
6 weeks later....

Blake groans as he slowly awakes to find himself in a bedroom but wasn't his own, he sits up and winced a bit upon seeing his chest in bandages. He looks outside and sees that it's morning but the skies are shrouded in gray clouds and the area was a bit foggy while seeing he was deep in the woods.

Blake sighs as he got up and walks towards the door, leaving the room. He took a walk through these dark halls with an emotionless expression on his face, remembering the events that transpired as it was like demons swirling in his head, the vision of his older sister Lilith, lying calmly and motionlessly in a coffin as Lex Luthor uses a cursed flame to burn her to death, his brothers Beck & Mason dealt with and the laughter of Core echoed in his mind, having to not only have been the killer of his parents & the one who unsealed the Accursed Beasts but he also revealed that he was the reason behind his quarrel with Leslie... Possessing her body and threw the wrench in the humiliation event to cause his demise without detection while playing with his own mind in his traumatized state with the illusion & nightmare of Leslie hurting him... all for a game, a sick & twisted game for the deceiver's amusement.

Blake was a fool, all this time his hatred was directed at the wrong person and he made Leslie suffer, nearly sealed her fate for nothing. He was lost... unable to tell right from wrong, to tell what's of reality or illusion, of truth or lies.

He really hated himself right now.

Entering another room, it looked like a dojo room but it wasn't his nor did he cared. He walks to the center and sat down in a lotus position to meditate, he couldn't hear VladRa, Arcticron or Gravitiren as it was pure silence... He didn't really care, he just wanted to be alone.

Blake: .....

A few minutes of meditation, Blake heard a strange, female voice in his head.

Accept it... Accept the truth... Accept my power... Overcome the pain & darkness... Shatter the lie... Shatter the illusion...

Blake shook his head, silence once again filling the room until another voice was heard. 

???: We thought we'd find you here.

Blake opens his eyes and turns to see his brothers Mason and Beck.

Blake: Beck? Mason?

Mason: Greetings Brother.

Beck: (slight smile) It's about time you've awakened bro, it's been six weeks and Mason & I were out for two.

Six weeks?! He was out for six weeks?! Blake got up and embraced his brothers.

Blake: I'm glad you're okay... (Let's go of them) How though?

Beck: Boy do we have a story for you.

Mason: And Brother, we do know of what happened at the old masters estate.

Blake had a calm, sad look.

Blake: Yeah... The one behind everything, my quarrel with Leslie and he captured & allowed Lex to burn Lilith. They won...

Beck: (punches Blake in the face) Snap out of it, Bro!

Mason: Beck?!

Beck: They've put us down but we're not out, not a long shot! Not every battle we have is gonna be won but we hybrids don't quit so easily! We hybrids fight to the end no matter what! plus, Lilith still lives!

That got Blake's attention, slowly turning his head to face his twin with a look of uncertainty and slight anger.

Blake: Don't joke about this, I saw Lex burn her alive! She's dead!

Mason places a hand on Blake's shoulder.

Mason: Then you need to come with us right now.

Blake said nothing and simply followed the two out of the dojo through the halls as Mason and Beck explained the situation they've heard.

Mason: After the events with Core... Valerie was the one who found and healed me & beck, then she along with Cassidy managed to find you & the girls, She broke the barrier and the girls went to attack Core but he escaped.

Beck: That sneaky, conniving rat... I wanted to go after him & Luthor for their actions when Val explained the whole story but Barbi gave me a right hook to keep me from getting in too deep...

Mason: She was right to do so. She was worried about losing Blake and she didn't want to lose you too. You know how she feels about you after she confessed 2 weeks ago.

Beck looked away with a blush.

Blake: Confessed? So you and Barbi are...

Beck: Yep.

Blake: (small smiles) Congratulations.

Beck: Thanks. We've been friends for long and I've never seen Barbi so overprotective...

Blake couldn't blame her for being that way.

Mason: She really likes you, it's quite sweet yet very humorous how she would cling to you as your mate.

Beck: (blushing; glares) Oh shut up! What about you & Zee, eh? She wouldn't let go of you after seeing you alright & you were as red as a tomato when she surprised you with a kiss!

Mason: Ahem.......! Anyways, when Val got to you, you've lost a lot of blood. She could heal you but you needed to replace the blood you've lost. According to Valerie, you were in an unconscious state of hunger, your vampiric side wanting to feed.

Blake: (a calm yet sad look) Oh. I didn't... hurt the girls in that state, did I?

Beck: No. You weren't in any condition to do damage but you needed blood & lots of it. But someone volunteered to get bitten in giving blood while Valerie works her magic on you.

Blake: Who volunteered to save me?

Beck: You'd be surprised on who volunteered.

Mason: Where we are now, one of our other vacation homes/monsters sanctum base near south of the woods.

Blake: What happened to the current one?

Beck: Blew it the hell up.

Blake: ...?!

Mason: We have to... change locations, getting everything we can out as the Super Accursed Girls were trying to break in and released the monsters we've captured.

Mason, Beck and Blake entered the main living room which looked larger and more fancy. There on the couch, Valerie was present as she turns to the three brothers.

Valerie: Ah, finally you're awake.

She vanished and hugs Blake from behind.

Valerie: I'm so ecstatic that you're okay.

Blake: Thanks Valerie. I'm sorry I worried you so...

Valerie: It's okay.

Blake: I don't know if you know but Lilith is...

Valerie: Very much alive~.

Blake turns to Valerie with shocked eyes.

Blake: But Lex, he-

Valerie: I'm aware. Come with me.

The three followed Valerie to the basement, opening up a secret entrance way through the book case, heading down to see the new monster's sanctum. Blake then spotted someone manning the super computer. It was a slightly tall 16 year old, teenage boy with slight pale skin, short black hair, cold blue eyes, a slim figure with some athleticism & wears a black and white circuitry pattern hoodie, a green shirt, dark blue jeans & green sneakers.

The teenage boy turns to the four.

???: (Calm tone) Greetings everyone, oh and I see you're finally awake, Blake.

Blake walks towards the boy.

Blake: Noah.

Noah: Good to see you too, Big Brother. I came here when Valerie answered the call. The rest of our siblings aren't in Metropolis yet but are with Lilith's allies. We've been busy while you were out of commission, accursed monsters continue to run amok, I managed to improve the technology and amplified resources needed to deal with them.

Blake: I see. Heh. Always the genius you are.

Then another entrance opens as the Superhero girls, Cheetah, Katana, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire, Lady Ultra, Shard Soldier & Ember appeared carrying a lot of containment cubes of accursed monsters they've caught and placed them all on the tables.

Batgirl: Another monster hunt all wrapped up!

Supergirl: You can say that again, I loved the challenge.

Zatanna flew over to Mason.

Zatanna: Hello there, my darling~! (Kissed him) Mwah!

Mason: (returns the kiss with a smile) Hello to you too, my mistress.

Then the girls saw Blake. Lady Ultra and Shard Soldier immediately tackled him to the ground with a large hug.

Shard Soldier: You're finally awake!

Lady Ultra: I'm so glad you're okay! Don't ever scare me like that again or I'll punch you into next week, you hear me?!

Blake was caught off guard by that but slowly returns the hug.

Blake: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for making you feel scared that way. (Turns to the others) Same to you girls, words can't describe how bad I feel about what happened.

Wonder Woman: Think nothing of it, you've finally recovered from your fatal injuries.

Katana: You were merely deceived and it caused you to nearly do something that'll cause you more pain and turmoil in your soul.

Blake: Deceived or not, It's no excuse for my actions...

Katana: I understand. The journey to heal your spirit has obstacles in your way, you must overcome this and only then, you'll be at peace.

Wonder Woman: Wise words, Tatsu.

Blake: Thanks.

Cheetah: At least you're alright, I didn't want to lose you or Beck. You had me worried you idiot! Try anything reckless or crazy like that again and I'll use you as a scratching post!

Blake gulps as Beck gave him a "she's not kidding" look.

Blake: N-Noted.

Cheetah: Good. (Hugs Blake) I couldn't lose my friend.

Supergirl, Poison Ivy and Ember couldn't help but laugh a little.

Blake: I'll make it up to you, all of you.

Supergirl: You'd better.

Green Lantern (Jessica) elbowed her.

Green Lantern (Jessica): it's fine. At least you understand & admit your mistakes.

Ult. Bumblebee: R-Really.

Batgirl: Regardless of what happened, at least you didn't go through with putting that seal on Leslie. But we're expecting good things from you, we're your friends and you're not getting of rid of us that easily!

Valerie: Ahem.

Everyone turns to Valerie.

Valerie: Blake, everyone. Since only Noah, Beck and Mason know, I shall reveal to you... Lilith herself.

The girls were shocked.

Ult. Bumblebee: Y-You mean...?!

Poison Ivy: She's alive?! It can't be.

Zatanna: But Lex burned her alive.

Valerie: Correction... What Lex Luthor burned was an empty shell.

Star Sapphire: An empty shell?

Blake: ....?!

Valerie: You see... Lilith contracted a viral condition that effects the body, mind and spirit in hybrids of the darkness type, it causes the body to shut down in a coma like state... A few dark hybrids survived it while other dark hybrids fell to it. She knew her death was coming and wanted me & Cassidy to leave while she battled Core & the Super Accursed Girls herself.

Ember: And you left her to fend against them?

Valerie: I didn't want to but she gave the order. While Cassidy left, I decided to secretly go back, her condition was acting up again and Core got her with a mystic powder to further the problem, she was about to completely shut down.

Lady Ultra: Wasn't there a cure?

Valerie: No. It depends on the strength and immunity of dark hybrids to overcome this viral disease. Lilith was ready to accept death in order to protect her family but I couldn't since she was still needed... So to avoid detection, I secretly extracted Lilith's soul from her body and left a modified soul I created in the place so they would buy it.

Blake: So she's...

Valerie: Right here.

Noah was typing on the control panel as a door opened up from the floor and out came a clear, cylinder tube containing a floating, slightly large, indigo blue and black orb.

The girls and the four siblings looked at the orb.

Batgirl: Whoa...!

Wonder Woman: Great Hera...

Katana: A soul.

Valerie: Lilith's soul. Noah's been keeping track of it ever since I brought it in.

Noah: Yes. 4 weeks later, Lilith's viral condition finally passed and she's alright but... She's still in dormant.

Poison Ivy, Jessica, Ember sighed in relief. Blake was also relieved that his sister was safe. He wondered why she didn't tell him or his brothers of her condition, he sighs as she knows him & the brothers very well, not wanting them to worry about her.

Valerie: Until Lilith is fully recovered, I'm taking over the operation with another old friend of mine.

Supergirl: An old friend.

Valerie: Oh you'll see... A hybrid on parr with Lilith herself~. (Pulls out phone to make a call)


We cut to a large and very tall, skyscraper like building quite designed and well fancy with the words "Exhaled Light International" in bold letter engraved on the sign in the center of a major city. Inside a massive office room were fancy portraits, expensive vases and valuable items on display with the room illuminated in pearl lighting as a young woman was seen in office, typing in plans to projects. Then the phone started to ring as she quickly took it and answered it.

???: (Elegant female voice in a French accent) This is the CEO of Exhaled Light International, whom am I speaking to? Yes? Valerie, I haven't heard from you in quite some time. Yeah? I've heard they were unsealed but-hmm? Lilith you say? .... (Yells angrily) What?!

Her outburst caused her office doors to fly open as a woman and a man in shades, white business suits and pulsar looking blasters came in. They look around for intruders but saw the CEO on the phone with a furious scowl.

???: Lex Luthor's always been a pain, now he's working with them, I see? Very well, I'll come there straight away!

She hung up with a low snarl.

Male agent: Mistress?

Female agent: What's the matter?

???: Prepare my Jet, we leave for metropolis immediately!

Agents: Yes Ma'am!

They left as the young woman growled as the room was illuminated in a blinding light.

???: I don't know who Lex thinks he is, but no one not even he or the Accursed Clan crosses our family and lives to tell about it, no one...!

The blinding light grew, illuminating the woman's silhouette of calm yet divine fury.

???: The Darkness is casted away... But the Accursed Clan and Lex shall see & Beware the Light.



The girls now in their normal attire head back up the surface of the vacation house followed by Blake, Beck, Mason, Noah and Valerie. While everyone was scattering to do their own thing, Blake felt a hand tap his shoulder and turns around to see Carol.

Blake: Hey Carol. Did you need something?

Carol: Oh no, I'm fine. Have you seen Leslie yet?

Blake: Not since the fight...

Carol sensed the sad and guilty tone in his voice. The violet lantern then smacked him across the face.

Blake: Ouch!

Carol: (scolds) Don't get all gloomy on me now! You're going to march up those stairs and talk to her!

Blake: I'm pretty sure I'm the last person Leslie wants to see after our fight...

Carol: Do I need to slap some sense into you again?

Blake: Yeah... No thanks.

Carol: Look, she's barely left your side the last few weeks. You're not the only one who feels this way, believe me. Both of you need this right now!

Carol then led Blake upstairs through the halls and stops by one of the doors on the left which opens as Doris walked out and saw the two.

Doris: Finally awake, eh?

Blake: Doris?

Doris: I already got the whole situation explained to me. She's in there waitin' for ya (glares) but you even say something outta line, I will pummel you.

Blake understood it very well. He gave a nod to Doris as she walks away.

Carol: Now express your love to her cuz both of you ain't leaving that room until you two sort this out.

Carol opens the door & shoves Blake inside, with a construct barricade on the door while she sits down and texts Logan. Blake was inside the guest room which was big, had a large bed, dresser, a huge closet, a mini fridge, the curtains were closed & the lights were off, which the room was illuminated in lighting from the laptop on a desk where he spots Leslie sitting by it with her back turned as she was wearing a black top and jogging pants with blue electric patterns. She was on MetropoVids, writing a message to her shockateers online while eating some lunch and her special chocolate coated blueberry cream pie.

Blake looks at her, he was unsure of this. He stood there silent for a moment as conflict arose in his head. Can he really go through this? After everything, he was sure Leslie didn't want to even see or talk to him at this point but Carol explained otherwise. He sighs but closed his mouth as he realized that the shockjock heard him, running or hiding wasn't an option as he had to face her at this point.

Leslie turns around to see the young man, getting up from her revolving chair. She walks towards him as the two were staring into each other's eyes.

Blake: Hey...

Leslie: Hey...

There was an awkward silence.

Blake & Leslie: Look, I'm so sorry. No I'm sorry-wait I was-

The two sighed.

Blake: Look, Les... I'm sorry for everything. Everything I said... Everything I did. I know an apology won't fix what I did and what I tried to do to you, it's a start. I understand that I'm the last person you want to see... I ended up being worse than a monster, directing my anger & hate to you when you directly weren't in control of your actions. (Sighs) I wouldn't blame you if you resent me greatly.

Leslie was silent for a moment.

Leslie: You ice headed idiot.

Blake: ...

Leslie: I don't resent or hate you. If I did, I wouldn't have volunteered to give you my blood to survive.

Blake's eyes widened. He then got a look at the shockjock's neck and saw marks made from two sharp fangs.

Blake: You...? Do you realized what you've done?

Leslie: I helped saved your life and yeah, I was told what happens when a hybrid with vampiric traits bites someone. I didn't care! I wasn't going to lose you again!

Blake: But I-

Leslie: You were tricked, so was I!

Blake: It's still no excuse for what I did!

Leslie: I don't care about that! You screwed up greatly, I get it. So did I, I wasn't innocent either.

She sighs deeply.

Leslie: I kinda had it coming, I was a bad punk girl & a villainess. The mist you sprayed me with and the fight with Lilith... it made me reflect on the things I did, I loved pranks and I still do but the problem was that I didn't know when to stop or didn't think about the consequences of my actions, heck if core hadn't did what he did... The ultimate humiliation act would've still caused you to hate me for making you a bigger joke, causing emotional or mental issues.

Blake: ....

Leslie: It's not just you or Lilith. People have been telling me, including Lois Lame-I mean Lane and Diana that my pranks & gossip column ideas are too mean spirited and could cause harm or worse to others, I should've listened & stopped but I was unreasonable and only wanted to humiliate those who annoyed me.

Blake: I see.

Leslie: The way I see it, I thought people love mean to see others as a joke when I get more views on my vlogs but... As Valerie told me, I was basically cyberbullying people in a way. And when I was defeated by the superhero girls & people laughed at me, I couldn't take being made fun of, I guess I knew how my victims felt...

Leslie sat on the bed as Blake look at her.

Leslie: You even told me to stop when we were young, I didn't listen and that Core creep took advantage of that, made me screw up the prank & thought I killed you... someone who saw me as someone special. And I basically joined forces the guy not realizing he aimed to finish the job...

Blake saw the guilt of Leslie's eyes. They were silent as both were duped by Core for his sick amusement by possessing the shockjock's body while playing with the hybrid's mind; Leslie, who thought she killed someone she cared about and Blake, who thought was betrayed by someone he felt close to.

Leslie: I haven't posted it yet but (points to the laptop) I'm putting out an apology letter to those I've humiliated or hurt and to terminate my channel. Some internet sensational I turned out to be...

Blake then sat down next to Leslie, who looked at him for a moment before looking away.

Blake: Well... You don't have to terminate your channel.

Leslie: Whatta you mean?

Blake: I mean, you can still apologize to everyone but you don't have to quit what you love to do. Back then, I did love your pranks and vlogs, it's like your thing to be an internet sensational but don't take things too far.

Leslie turns to him.

Blake: Pranks are meant to be funny and make others laugh, for enjoyment & entertainment. But not to hurt others feelings or injure them in any way. You can still be what you want to be.

Leslie had a small smile.

Blake: ....Remember when I said I was a fool?

Leslie: Yeah... You said you were a fool for trusting someone like me...

Blake: Half true now. I'm still a fool... for not seeing your truth or my own mistakes. My foolishness nearly made me do something I would regret. I know things aren't going to be the same but I still want to make it up to you if you'll give me the chance.

Leslie: Well...

Leslie moves closer, wrapping her arms around Blake's neck & makes the young man look at her.

Leslie: For one, I would like to have my special shockateer back. To start over.

Blake: Done.

Leslie: And two... (Gets closer with a mischievous smile) You haven't answered the question Carol pointed out... You remember it right~?

Blake was silent & nodded with a blush, earning a giggle from the shockjock.

Leslie: Well~?

Blake: I... I do.

Leslie immediately took Blake's lips in her own with a passionate kiss. The hybrid was shocked for a moment before slowly giving in and wrapping his arms around the shockjock's waist to kiss her back. They soon, broke the kiss and stared at one another.

Blake: So I guess we're...

Leslie: Oh yes... if you want?

Blake: I'd like that & thanks for saving me, you could say that (jokes) a new "spark" is lighting up between us.

Leslie started to laugh.

Leslie: No problem & Leave the electric puns to me. (Jokes) Or I'll give you the "cold shoulder."

Blake chuckled.

Blake: Oh haha. Because one of my powers is ice.

Leslie: Heh.

Blake: So...

Leslie: I won't quit my vlogs & still do my pranks but I'll put up the apology note & no mean spirited surprises.

Blake: Okay, I'm behind you on that. I'll even help you from time to time. And what about your alter ego Livewire?

Leslie: I... I don't know. I still have a lot to think about. My villain days are behind me but I do plan on helping you guys out with your enemies.

Blake: I understand.

Leslie then let's go of Blake and heads back to the desk, typing in her laptop. After finishing up my apology note and list of new changes, the shockjock took a break in wait as she goes to eat another pie.

Blake: You seem to enjoy those a lot.

Leslie: I know. Ever since one of those chefs had me taste test this pie when I was secretly following you in disguise, I was suddenly into the dessert. I can't keep this things out of my mouth! (Eats another pie)

Blake: ...How much of those have you had?

Leslie: Eh, I lost count. But man, these chocolate coated blueberry cream pies are so good~!

Blake: Huh, that's why your kiss had a hint of blueberry.

Leslie: Mmmmmmm~!

Blake: You're not getting addicted to these pies, are you?

Leslie: No.

Blake: (stern) Les...

Leslie: (annoyed) Hey, I already have Doris hounding me over this, I don't need you doing it! So what if I eat a couple of these pies, I'm not gonna blow up or anything!

Blake sighs, knowing how stubborn she can be.

Blake: (mocking yet serious tone) Yes dear...

Leslie laughs.

Leslie: You're a fool you say. Well you're my fool. Hehehe.

Blake: What's next, me in a jester costume?

Leslie: (mischievous grin) Don't give me any ideas~... (eats another slice of pie)

Blake: Carol!

The door opens as Carol appeared, arms crossed.

Carol: (stern mother like glare) Have you two made up?

Leslie got up and walks towards the two.

Leslie: Easy there pinky, we're cool now.

Carol then squealed and hugged the two strongly.

Carol: Good! I knew you two would, now you two can let your love bloom like a rose!

Leslie: Okay... Whatever helps your violet lantern ring sleep at night.

Carol: Gonna ignore that one. Anyways, maybe you two can join me and Logy Wogy (Logan) on a double date!

Blake: That's nice and all Carol but we only just got together and we're trying slowly to rekindle, maybe another time when we're ready.

Carol: Awww, well I understand. At least Leslie here has her man back (smiles slyly)

Leslie: (blushes and yells) S-Shut up, pinky!

Carol: No need to feel embarrassed.

Leslie groans but suddenly a jolt went through her head as she clutches it.

Leslie: Ughh!!

Blake: Leslie!

Carol: What's wrong?!

Leslie: Head... Hurts!

Leslie backs away from them as electric swarmed her body, letting out a loud glitched scream and threw her head back. Carol and Blake try to help her but electric volts shot out as they dodged it which hit the walls.

Carol: I suppose that's not her new hybrid powers on the fritz?!

Blake: I don't think so. It's something else-

He was cut off when Leslie yelled out with her eyes glowing red, gripping her head as if she's trying to rip herself in half... then something happened. Leslie split in two as she was sent flying as Blake caught her.

Blake: Les!

Leslie: Ohhhh... I don't wanna go through that again...

Carol: Ummm, Leslie. When did you have a twin?

Leslie: A twin? Whatta you talking about-

She stopped mid sentence upon seeing another Leslie in the room, only different is she had red eye pupils. It was red eyed Leslie, she hasn't seen or heard from her in 6 weeks and now she's back but this time... She's not a hallucination!

Leslie: (growls) You...

Red Eyed Leslie: Me. (Smirks)

Carol: Red eyes? Wait, is this the red eyed Leslie hallucination you told me about? And here I thought you were still out of it.

Blake: A hallucination from the mist now solid & real... That's never happened...

Leslie: Don't worry about it. (Glared to her double) I don't know how or care, since you're real... I'm going to enjoy kicking your ass!

Her hands glowed with electricity while Red eyed Leslie put up her hands in defense.

Red eyed Leslie: (smiles slyly) Whoa whoa whoa. Easy there, I ain't here to cause any trouble... for you at least. I see you finally hooked up back with your old crush, congrats sparky.

Leslie glared at her.

Red eyed Leslie: Looks like ya don't need me anymore, see ya around.

Blake: Wait, where are you going and what is your plan?

Red eyed Leslie: Where I'm going is none of your business and my plan, well, nothing. Just going to enjoy my new free life. But don't get me wrong, I'm not your friend or your enemy, you'll never know. (To Leslie) We'll keep in touch... (Grins) Sis.

She laughs and disappeared in darker blue electricity.

Leslie: Ugh.

Carol: Well, you're kinda not an only child anymore.

Blake: We'll keep an eye on her when & if she shows up again.

Valerie came in.

Valerie: I heard screaming, what happened?

Leslie: We'll tell you later but for now, I need to rest my head.


Kara: I still can't believe you had a clone of me!

Lena: It was my stupid ex brother who took your DNA and cloned you and your cousin, luckily I took care of his project personally but this clone survived so I kept her!

Kara was looking at the Supergirl clone floating in the pod.

Lena: She's not evil or anything as Lex hasn't done anything to convert her mind yet so be thankful I got her before you had a villainess Supergirl to deal with.

Kara: Like I haven't encounter an evil version of me.

Babs: Technically, you fought a bizarro version of yourself.

Kara: Okay but whatever. My point still stands! If Lex thought he was in trouble now, he hasn't seen nothing yet! (Slams her fist on the table, making a huge crack on it)

Babs: And hey, since Lex hasn't corrupted your clone she's basically like you so you can have a sister! Double the Kara, Double the Super team up! (Smiles widely)

Kara: Hmmmm...

Babs: Think about it! A Strong Supergirl Duo!

Kara: Ah, what the heck? I'll give it a whirl, I'm still the Supergirl of this team but double the me, double the awesomeness! (flexes her arms)

Ember: And double the ego.

Kara: I heard that!

Lena: Your clone won't be awake yet until the next two days.

Babs: I guess that's a start. But when she wakes, imagine the possibilities of our team being stronger than ever!!!

Zee: (chuckles) Hyper and imaginative as always, dear Babs.

Kara then noticed Karen and Doris jolting down some things in notebook.

Kara: Hey, what're you two doing?

Karen: Oh uh, Doris and I jolting down various notes, equations, ingredients and items needed for the blueprints of the project we're working on.

Kara: You & Doris? Working on equations and blueprints?

Doris: (glares) That a problem, Danvers?

Kara: Just never pegged you to do the smart bits like a nerd would, no offense to you Karen.

Karen: None taken.

Doris: (snarls) Watch it, Danvers. I'm no nerd but for once I can't use my brawn for this thing Beecher & I are working on. I gotta use my brain for this one if this is gonna work.

Kara: Doris using her brain for once, now I know the world's gone crazy.

Doris was about to retaliate in anger but Karen stops her.

Karen: Doris, please calm down. Let's focus on our project, okay...?

Doris looks at her for a moment before groaning.

Doris: Fine.

Noah: Knowledge is indeed power. It depends how you use it for knowledge can be your ally or your enemy.

Doris: Yeah, Yeah. I get it.

Babs: I like to take a look at this project you're jolting notes down on!

Karen: Ah ah ah, sorry Babs but it's a surprise project so no peeking.

Babs: Oh c'mon! Pleeeeeeeeeease?!

Karen: B-Babs I'm sorry But-

Doris: (annoyed glare) She's said a surprise so quit asking or I'll pound your face in!

Babs yelped and hid behind Diana and Tatsu.

Kara: (whispers to Jessica) Even when she's helping us out, Doris still acts like a punk.

Jessica: (whispers) Just give her time, Kara. If Karen & Doris are working with something for only their eyes, leave them be. Prying into their secrets won't be very helpful.

Kara: Whatev.


At night...

The superhero girls, Barbi and Carol went home for the night but Pam, Doris and Leslie stayed at the new vacation home with The masters siblings, Valerie, Casey Krinsky, Lena and Ember.

Blake was in the dojo area again, he looks at his phone and the numerous text messages from Cassidy, Rhea and the crew. He could tell that they were worried about him as he quickly sent a text to each of them, stating that he's okay & needed time to think.

The young man knew that he has a lot on his plate more than ever, his sister was saved but is in dormant. He made up with Leslie who has him as her special shockateer back and boyfriend though he still wants to make it up to her and the others as well. Then he thought about Core, Lex and the Accursed Beasts... He definitely wants to make Core & Lex pay for their actions and to stop the Accursed Clan at all costs.

He needed to get stronger but not to overpressure himself. He noticed that VladRa, Arcticron & Gravitiren have awfully quiet lately. He meditates and attempted to speak with them but he heard nothing except that strange female voice from before.

???: Apologies but the three guardians are at a standby at the moment.

Blake was silent as he opened his eyes, seeing a strange, reflective, crystal mirror like world, within a kingdom of some sorts. He spots a shadowy silhouette of a woman sitting on a crystal construct throne, her eyes were black with strange purple/blue pupils.

Blake: Who are you?

???: I am your fourth hybrid guardian...

Blake: Fourth? Impossible.

???: Not entirely. Only a select few to can achieve a fourth & final guardian, look at your ancestors, your father and even your sister has a dormant one as well. I happen to be dormant within you until you nearly died again & reawakened, the illusion around your mind shattered.

Blake: .... And how do I know you're telling the truth?

???: Hahahahaha... I'm a lot of things but I'm no liar or a deceiver, unlike the one called Core.

Blake narrowed his eyes at the mention of the Accursed Descendants.

???: It's no surprise for him to do what he did, he's an accursed and you're a hybrid... Enemies to the end of time. But even he went to a new level of low to disrupt your bond with Leslie, he invaded her body... he played with your mind... All for his amusement.

Blake growls under his breath.

???: You lost sight of yourself, unable to tell right from wrong, from illusion to reality... from truth to lie... to break once again as you nearly became something worse than a monster on a darker path.

Blake looks down.

???: But I can help you... I am the salvation that can guide you in the next step of your journey and offer you a chance to master my powers in order to stop the Accursed Clan but Core himself stands in your way and he must be dealt with first.

Blake: What do I have to do?

???: Accept it...

Blake: Accept it?

A mirror appeared in front of Blake as he looks at his reflection, but his reflection has dark eyes & aura.

???: Accept it... Accept the truth... Accept who you really are not what Core made you to be... Accept your reality... Shatter the deceit... Shatter the lie... Shatter the illusion...

The dark reflection of Blake grabs Blake and slowly tries to pull him into the mirror to bring him to his side, to give in to his tainted darkness. The young man had his eyes closed, remembering everything up to the mysterious guardian & her words...

Blake: Accept it all...

The dark reflection of Blake grinned as he nearly pulled him in but Blake stopped his hand.

Blake: Accept the truth... Accept who I am, my own reality...

He pulls away from the dark reflection who wailed distortedly and shot chains to reach him but Blake runs at him while dodging the chains.

Blake: Shatter the deceit... Shatter the lie... Shatter the illusion.

Rearing back his fist which emits a strange aura, Blake aims it at his dark reflection on impact, causing the mirrored Blake to crack slowly as he wails loudly, it's body and mirror continuing to crack with light beams shooting out of it until it completely broke & shattered into pieces.

???: Good. That's your first test.

Blake opens his eyes, which were the same as the fourth guardian's while having shattered mirror like marks on the sides of his eyes down the cheeks.

Blake: I'm ready.

???: Good. For now, rest. We will begin soon for you barely scratched the surface of my power, you still have a lot of learn.

Blake nodded.

Blake: What is your name?

???: Mirroa... The Shattered Goddess.

Blake: Well Mirroa, call upon me for your trials when the time is coming, teach me and I will learn, master.

Mirroa: I look forward to it, my student. Now go.

Blake closed his eyes and opens them again to see he was back in the dojo area. He breathes in and out as he stood up and left the room, he was still shocked by the news but still one challenge after another stands before him and he needs to face them in order to get stronger, to put an end to the Accursed Clan.

Blake then heard a ruckus from the room Leslie was staying in, he approached the door and knocks on it.

Blake: Leslie?

Heavy breathing can be heard in there.

Blake: Are you okay in there?

Same response.

Blake reached for the door knob, it wasn't locked so he slowly opened to see the room dark with some light coming through the mini fridge open, the revolving chair was laying on the ground and Leslie was seen on her knees hunched over with her back turned.

Blake walks in and approached the shockjock.

Blake: Les?

Leslie flinched upon turning around, revealing her skin paler, her pupils red and had sharper fangs with an open pack of blood in hand... She hissed and lunged at Blake, who caught her by the hands.

Blake: Les. Leslie. Calm down, heed my voice.

Leslie had an angry & ravenous look in her eyes, acting on instinct from one of her new hybrid attributes.

Blake: Heed my voice...

Leslie's eyes slowly widened, returning to normal as she loses her balance only for Blake to catch her.

Blake: I gotcha.

Leslie groans.

Leslie: Sorry...

Blake: It's okay. Still getting used to your new attributes, huh?

The two sit down on the bed.

Leslie: Yeah. ever since I volunteered to give you my blood, It's been happening awhile lately... Valerie gave me these blood packs in case I get... hungry.

Blake: Yeah. As she told you, any hybrid with a guardian of vampiric attributes bites someone outside the masters family, a mortal or metahuman in general, that person becomes like us. It's very uncontrollable and unpredictable for anyone who's not a pure hybrid being in our family. Since you have a vampiric guardian aiming to take form, it's unknown which type of two or three power & essence of guardians you're going to have.

Leslie: Uh-huh... Am I gonna start hearing voices in my head now?

Blake: Well, you'll have two or three guardians who might appear with you in a psychic link or you can meditate and enter the inner worlds of your mind where you'll meet them.

Leslie: Great...

Blake: I'll help you though. You helped me so I'm gonna help you learn to control their new powers.

Leslie: Thanks, blakers.

Blake: Blakers? What are you funny nicknaming me now?

Leslie chuckles.

Leslie: Maybe~? Oh Gollie Gosh, Is it wrong with a girl to give her boyfriend a funny nickname?

Blake: I guess not... Lesley Wesley.

Leslie: (blushes, glares) Don't you even think of calling me that?

She hits him with a pillow.

Blake: D'oh! Hahaha, fine fine I won't.

Leslie: Yeah, You'd better not.

The two burst out in laughter. Soon, they stopped as Blake got up.

Blake: Well I'm gonna go turn in for the night. I'll see you tomorrow.

Leslie quickly grabs his arm.

Leslie: Wait, I was... wondering if you could bunk with me tonight? I... really could really use your company.

The young man saw the shockjock's blush and the cute sad eyes she was giving him, he couldn't resist.

Blake: I understand. I would've said yes, you have to resort to the puppy dog eyes. (Chuckles)

Leslie chuckles herself. After cleaning up, the two got ready for bed.

Blake: Goodnight Leslie.

Leslie: (yawns) Goodnight Blake.

The two got in bed, slowly and surely falling asleep.


In the new monster's sanctum...

Valerie was staring at the tube containing Lilith's soul.

Valerie: I didn't want you to go, my old friend. I did what I had to do to save you, I promise you that you will bounce back from this & Lex, Core and the Accursed Clan will fall... I promise... I promise.

Valerie's eyes glowed but as her right eye was glowing green... the left eye was pitch black as an eerie grin grew on her face as Lilith's army of soulless ones appeared behind her with the place darkening & Valerie's wicked chuckle was heard in the shadows.

To be continued...

(Chapter 28 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Blake has awakened from his rest, his brothers well & they along with the superhero girls have been very busy since his 6 week out of commission. Another brother of Blake, Noah Masters makes his debut. Blake & Leslie finally reconcile with one another as this is the start of their rekindling relationship. Lilith is alive?! As Valerie puts it, saved her soul but is dormant. A new Hybrid is coming to Metropolis to fill in for Lilith, who is out of commission. Who could she be? Red eyed Leslie is now a solid being & no longer an illusion, but is off to enjoy her new free life. How did this happen? Will Leslie & the others see her again, friend or foe? It's anyone's guess.)

(What is Karen & Doris's new project? Will Kara's clone be ready for action? A fourth hybrid guardian appears in Blake's soul and will Leslie get the hang of her new abilities? Find out soon, see ya next chapter! this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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