A Sleepover at Blake's & Another surprising visit

Narrator: The next few days.... 6:58pm.

It was a stormy day in metropolis.

At Blake's place, we see Blake and Beck were sparring with kendo sticks in hand. The two were trading strikes with one another while countering and dodging each sword strike, Beck caught the next strike and judo flips Blake to the mat.

Beck: Gotcha.

Beck holds out his hand as Blake took it, the twin helping the other up.

Blake: Heh. Good strike.

Beck: Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself. We gotta keep our skills sharp and ready for anything that appears in our way.

Blake: I hear you on that brother. Well I better go check on Lena.

Beck: Alright then.

Blake leaves the dojo room and heads downstairs where he passes the living room, through the dining room where Mason, Barbi and Casey were having a conversation as he heads to the basement. The basement was huge and well build, three guest rooms down there, a laundry room, a theatre room and the last room was a high advanced laboratory with machinery, serums, generators, etc. In there was Lena with gloves and goggles working on some sort of invention.

Blake: Hey Lena.

Lena: Hey big brother.

Blake: Whatcha working on?

Lena: Ah Ah Ah! No looking. It's a surprise I've been brainstorming, it's in the planning phase, but in a few weeks... It'll be complete, hahahahaha!

Blake: Eh?

Lena: Sorry, went a little overboard in the mad scientist moment but I promise you it's gonna be great! 

Blake: Okay, just be careful with the tools. Luckily, I'll be washing clothes downstairs so I'll still be keeping an eye on you so let me know if you need anything.

Lena: Got it.


At Leslie's house...

The shockjock hasn't been doing so well, she's been through a lot lately ever since the events with her former friend Blake and her enemy Hybrid Omen. Through the next few days and weeks, Leslie's been seeing things that aren't there, paranoia has been creeping in on her as she had to look over her shoulder ever time she feels someone or something is following her, she's been constantly spewing up a strange ooze lately and the visions of Blake's death kept playing over and over again in her head.

Leslie couldn't stop shaking, her skin grew cold and pale, she felt like her sanity was slowly breaking down one inch at a time. She just wanted to talk to Blake again and set things right but... It's easier said than done, he made it very clear that Karma was coming her way for the worse, the past was coming back to haunt her and Leslie has no one to blame but herself after what she did to him years ago.

While looking at her laptop, nothing posted on her YouTube account, she had no humiliation prank videos right now, she wasn't in the mood. Then Leslie received some messages from her friends, wanting to video chat for a talk. The shockjock sighs as she knows what they want to talk about.

Red Eyed Leslie soon appeared beside her.

Red Eyed Leslie: So you're finally gonna tell them, hmmm? I wonder how they'd react? Will they abandon you like Blake did for your actions?

Leslie ignored her hallucination, accepting the video chat as five screens appeared on her laptop, revealing Selina, Doris, Carol, Pam and Harleen in their rooms on screen.

Red Eyed Leslie: Let the show begin...

Leslie: Hey guys...

Doris: Hey Les, you okay?

Leslie: (lying) Yes, I'm okay meathead, really.

The five villains weren't buying it.

Harleen: C'mon Sparky, we all know that's a load of bologna!

Leslie: But seriously guys, I'm okay. Really, I am!

Doris: Les, it doesn't take a smart nerd to know that you're not okay!

Selina: I never thought I hear myself to say it but I speak for all of us when I say that I'm worried about you...

Leslie: Why?

Pam: The strange mutterings, crying, yelling and screaming...

Doris: Seeing things that aren't there.

Harleen: Spewin' out that strange black & red ooze.

Carol: Not to mention that you nearly STRANGLED me to death a few days ago!!

Leslie: I'm... Sorry...

The five girls eyes widened, Leslie barely apologizes for anything unless she's fooling someone into a trap.

Something was definitely wrong.

Harleen: Cmon Les, you're never goin' to feel better until you get it off yer chest.

Red Eyed Leslie: This is the part where you confess, they hate you and you'll have no one...

Leslie: ....

Selina: Leslie, whatever is bothering you... Tell us, you can't focus if you're in full fear & paranoia.

Leslie let out a deep sigh, she couldn't keep it in anymore.

Leslie: Fine. It's about Blake.

Harleen: The new guy?

Leslie nodded.

Doris: What did he do to you? Want me to go after him?

Leslie: No... Girls, back when I was young, blake and I used to be friends.

The five girls had different reactions.

Doris: You and him were friends back then?

Leslie: Yes but... I messed up, I messed up real bad and now... He's out to get me...

Harleen: What happened and why would Blakey be out to get ya? Sure there was a crazy moment between you and him at the park but he seems so nice!

Leslie: Yes to everyone but me...

Carol: But why? Is he one of your old prank victims or something?

Doris: C'mon Les, spill it!

Leslie: Okay, okay. Rather than tell you, I'll show you... But I'm warning you five, it was supposed to be my greatest work but it became a fatal disaster...

Leslie gets up and walks towards her bed, crouches down and reaches for something under her bed, pulling out a case and opening it to reveal on old phone, using her electricity to power it up now and heads back to her laptop.

Harleen: An old phone?

Leslie: The video that no one has, no one else has seen to post it since I deleted it from the crowd that saw this on their phones... I only kept it. I might as well show you what happened but you won't like it.

Red Eyed Leslie: Hehehehe... More drama for the fire...

Selina: Alright... Show us.

Leslie went to her video gallery on her old phone where she found the video labeled the ultimate humiliation. She pressed the video on full screen and hits play while holding up the phone to show the video to Selina and the four girls. At first it started out funny with the tornado style mother of all pranks but then... there came the dreaded disrupt within the inventory of the ultimate humiliation as laughter was replaced with gasps and screams, it became a complete and unspeakable disaster while Red Eyed Leslie laughing at their reaction when young blake's mangled and unrecognizable corpse came into view, ending the video.

The five girls had their own reaction; Selina sat there in silence with slightly widened shocked eyes. Carol had her hands over her mouth, eyes filled with horror and disgust at the sight. Doris felt like she was gonna throw up upon seeing the corpse but luckily, she held it in and winced. Pam was utterly horrified in silence, her left eye twitched a bit while covering her potted plant Phil's "eyes". And Harleen... was actually in tears while silent.

Red Eyed Leslie: Hehehe... Now here comes the juicy unveiling of hate.

Harleen: Sparky... How could ya...?

Leslie: I'm sorry...

Carol: It's hard to believe that the guy we met was the boy who got completely mangled in that video, it's a miracle he's still alive... Leslie, WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!?!

Leslie: Please understand, it was supposed to be a joke. This wasn't supposed to happen!

Doris: It looks like you killed the guy. Gee, I know we're villains and all but that's just... ugh, I'm gonna lose my lunch.

Pam: Ultimate Humiliation. More like Ultimate Massacre.

Red Eyed Leslie: Now it's getting spicy, hehehehehe!

Carol: I always knew your pranks would go too far, I'm all in for a little mischief with you guys at times but that's just worse than too far, did you even check the inventory of your disaster of a prank?!

Leslie: Of course I did! I made sure it was well in place, twice! I don't know what went wrong! I... I just d-don't k-know...

Leslie slammed her head on the table, sobbing. The five girls didn't like seeing their friend like this, especially Doris.

Red Eyed Leslie: Hahahahaha! That's it! Cry in despair!

Doris: Les, Les! Get a grip!

Leslie: (sobbing) I-I can't! I'm l-losing my mind! My former friend is out to k-kill me, he knows I'm L-Livewire and he's working with Hybrid Omen to make my l-life a living nightmare!

Selina: What?

Selina narrowed her eyes.

Selina: You went after the Hybrid? I told you not to engage him yet until the time is right.

Leslie: (looks at the screen) I-I didn't look for him, he found me!

Selina: And how exactly?

Leslie explained her solo mission, her conversation with Blake and Hybrid Omen appearing along with spraying her with a dreaded mist and the last thing she saw was Blake leaving and Hybrid Omen looming over her with a haunting grin.

Carol: I can't believe what I'm hearing... How can a sweet guy be working with a cold hearted rogue?

Pam: Maybe the Hybrid is manipulating your former friend, exploiting his hatred for you to drive you mad.

Harleen: Maybe Blake is Hybrid Omen!

The girls looked at Harleen like she was crazy.

Harleen: What?!

Leslie: How can Blake be Hybrid Omen when I clearly saw them both in the same place?!

Harleen: (smiles sheepishly) Right, right sorry. Wait, if you said it was accidental how come he hasn't forgive ya? Didn't ya talk to him?

Leslie: I tried, he doesn't believe me... Told me he was a fool to trust someone like me and he paid the price for my mistakes. I basically killed him... the Blake I used to call a friend is dead and now... He wants me dead.

Red Eyed Leslie: A fate worse than death, did ya not hear him?

Harleen: Nonsense, perhaps if we can calmly and surely explain the situation then maybe he'll forgive ya.

Leslie: How exactly? He won't talk to me no less want to see me.

Harleen: Well you're in luck, we'll help ya!

Leslie: You'll help me, even after you saw the video...?

Doris: Les, of course... We're villains but we watch each other's backs at times.

Pam: Wow, Doris is getting nice & generous. That's a first.

Doris: N-No I'm not! I'm just hate seeing Les like this! (Looks away with a blush and grumble)

Carol: Okay, okay. Let's not think more of the dark details and stuff. What were you and Blake like as Friends before the incident years ago?

Leslie: Well... He was a nice and shy boy back then, I would playfully mess with him and tease him after he falls for my jump scare pranks while having a good laugh, hanging out at times. Heck, he was one of my first few shockateers when I started my vlog account. He even helps me out with my pranks to get a laugh-

She was cut off when Carol squealed loudly with stars in her eyes.

Carol: OMG! You have a crush on him!

Leslie: Wait? What?!

Harleen laughs.

Carol: (smiles mischievously) You heard me, you sooooo LOVE him!

Leslie: (blushes, glared at Carol) I do not!!

Red Eyed Leslie was on the floor, laughing her head off.

Selina: (smiles slyly) Your red blush says otherwise.

Leslie: I'm n-not blushing!! I only liked him as a friend!

Carol: You can't hide your feelings of love from a Violet Lantern. I know how this works.

Pam: (blunt) And yet you refuse to accept that you and Hal aren't a perfect match anymore.

Carol: I heard that plant hermit! Anyways, you should totally give it a chance for your love to bloom!

Harleen: Blakey and Sparky sittin' in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. HAHAHAHAHA!

Leslie was blushing with her left eye twitching.

Leslie: Ugh. Can we stop?

Harleen: That aside, we'll gonna help ya solve the matter with Blake. We're your friends through and through, ya ain't gettin' rid of us that easily!

Red Eyed Leslie: Crap, I was hoping they'd turn on you.

Leslie: Thanks girls. But what about Hybrid Omen?

Doris: Then we'll be ready and aiming to smash him!

Selina: We'll be more prepared for him this time but remember the plan.

Leslie: Got it.

Harleen: Well. We'll check ya later, Pam, Carol and I have somewhere to be!

Selina: I have a rare gem that is begging to be in my possession~

Doris: And I gotta pump myself up for training. See ya Les.

Leslie: Bye girls.

The video chat ended as Leslie felt a little better.

Red Eyed Leslie: Not gonna lie, I was surprised that they didn't abandon you like you did with Blake.

Leslie: .....

Red Eyed Leslie: And you think he'll love someone like you? Ha!

Leslie rolls her eyes. She was already going nuts as it is but it's annoying that her hallucination self won't shut up. The best thing Leslie can do is endure the mists effects and wait for her friends to come through.


At Blake's place...

Beck was seen cleaning up in the dojo room, having to put up the equipment back in place before heading out to the living room where he sat down on the couch to watch television. Mason and Casey were in another room meditating. Barbi was enjoying brunch with Lena who was taking a break from working on her invention.

Blake himself got finished with the laundry, heading back upstairs and heard a knock at the door. He goes over to the door to answer it, seeing Babs, Diana, Karen, Kara, Jessica and Zee with bags and umbrellas to shield from the rain.

Babs: Hello Blake!

Blake: Greetings Babs and company. What brings you girls here?

Babs: (gasps) Blake, don't tell me you've forgotten about the sleepover?!

Blake: Sleepover? I don't recall...

Babs: I sent you a text about it!

Blake: I didn't receive a text about... Oh right, my phone was dead and charging. Sorry I never got it.

Babs: That's alright, we're here just in time in this soon to be dark and stormy night! Although, it's already dark and stormy outside but the night hasn't come yet but still we got here on time! Harleen is coming by too but she's running a little late!

Blake: Okay. Well come on in.

Blake invited the girls in and closes the door, Beck saw the girls make their way inside.

Beck: Hey.

Jessica: Who are you?

Babs: This is Blake's twin, Beck. Sorry if you haven't met, This is Jessica Cruz, Karen Beecher and Diana Prince!

Beck: Good to meet you.

Diana: A pleasure to meet you two, twin brother of Blake.

Zee: Where's Mason?

Karen: Mason?

Blake: My second brother, he and Casey are meditating in the other room.

Zee: Oh ok.

Barbi and Lena walked in. Karen, Jessica and Diana gasped upon seeing Lena Luthor here, they were about to act but Babs stops them, whispering the explanation about Lena about giving up her evil ways.

Barbi: What are you girls doing here?

Babs: We're here for the sleepover of course!

Barbi: Sleepover?

Beck: Sleepover?

Lena: I love sleepovers!

Blake chuckles.

Blake: I guess you can say it is.

Beck: Well ya can't have that without snacks, some games and a horror movie (grins evilly as lightning flashed outside) hehehahahahahahaha....!

Karen yelp and jumped into Kara's arms, shaking.

Blake: Did you have to do that with the lightning outside and everything?

Beck: Sorry bro, couldn't resist.

Barbi: I wouldn't mind having the sleepover.

Lena: Same here!

Beck: Well you heard the girls, bro. Either Sleepover or Riot.

The twins shared a laugh out loud.

Blake: Alright. Let us begin the sleepover.

The girls cheered.


The sleepover began as Diana, Jessica, Zee, Karen, Kara and Babs came out of the guest room in their pajamas and such. Lena was wearing a purple & green pajamas shirt and pants while Barbi wore a cheetah spotted and golden sleeveless gown & Casey was wearing a purple shirt and black pajamas pants.

Beck was wearing a red tank top and black jogging pants, Mason was wearing a dark purple & black pajama shirt and pants and Blake was wearing a dark blue shirt and black jogging pants.

They started off with a game of twister as they were trying to place whichever hand and/or foot on the color of the circle, whoever falls out of place to fail in reaching the color loses and the last one remaining wins. The group was in different and crazy poses to plant their arms and feet on a certain color spot whether it was close and far, minutes went by with one person getting eliminated for falling out of place, one by one until it came down to Barbi and Beck who were quite the position with their faces inches away from each other.

Barbi had a little blush but shook her head and focuses on the game. Beck smirks as he was called by Jessica for left foot green which was close next to Barbi's hand on the blue circle. Beck stretched his foot while holding himself in place with his hands spread out on two different colors, slowly reaching for the green spot.

Beck: Got it.

Jessica: Barbi, right hand red.

Barbi finds the red spot a bit far but it wasn't going to stop her as she reached for the red spot and places her right hand on it while she was directly in Beck's face.

Barbi: Hmph. Too easy.

Jessica: Beck, left hand blue.

Barbi: (grinning mischievously in Beck's face) You might as well forfeit, Beck. This victory is mine...!

Beck: (Japanese warrior impression, grins) Silence grasshopper! You clearly underestimate my power. Observe, honey blonde one, I shall show you...

The girls, Casey and Lena laughed while Blake and Mason chuckled.

Beck: (continues the impression, raising his left hand) I shall show you the ultimate fiery palm of the searing flames of chaos to strike the spot of eternal power and claim the Victory. Right. Now-

Beck was about to hit the blue circle with his left hand but his momentum caused a miscalculation and made him fall to the ground with a thud, eliminated as Barbi won.

Barbi: (does an elegant pose) Ha! I am victorious!

Beck: Hahaha! Crap! My shoulder, hahahaha ow! Haha!

Kara: Hahahaha! Some palm technique!

Blake: You got reckless brother.

Mason: Heh.

Beck got to his knees as Barbi looks down at him with a sly grin.

Barbi: Go on Beck, say it. Who's your queen?

That got from some laughs and snickers from everyone.

Lena: Hehehehe

Babs: Oh this is getting good...!

Beck: (sighs in defeat with a smile) You are, Barbara Ann Minerva.

Barbi: That's right. I'm your Queen and I command you... to walk the path of shame.

Beck: (Darth Vader scream) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

The entire room erupted in laughter.


Next was a true or dare game as everyone was gathered around with a bottle to spin as it landed on Diana.

Babs: All right Diana, true or dare.

Diana: Hmmm, I shall challenge the dare.

Babs: Perfect!

Babs ran to the kitchen where a ruckus can be heard following by a blending noise. Babs soon comes back with a large glass of a strange drink which grossed out some of the girls.

Babs: I dare you to drink the whole mystery shake!

Lena: What is that?

Zee: It looks so disgusting...

Diana didn't like the look of it either but she wouldn't back down.

Diana: (in her mind) It looks so repulsive but an Amazon doesn't back down from a challenge!

Diana grabs the glass then gulps down the mystery drink, getting disgusted looks from the girls. Soon, Diana managed to completely finish the mystery drink, had a sick look for a moment before smiling righteously.

Diana: Huzzah! I've conquered the dare!

Kara: Nice one Di!

Zee: Bleh! What did you put in that drink, Babs?

Babs: (teasing smile) Oh I'll never tell.

Diana spins the bottle and this time, it lands on Beck.

Diana: True or Dare.

Beck: Dare me.

Diana: I dare you to battle a horde of fierce warriors in a grand arena-

Jessica: Whoa whoa whoa, not that kind of dare, Diana.

Diana: Oh. Sorry.

Beck: It's fine.

Diana: Perhaps... I dare you to give me your best punch (holds up her right hand) right now.

Beck: You sure about that?

Diana: Yes. Now prepare!

Beck gets up and gears up his left hand into a fist and delivered a ferocious punch to Diana's right hand with her catching it, everyone felt a wave of wind go through the area all of a sudden.

Diana: Impressive. What a display of strength.

Beck: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself.

The two released their grip and sat down as Beck spun the bottle, soon landing on Mason.

Beck: Truth or Dare, Brother.

Mason: I pick the truth.

Beck: Is it true that you once found a combination of Bigfoot and a lava beast?

Everyone gave Beck a confused look as Mason groans.

Mason: Brother we've been through this, No. (Then whispers to Beck) This is the thousandth time you've asked me that & with all the monsters of the Accursed Clan we've hunted, there is no Lava Beast/Bigfoot amalgamation.

Beck: (whispers back) well darn. (To everyone) Sorry, that was a bizarre yet funny question to ask, I couldn't resist.

Babs, Lena and Karen shared a laugh.

While Mason spins the bottle, Blake heard a knock on the door, he gets up and heads to the door. Opening the door, Blake sees Harleen and to his surprise, Carol and Pam at the door with their bags.

Harleen: Well hello to ya! I see ya already dressed for the sleepover!

Blake: Why yes. Babs told me you were coming, didn't expect to bring friends...

Pam: (mutters) against my judgement...

Harleen: Awww... C'mon Pam, you'll have fun! Babsy Wabsy wasn't kiddin', ya have a great home. I wonder how the inside is!

Harleen ran inside.

Pam: Sorry for her...

Blake: It's okay, I find her personality quite interesting. Why don't you both come in, you don't want to get soaked by the storm.

Carol: (smiles) Why thank you!

Pam: Of course... (Slightly smiles) also, you have a... nice garden outside.

Blake allows the two to come in as he closed the door.

Carol: Oooooo, nice place you got here.

Pam nods in agreement.

Harleen was at the circle with the group, talking to Beck.

Harleen: So you're his twin?!

Beck: Yep.

Harleen: Talkin' about lookin' in a mirror! Hahahaha! Oooo, truth or dare, I like a good dare!

Carol and Pam joined with Carol sitting next to Zee and Mason while Pam sat next to Jessica and Karen, Jessica hugging Pam, who didn't like it as the game went on. Kara was dared by Zee to wear a pretty princess dress for 30 minutes, much to her dismay. Zee was told to tell a truth of having a crush, she didn't reveal who it was as she did admit that she'll met that special someone in the near future, blushing as she secretly stares in Mason's direction. Lena admit a truth in secretly pranking her brother Lex with falling paint on his head in one of his meetings as Kara laughed hard. Jessica was dared by Harleen to punch Carol in the face, while Jessica & Carol aren't on best terms with the Hal Jordan issue, Jess couldn't do it and declined.

Harleen was dared by drink a blended smoothie of vanilla ice cream and hot peppers, it sent Harleen over the rails as she didn't know if her brain was freezed or burned. Blake admitted to a truth of being used, some people who tried to be his friends for money and nice items was a perfect example as he also admit that he literally kicked them out of his house. Babs admits to a truth of her biggest fear, Pam was dared to eat a quadruple burger in one bite... the burger didn't stand a chance, Karen admit to a truth of one of her most embarrassing moments, Carol was dared to do a handstand while being fed some marshmallows for 20 minutes... she nailed it, Casey was dared to be locked in the basement watching the scariest movie by herself, she almost gave up... and Barbi was dared to dive into the pool from the rooftop and she did with success.


After the game of truth or dare, everyone was doing different activities around the house, like watching movies, playing some board games, challenging one another through bets/contests or girls doing their makeup. Harleen was now dressed her red/blue pajama shirt & shorts, Pam was dressed in a dark green gown and black pants and Carol was dressed in a sleeveless violet purple and pink gown. Harleen, Carol and Pam were checking the rooms, they were quite impressed by the house itself. Harleen went into the dojo room and spots weapons stacked and hanged on the walls.

Harleen: Look at all these fancy weapons! Oooooo, look at these!

Harleen pulls out nunchucks. She laughs and starts twirling them, spinning around with the nunchucks until she was bonked on the head by the weapon.

Harleen: (eyes swirling with stars above her head) Hahahahaha! I think might keep these! (Falls over)

Babs walks in.

Babs: Harleen, what are you doing in- Ooooooo, he has a dojo room? Nice!

Harleen: Yep! Choose your weapon, Babsy! Wanna have a little rough housin'?

Babs: (picks up a steel bo staff) Then it's a challenge!

Harleen: I challenge you!

Babs: No, I challenge you!

Harleen: I challenge your challenge!

Babs: I challenge your challenge with a challenge times 10!

Harleen: Hyaaaaaaaaah!!!

Babs: Yaaaaaaaaaah!!!

The two sparred with each other.


Pam was walking through the halls with her potted plant Phil in hand.

Pam: (to Phil as the plant was "talking" to her) Yes. It's quite a superb home. Yes, I still remember that we have to talk to Blake about Leslie, I know. Ugh, no Phil. How many times must I say it, Jessica Cruz and I aren't friends, while I tolerate her & I respect her protests to keep nature from being harmed, I'm not her friend. Oh hush you.

Then Pam stopped in her tracks.

Pam: (to Phil) Stop? What do you mean? The door?

Listening to her plant, Pam then looks to a door on her right as faint glow was underneath it. Pam slowly reaches for the door knob, turns and open the door and walks in the room. The room was illuminated in a shade of indigo blue, it was slightly shrouded in fog, Pam walked further into the room, it was a bit hard to see but she continues to venture through this mysterious room. Then she saw something which cause her eyes to go wide...

A couple of tables were present and on them were a bunch of beautiful looking plants but they don't look like ordinary plants, the shape, the colors, even the fruit hanging from them... strangely yet mystic like appearance while they were getting treated with glowing blue water, artificial sunlight and such by enhanced technology.

Pam: Oh my gosh... (To Phil) I know they're not ordinary plants Phil but... They feel so alive, stronger... well cared for...

Pam reached for one of the extraordinary plants to feel it, the plant felt very good at her touch... she could hear the voices of these mysterious plants, their voices that she could hear was quite exhilarating to Pam.

Pam: I can hear your voices.... so majestic... so calm... at peace... (Hears something else) hmm? World in danger? Accursed Beasts? What the-

Blake's voice: What are you doing in here?

Pam yelped as she almost dropped her potted plant Phil, turning to see Blake standing behind her.

Blake: (sighs) I know this is a sleepover but there are some rooms you can't barge in on. My apologies you had to see... this.

Pam: Oh uh I'm sorry for intruding but these plants, they're unlike any plants I've seen in my life... so beautiful.

Blake: They're... A rare form my sister found on her travels, a project to help other environmental resources. I know that most people don't care about nature...

Pam's eyes narrowed at that. The plant villainess wanted nothing more than to destroy the vermin that is human life to save the nature life.

Blake: But not everyone wants nature to be wiped out for extra malls, parking lots and such. My sister is a CEO that runs a company in advanced technology and environmental resources.

Pam: So... She's not-

Blake: No, she doesn't want to tear down nature to build expensive and numerous random malls or anything, she helps make fair projects for both human & nature life.

Pam: Oh...

Blake: Yeah. C'mon, let's get back to the others.

Pam nods with a small smile, looking back at the beautiful rare plants before leaving the room with Blake following.

Blake: (in his mind) Maybe there's hope for you, Poison Ivy...


The lights were turned off as the fireplace illuminated the area with it's flames, Blake, Beck, Mason, Barbi, Lena, Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee, Jessica, Karen, Harleen, Carol and Pam were relaxing either on the couch with blankets or on the floor with sleeping bags, enjoying some snacks and hot chocolate while the storm was drizzling outside.

Carol: (drinks her hot chocolate) Ah, so good. It's quite peaceful.

Zee: I agree. Just sitting by the fire enjoying some hot chocolate in the warm lit house while the storm goes on throughout the night.

Thunder roared loudly as Karen yelped and jumped into Kara's arms, shaking.

Kara: Karen, you've got to stop that.

Karen: S-Sorry. I got startled.

Harleen: It's okay to admit ya scared.

Karen: I-I'm not scared. I was just startled!

Beck then had an idea, a sinister smile creeping on his face.

Mason: Brother... What's with the creepy smile?

Beck: Oh nothing much... Just thought that if our guests would love to hear a very scary story...?

Babs: Ooooo, I love to hear it!

Harleen: Me too!

Jessica: I guess so.

Beck: Then I'll start. You follow on with me, Blake.

Blake: Alright.

Beck begins the scary story.

Beck: It begins a long time ago in a town near the forest known as ScarletEye Falls, owned by the mayor, Blood was her name... Lilith Blood. She was a beautiful, rich, kind and determined woman who would help out her townspeople, through good times and bad times, she would not allow anything or anyone disrupt her town's peace.

Diana: A true warrior standing up for her people, I respect that.

Barbi: What concerns me is how a kind woman can be such with the last name being blood?

Blake: Lilith had a lot of achievements but cared nothing for money & status. Then, a rich businessman paid her a visit and offered Lilith a deal to sell the town to him in exchange for more money, wanting to run things with new ideas to better management. Lilith saw greed and deceit in the man's eyes and refused his deal which didn't sit well with the businessman.

Jessica: She was right to refuse him, he clearly was up to no good.

Zee: Something tells me that he's about to do something drastic.

Beck: The Rich man left with a huff, promising that this is far from over. Weeks went by as Lilith was either doing her job as mayor or relaxing with her family, the rich man would come by with deal after deal to get Lilith to sell the town to him but she would refuse them all. The rich man grew more angry and angry...

Kara: Talk about being annoying.

Carol: Seriously. What part of "I don't want to sell to you creep" did he not get?

Lena: Apparently, he's a royal idiot.

Beck: As his rage grew, an idea popped into his head... If he wasn't going to get the town, maybe he doesn't need it. Calling his best guys, the rich man got to work... Week after week, the rich man and his group went underground in a secret entrance leading the long forgotten catacombs underneath the town itself, planting massive bombs.

Jessica: Oh no...

Karen: Don't tell me he's really gonna...

Blake: Yep. Once everything was set, the group left the underground and retreated to a safe distance where the cruel rich man had a detonator in hand with a malicious smile, activating the bombs which caused a massive shockwave throughout the explosion underneath the town, the people were panicking thinking it was an earthquake, Lilith herself was concerned as she led her family out of the house while collapsing, everyone was running with the buildings breaking down and sinking into the ground like quicksand, the explosion tremors got worse by the minute...

Beck: Most of the townspeople managed to escape the destruction but some weren't so lucky, especially Lilith and her family as the town was reduced to rubble and sank into the bottom.....

Diana: Unbelievable! Such cowardly tactics that man pulled, costed a lot of lives including Lilith! He's a demon of greed!

Jessica: How could he do such a thing?!

Babs: That's just crazy!

Harleen: That maniac! He blew them up, darn you! Darn you to heck!

Casey: That's just horrible!

Blake: A couple of months went by as the rich man made up a lie that the mother of all earthquakes took the old town and the life of Lilith and her family so to "honor" her, he would rebuild the town but better and run it as the new Mayor.

Beck: Months to years came & went, the rubble of the old town was removed and buried as a new town was build over it, the rich man was now the new Mayor and received more money than ever for his success. He was living large in what he's accomplished.... However on a dark night, as the rich man was heading for his car to drive home but he got the strangest feeling he was being watched.

Blake: He looks around to find nothing there as he went inside his car, looking at his rear view mirror and screamed upon seeing Lilith in the back seat but she had paler skin covered in blood, her clothes tattered, body mangled, half of her face disfigured and her eyes a soulless white.

Karen held on to Kara in fear, Carol hugged Pam while shaking, Barbi's jaw dropped while Babs and Harleen's eyes were as big as dinner plates.

Beck: The rich man freaks out & turned around only to find no one sitting in the back seat, he thought he was seeing things due to working too hard as he drove home. Entering his home & closing, the tired rich man felt a chill in his home for he went to close the window but none of them were open, then the TV started to turn on with static, strange looking images and a low, eerie whisper that said... "Murderer... Murderer... You're gonna pay... pay... pay...."

Casey: (gulps) Uh oh...

Blake: The rich man didn't remember turning on the TV, he then unplugged it and heads to the stairs, the lightning flashed as a shadow of Lilith appeared for a second before it vanished, making the rich man more paranoid, the lightning flashed again with Lilith appearing on the side of the stair as he screams but she disappeared again.

Beck: He decided to sleep in his luxurious room downstairs instead of up. He heads to the bathroom to freshen, telling himself over & over again that no one is there & he didn't see Lilith's ghost. As he finished washing his face... He saw Lilith's ghost in the mirror behind, eyeing him ominously.

Everyone except Kara and Mason was shaking.

Blake: He quickly turns around to find no one there, then turns to the mirror and gasps in fright upon a message written in blood on the mirror that said... (Dark voice) Once the clock strikes midnight... Your final hour is up.

Beck: He fled the bathroom, slamming the door as he quickly grabs a flashlight and heads to the basement and into his secret room/vault full of riches, locking himself in as he sleeps in his gold bed with money blankets.

Harleen laughs.

Harleen: A golden bed with money blankets? Hahahahaha!!

Blake: He tries to get some rest in order to get his mind off the strange visions and paranoia.

Beck: His slumber continued for a few hours until a strange noise woke him up. It sounded like a eerie low moan like this.... Grrooooooaaaaaaggggggghhhhh...!!

Lena hugs Barbi, both shaking in fright. Most everyone had chills going down their spines while some yelped.

Blake: The rich man looks around, his fear rising by the minute. Paranoia was sinking in again, having second thoughts about a ghost not haunting him, then another sound struck his ears... His golden cloak struck 12, midnight...

Beck: He hears the sounds of the storm, moans and wails while his skin grew pale, his hair stood, gripping his money blanket and his eyes widened in horror as an entire message of blood appeared on his golden wall.

The lightning flashed as Blake and Beck speak at the same.

Blake & Beck: (in perfect unison) Your final hour has arrived... You have committed an ultimate act of murder to take what wasn't yours and to satisfy your endless greed. You lie, cheat and swindled your way into getting what you want, not caring who you get rid of to get it.... This will not go unpunished, I, Lilith Blood & those you slain will have justice for the crimes you committed and you shall now meet your end with your soul tormented for all eternity and THAT IS A PROMISE.

The storm intensifies outside with few members of the group screaming in horror. Zee practically jumped into Mason's arms,  screaming as well while holding onto him.

Mason: .....?

Beck: The rich man screamed in complete terror as he quickly unlocks the vault and ran out of it up the basement, hearing the moans and wails, he tries to run and hide in rooms but the doors were sealed so he ran upstairs & decided to jumped out the window but held on to a water pipe to climb down but it starts to give out due to his weight so with no options, he quickly climbed back up until he jumped and reached the cliff end of the roof, hanging on as he desperately tries to climb up the roof & not wanting to fall to his death.

Blake: Then he felt himself slipping as he tried harder, the lightning flashed as Lilith's ghost appeared standing on the rooftop, looking down on the scared Rich man with vengeful, lifeless eyes. He begged for mercy as he was merely trying to climb up, Lilith's face grew more horrifying and she let's out a loud, ominous wail that caused the rich man to scream & lose his grip, falling 3 stories down to his death. Lilith and her townspeople's souls were avenged.

Beck: But Lilith's job wasn't done... Given new life & power under unknown circumstances, She decided to watch over the new town as new mayor and those who dared tried to disrupt the peace will experience a haunting punishment more terrifying and gruesome than the last, now named the Blood Ghost... So if you see someone wearing a bloody red cloak... Run.

Everyone had mixed reactions, mostly scared ones.

Babs: Whoa... That was scary.

Harleen: You're tellin' me.

Carol: S-So spooky.

Barbi: It really scared the living daylights out of me.

Pam: You nearly scared Phil to death.

Karen: P-Please tell me is not a true story...?

Blake: It's not a true story.

Lena: I hope not...

Kara: Oh please. While the story was awesomely frightful, there's no such thing as ghosts.

Then a knock at the door was heard.

Diana: Blake, are expecting someone here?

Blake: Nope.

Mason: Did you invite someone to join you in this sleepover?

Diana and her group shook their heads no while Harleen, Carol and Pam did the same. Another knock was heard.

Casey: Then... Who's at the door?

Babs: Maybe it's the Blood Ghost of Lilith...

Kara: C'mon guys, there's no such thing as ghosts!

A third knock was heard.

Jessica: It's probably just a stranger who needs a place to stay.

Harleen: Or a maniac tryin' to break in?

Blake: If it was a maniac, my security system would've activated & caught the intruder.

Harleen: Oh. Then it's a ghost.

Kara: (glares) There are no ghosts!

Harleen: (glares back) Ok Ms. Fearless! Why don't ya go answer the door & see for yourself!

Kara: Fine, I will!

Kara puts Karen down on the couch and stomps through the living room towards the front door.

Karen: Kara wait! Come back!

Carol: Are you stupid?! Whoever is it, don't let it in! It's probably a creep!

Kara ignored the calls as she left the living room to see who was at the door in order to prove that ghosts aren't real. The others waited as silence filled the area until Kara was heard screaming.

Girls: Kara!

Blake, Beck & Mason: ....?!

Lena: Oh no!

Barbi: What happened?!

Casey: I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!

Kara was seen on the floor, crawling backwards in backing away until she was near her friends.

Kara: (shocked) Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana! What?!

The thunder roared outside as the door opened wide, the group heard footsteps until their eyes widened and caught sight of a figure walking in the living room... wearing a bloody red cloak.



Pam: It's real... (Shields her plant's "eyes")

Lena: EEEEK!!

Blake, Beck and Mason, who puts Zee on the couch, in unison walk towards the figure.

Barbi: Blake, what are you doing?!

Jessica: Come back!

Carol: You'll be killed!

The three didn't listen as they continue in walking towards the figure.

Babs: Oh no... She's controlling them!

Lena: Big Brother!

Harleen: She's gonna make them kill us!

Carol: I'm too young and gorgeous to die!!

Diana pulls out a mace out of nowhere, readying her weapon.

Diana: Release our friends from your dark grip, blood spirit!

With a war cry, Diana charged at the blood red cloaked figure and swung the mace to strike, only for the figure to catch the mace with her hand & throws it aside.

Diana: (gasps).

Babs: The blood ghost is unstoppable!

Harleen: We're doomed!

Babs & Harleen: (hugging each other in fright) DOOOOOOOMED!!!!

???: (Alluring yet dark female voice) Don't tell me you've been telling others that one horror tale again...?

The girls, Barbi, Casey, Lena, Harleen, Carol and Pam stopped screaming and raised their eyebrows in confusion.

Kara: What now?

Beck: (smirks) Sorry Lilith, I couldn't resist.

The figure sighed, removing the cloak as Harleen took out a flashlight to get a look at the figure. It was a tall young woman with longer & large black hair, indigo eyes, slightly pale flawless skin, dark blue lipstick on said lips and had a beautiful curvaceous figure with some athleticism. She was wearing an indigo turtle neck sweater, a black business suit jacket, pants and dress shoes.

Karen: Wait... So she's real and alive...?!

Blake: No. It was only a tale. Everyone, this is our oldest sister, Lilith.

Lilith: A pleasure to meet you all. And no, I'm not the Lilith from the scary story. Beck and Blake tell that story to many on our travels to frighten people.

Beck: Heh. Guilty.

Lilith: I see... You've made some friends since your return to Metropolis...?

Blake: Yes.

Diana: Please to meet you, I'm Diana Prince.

Babs: Barbara Gordon but my friends call me Babs!

Karen: I'm K-Karen Beecher.

Zee: My name is Zee Zatara.

Lilith: I've heard of you and your father, your magic acts are most exhilarating.

Zee: Why thank you.

Jessica: I'm Jessica Cruz.

Kara: Name's Kara Danvers.

Harleen: I'm Harleen Quinzel! Nice to meet ya and boy, ya got us good with the blood ghost thing, especially Danvers here!

Kara: What?! I wasn't scared! I was shocked!

Harleen: Suuuuuuure...

Kara growls.

Pam: Pamela Isley.

Carol: I'm Carol Ferris.

Barbi: Barbara Ann Minerva but you can call me Barbi.

Lilith: I'm aware of who you are, Barbi. It's been years since we've seen each other. You look ravishing.

Barbi: Why thank you. You look quite dashing yourself.

Lena: Hi, I'm Lena Luthor. Nice to meet you.

Then Lilith had a dark look.

Lilith: Luthor.....

Lena flinched under the cold tone of the oldest sister.

Lena: (Gulps) I-I take it you know my family...?

Lilith: Unfortunately, I know your brother, Lex... of LexCorp.

Babs: You know Lex?

Lilith: Yes... This youngest billionaire is quite persistent he is... constantly informing me of opportunities to align my company with his, using means of deals and persuasion to believe that he & I would do such... great things for the people of this world together but I declined.

Lena: Ugh, so he keeps bugging you about it after you said no to him? Typical.

Lilith: Yes... And you must be his sister?

Lena: Yes but I assure you that I'm not like Lex or trying to trick you into handing anything to him, honest! Ask Big Brother Blake.

Lilith turns to Blake.

Blake: She sees me as a Brother figure and believe me, she's not like her real brother.

Lilith: Very well.

Pam: So... You're the sister Blake told me about, helping out with nature... those rare plants...

Lilith: Why yes, I tend to do all I can to help both people and nature for the better.

Pam: Oh... Thanks.

Mason: Since you're here, shall we show you to your room?

Lilith: Of course. It was... quite tiresome on the trip here, I am in need of some rest.

Blake: Follow me dear sister, I'll show you the way.

Lilith smiles slightly, she hugs her three brothers, who returned it. The three siblings led their eldest sister upstairs while the others watched.

Diana: This Lilith is quite a strong individual, she took my attack head on and threw my weapon.

Barbi: She's a mysterious case in her right.

Zee: (narrows her eyes) .....

Harleen: Something wrong?

Zee: No. It's nothing. (In her mind) Just like Blake and his brothers... Something dwells within this Lilith woman, something completely dark...


The stormy night goes by as everyone was led to the guestrooms to get a good night sleep. Blake was in his room, getting ready for bed upon looking at a portrait on the wall of him as a kid with his siblings and parents.

Blake: (sighs) .... I will find the one who did this to you, I promise... Mother. Father.

A knock at his door was heard.

Blake: Come in.

The door opens with Harleen, Carol and Pam walking in.

Blake: Oh hello. What do you need?

Pam: Blake, we need to talk...

Blake: What's wrong?

Carol: It's... about you & Leslie.

Blake's expression was calm but the look in his eye was dangerously cold, causing the three to wince.

Blake: ...What about her...?

Harleen: See, here's the thing... ummm....

Pam: Leslie showed us the... video she never posted about the... events that costed you your life years ago, nearly...

Carol: The images of the video... your body all... (shivers at the horrific details) How did you survive all that...?

Blake was silent.

Harleen: Look, you don't have to talk about it. But please understand that Les feels awfully bad about it.

Blake: ....

Pam: She hasn't been herself lately since the last few days...

Carol: It's like she's going insane, thinking you're a ghost out to get her.

Blake: ....

Harleen: I know Leslie can be quite a... devious and mean prankster/vlogger but she didn't mean to hurt ya much less kill ya. Les told us it was supposed to be a joke, not a massacre... it was an accident.

Carol: Maybe you two could meet up and solve this matter, I heard you two were once friends. You don't have to forgive her right away but give it time and you two can be friends again... (mutters) or maybe more than friends...

Blake: .....

Pam: Blake...?

Blake: I'm sorry... It's far too late for that. The Blake that Leslie knew is dead & he's never coming back...

Carol, Harleen and Pam had silent and sympathetic looks.

Harleen: Blakey, please...? Just... Just think about it, okay?

Blake: Harleen-

Harleen: Pleeeeeeeease????

Blake sighs.

Blake: I'll... give it some thought.

Harleen: Great!

Carol: Well, time for bed. Goodnight.

Pam and Harleen: Goodnight.

The three girls left the room, leaving Blake lost in thought as he went to bed as well.

To be continued...

(The fourteenth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Leslie finally tells her villain friends or rather shows them the events between her & Blake years ago, her friends are still willing to help her out with the situation. Lena Luthor is working on a new experiment which is a surprise you'll see in the near future chapters. Blake & the group have a fun sleepover while Harleen, Carol and Pam also attend. And finally, another OC of mine, the eldest sister of Blake, Beck & Mason... Lilith makes her debut. Pam gets some info from the rare plants, regarding the Accursed Beasts. I do have plans for Pam, Carol and Harleen for a redeem role in the story but that'll be in the near future. They talk to Blake & try to convince him to patch things up with Leslie, will he listen or will things get very extreme? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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