S1E2: The man of steel and the knights

Alice: A thousand years ago there was once a peaceful planet that is homed to a human aline race known as the Terra. The Terra's were a highly intelligent race who used their technology and weapons for good as they set out across the galaxy to help many words and soon created the Terra Knights. They were ones the Guardians and protectors of their galaxy and their duty  is to protect the universe and bring peace to all planets. It was the golden age for them......but it did not last.

Alice: While there is light in the universe, there is also darkness as another group of warriors appear out of the galaxy and they have one goal in mind, to wipe out the "unworthy" planets and recreate it in their image and thus a war between the Terra Knights and the Chaos Knights began, destroying multiple planets, killing every life and spreading terror and fear across the galaxy. The Terra Knights try theie best and although there were victory after victory, everything came crashing down when the Chaos Knights arrived at theie enemies home planet.

Alice: The Chaos Knights slaughter every innocent life on the planet, killing Terra civilians and destroying everything that stand against their way. The Terra Knights try to push them back but failed and they have one option in order for their race to survive. They use the fortress as a ship to escape their home and travel to the stars to find a new home, leaving the Chaos Knights to slaughter the Knights with bravery sacrifice theie own lives protecting the last hope of their race. Days turns to weeks, weeks turns to months and months turn to years as the last remaining Terra Knights travel through space until they discover a planet where they can hide. From another galaxy called Earth. They soon rescue a group of Knights lead by Marcel L/n. They see their bravery and senses of honour and duty, they decided to give them theie technology, armor and weapons and teach them their technology. One by one the Terra all die out and now Marcel L/n and his knights decided to form the first ever superhero team to combat against outside threats or threats beyond their imagination and thus The Legion of Knights was born and now.....it is your time.

(Somewhere at the countryside)

We see a open field with some cows wondering about as they are eating some grass off the floor and just minding their own business. Then there was a strong wind which made the cows scared and then ran away as soon as portal opens and five Knights exit out of the portal while riding robotic horses as we see Y/n taking lead as he looks around while the portal closes behind them.

The other four Knights also look around and seeing nothing but a plane open field with no sign of anything what so ever.

Dash: Huh, I thought we'll see like a huge ship or tower but I don't see anything.

Koda: It's possible they are invisible which is why we can't see them.

Kye: Yeah right. These guys are like brutes who like killing. Why in the world would they needed to hide?

Maxim: Ha! Probably afraid of me since I'm gonna break them hard so good!

Y/n: Alice, have you detected anything?

Alice: (coms) Nothing so far. They must be jamming us. I advised to be carful.

Y/n: Understood. (Turns to Dash) Dash scout ahead and contact us if you find something?

Dash: Roger.

Then Dash rides off leaving the rest to stand as Maxim then ask.

Maxim: So where are we exactly?

Alice: (coms) Your all are outside of a city called  Metropolis.

Koda: Isn't that Superman's city?

Alice: (coms) That's correct.

Koda: Well I have a bad feeling about this.

Kye: Oh will you relax. We are outside of his city so we'll be fine.

Koda: If you say so.

Dash: (radio) Guys meet me at these coordinates. I found something.

Y/n: Roger, on our way.

They ride off ans soon we cut to them arriving at Dash's location as they stop and see they were standing in front of a farm as Y/n asked Dash.

Y/n: See anyone?

Dash: I saw some movement on the second floor and I think one of them spotted me. What should we do?

Y/n: Maybe they saw something. Let's head over and ask them.

They agree as they climb out of their robotic horses and make their way over to the farm horse and once there Y/n was about to knock at the door when suddenly they heard someone saying.

???: Well this is a unsuspected visit.

They immediately turn around and is surprised to see Superman as he looks at them with a smirk.

Maxim: (surprised) Holy shit it's superman! It's really him!

Kye: Yeah, we see him.

Superman: (smirk) Tell me Knights. Who sent you here to harm this farm? Lex or Darkseid?

Y/n: (rasies his hand) We are not the villains here Superman. We're heroes like you. Allow me introduce myself.

Then his helmet opene up, revealing his face which surprised Superman to see how young he is.

Y/n: (smile) My name is Y/n L/n, leader of The Legion of Knights. These are my team. Maxim the brute, Dash the scout and two warriors Kye and Koda. We came here to investigate a scout ship sent by The Chaos Knights for a possible invasion.

Superman: The Chaos Knights? Who are they?

Suddenly the barn gets blown up as they immediately turn around and see the Chaos Knights scout ship hovering near the farm and soon they deployed Chaos Knights as well as mech suit like Knights ad they charge towards them.

Kye: They are and they are not nice.

Superman: (smirk) Easy. (Dashes towards them)

Y/n: Superman no!

Superman dashes towards them only for one of the Chaos knight to fire a singal shot out of his cannon assault rifle that hits Superman in the chest. This sent hik fallen and crashing onto the ground as he groans while he looks at his chest to see his chest from his suit was torn as a Chaos knight rushes towards him while raising his axe when an engery arrow goes by Superman and hits the Chaos knight in the head and falls onto the ground.

Superman sat's up and turn to see Y/n with his bow as his helmet automatically puts on as he swap his bow to his sword and cried out.

Y/n: Legion of Knights, charge!

All five charge as Maxim rushes over to Superman and helps him up. While helping him a fee Chaos Knights charges towards the two but once Maxim gets Superman up and turns to see them, he rush at them and then slammed both of his fists onto thr ground, creating a huge blast of explosion and sending the Chaos Knights flying.

Then he pulled out his twin hammers and swings at them while Kye and Koda dodges and blocks the Chaos Knights swings with each of  their swords and cutting them down while Dash pulls out his twin swords while rushing towards them as one Chaos knight try to squash Dash with his hammer but Dash slide in between the legs and leaps up and cuts him in the head and quickly blocks the incoming attacks and then pushes the two enemy knights back and cuts them down.

Dash: No body can't outmatch me!

We then see Y/n blocking a Chaos Knights strike as he dual for a but and then he gets the advantage and stabbed hij in the gut, killing him while more came charging towards him. Y/n is ready to face them as he dodges the first strike, cutting the first Chaos knight down, blocks the second strike and cutting the second Chaos knight down and then quickly cutting the third Chaos Knights legs and them cutting his head.

Superman is amazed by this and then noticed one swinging a chained mace as he spin it around and swinging it at Maxim which he dodges and moves back.


Suddenly his mace is caught and he turn to see Superman has catched it.

Superman: (smirk) If it is tye fight you want, you'll get one.

Maxim pulled out his blade from his wrist while he charge towards the Chaos knight and cut off his arm while Superman rips it off making the Chaos knight scream in pain. The Chaos knight turns to try to land a punch but Maxim catches he punch and then kick him down as Maxim pulls out his hammer and then he lands a strike at the Chaos Knights head.

Maxim: (Turns to Superman) Thanks for that.

Superman: (smile) No problem. (Turn to Y/n) Y/n look out!

Superman dashes over and then punched a knight onto thr ground as Y/n turns around and then he is surprised to see a female Chaos knight getting up as she growls like a beast and then says.


Then Maxim punches her in the face as she drops onto the ground and falls unconscious as Maxim dust off his hands while he noticed Y/n and Superman looking at him.

Maxim: What? Don't you hate when villains yell?

Then Kye took out the last Chaos knight and once that the area is clear as Y/n approaches the female Chaos knight and contacts Alice.

Y/n: Alice are you seeing this?

Alice: (coms) Yeah I see it. This doesn't make sense. We've never encounter a female Chaos knight.

Y/n: Agree this is not normal to them. Whatever is going it can't be good.

Alice: (coms) What should we do?

Y/n: Have a cell ready for her. We're bringing her in for questioning.

Alice: (coms) Right and while that I'll see i can look into the files so I can identify who she is.

Y/n: Understood. Active the portal at our coordinates.

Alice: (coms) You got it~!

Once that Y/n turns to Superman and the take shakes hands.

Superman: (smile) Thanks for the save. Sorry I mistaken you and your team as Knights. I never know you guys exist.

Y/n: (smile) We blend into the shadows, taking on our battles without getting anyone else involved. But it is alright, just glad to help and an honour to meet you Clark.

Superman: (shocked) How did you know?

Y/n: Well I noticed your picture at the Daily planets website and sees the similarity between you and Superman. You may wear glasses but those can't fool me.

Superman: (surprised) Whoa. Your very smart.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks and don't worry. Your secret is safe with  us.

Superman: (smile) That's good. Still if this is a massive threat then I must inform the Justice League about this.

Y/n: Well since our secret is out I believe so. Very well you can inform the Justice League about the situation or better yet, Alice will sent you all the coordinates so we can meet.

Superman: (smile) Sounds like a plan.

Soon a portal opens as Maxim takes the unconscious female Chaos knight through while the rest walk through as Y/n turns to Superman as the two node and then he goes through and the portal closes, leaving Superman alone as he goes over to the farm house to check on his family inside.


Deep in space we see a flag ship travelling through space where we cut inside the flags ship as a Chaos knight enter the bridge and approaches a throne as he kneel down to their leader.

Chaos knight: My lord, our scout ship was destroyed. Judging by the footage we received, we believe its them.

???: The Legion of Knights. I see. What else?

Chaos knight: The footage shown of five Knights. I believe they are getting bigger by the minute and they even captured one of our general.

???: Very well then. Set the coordinates to Earth.

Chaos Knight: Lord Abanddone it will take us 3 years to arrive to earth.

Abanddone: (slams his chair arm) I don't care how long! We must head to earth and wipe them out once for for all! The Terra Knights believe they can give their technology to a punch of insect humans so they can defeat us? Well then, they will be proofing wrong. Soon we will destroy the last remaining of the Terra Knights and take over the universe! Blood for the blood god! Skull for the skull throne!

All crews: Blood for the blood god! Skull for the skull throne!

They keep saying that as three flag ship along with other ships of the Chaos Knights make their full speed across the galaxy as they make their way to Earth and wipe out the Legion of Knights and the last remaining thing of the Terra Knights once and for all.

To be continued.....................................

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