S1E6: The Children of Arkham (Arc 2)
It was a cloudy day at the city of Gotham and we see a cafe as we then sees Barbara Gordon on her laptop typing away while taking a few sips of her coffee.
She was focus on her work but after a minute and a half Dick came over and close her laptop which she looks up to see him smiling.
Dick: (smile) Hey Barbara, got some special guest.
Barbara: (smile) And who would that be?
Then Y/n, Petra and Harry came over as Dick introduces them to Barbara.
Dick: Barbara this is Y/n, Petra and Harry. Petra and Harry's fathers are CEO's of their own companies while Y/n is Petra's boyfriend. Guys, this is Barbara Gordon, her father works as commissioner of the GCPD.
Petra: (surprised) Wow, I've heard many things about your father. He's pretty cool especially when he teams up with Batman.
Barbara: (smile) Thanks.
They sat around and begin chatting amongst them.
Y/n: So Barbara what were you doing on your laptop?
Barbara: Just working on a program. Been working on it for weeks and yet it refuse to work.
Y/n: Can I see?
Barbara allows him as she pass her laptop to him. He looks at it, sees the problem and types something in and gave it back to Barbara and she is surprised.
Barbara: (surprised) How did you do that?
Y/n: (smile) Trust me, that program was hard as hell but I use my old trick to get it working.
Barbara: (smirk) Huh, thanks.
Harry: (smile) Must be cool to have a father that works with Batman. Have you ever met him?
Barbara: Once which was years ago before Batman is recognised as a hero.
Petra: I heard the GCPD use a massive spot light to get Batman's attention if there were any crime.
Barbara: You mean the bat singal? Yeah that's real. Work very well and it hasn't failed the GCPD. Say heard about a new hero? According to the GCPD records, Joker was found Webbed up and left for the police to take him.
Dick: Huh heard He's from New York.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah along with Spider-lady and they are pretty cool hero's.
Barbara: So they are not menaces? Cause the Daily Bugle post a lot of news saying how a menace the spiders are.
Y/n: He's just a hater.
Barbara: Alright then.
Harry: I think the two are pretty cool. At least New York has a hero so we can be safe.
Petra: (smile) Yeah. So Harry, what is your father doing?
Harry: (smile) You playing to ruin our deal?
Petra: What no I mean-
Harry: (chuckle) I'm kidding, I'm kidding. My dad is supporting Bruce and Richard for the construction of the mental health facility and then make some deals with Bruce. He may gonna sell some of his tech to Wayne Enterprise.
Y/n: Your father likes the sell his tech?
Harry: He's trying to gather as much money as his can to work on a big project that will ensure he will ever rannout of money.
Y/n: May I ask what project is it?
Harry: Sorry I can't say and even if I would I don't even know what it is. My dad just told me that this technically will change the world forward.
Y/n: Hopefully it won't harm innocents.
Harry: Don't worry, my dad knows what he is doing.
They kept talking until it is time to meet up with Bruce, Norman and Richard as they announce of the new Asylum.
(Sometime later)
Once there they see a crowd of reporters and news journalists along with camera crew as they stood in front of a stage with Bruce, Norman and Richard along with a massive build board of what Gotham's new Mental facility would look like.
Behind the build board was the construction of the new Mental facility that is still in working progress. Bruce step forward and begins by saying.
Bruce: (smile) Welcome all to a special day. Behind me right now is Gotham's new Mental facility. Once it is complete, Arkham Asylum will be the thing of the past. With the help of Parker Industries, Gotham will be healed. Now, Richard Parker will tell us the features of the facility.
The crowd claps while Richard came forward and tells everyone the features of the facility.
Richard: Unlike the medievil like castle that is homed to nightmare like inmates. This new facility will be Morden age with state of the art technology that will live the future and not from an RPG like game that kids play.
The crowd laughs a little while Bruce got a message from Alfred, telling him something important. Bruce tells him to text him back and listen as Richard goes on to say.
Richard: Thanks to Bruce, he has sent me pictures of what Arkham Asylum looks like within and I find it to be disgusting to see how Arkham Asylum is more like a prison than a place to heal those who are lost. So I giving patience rooms that is humane with their own private bathrooms, a comfy bed and when they first came in, they will be giving learning material books so they can learn. The doors will be made in hard material that will be hard for any patience to break out. They will also have a break room with a new TV system, bored games, couches and chair to sit on and many things. Outside time will also be fun with basketball courts, a outdoor gym and even a small garden area for those who wish to plant. Are there any questions you all wish to ask?
The reporters rasied their hands while calling out. Then Richard points to Mary Jane which she ask him.
Mary: What about what the most dangerous patience likes the Joker or Two-Face?
Richard: Great question. Down below we hold a maximum secured section of the facility where they will be separate from the other patience as well having their own break room. They will allow to go outside but they will be supervised at all times in case they ever escape. They will also have check ups for anything dangerous. Next question.
Male reporter: What about the guards and employees? What will happen to them.
Richard: The guards from Arkham Asylum are either corrupt or awful people who rather do tests or beat them. Our new guards and employees will be much kinder but ready for any situation.
Female reporter 2: Miser Richard, are you aware of Bruce Wayne's parents as well their deals with the crime families.
Y/n and Petra: (thought) Crime families?
Bruce: I'm sure you must be mistaken. We never make deals with criminals.
Male reporter 3: But someone delivered us evidence of an off-shore bank account managed by the crime families and your father, Thomas Wayne.
Bruce: What are you trying to say?
Male reporter 3: Transactions connected to organised crime, going back years.....and continuing to this city.
This shocked Bruce and Richard including Petra, Barbara, Harry, Dick and Y/n. However Norman walks over and tells the crowd.
Norman: I'm sure it must be some troll misleading information. Don't listen things on the internet.
But the reporters ask Bruce question relating to the crime families. Bruce walks off the stage while Richard calms everyone while Mary Jane came up to Y/n and the rest.
Y/n: Is this true?
Mary: Jameson sent me the evidence but I figure they were fake but didn't suspect them to believe it.
Dick: This can't be right. Bruce's family would never made deals with crime families.
Barbara: Hopefully it's all fake.
Y/n: Yeah. Same here.
(Sometime later)
It was night and we see Spider-man and Spider-lady swinging through the city as they got of a report of gunfire near the Gotham's Bridge.
Spider-lady: I can't believe it's all over the news. Do you think Bruce's parents were corrupt?
Spider-man: I don't think so. MJ sent me the evidence and they seem convinced but....I don't know, they look off but I can't tell what.
Spider-lady: Well let's focus on this right?
Spider-man: Yeah, besides we're close.
Soon they arrive as they land in front of a warehouse. The door is cracked open so Spider-man walks over and use his strength to open the door.
While that is going on Spider-lady noticed cop cars that look like they have been there for maybe a few hours. Then Spider-man gets the doors open and he is shocked to see what is inside.
The two walk in and sees dead bodies of criminals with strange masks and police officers laying on the floor. There was even one criminal brutal killed with a police will bloody hands laying dead next to him.
Spider-Lady: What happened here?
Spider-man: Looks like a brutal fight. But why were they here?
Spider-Lady: Look.
Spider-Lady points to see a line up of trucks. However one was missing. They walk over and sees tire marks that leafs to outside.
Spider-Lady: They must have stolen something.
Spider-man: Yeah but what?
Suddenly theie spidy sense goes off and immediately dodges the incoming bullets. More criminals with masks came out and rush towards them.
Spider-Lady: Looks like not all are dead.
Spider-man: Seems like they were waiting for us.
The two were getting ready to fight them when suddenly something crash through the ceiling and three figures land in front of them. Then they see Batman stood up straight along with Nighteing and Batgirl.
Spider-man: Cool entrance, 9/10.
The criminals then open fire at them which they immediate dodges the incoming shots.
Nightwing: (smirk) Nice to meet you two.
Spider-man: Same to you guys. Let's beat up those guys and then we'll talk.
Nightwing: Right.
Batman throws his batarangs to knocks their weapons away and then begins to beat them up. Nightwing pulls out two elxtro batons and begins to beat them up.
Spider-man kicks one criminal away and see more coming. He then fires a web-bomb that stuck onto a criminal and exploded and webs them all up into one large Web.
Spider-man spidy sense goes off and immediately dodges a criminal with a wrench.
Spider-man: A wrench? Seriously, your giving stores money than robbing them if your buying tools as weapons.
He backflips and while he does that he shoots a Web trip mine that shoots a Web that stuck onto the criminals shoulder and pulls him into the wall and webs him up.
We then cut to Spider-lady and Batgirl working together and beating up the criminals. Then a hulking criminal charges towards them but they dodges his charge.
Then Batgirl fires a taser while Spider-lady shoots a taste Web and the two shock thr hulking criminal until he fell unconscious.
Batgirl: (smile) Nice work.
Spider-lady: (smile) I can say the same to you.
The two high fived and soon the fight ended as they gather and then Batman ask the two.
Batman: What are you two doing at my city?
Spider-man: What? Can we not visit our neighbours?
Spider-man: He doesn't joke, doesn't he?
Nightwing: (smirk) Not even close.
Then Spider-man sees one getting away so he shoots a Web Web his back amd pull him towards them. Batman came over and grabs him by the shirt begins to interrogate the criminal.
Batman: Who are you working for!?
Children of Arkham henchmen: (light chuckle) We are the Children of Arkham, we are here to make this city pay for what they have done to us. Especially the Wayne's.
Batman: Who is your leader? Tell me!
Children of Arkham henchmen: You think this is your city Batman? Not for long. Lady Arkham will bring this city down to the ground.
Batman knocks out the criminal and drops him.
Spider-lady: Children of Arkham. Sounds bad news.
Nightwing: Yeah. What do you think they are planning?
Spider-man: They stole something within a truck.
Batgirl: This place stores chemicals and different types od drugs. Still, what are they going to do with them?
Batman: Something not good. (Turn to Spider-man and Spider-lady) I suggest you two leave this to us.
Spider-man: Hold on bats, we want to help. If the Children of Arkham threatening the city, then we have to work together.
Spider-lady: Yeah.
Nightwing: (smirk) Well not so bad having some extra hand.
Batman: Fine. We need to investigate who are the Children of Arkham and their plan.
Spider-man: And put a stop to it before its too late.
Batman: I'll contact you two if there is anything.
Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl makes their leave. Then Batgirl turn to the two and tells Spider-man.
Batgirl: (smile) Nice meeting you. Your pretty attractive.
Then they left leaving Spider-man flustered. The two then swings off and see if they can find anything about the Children of Arkham along with their leader, Lady Arkham.
To be continued.................................................
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