Inner Darkness of a Villain

A few days later....

Lex was not having a good day. None of his projects were making it on time, he wasn't receiving his money's worth and to top it all off, The Supervillain Girls failed to 'persuade' Lilith to align her company over to him, he still remembered the chilling warning the young woman gave him and the haunting stare of Lilith as she promised him that he'll meet his end.

The good side of this is that he has new allies in the form of the Accursed Beasts, who offered to help remove any supers hero or villain like thorns from his side in exchange for helping them in taking out the hybrids. But even since their deal, Lex hasn't been hearing from them as of late after sacrificing his parents' souls to them, he attempted to do the same to Lena but she escaped, not that he cared much about her.

Lex: Hmmmm... Those Accursed Beasts are testing my patients... So far, I've heard nothing back from them. If they continue to keep me waiting, I'll-

???: (Cold tone) You'll what...?

Lex turns around to see the super computer showing the leader of the Accursed Beasts staring hauntingly at him.

Lex: Well you took your precious time calling me back-


Lex felt chills down his spine from the beast's tone of authority.

???: We may have a common enemy and the same goals but remember, we, the Accursed Beasts, don't answer to you. You answer to us.

Lex: Look, all I'm saying is that since we're working together, I was hoping for some cooperation like means of ideas, plans, weaponry, various individuals you have in your arsenal that would be of use of my possession...?

???: Yes... As a matter of fact. I've seen your former colleagues in action who tried yet failed to apprehend Lilith Masters.

Lex: Don't remind me...

???: You once said that they came close to yet they've been bested time and time by these superhero girl pests.

Lex: Yeah. Apparently, they can't follow simple instructions. Despite their power and skills, they lack the means of ambition and loyalty.

???: And that's where my right hand man comes in...

Lex turns to see the cloaked enforcer of the Accursed Beasts appeared out of a portal with six large, strange yet high tech pods.

???: With the blood acquired from Catwoman, Livewire, Giganta, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire and Harley Quinn you provided us mixed in with the materials of our technology and amplified power cores of the Accursed Clan, we have made perfect, genetically & sinister duplicates of the Supervillain girls who's only goal is to serve us & provide their service to you Lex.

Lex: Interesting... Very interesting. And they'll do what the supervillain girls couldn't do... Destroy the Superhero girls once and for all.

???: No.

Lex: No?

???: They're not going to kill them right away. You say that the superhero girls were a pained thorn in your side, correct?

Lex: Yes? What's the point of them if they're not going to destroy them?

???: These clones first order of their mission... The superhero girls won't die, no. Too easy. In time they will but for now, They're going to suffer... as painfully as possible... (Grins sinisterly)

Lex also grinned.

Lex: That's even better... Break their bodies and their spirits will slowly but surely follow.

In the six pods, pairs of glowing, sinister eyes were seen.


Blake was seen walking through the streets of metropolis on a stormy day after destroying an Accursed Monster that was feeding off people's organs, it was a gross one that really need to be put down. After the events with Lex and Lena's new transformation into Lady Ultra, he was glad that she wasn't hurt, he allowed Lena to live with him since she's basically no longer welcome at lex's place not that she cared, he would help her train to use & control her new powers, The superhero girls especially Kara was shocked by Lena's new kryptonian form but Lena kept the Kara Clone a secret as she wasn't going to tell them about her yet.

Blake then had another thought on his mind, it was the wrestling summer event weeks back during his match against Austin Malice and during the war of the match, Leslie (who was disguised as Storm Behemoth during when Doris injected her with the Giganta serum), helped him out along with Beck and Kara in fending off the Aces of Brutality.

And the look she gave him... It confused him so, why would Leslie help him? As far as Blake was concerned, she was his enemy but still...

VladRa: Still thinking about that electric snake?

Blake: .....

Arcticron: You're conflicted young one, why the electric mortal helped you? Despite everything that happened between you & her years ago, she's trying to earn your trust back...

Gravitiren: She's quite stubborn Blake, she hurt you real bad and suddenly she wants to be your friend again, maybe she too is conflicted about what-

VladRa: Oh don't feel bad for her, she's a  nuisance & a murderer!

Arcticron: (stern) VladRa...

VladRa: Don't try to make a counter argument for this Leslie pest. Once a snake, always a snake! She's trying to play nice with Blake, hoping for forgiveness for her crime but when his back is turned, she'll stab him in it again!!!

Gravitiren: I'm not justifying Leslie's actions towards Blake but the look she gave him back then, she showed no means of malicious intent and she even said she never meant to do what she did when she & Blake were kids. Maybe there's more to it.

VladRa: (snarls) Like she didn't do it, please. There was no evidence of interference of any kind or no sense of anyone else's aura in that area as all of the ultimate humiliation act point to Leslie Willis and only her! She's Guilty! I say we just kill her right now, she's mere distraction to our goal of defeating the Accursed Beasts!

Gravitiren: Arcticron...

Arcticron: .... I had no words for this but Blake, focus on your tasks at hand.

Blake who silent the whole time, nods as he continues his walk in the rain but heard a familiar scream.


Leslie was seen leaving the five star restaurant, with three boxes of that chocolate coated blueberry cream pie, the electric villainess couldn't get enough of this dessert so much, she even robbed the restaurant of the pies once as Livewire as she was totally addicted to these pies.

She once got into another argument with Doris, who was warning her about having too much of them, saying that Leslie will plump up from the dessert, Leslie already told Doris that it's her body, she can do what she wants with it and can stop any time she wants. Leslie didn't show any signs of being plump at all but Doris did say it's not a matter of if it's when, the electric villainess dismiss that from her mind, she admits that she was glad Doris was looking out for her but she loves these pies so much and it's not like she was going to get bigger and plumper from them, right?

Leslie then takes a short cut on the way to her when a figure jumps in from behind and slowly follows her.

Leslie: (looks at her phone) So Ivy's joined the heroes... I can't believe it. She's become a goodie two shoes now, and when can she do that with her plants? That could've been useful on our heists once.

As Leslie was walking through alleyway, the figure was following her as a quick pace now. Hearing footsteps behind her, Leslie turns around and sees no one here.

Leslie: Huh? I thought I heard something back there.

Leslie then turns around to continue on her way only to bump into something, dropping her boxes of pies which open and fell into the puddles of water with Leslie falling on her butt.

Leslie: Hey! (Sees her now soggy pies) No, my preciousssss......! (Glares at the figure) Hey, why don't you watch where you're going & you owe me for my pies getting soaked-

Leslie stopped her rant upon looking at the figure closely. The lightning flashed to reveal a tall, athletic man with electric eel like features in skin, fangs, sharp blue eyes, and wearing a black pants.

Leslie: Who or what are you?!

???: I am Eelixon, the Electric Eel that walks like a man... and I've noticed the chains of electric nectar pumping through you...

Leslie: Okay gross...

Eelixon: Now I shall feed off your electric energy...

Leslie: You're out of your mind if you think I'm gonna let you feed off me, weirdo!

Eelixon: Who said that you had a choice?

He inhaled and shots large globs of blue goop coated in sparks, Leslie managed to dodge and evade them.

Leslie: Missed me!

Eelixon: I wasn't aiming for you, check again punk.

Leslie turns to see the piles of goop shape shifting and forming into miniature eel like humanoids.

Eelixon: Attack my eel drones.

The Eel drones screeches and ran circles around Leslie quickly to surround her. She tries to shoot electricity at them but realized that she's in the rain and her power doesn't go well with water but how are those freaks' lightning working on water?

Leslie: What the?!

Then they all swarmed Leslie, who yelled out as the drones stuck to her like glue while she struggled. Eelixon walks towards her as the eel drones were glowing in & out, Leslie felt light headed as if she was being drained and that's exactly what was happening to her.

Leslie: H-Hey! What's g-going on....?!

Eelixon: I told you... I will feed off your electric energy...

Eelixon grabs Leslie's head and begins draining her, Leslie let out a loud scream as the Accursed eel like creature and his drones were sucking the electric energy out of the shockjock.


Eelixon: Yes... Your electric energy is delicious... I shall take it all...

He increased the absorption process along with the pain as Leslie screamed even louder.


Eelixon: Hahahaha... Hahahahaha...!

Then out of the shadows, shards of ice struck the eel drones through their heads, killing them and stopping the absorption as Eelixon turned to the path of the attack.

Eelixon: Who the-

He was tackled off of Leslie as a heated brawl ensures. Leslie was still lightheaded from being drained, her vision was blurry but tries to focus her sight to see someone in a fight with Eelixon, both sides were evenly matched but soon the figure was overwhelming the Accursed Eel like monster as he got his arm snapped/ripped off, earning a pained screech and was grabbed by the neck to be lifted up.

Leslie soon got a good look at the figure.

Leslie: B-Blake?

Blake stared into the eyes of Eelixon who merely laughed.

Eelixon: You think you've won... It doesn't matter how many of us... you kill, we are the never ending plague of this world's existence... The Accursed Clan will rise-


Blake tightens the grip on his neck, breaking it in two as he dropped the lifeless monster. He then sets his cold gaze on Leslie, who slowly got to her feet & nearly tripped but used a nearby wall to hold her balance.

Blake: .....

Leslie: .....

Blake: (cold tone) I'd say your help in the summer event was much appreciated, this makes us even... But don't forget, I still have a score to settle with you & I won't let anyone take that away from me...

Blake then turns to leave but Leslie calls out to him.

Leslie: Wait!

Blake stopped in his tracks.

Leslie: I know nothing I say will fix what happened years ago but I am truly sorry for it, I never meant for it to happen... It wasn't supposed to happen like that.

Blake slowly turns to Leslie with a hardened glare.

Blake: Never supposed to happen like that... Your 'prank' send me at death's door. And how was it supposed to happen right, hmm? I was supposed to be ultimately humiliated? Is that right? For everyone to rant, insult or make fun of me non stop to the point where I spiral into madness and despair...?

Leslie: N-No, that's not-

Blake: (angered) Don't you dare lie to me!

Leslie saw the rage in Blake's eyes with the storm intensifying.

Blake: (angered) I thought you were different from them, from those who tried to make a name for themselves off my family's expense for their selfish gains, I thought you despite your mischievous & punk like traits had good in you when my family didn't see it, I trusted you! And you just left me to die!

Leslie's eyes started to tear up as she tries to speak.

Leslie: I didn't m-mean to... I don't know w-what happen... I just want the old you back... to start over-

Blake: Oh you want the old Blake back, the old Blake, your so called shy friend & shockateer, him right?! Let me remind you again Les! YOU KILLED HIM! And for what? Validation? Attention? Fame? The Spotlight? I was a pure idiot to befriend someone like you, Leslie! After the ultimate humiliation & after Lilith saved me, every time I think of you, I wanted to drive sharp ice into my skull, into my brain so I can some means of peace because I can't escape your sick & demented laughter and whispers in my nightmares, saying that I'm nothing to you, a puppet in your hands, that I'm a sheer joke to you and those you follow you!

Leslie: (slightly sobs) B-Blake P-Please...

Blake: (cold stare devoid of life) You broke me. You're a horrible person who will do anything for fame, Les... You deceive people, you go too far with your pranks... You take the weaknesses of others, some too personal and turn them into jokes that just straight up hurt, physically, mentally and emotionally...

Leslie: I... Sob... I... (Seeing tears fall from Blake's icy eyes)

Blake: The Blake you knew is Dead... And he's never coming back. You sought to that. in time... You'll reap what you sow and the world will forget the name, Livewire.

Blake then turns to walk away, then the lightning flashed, he vanished. Leslie fell on all fours, tears streaming from her face & silently sobbing. Unaware to her, she was being watched by a shadowy silhouette on the roof that matched Livewire herself.

???: Hehehehe... This'll be too easy. Now to start the hunt.



In the monster's sanctum, Lilith was readying the portal as she, Blake, Beck, Mason, Barbi, Ember and Pam were heading to the Exalted Hybrid Forest for a mission.

Diana, Babs, Zee, Jessica, Kara, Karen, Casey, Cassidy and Lena were also present.

Lilith: Everyone ready for the assignment?

Everyone nodded, Lilith noticed Blake's calm yet depressed expression.

Lilith: Everything okay, brother?

Blake: Y-Yeah. I'm okay, just... some things on my mind.

Lilith gave a concern look but she knew that forcing it won't help so she'll talk to him about it later.

Lilith: (to Diana and the girls) You remember the order?

Diana: We're aware. With Lex working with the Accursed Beasts, heading into his stronghold aimlessly would lead to a fatal trap.

Jessica: So LexCorp is off limits.

Lilith: Good. (to Casey and Cassidy) I trust you two will help Lena with her training?

Casey: Yes.

Cassidy: You got it, Lilith.

Lilith: (to Lena) Grow strong and further your resolve.

Lena: I will, thank you.

Lilith: Alright. We'll be off now.

Lilith, Blake, Beck, Mason, Ember, Barbi and Pam head through the portal as it closed behind them. The six girls left the monster's sanctum while Casey & Cassidy stayed to help Lena with her training, upstairs they see Carol taking another swim in the backyard pool.

Kara: She's still hanging around here?

Jessica: Don't be rash towards her. Carol's had a hard time lately, especially since she was almost eaten back then.

Zee: And yet she knows everything about us and what we're doing. What happens when she decides to betray us?

Jessica: She won't do that, Carol said that she is done being a villain and Pam even vouched for her. I believe in her road to becoming a better person.

Karen: (looks at her phone) Uhhh girls, Lois Lane send out a news message. Super villain girls wrecking havoc and causing a massacre at the national metropolis bank.

Kara: I knew it! It was all a set-up!

Jessica: Let's not jump to conclusions, the supervillain girls split up!

Babs: Yeah, Kara there are two problems with your theory. One, Pam just left with Lilith and the others on a mission. And Two, if Carol is mentioned with them on the news right now, how can she be there when she's literally in the pool now?!

She points to Carol diving back in the pool from the diving board.

Diana: Impossible, Pam & Carol are in different places yet the messages says otherwise...

Zee: Then maybe it's someone else?

Diana: Only one way to find out. Let us suit up and head to battle!


Later at the Metropolis National Bank...

The superhero girls arrived & entered the Bank, it was a total wreck inside and outside, slightly dark, bodies were everywhere with blood staining parts of the area. It was a horrific sight to behold, the heroes knew the supervillain girls were chaotic but not in this level. However, as Jessica stated, Carol is at Blake's and Pam left on a mission with Blake, Lilith and the others. But Lois Lane put up a news report of 'Supervillain Girls' causing havoc so they had to see for themselves of who's telling the truth.

Batgirl: Look at this place... and the (gulps) b-bodies...

Bumblebee: The H-Horror...

Zatanna: And Lois said that the supervillain girls did this, something is definitely not right...

Green Lantern (Jessica): The supervillain girls were a threat yes but never this brutal, plus they split up and Carol & Pam are with us.

Supergirl: Maybe it's just Livewire, Giganta, Catwoman and Harley Quinn. Probably did all this damage and killed most of these people to get our attention.

Wonder Woman: Well whoever they are, they will be punished for their misdeeds and acts of murder. Be on guard, sisters.

The six girls were looking around the bank for any signs of the ones who did all this, the sight of shredded bodies and blood was unbearable, surprisingly, no ounce of money or valuables was taken, very odd.

Then the superhero girls heard some sounds, like muffled screaming & yelling.

Batgirl: What was that?

Supergirl: Sounds like screaming but gagged.

Bumblebee then looks up and yelped.

Wonder Woman: Bumblebee, what's wrong?

Bumblebee: W-Well... I just confirmed that L-Livewire, Giganta, Catwoman and H-Harley Quinn aren't the ones who did t-this...

Supergirl: Why?

Scared, Bumblebee simply pointed up at the ceiling and the five girls looked up and was shocked to see Livewire, Giganta, Catwoman and Harley Quinn, all struggling, muffling yelling and stuck to the ceiling in a massive red goo substance.

Batgirl: There they are!

Green Lantern (Jessica): But how did they get trapped like this?!

Zatanna: Uhhh girls. I think they're the bait.

Supergirl: So someone caught them and used them as bait, who would try that?

Zatanna: Maybe we should ask... them.

Zatanna points as the girls see a pairs of glowing sinister eyes in the darkness.

Wonder Woman: Whoever you are, step out of the shadows and answer for your crimes!

Insane giggles and diabolical laughter can be heard as six figures stepped out of the shadows, the superhero girls were beyond shocked to see the 'Supervillain Girls' present.

Supergirl: Who are you six?!

Batgirl: Why do you look like The Supervillain girls but demonic looking?!

The 'Catwoman' double spoke in a growly yet alluring tone.

'Catwoman': You could say that we're their sistersssss~...

The 'Giganta' double spoke in a slightly deep, female voice with malice.

'Giganta': Or you could say... These weak villain's, better & deadlier replacements.

The 'Harley Quinn' double spoke in an insane, giggling tone.

'Harley Quinn': Yeppers, Hahaha! Out with the old & in with the new as they say! Say Goodbye to these second rated Super Villain Girls... (Mad wide grin) And Say Helloooooooo~ to the true inner darkness these girls didn't know they had, to your worst nightmares, to The Super Accursed Girls! Hahahahaha!!

The Superhero girls stared at each dark copy of the Super Villain Girls or Super Accursed Girls they're going by, with some similarities but HUGE differences.

Dark Catwoman looks like a hybrid anthropomorphic human/cat beast, has longer & wilder black hair with purple streaks, light brown skin, has cat-like traits; black eyes with dark magenta cat slit pupils, fangs with a cherish grin, claws, cat-like feet & a strange long cat tail with three scythes on the end of it, she wore a black/purple sinister cat mask with her cat-like nose exposed & four horns, a white fur jacket, a black/purple/silver bodysuit with a golden cat gem & three on the chest and black/purple gloves.

Dark Livewire has paler blue skin, black eyes with blue pupils, pointy ears, fangs like a vampire but sharper, a slim yet athletic body & illuminating blue hair in a different forward mohawk style & had electric blue like orbs/3 on both arms & 8 on her back. She wears a black/silver trim, sleeveless bodysuit with a glowing lightning bolt symbol on the chest, silver armbands and boots with blades under them.

Dark Giganta was 5 times the height of the Original Giganta, has longer & wilder raspberry red hair halfway down her back, black eyes with orange pupils, slight fangs, darker tan skin with line marks on her forehead with 5 sharp horns on her head like a crown, darker lines going down her eyes & chin, has a bigger & bulky body but also has spiky & bulky black & molten orange armored arms. She wears a black studded choker, a sleeveless strapless black/orange studded, armored top, a studded belt with a skull, tattered yellow/orange front cloth, black pants, black/orange studded kneepads & boots.

Dark Poison Ivy has paler green skin, longer & curlier bright red hair in a downwards ponytail, black eyes with green pupils, pointy ears, green marks on her cheeks/forehead, fangs & claws. She wears a leaf green/black/white sharp & split legged dress with a diamond chest window, black gloves, green pants with three side black dots & black boots.

Dark Star Sapphire had paler skin with a tint of purple, long purple-ish black hair down & loose, black eyes with violet pupils, black lipstick, fangs & claws. Instead of a princess theme dress, she wore a sleeveless black undershirt, a slim pink/black/purple armored top & spiked dress skirt, the white belt & the sides of the skirt have the violet lantern symbol, black long sleeve gloves, black leggings & purple/black high heel. Instead of a tiara, she wears a purple/pink happuri-style forehead protector that frames her face with two horns & a black third eye on it.

And Dark Harley Quinn resembles the original Harley Quinn in some ways but with a few differences; She has white make-up but an eye mask with sharp edges, black lips with skull mouth lines, a skull nose, black eyes with dark blue pupils & fangs. She wears a red/blue tattered jester hat with two spiked bells, a silver choker, a tight fitting red/blue jester dress suit & pants, spiked armbands, black gloves, silver belt, silver leg braces and red boots. She was carrying a strange red/blue/black/silver combination of a mallet with a scary smiling face/a large & sharp, curved blade on the other side of the mallet.

Batgirl: Super Accursed Girls? So you're clones made by the Accursed Clan!

Dark Star Sapphire: (raspy, malicious female voice; sarcastic) Oh great answer, famous detective. Shall I give you a medal? But yes, acquired from the blood of the villain girls by Lex mixed with the genetic technology of our masters, we were born.

Dark Poison Ivy: (dark and alluring tone) It's a shame Star and my inferior twins weren't found to join these fools up there to witness your dire suffering...

Supergirl: (cracks her knuckles) Don't bet on it. We beat the originals so we can sure beat their clones.

Dark Livewire: (cold & snarky tone) You really are the dumb one, huh? We may be clones of these losers but we're not actually as easy as you think we are... But if you want to test us, be our guests.

Dark Harley Quinn: Yeah, we'll play a survivor game. Beat us if you can, survive if we let you, hahahahaha!!

Wonder Woman: We will not play your vile games, you Accursed Villains shall be punished severely for your evil deeds!

The Superhero girls got ready while The Super Accursed Girls grinned evilly as both sides charged at each other to fight with Livewire, Giganta, Catwoman and Harley Quinn trapped & forced to watch. Supergirl went after Dark Catwoman, Batgirl contends with Dark Harley Quinn, Bumblebee faces Dark Livewire, Zatanna deals with Dark Star Sapphire, Green Lantern (Jessica) takes on Dark Poison Ivy and Wonder Woman goes to fight Dark Giganta.

Bumblebee was avoiding Dark Livewire's black & dark blue lightning blasts as she shrunk down to fly around her to fire her stingers but there was barely doing anything to her.

Dark Livewire: (yawns outta boredom) Seriously, are you even attacking me or are just trying to poke me to death with your weak sting show? All you are is an annoying, little insect.

Without looking, Dark Livewire electrically backhands the small bumblebee down as her suit started to malfunction, growing and shrinking outta control.

Bumblebee: Aah! My suit! Can't... Stop... Shrink & Growth... Setting! H-How did you-

Dark Livewire: Oh I'm sowwy... Did I bweak you wittle toy suit? Hahahaha! How about I 'fix' that...

Grinning, Dark Livewire's body transformed into a ghostly lightning form and quickly entered bumblebee, who yelped as her eyes glowed blue.

Bumblebee: W-What's happening-(dark Livewire's voice) oh I'm inside your suit and your mortal body. Wait what?! Ge-e-e-t o-o-out! Aaaaah! Nope, let's see how much pain a little bee can endure!

Bumblebee then started feeling excruciating agony within her & out of her, screaming as her suit started to glow & overheat with dark blue & black electric ghostly souls swarming her, glitched to pop in and out of nowhere, shrinking and growing uncontrollably and frantically with the sound of bones snapping and ripping as Bumblebee's screams became distorted and glitched. Soon, she was engulfed in an electrified explosion which subsided as Dark Livewire stood over a broken, heavily burnt & scorched suited Bumblebee, who was still alive but not moving.

Dark Livewire: Heh. Guess this bee's got her wings clipped.

Green Lantern (Jessica), who was fighting Dark Poison Ivy, saw the devastated form of bumblebee.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Bumblebee! No!!

Dark Poison Ivy: I'd worry to myself first if I were you...

Green Lantern (Jessica) was avoiding the thorn vines of Dark Poison Ivy while firing construct blasts. Dark Poison Ivy summons a horde of demonic looking wooden goliaths as they charged at Green Lantern (Jessica), who forms a construct shield and sword to fight them off.

Dark Poison Ivy: (watching Green Lantern Jessica fighting off her creatures) You say you wish to help the hand of nature but all you've done is repeatedly bit it's hand, especially when you cut down the ancient tree to save worthless lives.

Green Lantern (Jessica): (attacking) I had no choice, she was going to kill innocent people back then. There are other ways to take care of & help the ways of life, mass genocide isn't the answer!

Dark Poison Ivy: Hahahahaha! Oh how wrong you are, my inferior twin is correct of what she said when she was a villain, you weren't worthy of the color of life but then again... neither was she.

Green Lantern (Jessica) was getting overwhelmed and ganged up on by the wooden goliaths.

Dark Poison Ivy: Poison Ivy was weak and could never unlock the amount of her true potential unlike myself. In time, I will find Ivy & drain the life right out of her.

Green Lantern (Jessica) fought her way through but soon the wooden goliaths managed to restrain Jessica as Dark Poison Ivy approached her.

Dark Poison Ivy: But for now, I'll drain the life out of you but I leave a little for you, Hehehe....

Dark Poison Ivy brings her palms forward to Jessica as jagged teeth appeared on the note of her palms.

Green Lantern (Jessica): P-Please you don't have to do this!

Dark Poison Ivy: (sick smirk) Oh but I do...

She clutches Green Lantern (Jessica) by her head as the hero screams loudly with her Dark Poison Ivy glowing green by taking Jessica's life energy.

Dark Poison Ivy: Ah yes... More... Give me more... Your green lantern energy... Your life energy... Your Willpower... It's MINE!

The draining process took a moment before Dark Poison Ivy released Green Lantern (Jessica), who looked completely ill, her brown skin paled, her face & body nearly as skinny as a skeleton, her eyes nearly devoid of life as her green glow vanished, reduced to a wheezing, fragile husk. The beasts dropped the weakened Jessica to the ground with Dark Poison Ivy looks down on her with a sinister grin, seeing tears falling from the helpless Jessica's eyes.

Dark Poison Ivy: Hehehehe... Now lie there and wither...

Next, Batgirl is seen dodging the mallet/sword swings from Dark Harley Quinn.

Dark Harley Quinn: C'mon bratgirl, it's a survivor game to well... survive and win. Ya can't win if all you can do is dodge & run, hahahahaha!

Batgirl: You're just like the original Harley but ten times annoying!

Harley Quinn: (muffled) Hey!

Dark Harley Quinn: Well if you were sick of her before, ya haven't seen nothin' from me yet!

Batgirl avoided the next mallet/sword swing, leaping away to land on her feet while taking out couple of batarangs with narrowed eyes. Dark Harley Quinn drives her sword part of the mallet into the ground with a mad grin.

Dark Harley Quinn: (cowgirl accent) I reckon we got ourselves a stand-off, well ya vermant... Draw!

Batgirl then starts throwing one batarang after another & another at Dark Harley Quinn, who inhaled deeply with her chest & cheeks puffed up before firing globs of red goop at each batarang Batgirl was throwing at her until the crusader ran out and dodged the rest of red goop orbs. Batgirl ran at her to hit a couple of martial arts style punches & kicks to the Dark Jester, followed by a kick that made Dark Harley's neck elongated far to the left.

Batgirl: ...?!

Then Dark Harley turns to Batgirl despite her neck stretched out so long.

Dark Harley Quinn: Made ya look!

She came back a slingshot like headbutt to Batgirl, who felt that immensely like her skull was rattled with a crack. Harley was shocked by her dark counterpart, who stretched out her arms and fists expanded as she let out a bizarre assault on Batgirl, who attempts to fight back and counter the moves but Dark Harley Quinn begins to overwhelmed her with crazy & brutal elastic attacks.

Dark Harley Quinn: Time to go round and round the metropolis bank!

She grabs Batgirl, squeezing her with strange sounds like a squeaky toy and begins to repeatedly spin Batgirl around & around the entire area with her screaming, crashing her into walls, the ground and even the metal safes as she was getting damaged.

Dark Harley Quinn: Scream all ya want, I can do this all day! Hahahahahaha!!

Hours later... She later stopped and dropped the heavily injured Batgirl to the ground with a sickening break.

Batgirl: AAAH!

Dark Harley Quinn pounces on her, looking Batgirl straight in the eyes.

Dark Harley Quinn: Awww, why so gloomy bratgirl? We were just havin' a blast, you & I.

Batgirl turns away so Dark Harley Quinn grabs her head and forces her to look at her.

Dark Harley Quinn: Look me in the eyes when I'm talkin' to ya, bats! It's very rude to ignore someone. I gotta say from my memory/Harley's memory, our relationship is linked kinda like Batman & Joker, comedy & tragedy... Speaking of J, since my orders aren't to kill ya, I'll leave ya with a smile stretched on your face.

Batgirl: (starts to shake in fear) Wait... No! You wouldn't...!

Dark Harley Quinn: Dumb question bratgirl... We both know I so would.

Then Dark Harley inhaled and shot a stream of red smoke in batgirl's face, getting off of her as Batgirl got up, frantically coughing.

Batgirl: (coughs) ....!! Ha... Hahaha... No nono-hehehehahahahaha! M-Make it Stop, Stahahahahahap! Hahahahaha!

Batgirl was laughing uncontrollably with Dark Harley Quinn grinning creepily with glee.

Dark Harley Quinn: Ah yes, loosen up and have a good laugh, sounds like music to my ears hahahaha!

Batgirl's laughs grew louder and more frantic as she held her head with tears falling from her eyes, laughing even louder and louder and louder until...


She stopped and fell to the ground, still as a statue with wide dilated eyes and a large, stretched and crazy grin on her face!

Dark Harley Quinn: (sings) I broke the baaaaat! I broke the baaaaat! I broke the baaaaat! Not the actual Dark Knight but who cares?! (Looks at Batgirl, sounding like a luchadore) Now senorita, I claim my prize, your mask!

She then slightly removes the mask of the smiling Batgirl but when she saw who was under the mask, she was shocked for a moment or two before wide, demented grin spreads across her face. Putting the mask back on, Dark Harley stretched/wrapped her arm around Batgirl and stretches her upper body to head up to the trapped Harley Quinn.

Dark Harley Quinn: (shows the grinning Batgirl) See what I did here, somethin' ya couldn't get out of bratgirl here durin' your rivalry.

Harley glared at her, struggling with muffled yelling.

Dark Harley Quinn: Honestly, Quinn. I have everything you have but added additional powers and different types of crazy attributes, I'm your better. But enough about that, how much do you know about your GBFF, Babsy...?

Harley's eyes widened before glaring angrily at her dark counterpart.

Dark Harley Quinn: I know you since I'm technically you, you & her were inseparable, had great together from Gotham to Metropolis but... While she doesn't know everything about you, do you know everything about her?

Harley Quinn: Mmmph?!

Dark Harley Quinn: You disappear on her to cause some chaos, have you ever wondered why she disappears on you? Certainly not to just hang out with her new friends? Oh Nonono... Here's your answer!

Dark Harley then rips off the mask of the grinning Batgirl, showing her face to Harley Quinn, who gasped under the gag with wide eyes.

Harley Quinn: Mmmph Mmmph?! (Babsy Wasby?!)

Dark Harley Quinn: CORRECT! All this time you've been trying to hurt Batgirl in a hilarious, chaotic way... You've been trying to hurt your best friend, hahahahahahahahaha!!

Harley stared at the scarred, grinned face of Babs with horror, shock and guilt. All this time she was fighting her best friend?! And now, her look of horror was replaced by a look of rage, yelling & trying/failing to escape the goop, to tear Dark Harley apart.

Dark Harley Quinn: Oh you wanna tear me limb by limb, Ha! And wrong, You'll never get away with this... I may have struck but you're the one who truly hurt & scarred Babsy.

Harley Quinn yelled/screamed/cried with tears falling, muffled to reach out to The Grinning Babs but she was unresponsive as Dark Harley threw her across the bank into the desk with a crash.

Dark Harley Quinn: Oh the irony, hahaha! There's your shocking truth but the real question is (looks into the crying Harley's eyes) what will Babsy think of you when your secret is exposed...?

Harley's eyes widened, gaining flashbacks from her fight with Lilith, saying the same thing.

Zatanna and Dark Star Sapphire were exchanging in magic/construct chains of blasts, offense and defense as they were evenly matched.

Dark Star Sapphire: (attacking) The magic user of the team, eh? Who knew I would get the overdramatic one.

Zatanna: (attacking) I'm overdramatic? I'm overdramatic?! Do you realized who you've been cloned from, "Ms. I'm gonna get rid of every girl & Hal will be mine forever?"

Dark Star Sapphire: Tch, I may be a clone of that hopeless stalker stuck chasing an idiot all her whole life but let me tell you, I don't have her idiocy & obsession issues, in fact, I'll find Hal & rip his heart out to show it to him!

Zatanna dodged a flurry of dark pink/black blasts and chants a spell to trap Dark Star Sapphire in a diamond barrier construct. Dark Star Sapphire smirks and broke with immense forces and fires broken heart construct projectiles at Zatanna who shot them with magic blasts but Dark Star Sapphire charged at her with her hand around her neck while punching her repeatedly with a flaming fist.

Dark Star Sapphire: I'm about to bash in that so called perfect face of yours!

She continues her assault only for Zatanna catch the next punch and counter with a magic coated punch of her own, followed by an assortment of spin kicks to send the dark violet lantern back. Zatanna then unleashes a massive magic blast at Dark Star Sapphire, who spreads her arms forward and caught the blast which quickly was absorbed into her hands, much to Zatanna's shock.

Zatanna: She's absorbed my magic....?

Dark Star Sapphire: Hehehehe, like I said before, I may share some quality with my twin but there's more to me than you know in means of power, let me show you.

Dark Star Sapphire disappeared and reappeared in front of Zatanna with a dark pink/black flame blast at point blank range, the magician had no time to react or defend herself as she was shot full on, getting heavily burned with her outfit scorched & torn.

Zatanna: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!

She was sent flying into a metal safe. Dark Star Sapphire levitated towards her, laughing.

Dark Star Sapphire: Not so glamorous and beautiful now, Little Ms. Perfect?

Zatanna narrowed her eyes as she chants a spell with multiple Zatannas surrounding Dark Star Sapphire, chanting various constructs and blasts to strike her but the dark violet lantern took everything Zatanna thrown at her, retaliating with a massive dark energy barrier to send the Zatannas flying/crashing into the walls and ground, disappearing as the real Zatanna was on the ground with a groan.

Dark Star Sapphire forms a construct of a broken heart like arrow with a bow and gets in position as Zatanna slowly recovers, she smirks and fired the arrow into the heart of Zatanna but rather than killed her, the arrow exploded with a dark pink/purple mist.

Zatanna coughed as her vision was dark with pink/purple creepy illumination, she looks around to locate Dark Star Sapphire only to see a shadowy silhouette of her mother who left her when she was a kid.

Zatanna: M-Mom?

Zee's Mother: (cold tone) Everything was always about you... Giovanni and I had a great life until you came along... I'm glad I left because I don't to see your face again...

She vanished as Zatanna ran after her.

Zatanna: Mom! Wait, please don't leave me again! Why did you-

Giovanni's voice: You should know why...

Zatanna turns to see Giovanni Zatara only his eyes were dark pink.

Zatanna: Daddy?

Giovanni: You're a disappointment Zee, You drove your mother away... You try to be your own person in the world of magic but you disgraced the Zatara family name.

Zatanna felt her heart crack with tears slowly fell.

Zatanna: D-Daddy... Please, Y-You don't mean that...

Giovanni: I shouldn't have had you, you're a horrible daughter.

He walks away as Zatanna ran after him but he slowly vanished.

Zatanna: Daddy don't do this, come back! Please!!!

He vanished completely as Zatanna looks around, tears falling while rapidly.

Zatanna: (tries to calm down) I-It's just an illusion. It's not real, it's not real, it's not-

Zatanna was punched in the face, followed by a shielded shot to the head, stinger shots on her body with batarangs shots and was caught in green construct chains.

Supergirl's voice: Did that feel real?

Zatanna looks up to see Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Bumblebee, Batgirl and Green Lantern (Jessica) staring down at her with hateful, dark pink eyes.

Zatanna: Girls? W-Why?

Supergirl: (grins) Simple Ms. Perfect. To hurt you.

Zatanna: B-But we're supposed to be friends! Why are y-you doing this to me?!

Batgirl: Heh, friends with you?! Ha! You're more lousy than your magic acts!

Bumblebee: Every time you let your magic acts get out of hand, you lose control and make things worst for us with your magic to clean up your mess!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Always a perfectionist you are, nothing is good enough for you.

Zatanna: That's not true! I'm not trying to be perfect!

Supergirl: Yeah right. You're not an awe inspiring magician, you're a magic disaster from the multiple clones of you to the birthday zombie incident, bringing creepy Casey into the mix of our powers being drained and more!

Zatanna felt her heart aching even more once the illusion of the superhero girls were giving her negative reminders of her mistakes. Even Casey, Ember, Blake, Mason and everyone she knew appeared and joined the dark pink eyed drones.

Wonder Woman: You're unworthy of your magic, unworthy of being a magician & hero, unworthy of love, you're unworthy of existing.

All: We hate you!

Zatanna's heart shattered. They were swarming Zatanna like a swarm of ghosts, these hurtful words echoing through her mind as she clutches her head with tears fell in despair.

Zatanna: No! Please stop! Make it stop! I don't wanna hear anymore!!!

Then she saw something appearing out of the swarm which was a pale skinned, dark neon blue haired and dark neon eyed version of Zatanna stepping into the swarm & slowly approaching Zatanna with a haunting smile.

Zatanna let out a huge, terrified shriek as she turns to run only to be pierced through the heart by Dark Star Sapphire.

Dark Star Sapphire: And the Heart Breaks...

Zatanna fell to the ground as the illusion world fades, revealing her horribly damaged state, eyes completely white with tears falling. While she was still alive, her mind & heart were broken.

Dark Star Sapphire: Hehehehe. Love hurts in so many ways.

Supergirl was seen fighting Dark Catwoman, the kryptonian was shooting heat from her eyes aimed at the dark cat beast who was leaping, jumping and even running on walls to dodge them. She then runs straight to Supergirl who readies her fist to punch her but Dark Catwoman leaps up to avoid the punch and hit a couple of kicks to the back of Supergirl's head.

Supergirl nearly fell on her head as she quickly turns to see Dark Catwoman smirking at her with a chuckle.

Dark Catwoman: Where are you even looking there, Supergirl?

Supergirl: Grrrr, don't get so cocky!

Supergirl flies in to attack Dark Catwoman, who looked like she was standing still but in reality, she was dodging supergirl's punches and kicks with near instantaneous speed.

Supergirl: (still attacking) How. Are. You. Doing. That?!

Dark Catwoman: For a Kryptonian, you sure are blind to my speed~. I'm much faster than the original Catwoman but that's not all I can do~...

Soon, Dark Catwoman's claws glowed green and slashed Supergirl across the face.


Supergirl felt to the ground, clutching her face and screaming in pain. Dark Catwoman was grinning ear to ear as the kryptonian stopped screaming and turns to the clone thief with blood running down the claw wound to her face, much to her shock.

Supergirl: Blood...?

Dark Catwoman: Hehehehe. (Licks Supergirl's blood off her claws with a sly grin) Shall I tell you the secret or shall we continue until you can guess it in that pea sized brain of yours?

Supergirl: Grrrr...

Dark Catwoman: And wipe up your face, you look like a disgrace~...

Supergirl: I'll wipe your face into the dirt!

She charged at Dark Catwoman to fury of solid punches and kicks as the cat beast was dodging and exchanging swift yet sharp strikes to the kryptonian, drawing more blood from her attacks.

Supergirl grunts and glared at the taunting grin of Dark Catwoman which only enraged her as she fought back harder. But the more aggressive and brutal Supergirl struck, it led her wide open to the lethal attacks of Dark Catwoman who took sick pleasure in exploiting them, from her claws to her fang and to her scythe edge tails inflicted heavy damage upon Supergirl, who yelled out in excruciating pain, looking heavily injured with blood flowing from her wounds & breathing heavily.

Dark Catwoman: Is this all the strength you can manage? Talk about being second rated to Superman.

Supergirl growls furiously but fell to one knee, feeling lightheaded and weakened.

Supergirl: H-How are you-

Dark Catwoman: (cherish grin) How am I able to injure you to a mess of blood? Oh it's simple, kryptonite.

Supergirl: W-What?!

Dark Catwoman: MmmHmm~.... My twin always caught you off guard with kryptonite every encounter, hehehe~. During my design, my claws, my fangs, my tail... my whole body was infused with your weakness, I'm basically a predator of living kryptonite.

Supergirl: Oh no...

Dark Catwoman: Oh yes~...

She vanished from Supergirl's sight and reappeared behind her, striking her deep in the back with her kryptonite infused tail.

Supergirl: AAAAAAAAAH!!!

Dark Catwoman with a violent swing of her tail deep in Supergirl's bloody back, throws her across the room into the walls, hitting the ground with a pained groan.

Dark Catwoman: Awww the poor wittle mouse is feeling weary... Shall I put you to bed now~?

Supergirl despite the unbearable pain, tries to get up but Dark Catwoman grins evilly.

Dark Catwoman: Very well, here's a little kryptonite melody to make you go "Night Night."

Dark Catwoman inhaled deeply and unleashed a green sonic yowl aimed at Supergirl which hit her full force, rattling the kryptonian to the core with immense pain as she fell on her knees and collapsed to the ground in a bloody mess.

Dark Catwoman: (stares at the fallen kryptonian) Hehehehe~... Game over Supergirl.

And finally, Wonder Woman was going head to head with Dark Giganta, exchanging fierce and strong blows that sent shockwaves throughout the area. Surprisingly, The Amazon saw the difference in strength & speed between Dark Giganta & the Original Giganta, her moves were well timing and calculated.

Dark Giganta: (attacking) What's the matter, Wonder Wimp? Can't keep up with me?!

Wonder Woman: (attacking) Your taunts won't phase me, creature! You will answer for your crimes!

The two trade numbers of blows with one another before Dark Giganta caught the punch from Wonder Woman and gripped it hard, earning a pained grunt as the Amazon sees hot smoke coming from the grip on her fist.

Dark Giganta: I may share some attributes with my twin, Giganta. But her walnut sized brain... Not so much. Your moves are very strong but nothing I can't counter, intercept or predict.

She grabs Wonder Woman in a bear hug as her molten armored arms grew hotter and hotter by squeezing/burning Wonder Woman, who yelled loudly.

Dark Giganta: Hahahahaha! That's it, scream for mercy Amazon!

Wonder Woman reared her head back and headbutts Dark Giganta hard, making the dark giantess release her but the headbutt barely effected her as Wonder Woman's crown had a dent on it.

Dark Giganta: Using your head, eh?

Dark Giganta snorts like a raging bull and charged at Wonder Woman, who got her shield out as Dark Giganta launched a horned headbutt which connected on impact with the Amazon's shield but... to Wonder Woman's shock, Dark Giganta's horns shattered her shield as the dark giantess nailed a molten uppercut to the Amazon, sending into the ceiling and falling into the ground with a groan.

Wonder Woman slowly got up while taking out her sword and sees Dark Giganta looming over her.

Dark Giganta: C'mon Amazon, you got more fight than this.

Then the rest of the Super Accursed Girls appeared alongside Dark Giganta.

Dark Giganta: I see you finished things with the other hero girls?

Dark Poison Ivy: Oh yes.

Dark Livewire: Did you hear them scream? I certainly did.

Dark Star Sapphire: One by one, they all fall down.

Dark Catwoman: Mmmhmm~... And all that's left is the leader of her fallen troops~...

Wonder Woman: What...?

The Amazon then saw her friends, her sisters in arms, unconscious, scattered, completely & horribly damaged and in a broken state worse than the last.

Wonder Woman: (horrified) No...

Dark Harley Quinn: Yes!!! Hahahaha! Hey Muscle Queen, I know you wanna break her but how about we all join in on the fun?

Dark Giganta: Hmmm... I already had my fun in fighting her and now she's boring me, so yeah Harl... I don't mind you guys joining in to make it interesting again.

Dark Harley Quinn: Yes! Yes! Yes! You heard her girls, it's a six on one match, first one who knocks her out hard wins!!!

Wonder Woman sees the Super Accursed Girls slowly but surely surrounding the Amazon like predators circling their prey with evil grins. In a few moments, They swarmed Wonder Woman in a 6 on 1 assault but the Amazon showed no signs of fear or surrender as she fought back against the dark counterparts of the Super Villain Girls.

Rage and Resolve fuelled Wonder Woman from the heinous actions they wrought upon her friends as she was aiming to make them pay but the Super Accursed Girls weren't going to give her the chance. Soon, they begin to overwhelm the Amazon not with just their numbers but their powers and frightening attributes made by the Accursed Clan.

Dark Catwoman knocked the sword out of Wonder Woman's hand with her scythe edge tail followed by a swift kick to the midsection, the Amazon reaches for her lasso of truth but Dark Poison Ivy knocks it out of her hand with a vine & hit her with exploding plant bombs, making Wonder Woman lose her balance as she fell to her knees.

She breathes heavily as Dark Harley Quinn runs in to slams the mallet/sword on her back but the Amazon barely moved out of the way but was heavily shocked by Dark Livewire, earning a pained wail as Dark Star Sapphire and Dark Giganta joined in blasting her with Energy/molten blasts.

The Amazon fell to her knees but she didn't want to submit, trying to muster the strength to stand, shaking.

Dark Giganta: It's no use, Wonder Weakling. You're outmatched.

Dark Livewire: You're outnumbered.

Dark Harley Quinn: You're outgunned.

Dark Poison Ivy: You're outclassed.

Dark Star Sapphire: You're out of strengths & will.

Dark Catwoman: And you're out of time.

They attacked again and Wonder Woman's yells echoed throughout metropolis. Dark Poison Ivy and Dark Star Sapphire levitated Wonder Woman with plant/energy constructs as Dark Livewire and Dark Giganta forms a molten/dark lightning construct of a leviathan snake and it struck Wonder Woman into the floor with a massive shockwave that shattered the ground.

The Super Accursed Girls grinned for their work, looking down at the fatally damaged form of Wonder Woman lying in the crater. The trapped Catwoman, Giganta, Livewire and Harley Quinn were even shocked beyond belief, they haven't done or seen such brutality like this & were horrified.

Dark Giganta: Well that takes care of the "fearless & strong" leader.

Dark Poison Ivy: That felt very gooood.

Dark Star Sapphire: We've broken their bodies and spirits.

Dark Livewire: Made them suffer really good.

Dark Catwoman: Let's head back to the master.

Dark Harley Quinn: Hold up, I know master said to not kill them yet but... I'm gonna take Wonder Woman's arms as a trophy.

Dark Harley Quinn approached the barely conscious Wonder Woman, readying her mallet/sword.

Dark Harley Quinn: So... Which arm ya wanna lose first, righty or lefty?

Wonder Woman was silent as she was unable to move, immense pain coursed through her body and didn't have the strength to fight anymore. As Dark Harley Quinn was about to chop off her right arm... A stream of slash waves were seen heading towards her & the other Super Accursed Girls, who avoided them.

Dark Giganta: Huh?!

Dark Harley Quinn: Who's the wise guy?!

A figure appeared in swirl of wind by Wonder Woman's side, the Amazon slowly looks at the figure.

Wonder Woman: .... Kata... na...

The figure revealed to be the wielder of Soul Taker and ally of the Superhero girls, Katana narrowed her glowing white eyes at the Super Accursed Girls.

Katana: You preyed upon my friend long enough, creatures. Unforgivable, I'll see to it that you'll pay for your actions.

Katana got in her sword fighting stance. Dark Giganta was about to step forward but Dark Catwoman stops her.

Dark Catwoman: Hold it, we did our job. (to Katana) As much fun it would be to tango with you, not isn't the time... We'll continue this another time~...

Katana: Running away?

Dark Poison Ivy: A brief means of retreat. We did our mission.

Dark Star Sapphire: So collect your friends broken bodies, we were only "playing" with them this time, but tell them this...

Dark Livewire: (finishes Dark Star Sapphire's sentence) ... The next time we see the superzero girls, what we did to them just now will be child's play compared to what will happen with their lives over the guillotine blade.

Dark Harley Quinn: Yeah! Next time, their Heads on spears! Hahahahaha!!!

Dark Giganta: Later Samurai Reject.

The Super Accursed Girls laughed & vanished in a puff of smoke. Katana then narrowed her eyes before turning to her friend.

Katana: Wonder Woman...

Wonder Woman: K-Katana... I'm sorry...

Katana: Save your strength... I'll get you and the others out of here.

Katana helps Wonder Woman up, despite the pain she's feeling, the Amazon tries & assisted Katana in picking up the bodies of Bumblebee, Batgirl, Supergirl, Zatanna and Green Lantern (Jessica).

Wonder Woman: I know... a place we can... get help...

Katana nods.

Soon, Green Lantern (Hal), Hawkman and Aqualad arrived.

Green Lantern (Hal): Sorry we'll late, had to deal with a crazy monster attack, thirds of the Invinci-bros are here-oh my god!

Aqualad: What happened to the girls?!

Katana: No time to explain, they need immediate assistance.

Hawkman nods as he and the two heroes helped Katana carry the superhero girls away, forgetting the fact that Catwoman, Giganta, Livewire and Harley Quinn were still stuck with the police arriving.


Later in the monster's sanctum...

Katana was led by the injured Wonder Woman, along with Hawkman, Aqualad and Green Lantern (Hal) into the monster's sanctum. Casey, Cassidy and Lena were horrified by the state the superhero girls were in and acted quickly in first aid.

Soon, Lilith and the others returned from their mission and some were shocked or horrified by the condition of the girls. Blake & Beck got the green healing potion to give to Wonder Woman and Supergirl, their fatal inner & outer wounds vanished but they were still sore and needed rest.

Lilith gave a special, purple/green swirl fruit to a life drained Jessica, who barely but managed to eat it as her entire body was rejuvenated & healed, no longer looking like a near skeleton.

Tending to scarred grinned Babs, Lilith and Valerie (who appeared from her own mission) examined her and synthesized a cure, it wasn't easy but Babs was back to normal and given a healing potion.

Zee was given a healing potion but suddenly went ballistic due to the attack by Dark Star Sapphire in her heart and mind. Lilith held her down as Valerie uses a transparent soul like hand to extract the disastrous effects of the dark violet lantern's broken heart arrow bomb after but Zee was still little traumatized as Diana, Kara, Babs and Jessica comfort the girl, promising that they would never hurt or leave her.

Karen was in worse condition, due to Dark Livewire's actions, she was completely burnt, her suit fried and practically melded to her body while her bones were completely broken in awkward & grotesque directions. Valerie helped Lilith with magic & carefully slicing/extracting parts of the bumblebee suit from Karen's body, then Lilith using another ability of construction magic to enter surgery to put Karen's bones back in the right places without having to cut her open to do it & checking for ruptured organs. Luckily, her organs weren't in worse shape. After that & given a healing potion, Karen was good as new but still sore.

Katana was filled in the Accursed Clan and Beasts, The superhero girls told everyone about the Super Accursed Girls and what they did. Pam & Carol (who appeared later) was horrified and angry with Lex stealing their blood & creating monstrous clones of them.

Babs: (rubbing her still sore face) And that's the story...

Beck: Clones of the Super Villain Girls, eh?

Casey: I can't believe they did this to you guys.

Diana: They were... a frighteningly strong pair, by Hades, they were stronger, faster, more capable and additional powers added... Far superior to the original Supervillain Girls.

Pam: Lex... (Snarls through her teeth)

Lena: He needs to be stopped!

Carol: (angry) That bald creep, when did we even take our blood?! My own blood?! I didn't give consent nor did I want to!

Green Lantern (Hal) hides behind Hawkman.

Zee: Horrible... So Horrible...

Mason and Casey comfort her.

Kara: I don't understand. I hate to admit it but they had us at their mercy, why didn't they ya know... finish the job?

Jessica: I heard them say... Their first mission was to make us suffer.

Lilith: Yes. They wanted to make an example out of you, rather than killing you right away, Lex & the Accursed Beasts made these clones to break you in body & mind, to show all of Metropolis & every hero out there that hope is lost but it won't work.

Katana: These Accursed Beasts... A vile and corrupted clan you say, they cannot be allowed to rule.

Valerie: I agree.

Karen slowly awakens, feeling sore as she couldn't get up.

Karen: (blurted out frantic) She's inside my suit! Inside my body! Malfunctioning! Overheating! It burns! Make it stop! Make it stop!!!

Aqualad: Karen, Karen! Please calm down! You're not in danger, you're among friends just take deep breaths.

Karen was looking around in a panic with tears but followed Garth's voice and took deep breaths to calm down a bit but was shook up as the Atlantean comforts her.

Karen: T-Thank you, Garth.

Aqualad: I can't take all the credit but no problem, you're safe now.

Blake: What shall we do?

Lilith: For now, the superhero girls must rest. The rest of us shall prepare, I fear that these Super Accursed Girls are the start of a coming storm...

Kara: Yeah but if they think they've seen the last of us, they're dead wrong. We've been hurt before and it won't stop us now.

Diana: Kara is right. (Despite being sore, stands up to Lilith) We were broken but we won't submit so easily, this loss shall insure our resolve to strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits! It was one battle of many, rest assure we shall be victorious in the war!

Lilith saw the fire and determination in the Amazon's eyes, in the other heroes eyes as well. Despite what they went through, neither of the superhero girls have no interest of giving in.

Lilith: Then once you're fully rested, we'll assist you in gaining the resources needed to reach your true strength.

Diana: I look forward to it.

Everyone nodded.

To be continued...

(Chapter 23 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! More tension rises between Blake and Leslie, can something be done about this? Lex and The Accursed Beasts create dark, stronger and malicious clones of Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Giganta, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, who signal handedly devastated the Superhero girls, Dark Harley Quinn exposed Babs' secret to Harley, will she confront her about it? And Katana/Tatsu makes her debut. My inspiration for the Super Accursed Girls debut was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward episode Bad Blood where Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael & Michelangelo fight dark clones of themselves made by Sh'Okanabo, in this chapter, instead of making dark clones of the superhero girls, I decided to do the villain girls. Hope you enjoyed it! find out what happens next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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