Bat Blood Pt 2
After taking out the two beasts downtown, Hybrid Omen disappeared into the night. The superhero girls were about to call it a night but they each got a text... from Babs.
The text said that the doctor... released her from the hospital early before nightfall and needed for the girls to come to her house right away! Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Bumblebee, Zatanna and Green Lantern (Jessica) wasted no time in heading to the location, worried that their friend could be in trouble. Now in their normal attire, Diana, Kara, Karen, Zee and Jessica made to Babs' house, luckily, the door was unlocked as they went inside.
Kara: Babs!
Diana: We're here, are you okay?!
They looked around the house, it was dark but the only thing on was the TV, the air felt cold with eerie silence.
Jessica: Where are you? If you can hear us, answer!
Then Babs' voice was heard.
Babs: (a strange sing along tone) I'm in the dining room guys~~~~~....
The girls followed the voice to the dining room where they see a well prepared meal on the table, candles on the table at lit up the room and in the chair on the other side of the table was Babs, who was wearing a black and dark purple robe, was a bit pale and had a small red glint in her green eyes, grinning from ear to ear.
Babs: Ah, you guys made it... Welcome to my humble home.
Karen: We... We came here as soon as we saw your text, are you doing okay?
Babs: (still grinning) Yes. I'm perfectly fine, I asked for my release from the doctors early before the sun went down. My dad is still working the night shift so it's me here, alone.
Zee: Then what's the emergency? Are you hurt? Are you feeling sick?
Babs: (grins shortens a little, sounding scared & sad) Neither. I just... can't explain it but after what happened today... I felt scared and lonely. I called you guys over to have a sleepover but if you don't feel about it... I understand... It was probably a waste of time...
The girls stared at Babs.
Jessica: Nonono, it's fine. After what you experienced at the mall, we won't leave you in your hour of need.
Diana: We shall join you in the over of sleeps!
Karen: (corrects Diana) Sleepover.
Diana: Yes.
Babs grinned widely and a bit creepily.
Babs: Great! Now.... Help yourselves to the food. I ordered it from some of your favorite food joints, from Jessica's vegan style, to Zee's special sushi, to Kara's love for burgers and more! Dig in!
The five girls took a seat at the table and eat some of the ordered meal, Babs smiled darkly.
Babs: That's right, put some meat on those bones.... You deserve it after a hard fought battle...
Babs reaches for a red juicy steak, sinking her teeth in it, slurping it up into her mouth whole, surprising the girls as Babs spat out the bones that hit the trash while finishing the steak.
Babs: Mmmmmm, deeeelicious...!
The girls gave Babs awkward and confused looks.
Babs: Don't ya know impolite to stare at someone. Now... Enjoy. Your. Food. I'll be back with dessert.
Babs quickly went to the kitchen.
Zee: Okay... Has anyone noticed that Babs is acting a little strange?
Kara: (eats another burger) When has Babs never stopped acting strange?
Zee: Well she has her... hyperactive moments but this is a new one... not to mention the grin of hers.
Jessica: Zee, please. No need to be dramatic. If something is wrong, Babs will open up to us.
Zee: Ugh, very well. But I'm just worried... something doesn't feel right.
Karen: Yeah, the place feels cold... unnaturally cold...
Kara: Probably she left the window open. Less talk more eat.
Diana: Yes, let us feast!
After their food and dessert feast, The five girls all changed into their night wear as they were either sitting on the couch or floor, watching a horror movie. Kara was eating popcorn while enjoying the flick, Karen was hugging Jessica in fright with Jess comforting her. Zee was very disturbed by the flick's horrific and gross scenes, Diana wasn't really scared nor freaked out as she looks stoic. Babs was grinning ear to ear at watching the flick while secretly glancing at her friends or most likely, their necks... feeling the hunger for blood but she needed to wait for the right moment...
Zee: I'll be right back, gotta use the facilities.
Zee gets up and leaves the living room. Babs sees this and decided to act on it.
Babs: I'll head over to the kitchen and gets some more popcorn.
Kara: Whatev.
Babs gets up and leaves the living room, no one noticing the fanged smile on her face. Within the bathroom, Zee can be seen applying her moisturizing facial cream on her face while humming a jazzy tune. While she was doing her hair, a knock on the door was heard.
Zee: The restroom is taken!
Another knock was heard.
Zee: I said the restroom is taken, be patient and wait!
A third knock was heard.
Zee: (getting very annoyed) Did you not hear me, it's occupied!
A couple of knocks were heard, making Zee lose her patience as she stomps towards the bathroom door, opening it to yell angrily.
Zee: (angry) I told you girls that the restroom is occupied, now quit with the constant knock... ing?
Outside, Zee saw only darkness in the halls, no one was there. The magician looks to the left and right side of the halls, seeing no trace of anyone. Zee assume that maybe one of her friends was playing a prank to scare her, she closed the bathroom door & locked it, heading back to her facial makeup. She was interrupted again, this time by her phone going off in her purse, Zee pulls it out and sees Blake's number calling her.
She answers it.
Zee: Hello? Blake?
Blake: Hello Zee. Am I interrupting something?
Zee: Well... I was interrupted by a prank knock on the door with 'someone' trying to scare me during my facial.
Blake: Oh my apologies.
Zee: Nono, it's fine. What do I owe the call?
Blake: I've been trying to get ahold of Babs, but she hasn't been picking up her cell all today. Has anything happened? Is she alright?
Zee: Babs had an... accident down at the mall and went to the hospital. Luckily, nothing fatal was wrong with her, she needed rest and was quickly released earlier.
Blake: I see... Did Babs tell anything else that happened during her... illness?
Zee: No. Nothing else, just a fever and headache. Why?
Blake: ....
Zee: Blake?
Blake: (whispers) Of course Babs didn't tell them... She's under "it's" influence...
Zee heard that.
Zee: What influence? Blake, what's going on?
Blake: Zee... Where are you right now?
Zee: ...At Babs' house with the others, having a sleepover to cheer her up.
Blake: .... I'll be right over there, but you need to get Diana, Karen, Jessica and Kara out of the house.
Zee: Wait, what?!
Blake: Get Diana, Karen, Jessica, Kara and yourself out of that house, now! You're in danger.
Zee: In danger, from what?
Blake: Babs. She's not normal.
Zee: (offended) Blake, I know Babs can be quite... hyper but that's no way to talk about her like that!
Blake: What I mean is, she's not herself. Babs was bitten by one of the monsters I was hunting, she's infected.
Zee: What?!
Blake: I was working on a cure for her, You need get yourself and the others out of the house... before she gets you.
Suddenly, the bathroom lights shut off catching Zee by surprise with her phone lighting up the dark bathroom.
Blake: Zee? Zee are you still there?
Zee: Yes, the lights went out.
Blake: Listen, I'm heading to your location. Get yourself and your friends out of the house before it's too late, Babs' bite is highly contagious-
Zee yelped as something attacked her from behind, knocking the phone out of her hand as it fell to the ground.
Blake: Zee? What's that noise? Zee?!
Zee was pinned against the mirror which cracked on impact, earning a pained grunt from the magician. Zee attempts to chant a spell but the attacker's hand clapped over her mouth, preventing her from making any incantations.
Zee: (muffling scream) Mmmph?! Mmmph!! Mmmmmmph!!
Zee looked directly at the figure with horrified eyes. Holding her by the mouth was Babs herself except her skin was paler, red menacing eyes and a scary grin full of fangs.
Blake: Zee? Are you there? Zee?!
Babs, while holding Zee, picks up the phone and answers with a voice full of malicious glee.
Babs: Sorry~... Zee can't talk right now. She has a... bat stuck in her throat, hehehehe!
Before Blake could reply, Babs hangs up and drops the phone, turning her attention back to Zee, who tries to fight back but Babs hits a couple of strong shots to her chest and abdomen repeatedly and hard, earning pained yelps and grunts from the magician.
Babs: Can't have you getting away... (Voice distorted) Now for my magic trick, I'm gonna make your blood disappear...
Zee tried to scream for help but her mouth was gagged by Babs' hand, Babs chuckles evilly as she opens her mouth with her sharpened fangs, sinking them into Zee's neck. Zee let out a loud muffled scream as Babs was draining her blood.
Downstairs, Diana, Karen, Jessica and Kara finished the horror movie.
Karen: (shivers) That.... was terrifying.
Diana: I do not see the fright in this flick.
Kara: Hmmm, the movie's over but Babs is taking a lot of time making popcorn and she missed the flick.
Jessica: Also, Zee's been gone a while too...
Then lightning flashed as the lights went out.
Kara: Hey, who turned off the lights?
Karen: It just started raining, it must've knocked out the power.
Jessica uses her green lantern ring to light up the area to see. Kara then heard something not in the living room but upstairs.
Kara: You guys hear that?
Jessica: I don't hear anything.
Kara: Well I do, it sounded like breathing... heavy breathing.
Kara went upstairs to check it out.
Karen: Brrrr... It just got colder in here.
Jessica: None of the windows are open and the air conditioners aren't running.
Diana: I came back from the kitchen, Babs isn't there.
Karen: She's not there?
Diana shook her head. Then Kara was heard screaming upstairs.
Jessica: Kara!
Diana, Jessica and Karen ran upstairs immediately, making their way to the halls, they spotted Kara walking out of the bathroom carrying someone.
Diana: Kara, what happened?
Kara: G-Guys...
Kara walks towards them into the light illuminated by Jessica's ring, the three girls gasped in shock and eyes widened in horror. In Kara's arms was Zee, who was paler than usual, she was barely conscious & breathing and has blood running down the two bite marks on her neck.
Jessica: Oh Dios Mio, Zee!!
Diana: Great Hera, what's the meaning of this?!
Kara: I went upstairs to check out the noise and I found her like this!
Karen: Guys... Her neck, she's been bitten!
Jessica: Bitten? Oh, there's so much blood...!
Zee groans.
Diana: Zee, who did this to you?!
Zee barely opens her eyes, a glint of red in them.
Zee: (weakly) G-Get... Away... Monster... Babs... infected... me...
Jessica: A monster has Babs and it infected you through it's bite?
Zee: (weakly) No... Babs is... The mon... ster...
Zee fainted. The girls gasped, hearing a dark chuckle in the shadows. Jessica lights up her ring to see who was there but no one is in the halls but unfortunately for Jessica, something appeared behind her in a dark purple smoke cloud.
Karen: Uhhh... J-Jess...?
Kara glared at the thing behind Jessica.
Kara: Behind you...
Jessica: What is it?
Diana: Behind you!!
Jessica turns around and yelled in fright as the figure reaches for her but she dodged at the last minute, backing up near her friends upon staring at the figure revealed to be Babs, who changed drastically. She was about 7 ft 3, her body has gotten a bit bulky, she was wearing a Batgirl attire but it took on a more menacing visage, her hands were elongated with claws/wings and the bat ears on her cowl was longer and sharper.
Batgirl: Surprise...
Jessica: Babs...?
Karen: W-What happened to you? You've become a m-monster!
Batgirl: (fake hurt tone) Awww, my poor feelings~... Hehehehe... It's actually a great feeling, yes! The strengths, speed, durability, advanced senses and... the taste of blood... (Licks her lips with an evil grin) Zee's blood tasted awe inspiring as she was.
Kara: You drained her blood? So... You're a vampire now?
Batgirl: Hehehehe! Oh I'm more than just an ordinary vampire! This power is great, absolutely amazing!!!
Diana: Babs, you do not want this kind of power, being an undead, blood sucking demon of the night! You need to be released from it's dark grip!
Batgirl: Why would I give this up? Soon, you'll be a member of the bat pack.
Karen: Umm thanks but I like my blood where it is so no thanks.
Batgirl: (smiles evilly) I'm not giving you a choice.
Batgirl lunges at the girls with a frightening screech, Kara steps in and connected a strong punch to the face, sending her across the hall into the wall. Batgirl growls angrily and charged at Kara, who catches her in a grappling stalemate.
Jessica: Wait, we can't hurt her! She's still our friend!
Kara: Ngh! Tell her that!
Batgirl: You will all join me, just like Zee!
Jessica: Zee?
The girls heard a hissing sound behind. Diana, Karen, Kara and Jessica turn to see a paler, red eyed, sharp fanged Zee rise up from the ground, now undead.
Zee: Hissssss!!!
Diana: What have you done?!
Batgirl: She's just like me now! (Tries to overpower Kara) You all will follow. C'mon Kara, all it takes is one bite and the deed will be done, Hissssss!!!
Kara: Not in this life!
Kara and Batgirl we're trading blows with each other while Jessica, Diana and Karen were dealing with an undead Zee. Diana pulls out her sword & shield, Karen activated her bumblebee suit underneath her pajamas and Jessica readies her ring.
Jessica: Zee, we don't want to hurt you.
Zee: Oh don't worry, you won't even come close to scratching me...
Jessica: Please Zee, resist! Don't make us fight you!
Zee: (smiles mischievously) Oh I don't wish to fight and neither do you.
Zee's eyes glowed violet red.
Karen: Close your eyes, don't look in her eyes! She'll put you in a hypnotic trans!
Karen and Diana shielded their eyes but Jessica was too late as Zee's glowing gaze met her own.
Zee: We shouldn't fight amongst ourselves, we are friends as you said it, right~?
Jessica: (now in a trans) Yes.... We are....
Zee: I don't want to fight you and you don't want to fight me... Violence won't solve this matter.
Jessica: (in a trans) Perhaps you're right...
Zee walks towards Jessica, smiling mischievously and evilly with fangs shown.
Zee: There, there darling. It'll be okay. You'll just feel a little pinch...
Zee wrapped her arms around Jessica and sinks her fangs into her neck, Jessica gasps as her blood was drained. Diana slowly opens her eyes and saw Jessica getting drain by Zee.
Diana: No!!!
Jessica fell to the ground with a thud as Zee turns to Diana and Karen. Kara heard Diana's wail and saw Zee and Jessica, who was on the ground with blood dripping from the two bite marks in her neck. Batgirl used this distraction to punch Kara in the gut 6 times before pinning her against the wall.
Kara: Gah!!!
Batgirl: Chowtime Danvers!
She then sinks her fangs into Kara's neck and...
Batgirl suddenly wailed out in pain, releasing Kara, who looked at her undead friend in confusion. Batgirl felt her fangs broke and fell out and luckily, her fangs grew back.
Batgirl: Aaaggh! I know kryptonians are strong but this is ridiculous! Ouch!! I can't drain her blood! Grrrr!!!
Kara smirked.
Kara: Still hungry, Babs? How about a knuckle sandwich!
Kara delivered a solid fist that sent Batgirl flying through her room door. Kara heard a scream as she sees Karen/Bumblebee who has shrunken down and is flying around trying to avoid a now undead Jessica Cruz.
Jessica: (attacking with a sweet yet creepy smile) C'mon Karen... There's no need to resist or resort to fighting, let me extract your blood and we'll still be good, undead friends!
Bumblebee: (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) No! (Dodges) Nononono!!
Diana was blocking a dark magic blast from Zee, causing her to slowly be pushed back.
Zee: You can't fight the inevitable, Diana. Even an Amazon Princess will become a part of the family of the undead...
Diana: Grrr. Never! An Amazon never submits to the ways of darkness, I will bring you back to the land of the living Zee even if I had to harm you to do it!
Zee: (in a dark singing tone) You can tryyyyyyyyy~!
She increases the blasts power to send Diana back but the Amazon wasn't going to yield so easily. Then Jessica was thrown into Zee, stopping the attack with Kara and Bumblebee joining the fray. Batgirl soon recovered from the rubble and unleashed a massive shockwave screech that shook the entire house, Kara, Bumblebee and Diana covered their ears as the wave send them flying downstairs, tumbling down and hitting the ground with a groan.
Bumblebee: Oooooh, my ears are ringing... Luckily, nothing's broken...
She, Kara and Diana slowly as Batgirl quickly appeared before them along with Zee and Jessica, who started to gain more terrifying features similar to the Bat Beast.
Batgirl: Don't fight it, girls. You'll love the new power and the people of Metropolis will be ours to feast upon. Join us.
Zee & Jessica: Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us.
Diana: That will never happen! We will rid you of this curse!
Both sides lunged at each other in a brawl, Kara was going head to head with Jessica, the kryptonian fending off against the undead green lanterns construct offense. Bumblebee was avoiding Zee's dark magic blasts while firing stingers. And Diana was taking on Batgirl, exchanging grapplings and strong & swift attacks to one another. Diana then pinned Batgirl against the wall with her shield.
Diana: Babs, you need to resist the curse's influence on you!
Batgirl screeches as her head spun all the way around clockwise before stopping, her eyes returned to green as she spoke normally yet weakly.
Batgirl: P-Please... Stop me... Diana...
Diana: Babs! You're back, you can fight this! Don't let the curse have any claim over you!
Batgirl: (tears falling) I can't... f-fight it anymore, I-I don't want to h-hurt you but... I can't help myself, Di. Just stop me... before I hurt a-anyone else-AAAAAAAH!!!!
Batgirl screamed/screeched with her head spinning around again before stopping, her eyes red again as she pushes Diana back. She lunged at her to attack Diana, who blocks or counters the attacks with her sword and shield.
Diana: Babs! Please, let me lift you of this dreadful curse!
Batgirl: (smiles evilly) Cursed?! Hahaha! This is no curse, this is a gift... a gift I'm going to share with the world, now be a good Amazon princess and LET ME DRINK YOUR BLOOD!!!
???: That won't be necessary...
Batgirl was kicked in the face sending her into Zee and Jessica with the three hitting the walls. Kara, Bumblebee and Diana regrouped as the Hybrid Omen appeared before them.
Diana: Comrade Blake!
Kara: What are you doing here?
Hybrid Omen: I'm here to help, I take it that Zee warned you about Babs?
Diana: Yes but what happened to her?
Hybrid Omen: She was bitten by a bat like monster I was hunting, it's a berserker type of vampiric beast more deadlier than an ordinary vampire. (Looks at Batgirl, Zee and Jessica) looks like the infection spread already.
Bumblebee: Then what do we do?! We can't just stake their hearts or wait for the sun to come to burn them to ashes!
Kara: Is there a cure for beastly vampirism?!
Hybrid Omen: Yes, it's up at 73 percent & counting and we need to get Babs, Zee and Jessica back to the Monster's sanctum in order to inject them with it. Once 1 or 2 hours passes by, the change will be permanent.
Diana: Then we need to finish this quickly!
Batgirl, Zee and Jessica screeched ferociously and angrily.
Batgirl: Get them!!!
Hybrid Omen: Here, takes these garlic bombs to subdue and finish them with a knockout blow.
The three girls nodded.
Both groups lunged at each other, sparking another huge brawl. Bumblebee was dodging Jessica's construct offense, narrowly avoided been squished. She got close to Jessica and then vanished immediately after, confusing the undead green lantern.
Jessica: Where did you go? Come out, come out wherever you are, little bee~...
Bumblebee: Over here!
Jessica turns to see Bubblegum, holding her green lantern ring. Jessica growls furiously and form bat wings to fly after Bumblebee with an ariel attack but Bumblebee shrunken down to avoid the strike, taking out the garlic bomb, pressing the button and throwing it at Jessica, the bomb detonating on her.
Jessica: Ack! Cough! Cough! Cough!
Boosting her stingers to full power, Bumblebee sent a powerful sting to the head of Jessica, striking her with enough force to knock her out. Meanwhile, Diana was blocking the dark magic attacks from Zee while she was was fighting back with her sword and shield. Zee avoids the attacks and vanished in a cloud of smoke, reappeared to slither behind Diana to trap her in a headlock, Diana tries to fight out of it but Zee wasn't letting her go so easily, her berserker vampire strength countering Diana's amazonian strength.
Zee: You're mine now~
Zee readies her fangs to sink into Diana's neck but Diana got the garlic bomb ready, pressing the button and shoving it in Zee's mouth.
Zee: Ack! Mmmph?!
The garlic bomb detonated as Zee started coughing up the bomb & smoke of garlic.
Zee: Cough! Cough! Garlic?! Ugh! The smell and taste is so grotesque! Cough! Cough!
Diana broke the distracted Zee's grip, flips her to the ground and knocks Zee out with a hard shield hit to the head. Diana uses her lasso of truth to tie up the unconscious Zee & Jessica, She and Bumblebee ran over to help Hybrid Omen and Kara deal with Batgirl, who was getting more bigger, ballistic and more beastly.
Hybrid Omen: She's entering full berserker.
Batgirl lunges at Hybrid Omen and Kara in a crazed gatling of attacks to the two, who stood their ground. Diana and Bumblebee joined the battle in a now four on one fight. Bumblebee would fire her stingers at Batgirl, who growls angrily and swats her away with winged claws, sending her to a wall.
Kara and Diana then double teamed Batgirl, delivering strong and well timing hits from all sides of Batgirl while dodging the berserker girl's savage onslaught. Batgirl unleashes another shockwave screech to stun Diana and Kara as she struck them down, grabbing Kara to slam her repeatedly into the ground and walls while moving in to nail Diana with a powerful uppercut in making her hit the ceiling to the ground.
The Berserker girl's sight turns to Hybrid Omen.
Batgirl: (deeper and menacing female voice) Hungry... Must eeeeeeeeat...
Hybrid Omen: I'm not waste time fighting you Babs, you're losing yourself to this vile power of the Accursed Clan. I won't allow you to feed upon anyone else so I'll make this quick, I'm sorry...
Batgirl roared as she ran directly Hybrid Omen, who raised his arms wide, the berserker girl was getting closer and closer with the need to sink her fangs into the guy to have his blood. Hybrid Omen spread his hand forward, Batgirl suddenly stopped in place, twitching. Diana and Kara slowly got up to see Batgirl twitching with her body making cracked up noises while her limbs were bending & twisting with Hybrid Omen causing the strange attack.
Hybrid Omen: I never thought I'd manipulate a friend's blood to stop them... Diana! Kara! Now!
Diana and Kara nodded, charging straight at Batgirl who couldn't get out of the hold with the kryptonian and amazon princess nailing her with a double knockout punch, sending her straight into the walls as she fell with a thud, unconscious.
Diana: It is done.
Kara: It's not over yet until these three are removed from the undead.
Bumblebee got up from the rubble with a groan, seeing the unconscious Batgirl.
Bumblebee: Thank goodness, now we need to get them cured.
Hybrid Omen: Indeed. Let us go.
Within the Monster's sanctum...
Babs, Zee and Jessica were seen awake and heavily contained to the tables, roaring, hissing and screeching with the three nearly devoid of any human traits, looking more like the bat beast.
Diana, Karen and Kara were waiting for Blake with that cure while looking at their three friends in worry, they barely looked like themselves anymore.
Kara: Uhhh... Blake? You got that cure now?!
Karen: The hour's almost up, hurry!
Blake soon comes back from the next room with a syringe gun of the cure within it.
Blake: It's complete.
Diana: Good, now rid them of the undead curse!
Blake approaches the three undead beasts, injecting the cure into the necks of Jessica, then Zee and finally Babs.
Blake: Cure transferred.
Babs, Zee and Jessica became motionless.
Karen: Oh no... are we too late?
Kara: Is the cure working?
Blake: Give it a minute.
Very soon, Babs, Zee and Jessica started to groan and roar with the traits of the bat beasts slowly but surely disappearing, their roars becoming screams as they were back to normal.
Karen: Babs! Zee! Jessica!
Blake undid the restraints as Babs, Zee and Jessica sat up with a groan.
Jessica: Oh, my head...
Kara: Glad to see ya guys back in the living world.
Zee: Ugh, why does my mouth taste like blood and garlic-
Zee let out a loud belch, clapping her hands over her mouth with wide eyes and was red in the face with embarrassment. Kara couldn't help but laugh as the magician glared at her.
Blake: Perhaps an explanation is in order.
Narrator: One explanation later...
Jessica: Oh now I remember... We're very sorry we tried to hurt you guys.
Karen: It's fine, at least you three are back to normal and no longer vampiric monsters. I was scared to think of what would've happened if we were too late to give you the cure...
Zee: Thankfully, it didn't come to that... I would not look well as a permanent snarling, mindless, hideous, blood crazy berserker.
Blake and the others turn to Babs, who was silent the whole time and looking away from them. They can tell that she feels incredibly guilty about what happened to this day/night. Diana places a hand on Babs' shoulder to get her attention, the amazon princess saw her saddened expression.
Diana: Sister Babs, it's over now. The undead curse have been removed from your soul. You have nothing to fear now.
Babs: Yeah... But I can't believe I did all that to you guys... I-I tried to fight the infection but it overwhelmed me and I-I...
Babs was on the verge of sobbing as Diana hugged her.
Diana: Shhhh... It's okay, it wasn't really you causing those heinous acts. You were merely a pawn of the curse.
Blake: True, you were under the monster's infectious influence and had no control over your actions. Most monsters I've been hunting can make others in it's exact twisted image through bite, scratch, etc. The point is that you're back to normal and your friends wouldn't want you to feel like this.
Babs looks at her friends, wiping away her tears with her arms, having a small smile.
Babs: You're right... I still apologize and I thank you guys for saving me from the vampiric infection.
Blake: It's no problem. Don't just thank me, thank Kara, Karen and Diana as well.
Babs hugs Kara, Karen, Diana, Zee and Jessica who hugged her in return.
Blake: Oh and you don't have to worry about the damages to your house, I sent a construction drone to fix it up.
Babs: Thanks. My dad would've freaked out if he saw the mother of all messes.
Blake: I also pulled some strings with the hospital you're in so you won't be in trouble with them for sneaking out.
Babs: Phew... Did you manage to catch the Bat Beast who bit me?
Blake pulls out the cube containment device with the trapped bat beast inside.
Diana: Huzzah! The demonic beast and it's curse of the undead is truly vanquished & contained!
Babs: That's right! But... To be honest, I kinda miss the strength, speed and heightened senses though, not the total craziness, bloodthirsty and feral behavior of a vampiric beast.
Blake: I understand but trust me when I say that you don't want to experience that kind of power of the Accursed Clan again.
Diana: We like you just the way you are.
The other girls nodded.
Babs: (smiles) Got it.
To be continued...
(The eleventh chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! A grueling match insures between friends who were turned by the cursed Batgirl! And now she's cured along with her two friends, I know what most of you are all thinking, should I have Babs keep the powers instead of completely curing her? But that wasn't the case though, I have another plan for her but it'll be revealed in due time. The next chapter will be about Leslie searching for answers of the events from her past a certain hybrid knows, will she gets the truth or will her impatient lead her to something she would not like to find? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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