Bat Blood Pt 1

A few weeks later...

It was night out as Batgirl was patrolling the city along with Supergirl. So far, everything was okay at best, no criminals robbing anyone, no supervillains causing chaos and no monster attacks. Soon, the two were seen on a rooftop to regroup.

Supergirl: Well, everything seems normal and nothing bad is in sight. (Yawns) Gonna head home. Want me to bring you back to your place, Babs?

Batgirl: Nah, I think I'll stay on patrol. Crime never sleeps so neither am I!

Supergirl: Whatev. Night.

Batgirl: Night.

Supergirl flies off as Batgirl continues her work on night patrol, keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. So far, she couldn't find any means of criminal activity but a  noise caught her attention as it was near her. Batgirl then looks from the top of the roof, seeing a silhouette in the shadows with it's back turn and crouched down.

Batgirl: Aha!

Batgirl makes a leap down from the roof and landed perfectly on the ground with her signature pose, spreading her cape like bat wings.

Batgirl: Halt! Surrender or face the might of justice!

The silhouette slowly turns around to face Batgirl, who gasped in shock upon seeing a creature feeding off a Hobo's blood and flesh. It was a Humanoid looking bat creature with glowing red eyes, pale skin with strange red marks, a slim figure with some athleticism, long claws/elongated bat wings combined, pointy ears, snout, sharp fangs stained with blood and a long tail.

The Creature glared hungrily and viciously at Batgirl, who snapped out of her frozen state and proceeded to throw her batarangs at the bat monster.

Batgirl: Try this, Bat Beast!

The batarangs got closer to the Bat monster who simply swatted them away like they were flies.

Batgirl: Uh oh.

The Bat Beast screeched as it lunged at Batgirl, who quickly pulls out her grappling gun and zips up into the air to avoid the pounce, heading up to the roof. The Bat Beast followed her in hot pursuit, taking lethal swings at Batgirl, who did her best to dodge and counter with her combo attacks but the creature grabbed the next fist, staring right into Batgirl's eyes with narrowed & malicious ones before throwing her into a nearby wall. The Bat Beast moves in for the kill but Batgirl leaps out of the way, causing the creature to crash head first into a wall as Batgirl got it from behind in a headlock.

The creature screeches in pain and mostly anger as it takes flight into the night sky with Batgirl hanging onto it while landing a few punches to it. They flew around metropolis for a few minutes until the two went crashing into the next building as Batgirl fell in a nearby office desk with a groan.

Batgirl: Oooooh.... That smarts.

Then the Bat Beast got on top of Batgirl, who screamed as she tried to fight back but her attempts only angered the creature as fast as a serpent, it drove it's fangs into the female crusader's neck, Batgirl reacted too late as she screamed loudly.


The Bat Beast was draining blood from Batgirl, who was feeling lightheaded and her attempts to escape were slipping. Before the creature could finish her off, a wave of gravity knocked it away from Batgirl. With her consciousness fading, the last thing she saw was Hybrid Omen fighting the creature before she was knocked out.


The next morning...


Babs jolted up awake, breathing rapidly and in a cold sweat while quickly looking around to see that she was back in her bedroom.

Babs: Huff... Huff... That was a crazy dream, I must've really been night patrolling so long that I... passed out.

Babs then leaps off her bed and heads out of her room, going to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon got dressed after and heads downstairs to see her father, Commissioner Gordon just finished with cooking breakfast for both him and her while drinking a cup of coffee.

Babs: Good morning dad!

Commissioner Gordon: Hey pumpkin, did you sleep well?

Babs: Yep! Although I had a bit of a nightmare and woke up screaming but I'm okay now!

Commissioner Gordon: Okay, as long as it's nothing too bad or serious. I have to work an extra shift with the Metropolis Police Department.

Babs: Aww, I guess during summer vacation, crime never takes a break.

Commissioner Gordon: Yep, especially with the strange monster attacks happening around metropolis.

Babs: Uh huh... Yeeeeaaaaah... Strange monsters...

Commissioner Gordon: Yep.

Babs: Well I'm about to hang out with Harleen today.

Commissioner Gordon: Okay, as long as you're safe and away from anything suspicious happening around town.

Babs: You got it.

Babs gives her dad a hug. After finishing her breakfast, Babs grabs her bag and heads out of the house, it was partly cloudy today with a summer breeze, the girl then scratched her neck upon feeling a sudden itch while running into the city. On her way to Sweet Justice, something caught Babs' attention... like she can hear it from far away, it sounded like a scream. Babs quickly ran towards the source of the sound which was a girl with a broken leg in a cast with crutches who trips as a big truck was approaching her fast with no signs of stopping.

With sudden instinct, Babs ran towards the streets and shielded the girl.

Babs: STOP!!!

To her surprise, the big truck did stop... but it crashed when the front of the truck collided with her hand... without feeling any pain.

Babs: (looks at her hand) Whoa....

Girl: Thank you for saving me.

Babs: (still shocked) Ummm yes! No problem! Here, let me help across the street.

Babs helps the girl with the crutches and gets her across the street as a fat man came out of the truck, seeing the damage.



Later at Sweet Justice, Babs was sitting at her table and waiting for Harleen. She was quite shocked by the sudden hearing, instinct and stopping the huge truck with only her hand without her hand feeling any pain.

Babs: Weird... I should talk to the girls about this when I see them.

Barry appeared with her smoothie.

Barry: Here's your smoothie, Babs!

Babs: Thanks, Barry!

Barry quickly took off for more work. Babs was enjoying her smoothie, she suddenly heard strange whispers and murmurs, she looks around to see people just minding their own business as the strange sounds weren't coming from them. She was starting to get a little freaked out as she covered her ears, still hearing the mysterious noises.

Babs: (in her head) What's going on?! What are these sounds coming from?! Make it stop... Make it stop... Make it stop... MAKE IT STOP!!!!

She was about to lose it when someone caught her attention, the mysterious noises finally stopping, seeing her friend Harleen approaching her.

Harleen: Hey Babsy Wabsy!

Babs slowly calms down and greets her friend.

Babs: Leenie Beanie! Good to see ya! How are you doing?!

Harleen: Oh same old, same old! Bringin' the funny all over & goin' where the path takes me!

Babs chuckles.

Harleen: So ready for our little get together?

Babs: I'm always ready!

Babs chugged her smoothie in one gulp. The two then head out of Sweet Justice to start their fun. It begins via montage with Babs and Harleen running through metropolis while doing their signature dance and song from their days back in Gotham. The two would try out new bubblegum style tricks from a new fancy gum Harleen bought, then the two would head over to Burrito Bucket to order some burritos while Babs gets an ear full from her boss, Shane. A strange vision suddenly appeared in Babs mind which involved her beating the life out of him with a wicked laugh... which surprised her as she shook her head and was back in reality. Why would she think something like that? Harleen didn't like the way Shane was talking to her Gotham Best Friend Forever like that, she got back at him by sneakily making a burrito catapult linked to fire when Shane sat on the exact seat and boy was he pelted with a lot of meat and beans.

After that, Babs and Harleen would head to random areas and hangouts in metropolis, taking a lot of selfies. They would go to the arcade of the metropolis pier, playing different games and earning tickets for prizes. Then Babs started hearing those strange whispers and murmurs again but she tries to drown them and continue her day with Harleen.


Harleen: CANNONBALL!!!!

Harleen jumped into the water of the community pool, she reemerged with a full blown laugh. Babs was next on the diving board as she was going to do a Cannonball, a couple of snobbish popular girls were about to push Babs off to mess up her cannonball as a sick joke. However, Babs' ears suddenly picked up what was about to happen and unexpectedly leaped up high, dodging the three snobbish popular girls push, all three falling in the water in a humiliating fashion, they didn't drown as people laughed at them. Babs, however, did a major cannonball and splashed three mean teen girls, who get out of the water and ran out in embarrassment.

Harleen: Hahahaha! Good one, Babsy. Ya gave those chumps a run for their money!

Babs: Thanks! It was like... I saw them coming without looking...

Harleen: (teasing smile) Babsy... Can you see the future~?

Babs laughed out loud.

Babs: I wish, hahahaha!

Harleen: If I could see the future, I'd be able to tell which ultimate prank I'd make a few years from now, hahahaha!

Babs: Would you tell what I'm about to do now...?

Harleen: What?

Babs went underwater.

Harleen: Babsy? Babsy? Oh Baaaaabsy?

Harleen felt her leg getting pulled.

Harleen: Oh no! Someone's pullin' my leg into the deep! Goodbye cruel and funny woooooooorld!

Harleen was pulled underwater. Soon, Babs and Harleen emerged from the water, laughing up a storm as they splash attack each other with water in a hydro war.


Babs and Harleen were seen talking a walk through the streets of Metropolis, having a conversation amongst themselves before running into a salesman giving out free samples of finger foods.

Salesman: Free samples anyone?

Harleen: Hmmm, don't mind if I do!

Harleen takes a mini sandwich and two kebabs. Babs looks at the platter of finger foods with narrowed eyes, especially the kebabs.

Salesman: We have good kebabs, lamb, chicken, fish, sushi, different types of meat, vegetarian with spicy red peppers, green peppers, onions, tomatoes and garlic-

Babs suddenly hissed.

Harleen: Babsy?

Salesman: Is everything alright? You still want a free sample of finger foods?

Babs had shadows covering her eyes, a low growl escaping her lips.

Babs: (whispers) No. Garlic.

Salesman: I couldn't hear you. What's wrong-ack!

Harleen was shocked as Babs grabbed the salesman by the neck, making him drop his food platter & lifting him up despite him being three times her size. Babs slowly looked at the scared salesman with a glint of red in her green eyes.

Babs: (angrily yells) NO. GARLIC!!!

With surprising strength, Babs then threw the salesman at a pile of garbage cans with a metal clang. Babs marched over to the salesman, grabbing him by the front of his shirt, readying a fist.

Harleen: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Babsy, stop! Let him go!

Babs growled ferociously at the scared salesman, ready to punch his lights out. Harleen quickly pulled Babs away from him.

Harleen: Sorry for my friend.

Salesman: W-Well you could've just said N-No Thanks...!

The salesman ran away, crying.

Harleen: (stares at Babs) Babsy Wabsy, what was that?!

Babs' expression changed.

Babs: What was... what?

Harleen: You suddenly went ballistic on that salesman guy! You were about to punch his lights out!

Babs: I... I don't know, I'm sorry. When he mentioned garlic, everything went blank...

Harleen gives her a look of confusion, suspicion and mostly worry.

Harleen: Hmmmmm...?

Babs: I-I should go apologize to him.

Harleen: Naw, he's long gone now. Let's just head to the mall.

Babs nods silently.


At the mall, Harleen and Babs were walking through the crowd of people. Babs still had a lot on her mind, some weird things have been going on with her lately, she feels okay but at the same time something wasn't quite right. The strange whispers and murmurs came back again as Babs slowly covered her ears again, her left eye twitched, stopping in her tracks with Harleen vanishing into the crowd. She looks around with worry, trying to find Harleen but her eyes widened upon seeing people... but their images were in a silhouette of shadows, showing the veins of the body along with the beating heart, glowing red...

Babs: Huff... Huff... Huff... Ngh, Aaaaah...

Babs slowly takes a couple of steps backwards before falling over and hitting the ground, getting some stares from people, her vision grew blurry and spiraling but heard and saw Harleen running to her side.

Harleen: Babs?! What's wrong?! Babsy, are you sick?! Please, talk to me!!

Babs wanted to speak but no words came out as her mouth and throat felt dry. Harleen helps Babs up, putting her arm over her shoulder.

Harleen: Hang on, I'm gettin' ya to a doctor right now!

Harleen takes Babs out of the mall.


At the hospital, Babs was getting looked at after her sudden predicament at the mall. Waiting outside in the waiting room was Harleen, who was worried for her best friend. She heard footsteps, turning to see Diana, Kara, Zee, Jessica and Karen have appeared.

Jessica: We just got the call and came here as fast as we could. What happened?!

Harleen: I-I don't know. One minute, B-Babsy and I were hangin' out at the m-mall and the next she, s-she...

Harleen couldn't handle it anymore as she cries.

Karen: Oh no...

Kara: Please tell me she's not...

Harleen: T-The doctor's checkin' on her. I don't know anythin' right now on her condition! (Cries)

Diana: Great Hera... We'll have to wait, better not assume the worse...

Jessica sat down to comforts the crying Prankster. Diana, Zee, Kara and Karen sat down beside them to wait for an update on Babs' condition. Hours went by as the doctor came by to meet the girls.

Doctor: Greetings, which one of you is Harleen Quinzel?

Harleen: Sniff... That's me, doc... Please tell me, is my friend gonna be alright? Is she sick? Please, I gotta know!!! (Cries)

Jessica: Harleen, please calm yourself and let him talk.

Doctor: Well so far, there's nothing too serious or fatal wrong with your friend. According to what you told us, she must've experienced either a some sort of concussion, vertigo or severe lack to hydration. Other than that, a little fever and a mild headache, there's nothing else wrong with her.

Harleen, Diana, Kara, Zee, Jessica and Karen all sighed in relief.

Zee: Can we see her?

Doctor: Sure but no loud noise or anything to disrupt the other patients.

The girls nodded as they went inside the next where Babs was, laying in bed dressed in a hospital gown and pants, looking a little pale.

Babs: (weak smile) H-Hey guys...

Harleen: Babsy!

She hugs her friends.

Kara: Whoa, easy there.

Diana: Babs, what happened to you?

Babs: I... I honestly don't know. One minute I was fine and the next thing I know, everything went dark and now I'm here...

Jessica: According to the doctor's update, you either experienced a concussion, vertigo and/or lack of hydration.

Karen: Phew... Glad you're not experiencing a fatal disease or injury, only a fever and a headache. So basically, you'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow.

Babs: That's great...

Harleen: I'm so glad you're okay. Ya really had me worried there, Babsy.

Babs: I'm sorry....

Zee: Don't be. We just hope you make miraculous recovery.

Babs: Thank you.

Doctor: Girls. Visiting hours are coming to an end, time to go.

Diana: Very well.

Kara: See ya.

Karen and Jessica: Get well soon.

Zee: Goodbye.

Harleen: Feel better soon, Babsy.

The girls take their leave as the door closed behind them. Once they were gone, Babs looks up at the ceiling and was lost in thought. What was happening to her?


Later at night...

Babs was laying in her hospital, watching some TV to calm her nerves. The whole day has been very strange, absolutely strange... and right now, she just want to get this bizarre problem out of her system. Then the news popped up on the television, Babs sees her friends in the northeast of Metropolis, battling a humanoid looking spider creature with pitch black armored exoskeleton with glowing yellow eyes, fangs and long legs with yellow orbs on its back.

The next part of the news was in the southeast of Metropolis was Hybrid Omen fighting a three eyed humanoid rock creature with scarlet red molten cracks in it's skin, red eyes and molten rock shards on it's back.

Babs wishes she can go out and help her friends deal with these monsters of the Accursed Clan but she's stuck in bed. Then another sight caught in her eye... South of Metropolis, Harley Quinn was robbing the bank while causing some chaos, laughing manically while the cops were having difficultly handling the chaotic clown girl.

Babs: No, I can't let her get away with this. Crime never takes a break or a sick day... so neither am I.

Finding a new strength, Babs gets out of the bed, a little wobbly but found her balance. She heads over where her bag was on one of the chairs, opening it to take out her hero attire and gear. Removing her hospital clothes, Babs dons the costume of her alter ego Batgirl, opening the window and jumping out of it, gliding through the night with an eerie red glint in her green eyes.


At the bank, a group of thugs were robbing it, taking the cash and every valuables from the vaults. Harley Quinn herself was also looting the vaults while cartwheeling her way outside and throwing bombs at the police cars, the cops got out of the way with the vehicles blowing up sky high.

Harley Quinn: Hahahahahaha! I was always told I would have an "explosive" personality! Now back to more lootin'!

She went back and started filling her bag full of wealth. As she and the group of thugs were about to be on their way.... the entire bank went dark as the lockdown was suddenly activated, trapping them inside.

Thug: What the?!

Harley Quinn: Lockdown, eh? Well I got just the thing for that!

Pulling out a bomb, Harley uses her mallet to knock it towards the lockdown steel door to blow it up but something jumps in the front and caught the bomb, throwing it into an empty vault which blew up on impact.

Harley Quinn: No fair! You jacked my bomb!

Harley Quinn and the thugs glared at the silhouette in the shadows, Harley then recognized the silhouette possessing pointy bat ears.

Harley Quinn: Ah, well if it isn't Bratgirl! Come to get your wings clipped?! Hahaha!

Batgirl said nothing.

Harley Quinn: What's the matter, not in a chattin' mood about catchin' me? Well too bad, you're surrounded! Hahahaha! Come out with your hands up and head ready to be bashed in!

Batgirl still said nothing and stood there in the shadows, the thugs getting a bit scared of the eyes of Batgirl staring at them, the eyes looking red. Batgirl then mysteriously vanished deeper into the darkness, surprising Harley Quinn and the thugs.

Thug 2: Did you see that?!

Thug 3: She just... vanished!

Harley Quinn: Meh. It's not that impressive, let's hunt her down before we find our way out.

Getting weapons and flashlight out, Harley Quinn and the group of thugs started to split up to look for Batgirl. While each thug was looking around for Batgirl, each thug was on their guard while some were a little paranoid, while walking through separate path, one thug was dragged into the darkness without warning. The search continues as two thugs were snatched up by a quick blur, followed by another grabbed from above. Soon, the number of thugs were dropping like flies & pulled into the darkness without a trace.

Only Harley Quinn was left.

Harley Quinn: Hey, did ya knuckleheads find her already?

There was no sound.


Again, she was met with silence. Harley groans, never send petty thugs to do the work of a prankster of mayhem. Gripping her mallet, Harley calls out to Batgirl in a crazy sing along tone.

Harley Quinn: Bratgiiiirl~... Come out and plaaaaaaaaaay~!!!

Then Harley was suddenly turned around and punched in abdomen 6 six times before receiving a strong fist to the face. Harley groans in pain but growled upon seeing the silhouette of Batgirl in the shadows. Letting out a battle cry, Harley lunged at the silhouette aiming to bash her head in with the mallet but Batgirl quickly dodged every hit with a little effort, grabbing the mallet, kneeing her in the face while snatching the mallet from Harley and hits a mighty swing to Harley's stomach, sending her flying across the room, hitting the walls as she fell to the ground, holding her stomach with a pained groan.

Harley noticed Batgirl walking rather eerily towards her, the clown villainess was shocked yet a little scared. Shocked, because of how faster and stronger Batgirl has surprisingly gotten, she's taken hits from the female crusader before but they were never this level of hard. And a bit scared because of her strange demeanor in the shadows and those eyes... they didn't look right her arch nemesis' usual look, those eyes look like they were staring right through her, like a predator looming over it's prey.

Harley slowly got up and pulls out a couple of bombs and throws them at Batgirl, who leaps and kicks them aside, sending through the vaults, exploding on impact before swiftly advancing towards Harley with a hard right cross to the mouth, a left chop to the chest, 10 punches to the stomach with a head decapitating spin kick across the face, making Harley crash into a table, breaking it in half.

A dark chuckle escaped Batgirl's lips as she grabbed Harley's right ankle in a strong grip, causing her to yelp as she threw Harley across the room into another table, breaking it. Harley groans as Batgirl loomed over her in darkness, grabbing Harley by her neck and proceeded to beat her very savagely, the clown villainess crying out in pain with Batgirl dropping her.

Harley Quinn: T-Time out! Time out! W-What's crawled into yer bat brain that's gotten you in a bad mood?! Can't ya lighten up?!

Batgirl only stared at her, stepping on Harley's left hand, a snap sound was heard as Harley yelled out in agony, clutching her now broken hand.

Harley Quinn: (tears slowly falling) M-My hand! My bomb throwin' hand! What is wrong with y-you?! Since w-when do ya break bones?!

Batgirl only stared down at Harley, a dark chuckle escaping her lips which started slowly but surely grew louder until she was laughing in a maniacal way.

Batgirl: Hehehehe.... Hehehehehe... Hahahahaha... Hahahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Batgirl continues to laugh insanely which was freaking Harley out, never in her life as she's seen her arch nemesis in this type of brutal and insane mood.

Harley Quinn: O-Okay, I give up! You win, I know when I'm beat! Y-You can arrest me now!

Batgirl stops laughing as she looks down on Harley Quinn, a large & mad grin forming in the shadows.

Batgirl: (voice dark & distorted) Not. This. Time.

She grabs Harley by the neck and pins her against the wall.

Harley Quinn: Wait, I-I told you I give up!

Batgirl: I know... But I'm tired of constantly catching you only for you to break out and cause mayhem and I'm also veeeeery... hungry...

Harley Quinn: H-Hungry? For W-What?

Batgirl looked directly into Harley's eyes, scaring her as she saw glowing red eyes and a scary grin full of sharp fangs.

Batgirl: For blood. Your blood.

Batgirl opens her mouth wide, her fangs inches away from reaching Harley's neck.

Harley Quinn: N-No! Please! Don't do this, you're supposed to be a hero! You don't kill! Please, mercy!!

Batgirl: Well maybe I'm done being a nice hero...

Harley Quinn: Nonono... NOOOOO!!!

Batgirl was about to sink her fangs into Harley's neck to kill her... but something stopped her, that being herself, releasing Harley and backing away from her. Harley gave Batgirl a scared and confused look, Batgirl clutched her head in confusion, frustration and fear.

Batgirl: (voice normal) What... What am I doing...?

The lockdown was deactivated as the cops came in looking around, seeing the bank a wreck, the thugs brutality injured and tied up from the ceiling with Harley Quinn tied up in the corner, quietly sobbing. The cops were confused of who did this as they took Harley and the thugs away.


On a rooftop of a building, Batgirl stood hunched over, her cape covered her entire body, her suit has taken a dark & ominous shade of purple, her skin near ghostly pale, her teeth had fangs and her green eyes were blood red. She was shaking like a leaf, right eye twitching with the scene of what happened to Harley by her hands playing over and over again in her head.

She nearly took someone's life, something she would never do.

Batgirl: What's happening to me... Why is this happening to me?! (Spoke in a dark voice to herself) Are you an idiot? You aren't human anymore. (Normal voice) What? Am I hearing... myself? (Dark voice) You didn't notice it, huh? So naive, didn't you not see that Bat Beast bite you on the neck, it turned you. (Normal voice) How could I miss that? It must've been through adrenaline that I couldn't feel the bite coming during the fight, so... everything that happened this day... I'm a vampire now?! (Dark voice) More than that, we're the ultimate beast of the night, driven by lust for bloodshed as our power grows... (Normal voice) Agh... N-Nooooo... I can't, I don't take lives! (Dark voice) It is useless to resist, I must feed... You must feed... we both must feed... (Normal voice) You... I... Almost took a life, I don't want to... Ohhhhhh... Feel so weeeaaak...

Batgirl then chuckled darkly.

Batgirl: (dark voice) It hurts... the hunger drives us feral... we need to feed! (Normal voice) No, I must resist...! Ugghh, I'm basically talking to myself or a dark conscience telling me to drink blood from people, gotta fight it... gotta fight it! (Dark voice) I can't fight it.... No matter what I try, I can't suppress the urge... So I'll quell the hunger and I know where to find a suitable meal...

Batgirl grins evilly as she leaps up, taking a shadow imagery of a giant bat and flew into the night.

To be continued...

(The tenth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Babs has really gotten herself into quite a bloody predicament and now she's cursed! Can Babs get the help she needs or will she fall to the curse and endanger those around her, including her friends? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.) 

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