S1E22: Justice League Doom (Arc 6 final)
A vent to the power room kicks open and Silk climb out of the vent follow by Ghost-Spider. The two landed onto their feet and look around the power room and wondering how they can take it down.
Silk: So how can we do this?
Ghost-Spider:.......Trash it?
Silk thinks about then agrees, and so they begin trashing the power room costing sparks flying and soon the entire light immediately turned off.
Ghost-Spider: Camilla the power is out.
Camilla: (radio) Perfect timing. Spider-Lady just came back with the league. We are making our leave now.
Ghost-Spider: Right. Making our way back now!
Both Ghost-Spider and Silk climb through the same vent which they came in and make their way back so they can escape.
We see Spider-man standing within the dark aftee the power went out. He can hear fighting and gun fire but he stood still and trust his spidy sense to know where Kravem is at.
Then his spidy sense kicked off and he leaps away, avoiding a incoming arrow. Spider-man lands on his feet then his spidy sense kicked off once more and he immediately avoided more arrows.
Then Spider-man shoots a Web where Kraven is at and pulled it only to so a bomb in front of him. He kicked it into the air and a large explosion that brightened the arena as Kraven appear behind him.
Spider-man turn only for Kraven to grab him by the neck and pinned him to the ground. He squeeze him tightly while Spider-man struggles to breath.
Kraven: Your impressive Spider-man, however I am an experience hunter. While your just a young prey.
Spider-man: We-We'll see about that!
Then Spider-man shoots webs at the ceiling and pulls ot down which cost a ceiling to collapse. Kraven let's go to move out of the way while Spider-man leaps back as the ceiling crashes in between them.
Kraven stare at Spider-man when suddenly White Tiger rush over and scratches at Kraven in the face.
Spider-man: White Tiger!
Kraven turn his attention on her and that's when her outfit is familiar to him which he smiled and said.
Kraven: (smile) So you wore the suit of your decreased father.
White Tiger: Don't you dare talk about my father!
Kraven: (smirk) Yes, yes, your more than just human, your a beast. Unleash your beast and primal rage....and show me how better you are...than your father.
White Tiger loses it and begins to attack Kraven but he block her attacks with his blade then decided to make things more interesting as he leaps onto the hole of the ceiling with White Tiger following her.
Spider-man knows what she is about to do so she turns to Black Cat.
Spider-man: Get back to the truck and tell them we'll meet up outside.
Black Cat: What about you?
Spider-man: Gonna stop White Tiger before it's too late!
He swings off while Black Cat smiles of his heroic side then disappeared into the darkness. We then cut to White Toger running up the steps chasing after Kraven with nothing in her mind but revenge. Flashes of her father appear with joy and happiness only to be replace with sorrow and lost.
Tears came out of White Tiger eyes which cost her to be even more rage filled as she sees a door and then burst the door open.
She step into a violent rain as she sees Kraven in front of her. Rather being scared Kraven enjoys it as he takes off his top and his hunting gear. The only weapon he has is a handcrafted spear.
Kraven: I have killed your father with this spear. Now......I will kill you with the same weapon.
White Tiger: This will be your last hunt!
Kraven: I am ready for it.
A lighting hits down as White Tiger charges towards him and then launches at him. Kraven ready his spear and swings it at her. He landed a cut at her arm which she yell a bit.
She hold hee scratched arm then turn as Kraven swing his spear at her but she catches his spear and then kicked him back. Kraven slide all the way back till he was near the edge which is a long fall.
Kraven gets up off his feet then charges towards White Tiger and the two begin to fight. White Tiger doesn't hold back as she land quick slashes and quick attacks at him while Kraven tries to block her attack.
He then pushes White Tiger back and thrust his spear at her at her but she perfectly dodges it then stabbed Kraven at the stomach.
Kraven groan but he grab her arm and pulled her over and headbutted her which cost her to stumble back then slipped and drop to the ground.
Blood drips out of Kraven's wounds but he ignores the pain and approaches White Tiger while she is on one knee.
Kraven: If you wish to avenge your father then let your beast come out. Be the beast! Let out your inner beast!
White Tiger yells as she launches at Kraven and lands a slash at him once more. She then charge towards him and truly begins to lose it as she scratches, hits, thrown and brutality beat the living hell out of Kraven.
Kraven gets brutality beaten up and soon his spear is separated from him. Then White Tiger gets on top of him and start beaten on him over and over as blood splattered onto the floor.
After 30 beatens White Tiger stop and looks down at the beaten up Kraven as he stare at her and then smiled. White Tiger turns to his spear as she approaches his spear and picks it up.
She then turns to Kraven and slowly walk towards him as lighting flashes as Kraven sees this and doesn't move or tries to escape. He allows this as White Tiger stood over him and stare down at Kraven with pure rage.
Kraven: (smile) The hunter.....becomes its prey.
White Tiger then rasied his spear and goes for the killing blow as lighting flashes and we see Spider-man in front of her and grabbing the spear, stopping her whicu shocked White Tiger while Kraven is stunned.
White Tiger: Spider-man. Move. Now.
Spider-man: White Tiger. Don't do this. This is what he wants you to do. What he wants you to become.
She throws the spear away as she then looks down with now sadness as she then rip her mask off as she begins to cry.
Ava: (tears) You could never understand what that man took from me. My father is dead because of him! He.....He destroyed my family! You can never understand what I'm going through.
Her hand shakes from both rage and sadness until Spider-man gently grab her hand. He didn't care that she have her claws out as this made her to look up at Spider-man.
Spider-man: Your right. I can never understand the feel of lost and sorrow as you are. Your right, Kraven does deserve death for everything he has done. But it is a way you are doing it is wrong. Revenge will just blind you till you'll do something too far which will harm people. Trust me.....I've experience someone with that long ago. I'm not trying to save him.....I'm trying to save you.....from becoming worse than Kraven.
Ava: (tears) Then.....Then what do you want me to do?
Spider-man: Walk away. At the end of day.....nothing isn't gonna change if we take revenge. Your father maybe dead....but he is alive.....within you.
Ava stays silent for a moment then sees a spirit of her father behind Spider-man giving her a node along with a smile.
Ava burst out crying as she collapses onto Spider-man's arms and comforts her. After that she puts on her mask ans walks away with Spider-man following behind.
???: Spider-man.
He turn to see Kraven on his knees, looking up at him while Spider-man looks back. Then Kraven fully gets up and tells him.
Kraven: You impress me Spider-man. I thought the league would be a challenge but I was wrong. You, you'll be my next hunt Spider-man. Enjoy your rest but one day....I will come for you.
Spider-man:..........Might need to get inside then......otherwise you might get sick.
Then Spider-man walks off while Kraven instead of being mad is pleased as he then turns and walks away.
As soon the two climb onto the back of the truck Camilla drive away. Everyone at the back of the truck were mostly exhausted as Spider-man took off his mask to reveal his face to the league along with the rest.
Flash: So your Spider-man?
Y/n: Yep. That's us.
Green Lantern: Well I'll be. Being saved by a new team of hero's. That's kinda impressive.
Martian Manhunter: Indeed. You have just saved the entire member of the Justice League. We are forever grateful.
Flash: (smirk) Best of all you save the Batman.
Batman: Not the first time.
Flash: (surprised) What?! You mean he saved you twice?!
Green Lantern: (surprised) Well this is something I can never imagine. Looks like you have some skills kid.
He didn't respond and they turn to see Y/n fallen asleep so does White Tiger with her sleeping on his lap.
Gwen: (smile) Looks like they are more exhausting than we are.
Wonder Woman: (smile) They earned it. All of yous. You all deserve some rest after saving us.
Superman: This we need some rest as well.
Batman: I'm fine.
There was a bump which cost Batman to let out a groan of pain while the rest just stare at him for a moment while Batman just looks away and not say anything.
Both Spider-man and White Tiger slept for the rest of the ride by to New York so everyone can recover after everything they have been through.
To be continued.................................................
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