It Ends Now pt 2
Diana, Babs, Karen, Jessica, Zee, Kara, Barbi, Casey, Ember, Tatsu, Carol, Lena & Pam were in their alter ego attires in jumping and/or flying from building to building throughout metropolis after Lena saw the strange message from Leslie Willis to Blake Masters & went to warn the others, they needed to hurry and stop this madness from going any further or the two will end up killing each other.
Wonder Woman: Do you have their scent, Cheetah?
Cheetah: Yes, it's far up northeast towards the woods.
Green Lantern (Jessica): This is bad, this is really really bad. I didn't think the conflict between Blake and Leslie would be this destructive...
Supergirl: After Lena showing that message as well as the 'ultimate humiliation' with that new holo vision of hers, it's no wonder Blake kept it from us, it was horrible. I knew Leslie was twisted, even surprising as Livewire but never this much!
Ult. Bumblebee: B-But the glint in her eyes on the television, she looks like s-she's possessed...! What if it's a trap...?
Poison Ivy: (in her mind) Could it be... that she's joined the Accursed Clan...? Leslie, you fool... Were you that desperate...?
Lady Ultra: I've never seen either of them this sadistic... Big brother Blake...
Star Sapphire: Hopefully we can stop them before it's too late...
Batgirl: Ult. Bumblebee, any words from Beck, Mason or Lilith?
Ult. Bumblebee: N-Negative, while Beck's signature is clear that he too is headed for Blake and Leslie's location, Lilith's signature is unreachable for some reason like it's vanished without a trace... Same for Mason and even Valerie.
Zatanna: (worried) Oh no...
Ember: I know those three can handle themselves but for let's focus on the other two.
Lady Ultra: Please don't let us be too late...
Katana: Leslie's actions proved to be unacceptable, vile and twisted. But Blake's path for vengeance is clouding his mind... If he succeeds in killing Leslie or if Leslie kills Blake again, their souls won't recover or know peace...
Star Sapphire: No, it won't come to that! I know Leslie and after what happened & how she & Blake were very close when they were young, she loves him!
Poison Ivy: Carol, I'm not sure that's the answer.
Star Sapphire: I know it is! I've seen it Leslie's eyes and I felt her heart, she really loves him but the past is keeping her from expressing it, plus Blake's obsession!
Shard Soldier: His Obsession? With Leslie?
Star Sapphire: Like a hate obsession. After the ultimate humiliation fiasco, Blake isn't going to stop until Leslie feels the pain he felt years ago but there must be a mistake, I don't know but we have to stop them & have them make up!
Supergirl: Are you crazy?
Star Sapphire: No! The two are in love but the pain of their past is killing them inside, if they don't sort this out... It'll literally kill them both!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Okay... We're almost there!
Wonder Woman: Let us to head to the old Masters estate to put an end to this conflict!
At the old Masters mansion...
Hybrid Omen was seen dodging and avoiding the massive attacks from the amalgamation form of Leslie now calling herself Hybrid Livewire, who has gained a major advantage/boosts of power after her transformation.
He forms an ice spear and struck Hybrid Livewire hard across the chest as she roared loudly. She fires a couple of large crystal shards and electric coated onyx stones at Hybrid Omen, who would dodge or knock them away with his ice spear.
Hybrid Livewire: Nice but can you handle this?!
She outstretched her large arms and fired a near instantaneous gatling of heavy strikes to Hybrid Omen, who would be the defensive. He admitted silently that Leslie has gotten very powerful with her new amalgamation form but he wasn't going to submit so easily no matter what the corrupted shockjock has up her sleeve.
He would use Hybrid Livewire's monstrous strength by catching the next giant punch with monstrous strength of his own, would lift Hybrid Livewire over and slams her into the ground with an earth shattering thud.
Hybrid Livewire: Aaaargggh!!
Hybrid Omen then heads into the top, forming a purple and black orb in his hands and throwing at Hybrid Livewire which unleashed a shockwave of gravity on contact with her midsection.
Hybrid Livewire: AAAGGGGHHHH!!!
The force of the gravity attack sends her deep into the ground which shook heavily and shattered. Hybrid Omen wasn't done yet as he fired large beam of ice to Hybrid Livewire and it connects. He continues to add more to the ice blast to freeze the transformed shockjock solid but her body was radiating with fire & electricity as she shattered the ice and intercepted by reaching out to grab Hybrid Omen in her hands.
Hybrid Livewire smiles like a maniac and begins to squeeze the anti-hero tight in her grip, he yells out in pain for a long moment before he shot a beam of blood from his mouth into the eyes of the monster.
Hybrid Livewire: Aaaaah!!
She let's go of Hybrid Omen who fell to the ground on one knee as the transformed shockjock was trying to get the blood out of her multi eyes.
Hybrid Livewire: Aaaaahhhh!!! My eyes! My eyes!! I can't see!!
Hybrid Omen catches his breath and slams his hands to the ground, encasing the entire cratered floor in ice with Hybrid Livewire stomping around to get the substance out her sight that she didn't notice the iced floor, her bull like feet making it difficult to stand on said ice to losing her balance.
Hybrid Livewire: Huh? Whoa whoa whoa!!!
Hybrid Omen ran forward and grows in the same height as Hybrid Livewire thanks to Gravitiren and knocks her down, proceeding to repeatedly hammer away at the amalgamation electric villainess with no hesitation or mercy. Hybrid Livewire then caught the next strike and headbutts Hybrid Omen, grabs him and switched positions where she pinned the giant hybrid and proceeded to hammer away at him with her own massive hits. She picks him up & turns him around to wrap her bulky arms around his neck while her extra arms ensnare his midsection to apply a submission hold.
Hybrid Livewire: Give up!
Hybrid Omen growls furiously and tries to pry the transformed Leslie off him but the amalgamation shockjock wasn't letting go as she increased the pressure of the submission hold.
Hybrid Livewire: Just give up already! Let it be over!!
Hybrid Omen: (through gritted teeth) Never.
Hybrid Omen shrunk down to normal size to escape the giantess's grip and landed on the icy ground, Hybrid Livewire got up and unleashed a massive breath attack of fire/lightning/darkness. The anti-hero would rail through the ice to try to avoid the multi-element attack as it was leaving a path of destruction spreading throughout the area. Hybrid Livewire growls and begins to split into four duplicates to surround Hybrid Omen. The original fires a beam of electricity with onyx stone shards, the second one fired shards of crystals, the third fires breath of flames/lightning and the fourth delivered a stomp that sends a shockwave of darkness.
Hybrid Omen braces himself with a barrier as the four attacks connected on impact.
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Ult. Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica), Zatanna, Cheetah, Katana, Lady Ultra, Shard Soldier, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire and Ember were running through the woods when a massive sound was heard followed by the area shaking immensely.
Poison Ivy: What the?!
Zatanna: An earthquake?!
Ember: Guess again. Look ahead.
Everyone turned to the direction Ember was pointing and saw a gargantuan explosion in the distance.
Shard Soldier: An explosion.
Lady Ultra: That's where they are!
Supergirl: They must be having one hell of a fight!
Wonder Woman: Let us hurry!
The girls run towards the path of the explosion.
Back at the old Masters mansion which looked like a warzone at the point...
Hybrid Omen was seen on one knee, covered in blood as his wounds slowly healed after the massive impact of Hybrid Livewire's attack, his cloaked jacket was gone, his left arm and side was missing but he grunted as he grew it back via regeneration. He was breathing heavily with a low growl as Hybrid Livewire loomed over him with the duplicates vanishing, quickly turning around to strike with her dragon tail but he dodged at the last second.
He drives his hand into the ground, forming a wave of ice spikes that struck the amalgamation shockjock head on, she yells out in pain. Hybrid Omen then formed a massive mountain of ice and out of the ice formed 5 frozen constructs of dragons who roared and charged at Hybrid Livewire, 3 of them wrapping themselves around her while 2 of them sink their cold fangs into her shoulder and neck.
Hybrid Livewire: RRAAAAHHHHH!!!
Hybrid Omen summons more ice dragons as they swarmed, wrapped around and sunk their frozen fangs into Hybrid Livewire, who roared in pain as it felt like frost was entering their blood upon the wounds they made. She snarled and throws her head back, letting out a massive sonic wolf howl that caused the dragons of ice to crumble and shatter with the wave hitting the mountain of ice and Hybrid Omen, the formation crumbling and shattering along with Hybrid Omen collapsing into the rubble.
Hybrid Livewire stood up with a loud roar, spotting Hybrid Omen in the destroyed ice slowly rising to his feet.
Hybrid Livewire: Blake, you can't beat me! Just stay down!
She aims a giant fist at him but he flew to avoid it. She fires onyx stone and crystal shards along with web blasts at the flying Hybrid Omen who would dodge the incoming shots and immediately lunged at the giant.
Hybrid Omen: RHAAAAAAAHHH!!!
He turns one fist formed in ice aura and the other in an gravity orb to hammer away at her face, repeatedly delivering punch after punch and kick after kick to the giant shockjock. The amalgamation beast fell to the ground with Hybrid Omen continuing his lethal assault on the monster's face with ice and gravity crushing offense, drawing blood. Hybrid Livewire grunts and roars, reaching for Hybrid Omen with her hands to lift him up and throws him into the walls, earning a pained yell from the anti-hero.
Hybrid Livewire then clutches her head, left eye twitching with a groan.
Hybrid Livewire: Hrk! Urrgh! Losing... C-Control! No! I own this power, I won't lose control! N-Not when I'm so close to b-bringing him back-ugh!!
Hybrid Omen slowly got up and saw Hybrid Livewire looking distraught and twitching like crazy, repeatedly slamming her fists into the ground before clutching her head with a whimper/groan.
Hybrid Omen: (breathing heavily) She's immensely strong... but that monster form of hers seems to be awfully risky. It's taking... a dangerous toll on her mind, how unfortunate.... But I won't yield so easily...
Hybrid Omen then got into a crouching position, clutching his shoulders.
Hybrid Omen: Hraaaaaaaaah.....
He started to glow purple with aura, veins appearing on parts of his body as the ground begins to crack with rocks rising out of the ground. Hybrid Livewire slowly got her wits back and sees Hybrid Omen charging up an attack.
Hybrid Omen: Haaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!
The purple aura grew more intense with a barrier of gravity forming and black lightning circling around it, his eyes started glowing purple as well.
Hybrid Livewire: Fine... Have it your way...!
Her body pumps up even more as she was engulfed by blue, yellow and black electricity and spreads her arms wide before bringing them together to form an orb of energy with lightning circling it which begins to expand in size. Hybrid Omen's barrier begins to expand as well in critical fashion with the whole area shaking immensely while Hybrid Livewire raised her attack up high with the orb now completely gigantic, the anti-hero let out a furious yell and unleashes a devastating explosion barrier while Hybrid Livewire throws the gigantic orb at the gravity barrier, both attacks colliding in a highly immense clash.
The attacks of Hybrid Omen's barrier & Hybrid Livewire's power orb was at a critical stalemate in trying to overwhelm the other in collision but eventually the two attacks were at their full capacity, igniting into a colossal explosion that leveled the entire former masters family mansion. The shockwave of the explosion went throughout the woods and even all of metropolis felt that immense pressure.
The group was getting closer to the old masters family mansion when they felt an immense pressure followed by a massive earthquake.
Poison Ivy: I can feel the forest disturbed... shook by two monstrous powers...
Green Lantern (Jessica): We have to hurry!
Star Sapphire: We know!
Supergirl: We're nearly there!
Back to the fight...
Hybrid Livewire was down to one knee, damaged while breathing heavily. That attack really got her rattled with immense pain from the force of it but she could tell that Hybrid Omen experienced the same amount of damage as well. Looking around the area which was now a near endless crater with smoke, Hybrid Livewire was trying to locate Hybrid Omen's body but she couldn't find any trace of it.
Hybrid Livewire: Where are you...? I know he's here somewhere... I can smell his scent but where is he?!
Then her body erupted in pain, earning a loud scream from the amalgamation shockjock. She was suddenly lifted up and thrown into the ground with a giant thud, grunting and look up to see a heavily damaged Hybrid Omen in the air with wings as his open wounds slowly healed, forming a swirling indigo and blue orb of ice. Hybrid Livewire growls furiously in frustration and annoyance, she had tremendous power and no matter how many times she inflicted large damage on Hybrid Omen, he won't stand down. She didn't want to kill him, she just want her friend back and want this nightmare to end.
She forms a heavy attack of fire mixed with pure darkness & black and yellow lightning in her left hand. Her wings jolted upwards and lunged at Hybrid Omen who flew right now at her, the two yelling in a battle cry like fashion. The attacks collided in a clash of ice/gravity and fire/lightning/darkness which caused another explosive shockwave throughout the area.
Soon, the two came tumbling down to the ground. Hybrid Livewire slowly got up and clutches her head again, starting to lose her mind.
Hybrid Livewire: No! This is my mind, my body! I'm in control!! I need to end this now!!
Hybrid Livewire shakes off the pressure & forms another attack of fire mixed with pure darkness & black and yellow lightning in her left hand, making a beeline for Hybrid Omen, who was slowly getting his feet to see Hybrid Livewire charging quickly forward at him like a raging bull with her attack at full power.
Hybrid Omen: ....!!
Hybrid Livewire: I. WIN-!!
As she was about to connect the finishing blow to end this fight, victory was at hand for the shockjock... but something happened. She suddenly blew up in a cloud of smoke, much to Hybrid Omen's confusion.
Hybrid Omen: ...?!
Out of the smoke cloud, something shot out and landed on the right side of the area. It was Leslie, who was back to her human form, wearing only her tattered gray bodysuit! The shockjock coughs up a bit of blood, breathing heavily as she noticed that she was human again, she tries to get up but fell to one knee.
Leslie: W-What happened?!
Leslie tries to activate her powers but they weren't responding, she felt drained.
Leslie: No, they're gone?! I was so close! Damn it!
Hybrid Omen's voice: Seems that your accursed abilities have worn off, gone in a flash...
Leslie turns to Hybrid Omen who slowly arise to his feet with a cold stare. Fear started to wash over Leslie as she tried to fire an electric blast but only minor sparks shot out, much to her dismay.
Hybrid Omen: And your primary abilities are out of juice, eh? How unfortunate for you...
He was walking towards Leslie, who tried to run but couldn't as she fell. She felt so drained that she couldn't run or fight back, the shockjock looks back at the hybrid who was slowly approaching her as a calm yet dark smile appeared on his face, she whimpers and tries to crawl away from him.
Hybrid Omen: No escape... You won't be running away from what you started this time, Leslie.
He slams his hands into the ground which shook immensely.
Hybrid Omen: And your debt will be paid...
Out the ground, chains of ice shot up and begin to descend upon Leslie, who tries to get away but the ice chains would wrap around her. She struggled to get out of it but the ice chains continue to cling to her like snakes trapping their prey until she was completely ensnared.
Leslie: AAAH!! W-Wait, please don't-
Her mouth was also wrapped by the ice chains as her pleas fell on deaf ears, Hybrid Omen approached her while raising his left hand with blood surrounding it in glowing red with black marks and a black & red slit eye forming in his palm, Leslie struggled as Hybrid Omen loomed over the helpless shockjock with the strange transformed left hand present.
Leslie: Mmmph! Mmmmmmph!!
Hybrid Omen: I told you, didn't I? That I would make you experience a fate worse than death...? The Blood Eye, a curse seal that'll send you in an endless nightmare induced loop of madness for all eternity.
Leslie was horrified.
Hybrid Omen: All the wrongs you've done, every sadistic and destructive deed you've done to everyone you've crossed will come back to you in new heights of insanity to break your mind, body & spirit repeatedly to no end. You will never be at peace.
Leslie: (shook her head with tears falling from her eyes; muffled pleading) Mmmph!! Mmmph!! Mmmmmmph!! Mmmmph!!
Hybrid Omen: This is your punishment for what you do to me, for everyone you humiliated & tried to severely hurt as a villainess, goodbye Leslie Willis!!
Leslie closes her eyes and muffled screams as Hybrid Omen was about to seal her fate with the blood eye.
Green Lantern (Jessica's) voice: STOP!!!
A green construct hand grabs Hybrid Omen's arm with the blood eye. The anti-hero along with Leslie turn to see The superhero girls, Cheetah, Katana, Ember, Shard Soldier, Lady Ultra, Poison Ivy and Star Sapphire.
Hybrid Omen: ...?
Wonder Woman: Hybrid Omen, Blake... This has gone on far enough! This needs to stop!
Hybrid Omen: Then tell Jess to let go of me and I'll end this right now.
Green Lantern (Jessica): But not like this! Blake, we saw... everything.
He stares at the girls.
Zatanna: Lena revealed the message as well as the acts of the ultimate humiliation...
He turns to Lady Ultra who looks away.
Ult. Bumblebee: We know what Leslie did was horrible but don't cross the line down past her level.
Hybrid Omen: Maybe you haven't noticed Bumblebee but my line's been crossed. I merely trying to get rid of one of the scums of the earth.
Supergirl: Leslie can be a punk & a nuisance and yeah, she's done a lot of crazy things as Livewire but even I hate to admit that what you're about to do is not the way!
Katana: You must see reason, you let your past with Leslie cloud your judgement and mind, your eyes full of hatred and revenge. You need to stop this now because if you strike her down, you won't know peace, only more pain and turmoil...
Hybrid Omen: (glares) I'm not going to ask again, release my hand.
Green Lantern (Jessica): No. You need to let go of what you're thinking about doing!
Hybrid Omen: I'll let it go when Leslie pays! She has been like a demon in my head as long as I can remember, I trusted her as my friend and look where it got me, at death's door! She left me to die! She doesn't care about me or anyone long as she gets what she wants in either attention, fame, validation, the spotlight or to relish off people's misery whether they're humiliated, hurt or close to death like a sick joke!
He released himself from Jessica's construct, grabs the trapped Leslie and aims the blood eye seal.
Hybrid Omen: I was broken because of her, and Leslie Willis has zero cares or tolerance for the likes of me!
He tries to plant the seal on Leslie, who muffled screams in fear but a construct caught his hand again but this time it was Star Sapphire. Hybrid Omen turns to the violet lantern with a sharp glare.
Star Sapphire: No, you're wrong! Listen! If Leslie didn't care about you, she wouldn't have been trying so hard to make things right! To try to get her friend back after all those years, she really regrets what she did!
Poison Ivy: She's right. I've never once seen Leslie break down or feel remorse for anyone until she brought you up. She can't turn back time & undo the damage but there must be more to it.
Star Sapphire: Yeah, Les herself doesn't even know what caused the prank to backfire but that's besides the point, you need to end this obsession!
Hybrid Omen: Obsession?
Batgirl: Yes, think about it! It's your obsession of hate, with trying to make Leslie suffer in a way she did you! It's not good, you go through with this and you won't be you anymore!
Shard Soldier: This obsession of hate will take you to a darker path. Remember when you saved me, you even told me to accept myself rather than be someone else as I was obsessed! I was obsessed with wanting perfection, wanting everything Zee had that I mucked up my friendship with her, I stalked her, became like her & stole powers, went crazy with power and nearly would've went down a dark path myself but you got me out!
Star Sapphire: And my obsession with Hal Jordan and forcing him to love me at all costs! It took Jessica, you, your sister and finally my new love to see the light that I wasn't acting on true love but pure obsession! I would've been alone with no one but I finally found someone who cares for me! The point is that Leslie here loves you, I know it! And I know you love her too!
Hybrid Omen: I don't love that sadistic snake...
Star Sapphire: That's a lie and you know it! I feel it in your heart but you're letting your obsessive hate & fear of the past overshadow your true feelings, please just stop this and we can settle this the right way!
Leslie felt the hand of Hybrid Omen that was holding her by her tattered shirt/chain trembling, opening her eyes as the anti-hero's attention wasn't completely on her but she saw his expression as he was clearly frustrated with a snarl escaping his gritted fangs, left eye with a crystal watery tear while the right eye had a tear a blood.
Leslie: M-Mmmph? (B-Blake?)
Lady Ultra: Big Brother Blake, It's not too late... We can fix this.
Cheetah: Please Blake... Don't do something you're going to regret. You say you're a monster but don't become something worse than that.
Ember nods.
Hybrid Omen: ....
Star Sapphire: Wonder Woman, the lasso.
Wonder Woman: Right.
She pulls out her lasso of truth and with a swing, she latched it onto Hybrid Omen, who surprisingly didn't fight out of it.
Star Sapphire: (to Hybrid Omen) Just calm down and think clearly when I ask you this... Do you still love Leslie?
Hybrid Omen was compelled by the lasso of truth, to reveal nothing but the truth. He looks down on the floor for a moment as he slowly calms down in silence. Everyone's eyes was on him, including Leslie who was held by the anti-hero as he lifts his head up to speak.
Hybrid Omen: I... I d-
Then a green flash of light shot forward swiftly and struck Hybrid Omen through the chest, making him drop Leslie who's eyes widened in shock and horror along with the other girls as he fell to the ground with a thud.
Leslie: MMMPH!!
Cheetah: Blake!!!
The girls went to go help him but another green flash of light shot out and encased them in a barrier.
Wonder Woman: What sorcery is this?! (Sliced the barrier with her sword but it wasn't effective)
Ember: Ugh! My fire's not getting through this barrier!
Star Sapphire: None of our powers are phasing it!
Supergirl: Seriously?! What's with people in putting us in these things?!
Hybrid Omen was coughing up blood roughly from the severe wound shot to the chest but strangely, his healing factor wasn't working this time as blood was forming below his fallen body.
Cheetah: Damn it!
Lady Ultra: Nononono! Blake!!
Leslie: Mmmph! Mmmmph!!
???: Ah drat, I missed the heart. I must be having an off day, hehehahaha. But hey, it was pretty effective to damage the guy.
Leslie and the girls spot the cloaked figure appearing in the area. He slowly approaches the fallen anti-hero and the trapped Leslie, who was shocked and angry that the figure who helped her shot down her friend. She started yelling but still gagged by the chains as the man turned to her.
???: You did a great job, Willis. You really played your part well. Though it's a shame... How does it feel to come so close to achieve your goal only to have it blew up in a puff of smoke, gone...?
Leslie glared at the man, muffled yelling.
???: (Grins) What? You thought I double crossed you? Why would double cross you when I was never intended to help you to begin with? I only wanted you to damage the hybrid more with the powers I gave you for the right opportunity, my little sparky pet.
Leslie was shocked and furious. He used her.
Wonder Woman: Vile fiend, who are you?!
???: I guess introductions are in order.
He removed his cloak, revealing his appearance to everyone. The figure was a tall young man with pale skin, pure aqua green eyes with dragon slits, fangs, slightly long white hair & an impressive athletic body. He sports a black/white/purple monstrous face paint on the right side of his face, wore dark gray neck bandages, a black collar around his shoulder lined in purple with a dragon slit red eye symbol, a black & purple long, sleeveless dress coat, a left long, black fingerless glove, a purple sash, shirtless, a front cloth, black pants & armored boots. He also sports a strange black/silver/purple left clawed gauntlet with four aqua green slit eyes on it.
???: I am Core, the right hand of the Accursed Beasts. A pleasure to meet the heroes who aligned themselves with the hybrids face-to-face...
He grins then steps on the wound of Hybrid Omen who grunts with blood flowing from his mouth.
Cheetah: Stop that!!
Lady Ultra: You're hurting him!!
Core: That's the idea, I don't want him to pass out on me now.
Hybrid Omen glared at him.
Core: (smirks) What's with the look? I thought you'd be glad to see me? You've always been trying to find the person who killed your parents & who unsealed the Accursed Beasts. Well... Here I am.
He steps on the chest wound again, drawing more blood with the anti-hero letting out a pained grunt.
Leslie: Mmmph!
Cheetah: (glares) You're the one who killed masters siblings parents?!
Batgirl: And you unsealed the Accursed Beasts?!
Core: Yep. I am an Descendant of the clan which was denied the destiny to rule the world and to bring destruction to those who oppose us thanks to the Hybrid Guardians who ruined everything. The Hybrids ancestors won the war but I survived & was hidden away as I hated the hybrids to death. In time... I grew up, learned my true powers, gaining more in soul consumption and lying in wait to strike...
Zatanna: So you're trying to finish where the beasts left off?
Core: Yes... I found descendants like myself in various places to form a new accursed clan to plot our revenge as well as make the hybrids descendants suffer fot their ancestors actions against us & to unsealed the Accursed Beasts back then.
Ember: You are a special kind of evil I hate to admit.
Core: Hmph. I exist to make the hybrids and anyone who's associates with them or not experience a series of physical, mental and emotional pain and torture, I love to cause all kinds of problems in ruining someone, killing someone in different ways or destroying everything they stand for or hold dear... Take Blake & Leslie here for example.
Hybrid Omen: ....?
Leslie: Mmmph?
Shard Soldier: What do you mean?
Core: (looks at Leslie) You keep asking yourself... What happened? What went wrong with the ultimate humiliation, right...?
Leslie's eyes widened while the others were horrified.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Dios Mio...
Supergirl: So you're saying...?
Core: (grins widely) That's correct. I'm the one who broke their bond.
Star Sapphire: You... You monster!!! You're the one who caused the incident?!?!
Core: Guilty as accused. It was long before I killed his parents & unsealed the beasts, I saw how close these two were despite their differences... Then the ultimate humiliation act approached in the fray so... Using my ability of avoiding detection, I possessed Leslie Willis and threw the wrench in her prank to backfire to do the hybrid in.
Leslie's eyes widened.
Core: It's a shame he didn't stay dead but it proved more fun to use my gauntlet here to play with a traumatized Blake's mind, planting illusions of distorted & nightmarish visions of Leslie, which sparks his hatred for her in deceit... to make it like she was the one to blame for his death. And I wanted to watch them turn against one another....
Hybrid Omen: ....?!
The girls were shocked, horrified and/or angry at Core, who's sick grin did not go away.
Core: .... All for my amusement.
Ult. Bumblebee: Amusement?!
Cheetah: You made the two nearly killed each other!!
Katana: Your soul is completely tainted of darkness and deceit, you shall pay for this.
Wonder Woman: You're a vile, cruel deceiver!!
Core: One of my titles is Blood Deceiver, I love to cause means of deceit, ruin and others breaking down in a matter of moments. It's like a game only I always win & everyone loses...
Core picks up Hybrid Omen.
Core: And the wonderful thing about it, when the horrible, sad truth comes out... It hits the heart and mind like a mirror to be shattered...
Lady Ultra: (angry) Let him go now!!
Core: And what will you girls do if I don't? You're powerless in my barrier, the Hybrid's going to bleed out as my shot disrupt his healing factor and Leslie is in no shape to help either. And before you say it... No, the Hybrid's brothers & sister aren't coming to your rescue either...
Cheetah: What? Beck... Lilith...
Zatanna: Mason... What did you do?!
Core: The one called Beck was headed here but I couldn't let him interfere so I played with him for a bit until I grew bored and slain him.
Cheetah immediately went to her evolved form and tried to break through barrier, yowling in rage. Her attacks weren't getting through as Wonder Woman and Supergirl tried to calm her down in restrain, tears falling from Cheetah's furious eyes.
Core: Hey, he's still alive but not for long depends of how much blood he lost, hehehe... As for the one called Mason, he was quite a challenge but he's now motionless at the bottom of the ocean.
Zatanna paled with her pupils shrinking and shaking her head.
Zatanna: No, N-No! You're lying!
Core: (evil grin) Am I? Am I really...?
Zatanna felt her heart break, her eyes glowed blue, her skin paled with her purple hair now a neon blue. She had a dark and angry look on her face while glowing with neon blue and black aura. She disappeared and reappeared out of the barrier to lung at Core.
Shard Soldier: Zatanna!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Wait!
Core: (grins) A light & a dark magic user, eh?
Zatanna let out a distorted yell of fury and fired a beam of dark magic energy at Core, who held out his left gauntlet hand to catch the blast.
Core: Hmmm, what a nice gift. You're very powerful but you have a lot to learn, return to sender!
He aims the blast back at full force and struck Zatanna who screamed loudly as she fell to the ground, her skin and hair returned to normal and the dark magic faded, now unconscious.
Batgirl: Zatanna!
Supergirl: You're gonna pay for that!!
Core: Won't we all pay, hahahaha. Now, it's time to see the grand finale.
Core brings out an orb like device and sat it down while he puts Hybrid Omen down. The device opened up and brings out a large holo screen, revealing Lex Luthor himself with a calm yet smug smile.
Batgirl: Lex Luthor!
Lady Ultra growls furiously upon seeing her ex brother and the murderer of her parents.
Lex: Ah, greetings to you heroes & former villains alike. You're just in time.
Wonder Woman: Whatever you have planned, we won't let you succeed!
Lex: Such bold words yet I'm not the one trapped in a barrier. You see... The Accursed Beasts have been quite the associates who promise me a place to rule once they have the world as well as the universe in their hands but... You heroes, the hybrids and even the villains who think otherwise might get in the way of that but no matter...
Lex presents strange containers as the girls saw some of the villains they've encountered in the past, Ra's Al Ghul, Sinestro, Bane, Enchantress, Deathstroke, Bizarrogirl, Dexx-Star, even Kara was shocked to see Ursa, Non & General Zod who she, the superhero girls and the Invinci-bros sent back to the phantom zone, somehow was back & amongst the captured.
Lex: They were quite the individuals who lived up to their potential but were bested while you had other problems. The rest of you shall join the next villains and heroes in your fates but allow me to show you my next prize.
Lex left for a moment and comes back rolling in a luxurious, black coffin and in it was Lilith Masters, still motionless. Hybrid Omen's eyes widened while the others were horrified.
Poison Ivy: No...
Lex: Behold, Lilith Masters herself. I know her as a very successful CEO and had done wonders as her reputation proceeds hers... Ashame she would stubbornly refuse my requests to work together to achieve greater things than just helping the world...
Star Sapphire: Like she would trust an egomaniacal, chrome headed creep like you!
Cheetah: What did you do to her?!
Lex: Actually, I haven't touched her... Core and the Super Accursed Girls brought her to me, in a coma like state as she's shut down they say. No matter, it would've been better if they gift wrapped her for me.
Core: I was actually considering that, hahahaha. The way I see it, Lilith is one of the most powerful hybrids in the next generation but with her mind preoccupied with an unknown phenomenon during our fight & my mystic powder, she's now a sleeping shell between the boundaries of life & death...
Lex: Yes, since she's too dangerous to control or contain to get the secrets I want, I think it's fair that if I can't have her secrets... no one will.
Katana: What are you going to do?
Core: Lilith's bed had been made... Now she has to burn in it.
Ember: No.
Poison Ivy: You can't!
Lex then pulls out a bottle of mystic glowing green liquid and pours it all over Lilith's body.
Wonder Woman: Lex stop!
Shard Soldier: Don't do this!
Lex continues to pour the liquid onto Lilith's motionless body.
Lex: Once Lilith falls, so do the remaining Hybrid's will and resolve.
Core: Hehehehahahahaha!!
Hybrid Omen tries to get up but he was too damaged, losing too much blood as the strange blast Core shot him with disrupted his healing factor and exhausted from his fight with Leslie, he couldn't do anything nor the girls couldn't while trapped, nothing but to watch as Lex Luthor was about to do the unthinkable.
Star Sapphire: Lex, you maniac! Stop!!
Ember: I'm gonna burn you alive!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Please don't do this!
Lex then pulls out a torch with strange markings while doused in a white & green flame.
Ult. Bumblebee: T-That's enough, stop!
Supergirl: You madman!
Cheetah: Stoooooooop!!!
Lex: And Now... Lilith Masters, your final hour is up. With this cursed flame, may you be a thorn in my side no longer... for your end came at the hands of Lex Luthor.
Lex dropped the torch and the cursed flame engulfed Lilith's motionless body.
The girls: NO!!!
The flames enlarged as Lilith was burning within the coffin, no reaction & no scream, her entire body eaten away by the cursed fire. She was no more.
Wonder Woman fell to her knees with a fist planting in the ground as Katana kneeled beside her, shaking her head with a solemn look. Ult. Bumblebee looks away in tears as Supergirl comforts her while glaring angrily at the young teenage billionaire. Shard Soldier and Ember were a lost for words & Batgirl was horrified, Cheetah fell on all fours and wailed in anger and despair, same with Poison Ivy as she screams. Star Sapphire cried while Green Lantern (Jessica) comforts her while shredding tears herself. Lady Ultra cried and yelled out in rage, swearing that Lex will pay for this. Zatanna was knocked out & Leslie herself was horrified.
Lex grinned evilly at the fire that incinerated Lilith's body while Core kneeled and spread his arms wide with a dark, sinister smile, laughing sadistically.
Core: Hehehehe... Hehehahahaha... Hahahahahahaha!!! Despair, for this is the end of the hybrids and the beginning of the Accursed Beasts' rule, first metropolis, then the world, then the universe will be ours as it should be! You heroes have failed!! Hahahahaha!!
Hybrid Omen could only stare at the horrific image as his vision started to blur, hearing nothing but Core's haunting laughter as his consciousness faded into the darkness.
To be continued...
(Chapter 27 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Hybrid Omen and Hybrid Livewire have a brutal fight to the point where Leslie's fate was about to be seal. The girls stop the hybrid from going down a darker path to try to end Leslie but before he could answer the question of Star Sapphire, he is shot down by the right hand of the Accursed Beasts, a descendant named Core, who has revealed to be the one who killed the parents of the masters siblings, unsealed the Accursed Beasts and to add to his sick nature & crime, Core also revealed himself as the one who caused the downfall of Blake and Leslie's bond. He and Lex Luthor are fulfilling their promise to take the world, capturing villains the superhero girls fought in the past along with burning alive Lilith Masters in the process of breaking the hybrids further. Is this the end of them? Is there no stopping Lex Luthor and the Accursed Clan? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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