S1E11: The Children of Arkham (Arc 7 final)

Spider-Lady: Hello? Is anyone in there? We'll coning in.

The door of the Vales home open by Spider-Lady as her along with Nightwing and Batgirl step inside and look around. They soon enter the living and they are shocked to what they see.

The living was a mess, trashed and broken.

Nightwing: Check the kitchen.

Both girls move to the kitchen and in there was a mess. There was even blood on the wall near the dinner table.

Batgirl: (shocked) What happen here?

Spider-Lady: Whateverhappen here, it doesn'tlook good.?

Nightwing: Keep looking. Must be something we can find

Spider-Lady walks over to the living room and look around. Out of curiosity she turn on her x-ray vision on her visor of her mask and noticed a hidden door under the staircase.

She walks over and open it. She sees staircase that gone down so she along with Batgirl and Nightwing walk down. They step down to the basement and Nightwing turns on the lights.

To their horror they see chains on the ceiling and walls with scribbles on the walls. There was also a table with pictures of Children of Arkham, Bruce Wayne, the Wayne family, attack points and everything.

They walk over and look through them all.

Batgirl: She really wants revenge on the Wayne's so much.

Nightwing: This is worse than we thought. We need to find her now.

Batgirl: But where can she be?

Spider-Lady:......Arkham Asylum.

They turn to Spider-Lady and then look at each other.

Nightwing: Spider-man can you hear me?

Spider-man: (radio) Yeah. Just drop off the cure to Richard and Alfred. Bruce will be back up his feet soon.

Nightwing: Is it possible you can get to Arkham as soon as possible? We think Vicki is there.

Spider-man: (radio) Sure thing. I'll swing over and check it out.

Nightwing: Right. We'll meet you there.

They were about to leave when Batgirl stop and notice a crack on the door. She realise it was another secret door so she opens it and the lights came on.

Batgirl: Hey check this out.

They step in and something about the room looks familiar. It looked like the medical room with a strapped table. They look around and then Spider-Lady noticed a camera at the corner and realised something.

Spider-Lady: This must be the room where Thomas Wayne injected his victim with the drug!

Batgirl: That's impossible. Why would Thomas be here at the Vicki's home?

Nightwing: Unless that wasn't Thomas. Perhaps this room was made to record here and to frame Thomas as corrupt.

Batgirl: Why would Vicki do this?

Nightwing:.....I don't think Vicki is behind of this. Whoever we are dealing with here, I think he or she maybe more of a threat than Vicki.


Spider-man arrives at Arkham Asylum and he sees it in chaos. The inmates begin to attack security guards, dragging them out of Arkham Asylum while helding a few as hostage.

One large inmate lifted up a shovel and was about to kill a guard on the ground when Spider-man webs his face and then swing kicks him.

He lands on the ground while the security guard ran away.

Spider-man: Man how many times Arkham Asylum ever gets attacked? Someone needed to put up a count board for everytime this place is being attacked.

His spidy sense goes off and move out of the way from a incoming grenade.

The grenade goes off and he shoots webs and zips over and smashes through the window and land onto the cafeteria. It was the middle of chaos as Children of Arkham where everywhere and he sees Lady Arkham near the door as she turn, glace at Spider-man and rush through.

Spider-man: Wait stop!

Spider-man swings over while he shoots the webs of each cafeteria door so the inmates will not escape. He burst through the door and webs up the door, after that he chases after Lady Arkham.

Soon he burst through the door and enters the break room where across the room was Lady Arkham looking at Spider-man.

Lady Arkham: Your too late Spider-man. My plan is going through as i wanted.

Spider-man: Please Vicki don't do this.

Lady Arkham then took off her helmet and drops it to the ground to reavling herself as Vicki Vale.

Vicki: So you knew who I am?

Spider-man: Yes but please, you don't have to do this.

Vicki: You be willing to defend only for the rich and not those who are truly hurt! Like me! I was born here, locked away all because of the Wayne's!

Spider-man: I know what Thomas did was wrong but this isn't going to sort out everything. Bruce didn't even know what his father did. Right now he's nothing like his father!

Vicki: No......but he will be.

Then she fire a sonic blast out of her staff at Spider-man but he dodges ans stuck onto the wall. Vicki ran through another door so he chase after her. Inmates tries to block him but he dodges and webs them up.

He follow Vicki until he burst into a small room and Vicki turn towards him.

Spider-man: No where else to go Vicki. Come with me.

He reach out his hand towards Vicki however Vicki look at him and then she lifted her staff and slammed onto the ground.

The floor collapse and they fell. Spider-man shoot his Web but rocks hits him and he fell further. He soon stuck onto the wall before he fell and land safely onto the ground.

He sees Vicki turning a corner within a tunnel so he goes after her. He goes through what looks like a maze as he can follow her footsteps as it echo throughout the tunnel.

Then he enter what seems like a church as he arrive qt the main HQ of the children of Arkham. He look around for her when suddenly his spidy sense goes off and dodges a swing from Vicki.

She charge towards him and Spider-man dodges her strikes until he grab her staff.

Spider-man: Please Vicki! This isn't right!

Vicki: This is my justice! I'm taking revenge for what the Wayne's stole from me!

She then blasted Spider-man in close range and he was sent flying and he slammed onto the wall. His suit was torn a bit. He tries to get up but Vicki pointed her staff at his neck and look down at him.

Vicki: Your a fool to sidd with Bruce and the Wayne's. You only care for the higher class. Those who are corrupt and selfish.....not those who have suffered like us.

Spider-man: That's not true.

Vicki: I don't care. Either way, you will die here and now.

She lifted her staff back and was about to end Spider-man when Spider-man gotten a surprise message from MJ and he immediately dodges Vicki's strike.

Vicki turn to keep attacking until Spider-man tells her.

Spider-man: Wait! Your being played!

Vicki: What?

Spider-man: An allie of mine sent me a message, showing me important information. Someone played you.

Vicki: Do you have proof?

Spider-man: Yeah. A lot.

(Hours ago)

We see Mary Jane within the halls of Wanye Enterprise to search for anything the new CEO name Terrance. She avoided the security guards and soon she arrive his office. She opens the door qns step inside.

Once inside the place was empty as she make her way to his computer and once there gets in.

Mary: Something about this new CEO doesn't sit right for me. Let's see what he has.

She types away as she looks through everything but nothing. She sighs so she check the draws. Then she open one and sees something inside. She took it out and it looked like a plane mask.

Curious she puts it on and at first there was nothing but she look at her reflection of the mirror and sees Terrance face. She step back with shock but realise she is wearing a high tech mask.

She takes it off and looks at it.

Mary: Looks like he is keeping his real face a secret. Wonder why.

She check the draw once again and then sees a file inside. She took it out and reads through it.

Mary: Okay this is very important.

She hears footsteps coming so she quickly get what she needed and hide somewhere. A man walk into the office and walks over and sees his mask on the table.

Not bother he takes it a puts it on. He then make his leave and once gone Mary peak out and decide to make her escape before she can sent the information to Spider-man.

(Present day)

Spider-man finishes telling Vicki of what the message said which leaves Vicki stunned.

Vicki: (shocked) I was played. Your lying!

Spider-man: I'm not! Trust me. Tell me, why did you think Thomas was corrupt?

Vicki: Someone sent me the footage of my mother being turned insane because of Thomas. Not to mention.....I've been seeing my father.

Spider-man: Your father?

Vicki: After I've saw the footage....I keep seeing my father everywhere, tell me to get revenge and bring justice.

Spider-man: And both of your parents are dead?


Spider-man: But who sent you the footage?

Vicki: I......I don't know.

There was silence from the two but it was cut off by a slow clap. They turn and see Terrance coming out of the shadows.

Terrance: (smirk) Very good. You figure it out. I must say....I'm impress.

Vicki: You!?

Spider-man: So I was you the whole tike Terrance.

Terrance: (chuckle) Nah.....Terrance. He wasn't real.

They were confused when suddenly he changed into Thomas Wayne. Shocking the two then he changed to Vicki's father. He keeps smiling has he laugh and then revealed his true identity as he introduce himself.

Chameleon: My real name is the Chameleon! I am the true mastermind for all of this!

Spider-man: So your the one who is behind all of this?

Chameleon: That is right! I've been responsible of the creation of Vicki becoming Lady Arkham and the rise of the Children of Arkham.

Vicki: (angry) You mean.....you played me!?

Chameleon: Yes I have. Years ago I wanted to proof to my father that I can be the best son than my brother. I played to take over Bruce Wayne's company and his wealth. I was planning to just disguise myself as Bruce.....but I needed to do better. So I picked out a couple and kill her father and kidnapped her mother. I created a medical room within the Vales home so it will make I seem like it was real and disguise myself as Thomas. Once done I have hee tossed into Gotham and waited until you a born. Once I heard you were born I began to send you the same footage for you to watch and disguise myself as your father so you will be tormented, thinking your seeing his spirit until you snap and take your revenge on the Wayne's who "ruined" your entire life.

Vicki: But......But.......Why me?

Chameleon: Why? Because your family would be perfect for theie daughter to one day grow up and take revenge, all awhile I get the wealth of the Wayne's I can ever wanted.

Vicki then collapse to her knees with disbelief while Spider-man turns to Chameleon.

Spider-man: I can't believe you would do such a thing! Your going down!

Chameleon: (smirk) Unfortunately for you both.....this is where you all will die.

He pulls out a button and then pushes it. Suddenly the whole place shook and fallen debris fell. The place was about to fall apart as Chameleon make his leave.

Spider-man was about to get after him when suddenly his spidy sense goes off and turn to see a large debris break and was fallen towards Vicki.

Spider-man: NO!

Spider-man rushes over and then they get crashed by debris. Vicki snaps back to reality to see Spider-man on top of her.

Spider-man tries to lift the debris off of them while Vicki stare at him with confusing and then ask him.

Vicki: Why are you doing this?! Why risking your life for mine!

Spider-man keeps going with every strength he has and soon the slower begins to get up. He grabs the large debris with strong will while parts of his suit begins to torn off.

He keeps going while Vicki watch in shock as Spider-man keeps going until he was on his feet.

Vicki couldn't believe her eyes. To see Spider-man risking his own life to save hers.

Spider-man: GO! NOW!

She crawls away and once in a safe distance Spider-man leaps away while the debris crash onto the ground. The place continues to collapse but then Spider-man sees a hole leading to outside. He picks up Vicki and carry her as he shoots a Web and swings towards the hole.

They go through the hurry and they see the exit up ahead. However the hole begins the collapse and it doesn't seem like they are going to make it. Then Vicki realise she is still holding her staff so she points the staff down and then sonic blast the two straight towards the hole.

They burst out of the hole and soon land hard onto the ground. Spider-man was on top of Vicki while the hole they came out is covered up.

They were breathing heavily as Spider-man then lay next to Vicki as the two lay there while looking at the night sky.

Vicki turn to Spider-man and ask him.

Vicki: You.....you saved me. Why? After everything I did, after everyone I've killed. You saved me.

Spider-man: Because that's what hero's do. (Sat up) I'm not just gonna let you end your life like this. You have so much to do and so much you can do.

He then lend out his hand towards Vicki.

Spider-man: Please Vicki....do this for your real parents.

Vicki looks at him and then look at his hand. Then he take his hand the two get up. Then Batman arrived as he came came to them.

Batman: You alright?

Spider-man: Yeah good thing you showed up on time. You miss a lot.

He turn back to Vicki which she smiles a bit. Batman then smile while having a gun behind him. That's when Spider-man's spidy senses goes off snd immediately Batman pulls out a gun and points at Vicki and then.


Vicki's eyes was shut but then she open her eyes and check to see she got shot. To her surprise she wasn't. Then sees Spider-man in front of him and she thinks he shot him.

However there was no wound on Spider-man. He looks up to see a hole through Batman's chest. Then Chameleon revealed himself as Batman as he then deop his pistol and collapse onto the ground.

???: Man! Did you honestly think they can kill off a main characters in the first arc? Please what is this, Edens Zero?

Then Deadpool came up with pistol in hand as he puts it away then said.

Deadpool: I mean you have to admit, Shiki's death was a surprise and I was even surprised as well. But everything is all fixed with time travel. Man, time travel is just lazy writing.

He bends down with his butt showing out as he grabs Chameleon's mask and gets up.

Deadpool: Ah perfect!

Spider-man: Um who are you?

Deadpool: I'm Deadpool obviously. Don't you see my name? "Deadpool:" Oh wait, your not Ultimate Spider-man.

Spider-man: Um what?

???: Who the hell is this guy?

Then Red Hood came over then Deadpool gasp and points at both Spider-man and Red Hood.

Deadpool: This is a meme! We're doing a meme?

Spider-man: Meme?

Deadpool: You know. Three or two similar hero's around and pointing each other. Just like the classic Spider-man.

Red Hood: Is he an inmate of Arkham Asylum?

Deadpool: Hey I watched your movie and the that other one with multiple choice telltale crap and I love your style of justice. No need of being rude.

Red Hood: I have a movie?

Deadpool: I love to chat but I think this episode is coming up to an end. I see you all later.

He begins to walk away then Spider-man called out.

Spider-man: Hey! Where are you taking the mask?

Deadpool: To someone who will love it. But don't you worry, you will meet hee soon. Bye BFF.

Then he leaves while the three stood there while Red Hood turn and sees Vicki.

Red Hood: Why is she here?

Spider-man: Long story but we should go.

Red Hood: Right.

They leave the area all awhile we see Arkham Asylum have collapse and all the inmates are either dead or escape. James Gordon is there and a few officers walk over and show Lady Arkham's mask to him.

He looks at it and thinks she is dead so they leave the area and return to the GCPD to report that Lady Arkham might be dead.

To be continued.....................................................

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