S1E11: Confronting the Grimm Knight

Deep within a dark forest we see what seem to be an abandon mine where we see Gothardius hiding out along with Grimm Knight.

Grimm Knight is seen sharing his sword and once he is done he looks at the blade for a moment and that's when Gothardius ask him.

Gothardius: So what is your relations with the Legions of the knights?

Grimm Knight: I'm not.

Gothardius: Oh really? Then again we have been hanging out here for soo long and yet I don't even know you.

Grimm Knight: I rather not.

Gothardius: Anyways what should we do? We can't just hide here forever.

Grimm Knight: I know. That's why we are going to attack them.

Gothardius: How?

Grimm Knight pulled out a device and actives it.

Grimm Knight: This will get their attention. You will leave if you like.

Gothardius: Perhaps but then again I wish to get some revenge.

Grimm Knight: Alright then. Now all we need to do is wait.

(Moments later)

Outside of the mines a portal opens and then Y/n, Travis, Maxim, Sofia, Issac and Mila as they exit through the portal and walk up to the entrance of the mine and look at it for a bit.

Travis: This must be where that mysterious signal came from.

Y/n: Agree. Alice?

Alice: (coms) This is the right coordinates alright. Just be carful. Coms will be cut once you enter inside.

Y/n: Copy that. Over and out.

Maxim: If there is anything to smash then count me in!

Issac: Been a while to have some action.

Sofia: We should be on high alart. The mines are a good place for ambushes.

Y/n: Agree. Team letter head in. HUDs up and stick together. We don't want to get lost in there.

They agree and they head inside. They walk through the tunnels of the mine, walk by abandon mine carts as they switch on their night vision on their helmets as they begin to look around.

They have their guard up as they journey through the tunnel. While walking Sofia came up to Y/n and walk next to him.

Sofia: I appreciate you letting us come with you.

Y/n: It's no problem.

Sofia: Say I have been wondering about something. After this you wish to hang out with me?

Y/n: Of course. I really don't mind.

Sofia: That's wonderful. I know a nice place to have a nice tea and chat.

Maxim: Man your upset with tea do you?

Sofia: What tea is great. Unlike drinking barrels of beer.

Maxim: One; I was in a party and two; it's not like I'm addicted to beer.

Travis: Whatever you say.

Maxim grumbles a little as they continue walking until they peak around the corner and see light of a torch. They ready their swords and they slowly walk over and soon they enter and sees there was no one. A torch was on as Issac walks over and says while he looks at it.

Issac: Seems like someone was here. Question being who?

Mila: No sign of tracks or anything that can tell us where they are. You think they cover up theie tracks?

Travis: Or they might still be here.

Y/n: I believe so. Guards up people.

They look around with their melee weapons at the ready. Maxim looks around then he heard a rock move so he turn and see a rock roll out around the corner.

Maxim slowly walks towards the corner and he lend his back against the wall and looks at the corner. He gets ready and he turns a corner only to see nothing.

Maxim: Guess it must be nothing.

He turn back and was about to return with everyone but suddenly a large figure appeared out of the darkness and he was grabbed.

He let's out a small yell which gets everyone's attention and sees Gothardius coming out around the corner and holding on Maxim.

Gothardius: Long time no see Legion of Knights.

He then throws Maxim towards them as he lands hard onto the ground. They all pulled out their melee weapons while Maxim was the last to pull out his as Gothardius stomps over to them.

Travis: Looks like we found him.

Y/n: Seems so.

???: Don't forget about me.

They look up and sees the Grimm Knight standing on a edge only to drop down and land on his feet as he slowly stood up.

Travis: Who is he?

Grimm Knight: I am the Grimm Knight and I have been waiting for this moment in my whole life.

Y/n: What do you want from us?

Grimm Knight: I don't want anything from them. I want something from you.

Y/n: What do you want?

Grimm Knight: I wish to kill you and take over as leader of the Legion of Knights.

Maxim: So this guy wants to be leader? Yeah right.

Travis: We will never accept you. Besides why do you wish to be leader?

Grimm Knight: That is my business. Not yours. Take care of his Knights, Y/n is mine.

Gothardius: Fine.

He walks over to them while Y/n tells his Knights.

Y/n: You all deal with Gothardius. I'll take care of him.

Travis: Alright. Be safe sir.

The group charge and fought Gothardius while Y/n turn to Grimm Knight as the two stare at each other.

Y/n: Tell me who you really are and why do you wish to overthrow me.

Travis:......Because your not worthy to lead them. I am.

Suddenly he vanish within a second and then appeared in front of him which surprised Y/n. Grimm Knight quickly swing his sword but Y/n blocks it. The impact push him back for a bit which surprised him.

He looks over at Grimm Knight and then he immediately dashes towards him and clash at him once again. The two begin their dual as they clash blades at each other.

Grimm Knight is skilled with his Swordsman like combat and extremely powerful as his blades and strikes made him to take a few steps back.

The two continue their dual while Travis and the rest fought Gothardius. Gothardius tries uo throws his massive fist but Maxim catches his fist as Sofia ram hee shield at Gothardius foot and he fell on one knee.

Then Mila quickly climb onto Gothardius back and begins stabbing him which made him mad and try to grab Mila but she dodges him until he managed to catch her and throw her however Issac catch her.

Issac: You okay?

Mila: Yeah thanks.

The two rejoin the rest while Y/n ans Grimm Knight continue their dual. They clash their blades until they enter a blade lock. The two of the stare at each other for a moment and then the two leap backwards and land on the ground with theie feet.

They slowly stood up straight and stare at each other with their blades in the air.

Y/n: Who are you and what do you mean that I am not worthy to lead.

Grimm Knight: You have no idea what your ancestor did to mine many years ago. My ancestors were perfect buy your ancestors were chosen instead!

Y/n: I don't understand.

Grimm Knight: Of course you don't. After all Alice has never told you about The Order of Darkness.

Y/n: The Order of Darkness?

Grimm Knight: I see she didn't. Doesn't matter, your gonna die here anyways.

He then rush at him and swing us sword but he moves out of the way and then Y/n he took out his energy wrist cannon and place it in front of Grimm Knight and then blast him back.

He was sent flying but he land on his feet and slide backwards until he stop himself. He looks up at Y/n as he slowly gets up and then he swing his sword and cut the support beams which cost the entire room they were in to shake.

Grimm Knight: We will fight once again and soon I will leaf the Legion of Knights once you are dead.

He turn and make his escape while the whole mine is about to collapse.

Y/n: Everyone evacuate the mines now!

They rush out while Gothardius noticed and he too make his escape. Soon after they escape just as the mines collapse and they turn back to see it no more.

Travis: Who or what was that?

Y/n: That's I'm gonna find out.

(Sometime later)

At the base Y/n told Alice what happened and when he ask about The Order of Darkness she looked surprised and almost worried and explain.

Alice: I didn't attended to be it a secret. Its just I thought that group was no more.

Y/n: So who are they?

Alice: The Order of Darkness are a group of Knights that use to serve along side the Legion of Knights. They were more like the morden versions of Black Ops soldiers. They are trained assassin's and warriors. However they believe that their leader should lead the Legion of Knights but he was not worthy. Angered he and his followers try to take the thrown by force but they were stopped and destroyed. That would have been it but it seems one survived and told its story to their descended to descended all away to here and now.

Y/n: So how did he get that armor?

Alice: That must have been passed on to generation to generation. Like your armor.

Y/n: Well he is one strong Knight.

Alice: Well it is a good thing there is only one. I can't imagine there are more that are like him.

Y/m: No kidding. Well I gonna go now.

Alice: (smile) Alright then. Take care.

He turn and make his leave. He soon walk by the medical room where he take a glance over and sees Victor with the still unconscious Nora as he company her. He smiled and then Sofia came over and stood next to him.

Sofia: He truly does love her.

Y/n: (smile) Indeed. I'm glad we helped him.

Sofia: (smile) Same. So you ready?

Y/n: (smile) Of course.

Sofia smiles and the two head off to spend some time together all awhile Victor sat with Nora as he spend time with her no matter what as he grab hold to her hand snd squeeze it as his emotions slowly comes back, almost like he is slowly turning back to his old self once again.

To be continued...................................................

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