S1E15: The Invasion of Themyscira (Arc 4 final)

A gaint war ship makes its approach to Earth. We then cut to the bridge where we see the bridge crew inside with feminine human bodies while their leader stood on the platform looking at Earth.

Then a hologram screen open, reavling the country along with a red dot pointing to Themyscira. Their leader sees this and their ship makes their way to Themyscira as they decent down towards the planet.


The battle of Themyscira gets more and more intense as the battle continues. Fallen Amazonian warrior and Chaos Knights lay around the capital of Themyscira with some have brutal deaths.

We cut to the Palace where we see Chaos Knights at their doorstep but the Amazonian warriors hold them back. With Jacoby's weapons he have made for them, their battle against the Chaos Knights is a lot more easy.

One Chaos Knight was abiut to fire a large cannon only to be blown up by a cannon which Jacoby is wielding. He then begins to fire at the Chaos Knights, blowing them up dealing with the damage.

The turrets that Bryron set up begins to fire at the Chaos Knights as the defence of the Palace is going smoothly. Bryron meets up with Jacoby as they watch the battle on top of the steps as Jacoby ask Bryron.

Jacoby: The defence is going well.

Bryron: True but they are bringing down the heavy hitters.

Jacoby: Yeah. We just need to keep up and-

Suddenly there was a crash as they look back down and then Gothardius Molal burst through the Amazonian warriors and start slaughtering them. He weild his two maces as he sent them flying.

The Amazonian warrior rushes towards him but they get killed as the result of it. The Amazonian warriors begins to retreat back to the Palace as they race up the steps.

Then a large statue was thrown and was about to crush a few Amazonians when suddenly Jacoby fires a cannon and blows it up.

They kept climbing until they reach the top. Then Hippolyta came out with Jacoby rush over to her and tells her.

Jacoby: Hippolyta, you need to fall back into the Palace. It isn't safe.

Hippolyta: I believe I'm done with hiding away inside of a Palace.

She stood onto the first step which Gothardius spotted her and then begins to rush towards her. Hippolyta shows no fear as she looks down at the monster.

Then he grabs her staff with both hands and when Gothardius gets close and was about to attack her, she lifted up hee staff then hits the ground and suddenly a blast of extreme power sent Gothardius flying off the stairs and crash land onto the ground.

Jacoby and Bryron were left speechless while the Amazonian warriors cheer for their queen. Then Chaos Knights arrive and begin to shoot at her. However their shots didn't get close to Hippolyta as she speeds down then leaps across the Chaos Knight and lands a powerful blow with hee staff.

She sent one flying which shock the rest as they turn to her. Hippolyta stood there, looking at her enemies then one try to slice her with his chainsaw sword but Hippolyta quickly turn and dodges the swing.

She lands behind him and she strikes a powerful blow which cost the rest in front of her to be sent flying. She hit the button of hee staff to the ground as she then looks up to her warriors and calls out to them.

Hippolyta: Let us show no fear to our enemies! This is our home and we will do anything to defend it! For Themyscira!

Amazonian warriors: FOR THEMYSCIRA!

They rush down the steps as they follow their wuren while Bryron and Jacoby were still speechless to what they witnessed.

Bryron: Now I see how Wonder Woman got all those skills from.

Jacoby: She is one powerful queen.


Wonder Woman and Turror clash blades as the two enter a sword lock. Then Turror clash his blade at her and then he kick her to the ground. He goes to stab her then she blocks it with her shield.

Then Maxim charges forward and tackles Turror then slamming him to the ground which he begins beating him up. Then Turror blocks his punch then tosses him back.

Turror lands on his feet then both Wonder Woman and Y/n rushes towards Turror and the two dual against Turror. Their blades clash against Turror as he cannot focus the two.

Then he grabs Y/n by the neck and lifted him up to his face. Then Y/n stabbed him on the shoulder, forcing him to let go then was about to slice him but Wonder Woman stop him by picking up a war hammer and hitting him in the knee.

He yell in pain then swing his sword and land a strike at Wonder Woman. She fly back then hit the ground, her left arm had a large cut and was bleeding as she gets on her knees and grabs her arm.

Turror: (chuckle) Your dead.

He swing his sword back and swings at Wonder Woman but Y/n blocks it with his axe. Then he summons his lancer and place it onto Turror chest then fires a beam.

The shot sent Turror back and then Maxim charges forward with his hammer and then hits him with a powerful strike. Turror slammed onto the ground then soon lay on the ground.

Y/n breaths a sigh and turns to Wonder Woman and lend out a hand. She smile and take his hand and helps her up. They turn to Turror who is slowly getting up and was abiut to continue when suddenly his drop ships gets blown up.

Turror: What?!

Suddenly a shadow covers the island and they look up to see a gaint war ship above them. At first they thought this was bad then their cannons begin to fire at the Chaos Knights and clearing up the entire capital from Chaos Knights.

Wonder Woman: Friends of yours?

Y/n: No. Alice?

Alice: (radio) I don't believe it. I thought they were gone but it seems I was wrong.

Maxim: Um who is?

Suddenly unknown drop ships came out and decent to Themyscira. One flies over them and a figure leap off and crash between them.

The dust clears up to reveal a female Knight wearing armor similar to Chaos Knights but fit for a female to wear.

She turn to Turror and aims hee weapon at him which Turror gets angry.

Turror: I thought your kind was wipped out.

???: (smirk) Please. Did you honestly think we'll be dead? Next time, look closer.

Then a few more female warriors land around her and they begin to open at Turror.

Turror gets overwhelmed so he calls in a retreat. Soon all the Chaos Knjghts fall back and return to their drop ships and immediately left the island.

The Amazonian warriors sees this and all begins to cheer in victory. We then cut to the mysterious female warrior as Y/n approaches her which she turn to him.

Y/n: Thank you for the help. We appreciate the back up.

She stare at him then her and hee warriors kneel down in front of him.

Selina: It is an honour to finally meet you. Although you may not be what we suspected, you seem to use the tech to fight the Chaos Knights. Which means your our allie. I am superior Selina.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n L/n, the leader of the Legion of Knights.

Selina: Legion of Knights? Huh, I like it. Suits well.

Wonder Woman: I noticed your warriors are all females.

Selina: We are the only military that is only females. We are also known as Battle sisters.

Wonder Woman: (smirk) How interesting.

Then Starfire came down and walks over to Y/n and sees Selina.

Starfire: I see we have new allies.

Y/n: (smile) Yes however I must know, why did you help us?

Selina: Because we are apart of the Terra military before they were destroyed. The Chaos Knights thought they wipe us out but we survived. We took a ship and travel throughout the galaxy, searching for anything. That's when we gotten a Terra singal and we trace it to here. When we detected a battle going on, we came to help in any way we can.

Maxim: It was some good timing. Seems like you and your army show them.

Selina: Yes and now they are gone.

Y/n: The battle is won but they will return.

Selina: As long back up is here, I think they will never get a chance.

Amazonian warrior: Diana!

Then a few Amazonian warriors rushes over and tells them.

Amazonian warrior: The prisoner has escaped!

Wonder Woman: Krannier?! How?!

Maxim: She must have gotten out during the battle. Damn it!

Y/n: Let her. As long we stop theie invasion, they can have her.

They agree then Wonder Woman looks at her home, seeing buildings destroyed and dead Amazonian warriors lay on the ground.

Seeing this Y/n approaches her and tells her.

Y/n: We'll stay and rebuild.

Wonder Woman: You will?

Y/n: (smile) Of course.

Wonder Woman is pleased and soon everyone begins to rebuild Themyscira. The legion of Knights, battle sisters and Amazonians work together rebuilding homes and making grave for the fallen Amazonians.

(Hours later)

Themselves is slightly rebuild but the Amazonians will take over as we see Travis and Y/n with Wonder Woman and Hippolyta as Hippolyta and Y/n shake hands.

Hippolyta: (smile) You have save our island. We forever owe our lives to you and to your army.

Y/n: (smile) It is no problem. If you ever needed help, contact us and we will come.

Travis: We made your capital a lot defensive so no other threats may try to invade your island.

Hippolyta: (smile) Thank you. Disbite men being violent and selfish, you are nothing like them. Your warriors are welcome to come back here anytime you like. We will welcome you with open arms.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you ma'am. We will return whenever we can. Goodbye for now.

And so Travis and Y/n turn and goes through the portal that Alice open. When the portal closes Hippolyta smiles a bit.

Hippolyta: (smirk) I think he's quite handsome.

Wonder Woman: Who?

Hippolyta: (smirk) Y/n. You think so as well, right?

Wonder Woman smirks then admits to her mother.

Wonder Woman: (smirk) Indeed. I think so as well.

To be continued....................................................

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