S1E3: The Parker family
We see Y/n within a laboratory in Parker Industries where Dr. Curtis Conners did some scans and tests of Y/n's body. After what seems like hours the two exit out of the laboratory where Petra and Richard is waiting ad the two approaches them.
Richard: Well?
Dr Conners: It's confirmed. It seems the radioactive spider has bitten Y/n as well. However his is different to Petra's.
Y/n: How so?
Dr Conners: Well your stronger than Petra, you can move slightly faster than Petra and yours senses is above Petra's. Since he was bitten first then it would make sense why.
Richard: Any dangerous side effects?
Dr Conners: (smile) Nope. He's all clear.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Dr Conners.
He goes to shake his hand with his right hand but he realised he lost his right arm so he shake his left arm instead.
Y/n: Sorry about that.
Dr Conners: Oh no that's alright. Glad I can help.
Richard: (smile) You can head home now Dr Conners.
Dr Conners: (smile) Will do sir.
Dr Conners leaves and once gone Y/n asked.
Y/n: So now what?
Richard: Well it seems your and Petra have powers and use your powers for good.
Y/n: Yeah and also I totally made the suit, she copy me.
Petra: (smirk) Please, I made the suit first. You copied me.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah right.
Richard: (light chuckle) Still what you two wish to use your powers to help others?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. I wanted to be just like the other hero's and help around.
Petra: (smile) Same. If your okay dad?
Richard: (smile) Of course I am. Say Y/n, it's coming up to the afternoon soon, you want to come to our place to meet my family?
Petra: (smile) Yeah!
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Richard: (smile) Perfect. Let's go!
They arrive at a nice neighbourhood where they arrive at a nice home sitting among the other homes that are the same. When they enter they see Uncle Ben sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.
He looks over to see them walking in which he slowly gets up to welcome them.
Ben: Richard! Good to have you here and I see you invited Y/n here.
Richard: (smile) Yep. Is Ant May here?
???: I'm coming!
Then an old lady came out of the kitchen and when she sees Richard and Petra she came over and gently hugs the two.
May: (smile) Richard, Petra you two came. How are things?
Petra: (smile) Very good Aunt May.
Richard: (smile) Work was hell but being here is heaven.
May: (little giggle) I bet it was. (Notice Y/n) Oh and you must be Petra's friend.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Names Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you.
May: (smile) Aww your such a sweet boy. Petra never stops talking about you and how incredible you are.
Petra: (blush) Ant May!
May: (giggle) What? That's what you told me.
Ben chuckled then the front door open and woman came in and says when she enter the living room.
???: Sorry I was late. Traffic was hell.
Richard: You arrive just in time.
The two kissed then Richard introduces the woman to Y/n.
Richard: This is my wife, Mary Parker my personal assistant of the company. Mary this is Y/n, Petra's friend.
Mary: (smile) Nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same. I think i heard something about you at the news. Yeah something about cleaning New yorks waters to make the oceans of New York safe.
Mary: (smile) Don't remind me that was a lot of hard work but we succeeded in the end. Now we are making sure no one messes it all up again.
Richard: (smile) Let's hope so. Anyways whose up for dinner?
May: (smile) Guess I'll make something.
Richard: Nah you don't have to. I can order some pizza.
May: You sure?
Ben: (smile) Come on he's is giving you a chance to relax.
With that Richard orders the pizza and soon they arrive. They sat around and Petra and Y/n tells Mary, Ben and May about them having powers.
This surprised them but they were proud for using their powers for good and fighting for what is right. Hours gone by and we see Y/n and Petra sitting on the roof looking at the nice afternoon veiw where the sun is settling down for the night.
Petra: (smile) Can't believe we have super powers.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Pretty cool, right?
Petra: (smile) Totally. We were once normal teens but now we have super powers, suits and super hero names.
Y/n: Speaking of names, why "Spider-Lady?"
Petra: What? You don't like it?
Y/n: No! I mean why not Spider-Girl or Spider-Woman.
Petra: Well there is Batgirl and Wonder Woman. I guess I choose Spider-Lady cause I wanted to stick out more.
Y/n: Huh. Never thought about that.
Petra: (smirk) You thinking to change your name to "Spider-Gentleman?"
Y/n: (smile) Nah too much. Spider-man suits well for me.
Petra: (smile) Whatever you say. Hey, you remember how we met?
Y/n: (smile) Of course. During high school I protected you by some bullies at the back of the school. You were crying so I came and protected you.
Petra: (giggle) You were the only one that protected me.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah and you stuck with me like glue.
Petra: (giggle) But you never bother to get rid of me.
Y/n: (smirk) From a cute girl like you? Never!
Then he realised what he call her and she heard it. The two blush and look back at the veiw. Petra's heart skip a beat so does Y/n and then Y/n tells Petra.
Y/n: (blush) Y-You know Petra. I always find you cute and kind. You and your family are amazing and its no wonder you are so smart and kind to others.
Petra: (blush) Th-Thank you. Not only your smart and kind but not afraid to stand up for what is right and give me laughter whenever I needed the most.
Y/n: (blush) Because we're friends.
Petra: Well.....maybe more than just friends.
She then crawls towards Y/n ans soon she was on top of Y/n. It made Y/n blush to have Petra come up close to her. Their hearts beats fast as the two stare at each other and then Petra came in first and kissed Y/n.
Her lips were soft and smooth, it felt nice and then Y/n kiss her back. The two made out on the roof for sometime and after a bit the two stop and they look at each other with love in their eyes.
Y/n: Okay, I won't sue you for copying my suit.
Petra burst into laughter and so does Y/n as the two laugh and then stop and then they kissed once more. They stop and Petra cuddle Y/n which he does the same to her.
Petra: (smile) I love you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Love you too Petra.
We then sees Richard and the rest of the Parker family on the second floor and heard their confession. May tears up a little and they leave the two love birds be as the two relax on the roof of their home.
(Next day)
It was morning and we see Petra and Y/n have fallen asleep on the roof and then Y/n was the first to woke up. He finds Petra cuddling him which he smile and kiss her on the head which she smiled which was cute.
He picks up the sleeping Petra and lands perfectly onto the back and enter to see Ben and Richard drinking coffee in the kitchen, talking when Y/n came in with Petra.
Richard: (smile) Sleep well up there?
Y/n: It was nice.
Ben: (smile) Hey Y/n. Take good care of her will you?
Y/n is a bit confused but then realised he or the rest must have found out they became a couple. Then Richard got a notification on his phone and picks it up to see a news alart.
Richard: Looks like there is a car chase. Seems messy.
Y/n: Well this is the job for Spider-man.
He then set Petra onto the couch and let's her sleep while he grabs his suit. He puts it on and then he noticed some upgrades which Richard tells him.
Richard: Did some upgrades to both you and Petras suits. Just seem upgrades such as an upgrade web shooters, a heads up display on your mask and a strong material for the suit so it will not easily be torn.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you Richard.
He smiled as Y/n puts on the mask and he rushes out of the back snd swings away.
Richard: (smile) I can tell those two are gonna change the world.
Ben: (smile) Yeah.
Richard turns to the still sleeping Petra and has never been prouder for his daughter and glad Y/n and Petra are finally together.
(Epic music starts)
We see Spider-man swinging through New York as he does some tricks while swinging. He swings across the streets while a few people noticed, some ignore him while other greet their hero as Spider-man turns different street.
Soon he sees a car chase up ahead. He sees the criminal hijacked a large truck with a trailer at the back with Police cars chasing after them.
The criminals within the trailers opens to reveal a large rocket launcher and fires.
The rocket misses but exploded a building and large debris was about to fall on a crowd of people. Then Spider-man fires a Web that form into a large net to catch the fallen debris, saving them as Spider-man chase after the run away truck.
Thena rocket is fired and a explosion costs a car to flip over and was about to crush into a crowd when Spider-man webs up the police car and soon he swing kicks the robber with the rocket launcher away which sent him flying back.
Spider-man: Sorry but rocket dat is cancelled!
The other criminal charge towards him with his crowbar but Spider-man webs him up and once the trailer is clear he crawls on top of the trailer and moves to the truck.
The robber on the driver sees this and detaches the trailer. The trailer is separated from the truck as Spider-man holds on and then the truck turns left while the trailer is gonna crash into a school bus filled with children.
Spider-man leaps off the front of ghe trailer and shoots webs all around while he stump his foot to the ground to stop the trailer.
The trailer begins to slow down and then come to a stop. The children on the bus looks at Spider-man with amazing as he saluted to them shoots a Web.
Spider-man: Stay in school!
He swings after the truck and soon he catches catches the truck. Then he heard someone coming up to him.
???: Wait up there!
Then Spider-Lady swings beside him which Spider-man.
Spider-man: Here I thought I was the one who oversleeps?
Spider-Lady: Guess we both suck at waking up on thr right time.
Spider-man: True but since your here, wanna end this chase?
Spider-Lady: Sure thing.
The two of them swings over and Spider-man leaps and lands onto the back of the truck and then crawls over to the driver side and then knocks at the window.
The robber pulls down the window and Spider-man pop his head out.
Spider-man: Hi there, the names Spider-man, so can you pull over so we can have a chat?
Male robber: Not a chance!
Then Spider-man dodges bullet shots from the robbes gun.
Spider-man: Suit yourself.
Then he shoots a Web and tosses him out only for Spider-Lady to catch him. She leaves him hanging on a lamppost, Webbed up and then she makes her way towards Spider-man and she webs up the back truck and stomp her feet while Spider-man shuts off the engine and then leaps onto the front and stomp his foot.
The truck begins to slow down and then it slowly came to a stop. The two then came together and hugged for a successful day. Then they see the police coming so Spider-Lady then tells Spider-man.
(Epic music ends)
Spider-Lady: Wanna grab something for breakfast?
Spider-man: Sure, anything for the lady.
She let's out a giggle and then they swing away just as the police arrive. We see the captain of the police watch as the two spiders swing away. A police officer came up to the captain.
Police officer: Captain Stacy, who were they?
He just smiled and then tells his officer.
Captain Stacy: (smile) I think we have new hero's in our city.
We then see a young teenage woman with Red hair taking some pictures of the scene. She check the pictures that she got, smiled and heads off as she soon disappeared from the crowd of people.
To be continued....................................................
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