S1E13: The Ghost-Spider

It was the middle of the day at the abandon warehouse outside of New York. We then hear groaning inside as we cut inside the warehouse to see the mafia gang members stuck onto walls by webs. Some hung upside down while some were on the floor unconscious.

There was one running out of the warehouse as he try to make a break for it. However webs stuck onto his back and he was pulled back in and then there was silence.

We see the same man stuck onto the wall while the figure let's out a female short laugh and then spoke.

???: Have a nice night at prison boys. Later.

She then begins to turn and leaves the warehouse. She shoot her webs and swings away just as the police arrive at the warehouse.

We see her swinging away and then we see the reflection of the window to reveal an all white suit with a hood over her, covering her head and back but wears a spider-Lady like mask but white.

She keeps swinging until she arrives at Parker Industries and leaps through a window and then took off her mask to reval Gwen Stacy.

Gwen: Yo MP, I'm back from my patrol. So anything I miss?

???: Gwen?

Then the lights came up to reveal Y/n, Petra and Mary Jane, along with Richard and Mary Parker. There was a moment of awkward silence then Gwen said.

Gwen: Well this wasn't a surprise I have in mind.

Mary Jane: Well it sorta is.

Petra: You got spider powers? How?

Gwen: Well after you all left to Gotham, I came here just for a look and long story short.....I got bitten by a radioactive spider.

Y/n: Boy spiders do escape a lot.

Richard: Yeah I just realise that right now.

Gwen: Anyways after I realise I got these powers, I made my suit and behold, I am Ghost-Spider.

Petra: Ghost-Spider?

Gwen: (smirk) What? My suit is completely white and I'm like a ghost but with spider powers.

Y/n: Makes sense to me. So you took care of New York while we were in Gotham?

Gwen: Pretty much. I mean someone has to protect New York while you all were in vacation.

Mary Jane: Well it wasn't much of a vacation.

Gwen: Why? What happen?

(An hour later)

Gwen: (shocked) Holy crap! I know Gotham is dark but damn.

Y/n: Yeah but we save the day like always.

Gwen: Man, all awhile I've been fighting Mafias and gangs.

Richard: Well what about you tell us about that. We told our side of the story, what about you and Mary.

Mary Parker: Well nothing important happen to this company. Everything was boring as all ways. Except I help Gwen sometimes with some missions.

Gwen: (smirk) Yeah. As for me. Been busy. There have been these bangs and Mafias appearing out of nowhere and trying to take over some parts of New York.

Petra: Why would they suddenly appear out of nowhere?

Gwen: (shrugged) Maybe it's the Kingpin.

Y/n: Who?

Gwen: Wilson Grant Fisk or Kingpin is one feared man who lead his bang of criminals. He's the owner of Fisk towers near the park. According to police reports, my dad has been trying to arrest this guy for years but all evidence were either destroyed or missing.

Petra: So he was let go?

Gwen: Yeah and after laying low for sometime now, he back and has been making his moves to spread terror to his enemies.

Y/n: And here I thought Gotham is the only city with Mafias or gangs.

Mary Jane: (smirk) New York is never much peaceful.

Y/n: Still I don't care if Fisk is some scary guy, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Gwen: Well I'm gonna go back to my patrol. You and Petra wanna join?

Petra: (smile) Sure.

Y/n: (smile) It going to be good to be swinging through New York again.

Gwen: (smile) Awesome.


At the police station we see Captain Stacy at his office writing a report when he heard a knock at the door.

Captain Stacy: Enter.

Then Yuri came in and approaches his desk.

Captain Stacy: Ah, Detective Watanabe.

Yuri: Captain. You seem busy.

Captain Stacy: Just filling in the reports into this paper. Ever since we first saw the two spider hero's, now we have a third spider hero.

Yuri: You find it troubling sir?

Captain Stacy: (smile) Quite the opposite Detective. Glad. This city needs some hero's.

Yuri: (smirk) Your a super hero fan sir?

Captain Stacy: (chuckle) Guess you can say that.

Yuri: Although Jameson isn't much a fan of them and tries to paint them as criminals.

Captain Stacy: That's what he said about Batman at Gotham and yet he saves lives.

Yuri: Well speaking of Gotham, that city has some drama involving around this cult or group. But that's stopped.

Captain Stacy: Good. Without Batman, things in Gotham would be worse.

Yuri: Agree.

Captain Stacy: Your a fan of Batman?

Yuri: (shrugged) Not into bats.

Captain Stacy: Understandable. (Sigh) So anything to-

Suddenly the wall behind Captain Stacy blows open costing Captain Stacy and Yuri to get down. They turn to see an armor like beetle hovering at the hole and staring at Captain Stacy.

Captain Stacy and Yuri draw out their pistols and open fire but theie bullets bounce off of his armor. Then he grabbed Captain Stacy at the neck ans Yuri stop shooting in case he shot the Captain.

Then he flies out of the hole with Captain Stacy and then flies up just as the police officers burst into the room.

Yuri: Rooftop, now!

They rush to the roof while the armor assassin flies into the air and then stop as the two look at each other.

Captain Stacy: You sent you!

Beetle: Call me the Beetle and Kingpin sent his regards.

Then he drops Captain Stacy and he falls. He was getting close to the floor and was about to hit the ground when Ghost-Spider catches Captain Stacy and gently swing down and set Captain Stacy down.

Ghost-Spider: You okay sir?

Captain Stacy: I'm alright, thanks.

Beetle sees this and was about to blast them both when webs stuck onto his chest by both Spider-man and Spider-lady as they pulled him down to the rooftop of the police station.

Beetle shoots at them but they dodges his shots and begin to fight him while back down Ghost-Spider hears the figuthing and tells Captain Stacy.

Ghost-Spider: Stay here where it is safe.

She then webs up while Captain Stacy watch her go. Ghost-Spider then made it to the roof and rushes over and kicks Beetle away.

Beetle lands on his feet and aims both his arm cannons at them. They then look at each other and immediately shots web balls at Beetle and soon he was wrapped up in webs.

The three walk over and Ghost-Spider lend her head close to Beetle and ask.

Ghost-Spider: Hey let's have a group selfie.

Spider-man: Sure.

Then they came around and Spider-man have his phone out and they took the selfie.

Spider-man: Ah man I blinked.

Spider-Lady: (giggle) We're wearing masks.

Spider-man: Oh yeah.

Annoyed by this Beetle pulls out energy blades and cuts the webs and breaks free. They leap away as the Beetle then begins to fly away. They leap off the roof and Web swings after him.

They chase Beetle through the city while Beetle wants to lose them so he fires some missiles at a building which blows up and begins to fall.

Ghost-Spider: We got this!

Spider-man: Right!

Both Ghost-Spider and Spider-Lady shoot webs onto the build board and hold it while Spider-man goes after Beetle. After he begins to increase his speed and after turning a corner he was gone.

Spider-man stuck onto the wall and look around but he vanished.

Spider-man: Crap. Got away. Maybe next time.

He then Web swings back to the girls while we see the Beetle flying back to Fisk tower to give his bad news to his boss.


It was the afternoon as we see Spider-man, Spider-Lady and Ghost-Spider without their mask on as they hang on the roof of a building and having their dinner.

Gwen triew to drink her soda upside down but she spills it which annoy her a bit.

Gwen: Damn it. How can you two do that?

Y/n: (smirk) Take a lot of master it.

Petra: Yeah.

Gwen: Huh. So, I guess we are a team?

Petra: (smile) Looks like it.

Y/n: New York is a lot more safer with us around. I think even the other hero's is going to noticed us.

Petra: That would be cool. Hey, you think we'll meet Wonder Woman?

Y/n: Maybe. Why? You a fan of her?

Petra: (smile) Yeah. I like how beautiful she is and how awesome she is as well.

Gwen: Huh, well I sure like to meet Raven.

Petra: Really? Why?

Gwem: She may seem emo to some but I see her as a cool girl. What about you Y/n, who is your favourite hero?

Y/n: I like all hero's but if I have to pick one, it would be Superman.

Gwen: I knew your a superman fan.

Y/n: (smirk) What can I say, we love to bring justice to our city.

The girls giggle then Gwen stare Petra's butt and then slaps it.

Petra: What the heck?

Gwen: What? Your ass looks thick with the suits on her.

Petra: Really? Y/n, you think so?

Y/n: (little blush) Why asking me?

Gwen: (smirk) Well mine is even more thicc. You think so Y/n?

Y/n: Okay why are you girls asking me about your asses?

Gwen: (smirk) Because we can. Wanna us to sit on you and see which one of our asses is thicker.

Y/n: (blush) Uuuhhh oh look, crime! Gonna go!

He puts on his mask then swings away. Petra and Gwen look at each other and then burst out laughing.

Gwen: (smirk) Man feels good to be here with you two.

Petra: (smile) And it's good to have you here as well.

Gwen:.....So.....you two a couple?

Petra: (blush) Yes.

Gwen: (smirk) In that case. (Puts on her mask) Gonna kiss him first!

Then she swings away which Petra immediately gets up and puts on her mask.

Spider-Lady: Get back here!

Then she swings after her as the three swings away. Then a mysterious figure walks up the edge of the roof where they were standing and watch them swing away. She had a red mask just covering her mouth and wearing a black and white spidee suit with red webs on her suit.

She stood there for a moment, looking at the veiw for a moment and then she shoots out a Web and swings away.

To be continued............................................

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