S1E4: A stinging News
It was an average day in college where we see Y/n and Petra in class together listening to their professors lectures. Soon the class ended and the students leave the classroom for the day. Y/n and Petra walk out together as Petra tells Y/n.
Petra: Hey Y/n you want to take a few weeks off of college and go on a trip with my Dad to Gotham tomorrow?
Y/n: Gotham? What for?
Petra: My dad is supporting Bruce Wayne to create a new Asylum for the mental insane.
Y/n: Really? Been an while since Gotham has something new happening. I remember Arkham Asylum as this bad place to go to.
Petra: Yeah but my dad reach out to Bruce to offer his help of constructing a new and more better facility for those who are metal ill.
Y/n: That sounds interesting, sure.
Petra: (smile) Great. It will be fun for sure.
Y/n: (smile) Agree.
They soon step outside and walk down the steps while talking when Petra looks over and then saw something that shocked her.
Petra: (shocked) Oh my gosh.
Y/n: Petra?
Then she rushes over which Y/n follows her and then he sees her hugging two girls while they scream all exciting as they hugged and ask about each other while Y/n came up which they noticed him.
Y/n: Hi?
Petra: (exciting) Oh sorry Y/n. Girls this is Y/n L/n, my boyfriend.
Y/n: (smile) Sup ladies.
??? 2: (smirk) You got a boyfriend? Man you pick a handsome one alright.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Hey Petra you know them?
Petra: (smile) They are my old friends.
Mary: (smile) We're good friends with her. Hi, names Mary Jane and this is Gwen Stacy. Very nice to meet you.
Then everything suddenly froze and then Deadpool suddenly appear and said.
Deadpool: Huh well this isn't gonna be like one more day or zeb Wells runs.
Then GwenPool also appear on the left and also said.
GwenPool: Yeah that guy really fuck things up with MJ.
Deadpool: Huh well you two look alike aren't yah?
GwenPool: (turns to Gwen Stacy) Huh, oddly enough we share the same name and look but at least there's nothing creepy romance stuff between her and Norman or no bridge for him to throw her off.
Deadpool: So stay away from bridges ans stay away from creepy rich men.
GwenPool: I guess so. Hang on, what are you doing here? I'm a fan favourite and apart of Y/n's harem.
Deadpool: Hey everyone loves the classic fourth wall breaking Deadpool. Let's argue somewhere else, I think the fans wants to see how this story places out.
GwenPool: Right.
Then they disappear and things continue left off like nothing has happened as Petra ask them.
Petra: So where have you two been?
Gwen: Nothing much, I form a small band while I was in high school and make some cool songs.
Mary: Well I've study until I landed on a job as a reporter of the Daily Bugle.
Y/n: You mean your working with Jameson?
Mary: Unfortunately yes but payment is good at least. I've been getting some scoops about things going on around New York, including two vigilantes.
Gwen: Oh yeah I've heard about them. They seem like a cute couple.
Y/n and Petra look at each other and then Mary ask them.
Mary: Hey how's about I give you four the tour of the daily bugle?
Y/n: You sure Jameson won't mind?
Mary: Just as long we stay away from his office it will be fine. What do you guys say?
Gwen: I might pass on that. Not bother hearing his rant. Radios is one thing but real life, might make my Brian explode.
Y/n: Sure we can come. Me and Petra have nothing else to do anyways.
Petra: Yeah.
Mary: (smile) Cool.
(Sometime later)
They arrive at the Daily Bugle as Mary shows Petra and Y/n of the place. Everything seems fine and normal which Y/n ask Mary.
Y/n: So how long have you and Petra know each other?
Mary: Since we were kids. We were like sisters and her family was nice.
Petra: (smile) How is your mother doing?
Mary: (smile) She's doing well. We now live in a small apartment building which is nice.
Y/n: So do you have to listen to Jameson rant about Spider-man and Spider-lady.
Mary: Yeah. He always says how they are a menace that needs to be brought to justice. Hey, check this out.
She takes a newspaper and shows them a news about a man name MacDonald Gargan being exposed for damaging the environment with his toxic gas.
Mary: This was recently printed out by Jameson himself after he found this guy pouring out toxic waste into New yorks Park.
Petra: That's horrible.
Y/n: At least he's not gonna do that again.
Mary: He threaten Jameson's life and then suddenly disappear.
Y/n: Sounds concerning.
Mary: Yeah, aren't you worried he may take revenge on Jameson?
Mary: (smirk) Everyone who is expose always threatening Jameson and nothing is done about it. I bet he's somewhere else.
Suddenly Petra and Y/n's spidy sense goes off and they immediately duck down as a wall suddenly burst open. Everyone erupts into panic as a man wearing a military grade like Scorpion suit enter the office.
???: Where is Jameson!
Y/n: Is that the guy?
Mary: Pretty much.
Jameson: What is all of this nose?!
Then Jameson burst out of his office and looks over to see the attacker while the attackers sees Jameson and charges towards him. He than wraps him around with his tail and pulled him towards him.
Y/n: You two get out of here, I'll try to distract him.
Petra: Right. Come on MJ!
They rush out and once they were gone Y/n rushes into a small room with no one inside and he gets change.
Jameson: MacDonald! What is the meaning of-
Scorpion: The names Scorpion and I'm gonna get my revenge on the man that ruined everything!
He was about to sting him with his tail when suddenly webs moves his stinger away and they turn to see Spider-man hanging upside down.
Spider-man: So your name is Macdonald? You some sort of a mascot to a McDonald's?
Jameson: Spider-man! I bet your responsibility for this!
Scorpion: Oh will you just shut up!
He throws Jameson throw a window and he fell however Spider leaps out and shest his webs and he stop him from fallen and leaves him hanging on a lamppost as he swings back to face Scorpion.
Jameson: Menace! You hear me! MENACE!
Spider-man leaps back into the office where Scorpion swings his tail at him but he quickly dodges and shoots webs at two tables and throws him at Scorpion.
Scorpion: Ah! Your starting to piss me off!
Spider-man: Come on I piss a lot of people. It's what I am.
Then Scorpion shoots toxic out from his stinger and Spider-man dodges by sticking onto the ceiling. He then dodges a few more before Scorpion launches towards Spider-man but he dodges and Scorpion crashes through a few tables and chairs.
Then Spider-man's spidy senses kicked in and Scorpion's tail burst out and launch towards him but he quickly dodges and then dodges its toxic.
Then Scorpion rushes foward and tackles Spider-man through a wall and they fell. They soon crash onto the street in front of incoming cars as Scorpion grabs Spider-man by the tail and throws him.
Spider-man then lands on his feet and immediately dodges a incoming tail that slammed onto the spot he was standing.
He then shoot his webs and launches towards Scorpion and kicks him in the face. Scorpion falls backwards and Spider-man lands on top of him.
Spider-man: Sorry buddy but looks like your vengeance schedule is ruined.
Scorpion: Your so annoying.
Then his spidy sense warns him and he immediately dodges a incoming tail that nearly hits Scorpions head. Scorpion gets up and swings his tail at him but he dodges and then he fire his webs at his tail and stuck it onto the car.
Scorpion was stuck and twice to claw him but Spider-man dodges and webs his hand on top of a car.
Scorpion: What the hell is this stuff?
Spider-man: Like them? They are like webs, watch.
Then he begins webbing him up and soon Scorpion was all Webbed him.
Spider-man: How's about you stay there and wait for the police to arrive.
Then the sound of sirens can be heard in the distances as Spider-man said.
Spider-man: Speaking of the devil, there they are.
(Sometime later)
Scorpion is taking away with his tail secured as they load him up into the back of the truck and sent off. We see Spider-man hanging upside down and talking to the captain Stacey.
Captain Stacy: Thanks for the help Spider-man. Loves would have been lost if it wasn't for you.
Spider-man: No problem but bet prison isn't gonna hold him.
Captain Stacy: Yeah, that's why is he being taking to raft.
Spider-man: The Raft Huh. Sounds fancy.
Captain Stacy: If you live a world with super hero's and super villains, you suspect making prisons to hold some.
Jameson: That's includes him!
Then Jameson came over with two officers as Jameson points and said.
Jameson: Arrest that menace! He destroyed my office!
Spider-man: So no thank you for saving your life?
Jameson: (angry) Never!
Captain Stacy: Spider-man is right. He saved your life.
Male officer: Still he needs to brought in for questioning.
Captain Stacy sighs and then whispers to Spider-man.
Captain Stacy: (whisper) I'll take care of this. You can go.
Spider-man: (whisper) Thanks.
He then wen swings away while Jameson keeps arguing at Captain Stacy about Spider-man.
We see Y/n getting out of the alleyway after getting change back to his civilian clothing and then heard.
???: So I guess you get change anywhere in the city?
He turn to see Mary and Petra as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: What do you mean by that?
Mary: Petra told me you and her being these same vigilantes.
Y/n: Really?
Petra: Yeah I have to. She threatens to go in to help so I told her.
Mary: (smile) But relax, I think it's pretty cool. So Scorpion taking care of?
Y/n: Pretty much. They're taking him to The Raft.
Mary: I heard about that place. It's prison that housed many dangerous criminals.
Y/n: Well let's hope he stays there.
Mary: Well anyways I might as well get things ready.
Y/n: For what?
Mary: Well since the Daily Bugle won't be opening until I gets repaired, I figure I go to another city to grab some scoops.
Petra: What city would that be?
Mary: Gotham. Heard your father is helping out Bruce Wayne so figure I go over and snap some pictures for the Daily Bugle.
Y/n: Sounds risky. You know how Gotham is right?
Mary: (smirk) Yeah, but I do like taking the risk. Anyways let's grab something to eat.
Petra: (smile) Sure.
Y/n: (smirk) Sounds like my treat.
The trio head off to get something to eat for the afternoon. All awhile we cut to The Raft where we see Scorpion being escorted through the large metal doors. The doors slowly closes behind him as he turn to New York, growls with anger as the metal doors shut behind him.
To be continued.......................................................
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