A Day to Themselves; A Frozen Spark
The next 2 weeks....
We cut to Blake and Leslie, who were having a jog through the woods. Blake was wearing a dark gray shirt & black track pants with sneakers. And Leslie was black sports bra and black & blue lightning patterns jogging pants and sneakers. Over the last few days, Blake has been teaching Leslie how to use her new abilities as a hybrid now.
Considering her first guardian is vampire like with new means of strengths, senses, control & manipulation of blood, transforming into a giant humanoid bat, etc. The shockjock already knows about the feeding... and Valerie gives her blood pack in case though the additional abilities from her two hybrid guardians are still unknown.
The two have been jogging for a few hours to the city and back to the woods today, heading back to the vacation home in a race, a race that Blake won in the process.
Blake: Well better luck next time, Les.
Leslie groans.
Leslie: I'm nearly had you... Huff... had you beat... You cheater...
Blake: I don't recall any method of cheating you out of the race.
Leslie: You distracted me!
Blake: And how pray tell did I distract you?
Leslie tries to found an answer for her "conspiracy" loss but nothing came to mind.
Leslie: You were-You did that-Ugh! (Face red in embarrassment and frustration)
Blake chuckles and pats the shockjock's head.
Blake: Now now, Les. There's no need to act so sour. Anytime you want a rematch, you know where to find me, sparky.
Leslie: Oh I'll show you sour, you-you-!
Leslie grabs him and kissed him roughly, surprising him for a moment before she pulls herself away, looking frustratedly at the hybrid with a blush and heavy breathing.
Leslie: You're lucky you're cute or I'd take your head and-and-aaagghh!! why am I stuttering so much?!
Leslie went passed Blake and stormed upstairs with Blake watching.
VladRa: (in Blake's head) Hahahahaha! Weeks of being a couple & Leslie has grown into a Tsundere, it's priceless!
Arcticron: It seems she's pretty frustrated with you right now. Given that Leslie is now a hybrid herself, props to helping her control her new powers. Though she possesses a vampiric hybrid guardian within her, the other two are unknown.
Gravitiren: Don't worry, as long as Leslie doesn't get a guardian of the darkness attributes, it'll be fine. Dark Hybrids like Lilith & those before her have trained rigorously to focus, control & cooperate with them.
Arcticron: True... Though I fear if Leslie gets a guardian or two in the dark attributes, they might deem her unworthy & try to control her based on the impurities of her heart, while Leslie changed, she used to be a villainess after all.
VladRa: Then we'll deal with it. Personally...
Gravitiren: We're not murdering Leslie to kill the dark guardians as a last resort. Core mislead both Leslie & Blake into trying to kill each other, we're not having them go through that again.
VladRa: I wasn't talking about murdering her, you blasted oaf! I meant seal them so they can't target the impurities of her heart to corrupt!
Blake: (to the three guardians) I'll make sure Leslie won't lose herself if she does gain a dark hybrid guardian or two, I owe her that much as we both agreed to start over after the events set up by Core. I will protect her even if I have to risk my life again...
VladRa: Yes but this time stay alive, fool. I don't think the shockjock's heart would take it if you died again.
Blake: Noted.
Though Blake finds it strange that Mirroa hasn't spoken since their first meeting. Perhaps it's when it's the right time, she'll have a word with him.
Meanwhile, Leslie was in her guest room and grabbing a blood mix soda from the mini-fridge, still sour about Blake besting her in that race.
Leslie: Hmph. He won't be so smug next time, he'll be eating my dust in our rematch soon enough.
Leslie drunk her blood mix soda and places it on her desk, walking towards her bed to rest but stopped midway upon turning to the full length mirror/slide closet door. The shockjock walks towards it to get a good look at herself.
Leslie: Hmmm?
Leslie glances at her reflection in the full length mirror/slide closet door. Her physique had changed drastically and she barely noticed it much, she didn't look as skinny as she was usually. She had a slight lean build with some athleticism, Leslie flexes her right arm, while she wasn't as muscular as Doris/Giganta, it was a great amount of athletic attributes.
Then Leslie turns her attention to her upper body, her chest was slightly okay at best, her stomach looked a bit fit with a soft muffin top. Leslie groans with the reminder of Doris telling her to stop constantly eating those chocolate coated blueberry cream pies, Leslie then paid attention to her lower body in the reflection; to Leslie's shock, her legs along with her thighs/hips were now strong and as closely wide as Kara's and Doris's. Leslie then turns around to have her back face the mirror as she looks over her shoulder and saw her jogging pants clad butt, while it wasn't huge due to her sweet habits, Leslie's rear had gotten very plump and well rounded.
Leslie couldn't help but pose a bit at this.
Leslie: Ummmm. Maybe I should lay off the pies for a while... But at least I'm not getting fat.
???: (Snarky, rough female voice) If you were doing nothing but eating those blasted pies, you would be.
Leslie yelped.
Leslie: What the?! Wait... You're one of the hybrid guardians in my head, right?
???: (Blunt) Gee. What gave it away, metahuman? I am Fang-dra, your vampiric hybrid guardian.
Leslie: Fang-dra? What kind of odd name is that-aghh!!
Leslie fell to knees, her heart was racing quickly with her left eye twitching. Her eyes glowing red, she felt the thirst for blood flare up & gasping for air.
Leslie: *Gasp!* *Gasp!* Gasp!*
Fang-dra: Do not insult me, mortal. I may reside within you but I can life very unpleasant for you... Are we clear?
Leslie: *Gasp!* Y-Yes...!
The dreaded feeling overwhelming Leslie had vanished.
Leslie: Huff... Huff...
Fang-dra: Hmph. Still conscious I see. Perhaps you are promising, though you are not a hybrid by masters family blood & were a Villainess, you were marked and now Blake's mate.
Leslie: So? I'm his mate, got a problem with that?
Fang-dra: Hmhmhmhehehe. Taking the role seriously, eh? For a punk, I thought you abuse this power & rebel like you've done before.
Leslie: Listen lady, call me a lowly punk, a bad girl, a villainess all you want. I lost Blake before and I won't lose him again. I gave my blood to have him live & no one is taking him from me, not even you who think (Mocking tone) 'Oh I'm unworthy to date a Masters' (normal tone) he made me feel special when we were kids, I love him & if you or the other guardians in me have a problem with that, I'm not afraid to go inside my own head to find you & give you the shock of a lifetime, got it?!
Fang-dra: ..... Hahahahahaha! Oh oh oh... I think we're gonna get along just fine.
Leslie: Seriously? Not really the reaction I was expecting. Was thinking of (mocking a vengeful tone) 'How dare you! You're pay for your insolence & disrespect and blah blah blah.'
Fang-dra laughed.
Fang-dra: I can be strict and vengeful but I'll give credit where credit is due in your rebellious attitude & spirit. But don't expect anything to be easy, if you think I'll be tough on you, the other two guardians won't be so compassionate.
Leslie: (smirks) Ha! I'll be waiting for them to show their hydes.
Fang-dra: Alright metahuman. Back to your oogling your reflection, you have changed due to the training regiments to control your new powers as well as your... pie addiction filling in places of your body.
Leslie: Hey! At least it's the right places, right?!
Fang-dra: Well Blake needs a mate who can keep up with him, if you did nothing but eat & eat those blasted pies, you'd be a chubby blob.
Leslie: Oh screw you!
Fang-dra: Whatever. At least you understand. See ya later metahuman.
Leslie was alone again, but gets up & still looked at her reflection in the mirror. While the shockjock made a mental note to lay off the chocolate coated blueberry cream pies for a while, Leslie didn't hate her physique due to the training and well... her addiction to the dessert in balance, although she could use this to tease Blake.
Then a knock on the door followed by Blake's voice.
Blake: Hey Leslie, it's me. I need to talk to you.
Leslie then looks at the door and over her shoulder back at her reflection in the mirror. A sly grinch-like grin slowly stretched across Leslie's face, getting a very mischievous idea. She quickly grabs her phone from the drawer and leaps up & crawl on the ceiling.
Leslie: Come in~!
The door opens as Blake walks in but doesn't see Leslie around.
Blake: Hello? Les? I know you're in here. Is your blood frenzy acting up again or are you trying to scare me?
Blake takes a look around the room, no sign of Leslie. He crouched down to look under the bed, she wasn't there. Leslie silently chuckled and silently lands behind Blake, who gets to his feet & was about to check the closet before he was caught with a low sweep kick below his feet from behind.
Blake: ...?!
He fell backwards and was about to hit the ground head first-
Blake hit the ground but the back of his head hit not solid ground but something big & very soft. Then he saw/heard a camera flash light/sound followed by a sly giggle. Blake turns to the right to find Leslie lying down on the ground on her stomach, her facing her phone as a sly chuckle escaped her lips. The hybrid's eyes widened in shock, what cushioned his head from the fall was Leslie's very plump posterior. A blush spreads across his face, the shockjock played him into a trap!
Leslie slowly looks over her shoulder with a mischievous grin at Blake's blushing face.
Leslie: Feeling Comfortable there, Blakers~?
Blake immediately got off of the laughing shockjock.
Blake: W-What was that for?!
Leslie got to her feet, acting innocent.
Leslie: Oh I don't know what you're talking about, Blake. You 'slipped & fell' so I managed to cushion your head's fall.
Leslie walks towards the door while swaying her hips, Blake avoids looking at her backside and focusing on the shockjock personally and why she pulled that trick. Leslie looks over her shoulder while holding her phone.
Leslie: And besides, the workout did wonders for me & I wanted to repay you... And get a good pic.
Blake sees the pic of Leslie lying on her stomach, smiling mischievously for the camera & Blake with back of his head first on her ample rear like a pillow with a shocked & confused expression.
Leslie: Wait til my shockateers get a load of us~!
Blake's eye twitched and narrowed.
Blake: Damn it Leslie!
Leslie ran out of the room, laughing with Blake running after her.
Blake: Get back here!
Leslie: Nope! Try and catch me, Icicle boy!
Blake: Delete that picture right now!
Leslie: Why? I wanted to show my shockateers my boyfriend and I debuting together!
Blake: Not like that you don't! Delete that picture & we can do a different one!
Leslie: Forget that, this is much juicier!
Blake: Leslie!!!
Leslie jumps and slides down the stairs rales in laughter, Blake simply flew in after her.
Blake: What went through your mind to pull such a trick to get me in that... p-position with you?!
Leslie: (smirks) Why don't you ask my behind that is if you can catch it, hahahaha!
Blake growled. The chase went on with Blake trying to grab the phone from Leslie but the shockjock was a slippery one and would avoid every grab, tackle and counter, running off.
Leslie: Miss me Miss me, now you gotta-
Leslie bumped into someone, falling on her butt and dropping her phone. She groans, looking up at the person she bumped into, Ember.
Ember: (annoyed glare) You really need to watch where you're going, you're lucky I didn't drop my drink.
Leslie: Ugh! Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Now... My phone! Where-
Blake: Looking for this?
Leslie sees Blake with her phone in hand.
Ember: I would ask what this is about but I don't wish to know.
The dragon girl left with her drink. Blake held Leslie's phone with his arms crossed and a stern expression. Leslie smiles sheepish with a nervous chuckle.
Blake: Anything to say for yourself, young lady?
Leslie: (puppy dog eyes while mocking a tone of a toddler in trouble) I'm sowwy, Bwaky. I've been such a bad girrrrrl.
Blake gave a deadpan look.
Leslie: Aww c'mon. It was just a joke. I wasn't really gonna post it on MetropoVids, it was only for our eyes only, our little secret (gets in Blake's face, sly smile) and don't pretend you didn't love the back of your head getting comfy on my soft 'pillow.' Hehehe.
Blake blushes a bit & clears his throat, looking stern.
Blake: That was a dirty trick, Willis.
Leslie: Hehe, I know. I know you & Doris have been telling me to lay off the pies for a while. I get it. You're worried about me but thanks to you guys, I've been taking care of myself, improving my current powers, learning to control my additional ones & taking proper care of my body & enjoying my favorite dessert. Although I still want to lose the slight muffin top, at least the weight's going in the right places. Whatta you think?
Blake: I honestly don't have any words. I'll either end up hurting your feelings or sounding like a pervert. So I got nothing for you.
Leslie: Seriously? C'mon Blake, you can be honest with me, whatta you think? Ya like 'em? Want the thunder thighs wider? (Swaying her hips with a sly grin & jokes about her rear) Should I add more 'junk in the trunk?'
Blake: (sighs) Leslie. While it's good that you're taking care of your body but you don't have to change your looks to get my attention. I like you how you are.
Leslie: I know.... But maybe I wanna do it.
Blake: Leslie, really. You don't have to.
Leslie: (smirks) Oh yes I do~
Blake: No you don't.
Leslie: Yes I do~.
Blake: No you don't.
Leslie: Yes I do~.
Blake: No you don't.
Leslie: No I don't~.
Blake: Yes you do & that's that.
Leslie: Okay. I will~.
The sound of a record scratch was heard, he was duped.
Blake: (turns to Leslie) Hey! Wait a minute!!
Leslie laughs.
Leslie: Gotcha again, sucker! Hahaha!
Blake: ... You're just teasing me, aren't you?
Leslie: Oh yeah, like the good old days. I know you love me as I am & I love you but I just love to tease the living daylights out of you for fun, it's cute to see your reaction. If you thought the rear pillow trick was hilarious, you haven't seen nothing yet~.
Blake stared at the growing smile of Leslie, the hybrid didn't know whether to be embarrassed, impressed or oddly aroused from her girl's actions. He didn't know what crazy, naughty and tricky thoughts the shockjock is brewing in her head & Blake probably doesn't want to know.
Leslie: So... You wanted to talk to me about something? Shoot.
Blake: Oh yeah. I was wondering if you and I would like to go out...?
Leslie blushes herself before smiling mischievously.
Leslie: Blake Masters, are you asking me out on a date?
Blake: (smiles himself) Maybeeeeee...
Leslie: Sure. Let's freshen up first. Then we'll go.
After freshening up and later changing into their attires, Blake made it downstairs with Leslie following behind him.
Leslie: So where to first for our date?
Blake: How about we start with a ride through town.
Leslie: Alright then.
The two went to the garage to Blake's motorcycle, the hybrid hopped on his vehicle with Leslie sitting behind, the garage door opens with Valerie leaning against the walls, arms crossed with an amusing smirk.
Valerie: (mocks the tone of a mother) Be sure to have her back at 8:30, Blake. And don't try anything funny in a hotel room~.
Blake and Leslie blushed heavily.
Blake: Valerie!
Valerie: (chuckles) Hehehehe! I only kid, darling. Have fun but seriously don't do anything out of the ordinary~.
Blake: I get the picture. Hold on Les.
Leslie: (wraps her arms around his midsection) Already ahead of ya.
Blake started up the motorcycle and drove out of the garage with Leslie, passing Valerie who watch them leave the vacation home.
Valerie: Ah, young love~.
Blake was riding his motorcycle with Leslie holding on, quickly driving down the road through the woods, later entering Metropolis. The ride was taking an igniting turn as Blake took some quick turns left & right, some timing cuts to get through traffic without scratching his motorcycle or the vehicles & even uses a constructed bump in the road as a makeshift ramp and jump up high.
The two landed perfectly on the road to continue this bike ride, Blake felt Leslie's grip tighten around his midsection and her shaking.
Blake: You seem to be shaking, are you afraid? I can tone down the-
Leslie: Heck no! (Grins) I'm shaking in excitement right now, I'm loving this thrill ride!
Blake smiles. But then a group of teenage punks in a red Lamborghini drove by next to the two.
Punk leader: Hey there, shockjock! Looking good!
Blake and Leslie turn to the punks riding their car to keep up with the hybrid's motorcycle.
Punk 2: I was a fan of your work on MetropoVids, your videos were freakin' hilarious!
Punk 3: How you make your victims scream and cry with their humiliation was absolutely funny!
Punk 4: I hear that she doesn't do that anymore & put up an 'apology' letter, why would you apologize for the funny moments. (Mocking tone) Is Leslie Willis going soft?
Blake narrowed his eyes while Leslie glared angrily at the teenage punks with her pupils glowing electric blue.
Punk Leader: Heh. She probably is soft (points to Blake) maybe he's the reason you went straight, eh? Too goodie goodie to cause some mayhem & chaos now? Why don't ya ditch this puke and come hang with us? We'll help rejuvenate the bad side of ya, huh Willis?
Leslie snarled. Soft was she? Goodie Goodie was she? Sure, she was done with her villainess ways but soft she was not! Leslie whispered an idea on Blake's ear, he obliged & drove the motorcycle closer to the Lamborghini to meet the punk leader.
Leslie: (fake distressed tone) Oh Golly Gee, maybe you're right. Maybe I have gone soft, (smiles slyly) perhaps couple of strong & rebellious guys can show me a great time... bring out the bad girl in me~.
The punk leader smirks and closes his eyes, puckering up for a kiss, his group cheering that their boss was gonna get some. But none of them noticed Leslie's smile turned sinister, pointing a gun style finger in the car, firing an electric jolt at the steering wheel & punching the punk Leader's face in, knocking couple of teeth out.
Punk Leader: Ah! Mah teeth!
Leslie: How's that for soft?!
The steering wheel emits electric sparks to spread over it as the Lamborghini was driving outta control, the punk leader trying to steer carefully but couldn't due to Leslie's shock disrupting the car. He & his group screamed and spun outta control, the car heading for a nearby pie eating event, crashing into a huge pyramid stack of pies. Luckily no one was hurt in any way but the pie pyramid splattered the car with the punks having swirling eyes & groaning with pies on them as Blake and Leslie passed them.
Leslie: Hahahahahahahaha!
Blake: Wasn't that a little crazy?
Leslie: Well at least no one was hurt, I promise you that but (glared) never, EVER call me soft.
Blake: Heh. Noted.
After a fun motorcycle ride, Blake and Leslie went to the Metropolis mall. The two check out the music store for some instruments, Blake spotted another good guitar being a black & azure blue base with white lightning patterns. Leslie spotted a rare set of drums with a lightning pattern & cloudy skull as she gave them a try, giving a good beat to the drums. The two would take them among with some equipment.
They would also go to the store of electronics, where Leslie would spot a new model laptop as well as a plasma wide screen TV that caught her eye, wanting to get them. Luckily, Blake has a lot of money on him for this date. They would also go to the clothes store as Leslie needed some new clothes, she would also find some different types of clothes, mostly punk style clothing & swimwear to pose in to tease her boyfriend while getting his opinion, Blake himself trying not to blush.
After Leslie got her clothes, She had to go to "retrieve" something from another store. As she left, Blake went to the jewelry store, paying for a crafted jewel to be made however, he wanted to save it until the end of the date. The two met again and left the mall with their stuff.
Leslie: What a hall today.
Blake: I agree.
Leslie: Thanks. Maybe I should've helped pay.
Blake: Nonsense. I asked you out so I'll take care of the payments. So where do you want to go next?
Leslie: Hmmmmm... Metropolis pier.
Blake: Alright but first...
Blake pulls out a silver & blue pulsar gun.
Leslie: What's that for?
Blake: Something for our paid items since they won't all fit on the motorcycle.
Blake then blasts the item to shrink them, once that was done, Blake grabbed the shrunken items & places them in a cube box.
Blake: Done.
Leslie: Do you carry that around often?
Blake: Gotta be prepared.
Leslie chuckles as the two got on the motorcycle & drove off.
At Metropolis pier...
Blake & Leslie were seen playing a game of skeeball, Leslie got in some good shots in the 20 to 40 holes while Blake managed to aim & roll the ball for the 100 holes, winning the game & earning the most tickets.
Leslie: Hmph, show-off.
Blake: (smiles) Oh this coming from Ms. What up Metropolis, here's your wonderful spark-tacular shockjock on MetropoVids.
Leslie: (playfully punches him) Oh don't you start, ice boy.
Blake collects his tickets while Leslie collects hers.
Leslie: How about we play a little zombie eradicator for some bragging rights?
Blake: Are you challenging my rule...?
Leslie: (a grin spread across her face) Maybeeeeee...
Blake: You're on.
The two head to the zombie eradicator shooting game, putting in their coins and got their guns ready to start shooting at each zombie to advance to each level while encountering mega zombie like bosses. Long after they finished the game, their high scores appeared with Leslie & Blake were neck in neck only for one points further in Leslie's score to declare her the winner.
Leslie: I am the eradicator champion, taste the shame!
Blake chuckles. The two collect their tickets and went to the prize booth, Looking around for what they want.
Blake: Hmmmm... I'll take the azure jewel eyed skeleton ring.
Leslie: I'll take.... that wolf jewel eye necklace & the deluxe spark earbuds.
The salesman is given the tickets and give the prizes to the two.
Blake: Thanks.
The two walk away to go enjoy some rides but crosses paths with a long brown haired, jersey type teenage girl with fair tan skin, purple eyes, red lipstick, was curvaceous and wearing pearl earrings, platinum diamond necklace, a purple top, skinny blue jeans and black boots.
???: Well, aren't ya a hotty. What's a handsome specimen like you doin' in a place like this?
Leslie narrowed her eyes at the girl.
Blake: Just having fun like everyone else.
???: Wonderful~. I'm Marie. What's your name, stud?
Leslie snarled lowly under her breath.
Blake: Blake Masters.
Marie: Oh, of the masters family, one of the richest families? I've heard a lot about them. Say, I'm rich myself and you seem pretty lonely, why don't you and your sister here part ways and come hang out with me? We can get better.... acquainted~ (seductive smile)
Marie was about to wrap her arms around Blake's neck lovingly but before Blake could stop the girl, Leslie got in the way, pushing Marie back.
Marie: Agh! Hey what's your problem?!
Leslie: My problem is you, hands off him! He's mine!
Blake: I was going to tell you this before you tried to... (clears his throat) get acquainted with me but Leslie well... you found out. She's not my sister, she's my girlfriend.
Marie: Her? She looks like a dirty, rock type punk in juvie, I mean who does her hair? Her clothes are so tacky.
Leslie: At least I don't look like some dollar store, fake model reject from jersey!
Marie got angry.
Marie: Oh you are askin' for it, street rat!
Leslie: (mocks) Oh I'm shaking in my boots.
Blake: That's enough. (To Marie) Look, I come from a rich family yes but we don't allow it to go through our heads, we of the masters family treat good people with equality whether they're rich or not. Leslie may not look it in rich tendencies but I don't care about that, I'm spoken for in dating her.
Marie: Wow, I guess you're right but perhaps I can change your mind and see a better light to be with me than her, pucker up.
Marie grabs Blake and attempted a kiss but the hybrid got loose and moved aside as Leslie grabs the girl.
Leslie: (angry) Here's something to smooch on!
Leslie hits a vicious knee to the face of Marie, knocking her down with the girl clutching her face.
Marie: Agh! My face! My nose! It's broken!
Leslie: Good! Maybe you'll learn to never move in on someone's else turf. Unless you want more broken limbs, you'll scram!
Marie: You'll regret this!
Marie got up and ran off.
Leslie: Hmph.
Blake: Thanks for the assist there, Leslie.
Leslie then goes & wrapped her arms around the hybrid's neck lovingly from behind.
Leslie: No problem, Blakers. I'm just Protecting. What's. Mine~.
Blake chuckles with a blush with the shockjock nuzzling onto him.
Blake: Well then, on with the rides.
Leslie: Mmmhmm.
The two continue their fun.
After enjoying the rides, Blake & Leslie left the pier. During their motorcycle ride through town, Leslie spotted a familiar face heading to an alleyway with three big guys holding someone.
Leslie: Stop!
Blake immediately stopped.
Blake: What? What is it?
Leslie simply got out of the bike, asking Blake to follow her. The two went into the alleyway to remain unseen, looking over an open garage entrance of an old warehouse to see three tough young men and the fourth Leslie was very familiar with.
It was a short, chubby teenage boy with fair skin with short black hair, brown eyes, two dot birthmarks on the left of his cheek, fuzz on his chin. He wore a black & lavender purple fedora, a black short sleeve shirt with a design of a business suit & tie, gray-ish lavender pants, lavender & white sneakers & had a pencil in his mouth like a cigar.
This was Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin, a student & crime lord of Metropolis High School.
He and his goon are standing before a nerdy looking teenage boy.
Boy: P-Please. I don't have the money to pay you back for the deluxe laptop 5000 Y-You gave me-
Penguin: Easy old chum, didja think I call my feathered friends here to drag ya here to put the hurt on ya? I'm not that... upset. (Smiles) your debt has been paid.
Boy: R-Really?
Penguin: It is... (Smile turns into a sly grin) As long as you complete this job for me. Here's what you're going to do...
As Penguin was explaining the job, Blake and Leslie was watching them unseen.
Blake: Who's that supposed to be?
Leslie: That's Oswald Cobblepot, better known as the Penguin. He goes to Metropolis High like me but secretly a Crime lord of the school.
Blake: A crimelord you say?
Leslie: Yes. He's very cunning and power hungry, has connections and knows how to get things that are impossible to get for others but there's a price. If the person didn't pay up, Cobblepot has them do a job for him & his jobs are anything but good, if they don't do it or pay up, he blackmails them with their secrets exposed as he knows how to get the dirt on someone who crosses him.
Blake: That's terrible. And you know him? Did he do the same to you?
Leslie: (smiles sheepishly) Hehehe... Not exactly. I... Kinda worked with him to sabotage Cruz's campaign to run for class president, even faked a fight with Oswald as Livewire while kidnapping the school's hamster to get everyone on his side for class president campaign...
Blake: ...
Leslie: It backfired on him when coffee fell in my hair bolt and formed an electric cage. He only paid me to take the fall (narrows her eyes) but never paid me for the stage show & commercials... Thought it was considered payback as I heard his campaign failed.
Blake: I'm not gonna hold that against you but what do you expect from a con who doesn't go back on his promise?
Leslie: Yeah.
Blake watched the boy shocked by the job wanted to do in sabotaging metropolis' annual summer parade float of Superman happening in two days, the boy gulps seeing as there's no way out cuz if he didn't do it his secret will be exposed. Blake growled under his breath at Penguin's actions and wanted to teach him a lesson but then.... an idea came to him, a very frightening idea as a sinister smile spread across his face, which Leslie saw.
Leslie: Blake? What's with the scary smile?
Blake: Les... I think I got an idea for a prank for your shockateers to enjoy.
Leslie: Oh really? I know I'm still doing pranks during my new change in the vlogs but won't severely pranking/hurting Cobblepot put my followers back to zero again?
Blake: Who said anything about hurting Cobblepot...? Let's say he's going to get scared out of his shoes...
Leslie started to smile herself.
Leslie: Hohohoho, I see.
Blake: I'll work my magic, you get your phone ready for recording.
Leslie: Oh yes.
Leslie got out her phone while Blake teleported away. Leslie quickly went in & hid as the boy ran out, terrified.
Penguin: And remember my glasses wearing companion, I'll be in touch! Hahahaha! Alright boys, let's load up the new merchandise ready for the next heist!
The goons nodded and got to work but suddenly the warehouse entrances started to shut on their own.
Penguin: Huh?! What was that?!
Goon: The entrances shut on their own.
The second & third goon went to open the entrances but neither of them were budging.
Goon 2: Boss. We're locked in.
Penguin: Whatta mean we're locked in, ya blasted nincompoop?!
Goon 3: The entrances aren't opening up, they're like stuck!
Penguin: Well then, start ramming the entrances open, you simple minded fools!
The goons tried ramming the entrances open but they weren't getting any progress in budging them. Then the room started to get colder as Penguin and his goons were shivering.
Penguin: Hey! Who turned on the blasted AC in here?!
Goon: I don't know!
Goon 2: I can see my own breathe in this icy air.
Goon 3: It's so c-c-cold!
Then a distorted voice was heard.
???: Cobblepoooooooooot...
Penguin: W-Who's there?!
???: Cobblepoooooooooot...
Chills started going down the spines of Penguin and his goons at the voice, who was heard cackling eerily.
???: Hehehehehahahahahahahaha...!
Penguin: (growls) I'm warning you! Show yourself right now, if you're thinking of pranking me then you're messing with the wrong person!
Then the goons turned around and screamed in terror.
Penguin: What is with you morons?! It's obviously just some snot nose punk or few trying to scare us! So stop your screaming and find them!
The goons weren't listening, staring at a terrifying figure behind Penguin.
Goon: B-B-Boss...?!
Penguin: (growls) Do you have cotton in your ears?! Find those punks now!
Goon 3: B-B-B-Bah-Bah-Bah...!
Penguin: (annoyed) What?! Spit it out!
Goons: (all yelled) BEHIND YOU!!!
Penguin felt cold breathing down his neck, he slowly turns around and his eyes widened in shock & terror with his jaw dropping and his pencil falling out of his mouth. It was a ghostly, black cloaked figure with long sharp claws, frozen chains wrapped around it's wrists, carrying a scythe of ice and the face was concealed in darkness, showing only soulless blue eyes and a frightening fanged smile.
???: I am the Frozen Ripper, terror of the ice and I have come for you, Cobblepot...
Penguin screams like a girl as he and his goons ran towards the main entrance to get it open but to no avail as the Frozen Ripper got closer.
Frozen Ripper: For your crimes, you will be escorted of the world of eternal Frost where you'll face judgement...
Penguin: D-Don't take me, please! Take my henchmen, they've lived a full life!
Goons: H-Hey!
Penguin: I'll be a changed penguin, I swear! Just let me live! I'll give you anything!
Frozen Ripper: Anything?
Penguin: A-Anything you want!
Frozen Ripper: Hmmmmm... You don't have anything I want other than... YOUR SOUL.
Penguin: M-My soul?! But I'm kinda using it, can't ya take someone else's?
Frozen Ripper: (haunting wail) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
The place shook with the cold air increasing, frightening Penguin & his goons.
Frozen Ripper: I shall take your soul! I shall take your soul! I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!!! (Haunting wail)
Penguin and his goons screamed loudly, the entrance way opens behind them. Penguin and his goons quickly ran out of their hideout in fear.
Once they were gone, Frozen Ripper floated out of the entrance way, reverting back to Blake. Leslie also came out of there, laughing like a hyena.
Leslie: Hahahahahaha!! Oh man, that is pure gold! The look on their faces, priceless! Oh my sides, hahahaha!!
Blake: Hehehehe. I scared the soul right out of him. Got it all on camera?
Leslie: (brought up her phone) Right here. Hashtag: FrozenFrightScare and it's alrightly getting a lot of likes for your 'special effects' on the ghost.
Blake: Neat. Ya think Cobblepot will learn his lesson?
Leslie: He might be shook & petrified for a while but Cobblepot will be back to his normal self. But hey, we can always give him another scare lesson, am I right? (Smiles)
Blake: (smirks) I'll always up with a good scare if it's on someone who's got karma coming their way.
Leslie: So, where to next?
Blake: Sweet Justice?
Leslie: Alright then.
At Sweet Justice...
Blake and Leslie were sitting at one of the customer tables at Barry sped on by.
Barry: Hello! Welcome to Sweet Justice, may I take your order?
Blake: Hmmmmm... Perhaps the summer special sundae would be good. How about you, Leslie?
Leslie: Eh, I'll have what he's having Allen.
Barry: Alright! Be right back!
Barry sped off and soon comes back with two of the summer special sundaes.
Barry: Here you are, enjoy!
Barry sped off to take more customers' orders. Blake and Leslie took their spoons and dig right in the dessert. The flavor truly was an exquisite and fantastic taste.
Blake: Absolutely wonderful. How's the dessert, sparkling?
Leslie: Hehehehe. Nicknaming me already huh? Well the dessert ain't that bad. The flavor really melts in your mouth.
Then a pizza guy came in.
Pizza Guy: I got two box of pizza for a Miss Leslie Willis?
Leslie: (raised one hand) Over here.
The pizza guy heads over to their table, placing the two boxes down while the shockjock pays the man, who takes the money & left.
Leslie: I didn't know what kind of toppings you like on your pizza so I got a good deal.
She opened up the two boxes of pizza; Box 1: pizza with pepperoni on the left half & green peppers on the right half. And Box 2: pizza with four meats on right half and extra cheese & olives on the left half.
Blake: Eh, I'm not picky but thank you.
The two grab a slice to eat.
Leslie: So... How's it going at that wrestling show you & Doris are working at.
Blake: It's fine so far. Doris is looking to take UWLN women's title from Leona Cage, those two were in quite the heated rivalry. Your friend is quite the underdog.
Leslie: True, I know Doris more than anyone & she won't let this stop her. I mean, I was there when she made her debut & beat five other ladies to get her title shot.
Blake: She had great potential and took that opportunity. Also, I never got to thank you...
Leslie: (raised an eyebrow) Thank me?
Blake: During my title match with Austin Malice, not only did my brother Beck & Kara put up a fight against the Aces of Brutality, you also came in & got rid of the numbers they've had, I know we didn't see eye to eye that day but I want to say thank you for your help.
Leslie: (slightly smiles) Oh it was nothing really. I saw you in trouble despite you taking the pain those Ace bozos were throwing at you. I needed to do something & I did.
Blake: That was sweet. Though the Storm Behemoth persona was the big question in that moment.
Leslie: Ugh. Don't remind me, if you haven't been told, it was Doris's idea. She injected me with her serum & I pumped up in size & muscle. I didn't wanna do it since wrestling wasn't really my thing but the meathead tricked me.
Blake: Hehehe. Doris tricked you, the brute out tricked the trickster, hehehahaha.
Leslie: (rolls her eyes) Oh 'haha.'
Blake: Oh don't be so sour, Leslie. You got a lot of love in the UWLN universe, people are wondering when Storm Behemoth will make a debut in the ring.
Leslie: Well I hate to disappoint my fans but I'm not getting in the ring or pumping up again. Storm Behemoth is officially retiring.
Blake: It's fine. I'll respect your decision but I can't promise the fans will do the same.
Leslie: Meh. What about you? When's your big title defense?
Blake: In a rematch against Austin Malice. In a heated promo we did, he claimed I 'stole' the UWLN grand championship in our no holds barred match, that I got lucky. Heh, I don't need luck to beat him, he used everything he had in his arsenal, the numbers game & no holds barred to his advantage & he fell to me.
Leslie: Talk about a sore loser.
Blake: Next week, I reveal the stipulations for our rematch.
Leslie: Oooh, tell me more.
Blake: It's a secret.
Leslie: Aww, c'mon Blakers. You can tell me. No one else will know until your promo next week, I won't tell anyone.
Blake sighs.
Blake: Alright. Well I grew up watching wrestling, WWE mostly. This match will pay tribute to one of my favorite WWE superstars, the new face of fear, the fiend, the eater of worlds, Bray Wyatt, who passed away.
Leslie: Oh...
Blake: Yeah. It was in the pay-per-view Payback that Bray debut this match against the Viper Randy Orton & I wanted to honor him in my title defense against Austin Malice... In a House of Horrors Match.
Leslie: A House of Horrors Match, huh? Planning to add scary tactics to this match.
Blake: Yep. Bray Wyatt was one of the few who inspired me to become a wrestler. He had unique creativity in the ring & working a promo, he really had the whole world in his hands. He will be missed.
Leslie: Well if I were Austin Malice... (dark tone) I. Would. Run.
Blake smirks as the two shared a laugh and enjoyed their pizza and dessert.
(A/N: R.I.P. WWE superstar Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt, who passed away at age 36. A legend of unique creativity in the wrestling ring & promo. Prayers to his family, wife and children, he will be missed.)
The sun was setting on Metropolis, The two were driving to Leslie's house as the shockjock needed to get a few things. The shockjock hasn't been to her home since the events with Core. Once they reached the house, the two noticed the door creaking open, Leslie & Blake head inside and sees the inside of her house torn up, furniture ruined, holes and scorch marks on the floor & walls, etc. Leslie was growling in anger while Blake was suspicious, this wasn't done recently, this must've been done a few days ago.
The shockjock went upstairs while Blake looked around for any leads or clues to who or what did this, he noticed a camera on the corner of the wall still intact. He quickly got up and removed it, thinking about bringing this in to find the answers. Blake then noticed something else resting on a nearby table, he grabs it and sees a photograph; It was a young Leslie with a small smile, behind her a young man in his early twenties, a lean athletic physique, fair pale skin, short black hair, goatee, brown eyes and wears a black business suit & had a slight smile. The hybrid also see a second person behind the young Leslie but part of the picture was ripped off, guessing this was her mother.
Leslie's voice: Blake? Blake? Blake!!
Blake was cut off out of his thoughts as he turns to see Leslie walking down the stairs with a duffle bag full of some items & her equipment.
Leslie: Not of my equipment was trashed and fried but I at least have some valuable ones stashed. What'd you find?
Blake: Well I found a working camera, it might give us a clue of who or what trashed your home, meaning you're not safe here.
Leslie: I knew those cameras would come in handy and I can take care of myself, whoever thought this was an idea to scare me, they have another thing coming.
Blake: (holds up the family photo) I also found this, these your folks?
Leslie frowned, glancing at that photo. She slowly nodded.
Blake: Oh. Did whoever caused this got to your parents too?
Leslie: (looks away) No... No they...
Blake saw the shockjock's expression of unease, conflict, sadness and distraught.
Blake: Would you... like to talk about it? If you need a good listener, I'm all ears.
Leslie wasn't sure about this but saw the expression in the hybrid's eyes, full of concern and willing to hear her out, she always liked that about him when they were kids.
Leslie: Well... Blake you see, my parents haven't been... around much lately from my childhood even when you were around up to now.
Blake: Really?
Leslie: Yeah. Talk about neglectful at times, traveling the world, barely home to spend time with me... I would have a bond with my Dad but he's always working a lot at a tech company, at least he had a good excuse to help pay to keep a roof over our heads.
Blake: Oh I see. And what about your mother?
Leslie had a scornful look in her eyes before she spoke.
Leslie: My mother... (Cruelly chuckles before frowning) Blake, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it but my mom was a total b***h.
Blake: ...?!
Leslie: Yeah. That bad. She was depended on to look after me when dad was at work but she would try to doll up her image & popularity, always going to fancy establishments with rich people, to hang with them... She acted like I didn't exist, didn't spare me a time in the day only worried about herself & her needs and... and...
Leslie clutches herself, rubbing her right arm, looking down.
Leslie: ... She would beat me, badly.
Blake: ...!
Leslie: She would abuse me whether she was drunk or she was completely angry about petty desires & reasons, took it all out on me... and would threaten to do worse if I told Dad or anyone else...
Leslie had tears falling. The hybrid couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Blake: What happened to them?
Leslie: A witness caught what my mother's been doing, managed to get her arrested for her crimes for child neglect, abuse & endangerment. My dad couldn't believe it and divorced her upon her going to jail. Two weeks later, she escaped, left metropolis & was never seen again. My dad promised to there for me, even spend time with me as well as paying for new computers you saw in my home now. When I was looking for new tech at the company he worked at, it happened...
Blake: What happened?
Leslie: A storm happened, lightning struck the place hard causing an electrical fire to break out & Supes (Superman) came in to save the day as usual, but unfortunately, I was heavily electrocuted when he came in to save me... my powers were born.
Blake: I see. Did your dad survive too? Does he know about your powers?
Leslie: Yeah, he survived. No, he doesn't know. He was paying for my hospital bills, got a new business position/transfer & left metropolis to discuss some terms, I never saw him again... tried calling, emailing, so far nothing... He broke his promise, I had no one by my side & then... well, look how I turned out as a punk prankster, a bully & a super villain.
Leslie looks away in shame but she felt a hand caress her tear stained cheek, the shockjock looks at Blake.
Blake: I'm sorry. I'm very sorry for what happened with you & your parents. But you're not alone, not anymore. You have your best friend Doris, new friends in Diana & her crew, Pam, Carol, Lena, Casey, Ember, Barbi, Hal & his crew, my Family & friends and you also have me to join you on your new path.
Leslie smiles and hugs the hybrid.
Leslie: Thanks...
Blake: Now, how about we finish this first date with something relaxing.
Leslie: I'd like that.
Night fall descended upon Metropolis as the two drove back to the woods, back to the vacation home. After placing their items back in their rooms, Blake and Leslie head up to the very rooftop of the home, sitting on lawn chairs while looking up at the night sky. The moon was very full & bright illuminating the darkness as a cool breeze of wind blew right by, howling.
Blake: Feeling relaxed?
Leslie: (lounging, placing her arms behind her head) Yep. I never been this laid back before.
Blake: Glad you're enjoying yourself. The night sky looks beautiful, especially with the moon.
Leslie: Yeah... Looks peaceful. Also, I wanna give ya something.
Blake looks at Leslie, who pulls out a silver looking necklace with side fangs & an icy blue crystal dragon's eye in the center.
Blake: Wow...
Leslie: Well, your right eye gave me an idea so... at the mall when we split, I got in contact with a specialist... who I had make this for ya.
She handed him the necklace as he looks at it.
Leslie: ...Do you like it?
Blake: I love it very much. Thank you and now for my gift to you.
Blake then pulls out his gift for the shockjock, who's eyes widened. It was a silver studded amulet with four side blue gems, the center gem was blue while under it on the silver part, Leslie's name was engraved on it with electric bolts.
Leslie: Whoa...
Blake hands the shockjock the amulet.
Blake: I know jewelry isn't really your style but I thought I paid to have this made for you, a start to rekindle the bond between us.
Leslie looks at the amulet.
Leslie: I... I...
Leslie smiles.
Leslie: I love it! Thanks!
Blake: You're welcome.
Leslie then grabbed Blake.
Leslie: (sly smile) And now really close the date.
Blake: Ah yes, the final curtain. I love you, Leslie.
Leslie: I love you too, Blake. Now pucker up, Hybrid Stud.
Blake: Will do, my Lightning Punk Goddess.
The two then sealed it with a kiss, Leslie wrapped her arms around Blake's neck while Blake wrapped his arms around Leslie's waist, both passionately making out under the bright moon light.
To be continued...
(Chapter 30 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Blake and Leslie have their first date, Leslie's first hybrid guardian makes her debut, Oswald Cobblepot aka Penguin makes his debut and credit goes to Lightman2120 for the AU origin story for Leslie Willis' powers & her parents, who haven't really been mentioned or shown in the dc superhero girls series, I added my own twists and turns to the OC parents story but most credit goes to Lightman2120. I decided to have this chapter with just the two of having a day to themselves, to have fun and dedicate their love to one another. What will happen next? Find out soon, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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