S1E1: How a bite changes everything

The sound of an alarm clock can be heard and we open to a dark room with a young teen trying to sleep with a blanket over him. He let's out a groan as he lend out his hand and reaches to his alarm clock and he turns it off.

Once off he remove the blanket and climbs out of bed. He make his way to the bathroom to wash himself and brush his teeth. After he was done he make his way to the closes window and open, he was hit by brightness of the sun as he looks at the veiw of his college campus.

This teen is name Y/n L/n, a normal teenager who attended one of the best colleges ever and is a well behaved and smart student. He noticed his phone vibrating so he walks over and looks at the text.

Y/n: Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!

He quickly gets himself changed and get his stuff ready and once done he quickly leaves his room and rushes down the hall as fast as possible.


We then cut to a crowd od students in front of a school bus for today's field trip. The teacher is seen calling out to students which they reply.

Male teacher: Y/n L/n?

There was silence as the teacher look around and then he call again.

Make teacher: Y/n L/n?

Y/n: Here!

Then he rush over and once he arrives he catch his breath. A few students snickered which he just ignore while the teacher doesn't care and tells them.

Male teacher: Okay get in the bus and behave.

They all begin to climb in and find their seat. Y/n climbs in and tries to find somewhere to seat when someone call for him.

???: Y/n over here!

He smiled and came over and sat to a young girl name Petra Parker.

Y/n: Thanks Petra.

Petra: (smirk) Woke up late?

Y/n: Technically I didn't, I woke up just on time.

Petra: Did you bring your lunch?

Y/n: Oh.

Petra: (giggle) Don't you I brought you some so you won't be hungry like last time.

Y/n: (smile) Come on i wasn't that hungry.

Petra: You nearly pass out.

Y/n: (smile) I was tired. Besides, I bought a snicker. Snickers help.

Petra: (smile) What I'm I gonna do with you.

The two smiled and then the bus begins to move. To pass the time Y/n pulls up his phone and watch some videos of superheroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, Superwoman and other hero's fighting crime.

Petra: You know there are the titians on a small island outside of New York. It would be cool to meet maybe one of them.

Y/n: Or better, be able to join them.

Petra: (smile) That would be a dream.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So how are things?

Petra: Pretty good. Just can't wait to show you guys this surprise.

Y/n: Pretty nice for your family to do this for us. At least it will get us out of school.

Petra: (smile) Trust me. It will be awesome. Hopefully your not scared of spiders.

Y/n: (smirk) Please, put me in a room with the likes of Bane and I'll never be scared.....until he beats me up.

Petra laughs, finding his jokes funny as well as his charm. After hours they arrive of a large company known as "Parker Industries." The bus stop in front of the building and the student climb out and many are shocked that Petra family is a famous company.

Then a man with a black and white suit came into the building and calls them out with a welcoming tone.

Richard: (smile) Greetings and welcome to Parker Industries! I am Richard Parker, CEO of this company and I suppose you know my daughter, Petra Parker.

They all turn to her with stunned faces which even though she planned for this, she feels kinds embarrassed while Y/n just smiled.

Richard: (smile) Please, follow me and I'll show you what our company does.

They follow him inside while their teacher hangs back and take some smokes. A while later Richard open the twin doors and they enter a large room with cages of spiders with scientist either studying the spiders or on high tech computers.

Richard: Here in our company we're free to explore ways to help humanity in anyway possible. From giving war veteran soldiers who have lost limb robotic limbs to even studying ways to cure those who are terminal disease or illness. As you all can see, we are now studying how spiders are worked. Tell me some interesting facts about spiders?

Y/n: (put his hand up) Well they don't sleep like humans do, they can live up to 20 years and they don't feel any pain.

Richard: (smile) Correct. You must study spiders.

Y/n: (shrugged) Nah, I read about them whenever i have nothing to do.

Richard: (smile) Either way good answer. That is why we are studying spiders and doing some tests. Since they don't feel any pain, it is less harsh to inject them with chemicals and find some result. So, would anyone like to hold on?

Most od the students quickly shake their heads for no while Richard just smiled.

???: You trying to give them a heart attack?

Then a old man walk over which the two hugged and then Richard turn to everyone.

Richard: Everyone this is Ben Parker. The man who raised me and is the best uncle.

Ben: (chuckle) Well I have to be if your gonna be focus on your work all the time.

Richard: (chuckle) True. Alright then have a look around and don't touch, got it.

And so the students spread out with Y/n and Petra take a look at the spiders within their cages. Then Richard and Ben walk over to them.

Richard: You must be Y/n L/n?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. How did you know?

Richard: My daughter wouldn't stop talking about you.

Petra: (blush) Dad!

Ben: (smile) Leave them alone.

Richard: (smile) I know, I know.

Ben: (smile) But it is nice to meet you. We should invite you time to time, May can make the best wheatcakes in the whole city.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds delicious.

Petra: Hey dad, there is one spider that is missing.

They walked over and they see the cage empty.

Richard: Damn it. Must have gotten out somehow. No matter, we'll find it somehow.

Richard, Ben and Petra walk away while Y/n is left along with the empty cage and takes a look. He looks around, making sure no one isn't around and he dig his hand in and move away the dirt.

He figures it must still be in there but after a while he couldn't find it. Before his hand would move away from the cage, the Spider suddenly jumped out and bite his hand.

Y/n: Ow!

He flick it away somewhere in thr room which Y/n panic a little and decided to catch up with Petra and continue on with the tour.

(Hours later)

The bus drops them off back to the college and they exit out of the bus. Y/n and Petra was the last and Y/n doesn't feel good which Petra noticed.

Petra: You okay?

Y/n: Y-Yeah I'm good. How I'm gonna retrieve to my room. See you later.

Petra: You sure you don't want me to come?

Y/n: Nah I'm good. Later.

He then walks away with Petra a bit concerned while Y/n managed to arrive back to his room and then he collapses into bed and soon he passes out.

Hours gone by and Y/n begin making groans and moan as his body slowly begin to change. He turn his body left and right and feeling like tones of spiders were crawling within his body, he begins sweating as his DNAs begin to change and soon there was silence.

(Next day)

He hears the sound of his alarm clock as he slammed his hand onto the clock with a groan. He sat up and feel much better as he let out a yawn and goes to scratch his eye only to be hit by his alarm clock.

Y/n: Ow! What is with me getting hurt. What the?

He noticed he wasn't grabbing the alarm clock but rather his hand his stuck on it. He grabs it with his other hand snd tries to pull it off. He successfully did but know it is stuck with his other hand.

Y/n: What the?!

He struggled to get the alarm clock off of him for a while and then he managed to get it off completely. He sat on the bed and look down at his hands and noticed something different about them.

Then he realised his body feels different somehow. He gets up and then suddenly he jumped very high and then stuck his hand onto the wall.

He is amazed how he can jump so high and even stuck onto the ceiling.

Y/n: Okay, this is cool.

He let's go and he lands perfectly onto the ground. He looks at himself feeling amazing, almost like he is a different person.

Y/n: (smile) Okay! This is awesome! But how did this happen?

He thinks about it and then remembered of a spider that bitten him.

Y/n: It must have been a radioactive spider. Wait, does this mean I have spider powers?

He turn to his window and then we see him climbing out of the window and get onto the roof. He is amazed how he can climb onto the roof very easy.

He sees a roof across a gap so Y/n takes a deep breath and then he sprint towards the edge and then he leaps up very high up. It was like he was flying and then he lands at the other side.

Y/n: (surprised) Holy crap! That was amazing! If I have super powers, does this make me a superhero? Okay just calm down. You have super powers, now what?

He thinks about it and decided to do some test with his powers. However he doesn't want to be seen so he had a idea.

He make his way back to his room by climbing through a window and once inside he looks around and then he gather some clothing he can use to cover his identity.

He pull out a red jacket with a spider symbol on it which was convenient for him to have and toss it into the bed.

He gather the clothing and was about to begin but he got a thought about something. He pull out his laptop and research about webs. He research about webs and what they are made out from and after a while he decided to make something that allow him to use webs.

First he goes to class to attend some classes while noticing Petra wasn't in class with him. He hopes that she is alright but focus on his work.

Once he has free time he gather some equipment he needed and chemicals and begins working on it. It took him hours and hours until he managed to create webs.

Then he create a Web like shooters so he can shoot webs from. He even made Web cartridges to insert the webs in and reload them if they ran out.

He did some tests which resulted to either the Web shooters exploded or webs exploded all over the room. But after what seems like days of testing he pushes the button and a Web is shot out and stuck onto the wall. Y/n flicks it with his finger and sees it strong.

Y/n: (smile) Oh man, can't wait to test this out.

(A few days later)

At the middle of night we see Y/n wearing the suit he made from the clothing from his room and have Web shoots on each of his arms.

Y/n: Okay let's see how well did we do.

He takes a deep breath and then sprint and leaps off the roof. Then he reach out his arm and press the button of his Web shooter and the Web is shot and stuck onto a building.

He zip over and stuck onto the wall. He breaths heavily as he turn to where he was at and to the building. He gets excited and then he looks around and then he leaps off.

Y/n: OH YEAH!!!!

He shoot his Web and he swings off. He did some tricks while swinging as he let's out cries od experiment while he is swinging.

It was almost like flying as he swing through the city with excitement racing through his heart. He looks down at all the people not noticing him above as he let's out out small laugh and keeps swinging.

After a while he takes a break as he stuck onto a building to take a breather.

Y/n: Okay, test complete. This is going to be awesome.


He hears someone crying for help so he shoots a Web and swings over. He then stuck onto the wall of the alleyway and sees two thugs trying to have their way with a woman.

They grab her while she yells for help. Seeing this he came down and land in front of them which they noticed him.

Y/n: Hey! Leave that woman alone!

Thug 1: And who are you suppose to be?

Y/n: I'm.....to be honest with you, I haven't come up with a super hero name yet, I'm kinda new.

Thug 2: Makes it easier for the both of us.

Thug 1: (smirk) Agree.

Suddenly Y/n's felt something that is almost like his brain is alerting him danger. He then sees a Thug pulling up a pistol so he quick shoot his Web that stuck onto the gun and he gets it off of him.

The other Thug grabs a crowbar and rushes at him and his brain goes off again as he dodges his swings.

Y/n: Wow! This is like a spider sense. That's right! Spiders can sense if there is any danger. Cool!

Thug 2: Who are you talking to freak!

He then grab bi's crowbar and kicks him back, he was sent flying and crash into a wall. He shoot webs ans stuck him. The other Thug gets scared and let's the woman go and ran away, leaving his friend behind. Y/n walks over and helps her up.

Y/n: You okay ma'am?

Random woman: Yes I am. Thank you.

Y/n: No problem ma'am. Stay safe.

He turns to leave but then she ask him.

Random woman: Wait! Who are you?

Y/n thinks about for a moment and then one super hero name came up and it sounded cool. He turns to her and introduces his super hero name.

Spider-man: You can call me Spider-man. Your friendly neighbourhood superhero.

With that he shoot his Web shooter and swings away while the woman returns home safe. We then see Spider-man landing onto thr roof and taking off his mask.

He looks at it and feels amazing being a hero. He then turh to the veiw of New York as he step onto the edge as he look at the veiw with a smile and then said.

Y/n: (smirk) Look out evildoers, there is a new hero here at New York and his name...... is Spider-man.

To be continued...................................................

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