Birth of a New Super

The next day....

It was a rainy day in Metropolis.

In the monster's sanctum, Blake was sparring with Beck, Diana and Kara, Casey was sparring against Barbi & Cassidy, Mason, Pam and Jessica were meditating with aura surrounding their bodies. Karen and Babs were checking out the tech & conducting some experiments, and Lilith was sparring with Ember in a battle of Darkness vs Fire.

The only ones who wasn't present was Zee and Valerie.

The group was displaying their skill and power in hand to hand combat for a while until the clock sounded off, signaling the end of the training session.

Lilith: Excellent work on your fighting style, Ember.

Ember: Heh, well it ain't my first time in a fight. Powers or no.

Blake and Beck fist pumped each other before turning to Diana and Kara.

Beck: Phew, Never in my life have I faced the likes of an Amazon and an Alien this strong.

Blake: Indeed. I've seen the two of you fight before but against Beck and myself, you two proved quite the strong team.

Diana: Why thank you, I always train to hone my skills of battle whether it's hand to hand or weapon mastery.

Kara: Yep... Just gonna keep getting better. You two aren't so bad yourself.

Mason: You two have improved through the art of meditation, I can feel your auras rising.

Jessica smiles while Pam nods.

Cassidy: Heh, both of you has improved.

Barbi: Why thank you. I don't plan on getting left in the dust, I'm getting stronger and faster every day.

Casey: Thanks to Blake's training regiments, I was able to keep up the progress with my powers & means of combat.

Babs: Eureka!!!

Everyone turned to Karen and Babs, who was holding a black and neon lime green batarang.

Babs: Behold the stealth batarang, ten times more effective than the originals and a cloaking device so the bad literally don't see 'em coming!

Karen had mini black/yellow/silver bee like drones.

Karen: Say hello to the Hive-drones, they're still in the prototype phase but these are made for tracking, stealth and honing in on various locations.

Beck: Nice.

Then a portal opened up as Valerie came out of it with some bags.

Valerie: Greetings everyone~.

Lilith: Ah, Valerie. Good to see you. What do you have there?

Valerie: Just some Fabulous clothing & accessories from the mall and some ingredients for my... projects. I crossed paths with Zee on the way here, she and her father are going out of town for three weeks for a magic show tour in New York, she told me to tell you all she'll see ya once the weeks are up. Giovanni Zatara was quite the gentleman he was.

Lilith: Indeed.

Cassidy got a text from her brother Logan.

Cassidy: I got a text from Logan. He, Savannah and Oliver are dealing with soulless civilians at the park.

Valerie: Soulless civilians?

Lilith: Wicked individuals who sold their souls to the Accursed Clan for their sick desires and become their mindless assassins or ravenous monsters.

Valerie: Ohohoho, How ominous.

Cassidy: I need to get to them.

An alarm went off as the super computer show a 13 ft humanoid amazon lady with orange skin with strange marks, long black hair, blue eyes and wearing black/bronze warrior armor rampaging in Metropolis.

Beck: Trouble, an Accursed Amazon!

Diana: An Amazon monster, impossible!

Lilith: Each Accursed Monster comes in all shapes and forms.

Diana: Then we all shall deal with the monster.

Ember: For once, I agree with you. I've been itching to fight something.

Cassidy: I'll help out my brother, Savannah and Oliver.

Valerie: I'll assist you Cassidy.

Diana, her friends, Blake, Beck, Pam, Casey, Ember and Barbi suit up as Lilith opens a portal and The superhero girls, Shard Soldier, Poison Ivy, Cheetah, Ember, Hybrids Omen & Blaze went through it while Valerie teleported away with Cassidy.

Lilith noticed that Mason the only one here.

Lilith: You're not going with them?

Mason: Not yet, there's something that needs to be taken care of and I need your help, big sister.

Lilith: Sure.

The two vanished.


Carol was seen walking around in the park with an umbrella, having a depressed look on her face. She haven't been the same since she quit the super villain girls, while Carol was glad to be done with the group of idiots as she called them & done with the villain life for she hated getting defeated by the superhero girls constantly and getting sent to jail, the battle with the Hybrid Omen, the accident/brutal beating by Jessica Cruz as a red lantern/irateling, accepting the truth about her & Hal Jordan and the mission from Lex Luthor & the Haunting encounter with Lilith Masters was the final straw for her.

But... She remembered Lilith's words clearly how despite her beauty, Carol wouldn't be loved thanks to her toxic behavior, she would be disgusted and feared by every boy she meets... She already displayed that behavior of envy, creepiness, obsession, forced affection, lashing out vengefully and angrily to anyone who was near Hal, who wasn't innocent himself in this relationship. As Lilith stated... What's to stop Carol from doing the same thing with another boy?

Carol sighs sadly. She also felt the power in her violet lantern ring getting weaker, it's been like that for days even when she charged her ring, her powers are getting weaker. She didn't like this feeling, she didn't want to end up lonely & alone... She wanted to change, it was easier said than done but she didn't want to give up.

But will she ever find true love again?

Then Carol heard running footsteps, she turns around only find nothing there. Carol raised an eyebrow in confusion as running footsteps were heard in front of her path, she turns the way she was going and found nothing. She was starting to get scared and paranoid.

Carol: H-Hello... I-Is anyone there?

Silence was all she heard. Carol looks around the park, she could've sworn she heard something like she was being followed. Carol's eyes were switching back and forth, seeing nothing around but a group of aqua green eyed people and-

The sound of a record scratch was heard as Carol spotted a group of random people with soulless aqua green eyes, glowing aqua green veins with monster like features, looking completely feral & horrifying.

They were baring their fang while foaming at the mouth, eyeing Carol with a ravenous expression. Carol slowly backed away in fear as one of them drew closer... they all ran at her. Carol screamed and turned to run away with the corrupted civilians gave chase on pursuing Carol throughout the park.

Carol turns to see the corrupted civilians gaining on her as she ran faster and avoiding their tackles, she tries to call upon her violet lantern powers but the ring wasn't responding.

Carol: Oh no...!

Then Carol slipped over a large puddle of mud, landing in it and getting covered in mud.

Carol: Eeeeewwww!!! Can this day get any worse?!?!

Carol heard snarls and roars as she saw the corrupted civilians.

Carol: Eeeep...!

The corrupted civilians ganged up on her, Carol let out a high pitched scream as she tries to get away from them but the soulless held her tight, clawing at her.


Carol had a petrified look on her head, getting traumatized visions of the battle with Lilith, her own demons and the soulless ones. One of the corrupted civilians got in Carol's face, opening it's jaw to eat her alive.


Carol closes her eyes in fright, the corrupted civilian was about to devour her-


The monster's head was sliced in half, Carol opens her eye slowly and saw what happened.

Carol: H-Huh?

A figure jumped up and begins slashing away at the corrupted civilians one by one until Carol was out of their grasp. She looks up to see Logan Li with a glowing white & silver katana blade.

Carol: ....?

Logan: Are you okay?

Carol blinked twice as she felt her heart racing.

Logan: Um, hello?

Carol suddenly smacks herself before turning to him with a blush.

Carol: I-I am now. Thank you.

Then the two heard roars and sees more corrupted civilians approaching.

Carol: Aaah! What are those things?!

Savannah's voice: Trouble.

Savannah and his brother Oliver appeared with the dark skinned girl with advanced bladed pistols and the brother carrying an advanced shotgun.

Oliver: Sorry y'all but the girl ain't on the menu.

The corrupted civilians snarled/roared, lunging at the four. Carol yelped and hid behind Logan, who's eyes glowed white as he readied his blade and sliced apart each monster that came his way.

Savannah's growled with her eyes glowing blue/purple as electricity surrounded her, shooting lightning induced bullets from her bladed pistols to critically shock/blow apart each corrupted civilians in tow, she even caught some that got close to her with her blade part of her pistols, slicing them.

Oliver: (eyes glowing dark blue) You freaks called down the thunder, now here comes the boom!

His advanced shotgun glowed, Oliver aimed and fired which made a thunder like noise as the bullets blow them apart in a shockwave, he kept up the momentum for a few minutes until he ran out of bullets.

Oliver: I knew I forgot to bring extra ammo, no matter. This is more effective.

Oliver sees more corrupted civilians running towards him as he spreads his arms wide with dark blue energy and unleashes a devastating thunderclap to the approaching horde, wiping them out in a massive shockwave.

A portal opened up beside Logan, who was defending Carol from the horde with his big sister Cassidy jumping out with a loud yell, tackling and unloading a brutal assault on each corrupted civilians, ripping off their heads and displaying bone breaking combo attacks to each one before turning to Logan.

Cassidy: You okay, little brother?

Logan: I'm fine, Cassidy.

Cassidy spots Carol behind Logan.

Cassidy: I remember you... You're that princess peach ripoff cosplayer of that goon girl squad that tried to attack Lilith back then.

Carol winced at the glare Cassidy was giving her.

Valerie: Now now Cassidy, no hostility.

Valerie walks out of the portal, meeting Logan, Savannah, Oliver and Carol. She spots more corrupted civilians heading their way.

Valerie: The Final wave, eh? Hehehe~

The moment they got close to biting distance, Valerie with a flick of her finger, engulfed them in jade green fire. Soon, the entire horde was incinerated with Valerie extinguishing her fire.

Valerie: That takes care of them. Now... What do you say about a cosplayer~?

Carol: I'm not a cosplayer!!!

Cassidy: She's one of those supervillain girls or whatever Casey Krinsky, Barbi and myself saw one time when they tried to attack Lilith. Star Sapphire was her name, I guess?

Valerie: Oh really~? (Sends an icy stare towards Carol)

Carol yelped and hid behind Logan as Valerie noticed the ring on her finger.

Valerie: Ah... You're a Violet Lantern~.

Logan: (voice went dark) What?

Logan went away and pointed his blade at Carol with a cold stare, who squeaked and backed away against a tree.

Logan: (low growls) Dreaded seductresses...

Carol: (afraid) P-Please don't hurt me! I'm not a villain anymore, I-I gave up that life and trying to start a new! And what it's worth, I-I'm really sorry for attacking your friend, I won't do it again! I swear!

Valerie saw the tears falling from Carol's face and walks towards her, Carol flinched as Valerie got in her face. Carol thought she was going to kill her but instead Valerie wipes the tears from the violet lantern.

Valerie: Awww... There, there it's alright. Why would we save you just to kill you~?

Carol: R-Really?

Valerie: Mmhmm.

Logan: Valerie, surely you understand what she is. A violet lantern, a seductress of evil!

Cassidy: She can't be trusted.

Valerie: I'm aware but she's not our enemy.

Savannah: Cassidy, Logan...

Cassidy: Ugh, fine.

Logan sighs as he sheaths his blade.

Oliver: You good man?

Logan nodded without a word, turning away from them. Carol gave him a sad and confused look.

Valerie: (to Carol) So you're done with the villain life, correct~?

Carol nodded her head quickly.

Valerie: Then perhaps you wouldn't mind coming with us for a little meeting~?

Carol felt like refusing but the look in Valerie's eyes freaked her out. Very calm & chilling... but very eerie.

Carol: O-Okay. I'll go.

Valerie: Good~.

Valerie opens up a portal as Savannah, Oliver, Cassidy and Logan went through it. Valerie led Carol into it as well with the portal closing behind them.


Downtown Metropolis...

The crowd of civilians were seen scattering and screaming upon the Accursed Amazon warrior rampaging through the city.

???: Tremble before me, puny mortals of metropolis. I, Eradicatria, shall bring your souls to the Accursed Beasts along with your heads!

Some members of the metropolis police department tried to apprehend the gigantic woman but they weren't so fortunate as they were cut down by her blazing broadsword.

Eradicatria: This is what Metropolis has to offer in fighters?! Worthless!!

Eradicatria felt bullets hit her side but it doesn't hurt her, turning to see Commissioner Gordon firing at her.

Eradicatria: Measly insect.

She quickly approached James Gordon, who tries to put some distance between each other by avoiding her sword strikes and lethal shots but barely as she got Gordon with a fierce back fist, sending him crashing into one of the police car.

Commissioner Gordon: Gaah!

He hissed in pain, he might've broken a rib or four, his left arm is broken, his right leg is fractured, left ankle broken, his forehead had blood flowing out, and his whole body was sore badly from just one back fist. He slowly gets up and sees Eradicatria looming over him.

Eradicatria: Time to fall like your measly comrades.

She raised her blade to strike Gordon down but was caught off guard by an explosive batarang.

Eradicatria: Huh?

Batgirl's voice: Get away from him!

Eradicatria received a double dropkick to the face, making her stumble back for a moment before turning with a heated glare.

Eradicatria: Who. Dares?!

Appearing before the Accursed Amazon was Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Bumblebee, Supergirl and Green Lantern (Jessica).

Eradicatria: Oh look, some costumed jesters aim to challenge me?

Wonder Woman: We aren't jesters, we are the protectors of metropolis who will put an end to your rampage!

Eradicatria: Huh...? You... I remember you...

She stares down Wonder Woman.

Eradicatria: The daughter of Queen Hippolyta. Princess of Themyscira and the Amazons themselves.

Wonder Woman: (shocked) What? You know of me? How?

Eradicatria: Why would it matter if I told you, you'll be finished now!

Gripping her blade, Eradicatria swung it as a wave of dark energy was fired in their path. The superhero girls dodged it, Eradicatria charged at them fast, knocking away Bumblebee, Batgirl, Supergirl and Green Lantern (Jessica) as she was aiming to slash Wonder Woman in two. The Amazon blocks the strike with her sword and shield, entering a clash of weapons.

Wonder Woman: (attacking) I ask again, creature. You seem to know about me, my mother and my home. Your armor bares a striking resemblance to my people, are you an Amazon as well?!

Eradicatria: (attacking) Hahaha, how naive you are Princess... As I said before, why would I explain to someone who is going to die?!

The weapon clash stalemate came to an end when Eradicatria hits a massive fist to the gut of Wonder Woman who coughs up some blood as the Accursed Amazon knocks her into the ground.

Wonder Woman: Aaggh!!

Eradicatria: I guess 'She' won't have to worry about finishing you off after all.

She raised her blade, aiming for Wonder Woman's chest.

Eradicatria: Now die!

She brings down the blade to plunge it into Wonder Woman's heart but Eradicatria was stopped by a claw strike of chi to the face to knock her away, courtesy of Cheetah.

Wonder Woman: Cheetah.

Cheetah: Are you alright?

Wonder Woman: I'll live but by the beard of Zeus, that punch was beyond brutal...

Eradicatria recovered and glared angrily at Cheetah.

Eradicatria: You dare interrupt my kill, you humanoid cat abomination?!

Cheetah: (growls) I'm an abomination?! Have you looked in the mirror and seen yourself, atrocity!

Eradicatria: I'm gonna make a pelt out of you!!

Eradicatria leaps up and charged at the Cheetah and Wonder Woman who prepared themselves as the Accursed Amazon was about to pounce on them, she was tackled with a couple of strong strikes and a huge knee to the face, sent to the ground. The Accursed Amazon growls furiously and turns to her attacker, who was the Shard Soldier.

Shard Soldier: ....

Eradicatria: You dare strike me, mortal?!

Hybrid Blaze's voice: Oh she dares and so do we!

Eradicatria was shot by a beam of fire and ice with Hybrids Omen and Blaze appearing. Batgirl and Bumblebee were seen getting Commissioner Gordon away from the battlefield while Green Lantern (Jessica) was getting the civilians to safety.

Batgirl: Don't worry Da-eh Commissioner Gordon, we'll get you to the ambulance.

Eradicatria later recovered and glared angrily, seeing herself surrounded by Wonder Woman, Cheetah, Shard Soldier, Supergirl and the hybrid twins.

Eradicatria: Fools, you think your group can stop the likes of me?! I am the-

Supergirl: Do you ever shut up?!

Cheetah: Seriously.

Eradicatria then lunged at them, unleashing bladed strikes and waves of dark energy. The group would dodged or intercept with combo moves, Supergirl and Hybrid Blaze would hit high, Shard Soldier and Wonder Wonder would hit low while Hybrid Omen and Cheetah would strike from all sides.

Eradicatria had enough and spun her blade around to knock them all back. She would get engulfed by green construct chains by Green Lantern (Jessica) while Supergirl flies in to deliver punch after punch.

Eradicatria: Ugh! Grrrr, I'll be free!!!

Eradicatria, with a large roar, broke the chains with sheer force and caught the next punch from Supergirl, spinning her around and throwing into an ice cream truck. The Accursed Amazon sends a massive wave at Green Lantern (Jessica) who forms a construct barrier but Eradicatria increases the wave's power to crack & soon break apart the barrier to sent her into a wall.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Agh!

Eradicatria: Now Fall!

She drives her sword into the ground, sending an earth shattering wave towards Green Lantern (Jessica), who braces herself for the attack only for a solid shield of strong wood to block the blast.

Eradicatria: Hahahahaha-Huh?!

She saw the wooden shield still standing for a moment before it retreats into the ground, revealed Poison Ivy, who was now wearing a new attire consisting of a black and dark green trim leotard with light green leaf patterns on the side, a black side sash, black long sleeve gloves and thigh length black boots.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Thanks Ivy.

Poison Ivy: Don't mention it.

Eradicatria: A Nature User, eh? I've come across thousands like you and they all burned by my blade.

Poison Ivy: (growls) Then I'll be the last one you'll see...

Eradicatria charged at her with her blade radiating dark energy to strike but Poison Ivy was ready as she forms neon green/blue/purple orbs in both hands, dodging the attacks of Eradicatria and throws the orbs at her, engulfing her in a cloud of purple smoke.

Eradicatria: (coughs) What are the blazes...!

Poison Ivy: (unseen) My aura poison bombs, a little trick I've learned... Be warned, you might feel a little... woozy.

Eradicatria starts seeing everyone in a spinning blur, she shook her head and tries to collect her barrings but is struck by green construct chains trapping her & repeatedly hit by wooden constructs of giant fists with sharp wood spikes.

Eradicatria: AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!

She was sent flying into the walls, still feeling the effects of Poison Ivy's attacks as Shard Soldier came in with a couple of diamond induced kickboxing shots, Hybrid Omen tags in with some strikes from his spear of ice followed by a gravity push that sent her flying into Supergirl, who geared up and nailed her with a strong punch to knock her out of the park with Cheetah giving chase to deliver an assortment of swift hits/claw strikes followed by a chi claw uppercut in the air where Hybrid Blaze flew up.

Hybrid Blaze: Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!

He got above and knocks Eradicatria in the back with a closed fist strike, sending her plummeting down where Wonder Woman was waiting, when Eradicatria was close Wonder Woman, with a yell, hits her with a shield shot/punch to send crashing into the ground.

Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Green Lantern (Jessica), Poison Ivy, Cheetah, Shard Soldier, Hybrids Omen & Blaze all regrouped as Eradicatria slowly emerged from the rubble.

Eradicatria: (breathing heavily & angrily) You... Insects. You think you've won... I can take anything you mortals can throw at me. Face... The Truth, You've already lost...!

???: It's True... True that you're WRONG.

Eradicatria yells out in pain upon being shot in the back by a huge fireball. She turns around and saw who shot her. 

It was Ember, who was in her semi dragon form, which most of her looks human like her face while she's all red with dragon like features like her horns, wings, spikes on her back, fangs, claws, pointy ears, yellow eyes with red sharp pupils and a long tail with a sharp end like an arrow.

Her new battle attire consists of a short arm/leg sleeved black bodysuit with silver armor over it, a red sash, front cloth, silver arm & ankle bands.

Ember: (sharp tooth grin) Hello there...

Eradicatria: How many of you mortal flies are gonna keep showing up?!

Ember: Awww... Is someone whining about getting their ass kicked?

Eradicatria: You dare mock me, dragonoid?! I'll slay you!

Ember: Been there, done in by that. Not happening again. If you're done complaining about getting beaten by the others, try me~.

Eradicatria roars and charges at her to strike her with her blade but the semi dragon girl was avoiding every one of his slashes.

Ember: (dodging) Sorry. Too slow. Can't slash this. Have you even done this before?

Eradicatria: (attacking) Repulsive creature! Hold still!

Ember: (dodging, smirks) Hmmm, how about No.

Eradicatria: (attacking) Grrrrr!!!

Meanwhile, Batgirl and Bumblebee came back to the group.

Batgirl: Hey guys, Bumblebee and I got my dad to an ambulance.

Bumblebee: What's going on?

Hybrid Omen: Well you missed our battle with this Accursed Amazon.

Hybrid Blaze: And now Ember is taking it to her.

The two see Eradicatria trying/failing to slice Ember with her blade.

Supergirl: Isn't Amber gonna hit her?

Shard Soldier: It's Ember, Supergirl. And not yet, it seems that she's toying with the Amazon.

Poison Ivy: To get her angry enough to make a mistake.

Eradicatria roars and fires a dark wave from her blade which Ember blocked with her wings.

Ember: Ok. I think I'm done playing.

Ember forms two fire construct blades.

Ember: Let's dance.

Eradicatria: RAAAAAAH!!!!

The two charged at each other, trading lethal sword strikes with one another, fire clashing with dark energy with shockwaves emitting throughout the battlefield. Ember was grinning like a woman possessed while Eradicatria had a furious scowl with a low snarl, the stalemate of blades lasted a few moments before Ember caught the straight down blade strike from Eradicatria with her twin fire blades.

Eradicatria: You think you can stop me, Dragonoid pest?!

Ember only chuckled as she gets a good grip on Eradicatria's blade with her twin fire blades which glowed a deep red until a fierce snap broke the broadsword in two.

Eradicatria: My blade! You'll pay for that, lizard!

Ember: (forms fists of fire) I am a DRAGON!

The two then unleashed an assortment of gatling punches to one another in a furious clash, inflicting tremendous force and damage on each other. Eradicatria then dodged the next strike and caught Ember in a strong bear hug.

Eradicatria: I'm gonna squeeze the life out of you!

She proceeded to tighten the hold on Ember, who yells out in pain. The Accursed Amazon smirked at the pained expression on Ember's face.

Eradicatria: Yes, that's right. Scream for mercy, lizard.

Ember slowly stops screaming with an angered snarl.

Ember: You... shouldn't have done that, Now I'm mad!!!!

A deep glow engulfed Ember's body as Eradicatria felt incredibly warm to blazing hot, screaming from the radiating fire Ember was unleashing. She was forced to let go of her while having major scorch marks on her. The Accursed Amazon reacted too late from the heat induced bicycle kicks to the chest by Ember, who finishes with the spin kick, knocking her away.

Ember: I think it's time she "cools" down.

Getting the message, Hybrid Omen fires a beam of ice, Shard Soldier with a ground wave of diamonds and Supergirl inhaled and releases her ice breath to encase Eradicatria in a tall pillar of ice/diamonds.

Supergirl: Amazon on ice! (Chuckles)

Hybrid Blaze: Now we "heat" things up.

Ember: Oh yes~.

Cheetah: Ready.

Hybrid Blaze, Ember and Cheetah placed their hands on the ground near the pillar, a huge circle of fire and golden chi energy formed as the attack engulfed the pillar completely, lighting up in a massive pillar of heat, sending a huge shockwave throughout the city. Soon, the explosion subsided with the smoke cleared up as the group see a heavily damaged and burned Eradicatria down in the rubble.

Supergirl: Consider this Amazon toast.

Hybrid Blaze: More like burnt toast.

Ember and Cheetah couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

Eradicatria: You... You insolent pests. How could I lose... to mortals like you-ack!

Eradicatria started to shake and twitch uncontrollably while speaking invertedly.

Batgirl: Uhhh guys, what's going on?

Ember: Is she having a stroke or a seizure?

Poison Ivy: I don't think a stroke or a seizure can have someone speak in a backwards tone.

Then Eradicatria stopped with her eyes a pale blue with an emotionless expression, speaking with a cold tone at the same time another female voice was amongst her own.

Eradicatria/???: Such a disappointed Eradicatria was... I see the heroes and the hybrids in view but we'll meet face-to-face in due time.

Supergirl: Okay... Who is that?

Hybrid Omen: One of the 11 Accursed Beasts, which one I'm not actually sure.

Bumblebee: She's possessing one of her monsters.

Supergirl: (glares at the possessed Eradicatria) Hey, why don't you & your 10 cowardly beasts stop hiding behind your assassins, zombies and monsters & face us?!

Eradicatria/???: Hehehe... Such a fighter's spirit in wanting to fight the heads of the kingdom, you remind me a lot of the Amazons of old.

Wonder Woman: How do you know of my people?

Eradicatria/???: The princess of Themyscira, in time you'll know. You heroes and hybrids can fight til your hearts content all you wish to bring down our army but it won't the stop the inevitable, this world shall be ours and Diana... You, your Mother and the Amazons will fall... And Themyscira shall be mine.

Then Eradicatria was engulfed by blue/white flames, reduced to ashes. Wonder Woman glared at the fires, whichever of the 11 Accursed Beasts was, knew more about her and her mother and wants to conquer Themyscira as well. She has to warn her people and prepare.


At Blake's home...

Blake, Beck, Casey, Barbi, Pam, Kara, Karen, Jessica and Ember were present in the living room area. Diana went home while Babs left to check on her father who was in the hospital.

Beck: That was quite a chilling warning, huh?

Jessica: I agree, what do we do in this situation?

Barbi: For now, we'll have to be on our guard.

Kara: Forget that, we need to find those Accursed Beasts and take them out head on. Don't you hybrids know where they're hiding?

Blake: No.

Beck: Don't you think if we knew where they were hiding, we would've went there right away when we first came back to Metropolis?

Kara: I-you-ugh! They're just hiding like cowards!

Valerie's voice: Quite the opposite.

Everyone turns to see Valerie, Cassidy, Logan, Savannah and Oliver coming down the stairs.

Blake: Logan, Savannah, Oliver.

Oliver: Hey man. Sorry, we ran into trouble but we handled it.

Valerie: Anyways to your point Kara, while the lead beasts are hiding, cowardice is not their reason. They are lying in wait while gaining their strength and power needed to be at their best, to find a suitable vessel to contain their essence, underestimating them in any way could cost you.

Kara: Still, I wish we could at least give them a beating.

Barbi: (rolls her eyes) Typical Kara Danvers. Looking for a fight too soon.

Pam: You need to think with your brain more rather than your fists.

Kara: Hey!

Ember: She's got you there, Kira.

Kara: (angry) It's Kara!

Ember: (smirks) I know. It's annoying when someone gets your name wrong, doesn't it KIRA?

Kara growls and was about to tackle the Dragon hybrid but Jessica stops her.

Jessica: That's enough! Both of you, stop it!

Ember: Alright, Alright.

Kara: Fine...

Then Carol, dressed in a purple bathrobe and a towel over her big hair, comes downstairs.

Carol: Ah, that was a relaxing bath to get all the mud and gunk out of my hair and skin.

Blake: Carol?

Jessica, Karen and Kara: Carol?

Pam: Carol?

Carol: (shocked) Pam? (Puts on an annoyed expression) Pam...

Pam rolls her eyes.

Valerie: I take it you all know one another?

Kara: You have no idea...

Valerie: Well no need for hostility, she's on our side now after I filled her on everything.

Jessica: Wait, you told her-

Valerie: Yep~.

Karen: A-And she knows we're-

Valerie: Yep~.

Kara grabs Valerie by the collar of her jacket.

Kara: Are you crazy?! What is this "tell supervillain girls our secrets" bargain sale?!

Valerie showed no signs of being intimidated as she raised one hand that glowed jade green, placing it on Kara's head and spun it literally around, making her release the sorceress.

Kara: (head spinning around uncontrollably) Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!

Ember couldn't help but laugh her head off.

Ember: Hahahaha! Oh I can't breathe, hahaha!

Valerie: Now, to answer your questions. Cassidy, Logan, Savannah Oliver and myself saved Carol from being devoured. Yes, I'm aware of who she is and what she was but not anymore. Yes, I told her everything along our line of work~.

Casey: So she's done with the whole being a villain thing?

Pam: Well I can vouch for her on that... After our failed mission to capture Lilith and been made a fool of by Lex after, myself, Carol, Giganta, Livewire, Catwoman and Harley got into an argument in resolve of the supervillain girls group being no more... Carol herself with a huge rant on her part, ending it with "I quit."

Jessica: Carol, is that true?

Carol: (sighs sadly) Yes. After the situation with Hal Jordan, the times we came to & actually beating you superhero girls only to fail again & again to end up in prison, the hybrid and... Lilith was the final straw for me... I had enough of the villain life and no longer wanna go back.

Valerie: And she's telling the truth, had she been lying and went to blab, I would've taken drastic action the moment she tried to run~.

Carol shivered from Valerie's tone.

Carol: Anyways, I'm not going to tell anyone who you are or anything. As for me joining you, I need to think. My powers aren't working well, I nearly got eaten by those things... I'm still shook by that...

Blake: It's fine. Take all the time you need.

Carol: Thank you. Can I spend the night? I don't think it's safe going out with this cannibalistic creatures in sight.

Beck: Are we just running a hotel here?

Barbi elbows him in the stomach.

Barbi: Hush.

Blake: Of course. There's a guest room in a second door on the left you can use.

Carol: Thanks.

Carol then went back upstairs. Logan watches her leave silently with a cold stare.

Jessica: What did she say about her powers not working?

Valerie: She's a violet lantern, correct? While Green Lanterns are powered by their Will, Violet Lanterns are powered by Love. Judging by what she's gone through... Carol's power might be close to empty.

Jessica: Oh no...

Kara: (head spinning uncontrollably) Hey! Make the spinning stoooooooop!!!!!

Valerie placed her hand on Kara's head, making the spinning cease as the kryptonian stumbled back & forth all dizzy.

Kara: I really hate magic...

Then a portal opened up as Everyone sees Lilith and Mason coming out of it. To their shock, behind was Lena who had some mild bruises and scratch marks, she looked like she was crying from her eyes all red.

Beck: Lilith, Mason. Where have you been?

Blake: And what happened to Lena?

Lena started to sob as Mason comforts her.

Lilith: You all may have to sit down for this...


One explanation later...

Blake, Beck, Cassidy, Logan, Savannah, Oliver, Valerie, Kara, Karen, Jessica, Barbi, Casey & even Pam and Ember couldn't believe what they just heard.

Lena was seen lightly crying over Mason's shoulder as he was comforting her.

Blake: What...?

Beck: ....Did you just say?

Lilith: As I said, Lex Luthor has aligned with the Accursed Clan. Lena herself caught him in the act while sneaking in to take some equipment... He was speaking with the one who unsealed them, exchanging plans, resources, ideas and means of starting their conquests.

Mason: What Lena saw was drastic... Lex brought in random bystanders, criminals and innocent people as the right hand individual of the Accursed Beasts drained them of their souls, including Lex and Lena's parents. Lex sold them out and was going to do the same to Lena to get them out of the picture of his goals.

Lilith: Lena was spotted as Lex ordered the corrupted ones, including the empty shells of their parents to eliminate her which resulted in her running out of LexCorp and nearly torn apart by the horde but Mason and I managed to retrieve her...

Barbi: Unbelievable.

Pam: I knew Lex was cruel but to a child?

Jessica: Dios Mio, that's just horrible.

Oliver: That's just sick.

Blake then shot an ice beam at a vase, freezing/breaking it while Beck throws a fire ball to blow up a second vase, both livid by Lex's actions.

Kara: That chrome dome mastermind needs to be locked away permanently.

Beck: (a sick chuckle) Oh locked away. Oh Nonono... Lex just made a deal with our greatest enemy and had the audacity to kill his own parents & tried to kill his little sister, hahaha, a little girl... hahaha, oh no, he's gonna die... he's gonna die so hard...

Beck was pacing back and forth with an angry & scary grin, some of the girls backed away from him.

Barbi: Now, now Beck. Calm down. Lex will pay for what he's done but going there now aimlessly will only lead to a trap.

Beck looks at Barbi with a sharp glance but the Were Cheetah wasn't intimidated.

Barbi: Don't give me that look, you know as well as I do now isn't the time. Lena needs you and Blake right now.

Beck: .... Alright.

The twins approached Lena who was in Mason's arms, the little girl turns to them. Blake and Beck saw sadness, pain and despair in her eyes, they embraced her as she cried.

Valerie: It's very sad to see a child cry like this...

Lilith: I know, Lex had no idea what he signed up for... making a deal with the devil for his own ends and that deal scarred this girl... For now, no one tries to target Lex until further notice, trying to do so with cause panic in Metropolis as he and the Beasts have something up their sleeves.

Kara: What-

Jessica: We understand. (To Kara) You remember the last time we tried to infiltrate LexCorp, we got captured along with Hal and his group and Superman as well. We need to wait and strategize for our next move.

Kara groans as she agreed reluctantly. Everyone was silent but got the message while nodding in agreement.


2 week later....

After the events of Lex's actions, the youngest mega billionaire made up a story on the daily planet news there his parents met an unfortunate demise in an attack during their way back from vacation, even had made a perfect evidential video to make it look real as the people of metropolis felt bad for him, mourning the "loss" & "passing" of Frank and Lillian Luthor.

Those who truly knew what happened weren't quite pleased with Lex's ordeal, especially Lena. Speaking of whom, Lena hasn't been the same since that day, barely showing any emotion. She wouldn't do anything other than eat, sleep, bathe or isolate herself in the lab downstairs to work on her projects, barely talking to anyone, even Blake or Beck couldn't cheer her up.

They were getting worried.

We now see Beck, Blake and Ember sitting on the couch. Ember on her new phone she bought on her shopping with Valerie, Beck was watching a classic horror movie while Blake was still thinking about Lena for she hasn't come out of the basement for days, the only time she opened the door was to receive food in case she was hungry but other than that, nothing.

Casey Krinsky then came in from the dining room.

Casey: She still hasn't came out, huh?

Blake: No. Honestly, I don't blame her after what happened...

Casey: It's hard to believe that she is related to someone like Lex. It's a miracle that you were able to steer her from the villain path or she would've been like him.

Blake: Yes, I wanna help her still but she doesn't want to let anyone in right now. The loss of her parents, nearly dying at the hands of the beasts' corrupted puppets, it really broke her.

Then loud noises were heard downstairs, followed by Lena laughing maniacally.

Beck: Not to joke about it but I think you're right about Lex breaking her.

Ember: She's in a mad phase.

Blake and Casey immediately went to the basement door, forcing it open and running down the stairs with Beck and Ember following. They entered the lab and spots Lena in a closed white lab coat, injecting herself in the neck with a glowing blue liquid.

Blake: Lena!

Beck: What are you doing?!

Lena turns to them.

Lena: Don't try to stop me.

She pressed a button as a force field wall dropped down between her and the four. Blake, Beck, Blake, Casey and Ember tried to get to her but their powers weren't phasing the barrier.

Casey: Lena, whatever you're trying to do, please don't try to endanger yourself!

Ignoring their yells, Lena speaks into her recorder.

Lena: Lena's vlog, part 1 of the experiment project-U has been completed with the serum injected. Now for the part 2 of the experiment. (Yells) Computer, ready the Ultra Amplifier Chamber!

Computer: Affirmative. Ultra Amplifier Chamber engaged Chamber operating now.

The lights shined bright to reveal a silver/black/green mechanical cylinder shape pod connected to tubes and the control panel as Lena was typing in the codes needed before going to enter the chamber which closed behind her.

Beck: Lena, stop!

Ember: It's your security system, Blake. Can't you undo the barrier?!

Blake: Yes but it's not working. Everything else is working but not the Basement area of it.

Beck: Lena must've hacked the security system down here. Impossible but impressive for her.

Then the four heard the distorted noises of the machine Lena was in, the lights flashing with the tubes having glowing blue energy particles flow into the Amplifier Chamber which was flashing more, lightning was shooting out of the chamber with more distorted noises.

Casey: Lena!!! (Punching the barrier)

Blake and Beck's ice/fire wasn't getting through the force field, heck, Ember's magic fire wasn't getting through it. Soon, the Chamber let out a massive shockwave that caused the whole house to shake as the machine powered down and the force field was deactivated.

Blake, Beck, Casey and Ember ran into the smoke filled lab as the chamber door with Lena stumbling out of it.

Blake: Lena, are you alright?

Beck: And what on earth were you doing?!

Lena: (regaining her balance) A little woozy and sore but I'm fine. As for what I was doing, my secret project was finally finished to test on myself.

Casey: But why use yourself as a lab rat?

Lena: (grins) Oh I'll show you.

Lena's eyes then glowed blue and slammed her fist together, her entire body glowing and engulfed in blue light. She was changing form before Blake, Beck, Casey and Ember's very shocked eyes.

Soon, the bright blue light faded as the four saw Lena but she didn't look like herself. She looked about 17 or 18, was about as tall as Blake and Beck, has a curvaceous figure with some large muscles, longer blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a black/green/purple trim bodysuit with a trim letter U on the chest, silver armbands and armored boots.

Ember: What...

Blake: The...

Beck: Heck...?

Lena: (spoke in a matured, bold female voice) Surprised? I knew you would be. Say hello to my alter ego, Lady Ultra.

Casey: Your Alter ego, how did you-

Lena: By using the cunning edge technology and serums from Blake's sister lab here, I created the Ultra Amplifier Chamber which infused stable energy particles within my body and the serum made with kryptonian DNA altered and modified by yours truly.

Beck: Wait, where'd you get Kryptonian DNA?

Lena: I... stole it from my former brother... once I heard him said something about creating clones of Superman and Supergirl to make them look bad or something. I destroyed his project by implanting a self destruct device before taking some vials of Supergirl's blood he somehow achieved...

Beck: Okay...

Blake: So this was your new project, to change yourself like this? Lena, what if it didn't go as planned, you could've gotten hurt.

Lena: (glares) Like how I gotten hurt & almost killed by your very enemies you didn't tell me about that took my parents souls? That you couldn't trust me because I was a kid?

Blake was silent. Lena's glare softened a bit.

Lena: Blake, look... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that & I don't blame you. After what happened to them and what almost happened to me... I wanted to help you guys, despite my age difference you have the experience in hunting these Accursed monsters, I only gave myself this transformation and power so I wouldn't feel helpless like that again, so you could in trust in me.

Blake approached the transformed girl places his hands on her shoulders.

Blake: It's fine. I should've told you but I didn't want you to get or worse but look what happened. I was worried about you and feared that Lex had broken you entirely, I'm glad you're well.

Lena: Thanks. Lex may have traumatized me I admit, but he hasn't broken me. After what he did, it only fuelled my resolve to break him one day.

Beck: And you're not alone on that.

Casey: We'll be there to help you out.

Ember nods in agreement.

Blake: Well it's official, welcome to the group, Lady Ultra.

Lena smiles and gave Blake a bone crushing hug.

Blake: Why is the lab getting dark...?

Lena's eyes widened and released Blake.

Lena: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I still gotta work on the new found strength.

Blake: Not a problem... (Cracks his back in place)

Beck: So is this change permanent?

Lena: Well yes & no, I'm a permanent kryptonian hybrid but I can switch to my human kid form & back by slamming my fists together any time I want. I also have Supergirl's power with additional ones added to it.

Beck: Good to know.

Blake: And we'll help you learn to control these powers.

Lena: Thanks.

Casey: Uhhh Lena?

Lena: Yeah?

Casey: Why do you have a second Kara?

The three turn to what Casey Krinsky was talking about. Inside one of the pods was an exact duplicate of Kara who was sleep & wearing a white & silver bodysuit.

Lena: Remember when I said Lex was trying to create clones of Superman and Supergirl to ruin them as I self destructed his project while he was away...?

Casey: Yeah...

Lena: Well this one of his perfect clones, she survived so I sorta... snuck her in here a few days before the incident.

Ember: And you have her in here why?

Blake and Beck: (Stern) Lena....?

Lena: No evil intentions here, I promise! But it's a long story.


Carol was seen in a two piece, pink & dark purple bathing suit, swimming in Blake's backyard pool, trying to relax and get her mind off certain things. The violet lantern had a lot to think about, she has all the time she needs in deciding whether to join the superhero girls & hybrids on their mission or not.

Then she thought about Logan Li, Cassidy's brother... The one who saved her like a knight in shining armor of her fantasy, the moment she laid eyes on him, her heart was pounding like crazy & she hasn't felt like that since her previous relationship with Hal Jordan. Then she thought about the dark look he gave her and called her a dreaded seductress, aiming to kill her. Despite that, Carol had feelings for him but she needs to know what is his damage towards her?

Valerie: Having fun~?

Carol: Eep!!

Carol yelped and sees Valerie in a black & green one piece swimsuit with a chest window, standing on water behind her with a sly grin.

Carol: Don't do that!!! My heart nearly exploded from shock!!!

Valerie: (chuckles) Sorry darling, couldn't resist. I noticed that you were lost in thought, care to share what troubles you~?

Carol: No thanks.

Valerie: Well okay, I understand-

Carol: Okay, I'll tell you. I was wondering if that Logan guy is dating anyone and why did he look like he wanted to slay me?

Valerie's eyebrow raised a bit.

Carol: Too fast? Should I go slowly?

Valerie: Oh no darling, I got everything you said. As for your first question, he is dating no one.

Carol: (in her mind) YES!

Valerie: Awww, you're in love, aren't you~?

Carol looks away with a blush.

Valerie: (chuckles) It's okay Carol. If you really want him, just wait for the right moment and confess but don't take too long or someone will claim him~.

Carol: Well thanks but I don't want to tie him down or anything like I did with Hal, I want it to be special...

Valerie: That's good.

Carol: Also, what about him trying to slice me in two, calling me a dreaded seductress?

Valerie: (sighs) I heard this from Cassidy but... You're not the first violet lantern he met, something happened between this individual and Logan... He was hurt. The rest of the story, you'll have to get from him.

Valerie sinks into the pool and swims away.

Carol couldn't believe it, a violet lantern hurt Logan? Why? She'll have to talk to him and hopefully, she can tell him how she feels and maybe he'll feel the same way but that's a BIG maybe.

To be continued...

(Chapter 22 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Ember & Poison Ivy make their debut in fighting with the superhero girls and hybrids with new attire & all, one of the Accursed Beasts knows Diana and her mother, promising the fall of Themyscira, who is it? Savannah, Oliver and Logan displayed their powers in saving Carol, who started having a crush on Logan but can she find out what happened to him with another violet lantern?)

(Lena lost her parents to Lex and the Accursed Clan, which traumatized her & went into depression but her resolve wouldn't break as she finished her project become a Kryptonian hybrid known as Lady Ultra to assist Blake & the others. Her transformation was kinda inspired by Shazam. As for the Kara Clone, she'll make another appearance in due time. See ya next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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