult. Bumblebee and Hybrid Blaze, Ult. bumblebee formed a honeycomb style barrier to block the barrier. Supergirl flies in and fires breath of ice to freeze Harley on the spot along with Hybrid Omen adding more ice to the shot, encasing Harley in a frozen sphere.

It seems that it was over and they were about to take her in but red sparks and black fiery aura begins to break the ice, unleashing a vicious shockwave to send Supergirl, Ult. Bumblebee and the Hybrid brothers flying in various shops. Harley was free & laughing maniacally & distortedly until she was ensnared by mystic chains by Valerie as Gwendolyn and her division appeared.

Gwendolyn: Set to stun and fire.

The agents aimed and fired at Harley, the corrupted jester screaming and laughing at the same time before she broke free from the chains and fired her red laughing gas at the group, Gwendolyn forms a light barrier to shield her division and the others while Valerie created a portal to suck the toxic gas in. Harley looks around as she was surrounded by Gwendolyn, her division, Valerie, the recovered Superhero girls, Invinci-bros, Catwoman, Star Sapphire, Livewire, Poison Ivy and the Hybrid brothers. Before anyone can go to more blows, a familiar yet sinister voice was heard.

???: Harley!!!

The corrupted jester looks up along with the other to see someone up on the ledge of a nearby building, the lightning flashed to reveal the figure in a frightening light.

Supergirl: Batgirl! Took ya long enough!

Green Lantern (Hal): Are you sure? She looks a little... different.

Catwoman: She looks rather... grim. Reminds me of a certain Dark Knight...

Hybrid Omen sees a familiar yet vile irregularity in Batgirl's appearance.

Hybrid Omen: .... (In his mind) Babs, what have you done...?

Up there was indeed Batgirl but she has taken on a very grim visage; She was taller up to Wonder Woman's height, her hair was now black with orange streaks, her skin paler and her body has gotten quite  buff & her teeth possessing fangs. Her outfit has changed as well, having a black & dark purple trim bat cowl mask with pupiless glowing red eyes, a black, dark purple and glowing red trim bodysuit & armor with a glowing red bat symbol on the chest, sharp armored gauntlets/gloves, belt, a black cape and armored boots.

She jumps down and lands on her feet, walking calmly towards the others and the infected Harley Quinn, who giggles creepily.

Wonder Woman: Batgirl, is that really you?

Livewire: Got a new look, huh?

Valerie smirks.

Valerie: (in her mind) It works~...

Hybrid Omen: Batgirl. What have you done...? I thought we agreed that this kind of power of the accursed you never want to experience-

Batgirl: (cold tone) I know... And I'll explain later. Right now, I need to get Harley alone...

She walked past the group towards the corrupted jester who laughed crazily before lunging at her with her hand morphed into a chainsaw to slash but gets her face caught by the empowered Batgirl and grips her face before flying up the stormy sky at high speed.

The Flash: Where are they going?!

Hybrid Blaze: She's taking Harley out of the city!

Gwendolyn: Let us go after them.

Wonder Woman: Yes, onward sisters and brothers!

The group head in the direction Batgirl flew off with Harley.


Speaking of whom, the empowered Batgirl flew deep into the forest holding the infected Harley until they reached a wide open area where she dropped the corrupted jester.

Batgirl: Now we're alone...

Harley Quinn: Hehehehahahahahaha!!

Batgirl: Harley. Listen to me, you don't want to do this...

Harley Quinn leaps up and expands her arms to deliver a gatling of solid fists to Batgirl, who would timely and swiftly dodge the attacks, moving forward to hit a solid palm to knock Harley away, holding her gut with a distorted snarl. Batgirl opens up her cape as a school of shadow bats appeared to swarm Harley as the corrupted jester spun around throwing bizarre mini bombs to counter the shadow bats via explosions.

Harley lunged at the empowered Batgirl, both trading fierce blows and combo attacks to one another before grasping each other's hands in a stalemate in trying to overpower the other.

Harley Quinn: Hehehehe... Hahahaha... Hahahahahahaha!!!

Batgirl: Harley, I know you can hear me behind the creature's influence on you. You have to fight it!

Harley Quinn slowly frowned with a strange look before her crazy smile returns as she inhaled deeply and unleashed a breath of red laughing gas but Batgirl ducked underneath to dodge it and kneed her in the face, breaking the hold as she was sent rocketing through the tree, Batgirl runs after her only to run into a decoy Harley bomb. Batgirl cloaks herself with her cape as the decoy exploded, engulfing her in the fires. The corrupted jester was seen coming out of the lake, laughing up a storm.


Then a shadow loomed behind Harley Quinn, who's crazy laugh got a little sheepish.

Harley Quinn: Hahaha... Ha... Ha... Ha...?

Harley turns around and fires a laughing gas hand blast only to miss and was blinded by dark purple smoke, followed by a couple of strong punches and kicks, Harley snarls and shrieked, unleashing a red & black shockwave to engulf the area, sending Batgirl flying into the ground. She pulls out a strange looking bazooka outta nowhere and started firing smiling missiles at the downed Batgirl, the area lighting up in massive flames of explosions.


She was cut when something shot out of the flames, looking like a giant shadow of a bat in Harley's eyes as she was kicked in the face by Batgirl. The transformed caped heroine grabs Harley by the front of her suit while Harley grabs Batgirl by the neck to strangle her, Batgirl grunts but slowly let go of Harley who didn't released her hold on the neck.

Batgirl: Harley!

Harley Quinn: Hehehahahahaha!!

Batgirl: (voice calm) Harleen... I know you're hurting right now, I understand that I didn't see how much you needed me when something was wrong only for me to shut away your calls & pleas on deaf ears... I should've known you were scared & would be hurt if I found out the truth...

Harley Quinn slowly stops laughing and only to stare at Batgirl.

Batgirl: And honestly... I would be scared & would be hurt too if you found out my truth.

Batgirl suddenly was engulfed by a red light, returning to her normal form with the new suit intact, her cowl opening up & revealing the face of Babs.

Babs: But I'm not afraid anymore and neither should you...

Harley Quinn had a sad frown with tears threatening to fall.

Babs: Harley Quinn or Harleen Quinzel... I accept you and I'm truly sorry... If you're still mad at me then I don't blame you, do what you must...

Babs slowly closes her eyes, waiting for the striking blow but she felt the grip around her neck loosened. She opened her eyes, seeing Harley sniffling with tears falling from her eyes now blue again.

Harley Quinn: B-Babsy...

Babs: Harls...

Harley Quinn: I... I'm s-sorry-Ack!

Harley grunts and clutches herself with black & red electricity aura circling her.

Babs: Harleen!!

Harley Quinn: AAAAAAAAHHH!!

The shockwave sent Babs flying but lands on her feet, glowing red to revert to her transformed state, her eyes widened at what was happening to her best friend. Harley was shaking immensely with her pupils shrinking, her face started to pump up swollen followed by the rest of her body bloating in gargantuan size, her arms all puffy and her legs sinking into her growing frame. Harley's growing shadow loomed over Batgirl until the clown girl was now a giant bloated form of herself.

(A/N: Basically Harley's bloated form is akin to Dragonball Z's semi-perfect Cell's self destruct form.)

Batgirl: Oh no...

Harley Quinn: Aaaaah!! I-I'm a livin' bomb!!! (Grows more with the bizarre aura flaring) I know I said I wanted to go out with a Bang but not like THIS!!!!

The area was shaking immensely with the storm intensifying & winds howling. Soon, the group arrives to see Batgirl and the expanding Harley.

Wonder Woman: Batgirl, we're here!

Catwoman: Oh no, she's entered the self destruct mode.

Zatanna: That creature is reaching critical mass within Harley!

Ult. Bumblebee: Even though she's out of the city, the blast radius out here will still reach metropolis!

Gwendolyn: Valerie.

Valerie nodded and pulls out a vial.

Valerie: Hope it's not too late. Batgirl!

She throws the vial to Batgirl who caught it.

Batgirl: Thanks!

Gwendolyn: I'll make a barrier to shield the city in case the worse comes...


Harley was a few seconds away from blowing up, Batgirl quickly runs towards and leaps up to lands on the bloated clown, opening up the vial.

Batgirl: Open wide!

She poured the vial in Harley's mouth as she swallowed it. Batgirl waited for a reaction but happened nothing as Harley was reaching critical mass.

Batgirl: No no no!!!

Harley Quinn: B-Babsy just leave me here to blow up, I don't want ya to die! Save yourself!

Batgirl wrapped her arms around the blob Harley's neck in a hugging manner, shocking the clown girl who was glowing in a white light.

Batgirl: Never again. You're my best friend and I've never leaving your side no matter much (calm, genuine smile).

Harley Quinn: Babsy... (slowly closes her eyes, smiles back sadly but genuinely) T-Thank you...

The white light intensifies followed by a massive "BOOM!!!!!" as Harley Quinn & Batgirl were engulfed by the clown girl's self destruction. Gwendolyn quickly created a barrier of light to expand around the group & Metropolis as the explosion hit the barrier with tremendous force, forming cracks but Gwendolyn uses more power along with Valerie & Zee's help to strengthen the barrier to block the explosion.

Soon, the shockwave depleted as the entire open area in the forest was a baren wasteland. Gwendolyn lifts the barrier as the group and all of Metropolis was safe but... at a price.

They looked around and saw a gargantuan crater where Batgirl and Harley Quinn once were, nothing was there and no body parts but smoke and... confetti?

Ult. Bumblebee: Oh no.

Supergirl: Batgirl!

Poison Ivy: (tears fell) Harley...

Catwoman comforts Ivy, who embraced the feline thief.

The Flash: Babs...

Green Lantern (Hal): (sympathetic) Sorry about your friend, bro.

Livewire: (looks down) No puns intended... At least they're together again on the other side...

Hybrid Omen places a hand on Livewire's shoulder for comfort. The Superhero girls were on the verge of tears having to have lost their friend/teammate Batgirl. Same for the former villains with Harley Quinn. As they were mourning, Gwendolyn & Valerie felt something and looked up in the sky.

Gwendolyn: Hmmmm?

Valerie: Up there.

The group heard the two and set their gaze to the calm rainy sky, one by one their eyes widened in shock. To the skies, they saw something or someone.... It was Batgirl, who has survived the explosion with her suit damaged a bit and floating down. Over her right shoulder was Harley Quinn who survived as well & back to her normal shape & barely conscious but her suit was tattered and half her mask ripped off.

Superhero girls & Invinci-bros: Batgirl!!

Catwoman, Star Sapphire, Livewire and Poison Ivy: Harley!!

Batgirl floats back down to the ground still holding Harley while pulling out the parasite that was in her friend only it was back to it's small size & trying to wiggle out of her hold, she dropped the parasite to the floor & before it could scurry away, the empowered Batgirl brought up her left armored boot and stomped the parasite flat, the creature shrieked in agony before it was silenced, broken down and the pieces vanished.

Batgirl: Mission accomplished.

Harley Quinn barely got a thumbs up with a small smile. The superhero girls and the Flash tackled Batgirl in a group hug while Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire and Livewire pulled Harley into a hug of their own. The Hybrid brothers, Invinci-bros, Valerie and Gwendolyn watch with relieved, calm and/or excited smiles/grins.

Meanwhile, Core and Luthor who was watching through the clear aqua green orb, saw another plan foiled, Lex threw his chair at the glass window in anger but it only bounced off and hit Lex head on to knock him down. Core only snarled with a sneer as he teleported away with the orb.


The next day...

Harleen: Wow, this place is way better than the last vacation home we visited!

Harleen was wearing her normal attire, bandages wrapped around her forehead and an X bandage on her cheek, she was currently with Selina, Carol, Pam, Leslie and Doris at the Masters family home in the woods. After yesterday's crazy battle, Harleen was given a healing potion by Valerie but still has to rest off certain scars and damages. On daily planet news, Gwendolyn & her division brought the chained up Dark Harley Quinn to the public, stating that the Accursed Jester was responsible for the original Harley's bizarre and overly insane & chaotic rampages (while core, the other individual responsible was not caught). Everyone in Metropolis was angry and scared at/of the Accursed clone Jester but still didn't trust the original Harley Quinn either despite her name cleared, considering her criminal record before her ultra mad acts of Dark Harley & Core's plan. 

Selina: Indeed, hehehe~. I could get a place like this in time but I don't mind taking refuge here. The rooms here are prestigious.

Harleen: Same here, I might bring the babies (hyenas) to this place. Oh ummm Guys... I'm really sorry for... ya know.

Leslie: Water under the bridge.

Carol: As long as you don't ruin my date again, we're good.

Pam: Though I wasn't happy with a good portion of the forest your self destruction took out, I managed to revive it. So apology accepted.

Doris: What they said, water under the bridge.

Harleen: (to Doris) Also muscles, where were you when everyone else was fightin' crazier me?

Doris: Valerie sent me, Lena, Ember, Casey, Barbi, and Tatsu on a retrieval case. The dimension was... weird but I'll tell ya about it later.

Leslie: Finished your serum yet?

Doris: No, it almost done. Beecher & I have to put the finishing touches on it.

Harleen: So... are we friends again?

Selina: (smiles with an eye roll) Alright.

Harleen squeals and pulls Selina, Doris, Pam, Leslie & Carol in a big strong hug.

Carol: Ugh! Easy!

Pam: Some of us don't have strong bones!

Harleen released them as Blake, Beck, Diana and her friends appeared.

Blake: Feeling better Harleen?

Harleen: (smiles) Energetic and crazy better! My own crazy that is, hahaha! Oh & congrats on ya & Les datin'! Ya kissed yet? And I noticed sparky had some changes to her bod, especially her now plump junk in the trunk, hehehe!

Leslie: (blushes, glares) That's n-none of your business!

Blake: (facepalms with a chuckle) Hehehe.

Jessica: Harleen, we would like to apolo-

Harleen: Ah, ah, ah. Slow your role greenie girl. I forgive ya, I'm willin' to accept all of Babs' friends. More the merrier. My bad for snappin' at ya guys.

The girls smiled with Diana speaking.

Diana: Apology accepted. You were merely under the influence of the worm demon, now disposed of thanks to friend Babs here.

Harleen: I know.

Harleen turns to Babs.

Harleen: So... I know you're Batgirl.

Babs: And I know you're Harley Quinn. To think this time we've been fighting each other without knowing who's behind the mask.

Harleen: Yeah. Followin' the leads of the Bat and the Clown. From punches & kicks to hammer shots, from bombs to batarangs, etc.

Harleen & Babs: I'm really sorry for...! No! I'm truly sorry for lying/hurting you! Hey! Stop copying me, trying to apologize here! I'm not, you are!

Babs and Harleen glared at each other for a moment before hugging it out with a laugh.

Babs & Harleen: Hahahahaha!!

Babs: So still Gotham Best Friends Forever, Leenie Beanie?

Harleen: The Best, Babsy Wasby!

The two shared a hug.

Harleen: Also, how'd you pull that dark bat persona?

Kara: Yeah, you were a completely different person that day.

Zee: Your appearance as well.

Blake: (stern stare) I've been wondering myself... since your abilities matched a certain accursed monster that infected you before.

Beck: (stern stare) You got some explaining to do, Babs...

Babs sighs, knowing that she had to come clean.

Babs: Remember when I mentioned that I missed the strength, speed, heightened senses and other abilities due to being bitten by the Bat Beast?

Diana: We're aware but an accursed monster's powers aren't the most reliable or trusted. I should know when I was infected by Maximus Dark's blood & become a malicious dark warrior.

Jessica: Or when that irateling infected me & I became an enraged Red lantern.

Pam: Or the lycanatura who turned me into a plant eating werewolf... (Shivers in disgust)

Leslie: Or when I was tricked by Core to absorb those accursed monsters to fight Blake... (Looks away)

Blake comforts the shockjock.

Babs: I know! But I had to improvise, I secretly took the cube containing the Bat Beast but Valerie caught me.

Valerie: (appeared outta nowhere) Guilty~.

Carol: Gah! Don't do that!

Karen: Eeep!

Doris: Need to put a bell on ya!

Valerie: It was very naughty of Babs to take something dangerous from the sanctum, especially the very beast that made her one~. But the young girl of the night was on to something so I helped her~.

Babs: With Valerie's help, I was able to take DNA samples from the Bat Beast, did some tinkering & tweeks with it to create a serum and mixed with Valerie's magic potions, we were able to remove any accursed irregularities & freakish monster traits to perfect it.

Valerie: And Babs tested it on herself to create...

Removing her hood, Babs clutched her fists, glowing red as she grew to Diana's height, her form got bulky again with pale skin, fangs, red eyes and her hair turned black with orange streaks, completing the transformation.

Babs: (smirks; cold tone) Blood Batgirl.

Valerie: (smirks) An extraordinary, vampiric super soldiers. A suitable type for Babs like a Jekyll & Hyde body morph in a different way. While in her human state, her powers won't work but when she changes into her empowered form, Babs gains various strength of the bat beast and more minus the uncontrollable ferocity & berserker attributes of the accursed monster.

Blake: This is... a shocking discovery. But as long as Babs isn't in any danger-

Babs: (cold tone, smiles) Don't worry. I'm in complete control, trust me.

Kara: Wow, Babs. You're as tall as Di over here and more buff than me & Doris.

Leslie: Why is your voice all dark & mysterious like that, Gordon?

Babs: (cold tone) Sorry, when I enter this form, my voice is the same but kinda... dark.

(A/N: Basically, as Blood Batgirl, Babs' voice hits a dark tone like Super Saiyan 4 Goku.)

Harleen: (hugs & feels Babs' muscles) Wow, talk about hittin' the gym Babsy Boodle. Soft yet so bulky!

Babs: (blushes; cold tone) H-Harleen, please S-Stop!

Harleen: Hehehe! Sorry, couldn't help it Babs.

Harleen released her as Babs glows red, returning to her normal form.

Babs: (normal tone) Phew.

Harleen: Ya know, since I'm done with the whole crime thing... Ya need a sidekick on your team, Babsy?

Babs: Hmmmm... A sidekick seems okay but I must rather have you as a partner on equal terms.

Harleen: I'll take it! (To Selina and her crew) Ya know, whatta we call our group since we ain't villains anymore?

Beck: I got this. I can think of a cool name for your team.

Leslie: Shoot.

Beck: What about... Super Renegade Girls.

Selina: Hmmmm. Not bad.

Carol: Next.

Beck: Vengeful Vixens?

Pam: Too obvious.

Leslie: Meh.

Beck: The Mad Dogs.

Doris: That sounds cool.

Carol: We're not calling ourselves the mad dogs!

Beck: The She-Rebels?

Pam: Next.

Beck: Hmmmmm... The Ultimate Rogue Girls?

Leslie: ... I like it.

Doris: Not bad since ultimate is in the name.

Carol: I'll go with it.

Harleen: Sweet!

Pam: I guess it works.

Selina: And we are a couple of dashing rogues~.

Blake: Then it's official.

Beck: Cut. Print. Beautiful!

Everyone shared a laugh. Meanwhile, Gwendolyn and her division arrived in their vehicle parked, bringing out the chained Dark Harley Quinn.

Gwendolyn: Come now, accursed monster.

Dark Harley Quinn: Hey! Easy on the chains, bright girl! Agh!

Dark Harley was brought in as the clone accursed jester got narrowed looks from the group, especially Harleen and her crew.

Gwendolyn: She's all yours now & her powers sealed under the aura chains.

Dark Harley Quinn: (tilts her head with a frown) Oh so the whole gang is together. Big whoop, killing me won't do ya hybrids and lapdogs any good. Ya don't know what's coming & when it does, you'll wish it was Harley bomb here that killed ya!

Doris: Why you little-

Harleen: Ah, not so fast. I'll take it from here. (to Dark Harley) While you are a dark & freaky clone of me, ya still are me in some ways but rather than easily killin' ya for what you did, Valerie gave me a quite an idea for your punishment, right Girls?

Selina: (smirks) Oh We hear you, Harley~.

Dark Harley Quinn: Punishment? What punishment?

Harleen said nothing but giggles with an evil smile along with Valerie, Selina, Leslie, Carol, Pam, and Doris. Their giggling/smirking shadows loomed over Dark Harley Quinn, who had a nervous look with a whimper.

Dark Harley Quinn: Eeeep...!

To be continued...

(Chapter 32 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Sorry if the chapter is long. Conflict rose in the mind of Harleen with a decision to tell Babs her secret of being Harley Quinn while she knows Babs' hero identity. Core & Dark Harley infect Harleen with an accursed parasite to drive her into a new level of insanity she or anyone can't handle, Babs & Harleen have a heated argument, a battle erupts, Babs debuts a new suit & power persona and saves Harley from blowing up, while accepting her whether she was Harleen Quinzel or Harley Quinn. Now Harleen is reunited with her friends & her best friend Babs, a new name for their team and have a mysterious punishment for Dark Harley. What it is? I'll leave it to your imagination. Babs' transformation power was an idea that popped in my head from the previous chapters of bat blood as well as some inspiration from Black Cat from Spiderman: T.a.s. and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde in a way. What's gonna happen next, find out soon, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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