A Nightmare & A Welcoming Visit
At Night...
Leslie was walking through the stormy streets of Metropolis, seeing no one in sight as she tries to call out to anyone out there but there wasn't anyone around. When she continues her walk during the storm, the lightning flashed as something caught her eye...
Leslie: Huh?
Leslie saw a younger preteen version of herself with a crowd of preteens gathered around.
Young Leslie: Whaddup Metropolis, allow me to show you all the mother of all pranks as my guest of honor will show up to fall into the ultimate humiliation of all time once he steps onto the unseen, clear trip wire!
The preteen crowd got their phones out as they wanted to see who was it that'll fall into the trap. Young Leslie hid in the bushes and had her phone out ready to record the video.
Leslie: Is this a dream? Oh I remember this day, back then I was receiving praise from my shockateers for my shot in giving the people what they want in making others the hilarious end of the joke. Ha! I wonder who's the sucker?
Leslie's question was answered when she saw someone come into view, it was a younger version of Blake.
Young Blake: I wonder where Leslie is, she told me to meet her here for a surprise.
Leslie's eyes widened, she saw her younger self grinning mischievously in the bushes.... Horror struck her heart, this wasn't just any memory of her pranks... This was what happened on THAT day.
Young Leslie: Just a little more into my web.... little fly, hehehe...
Leslie: Nononono... Not this... Anything but this. (Yells out to young Blake) Wait! Stop! Don't go any closer!
However, Young Blake didn't hear her yelling as he walks near the area where the clear trip wire was concealed, lying and waiting. Leslie runs towards and quickly got in front of young blake.
Leslie: Listen to me, you need to turn around and go-
Young Blake just went through Leslie like she was a ghost.
Leslie: What the?!
Leslie turns around and tries to grab young blake to stop him but her hands getting passing through him as he continues to walk over to where young leslie sprung her trap.
Leslie: NO!!!
Young Blake steps on the clear trip wire and that's when he was subjected to the mother of all pranks, tornado style in it. The crowd was erupting in laughter and so was young Leslie with her sick laughter as well, the ultimate humiliation continuing on until something disrupt within the inventory of the prank....
Leslie: ....!!!
Thump!! Thump!! Thump!!
The crowd's laugh ceased and was replaced with screams and horrified gasps. Leslie herself clutched her head, staring at the massive disaster that occurred, the ultimate humiliation prank turned into a massacre of fatal rubble.
Leslie: No... No... No...
The crowd scattered, Young Leslie was frozen in place upon seeing her greatest work go wrong and if that wasn't bad enough... her eyes saw young Blake flat on the ground, his body completely mangled and unrecognizable, a huge puddle of blood formed under him, bones broken & twisted awkwardly with his ribs sticking out of his flesh with his organs visible and ruptured as a permanent horrified experience remained on his face with eyes all lifeless... staring at Young Leslie.
Young Leslie slowly backs away in fear as she turns and ran away without a word.
Leslie saw her younger self gone and turn to the dead body of young blake, slowly approaching the corpse of her old friend. She fell to her knees with tears falling from her eyes, slowly beginning to cry.
Leslie: T-This wasn't supposed to happen... I didn't w-want this.... (Sobs)
Young Blake: (distorted voice) Was it worth it, Les?
Leslie was horrified to see young Blake's corpse speaking to her, staring with eyes completely devoid of life.
Young Blake: Why did you kill me...? For attention... For a laugh... For praise... For fame... To enjoy one's humiliation...? Was it all worth it?
Leslie: N-No, Blake I didn't mean for this to happen...! This was a mistake, please I'm sorry!
Young Blake: You were my friend and you. Betrayed. Me.
Leslie: That's not true!
Young Blake: You broke me. You killed me. My family was right... I was a fool to trust you, you're a treacherous snake, a villain, a sadist, a murderer...
Leslie clutches her head, shaking with more tears falling and her breathing growing more frantic. She got up & ran away from the corpse, wanting to get away as the voices can be heard.
You killed me...
You ran... That was the last I saw of you, Les. You ran away from the crime YOU committed.
I'm broken and dead...
A fool I was to befriend someone like you, Leslie Willis.
You showed your true colors & I paid for your mistake.
And you think you're going to get away from this...?
You're even worse than ever when you were young, now a full fledge punk and a supervillain...
Hate you... I hate you...
You will pay... in this world or the next...
Jail and even death is too good for you, no... You're going to suffer for your crimes... I promise you...
Leslie: (running) No! Stop it! Stop it!! STOP IT!!!
Leslie suddenly stopped running as she sees pale, rotting hands grabbing her legs and pulling her down into the muddy ground like quicksand. Leslie screamed as she tries to escape but her struggles only caused her to be dragged down faster, her electric powers weren't even working on the hands pulling her under.
She was pulled completely deep into the ground. Soon, there was nothing but a black void, Leslie was seen falling while screaming through the void and landing in her own bed, looking around. Leslie slowly calms down, still horrified by the events she saw... glad the nightmare was-
???: Over?
Leslie's eyes shot open and turns to see... Blake standing a few feet from her, his cold eerie gaze set on her.
Leslie: Y-you...
Blake: Your nightmare is just beginning...
Blake snarled and growled ferociously, his form contorting and changing... into Hybrid Omen, who grinned with a loud hiss, engulfing Leslie in his cloak. Her scream heard in the dark as a drop of blood fell to the void, the black void turning a blood red.
Leslie shot up from her bed, screaming frantically in fright. She looked around while she was sweating from her head, breathing rapidly. She was in her room and it was close to morning, Leslie was shaking still but tries to get grip on herself from the horror she endured in her sleep.
Leslie slowly lays down while staring at the ceiling with sweat rolling down her head and tears falling from her eyes, having a complete nightmare of the events that happened in her past, something she repressed deep in the darkest parts of her mind....
Only if she was aware that this was the beginning of what's coming her way.
Narrator: 11: 39 am.
In the Monster's sanctum, Barbi and Casey were seen training and honing their skills.
Casey was fighting against cybernetic made beasts, entering a fighting stance in timing her strikes with combination of kick boxing and tae kwon do while focusing her second power from the hybrid crystal; She has the power to transform into a Diamond Amazon like form with diamond weaponry, armory and shard projectiles.
Barbi was standing barefoot on top of a long pole, her eyes glowing green with the marks of the Cheetah on her face while in human form, awaiting the group of cybernetic flying gargoyles heading towards her. Barbi focused as both hands glowed golden yellow with chi energy into claws, leaping off the pole and towards the cybernetic gargoyles.
The screen goes black as golden yellow slash marks were seen. Barbi lands perfectly on her feet as the cybernetic gargoyles landed behind her, standing there for a moment before breaking down in pieces.
Barbi: Phew. Okay, time for a break.
She turns to Casey who finished with her share of the machine beasts. The two girls would take a seat at a nearby table and have a drink of sparkling water.
Casey: I'm really getting use to these new abilities. I wonder what my third power will be?
Barbi: I'm sure it'll appear, give it time. I know I will with my growing abilities, the feeling of this new power... so wild, so unimaginable... so exhilarating.
Soon, Hybrid Omen enters the Monster's sanctum, transforming back into Blake.
Blake: Hello girls.
Barbi and Casey: Hello Blake.
Barbi: Back from your monster hunt?
Blake shows 5 cube containment devices.
Blake: Yep. A molten lava crab like creature called Crab-narok, a humanoid zombie like powerhouse beast that shoots thorns to infect others called Zombruiser, a three eyed humanoid beast that can turn people into gold statues called Goldritryl, a bizarre hybrid creature crossed between a centaur and an anaconda called Centaurconda and a small yet destructive trickster like beast that breaks apart machinery and steals electricity to amplify it's power, called Voltrick.
Casey: Yikes. These creatures just keep popping up randomly. Luckily, you'll have help not just from the superhero girls but from us soon.
Barbi nods in agreement.
Blake: I'm glad to hear that you're improving on your training. Which reminds me, I have the proper battle attire for you both.
Blake walks towards two human sized cases and places his hand on the scanner, unlocking and opening them with Barbi and Casey letting out a surprised gasp at the sight of their new battle attire.
Casey: Wow. They look rather incredible!
Barbi: The material and fabric is quite impressive and the suits have pure style. Thank you.
Blake: No problem.
Later, Blake, Barbi and Casey leave the Monster's sanctum to have break time from training when a loud knock was heard.
Looking at the monitor linked to the security cameras, Blake sees that it was Lena Luthor. He smiles as he allowed the gates to open, letting lena in. He opens the front door as Lena spots Blake with a smile, she approached him with a hug.
Lena: Hey there big brother!
Blake: Hello there Lena, how are you?
Lena: I'm doing good. Sorry I wasn't around to spend time with you, I was on a camping trip with my parents and ugh... Lex. Thought I'd come by to see you.
Blake: That's great.
Barbi: Who's at the door?
Blake turns to Barbi and Casey.
Casey: That's Lena Luthor, Youngest billionaire Lex luthor's sister.
Barbi: Ah, I recognize her from the Lexcorp commercials.
Lena: Yeah... We're not really that close as the commercials claim for me and my dopey brother to be...
Barbi: I see....
Blake: Lena, this is Barbi Ann Minerva and Casey Krinsky.
Lena: Nice to meet you both. Any friend big brother Blake's is a friend of mine.
Casey: Of course. Good to meet you?
Barbi: Why are you calling Blake big brother?
Lena: Cuz I like to. I know he's not my real brother but he's way better than Lex. So, what's on today's schedule for today?
Barbi: How about a movie?
Blake: That'll work.
Lena: I'd like that.
Casey: Splendid. I'll get the snacks ready.
The four head back inside.
Meanwhile on the road, there were two figures riding motorcycles, one ruby red and black & the other indigo blue and silver. The two individuals were driving their ways towards Metropolis.
Kara, Zee and Babs were seen walking the path to Blake's place.
Babs: That. Was. The most crazy and adrenaline fuelled monster fight we've ever encountered!
Zee: Those beasts of the Accursed Clan are quite the horrendous creatures. Some feral and acting on instinct while others are completely intelligent and lethal.
Kara: Yeah, yeah, mindless or not, we still beat them into the ground! Haha!
Zee: Don't get too arrogant, Kara. These beasts gave us a gruesome fight, we've managed to catch 4 of them in my magic orbs but they'll be more stronger and smarter beasts than the last lurking around.
Kara: (offended) Hey! I don't get too arrogant!
Zee and Babs gave her the look.
Kara: (grumbles).
Babs: We still must prepare for the approaching battles ahead! Crime, villains and these monsters won't take a break so neither shall we!
The three made it to Blake's unaware that a large, buff shadowy silhouette of a female like creature was literally eyeing Zee with a malicious glint in her dark blue eyes. And with a dark chuckle, the silhouette vanished in a cloud of dark blue & black smoke.
The gates open as Zee, Babs and Kara walk into Blake's yard and up the front porch with Babs pressing the door bell ringing. Soon, the door opens with Blake answering the call.
Blake: Ah, Hello there Zee, Babs and Kara. What brings you here?
Zee: Greetings. We've managed to catch 4 of those repulsive creatures. (Pulls out 4 magic orbs containing 4 creatures).
Blake: Thanks.
Babs: You're welcome!
A loud scream was heard in the house. Blake allowed Zee, Kara and Babs in the house to see the scream coming from a horror/comedy movie Barbi, Casey and Lena were watching it with snacks on the table, especially popcorn. The three girls were shocked to see Lena Luthor here but Kara's attention turned to the movie.
Kara: No way! You're watching this?! This is a horror classic, scooch over!
Kara runs over and gets between Barbi and Casey, who yelped while Barbi sternly glares at Kara for the shove. The kryptonian relaxed on the couch while grabbing popcorn to watch the movie.
Babs: (whispers to Blake) Blake, what is Lena Luthor doing here?!
Zee: (whispers to Blake) She's lex luthor's younger sister not to mention the first villain we fought when our team began!
Blake: (whispers back) I'm aware of that but she's no longer a villain anymore. I talked with her and she would've went down a villain's path if not for her conflict with Lex. She promised to give up her ways and I promise to help her out with reaching her potential.
Babs: Oooooh, okay.
Blake: Help yourselves to the snack platter and the movie.
Zee: Well don't mind if I do.
Babs: Thanks!
Zee sat down next to Casey, who still feels uneasy and just turns her attention to the movie while Babs sat on the recliner chair, grabbing some snacks from the table. Blake sat next to Barbi & Lena, enjoying the horror movie.
Popular Girl on screen: Please don't kill me! Take the weird goth girl! (Uses the goth girl as a shield)
The masked killer on screen looked at the two for a moment before moving the goth girl aside as she ran off and went for the popular girl, who screamed as the masked killer stuck two large hooks on sticks into the girl's shoulders and pulls harder to rip her two. Barbi held on Blake, who shields Lena's eyes from the scene.
Babs and Zee: Eeeeek!
Kara: Hahahaha! She thought she could play "hooky" by sacrificing the goth girl but got the sharp end instead, should've cut your loses and "split!"
Casey: ......
Lena: It's scary but not too scary as there was some funny parts like the killer strangling the one guy with a pineapple, how's that possible?
Blake: So many unanswered questions, it happens Lena.
Downtown metropolis, Selina and her gang were having a joyride in her car once again with Doris whacking mailboxes off their wooden stumps with her baseball bat, Harleen was laughing her head off, Carol was on her phone trying to text Hal Jordan about their relationship, Pam was staring off into the window, Selina was driving while Leslie sat in silence with her skin a bit paler and her eyes all tired.
The electric villainess groans as she let out a yawn.
Harleen: Ya okay there, sparky?
Leslie grumbles.
Harleen: Sparky? Spaaaaarky? Sparky Sparky Sparky Sparky Sparky!! Earth to Sparky, ya crashed to earth and your transmission is cut! Zero zero zero zero one, wake up smell the scent of fired fish! Yer batteries on low and need to be charged! Am I getting through to ya, testing testing testing testing testing testing testing TESTING!
Everyone looks at Harleen in annoyance.
Harleen: TESTING! AAAAAAAH!! Les, Les, are you in there?!?!
Leslie's eyes narrowed with the left eye twitching.
Pam: Harl, could you please shut your trap?
Harley: What? I'm tryin' to see if Les is up and about! I mean look at her, she looks like a zombie!
Everyone turns to see Leslie's expression, even Selina staring through the rear view mirror at the sight of the electric villainess, she wasn't looking so good.
Selina: Are you feeling okay, Leslie?
Leslie: I'm... Fine...
Carol: You don't look fine.
Leslie: (annoyed) No one asked you, five foot pink pig.
Carol: (shrieks angrily) PIG?!?!?!?! WHY I OUGHTA-
Selina: No fighting in my car.
Carol: But she-
Selina: (hisses) I don't care who started it, if you mess up the inside of my car, you're all walking.
Carol grumbled as she glared at Leslie, who paid no mind to her as she had a lot on her mind. While stopping at a red light behind another car in the road, a revving sound was heard as the two figure with the ruby red and black motorcycle & indigo blue and silver motorcycle stopped next to Selina's car, the girls turn to the two figures.
Harleen: Wow, look at their rides. Custom state of the art! Great color scheme and look revved up for a ride! Vroom vroom!
Carol: Who are they?
Doris: Don't know, don't care! I'm thinking about stealing their motorcycles.
The two figures turn to the girls in the car.
Harleen: Yoo-hoo!! New guys! Love the color scheme on your custom cycles!
The two figures said nothing but stared at them for a moment before looking away from them.
Harleen: Hey! They didn't even thank me for the compliment!
Pam: Maybe because they think you're very annoying too.
Harleen frowned at Pam.
Selina: They're probably just shy, Harleen. Any boy will be shy when meeting a group of popular and bad girls. (Turns to the two figures with a sly smile)
Doris: Hey bozos! Ya wanna race?! Bet you can't beat us on the road, ha!
The two figures said nothing and ignored her.
Doris: Hey! I'm talking to you bozos!
The two figures slowly turn to the girls in a chilling, cold manner, making them feel uneasy. The light changed from red to green as the two figures revved up and drove off at high-speed away.
Doris: Hey! Get back here!
Harleen: Awww!
Selina: Hmmm~ (sly smiles) I'm all for a game of cat and mouse~
Selina then drives after the two figures at high-speed, Pam was clutching the bottom of the seat, Carol was screaming frantically for Selina to slow down, Harleen was still laughing manically, Doris and Selina smirking in anticipation and Leslie growing more and more sick.
The two figures see the girls speeding after them. Both nodding, they took a quick right while swiftly avoiding a truck with storing chemical waste, Selina turns the wheel to go after them.
The two figures would ride their motorcycles through the roads of Metropolis while effortlessly moving passed other vehicles while Selina would do the same while trying not to hit anything. The two figures see two workers carrying a huge frame of window glass across the street, they would split up and went around the workers to avoid hitting the glass. Unfortunately, Selina and her crew weren't so lucky as the car went through the huge glass window, shattering it.
The two workers yelled and complained while angrily shaking their fists at the retreating car.
Pam: Selina, slow down!
Leslie: Urk...
Carol: Leslie if you puke on me, You're going out the window!!
The two figures spot a railroad track as the lights signal that a train was coming, they would quickly do a wheelie/leap to a large bump in the road across the tracks before the train could pass. The girls spot the train coming but Selina wasn't slowing down or stopping.
Pam: Selina! Stop, you're going to get us killed!
Harleen: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Carol: It's not funny, she's gonna get us ran over by a train!!!!
Doris: (grins) Ya got this, Selina.
Selina grins all cat like as she drove closer and closer to the train... taking advantage of the bump in the road to have the car fly at the train, Carol, Leslie and Pam screamed, Harleen laughed and Doris grinned as Selina got her car through an open boxcar and on the other side of the road, unscathed.
Pam: (breathing rapidly while clutching her chest) ....!!!!
Carol: I thought we were dead...
Selina: Please, this ain't my first chase~
The two figures were still speeding and noticed that Selina and her crew were still behind them so they took a U-turn with the girl following, taking a short detour through a farmland avoiding the animals and farmer, Selina also avoid the farmer and animals but her car got all muddy while a chicken stowaway hitched a ride, landing on Carol's head, laying an egg.
Carol: My head is not a nest! Get off!!
Carol knocks the chicken off her head. Of course, the chicken gets enraged and pecks Carol on the head with it's sharp beak.
Carol: Owowowowowow!! Stop it! Ouch!
Harleen was laughing like a Hyena at this. If Leslie wasn't feeling good, she'd be laughing too. Doris grabbed the chicken by the neck and throws it the window, the chase continues as it led to a drive through burger joint with Harleen quickly stealing the customer's food in the next drive through.
Harleen: Jackpot!
The next was a corn maze as the two figures actually followed the path and effortlessly exited the maze while Selina and her friends went through the maze like a lawnmower but made it through.
Pam didn't like how Selina does desecrated a field of plants with her driving.
They would continue the chase up the hills heading all the way up and finally going out the way down like a rollercoaster.
Carol: This is insane!!! I wanna got off this ride!!!
Harleen: This is absolutely fun!!!
Doris: They're getting away, stay on 'em, Selina!
Selina: Oh don't worry... The mouse can run all it's want but in the end, the cat always gets it's prey~
Leslie was seeing double as the world was spiraling around her and it wasn't from the joyride, she was hallucinating... seeing herself in the now horrific car, monstrous versions of her friends and the land was on fire, Leslie was breathing hysterically as she clutches her head...
Soon, the chase was back on the road as the two figures slowed down with one driving on the left side next to Selina's car while the other was driving next to the right.
Selina smirks at the first figure while Doris growls at the second one. The two figures pulled out sharp daggers which shocked the girls.
Pam: They're actually trying to kill us...?
Carol: No! I'm too young and beautiful to die!! I haven't even married Hal Jordan yet!!!
Harleen: They're crazy and that's coming from me!
Doris: Well bring it on!!
Selina: ...?!
The two drove closer to Selina's car with daggers in hand but didn't target the girls, they target the front tires of the car, slashing them.
Selina: Hissssssssss...!!
Selina stepped on the breaks to stop from crashing into a nearby parked ice cream truck. The girls sighed in relief that they didn't crash but the car broke down with the flat tires as they saw the two figures a few feet away from them.
Selina narrowed her eyes while Doris growls angrily at them. The figure on the red and black motorcycle took something out and throws it at Selina who caught it. She was confused as she looked at the item which was a dark gray bag, she opens it up and sees it was full of money, shocking her and the girls minus Leslie.
She looks at the two figures, one of them spoke in a voice similar to Blake's which caught Selina off guard.
???: You shouldn't be trying to pick a fight with or chase random strangers, you might not know what to expect... like your damaged ride there.
Selina: .....
???: That cash should be more than enough to get your car fixed, now we're even.
The two figures drove off, leaving the girls.
Doris: What just happened?
Carol: I honestly have no clue right now because I'm distracted by almost having a heart attack!
Harleen: Hahahahaha! That was the most crazy joyride chase I've ever had!
Pam: (sarcastic) Woohoo... Goody for you.
The hallucinations finally stopped as Leslie arched her head to the back seat, leaning with a heavy breath.
Harleen: You okay, Sparky?
Leslie: I... I'm fine...
Doris: Les, you don't look so good.
Leslie: I'm. Fine Doris. Just drop it.
Doris: Fine, sheesh.
Selina: I must say it's not a total loss. Sure, my car is totaled but I still got a prize (holding the bag of cash) one half to fix my car and the other half to have a little fun~ (purrs) Doris...
Doris: Yeah, I got it.
Doris gets out of the car, looking around as no one was in sight and grunts in anger, eyes glowing orange with glowing veins, Doris transforming into Giganta. She picks up the car with the girls still in it over her head and runs off.
Back at Blake's place...
After finishing the movie, Blake, Babs and Lena were playing this new cyber assassin game in a VR headset while slaying digital monster targets. Barbi and Zee were having a conversation, Casey was in the backyard taking up gardening while Kara was raiding the fridge.
Blake: This new headset you made is quite impressive, Lena.
Babs: 1,000 points! Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop! Yikes, ninja lizards! Let's see you handle the bat cyber ninja!
Lena: Glad you like the game, this cyber assassin level isn't the only game build into these new headsets, big brother.
Blake: Again, impressive.
Lena giggles.
Outside, the two figures stopped by Blake's home, parking their rides, taking off their helmets and getting off to walk towards the gates. Inside, Blake heard a loud knock, he took off the headset and walks towards the monitor linked to the security cameras to see who's at the front gates and smiles.
Blake: Well, good timing.
He allowed the gates to open as the two figures walked through them.
Zee: Everything okay, Blake?
Blake: Oh yes. I'm expecting company.
Blake opens the door and walks out to the meet the two figures.
???: (Smirks) Well well, long time no see.
???: It's been a while, hasn't it?
Blake: Yes it has.
Blake stares at the two figures.
The first was a tall & athletic teenage boy who bares a striking resemblance to Blake with a few differences; He has slightly long black hair slicked back, ruby red eyes and was wearing a black hoodie with a fiery dragon skull & twin swords in an X formation below it, a red shirt, black pants & red sneakers.
And the second was a slightly tall teenage boy with slightly pale skin, indigo eyes, a slim yet athletic body, slightly long black hair and was wearing a custom black trench coat, a dark purple dress shirt, black pants and dress shoes.
Blake would hug the two who returned it before breaking it up.
Blake: It's good to see you again, Beck. Mason.
The one in red & black named Beck smiled.
Beck: Same here my brother.
The one in black & purple named Mason had a calm smile.
Mason: How have you been since visiting metropolis?
Blake: It's been fine, had some good moments and had some bad moments but nothing I can't handle. What brings you here?
Beck: Well we came here to visit metropolis too and to give you backup against the accursed clan.
Mason: Our eldest sister and the others will soon come here in a few days.
Blake: Excellent. Why don't you come in? The place has extra rooms and I have guests here.
Blake invited Beck and Mason in as Barbi, Zee, Kara, Babs and Lena saw them.
Babs: Who are you two?
Blake: Allow me to introduce you to two of my four brothers. My twin brother Beck and my second brother Mason.
Kara: (looks at Blake and Beck) I can see the twin part minus the hair and clothes, you two look the same.
Blake: We get that a lot.
Beck: We sure do. (Spots Barbi) Barbi? Barbara Ann Minerva, is that you?
Barbi: Why yes, good to see you Beck.
Beck: It's nice to meet you again. Wow, I must say that you look even more dashing than I remember the last time I saw you and I do like the cheetah spot fur coat, it makes you look like a wild cat goddess.
Barbi blushes while feeling her heart beating fast. She keeps her composure and laughs a little.
Barbi: Why thank you... You don't look so bad yourself. (In her mind) my heart... it's on the verge of exploding from his compliment of me, is it getting warmer in here?
Babs: Nice to meet you two, I'm Barbara Gordon but my friends call me Babs!
Kara: Name's Kara. Kara Danvers.
Lena: I'm Lena Luthor.
Zee: Pleasure to meet you both, I'm Zee Zatara.
Mason: I've heard of you and your father, the true performance of magic on the stage by you both is quite a marvelous sight. Truly and utterly magnificent, Lady Zatara.
Now it was Zee who was blushing red with her heart beating fast.
Zee: (in her mind) Oh wow.... Lady Zatara, I like the ring to that. He's quite a charmer and a gentleman... Wait, am I in love?! Oh Nonono, we just met at first sight but he looks so magnificent, stop it Zee! Stop embarrassing yourself in front of him! (To mason) Why thank you, darling. I'll perform a special magic act for you someday.
Mason: (calm smile) I would be honored.
Zee giggles with a slight blush.
Blake: I'll show you both to the extra guest rooms for your stay but let me introduce you to Casey first.
Beck and Mason: Right./Of course.
Lena: Hey big brother, don't forget to show me the lab your sister loan to you in the basement!
Blake: Haha, Don't worry Lena. I haven't forgotten, I'll be there in a minute.
The three walk away.
Beck: Big Brother?
Mason: Seems the child has taken a liking to you in a sibling bonding way.
Blake: True. I have must to tell you both.
At Leslie's house...
After getting dropped off to her home, Leslie heads up to her room and plops down on her bed face first with a groan before turning to look at the ceiling.
Leslie: Ugggggggh....
???: Was it worth it?
Leslie shot up and looks around frantically.
Leslie: Who's there?!
???: Was it really worth it, Leslie?
Leslie got out of bed and looked around her room. Nothing was found. She took a look in living room. Nothing. She peeked into the kitchen. Still nothing. Leslie was breathing heavily as she thought she was just hearing things due to being tired and lack of sleep due to the nightmare she had last night.
Then a cough escaped her lips, then another one which was rough followed by a couple of hard cough with Leslie clutching her neck. She felt something building up and coming right up through her throat, Leslie quickly made a quick dash to the bathroom, opening the toilet and puked into it.
For a solid moment, Leslie stopped as she let out a whimper in her groan. She looked shocked at the sight of the substance in the toilet... It wasn't vomit at all, it was some sort of black like liquid with a bit of red... It wasn't blood either, what was it...?
???: Leeeeeeeeeslie...?
Leslie quickly looks to the bathroom entrance and saw a younger version of herself standing there with a creepy smile and the corpse of a younger version of Blake was at her feet.
Leslie: No. No. Nonono!
Young Leslie: How did you came up with a diabolical and ultimate plot to get Blake for views on your vlog, it must've been a riot for you, hehehehe. Tell me... did you enjoy it?
Leslie begins to back away until she was against the wall, breathing hysterically as she was seeing her past self and past Blake's corpse.
Young Leslie: Hehehehe. Don't worry older me, Blakey's just "sleeping"... (Smile grows more deranged) that's it, right? He's just "sleeping", once he wakes up, we'll have a good laugh.
Leslie: .....?!
Young Leslie: Why are you shaking? Are you scared? He's not hurt, look at him... (Holds up the completely mangled and horrific corpse of young blake) He's alright~
Leslie: Stop it... Stop doing that! He's not alright, he's-
Young Leslie: Dead? I know, we both killed him. Hehehehehe.
Leslie: No... It wasn't supposed to happen like that...
The corpse of Blake vanished as young Leslie morphs into a copy of the teenage Leslie herself, the only difference is her eyes are red.
Red Eyed Leslie: A lot of things weren't supposed to happen... But it did happen. What can I say... We are bad girls. Besides, it was a cruel, sick joke to laugh at as people love mean, remember? It was your words~
Leslie: I know I said that but Blake-
Red Eyed Leslie: Was no exception, He was another victim to humiliate. You were laughing at him when he was caught in the ultimate humiliation, you ran away when your biggest prank burst and fell apart to cause his untimely and horrific demise, repressed that memory for years as you became an electric metahuman known as Livewire who's act of villainy is to find new chaotic ways to humiliate others, to have the people's eyes on her in her glory, to laugh at others pain & misery!!
Leslie was frozen as Red Eyes Leslie got in her face, a large grin full of vampire like fangs.
Red Eyed Leslie: Do you feel... Guilty?
Leslie said nothing.
Red Eyed Leslie: Hahahahahaha! You do! It's written on your face! So priceless, hahahahahahahaha!!!
Leslie: Stop that!
Red Eyed Leslie kept laughing manically in her face.
Leslie tackled Red Eyed Leslie to the ground, her hands wrapped around her throat, strangling the laughing Red Eyed Leslie as tears fell down her angry eyes.
Red Eyed Leslie: Ack! Hahahahaha!! You think this nightmare will end, oh no... Urk, Hahahahaha, it's only just beginning and soon, agh-you'll come face-to-face with EVERYTHING that you have ever done...
Leslie: SHUT UP! SHUT UUUUUUP!!!! RRRRAAAHHH!!! (Keeps strangling her)
Red Eyed Leslie laughs manically as Leslie felt someone grab her and threw her aside to the walls followed by a voice.
???: Les, what's gotten into you?!?!
Leslie slowly recovers and sees Doris and Selina.
Leslie: W-What...
Selina: We decided to come back to check on you, you weren't anywhere but the bathroom.
Doris: You were yelling and screaming like crazy, not to mention that you tried to choke out Ferris here!
Leslie looks at to where Red Eyed Leslie was on the ground but she wasn't there and in her place was a frightened Carol holding her neck with one hand while shaking.
Selina: We heard the mutters and scream, Carol found you and it led us to see you strangling her. We had to pry you off of her.
Selina helps Carol up as the cheerleader clinged to Selina, whimpering in tears like a frightened puppy. Selina comforts her, Leslie looked at her shaking hands...
Selina: What's going on with you?
Leslie tries to speak but no words came out.
Doris: (concerned) Les... C'mon. You look like you've seen a ghost or something. Tell us what's bugging you.
Leslie said nothing as she begins to break down in tears, surprising Doris, Selina and even Carol. She collapsed to the ground, crying and muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again. The three girls helped her up and take her out of the bathroom, wondering what was wrong with Leslie?
To be continued...
(The thirteenth chapter of DCSHG: The Hybrid Omen is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Lena returns, Casey Krinsky and Barbi Ann Minerva displayed new powers, a chase scene unfolds, a mysterious individual has her eyes set on Zee for some reason, my two OCS Blake's brothers Beck & Mason make their debut and you've just witnessed a scene in Leslie's nightmare of what happened between her and Blake in their dark past as well as other effects from the mist but it's only the beginning. Also, I decided to pair Barbi and Zee with Beck and Mason but it won't be right away, it'll start slow. What's gonna happen next? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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