S1E12: Last day before returning home

It has been three days since Lady Arkham was thought to be "killed" and things are starting to calm down. New evidence came that proofs that Thomas Wayne was innocent thanks to Mary Jane and thus Bruce Wayne return to Wayne Enterprise as CEO and his families reputation has been restored.

Disbite that cleared up, Gotham is covered with escaped Arkham Asylum inmates and what's left of the children of Arkham and so Spider-man, Spider-Lady, Nightwing and Batgirl take care of any criminals and after a bit Gotham seem to be good.

They all meet up at the Wayne Manor and they all sat down, Y/n collapse onto the couch, tired from all the hard work while Petra fell on top of him.

Y/n: God damn that took us forever.

Petra: I can't believe this is what you all have been doing in Gotham. Its a nightmare.

Dick: (smile) You have no idea but at least Gotham is safe for now.

Barbara: (smile) Thanks for your help. Thanks for everything you two.

Y/n and Petra: No problem.

Barbara and Dick just laugh a bit then Alfred came in with Bruce as Bruce step into the living room and then sat on the couch. Y/n and Petra sat up as they all turn to Bruce.

Dick: You good Bruce?

Bruce: I'm fine. The antidote worked.

Alfred: You are lucky Spider-man came to stop you before you harm anyone.

Bruce: Yeah and since I'm back as CEO, things are going back to normal.

Then Bruce turn to Y/n and Petra.

Bruce: You two. Disbite acting immature, you both did a good job. Gotham wouldn't have fallen if weren't for you. Thank you.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Petra: So what happens now?

Dick: (smile) Well you two are gonna be leaving tomorrow right? How's about we show you the batcave.

The two are surprised, although Bruce wanted to refuse but Dick gives him a "come on" look so he sighs and later both Petra and Y/n were in the batcave and they were amazed how large the cave is.

Dick: (smile) This is the Batcave! Our main HQ and how everything began. Over there we have a treasure room from each villains we have captured.

The two see all the treasure including the large animatronic T-Rex and a gaint penny.

Petra: (surprised) Wow that is a massive penny!

Y/n: (surprised) No kidding. How much do you think it would be if you sale it?

Dick: (smirk) I bet a lot.

Barbara: And other there is our training room. This is where we train so we can improve our skills and fighting.

They walk over to the training room. Y/n noticed some controls near it so he walked over and ask.

Y/n: What's with the controls for?

Alfred walls over and pushes one and hologram of the Joker, Bane, Man-Bat, Killer-Croc and Rat King appear which amazed them.

Dick: (smile) The controls can do many things then just hologram. They can move the training floor, project a simulation of different locations or environments, set up challenges and more.

Petra: (surprised) Such amazing tech.

Dick: Over here is where we store our vehicles.

They walk over to see the vehicles which they all looked really cool.

Y/n: (surprised) Is that a jet? How can you afford a jet like that?

Bruce: Long story.

???: And yet he refuse to let me drive any of them.

Then Red Hood came over with four Batwomen as he took off his helmet and walks over to them and shakes Y/n's hand.

Jason: (smirk) So your the so call "Spider-man" huh? Names Jason Todd also known as Red Hood. Nice meeting you again.

Y/n: (smile) Same. And who are they?

Jason: Oh they are the Batwomen. We just came back throwing criminals away. Although they stop me from killing a few.

Kate: (takea off her mask) Can you at least try use rubber bullets? (Sigh) Well nice to meet you, my name is Kate Kane. This is Sonia, Rocky and Kathy.

Sonia: (smile) Hi there.

Rocky: (smile) So your this Spider-man and Spider-lady we heard about.

Kathy: (smirk) Aren't you cute.

Y/n: Huh you seem to have a large team Bruce.

Bruce: There are others but they are not available right now. Anyways, over here is the bat computer.

They walk over to the bat computer as Bruce sat down and turns it on.

Bruce: With this, we can be alerted to any crime within Gotham, store important information and comments to each member of the bat family.

Petra: (surprised) This is really cool. You live such an amazing place.

Dick: (smirk) Yep. Although we have our own homes, we like coming here just to hang out.

Barbara: (smile) Whenever our mission is complete we come here to relax or do fun stuff.

Y/n: I know this maybe a weird question but Bruce wasn't bitten by a radioactive bat right?

Dick: No. He got all that from training.

Y/n: Huh cause that's how me and Petra gotten these powers.

Petra: Yeah.

Jason: How come you two aren't dead?

The two nervously chuckle while they shrugged.

Kate: (smile) Still it is good you two helped us. We could've lost Bruce if weren't for you two.

Kathy: (smile) Yeah! Way a go!

Petra: (smile) Thanks.

Petra goes off with the the rest to talk about their suits and gadgets while Y/n stay with Bruce.

Y/n: How Bruce?

Bruce: Yes?

Y/n: Any updates about Vicki?

Bruce: Actually i was about to tell you about that. She quit her job and is moving out of Gotham.

Y/n is surprised by this and was about to leave when Bruce stopped him.

Bruce: Wait. I want to know something. Why didn't you lock her up? She harmed innocent people.

Y/n:.....Because she was used by the Chameleon. Unlike you Bruce I rather talk to my enemies and if they can't be reasoned, then violence is my only option.

Bruce: I see..........you did a good job.

Y/n is a bit surprised but nodes and heads off while Bruce scroll through the bat computer.


We see Vicki Vale at hee home with a moving truck outside as she is loading up the last few boxes. After she was done she heard a knock and turn to see Spider-man. His suit was fixed as he walked in.

Spider-man: Hey. Just want to check up. You doing okay?

Vicki: No I'm not. I harmed so many people all because of Chameleon. I feel like a monster.

Spider-man: No your not. Chameleon is the real monster, not you. He played with your mind and made you snap.

Vicki sat on the couch which Spider-man sat next to her as she begins to tear up.

Vicki: (tears) I don't know if I can forgive myself for all the things I've done. I've harmed so many people, I harmed Bruce, harmed you and now criminals have escaped all because of me! I......I deserve to be locked up forever.

Spider-man then gently grab her hand and then tells her.

Spider-man: No. You don't deserve to be locked up. Not again. You deserve a second chance.

Vicki: (tears) (sniff) You think I deserve a second chance?

Spider-man: Of course I do. I know you did horrible things but your not a monster, your misguided, lost and traumatised. All you need is help and I'm here to help.

Vicki: (tears).......Your.....Your so compassion towards me. Why? Why do you show so much compassion towards me?

Spider-man: Because people who turn evil has to have a reason. They don't just one day to decide to become villains without a reason. There had to be a reason. Either it is vengeance for those who wronged them, how they were bullied to society or corruption ruined their lives. Everyone has a reason and rather locking them up and treat them like scum, I rather listen to them and try to find other ways to help them but....if there isn't then I have to stop them. Being a hero isn't about fighting criminals or bad guys, it's showing compassion to those who really deserve it and do the right thing in anyway a hero can.

Vicki wipes the tears away and then takes Spider-man's hand.

Vicki: You give me this chance to make things right and I will do so. Thank you Spider-man, I owe you everything.

Spider-man smiles underneath his mask and then ask Vicki.

Spider-man: So where will you go?

Vicki: New York. Surprising right? Looks like I'm gonna be capturing pictures of you once I get there.

Spider-man: (smirk) Make sure you get my good side if you do see me swinging.

Vicki giggled which cheered her up. Spider-man was abiut to leave but then she came over and kiss him on the cheek.

Vicki: (smirk) I will, my hero.

Spider-man blushes but smiles as he soon leaves the house and swings away.

(Next day)

Richard, Mary Jane, Y/n and Petra were at the airport and they were bored in their private plane when Barbara rush over to Y/n.

Barbara: Hey wait!

Y/n: Barbara, hey.

Barbara: (smile) Hey. Before you leave, I want you to give you this.

She hands him a mask which he takes and is surprised to see the mask of Lady Arkham.

Y/n: How did you get this?

Barbara: Swiped it at the evidence room. Don't worry, they care less what is stolen in there.

Y/n: Huh. Why give me this?

Barbara: (smile) Well I figure you wanted to build up your own treasure room and since you "kinda" took down Lady Arkham, you earn to keep the mask. Plus, as a reminder of our tike together.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Maybe someday I'll come by and visit.

Barbara: (smile) Awesome! Oh there is one other thing.

Y/n: What is-

Then Barbara came over and kiss him on the lips. This surprised him once down Barbara smirked and says

Barbara: (smirk) if you do come back, we might go on a date. Sound good?

Y/n: (blush) Yeah. Sure thing.

With that Y/n boards the plane ane sat next to Petra.

Petra: I have a feeling you were kissed more.

Y/n: You think so? Wait, your not jealous?

Petra: (shrugged) I'm okay with it. Besides you are very attractive.

She winks at him which Y/n blush but smiles while Richard sat in front of them and just simply smiled. Soon their private plane takes off and they fly back to New York.

However we cut to another plane that is going to New York and we see a disguise Harley Quinn sat down while Poison Ivy sat in a different seat along with Vicki. We also see Catwoman at first class as she looks out of the window with a smirk as the plane takes off to New York.

To be continued........................................................

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